ATAP Certification Program Overview
The Exam
100 Multiple Choice questions, one point each
2 hours to take the exam
Delivered via web on secure platform and in the presence of
on-site proctor
Passing score = 75
Questions test mastery of the ATAP Body of Knowledge.
Three choices per question. Choose the most correct.
No penalty for guessing.
The Body of Knowledge
Resources selected by subject matter
experts and the Certification Committee
as comprising that knowledge which is
essential to attain expert-level mastery of
the academics involved in behavioral
threat assessment and management.
Mastery of the Body of Knowledge is one
key aspect of certification.
ATAP Website: Education Tab,
then Certification
Breakdown of BOK
Required readings (form the basis for questions):
Free, online sources
Scholarly article summaries (provided)
Recommended readings (do not form the basis for questions
but are considered essential works):
Books and other “for fee” sources
Scholarly articles, free and “for fee
Core Competencies
Know the core competencies
& sub competencies—this is
how questions are selected.
Information Gathering
Interpretation of Information
TAM Principles and Practices
Legal Issues
Literacy Across Disciplines
Consultation and Communication
Open to the
public…membership not
Possess experience in the
5 years documented
TA/TM experience, or
2 years active ATAP
membership in good
standing and 2 years of
TA/TM experience
Self-reveal any past,
present or pending civil,
criminal or regulatory
Agree to abide by ATAP
Code of Ethics
Professional experience must
include robust and ongoing
practice of TAM
Threat assessment is defined as the use of a fact-based
method of assessment/investigation that focuses on an
individual's patterns of thinking and behavior to determine
whether, and to what extent, he or she is moving toward an
attack on an identifiable target.
Threat management is defined as managing a subject's
behavior through interventions and strategies designed to
disrupt or prevent an act of targeted violence.
It is a deliberative, thoughtful process of collecting and
evaluating relevant behavioral cues.
Application Process
Apply online
Be detailed in describing
TAM experience to
substantiate your
Upload letters or
statements from
references meeting the
criteria specified
Respond to requests for
additional info by
Committee, if asked
Application Subcommittee
reviews application and
votes regarding eligibility
Candidate notified of
Common applicant errors:
Failing to describe actual experience in behavioral
threat assessment and management with enough
detail for the subcommittee to determine eligibility.
Conclusory statements about working in threat
assessment are not sufficient.
Physical security, intelligence, investigations, intake and
other work functions are not, in and of themselves, TAM
as it is understood by ATAP.
Reference statements don’t confirm TAM experience.
Cost of Certification
(Subject to change)
Non-member application fee- $500
Member application fee- $375
For application denials, or withdrawals
once review has begun, full fee less
$100 for processing is refunded.
Each application to take the CTM examination is valid for two
years. During that period, a candidate need not submit
additional applications for retakes. After the elapse of two
calendar years from date of approval, a new application must
be submitted.
Mandatory waiting period of 180 days between attempts, with
the sole exception of ATAP national conferences. If the exam
is attempted at Winter Conference, it can be retaken at Threat
Management Conference, or vice versa, even if less than 180
days have elapsed. No other exceptions exist.
Upon approval to take the examination, it is the
candidate’s responsibility to notify ATAPHQ of the
desired testing location and date. Staff will send
confirmation of the date and time the candidate has
been approved to sit for the exam. Failure to follow this
procedure will result in denial to sit for a particular
exam despite being determined to be an eligible
Re-certify every 2 years
to maintain certification
development &
continued involvement
in TAM
Must comply with
Code of Ethics
Re-certification: Apply online
Removal of Certification
CTMs agree to abide by the ATAP Code of Ethical
Conduct. Certification can be revoked or
suspended, or other disciplinary actions taken, for
violation of the ethics code or other reasons such
as failing to meet recertification criteria.
CTMS by discipline as of
Exam and program
Exam dates posted to Events Calendar
Certification program criteria, application link,
recertification link
Body of Knowledge
Workplace (
General announcements on the ATAP Workplace board