New Jersey Ofce of the Attorney General
Division of Consumer Affairs
Board of Examiners of Electrical Contractors
124 Halsey Street, 6th Floor, P.O. Box 45006
Newark, New Jersey 07101
(973) 504-6410
Proper Procedures for an Initial Business Permit
Board approval of a business permit application depends upon:
Properly completed business permit application accompanied by appropriate fee.
Properly completed pressure seal application accompanied by appropriate fee.
Surety bond in proper business or firm name with terms that expire March 31, 2027.
Application for Initial Business Permit is required if no Business Permit has been previously issued or if a previously issued
Business Permit has been in expired status for more than three (3) years (even if a change is being made to the business name,
trade status or qualifying licensee). Contact the Board ofce for Business Permit reactivation if the Business Permit has been
expired for less than three (3) years.
To ensure expeditious approval, properly executed Business Permit applications must be received at the Board ofce ten
(10) business days in advance of the next scheduled monthly meeting of the Board of Examiners of Electrical Contractors.
Scheduled meeting dates may be found via the link entitled “Meetings on the home page of the Board’s Web Site at
Business Permit Application must be completed and neatly typewritten or printed. Electrical Contractor must sign application
under item number 5. If not previously licensed as an Electrical Contractor, leave license number blank on application under
item number 5.
Afdavit "A" must be properly executed and notarized under item number 11. If person executing Afdavit "A" is other than
the licensed electrical contractor, then electrical contractor must sign and execute Afdavit "B".
Paragraph titled "AFFIDAVIT" should be thoroughly read and understood.
Surety Bond must be signed by the electrical contractor where "Principal" is designated and bond number must be inserted
where indicated at the top of the form.
Both the Principal and Witness must sign the bond where indicated.
Certicate of general liability insurance in the minimum amount of $300,000 or bank letter of credit in the minimum
amount of $300,000 must be enclosed.
Be aware that the Certicate of General Liability Insurance must list the Board of Examiners of Electrical Contractors as
the certicate holder.
Federal Tax Identication Number must be provided to the Board ofce.
Applicant Must Enclose
For Individual Proprietorship:
A copy of the trade-name certicate led with the County Court House in the county where business is located.
For Corporations:
A copy of incorporation papers led with the State of New Jersey Division of Revenue/Commercial Recording.
If it is more than one year from the date the incorporation papers were led, please submit a Certicate of Good Standing
in lieu of incorporation papers led with the State of New Jersey.
If assistance is needed in obtaining a Certicate of Good Standing, you may call State of New Jersey, Division of Revenue/
Commercial Recording at (609) 633-8296.
Out-of-State Corporation
Must provide a copy of its incorporation papers plus a Certicate of Authority To Do Business in New Jersey led with the
State of New Jersey, Division of Revenue/Commercial Recording.
If it is more than one year from the date the Certicate of Authority To Do Business in New Jersey was led, you must
obtain and submit a new Certicate of Authority To Do Business in New Jersey.
If assistance in obtaining a Certicate of Authority is needed, you may contact the State of New Jersey, Division of Revenue/
Commercial Recording at (609) 292-9292.
All Fee Payments must be made payable to the State of New Jersey. Please send separate checks/money orders for each payment.
Return of Pressure Seals
Pressure Seals must be returned to the Board of Examiners of Electrical Contractors when:
The licensee no longer holds a position as a qualifying licensee for the business for which the pressure seal was issued.
The licensee's employment has been terminated or the licensee has resigned from the business entity for which the pressure
seal was issued.
A licensee receives conrmation that a new Business Permit has been issued following submission of an application for a
Business Permit Change.
As soon as a Business Permit or prerequisite Electrical Contractors license enters Inactive or Expired status.
Any time General Liability Insurance or Surety Bond is allowed to lapse or is cancelled for any reason.
If a permitted business ceases business operations for any reason.
When required by the Board as the result of disciplinary action.
Refer to N.J.A.C. 13:31-3.3 for additional details.
New Jersey Ofce of the Attorney General
Division of Consumer Affairs
Board of Examiners of Electrical Contractors
124 Halsey Street, 6th Floor, P.O. Box 45006
Newark, New Jersey 07101
(973) 504-6410
N.J.A.C 13:31-1.6 Fee Schedule
Business Permit Fee
Permit Issue Date Total Fee Due
April 1, 2025 - March 31, 2027
April 1, 2026 - March 31, 2027
$ 50.00
Important Note:
Following issuance, all Business Permits have an expiration date of March 31, 2027. The dates/fees above refer to the
date the Business Permit is to take effect.
The current triennial renewal period runs from April 1, 2024 through March 31, 2027. If this Business Permit application
is submitted in the rst year of the current triennial renewal period, the application fee is $150.00. If this application is
submitted during the second year of the triennial renewal period, the fee is $100.00, and if it is submitted in the third year
of the triennial renewal period, the fee is $50.00.
Please send a certied check, postal money order or express money order payable to the State of New Jersey and mail it to:
Board of Examiners of Electrical Contractors
P.O. Box 45006
Newark, NJ 07101
April 1, 2024 - March 31, 2027
New Jersey Ofce of the Attorney General
Division of Consumer Affairs
Board of Examiners of Electrical Contractors
124 Halsey Street, 6th Floor, P.O. Box 45006
Newark, New Jersey 07101
(973) 504-6410
Application for an Initial Business Permit
Please type or print clearly. Date: ______________________________
Information that you provide on this application may be subject to public disclosure as required by the Open Public Records Act (OPRA).
1. Name of business _________________________________________________________________________________________
2. Trading as:
Individual ______________________________________ Corporation ____________________________________
Limited Liability Company (L.L.C.) _________________ Franchise ______________________________________
Partnership _____________________________________ Other (Explain) _________________________________
A copy of the trade name certicate must be attached to this application if the business name is other than that of the licensee, or a
copy of
the incorporation papers filed with the Department of the Treasury, Division of Commercial Recording, must be attached.
3. Federal Tax Identification Number: _________________________ E-mail address: ___________________________________
4. Business address: _________________________________________________________________________________________
Street address City State ZIP code
5. Name and license number of the Electrical Contractor who is seeking this permit:
Name License number Signature of Electrical Contractor
6. Has this company ever been issued a business permit under any other license number? Yes No
If “Yes,” give the license number: _________________________________
7. Principal place of business: _________________________________________________________________________________
Street address City State ZIP code Telephone number (include area code)
8. If this application is not being submitted for a corporation, please provide the name and address of each individual, partner,
trustee, receiver, executor or other person in whom ownership will be vested.
Name of owner Street address City State ZIP code
Name of owner Street address City State ZIP code
Name of owner Street address City State ZIP code
Name of owner Street address City State ZIP code
If this application is being submitted for a corporation, please provide the following information.
(a) What is the name and address of the registered agent of the corporation? _________________________________________
(b) What is the date of incorporation and the location, if other than in New Jersey? ____________________________________
(c) If you are ling for a foreign corporation, is it registered to do business in New Jersey? Yes No
If “Yes,” please provide the date of registration in New Jersey. ________________________
(d) President ______________________________________(g) Treasurer __________________________________________
(e) Vice-President __________________________________(h) Others ____________________________________________
(f) Secretary ______________________________________ ____________________________________________
9. Please enclose a bond. In addition to such other bonds as may otherwise be required, any person engaged in the business of electrical
contracting under the provisions of this act shall not undertake to do any electrical work in the State of New Jersey or any political
subdivision thereof unless and until he/she shall have entered into bond in favor of the State of New Jersey, in the sum of $1,000.00,
executed by a surety company authorized to transact business in the State of New Jersey approved by the Department of Banking and
Insurance, and to be conditioned on the faithful performance of the provisions of this act. The board shall, by rule and regulation,
provide who shall be eligible to receive the nancial protection afforded by said bond. The aforesaid bond shall be for the term of
36 months and must be renewed upon expiration for the ensuing 36 months. (Source: L. 1962, c. 162, § 19 as amended by L. 1962,
c. 185, §16.) (N.J.S.A. 45:5A-19.)
10. Please enclose a certicate of general liability insurance or a bank letter of credit. Every person who holds a Business Permit
for electrical work pursuant to P.L. 1962, c. 162 (C. 45:5A-1 et seq.) shall secure, maintain and le with the board a certicate of
general liability insurance in the minimum amount of $300,000 or a bank letter of credit in the minimum amount of $300,000.
Afdavit B (See Item 11 above)
Signed _____________________________________________________
Licensed Electrical Contractor
Sworn and subscribed to before me this ___________________________
day of __________________________, __________________________
Name of Notary Public (please print)
Signature of Notary Public
My commission expires ______________________________________
Afdavit A must be executed on every application.
12. The current triennial renewal period runs from April 1, 2024 through March 31, 2027. If this Business Permit application is
submitted in the rst year of the current triennial renewal period, the application fee is $150.00. If this application is submitted during
the second year of the triennial renewal period, the fee is $100.00, and if it is submitted in the third year of the triennial renewal period,
the fee is $50.00.
Please send a certied check, postal money order or express money order payable to the State of New Jersey and mail it to:
Board of Examiners of Electrical Contractors
P.O. Box 45006
Newark, NJ 07101
Corporation Seal (if any)
Notary's Seal
To Notary Public:
Please make sure
that the person
taking the oath has
read all of Item 11.
To Notary Public:
Please make sure
that the person
taking the oath has
read all of Item 11.
Notary's Seal
11. Afdavit A, below, must be executed by the owner, or a partner, as listed in Item 2 of this application or by a principal ofcer as
listed in Item 8 if the business is owned by a corporation. If the person executing Afdavit A is not also the Licensed Electrical
Contractor then, in addition, the Licensed Electrical Contractor must execute Afdavit B.
Each afdavit must be sworn to before a notary public or other authorized ofcer.
I do solemnly swear and afrm that the answers and statements made in this form are true and correct to the best of my knowledge
and belief.
Afdavit A (See Item 11 above)
Name of Business (If a corporation, please give the exact legal title.)
Signature of owner or ofcer (Check title below)
Owner Partner Trustee Receiver
Lessee Secretary Executor president
Sworn and subscribed to before me this ___________________________
day of __________________________, __________________________
Name of Notary Public (please print)
Signature of Notary Public
My commission expires ______________________________________
New Jersey Ofce of the Attorney General
Division of Consumer Affairs
Board of Examiners of Electrical Contractors
124 Halsey Street, 6th Floor, P.O. Box 45006
Newark, New Jersey 07101
(973) 504-6410
Law Requires Every State - Licensed
Electrical Contractor Holding A Business Permit To Secure A
Pressure Seal
Pursuant to N.J.S.A. 45:5A-6, the Board of Examiners of Electrical Contractors adopted a rule, N.J.A.C. 13:31-3.3, which
requires that a pocket pressure seal be furnished to every State-licensed Electrical Contractor with a Business Permit. The cost
of the seal is $25.00 and must be paid for by the Electrical Contractor to whom it is issued. A certied check or money order
in the amount of $25.00, payable to State of New Jersey, must be forwarded to this ofce.
Upon receipt of the fee, the pressure seal will be mailed to the address provided by the licensee along with the fee.
The seal shall be used exclusively by the State-licensed Electrical Contractor in the conduct of his/her business and must be
impressed upon all applications for electrical inspections.
No person other than the Electrical Contractor to whom the license and Business Permit shall have been issued by the Board
shall have the right to use the pressure seal. Any violation of the provision shall subject rst, the person wrongfully using such;
and secondly, the licensee who willfully or negligently allows such unlicensed and unauthorized person to use said seal, to such
penalties granted to the Board by N.J.S.A. 45:5A-1 et seq.
Licensed Electrical Contractors who do not possess a Business Permit are not required to secure a pressure seal.
Signature of Licensee
Please Print Name of Licensee
Print Name of Company Endorsed by Licensee
Print Business Address - Do not use a Post Ofce Box Number
License Number
Bond No. __________________________________
of the City of County of and State of
Principal, and _________________________________________________________________________________________, a Surety
company duly authorized to transact business in the State of New Jersey, as Surety, are held and rmly bound unto the State of New Jersey, its
municipal successors and assigns, in the just and true sum of ($1,000.00) dollars, lawful money of the United States of America, to which
payment well and truly made, we do hereby bind and obligate ourselves, our and each of our heirs, executors, administrators, successors and
assigns, jointly and severally, rmly by these present.
Sealed with our seals and dated this _________________________day of ________________________________________________ ,
whereas the above bounden ____________________________________________________________________________
Principal, has appeared before the Board of Examiners of Electrical Contractors, of the State of New Jersey and has been licensed as an
electrical contractor under the provisions of “P.L. 1997, c.305, N.J.S.A. 45:5A-1 et seq.” and amendments thereto and in consideration
of the representations made in the application, the said Principal has been licensed as an electrical contrator in the State of New Jersey
and has agreed to comply with the aforesaid statute and amendments that may be adopted by the Board of Examiners of Electrical
Principal shall truly, properly and satisfactorily perform the duties prescribed for electrical contractors under the terms of the aforesaid act
and amendments thereto and comply with the aforesaid statute and amendments that may be made thereto and all rules and regulations which
may have been or may be adopted by the Board of Examiners of Electrical Contractors, then this obligation to be void, otherwise to be and
remain in full force and virtue.
The term of this bond is from ________________________________________ to __________________________________________.
It is mutually understood and agreed between all parties hereto that if the Surety shall so elect, this bond may be cancelled by
giving thirty (30) days notice in writing to the said Obligee and this bond shall be deemed cancelled at the expiration of said thirty (30) days, the
said Surety remaining liable for all or any act or acts covered by this bond, which may have been committed by the Principal up to the date
of such cancellation, under the terms, conditions and provisions of this bond.
Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of
By __________________________________________
Afx seal here
Sample Bond