Early Release / Vol. 69 December 22, 2020
Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
The Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices
Updated Interim Recommendation for Allocation of COVID-19 Vaccine —
United States, December 2020
Kathleen Dooling, MD
; Mona Marin, MD
; Megan Wallace, DrPH
; Nancy McClung, PhD
; Mary Chamberland, MD
; Grace M. Lee, MD
H. Keipp Talbot, MD
; José R. Romero, MD
; Beth P. Bell, MD
; Sara E. Oliver, MD
The first vaccines for prevention of coronavirus disease 2019
(COVID-19) in the United States were authorized for emer-
gency use by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) (1) and
recommended by the Advisory Committee on Immunization
Practices (ACIP) in December 2020.* However, demand for
COVID-19 vaccines is expected to exceed supply during the
first months of the national COVID-19 vaccination program.
ACIP advises CDC on population groups and circumstances
for vaccine use.
On December 1, ACIP recommended that
1) health care personnel
and 2) residents of long-term care
be offered COVID-19 vaccination first, in Phase 1a
of the vaccination program (2). On December 20, 2020, ACIP
recommended that in Phase 1b, vaccine should be offered
to persons aged ≥75 years and frontline essential workers
(non–health care workers), and that in Phase 1c, persons aged
65–74 years, persons aged 16–64 years with high-risk medi-
cal conditions, and essential workers not recommended for
vaccination in Phase 1b should be offered vaccine.** These
recommendations for phased allocation provide guidance for
federal, state, and local jurisdictions while vaccine supply is
limited. In its deliberations, ACIP considered scientific evi-
dence regarding COVID-19 epidemiology, ethical principles,
and vaccination program implementation considerations.
ACIP’s recommendations for COVID-19 vaccine allocation are
interim and might be updated based on changes in conditions
of FDA Emergency Use Authorization, FDA authorization
* https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/hcp/acip-recs/vacc-specific/covid-19.html.
** On December 20, 2020, ACIP voted 13 to 1 in favor of the Phase 1b and 1c
allocation recommendations.
for new COVID-19 vaccines, changes in vaccine supply, or
changes in COVID-19 epidemiology.
Since June 2020, ACIP has convened 10 public meetings to
review evidence-based information pertaining to COVID-19
vaccines, including initial allocation of COVID-19 vaccine
To inform policy options for ACIP, the COVID-19
Vaccines Work Group, comprising experts in infectious dis-
eases, vaccinology, vaccine safety, public health, and ethics,
held 28 meetings to review data regarding vaccine candidates,
COVID-19 surveillance, modeling of allocation scenarios, and
vaccination program implementation issues. The Work Group
also considered the relevant scientific literature, including
ethical principles related to vaccine allocation in the setting of
limited supply. Following ACIP’s interim recommendation for
vaccine allocation in Phase 1a (2), the Work Group proposed
vaccine allocation for Phases 1b and 1c. A description of the
population groups in these phases, supporting scientific data,
consideration of ethical principles, and considerations for vac-
cination program implementation are presented in this report,
and supporting evidence is available at https://www.cdc.gov/
Phase 1b
Approximately 49 million persons, including frontline
essential workers (non–health care workers) and persons aged
≥75 years are recommended to receive vaccine in Phase 1b of
the COVID-19 vaccination program (Table). Essential workers
perform duties across critical infrastructure sectors and main-
tain the services and functions that U.S. residents depend on
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daily. The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency
(CISA) of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security has
developed a list intended to guide jurisdictions in identifying
essential critical infrastructure workers, who may be exempted
during stay-at-home-orders (3). ACIP used CISA guidance
to define frontline essential workers as the subset of essential
workers likely at highest risk for work-related exposure to
SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, because their
work-related duties must be performed on-site and involve
being in close proximity (<6 feet) to the public or to cowork-
ers. ACIP has classified the following non–health care essential
workers as frontline workers: first responders (e.g., firefighters
and police officers), corrections officers, food and agricultural
workers, U.S. Postal Service workers, manufacturing work-
ers, grocery store workers, public transit workers, and those
who work in the education sector (teachers and support staff
members) as well as child care workers.
A tiered approach
for essential workers builds on the occupations identified by
the National Academies of Science, Engineering and Medicine
for early vaccination (4).
Although there is no national surveillance for COVID-19
among frontline or other essential workers, reports of high inci-
dence and outbreaks within multiple critical infrastructure sec-
tors illustrate the COVID-19 risk in these populations and the
disproportionate impact of COVID-19 on workers who belong
to racial and ethnic minority groups. During March–June,
for example, the Utah Department of Heath reported 1,389
COVID-19 cases associated with workplace outbreaks in 15
industry sectors, accounting for 12% of all COVID-19 cases in
Utah during the same period (5). In addition, despite represent-
ing 24% of Utah workers in all affected sectors, Hispanic and
non-White workers accounted for 73% of COVID-19 cases in
workplace-associated outbreaks (5). Among 23 states reporting
COVID-19 outbreaks in meat and poultry processing facilities
during April and May, 16,233 outbreak-associated cases were
reported from 239 facilities, including 86 COVID-19–related
deaths (6). The percentage of workers with COVID-19 ranged
from 3% to 25% per facility, and among cases with information
on race and ethnicity reported, 87% occurred among workers
from racial or ethnic minority groups (6).
Persons aged ≥75 years are at high risk for COVID-19–associated
morbidity and mortality. As of December 20, 2020, the
cumulative incidence
of COVID-19 among persons in this
age group was 3,839 per 100,000 persons, with a cumulative
hospitalization rate of 1,211 per 100,000, and a mortality rate
of 719 per 100,000 (79). The overall proportion of persons
aged ≥75 years who live in a multigenerational household is
6%; the proportion among non-Hispanic White persons is 4%,
and the proportion among racial or ethnic minority groups is
higher (non-Hispanic Black persons, 10%; Hispanic or Latino
persons, 18%; non-Hispanic persons of other races, 20%).***
Incidences were calculated using age-specific population denominators from
the U.S. Census. https://www.census.gov/data.html.
*** Data from the U.S. Census Bureau 2019 American Community Survey 1-Year
Public Use Microdata Samples [CSV file]. https://www2.census.gov/programs-
surveys/acs/data/pums/2019/1-Year/. Accessed December 16, 2020.
TABLE. Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices recommendations for allocation of COVID-19 vaccines to persons aged ≥16 years —
United States, December 2020
Groups recommended
to receive COVID-19 vaccine
No. (millions)
Total persons
in each group*
Unique persons
in each group
Unique persons
in each phase
1a Health care personnel 21 21 24
Long-term care facility residents 3 3
1b Frontline essential workers
30 30 49
Persons aged ≥75 years 21 19
1c Persons aged 65–74 years 32 28 129
Persons aged 16–64 years
with high-risk
medical conditions
110 81
Essential workers
not recommended for
vaccination in Phase 1b
57 20
2 All persons aged ≥16 years
not previously
recommended for vaccination
All remaining All remaining All remaining
Abbreviation: COVID-19 = coronavirus disease 2019.
* Data sources for each group: health care personnel (American Community Survey, 2019; https://www.census.gov/programs-surveys/acs/data.html); long-term care
facility residents (Minimum Data Set. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services; https://data.cms.gov/); frontline and other essential workers (American Community
Survey, 2019; https://www.census.gov/programs-surveys/acs/data.html); age-specific groups (U.S. Census; https://data.census.gov/cedsci/); high-risk medical
conditions (Behavioral Risk Factors Surveillance System, 2018; https://www.cdc.gov/brfss/annual_data/annual_data.htm).
Excludes persons who were recommended to receive vaccine in an earlier phase (e.g., persons aged 65–74 years who are living in long-term care facilities or who
are health care personnel, who would have been included in Phase 1a) and accounting for overlap between groups within the same phase (e.g., essential workers
with high risk medical conditions).
Estimates for frontline and other essential workers are approximate and derived from prepandemic survey data; relative proportions will vary by state.
As of December 18, only the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine is authorized for use in persons aged 16–17 years.
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MMWR / December 22, 2020 / Vol. 69 3
Phase 1c
In Phase 1c, vaccine should be offered to persons aged
65–74 years, persons aged 16–64 years
with medical
conditions that increase the risk for severe COVID-19, and
essential workers not previously included in Phase 1a or 1b.
Approximately 129 million persons are included in Phase 1c
(Table), accounting for the overlap between groups in Phase 1c
and earlier phases; for example, some adults aged 65–74 years
reside in long-term care facilities, and many essential workers
have high-risk medical conditions. Persons aged 65–74 years
are at high risk for COVID-19–associated morbidity and mor-
tality. As of December 20, 2020, the cumulative COVID-19
incidence in this age group was 3,109 per 100,000 persons,
with a cumulative hospitalization rate of 642 per 100,000, and
a mortality rate of 188 per 100,000 (79).
Based on ongoing review of the literature, CDC has identi-
fied medical conditions or risk behaviors that are associated
with increased risk for severe COVID-19.
The risk for
COVID-19–associated hospitalization increases with the num-
ber of high-risk medical conditions, from 2.5 times the risk for
hospitalization for persons with one condition to 5 times the
risk for those with three or more conditions (10). According to
a recent analysis of 2018 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance
System data,
at least 56% of persons aged 18–64 years report
at least one high-risk medical condition (CDC COVID-19
Response Team, Division of Population Health, personal
communication, December 2020). Essential worker sectors
recommended for vaccination in Phase 1c include those in
transportation and logistics, water and wastewater, food ser-
vice, shelter and housing (e.g., construction), finance (e.g.,
bank tellers), information technology and communications,
As of December 18, 2020, two COVID-19 vaccines have been authorized
for use under an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA), but only the
Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine is authorized for use in persons aged
16–17 years.
Adults of any age with the following conditions are at increased risk for
severe COVID-19–associated illness: cancer; chronic kidney disease; chronic
obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD); heart conditions, such as heart
failure, coronary artery disease, or cardiomyopathies; immunocompromised
state (weakened immune system) from solid organ transplant; obesity
(body mass index [BMI] ≥30 kg/m
but <40 kg/m
); severe obesity
(BMI ≥40 kg/m
); sickle cell disease; smoking; type 2 diabetes mellitus;
and pregnancy. No data are currently available on the safety of COVID-19
vaccines in pregnant persons. If pregnant persons are part of a group that
is recommended to receive a COVID-19 vaccine (e.g., health care personnel
or essential worker), they may choose to be vaccinated. A conversation
between the patient and the patient’s clinical team might assist with
decisions regarding the use of vaccines approved under EUA for the
prevention of COVID-19. Guidance for pregnant persons will be updated
as new data becomes available at https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/covid-19/
info-by-product/clinical-considerations.html. The list of high-risk medical
conditions is updated routinely as new data becomes available at https://
energy, legal, media, public safety (e.g., engineers), and public
health workers.****
ACIP’s ethical principles for allocating initial supplies
of COVID-19 vaccine, namely, to maximize benefits and
minimize harms, promote justice, and mitigate health ineq-
uities (11), support the allocation scheme for Phases 1b and
1c. Allocation of COVID-19 vaccine to essential workers
and persons at increased risk for severe COVID-19 disease
balances the vaccination program priorities of minimizing
societal disruption and preventing morbidity and mortality.
Essential workers constitute a large and heterogenous group.
Allocation of vaccine to frontline essential workers in Phase 1b
acknowledges their increased risk for occupational exposure
compared with other essential worker categories, as well as the
benefits to society of maintaining these essential functions.
Allocation to persons aged ≥75 years is supported by their
high risk for COVID-19–associated morbidity and mortality
and is anticipated to also reduce hospitalizations in this group,
easing the burden on strained health care systems. Populations
included in Phase 1c are either at an increased risk for severe
COVID-19 compared with the general population or support
ongoing critical infrastructure operations. In addition, certain
essential worker groups have high proportions of some racial
and ethnic minority groups who have experienced dispropor-
tionate COVID-19 incidence, morbidity, and mortality (12).
Implementing vaccination programs to reach essential work-
ers will pose challenges. Use of multiple strategies is recom-
mended to reduce barriers to vaccination,
such as providing
**** Certain occupations in Phase 1b might be related to sectors listed in Phase 1c
(public transit [transportation and logistics], grocery store workers [food
services], and corrections workers [public safety]).
COVID-19 Vaccination Communication Toolkit. https://www.cdc.gov/
What is already known about this topic?
On December 1, the Advisory Committee on Immunization
Practices (ACIP) recommended that health care personnel and
long-term care facility residents be offered COVID-19
vaccination first (Phase 1a).
What is added by this report?
On December 20, ACIP updated interim vaccine allocation
recommendations. In Phase 1b, COVID-19 vaccine should be
offered to persons aged ≥75 years and non–health care
frontline essential workers, and in Phase 1c, to persons aged
65–74 years, persons aged 16–64 years with high-risk medical
conditions, and essential workers not included in Phase 1b.
What are the implications for public health practice?
Federal, state, and local jurisdictions should use this guidance
for COVID-19 vaccination program planning and implementation.
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4 MMWR / December 22, 2020 / Vol. 69
vaccination opportunities at or close to the workplace. State
and local health authorities will need to take local COVID-19
epidemiology and demand for vaccine into account when
deciding to proceed to the next phase or to subprioritize
within an allocation phase if necessary. A flexible approach to
allocation will facilitate efficient management and ensure that
COVID-19 vaccine is administered equitably and without
delay. Additional interim considerations for phased implemen-
tation of COVID-19 vaccines are available at https://www.cdc.
gov/vaccines/covid-19/initial-populations.html and https://
Phase 2
Phase 2 includes all other persons aged ≥16 years not
already recommended for vaccination in Phases 1a, 1b, or 1c.
Currently, in accordance with recommended age and condi-
tions of use (1), any authorized COVID-19 vaccine may be
used. ACIP is closely monitoring clinical trials in children
and adolescents and will consider recommendations for use
when a COVID-19 vaccine is authorized for use in persons
aged <16 years.
Voting members of the Advisory Committee on Immunization
Practices: Robert L. Atmar, Baylor College of Medicine; Kevin A.
Ault, University of Kansas Medical Center; Lynn Bahta, Minnesota
Department of Health; Henry Bernstein, Zucker School of Medicine
at Hofstra/Northwell Cohen Childrens Medical Center; Sharon E.
Frey, Saint Louis University Medical School; Paul Hunter, City of
Milwaukee Health Department; Veronica V. McNally, Franny Strong
Foundation; Katherine A. Poehling, Wake Forest School of Medicine;
Pablo J. Sanchez, The Research Institute at Nationwide Childrens
Hospital; Peter Szilagyi, University of California, Los Angeles.
Members of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices
COVID-19 Vaccines Work Group: Edward Belongia, Center for
Clinical Epidemiology & Population Health, Marshfield Clinic
Research Institute; Dayna Bowen Matthew, George Washington
University Law School; Oliver Brooks, National Medical Association;
Matthew Daley, Institute for Health Research, Kaiser Permanente
Colorado; Jillian Doss-Walker, Indian Health Service; Marci Drees,
Society for Healthcare Epidemiology of America; Jeffrey Duchin,
Infectious Diseases Society of America; Doran Fink, Food and Drug
Administration; Sandra Fryhofer, American Medical Association;
Jason M. Goldman, American College of Physicians; Michael Hogue,
American Pharmacists Association; Denise Jamieson, American
College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists; Jeffery Kelman,
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid; David Kim, U.S. Department
of Health and Human Services; Kathy Kinlaw, Center for Ethics,
Emory University; Susan Lett, Council of State and Territorial
Epidemiologists; Kendra McMillan, American Nurses Association;
Kathleen Neuzil, Center for Vaccine Development and Global
Health, University of Maryland School of Medicine; Sean O’Leary,
American Academy of Pediatrics; Christine Oshansky, Biomedical
Advanced Research and Development Authority; Stanley Perlman,
Department of Microbiology and Immunology, University of Iowa;
Marcus Plescia, Association of State and Territorial Health Officials;
Chris Roberts, National Institutes of Health; William Schaffner,
National Foundation for Infectious Diseases; Rob Schechter,
Association of Immunization Managers; Kenneth Schmader,
American Geriatrics Society; Bryan Schumacher, Department of
Defense; Jonathan Temte, American Academy of Family Physicians;
Matthew Tunis, National Advisory Committee on Immunization
Secretariat, Public Health Agency of Canada; Thomas Weiser, Indian
Health Service; Matt Zahn, National Association of County and City
Health Officials; Rachel Zhang, Food and Drug Administration.
Corresponding author: Kathleen Dooling, [email protected]v.
CDC COVID-19 Response Team;
Epidemic Intelligence Service, CDC;
General Dynamics Information Technology, Falls Church, Virginia;
University School of Medicine, Stanford, California;
Vanderbilt University
School of Medicine, Nashville, Tennessee;
Arkansas Department of Health;
University of Washington, Seattle, Washington.
All authors have completed and submitted the International
Committee of Medical Journal Editors form for disclosure of potential
conflicts of interest. No potential conflicts of interest were disclosed.
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