Lt. Governor
Superintendent, Maryland Department of State Police
Executive Director
The Vehicle Theft Prevention Council consists of thirteen members appointed by the Governor. The
Council includes representatives of law enforcement, prosecutors' offices, automobile insurers, state
government, and the general public.
Colonel Terrence B. Sheridan
Secretary, Department of State Police
Donald W. DeVore
Secretary, Department of Juvenile Services
Gary D. Maynard
Secretary, Department of Public Safety and
Correctional Services
John T. Kuo
Administrator, Motor Vehicle Administration
W. Ray Presley,
Executive Director
Colleen Richarts
Vehicle Theft Analyst
Marianne T. Artfitch
Gregory M. Shipley
Director, Media Communications
Department of State Police
James V. Aluisi
Community Representative
Anne Arundel County
Ella White Campbell
Community Representative
Baltimore County/Baltimore City
Bruce J. Flaugher
National Insurance Crime Bureau Representative
William Paul Holland
State Farm Insurance Company, Foreign
Insurance Carrier Representative
Hon. Glenn F. Ivey
State's Attorney for Prince George’s County
Maryland State's Attorney's Representative
Donald Napier, Jr.
Office of the Governor
Phillip V. Lee
Community Representative
Prince George’s County
Chief Randy M. Rudy
Chief of Police, Aberdeen Police Department
Local Law Enforcement Representative
Steven F. Rutzebeck
GEICO Insurance Company, Domestic Insurance
Carrier Representative
Martin O’Malley
1125 National Highway
Cumberland, MD 21502
Pho (301) 729-5274 Fax (301) 729-5418
Letter of Transmittal ii
Executive Summary 1
Nature and Extent of Vehicle Theft in Maryland 2
Statewide Vehicle Theft Prevention Strategies 9
Evaluation of Council Impact 10
Vehicle Theft Prevention Council Website 11
Council Funded Auto Theft Units 11
Vehicle Theft By The Numbers 27
The Year in Pictures 28
A - Jurisdictions Receiving Council Assistance 30
B - Multi-Jurisdictional Task Force Operations 31
C - Washington Area Vehicle Enforcement Accomplishments 35
D - Summary of Grant Recipients 36
E - Grant Award Analysis By Jurisdiction 38
F - Fiscal Summary Report 40
G - Percentages By Jurisdiction 41
H - Maryland Vehicle Thefts, 1994, 1999-2008 42
I - National Vehicle Theft Totals, 1994, 1999-2006 43
J - National Vehicle Theft Rates, 1994, 1999-2006 44
The Vehicle Theft Prevention Council (Council) is
in its 15
year of service to the citizens of the State
of Maryland. Council Programs have proven to be
highly effective with a direct correlation to funding
levels. From 1995 - 2000, Vehicle Theft Programs
were fully funded and vehicle theft decreased 32%.
From 2001 - 2004 funding levels were drastically
reduced and vehicle theft increased 28%. Full
funding levels were restored in 2005, with a
corresponding decrease of 45% by 2009. Since
the Council’s inception in 1994,
vehicle theft in MD has decreased
49% in total numbers, 61% per
100,000 vehicles registered and 55%
per capita (100,000 pop.)
Of significance, is the high level of
vehicle thefts experienced in Prince
George’s County. Between 2001 -
2004, vehicle theft increased 102%
from 8,659 to 18,482. With enhanced
funding in FY 2005 - FY 2010, vehicle
theft prevention programs were
restored in the County. By the end of
2009, vehicle theft had decreased 60% to a level
of 7,486; vehicle theft in the Washington Region
decreased 49%.
The Council’s most prominent success has been in
the Baltimore Region. In 1994, 55% of all vehicle
thefts in the state occurred in Baltimore City and
Baltimore County. The Council’s first funded
Program was to assist in creating a multi-
jurisdictional Task Force between the City and the
County which has come to be known as the
Baltimore Regional Auto Theft Team, or RATT.
This proved to be highly successful; vehicle theft
rates in Baltimore City and Baltimore County
decreased 50% between 1995 - 2000, and
continued to decrease to a level of 60% through
2009. The RATT concept was duplicated in the
Washington Region in 2005 with similar results.
In July 2009 the Council awarded 23 grants to a
variety of organizations encompassing public
awareness and prevention, law enforcement,
prosecution, and juvenile intervention, for a total of
$1,813,588 million. These grants were focused on
the Baltimore/Washington Metropolitan Area where
94% of all vehicle thefts occur. Grants in the
Baltimore Region were awarded to Baltimore City,
Baltimore County, Anne Arundel County, Harford
County and Howard County. Grant assistance in
the Washington Region includes Prince George’s
County, Montgomery, and Charles Counties.
In November 2009, through statewide
cost reductions Vehicle Theft
Prevention Council funding was
reduced by $556,412 to a level of
$1,943,588 million. This reduction
also resulted in decreased grant
funding of respective grants that were
awarded in July, 2009 (See Appendix
E). Despite this decrease, all of the
above areas experienced reductions
in vehicle theft in 2009.
The Council continues to support and
administer “Watch Your Car” which is
a National Vehicle Theft Prevention Program. The
Program is voluntary and allows police to stop
vehicles displaying the special “Watch Your Car”
decals between the hours of 1:00 a.m. and 5:00
a.m. There are currently over 35,000 Maryland
motorists registered in the Program.
The Council also continues to partner with the MD-
DC Anti-Car Theft Committee (ACT). ACT is the
Council’s private sector partner and provides free
“VIN Etching” and other vehicle theft prevention
services which supplement the Council’s public
awareness efforts.
The continual decline in Maryland vehicle theft
rates strongly suggests that based upon funding
levels, the Council has been successful in
providing planning and fiscal resources to state,
local jurisdictions, and community organizations
whose effort, in turn, affected vehicle theft rates.
Our goal is not only to continue to reverse the
vehicle theft trend, but to continue to manage the
problem in the future.
The Council
awarded 23
grants in
2009...for a total
of $1.8 million.
After four years of significant increase between
2000 - 2004, Maryland has experienced a 46%
percent reduction in vehicle theft since 2003. In
1999 Maryland had a total of 26,063 vehicle thefts,
a decrease of 32% over 1994. Total thefts rose to
36,406 in 2003 representing an increase of 10,339
stolen vehicles. In 2004 we saw a slight decrease
of 545 stolen vehicles, or -1.5%. In 2009, thefts
had decreased to 19,619, or a - 46% decrease
over 2003. In economic terms this decrease is
significant. Based on the $6,700.00 UCR average
price of a stolen vehicle, decreases
in thefts since 2003 translates to an
economic savings of $112,412,900 to
Maryland citizens.
Vehicle theft is primarily a crime of
opportunity. Victims often fail to
employ even the most modest
precautions to deter theft. Frequently,
victims either do not lock the vehicle,
leave the vehicle with the keys in the
ignition, or occasionally, both. Several
surveys indicate that many cases of
vehicle theft result from such carelessness.
Surveys by the Baltimore Regional Auto Theft
Team (RATT), continues to show that 25-30
percent of recovered stolen vehicles had the key in
the car at the time of their recovery.
The Prince George’s County Police Department
findings: approximately 32% of criminal incident
reports surveyed mentioned that the key was
found in the recovered vehicle. The Montgomery
County Police reported similar findings. Thus, the
perpetrators often steal a vehicle with little effort.
Auto theft can best be understood by the
perpetrator’s motivations. Thefts can be distributed
into four distinct groups. In most cases, vehicles
are stolen either for the resale or distribution of
parts, for transportation purposes, for the
commission of other crimes, or for exportation. Of
these four factors, the greatest threat to Maryland
citizens is the destruction of vehicles for parts and
exportation. The operation of “chop shops” and
exportation allows for the complete destruction of
vehicles often resulting in a total loss for the owner.
In the other two instances; transportation
purposes, and the use of vehicles to commit other
crimes; the destruction of the vehicle is generally
not as certain and the large majority are recovered.
During 2009 72% of the motor vehicle thefts were
cars, 18% were trucks and buses, and 10% were
other motor vehicles. Motor vehicle thefts
accounted for 11% of property crime
and 9% of the crime index. There
were 344.2 thefts per 100,000
The 2009 Maryland UCR provided
final arrest statistics for vehicle theft.
In comparing 2008 to 2009 data,
arrests for vehicle theft decreased
from 3,353 in 2008 to 3,289 in 2009.
The perpetrators, according to the
2009 UCR, were 87% male and 13%
female; with 29% being white, 70%
African American, and less than 1%
Asian or American Indian. 38% of
those arrested for vehicle theft were juveniles.
Historical data indicate that vehicle thefts often
occur in two distinct areas that conform to a time
frame. In most circumstances, thefts occur either in
residential areas in the late evening and early
morning hours, or in commercial areas in the mid-
day hours. In both cases, the perpetrators easily
elude observation.
Often, the location of the recovery provides law
enforcement officials with valuable information on
the nature of the crime. In rural areas, vehicles are
often abandoned in fields. Vehicles left in suburban
and urban areas generally are found on the street,
as if parked. In 2009, 76% of reported stolen
vehicles were recovered at a value of $99,267,200.
In 2009, 76% of
reported stolen
vehicles were
recovered at a
value of
This rather substantial recovery rate suggests that
most vehicle theft instances are related either to
transportation purposes or to the use of a vehicle
to commit other crimes.
Although vehicle theft is primarily a crime of
opportunity, perpetrators often favor particular
makes and models. The following list ranks,
according to information received by the Maryland
Vehicle Theft Prevention Council, the ten most
common vehicles stolen in the area of occurrence.
Top 10 Stolen in MD Top 10 Stolen Nationwide
1) Honda Accord 1) Honda Accord
2) Dodge Caravan 2) Honda Civic
3) Honda Civic 3) Toyota Camry
4) Toyota Camry 4) Ford F-150 Pickup
5) Dodge Intrepid 5) Dodge Ram Pickup
6) Ford Crown Victoria 6) Dodge Caravan
7) Jeep/Grand Cherokee 7) Chevrolet Pickup
8) Nissan Maxima 8) Acura Integra
9) Dodge Stratus 9) Ford Explorer
10) Plymouth Voyager 10) Toyota Corolla
Carjacking, or motor vehicle robbery, decreased in
2009 by 25%. It has previously been hypothesized
that, as public awareness programs increase and
anti-theft devices become more popular, car-
jackings would also increase. However, recent
data, does not support this hypothesis. From 1994
- 2000 vehicle theft decreased 36% and carjacking
decreased 44%. From 2005—2009 vehicle theft
decreased 45% and Carjacking decreased 47%.
The nature of vehicle theft and vehicle robbery
differ drastically. Whereas vehicle theft is a crime
of opportunity, vehicle robbery presents the
perpetrator with intense personal involvement with
the victim. In 2009, vehicle theft decreased 23%
and carjacking decreased 25%.
Many stolen vehicles end up
like this. The Maryland
Vehicle Theft Prevention
Council encourages
residents to protect their
property from theft
by employing a
“Four Layer Approach”
As previously stated, vehicle theft has decreased
46% overall when compared to 2003 data. In the
Washington, DC Metropolitan area, vehicle theft
decreased 15%. The Baltimore Metropolitan area
experienced a seven percent decrease. The
Baltimore Metro area had seen consistent declines
in vehicle theft over the past few years. The
Washington Metro area has been struggling, over
the past several years to maintain a decline.
However, in 2009 Prince George’s County had a
decrease of 2,477 stolen vehicles or 25%.
Montgomery County had a decrease of 560
vehicles or 23 percent.
As previously stated, the Baltimore Metro area has
seen continued decreases in vehicle theft since
1994. The most dramatic decreases can be seen
in Baltimore County, Baltimore City and Howard
County. These three regions had decreases of 61,
66 and 65 percent, respectively, since the inter-
vention of the Council in 1994. As part of the
Baltimore Metro area, Anne Arundel County has
experienced a 37% decrease, while Harford
County has decreased 30%.
Non-Urban regions of the state also reflected
decreases in vehicle theft. The Western Region
(Allegany, Carroll, Frederick, and Washington
Counties) reported a decrease of 24%. The
Eastern Shore Region (Caroline, Cecil, Dorchester,
Kent, Queen Anne’s, Somerset, Talbot, Wicomico,
and Worcester Counties) reported a decrease of
13%. The Southern Maryland Region (Calvert,
Charles, and St. Mary’s Counties) reported a
decrease of 14.0%. This decrease may be
associated with the recent intense enforcement
and prosecution effort in the Washington Metro
and Baltimore Metro Regions.
The trends in vehicle theft during 2009 noted here
can be compared to other forms of crime. On the
whole, crime in Maryland decreased eight percent.
For 2009, the vehicle theft rate in Maryland has
decreased 23%. Since the Council’s first
programs were implemented in 1994, the motor
vehicle theft rate has declined 55 percent (per
100,000 population.). The most significant declines
in crime since 1994 has been motor vehicle theft.
The crime rate as a whole has declined 24%,
whereas, motor vehicle theft rate has declined
Although on the decline, vehicle theft continues to
be a problem for Maryland, Research has shown
that vehicle thefts are committed in concert with
other related crimes. As vehicle thefts decline, the
opportunity to commit other related crimes also
The Council has embraced a four-part program-
matic approach based on efforts in other states
which have proven effective in vehicle theft
Statistics estimate that in three out of four cases of
auto theft, owners left the doors unlocked. In one
out of four cases, keys were left in the ignition.
Without prevention efforts and public support, law
enforcement alone cannot effectively
prevent vehicle thefts in Maryland.
Public education campaigns and
prevention training programs can
increase individual awareness of the
cost of vehicle theft, provide tips for
vehicle owners to prevent thefts, and
demonstrate the savings that
preventative measures yield. The
Council encourages prevention
programs that promote public
awareness and provide public
training in the preventative
In an effort to assure maximum effectiveness and
statewide coverage of a prevention campaign, the
Council encourages programs covering multiple
jurisdictions. Partnerships promoting vehicle theft
prevention programs between local law
enforcement agencies and community organ-
izations are strongly promoted. All law enforce-
ment grants are required to have a prevention
The Council encourages detection and
apprehension programs by specifically allocating
funds to law enforcement agencies. Vehicle theft
detection and apprehension programs include
community involvement programs, detection
training programs, and enhancements to
information-gathering programs. Vehicle theft often
transcends jurisdictional boundaries; the Council,
therefore, encourages law enforcement efforts
covering multiple jurisdictional boundaries. An
example of this is multi-agency vehicle theft
enforcement teams. Multi-jurisdictional efforts may
include municipalities, counties, regions, and
community organizations.
Prosecution and conviction of automobile thieves
is one of the most important means of breaking
vehicle theft rings and reducing the economic
incentives of vehicle theft.
In the past, the prosecution of vehicle theft cases
had a relatively low priority at both
local and state levels because of four
factors: staffs were limited and
consumed with prosecution of violent
crimes, vehicle theft is a property
crime as opposed to a personal
crime, victims receive insurance
compensation, and vehicle theft
prosecutions are complex and
in comparison to resultant
penalties. A special prosecutor to
handle vehicle theft cases through
both district and circuit courts is an
effective method in achieving
The Council encourages prosecution and judicial
programs designed to assist with the prosecution
of persons charged with vehicle theft offenses, as
well as efforts to implement legislative changes
that facilitate the prosecution of vehicle thieves and
forfeiture of their property.
Because of the large percentage of juveniles
involved in auto theft, the Council dedicates a
percentage of funds to juvenile service agencies to
develop programmatic initiatives with specific
vehicle theft offense components. The funds will
also be used to improve data collection to enhance
research and analysis capabilities of juveniles
involved in vehicle theft and related offenses.
Schools may be an effective setting for presenting
special vehicle theft programs to large groups of
young people. Current study data indicates a need
to influence juveniles in both middle and high
schools about the consequences of vehicle theft.
Current study data
indicates a need to
influence juveniles
in both middle and
high schools about
the consequences
of vehicle theft..
Enabling legislation mandated an evaluation of the
effectiveness of the Vehicle Theft Prevention
Council with a report to the Governor and General
Assembly by November 1, 1996.
To maintain the highest element of objectivity and
credibility, the Council contracted with an
independent entity, the University of Baltimore’s
Schaefer Center for Public Policy, to conduct the
The evaluation concluded the following:
 Conclusions are tentative because of the short
period of time that the Council-funded
programs have been in effect.
 Based on available evidence, the Vehicle Theft
Prevention Council and Fund appear to be
responsible for a decline in reported vehicle
 The Program appears to be cost effective.
 Public Awareness/Prevention/Education
appear to greatly impact vehicle theft trends.
 Funding for the Vehicle Theft Prevention
Council should be continued.
The Council again evaluated the effectiveness of
its program in 1999. The 1996 Report was
updated by the University of Baltimore Schaefer
Center for Public Policy. This Report concluded
that there was a definite correlation between
Council intervention and declining vehicle theft
rates. In fact, analytic data predicted that absent
the Council’s intervention in 1995, vehicle theft
rates would have continued to escalate.
In 1997 the Council organized the Maryland Anti-
Car Theft Committee (A.C.T.) As a public/private
partnership between the Council, automobile
insurance carriers, and other vehicle related
The A.C.T. Committee has been formally in-
corporated in Maryland as a 501(c3) nonprofit tax
exempt organization. The primary function of the
A.C.T. Committee is to organize and fund various
public awareness /education/prevention programs
throughout Maryland, thereby enhancing and
broadening the base of the Council’s efforts.
The Council continues to partnership with the
A.C.T. Committee. A.C.T. is proposing to continue
their statewide VIN etching campaign. This is a
process where the vehicle’s identification number
(VIN) is etched into the vehicle’s windows. VIN
etching is known as an excellent form of vehicle
deterrence and is offered as a “Free Service”
by the A.C.T. Committee.
In 2000 A.C.T. expanded its area of responsibility
to include the District of Columbia, becoming the
MD-DC ACT Committee. The ACT Committee has
also provided funding to the Montgomery County
Police Centralized Auto Theft Team (CATT) to
enhance their capabilities to access stolen car
information more rapidly through portable lap top
computers. They also partner with the Baltimore
Regional Auto Theft Team (RATT) and provided
funding to assist the startup of the Washington
Area Vehicle Enforcement Team, (WAVE) and
assist community policing programs in the District
of Columbia.
In October 1997,
Maryland was awarded a
Department of Justice,
Bureau of Justice
Assistance grant to
launch the national
“Watch Your Car”
program. Maryland was
one of the first seven
states to be at the forefront of this national vehicle
theft prevention program. The “Watch Your Car”
initiative allows motor vehicle owners to voluntarily
display a reflective decal on their vehicles to alert
police that the vehicle is not normally driven
between the hours of 1 a.m. and 5 a.m. If the
vehicle is observed being operated during these
hours, the owner has consented to having the
vehicle stopped by police anywhere in the United
States. Police can then ensure that the vehicle is
not stolen.
This program is totally voluntary and at no cost to
the participants. Similar decal programs throughout
the country have proven successful. In the past,
however, a lack of uniformity in program hours and
decal designs has limited its effectiveness. The
national “Watch Your Car” program will remedy
these problems; it brings uniformity to the concept.
Police officers nationwide will come to recognize
and understand the parameters and benefits of the
“Watch Your Car” program so that it will not be
limited by state and local boundaries.
This program was officially implemented in August
of 1998. Currently, there are over 35,000 Maryland
motorists registered in the program with 78 law
enforcement agencies participating statewide. In
2000, the Council applied for, and received,
“Watch Your Car” Supplemental Funding of
$240,000.00. This continued the program through
2003. The Council has since assumed funding
responsibilities to continue this valuable program.
In furtherance of the Council’s progressive actions,
a website was developed and went online in
January, 2000. The website is directed at
providing vehicle theft prevention data and an
interactive link to the public and numerous other
vehicle theft prevention organizations nationwide.
The website received over 60,000 hits during 2009
with 3,312 motorists registering with the “Watch
Your Car” Program online.
Council Funded Auto Theft Units
Vehicle theft permeates other criminal offenses.
The following investigations illustrate the extensive
use of stolen vehicles in perpetrating other serious
criminal offenses and how aggressive auto theft
investigations are successful in the apprehension
of violent criminal offenders and resolution of
violent criminal offenses.
The flaming yellow Dodge Neon dubbed the
MARYLAND HOT CAR attracts thieves like
moths to a flame. The Neon was selected
because it has historically been a popular car for
thieves in Maryland. This car has all of the anti-
theft devices that experts say will deter theft. The
AND IGNITION KEYS; is equipped with a vehicle
THE CLUB, registration in the Maryland WATCH
YOUR CAR PROGRAM; and is equipped with
Baltimore Regional Auto Theft Team (RATT)
RATT continued to investigate the theft of vehicles
for the purposes of scrapping them, a program
named “Steal for Steel”. Detectives Boyd and
Fields investigated a series of these thefts
between February and June 2009, attributed to
career criminal, Charles Jennings. The
investigation revealed that Jennings was using a
tow truck from the owner of Eastside Recycling, an
auto parts store and recycler. The stolen vehicles
were ultimately sold to Eastside by Jennings.
Detectives recovered several dozen vehicles
brought to Eastside Recycling in east Baltimore,
and arrested Charles Jennings on warrants
obtained for thefts occurring in Baltimore City, and
Baltimore County. The Maryland State Police/
Golden Ring Barracks were also involved and
obtained warrants for numerous vehicles stolen
from the Baltimore beltway. Although there were
indications that the owner of Eastside Recycling
was involved, a lack of sufficient evidence
prevented Detectives from charging him.
Convictions were obtained in Baltimore County
and Baltimore City courts.
From June through December 2009, Detectives
from RATT investigated a series of construction
thefts occurring in Baltimore County and Baltimore
City. Detectives recognized that many of these
construction pieces were simply too large to be
“driven” from the scene and had to be towed.
Detectives then learned of a towing company
specializing in moving large items had been
contracted to move several of the stolen pieces. By
obtaining driver logs and tow records, Detectives
were then able to gain witnesses to several of the
crimes, and positively identify Christopher Culp
Banning as being responsible. By use of GPS
equipment and by developing informants,
Detectives Burger and Frauenhoffer, with
exceptional cooperation of the Pennsylvania State
Police Auto Theft Unit, executed multiple Search
Warrants, ultimately recovering over $300,000
worth of construction equipment from Baltimore
County, Baltimore City and Harford County.
Detectives then set up an undercover sting in rural
Pennsylvania, which resulted in the arrest of
Banning and the recovery of another construction
vehicle from Baltimore. At present, Banning
remains incarcerated in Baltimore City, awaiting
trials in Baltimore County and Harford County, as
well as awaiting extradition to Pennsylvania to
answer for charges placed on him there for the
stolen machines. The investigation and
subsequent arrest of Banning in late 2009 resulted
in an immediate and significant decline in
construction theft.
In 2009, RATT investigated cargo theft incidents
throughout the region. Many of these thefts
involved the thefts of tractor/trucks, which were
then used to steal trailers filled with various
commodities. Detectives Fields and Boyd also
began recovering empty stolen flat bed trailers in
Baltimore City. These trailers had been loaded with
steel and other metals and were stolen from
Delaware, New Jersey, Virginia as well as
locations in Maryland. Detectives conducted
interviews at local scrap yards and obtained
information from recent cargo theft arrests which
led them to identifying Kyle Cully as a primary
suspect regarding many of the cargo thefts. In
October, Detectives were tipped off that Cully
would be arriving at Cambridge Metals in
southeast Baltimore with a stolen truck/trailer.
Detectives from RATT set up surveillance,
ultimately arresting 7 suspects, including Kyle Cully
and recovering 3 stolen trucks and 5 stolen loads
of metals. The thefts had occurred only hours
before and were not yet in NCIC. The arrests
resulted in warrants being obtained by RATT in
several Maryland jurisdictions, and allowed Fairfax,
VA to obtain charges on Cully and other suspects.
Despite awaiting trials in 5 MD counties and
Virginia for Cargo Theft, Cully was released on
bail. Detectives were then made aware of Cully
looking for another trailer to steal from Baltimore.
An undercover operation was set in motion, with
use of a bait trailer and GPS. Cully was observed
stealing the bait trailer and with assistance from
the Maryland State Police Commercial Vehicle
Unit, was stopped and arrested in Prince George’s
County. He has since been convicted in all
Maryland counties charged by RATT and is
awaiting trial in Virginia. A special note: the
recovery of the stolen truck/trailer and metals from
Virginia in Baltimore was important not only for
leading RATT to other cases, but in allowing the
victim to stay in business. He approached
Detectives upon the recovery and stated that if the
recovery had not occurred, it would have forced
him to lay off 10 employees.
Currently, there are over 35,000 Maryland
motorists registered in the “Watch Your Car”
program with 78 law enforcement agencies
participating statewide.
Washington Area Vehicle Enforcement Team
Prince George’s County Police Department
On October 3, 2009 at or about 1600 hours, a
member of the WAVE Team visually checked a
vehicle identification number on a white, 2010
Toyota Tundra. After confirming the vehicle was
stolen, a GPS tracking device was placed on the
Toyota and surveillance was initiated. At
approximately 1924 hours, a suspect entered the
Toyota and drove it to a local 7-11 convenience
store, where the WAVE Team executed a stop and
block. The suspect was arrested and charged with
auto theft. Further investigation revealed that the
suspect had several open warrants for auto theft
from various car dealerships throughout the
On September 29, 2009, at or about 1235 hours, a
member of the WAVE Team observed a red, 1995
Jeep Cherokee with a broken ignition. The WAVE
Team followed the vehicle for a period of time, and
approached the driver once the vehicle was
stopped. After determining that the Jeep was
stolen, the suspect was arrested without incident.
A search incident to arrest revealed approximately
12.5 grams of crack cocaine in the suspect’s shoe.
On February 4th, 2009, Lazon ALLEN, AKA “Zon”
and Jerome WILLIAMS, AKA “Jeek” were indicted
in the United States District Court for the Southern
District of Georgia, Savannah Division, case
number CR409-27. Both were charged with
Conspiracy (18 U.S.C. 371) Trafficking in Vehicles
with Altered VINs (18 U.S.C. 2321) and Trafficking
in Stolen Vehicles (18 U.S.C. 2313.) Lazon ALLEN
was stealing vehicles in the Washington, DC area,
altering the vehicle identification numbers, and
sending them to Jerome WILLIAMS in South
Carolina. The vehicles were then mainly sold to
naval personnel and their family members in the
Savannah, Georgia area. This case was jointly
investigated over two years by members of the
WAVE Team, Naval Criminal Investigative Service,
South Carolina Law enforcement Division, and
Georgia Department of Revenue. There were
approximately 18 vehicles involved with an
estimated value of $500,000. Both suspects
subsequently plead
guilty. Lazon
ALLEN received 57
months and Jerome
WILLIAMS received
48 months in jail.
Lazon ALLEN is a
convicted felon and
a handgun was
discovered in his
residence in
Lanham after the
execution of a
search warrant.
Also, restitution
was $588,020.69
for both of them
(joint payment).
On July 7
, 2009,
Antonio MINOR
pled guilty to
Trafficking in
Vehicles with
Altered VINs (18 U.S.C. 2321) and Trafficking in
Stolen Vehicles (18 U.S.C. 2313.) MINOR was a
renowned auto thief in the Washington, DC region
since the early 1990’s. He has stolen countless
vehicles during the course of his criminal career.
He was sentenced to 8 years in prison. This case
was jointly investigated by members of the WAVE
Team and the United States Secret Service.
On March 26
, 2009, officers responded to a
residence in Upper Marlboro for the report of a
stabbing. When officers arrived, they found two
victims dead from stab wounds to the upper body.
A third victim was stabbed and was transported to
a local hospital in critical condition. She survived
her injuries and was able to provide a nickname of
a suspect (Fat Lawrence). The suspect
(COVINGTON, Lawrence) was believed to
frequent local tow lots. Homicide investigators
contacted the WAVE Team for investigative
assistance. In less than two days, WAVE
investigators had identified the suspect. The
suspect was subsequently arrested and convicted
of this violent crime.
Charles County Sheriff’s Office
Auto Theft Unit
On June 15th, 2010, Richard Diamond, of Bryans
Road, Charles County, Maryland reported that his
shed had been broken into and two ATV's and one
dirt bike had been stolen. Each of the vehicles had
the keys in the ignition when they were stolen.
Auto Theft detectives responded and discovered
tracks from the vehicles leading to Berry Hill Road,
and further indication that the vehicles were driven
in the direction of the nearby Prince George's
County line. Detectives immediately suspected
Jermaine and Jamar Stringer, who have extensive
history of motorcycle and ATV theft, and who
reside a short distance north of the county line off
of Indian Head Highway. Information was received
from a past proven reliable source that the
Stringers had been responsible, and a surveillance
operation was initiated. During this operation, a
group of juveniles were seen walking in and out of
the wood line a short distance from the Stringer's
rented property. When the juveniles were gone,
detectives checked the area of the woods where
they'd been seen and located a Polaris Razor ATV
50 feet into the woods with severe damage to the
front end. It was clear that the vehicle had been
wrecked and abandoned at that location. A check
of the vin revealed that it was the property of Mr.
Diamond. A search warrant was obtained and
executed at the Stringer residence, resulting in the
recovery of the other ATV. The dirt bike was not
located. Investigation has led to the arrest of
Jermaine Christopher Stringer. Charges are
pending against additional suspects.
On January 9, 2010, unknown suspects broke into
a garage at 9555 Lomax Road, in Faulkner, MD.
They made off with two dirt bikes from that
residence. The Auto Theft Detail initiated an
investigation and one of the stolen motorcycles, a
Kawasaki, was located on "Craig's List" .
Investigation soon revealed that Thomas Anthony
(Tony) Blanchard had offered the motorcycle for
sale. Detectives learned that Blanchard had
ordered a frame off the internet from TX and
swapped the frame with that of the stolen M/C. He
then put some fraudulent paperwork together.
Blanchard was arrested and invoked his Miranda
rights. No new information was ever discovered .
The thefts died off for about 2 months or so
following Blanchard's arrest. They have since
come back strong with some landscaping trailers
with a lot of equipment and some other ATV's and
dirt bikes. Indications are that there are more than
a few individuals in the Port Tobacco area involved
in this ongoing problem, and efforts continue to
make some headway.
On September 15, 2010, at 0343 hours, the report
for a burglary in progress was received from 2183
Crain Highway, Waldorf Auto Outlet. Officers
responded and learned that a Cadillac Escalade
was stolen from the dealership, along with a
cabinet containing all of the vehicle keys. The
Escalade taken in the burglary had Onstar
Tracking capability. CCSO Auto Theft responded
when initial transmissions from the unit indicated
that the vehicle was being operated in Prince
George’s County. At approximately 0935 hours,
units stopped the Cadillac at 3514 Pinevail Ave
and detained two occupants. Det. Gross and Det
Celia arrived and took custody of the occupants
who were in the process of removing the rims.
Interviews led to the identification of a former
employee who sold the vehicle to the occupants
for drugs. In an attempt to recover the numerous
keys stolen from the dealership, Detectives set up
a meeting with the accused at the 51 club on
Naylor Rd. The accused arrived in a stolen Dodge
Stratus and attempted to get into the passenger
seat of the Cadillac Escalade he previously stole.
Property detectives pulled in front of the vehicle
and the accused bailed out and fled on foot. Det.
Long #442 tackled the accused and a fight ensued.
The accused assaulted Det. Celia and continued to
resist. Accused Shabbazz was eventually subdued
into handcuffs. A search of the Dodge Stratus
revealed a plastic bag containing all of the keys to
the vehicle at the Waldorf Auto Outlet and the
dealer plates. Shabbazz was transported back to
Charles County and charged with this offense and
an open warrant.
Carjackers look for the right opportunity.
Generally, carjackers look for
drivers slowing down,
stopping, or getting into or
out of their vehicle.
That is why carjacking often
occurs in parking lots and
garages, at stop lights and
signs and by the side of the
If you encounter a carjacker, surrender the vehicle without a fight.
A carjacking is a serious and a very dangerous situation. You can replace a
car...but the life of every resident of Maryland is precious.
Brochures like these have helped
the Maryland Vehicle Theft Prevention Council
raise awareness in residents throughout the state.
Harford County Sherriff’s Office
Auto Theft Unit
False Claim of Vehicle Theft:
Barbara Jean Clark was charged by Detective
Craig with false statement to officer, false claim of
motor vehicle theft greater than $300.00, theft
$1,000.00 to under $10,000.00, conspiracy to
commit malicious burning and fraud, and
conspiracy to commit malicious burning in the 1st
degree in reference to 09-146665. On 10-1-2009,
Clark reported that her 1999 Dodge Durango was
stolen in Edgewood from the parking lot in front of
her residence. A three month long investigation
revealed that Clark has a history of vehicle
repossessions, has thousands of dollars in
outstanding debt, and her vehicle was
experiencing significant transmission problems.
After analyzing financial records, cellular telephone
records, including cell tower sites for both her and
her associate's telephones, and after receiving the
results from a forensic vehicle ignition exam along
with a fluid analysis, Detective Craig and Baltimore
Arson Detective Wagner interviewed Clark at her
residence. After a three hour consensual interview,
Clark finally confessed to the crime and gave up
her associate, Curisma Branch, who helped to
"make it happen." Branch was apprehended in
Baltimore City on our outstanding warrant. She
confessed to her involvement and advised that her
boyfriend, Gregory Eugene Byrd Jr. was
responsible for torching the vehicle. Byrd Jr. is
Clark's son. ATU obtained a felony arrest warrant
for Byrd Jr. ATU and the HCSO warrant unit, with
assistance from Baltimore City P.D., located Byrd
Jr. and he was taken into custody without incident.
Vehicle & Identity Theft:
William Preston Grace Jr. was arrested and
charged with motor vehicle theft and felony identity
theft 09-132368. A 1996 Ford Explorer was stolen
in Darlington along with two credit cards inside.
The credit cards were subsequently utilized in four
different locations throughout southern PA. After
receiving a tip and reviewing surveillance footage
from all four locations, Grace Jr. was successfully
identified as the culprit. Grace Jr. was held at the
Harford County Detention Center on a
$125,000.00 bail.
Vehicle Theft & Fraud:
On November 12, 2009 Harford County Sheriff's
Office Auto Theft Unit was contacted in reference
to a motor vehicle theft and fraud case involving a
rare special edition 2008 Lynard Skynard Boss
Hoss motorcycle valued at $106,000.00. Detective
Shawn Craig initiated the investigation. This
investigation revealed that the suspect stole the
motorcycle from a local business in Maryland, and
subsequently sold it through EBay to a victim in
Kent Ohio for $55,000.00. After money was
transferred, the victim never received the
aforementioned motorcycle. Meanwhile the
suspect again sold the motorcycle to another victim
in Flemington, New Jersey. The suspect forged a
lien release which was on file from the owner in
Maryland and delivered the motorcycle for
$54,000.00 to New Jersey. Three search and
seizure warrants were authored and executed in
Maryland that resulted in the recovery of six
computers (some of which contained documents of
evidentiary value), drug paraphernalia and an
illegal stun gun.
In addition three handguns were ultimately
recovered. Members of the Harford County
Sheriff's Office Auto Theft Unit responded to
Flemington New Jersey and joined forces with the
Raritan Township Police and the Boss Hoss was
ultimately recovered. Meanwhile, additional
victims were coming forward advising that this
same suspect had stolen their identities and had
either obtained vehicle loans in their names or
credit card accounts. As these investigations were
opened another victim came forward in Aberdeen,
Maryland. This victim owned a small auto sales lot
and knew the suspect. When the suspect visited
this victim, the suspect stole two business checks,
and the keys to a 2008 Ford Explorer on the lot.
The suspect then forged the business checks for
cash and stole the Ford Explorer. He then
delivered the stolen Explorer to Fayetteville, PA to
another auto business. The Explorer was
delivered to help pay for a fraud scheme that the
suspect committed against the Pennsylvania
victim. Harford County Detectives responded to
PA, met with the Pennsylvania State Police and
recovered the stolen Ford Explorer. PA State
Police subsequently charged the suspect with
felony theft scheme/fraud, and the Explorer was
returned to Aberdeen.
As this case was being finalized Detective Craig
came into contact with Detectives from Kent Ohio.
Evidence recovered from the above listed search
and seizure warrants was relayed to Ohio
authorities who in turn indicted the suspect for the
$55,000.00 theft scheme involving the Boss Hoss
motorcycle. These cases turned out to be a total
of eight felony investigations involving almost
$500,000.00 worth of fraud, forgery, motor vehicle
theft, and identity theft spanning over several
states with multiple victims. These investigations
were all opened between November 2009 through
March of 2010. The suspect, identified as Joseph
Scott Hollander, was charged with multiple felonies
in three states. All eight felony cases were cleared
by either arrest or exceptional means. When
Hollander realized he was wanted he agreed to
turn himself in. Hollander never showed and
subsequently fled the state. The Harford County
Sheriff's Office Warrant Unit along with the
Maryland State Police Apprehension Team began
tracking Hollander down the east coast.
On 12/23/09 D/Sgt Steven Hohner of the Maryland
State Police Apprehension Team relayed
information to South Florida authorities that
Hollander may be staying on a friend’s yacht
located in Fort Lauderdale. The Fort Lauderdale
Police Marine Unit located the yacht in question
and established surveillance. A Toyota Tundra
registered to Hollander was also parked in an
adjacent parking lot. Shortly thereafter, Hollander
was located inside of a nearby cabana bar and
was placed into custody without incident. Found
inside of the Tundra was 3 cell phones, a radio
scanner, two police lights, a laptop, blank bank
checks, and other various documents. Hollander
was extradited back to Maryland and was
sentenced on June 21
, 2010 to 40 years with 25
suspended 15 to serve for these cases. Hollander
was also ordered to pay thousands of dollars in
restitution and had to forfeit all three handguns.
Special thanks to the Maryland State Police,
Pennsylvania State Police, Kent Ohio Police
Department, Raritan Township Police Department,
Florida Department of Law Enforcement, and the
Fort Lauderdale Police Department for all of their
assistance with this case. Without this combined
this case would not have achieved this level of
success. An additional thank you to the Maryland
Vehicle Theft Prevention Council for helping to
fund our Auto Theft Unit.
Howard County Police
Auto Theft Unit
Arrest Made from Processing Vehicle and
Obtaining a Latent Print Hit:
Case # 09-11911
Recovered Stolen Vehicle
Vic: Maddox, Troy
On 2/3/09 DFC. Lloyd and D/Sgt. Porter were
making area checks and responded to a
suspicious vehicle call at 8218 Arbor Meadows.
Detectives located a 1997 Ford Crown Vic VIN:
2FALP71W5VX159437 which was reported stolen
through P.G. County Police on 2/3/2009 under
case # 09-0340090. Detectives located a suspect
of interest in the area. The vehicle was removed,
processed for latent prints. DFC. Lloyd completed
the necessary paperwork to have the vehicle
removed from NCIC . On February 24, 2009 DFC.
Lloyd received notification from the Forensic
Services Section that the prints lifted by DFC.
Lloyd (09-11911; VIN- 2FALP71W5VX159437)
were identified as that of Jonathan Delonte Jones.
DFC. Lloyd applied for and received an arrest
warrant for Jones. DFC. Lloyd will serve Jones at
a later date since he is being held at the detention
Tag Reader Arrest During a DWI Checkpoint:
Case # 09-28443
Recovered Stolen Vehicle & Tags
Vic: Payne, Edward & Vasis, Sergey
DFC. Lloyd and D/Sgt. Porter were assisting with a
DUI checkpoint operation utilizing the ELSAG Tag
reader. DFC. Lloyd observed a Silver Toyota
Camry with stolen Maryland plates 2EMY26
entering the Checkpoint on Rt.1. Detectives
followed the vehicle to McDonalds where the driver
was subsequently arrested. A subsequent check
revealed the 2009 Toyota Camry, VIN:
4T1BE46K89U292279 was reported stolen
through Baltimore County Police under case #
090190280. DFC. Lloyd completed the necessary
paperwork to have the vehicle and tags removed
from NCIC.
Closed by Arrest: Brooks, Dion Devin
Construction Equipment Investigation Resulted
in Arrest:
Case # 09-22966
Recovered Stolen Vehicle
Vic: Salvador, Nehemiah
Patrol Officers received a Lojack hit on a 2006
Melroe bobcat and was able to locate it in the rear
yard of 8058 Harriet Tubman Lane. D/Cpl. Mullinix
processed and recovered the bobcat. Charles
Sidney Smith was identified at the residence as the
caretaker of the property. Mr. Smith indicated that
the property owner, Mary Myers, and her son
Herman Richard Myers may be involved with the
bobcat being at the location. D/Cpl. Mullinix met
with Herman Myers at his residence in Silver
Spring. Myers denied any involvement in the theft
of the bobcat. Myers did however make a
statement that provided an impossible timeline of
events. An arrest warrant was obtained for and
served on Mr. Charles Smith on April 21, 2009.
Vehicle Theft by Fraud:
Case # 09-49925
Recovered Vehicle/Warrant Arrest
DFC LeRoux responded to the area of
Montgomery Run Rd near Falls Run Rd in
response to a call received from OnStar about
receiving a GPS hit on a stolen vehicle. The
vehicle was identified as a 2009 Buick Lucerne
bearing Florida registration 028LCN. DFC LeRoux
located the vehicle in front of 8377 Montgomery
Run Rd. The vehicle was confirmed stolen through
the Maryland Transportation Authority PD. While
processing the vehicle, DFC LeRoux was
approached by a subject who was identified as
Monica Michelle McLaughlin. McLaughlin was
evasive at first and gave several names. She then
stated that she had rented the vehicle and was
making payments. McLaughlin provided DFC
LeRoux with a bank document that was later found
to be fraudulent. DFC LeRoux conducted warrant
checks on McLaughlin which revealed that she had
two outstanding warrants in Howard County and
Baltimore County for fraud related offenses.
McLaughlin was placed under arrest and
transported to the Howard County Detention
Center for processing. DFC LeRoux and other
members of the Special Investigations Section
served the Search and Seizure warrant at 8377
Montgomery Run Rd #F. Detectives were able to
seize numerous documents and computer
equipment that appeared to be part of
McLaughlin’s incredible amount of fraudulent
activity. DFC LeRoux also responded to the
owner’s residence and returned the keys.
Replated VIN Case:
Case # 09-55298
Recovered Stolen Vehicle/Replate
While continuing to follow up on a tip received from
Baltimore RATT, DFC LeRoux finally located the
2006 BMW M5 in question in front of 6127
Starburn Path. DFC LeRoux observed that the
vehicle was displaying a VIN of
WBSNB93566B894569. An initial inspection of the
VIN and FSCL revealed that they were fraudulent.
Due to the time (0200 hours), DFC LeRoux
impounded the vehicle which was towed to Bill’s
Towing for further inspection. DFC LeRoux also
spoke with Raed Dheini who had been in
possession of the vehicle. DFC LeRoux later
responded to Bill’s Towing and processed the
recovered BMW M5. DFC LeRoux removed the
fraudulent PVIN label, FSCL label and the VIN
label behind the license plate. The vehicle was
positively identified via confidential means. The
vehicle had been reported stolen out of Danbury,
CT in March 2008. DFC LeRoux contacted BMW
Bank of North America who held the Lien on the
stolen M5. They indicated that they had an
interest in the vehicle and would pick it up from the
impound lot. DFC LeRoux also contacted Det.
Daniel Fox of NYPD Auto Crimes who had
provided the information about this vehicle to
Baltimore RATT. DFC LeRoux spoke with Dave
Dewalt from Progressive Insurance SIU in
Connecticut about this case. Dewalt advised that
he would get an immunity letter together so DFC
LeRoux could obtain copies of all of their records
in reference to their case against the owner of the
Salvaged Vehicle Arrest:
Case # 09-42266
Recovered Stolen Vehicle/Arrest
DFC LeRoux worked with P/O R. Kane on this
case in which a Volvo 850 had been brought into
Crazy Ray’s and had been stolen in Laurel, Prince
George’s County. DFC LeRoux responded to the
Glen Burnie MVA office and retrieved a
photograph and signature of the suspect, Manuel
Monterrosa. DFC LeRoux verified that the
signature on the photograph and the signature on
the Indemnity Agreement submitted to Crazy Ray’s
matched. DFC LeRoux and P/O Kane responded
to Monterrosa’s listed residence in Silver Spring,
MD in an attempt to locate his tow truck. P/O Kane
then applied for and received an arrest warrant for
Monterrosa. While preparing the statement of
charges, DFC LeRoux received a phone call from
PFC J. Hall who was working secondary
employment at Crazy Ray’s. PFC Hall advised
that Monterrosa had just arrived at the location and
was bringing in another vehicle. DFC LeRoux
responded to Crazy Ray’s and placed him under
arrest on the outstanding warrant. The vehicle he
had brought in this date was not reported stolen.
Arrested: Monterrosa, Manuel
Replated VIN Investigation:
Case # 09-86853
Assigned re-plated VIN case. John Cadigan of
MAIF gave ATU information that a vehicle with a re
-plated VIN was located at 9765 Lady Slipper CT
in Laurel. PG County PD had in their impound yard
a 1997 Ford Crown Victoria. The CVIN on this
vehicle was 2FALP71W4VX125599. The PVIN
on this vehicle had been removed. Cadigan
advised that a beige Ford Crown Victoria MD
6EZS03 VIN 2FALP71W4VX125599 might be
located at the above address. Upon arriving at the
above address, it was discovered that the vehicle
was not on scene. At 2100 hours, D/SGT Porter
D/CPL Duncan and DFC Upton met with Cadigan
at the above address. The suspect vehicle was
located. Investigation showed that the vehicle was
actually a 1996 Ford Crown Victoria with a CVIN of
2FALP73WXTX167317. That vehicle was reported
stolen in Washington DC on 2/24/09. Investigation
showed that the PVIN 2FALP71W4VX125599 was
affixed with glue and not the rivets which are
always used.
Bait Motorcycle Operation Resulting in Arrests:
Case # 09-92584
Arrested Shannon Jones B/M 8/10/77, Corey
Murphy B/M 4/20/84 and Cecil Roberts B/M
11/10/84 during the Bait Bike Detail. All suspects
were taken into custody without incident and all
were charged with:
CR 7-104 THEFT OVER $500
CR7-104 THEFT UNDER $500
Debriefing of each suspect was conducted and all
three admitted to conspiring and stealing the
Fleeing Motorcyle Results in Search Warrant
and Arrest:
Case # 09-94619 – Motor Vehicle Violation
On 9/9/2009 at approximately 1130 hours, DFC M.
LeRoux and DFC A. Lloyd of the Howard County
Police Auto Theft Unit were conducting area
checks in the area of All Saints Rd at Covered
Wagon Drive, Laurel, Howard County, Maryland for
stolen vehicles. Detectives observed a yellow and
black Suzuki motorcycle traveling northbound on
All Saints Rd which did not appear to have a
license plate. Detectives followed the motorcycle
to the area of Covered Wagon Drive at Barrel
House Rd where it stopped. Detectives were able
to observe that there was a Maryland license plate
attached to the rear of the motorcycle but it had
been folded up so it could not be seen easily from
the rear. The license plate number was 4D7282.
A white pickup truck occupied by two subjects had
pulled up and was speaking with the subject
driving the motorcycle. DFC LeRoux conducted a
computer check on the license plate which
revealed that the motorcycle had been reported
stolen through Anne Arundel County PD (Case
#09731042) with a date-of-theft of 8/8/2009.
According to NCIC entry, the vehicle had been
stolen with a key.
Contact had been made with a witness who had
been on scene speaking with the driver of the
stolen motorcycle and provided a possible cell
phone number for the suspect. Over the course of
this time period, DFC LeRoux obtained several
subpoena’s and a court order for various cell
phone numbers including the suspects phone
number. DFC LeRoux conducted several live GPS
cell phone pings to the suspects cell phone which
were normally isolated to a cell tower in Laurel,
MD. Based on the investigation into several cell
phone numbers, a possible suspect was
developed, Brian Dexter Anderson. DFC LeRoux
obtained an arrest warrant for him and also
obtained a search warrant for his residence. The
search warrant was executed on 9/21/2009.
During the execution of the search warrant, the
suspect who was actually in possession of the
motorcycle when detectives attempted to stop him
was located. He was identified as Devine Ndeh
Azah. Azah gave a full confession to detectives
during his interview. Azah was also served with
two outstanding warrants.
Brian Dexter Anderson had also been located in
the residence and was also arrested. He was
found to be in possession of a loaded handgun.
He is a convicted felon and DFC Toler of the
HCPD Firearms Unit is investigating him for
possible federal charges.
Key Swap Case Resulting in Recoveries and
Case # 09-116168
Vehicle Theft/Arrest
On 11/6/2009 at approximately 2100 hours, Cpl.
LeRoux responded to Antwerpen Toyota located at
12420 Auto Drive in reference to a vehicle theft.
Upon arrival, Cpl. LeRoux spoke with Sgt. Malcolm
and Antwerpen Sales Manager John Diehl. The
Manager advised that on 11/6/2009 at
approximately 1830 hours, Rodney Evans
requested to test drive a 2009 Toyota Venza.
Evans provided the dealership a fraudulent
Maryland driver's license. Several employees at
the dealership recognized Evans as a subject
involved in an earlier incident that took place on
11/4/2009 in which a 2009 Toyota Venza was
stolen and the entire incident was recorded on
video surveillance. Sgt. Malcolm, PFC Persaud
and PO J. Campbell responded to Antwerpen
while Evans was out on the test drive. Once
Evans returned, he was placed under arrest for
possessing a fictitious Maryland driver's license
and was transported to Central Booking by PFC
Persaud. Cpl. LeRoux could only review a small
portion of the video, however, Cpl. LeRoux was
advised that the video showed Evans placing a
rear tag on the vehicle, driving it around the
parking lot and parking it. The video showed
Evans leaving the vehicle for a period of time and
then returning to it and driving away. The vehicle
had an approximate value of $37,985.
Based on previous information received about
similar thefts occurring in the region, Cpl. LeRoux
notified Baltimore RATT who have had several
vehicles taken in a similar fashion from dealerships
within the past two weeks and were located at a
Port in New Jersey and destined to be shipped to
Africa. Cpl. Steve Sunderland and Det. Chris
Grant from RATT responded to Central Booking
along with Cpl. LeRoux. Evans invoked his rights
and did not want to be questioned, however, he did
make several unsolicited statements to Cpl.
LeRoux which lead him to believe that this theft
was related to the thefts in Baltimore County. Cpl.
LeRoux will make contact with the New Jersey
State Police at the Port of Newark to check if the
vehicle was shipped.
On Monday, November 16, 2009, D/Cpl. LeRoux
responded to Antwerpen Toyota and met with
Sales Manager John Diehl. Diehl provided
surveillance video and another piece of evidence
related to the theft on 11/6/2009. D/Cpl. LeRoux
also received information that the suspect in this
case is a well known vehicle thief in the region and
several other departments are looking at him as a
On 11/17/2009 at approximately 1200 hours, Cpl.
LeRoux and DFC Lloyd responded to 1103 Palmer
Rd, Ft. Washington, MD20744 in reference to a
follow-up. This location was given as a home
address by Rodney Benedict Evans who was
charged by Cpl. LeRoux on 11/7/2009 with motor
vehicle theft and related crimes. Cpl. LeRoux had
received information that Evans had been involved
in a vehicle theft ring involving replated vehicles
several years ago and he was a suspect in several
vehicle thefts in Montgomery County. Upon arrival
at the Palmer Rd address, Cpl. LeRoux observed a
black Chevrolet Tahoe bearing NY registration
ERB3642. Cpl. LeRoux had possession of several
keys seized from Evans during his arrest which
included a Chevrolet key and key fob. Cpl.
LeRoux activated that key fob which did lock and
unlock the doors to the Chevrolet Tahoe.
Detectives parked near the Tahoe and at the
moment, DFC Lloyd observed Rodney Evans and
his girlfriend exiting the building. Evans and his
girlfriend (Latanya Lucas) walked towards the
Tahoe. Lucas entered the front passenger side
door and Evans had opened the driver’s side door.
Cpl. LeRoux then confronted Evans as he was
getting in the vehicle. Cpl. LeRoux observed the
PVIN plate of the vehicle and immediately knew,
based on his training and experience, that it was
fraudulent. Cpl. LeRoux then observed the FSCL
which was also fraudulent as was the Parts label in
the glove box. Cpl. LeRoux then contacted Prince
George’s County Police Communications and
requested a patrol officer to respond. Cpl. LeRoux
also spoke with Sgt. L. Judd from the WAVE Team
who responded along with Cpl. E. Gesser.
Further inspection of the vehicle was conducted
and the vehicle was identified as a 2005
Cheverolet Tahoe which had been stolen through
Prince George’s County on 10/22/2007. Evans
was arrested by Sgt. Judd and he was transported
to the Hyattsville District Station for interview and
processing. Cpl. LeRoux also spoke with John
Shaw from Montgomery County Auto Theft who
stated that he would be applying for charges
against Evans for at least two recent vehicle thefts.
On Thursday, December 3, 2009, D/Cpl. LeRoux
responded to Antwerpen Toyota and met with
Sales Manager John Diehl and other employees in
reference to this case. D/Cpl. LeRoux was shown
the Toyota Venza that Rodney Evans test drove
the night of his arrest. D/Cpl. LeRoux attempted to
use the Toyota proximity key that was found on his
person during his arrest and it worked. Evans will
be charged with attempting to steal that vehicle as
well upon his indictment.
Ghana Export Ring:
Case # 09-130237
Vehicle Theft/Arrests
On 12-15-2009, at approximately 1900 hours, a
representative of Dream Cars of New England,
located in Massachusetts, contacted HCPD and
advised that one of his vehicles had been stolen
and was in the process of being shipped out of the
United States. The vehicle, a 2007 Bentley
convertible, had been rented and was due to be
returned on 12-14-2009. It was reported stolen in
Broward County FL on 12-15-2009. An
anonymous subject, who stated he was trying to
do the right thing, was extremely specific with
information about the stolen Bentley , stating first
that the vehicle had been briefly stored at a Mini U
Storage on Cherry Lane Court in Laurel MD and
then giving specific turn by turn instructions to
12046 Hall Shop RD, Clarksville MD 21029. This
location is the Ellis Wise Junkyard. Southern
District SAS responded and set up a surveillance.
Upon arrival of SAS, several subjects were seen in
the junkyard and appeared to be loading vehicles
onto a semi-trailer/container. Several CIB Units,
Patrol and Aviation responded to assist.
The representative spoke with D/CPL Le Roux at
approximately 2145 hours and advised him that,
according to an anonymous source, the above
subjects at the junkyard were heavily armed with
AK-47 type assault rifles. HCPD Tactical
responded to assist. The anonymous subject also
advised that the container number would be
On 12-15-2009 at approximately 2225 hours,
Talon advised that the semi-trailer was leaving the
property. A second vehicle, later identified as red
Toyota Echo, was also seen leaving the property
at the same time. Talon had observed the
occupants of this vehicle assisting in the loading of
the semi trailer and helping maneuver the truck out
of the junkyard. The semi truck was stopped and
was identified as a 2000 Freightliner. The
container number matched the one given by the
anonymous subject. The driver, later identified as
Nam Van Nguyen advised that he was hauling
three vehicles in the container. Nguyen was
placed under arrest and transported to Northern
District. Computer work showed all three vehicles
(Bentley, BMW, Toyota Highlander) were reported
as stolen.
The red Toyota Echo was stopped as well. In plain
view, officers observed a set of MD tags 09910CC.
Computer work showed that the tags were
reported stolen and belonged to a stolen vehicle
located within the aforementioned shipping
container. The driver and passenger were
identified as Sean Brown and Edward Aboagye
and both were placed under arrest. All three
suspects were interviewed and provided a similar
story of loading the vehicles that were export, but
denied knowledge that the vehicles were stolen.
As a result of all the above information, a Search
and Seizure Warrant was authored by D/CPL
LeRoux for 12046 Hall Shop RD and the above
two vehicles. The Search Warrant was signed by
the Judge Brown as a No-Knock warrant. Tactical
units secured the residence and junkyard without
incident and without detaining any subjects. A
search of the junkyard resulted in no stolen
property. The search of the tractor, trailer and
shipping container resulted in the recovery of all
three stolen vehicles, all of which were removed,
processed and marked for release. The stolen
Toyota Highlander was stolen during an armed
carjacking in Washington, D.C., and detectives
responded to recover the vehicle.
The search of the red Toyota Echo resulted in the
recovery of a broken Bentley key, the other half of
which was located in the stolen vehicle’s ignition
Montgomery County Police Department
In February 2009, the 1st District Special
Assignment team arrested a subject in a stolen
pick up. The team had followed the truck from a
local Red Roof Inn know for criminal activity.
Centralized Auto Theft detectives were familiar
with the arrestee and decided to check the Red
Roof Inn the next day for additional stolen vehicles.
One was located and surveillance was conducted
before the vehicle became occupied by 4 subjects.
Upon their arrest by CATS, property from multiple
thefts from autos in Montgomery County and
Frederick County was located. Subsequent
investigation and search warrants revealed a
veritable crime spree and ultimately resulted in
nearly 400 criminal charges being placed for
numerous vehicle thefts in two counties as well as
other theft, fraud and conspiracy charges. These
four defendants were undoubtedly responsible for
hundreds of vehicle thefts in the county.
On 5-20-2009, Montgomery County Police
received a call for a suspicious vehicle in the
Aspen Hill area. Investigation revealed that the car
had been stolen in a burglary at a Delaware State
Trooper's residence in Lewes, DE. The Trooper's
personal car was stolen from her garage while she
worked the midnight shift. The Centralized Auto
Theft Section (CATS) was notified and took
custody of the car. CATS quickly developed a
suspect in the area with a lengthy criminal record
and ties to Delaware. Some of the Trooper's
property was located at a local pawn shop. Search
and arrest warrants quickly followed and the
subject, a career criminal, was convicted in both
jurisdictions, receiving lengthy sentences.
In September and October of 2009, the
Centralized Auto Theft Section (CATS)
experienced a spike on mid 1990's Honda Accord
thefts in the Silver Spring area. Over a one week
span, 8 Accords were taken along with several
attempts. In an effort to end the thefts, the 1995
Honda Bait Car was parked in the parking lot of a
high rise apartment building in the area where all
the thefts were occurring. Two days later, 4
juveniles stole the car and were arrested by patrol
officers after locking the doors and disabling the
engine. Interviews by CATS detectives resulted in
the recovery of 4 cars, charges being placed
against all four occupants, and the closure of 10
thefts and attempt thefts. Two of whom were
placed in juvenile detention only to be released the
next day.
Just over two weeks later, patrol officers
responded to a serious vehicle collision. Limping
away from the wrecked stolen Honda Accord was
the 15 yr old driver from the bait car arrest. Officers
recognized him from the Bait Car video and
arrested him. Subsequent interviews by CATS
resulted in the closure of, and charges being
placed, in an additional 12 thefts and attempt
thefts. The driver was, and still is, placed in
juvenile detention and is not stealing cars, putting
the lives of the law abiding public in jeopardy.
The number of cars stolen in the United
States in 2009.
The number of cars stolen in the State of
Maryland in 2009.
The percentage of stolen vehicles that had
no anti-theft devices.
The percentage of vehicle thefts that occur
at night.
The percentage of stolen vehicles that were
The percentage of stolen vehicles that are
not recovered.
The percentage of stolen vehicles that had
the keys inside the vehicle.
The number of seconds between each auto
theft in the United States.
The number of minutes between each auto
theft in the State of Maryland.
Vehicle Theft By The Numbers
From the viewpoint of
automobile thieves, Mini-
Vans like the one pictured
to the left continue to be
among the most popular
types of vehicles.
These photos show that an
auto thief needs no elaborate
tools to quickly gain entry to,
and commandeer, a vehicle for
his/her own gain.
Many time the efforts to arrest
auto thieves are resisted with a
combination of excess speed
and evasive maneuvers that can
result in damage to automobiles,
property and members of the
law enforcement community.
Vehicle theft prevention is the
only way to reduce these
dangerous situations.
Auto thieves will try all the
angles to avoid arrest.
Despite the extraordinary
efforts of local law
enforcement, some of our car
thieves still don’t realize that
some days it just doesn’t
pay to get out of bed.
1994 1999 + % 2004 + % 2005 + % 2006 +% 2007 + % 2008 + %
6,289 2,953 -53% 2,936 -53% 3,046 -52% 3,454 -45% 3,363 -47% 2,940 -53%
Baltimore City
13,603 7,255 -47% 6,731 -51% 6,232 -55% 6,276 -54% 5,821 -57% 5,518 -59%
Anne Arundel
1,806 1,418 -22% 1,631 -10% 1,524 -16% 1,654 -8% 1,667 -8% 1,581 -12%
435 272 -37% 524 20% 627 45% 435 0% 438 0.69% 387 -11%
403 359 -11% 413 -0.50% 359 -11% 437 8% 467 16% 403 0%
1,157 704 -39% 598 -48% 544 -53% 655 -53% 551 -54% 534 -54%
3,370 2,667 -21% 2,730 -19% 2,671 -21% 2,640 -21% 2,630 -22% 2,384 -29%
9,477 8,619 -10% 18,482 95% 17,242 82% 12,941 37% 11,643 23% 9,841 47%
TOTAL 36,540 24,247 -34% 34,405 -6% 32,245 -7% 28,492 -22% 26,582 -27% 23,588 -36%
Total Thefts
96% 93% 95% 94% 94% 94% 93%
STATE-WIDE 38,194 26,067 -32% 35,858 -6% 34,070 -5% 30,504 -20% 28,375 -26% 25,340 -34%
Vehicle Theft Rates
(Stolen Vehicles Per 100,000
Registered Vehicles - State-Wide)
*1994 1,061
1999 635 -40%
2000 678 -36%
2003 846 -20%
2004 796 -25%
2005 757 -29%
2006 651 -39%
2007 597 -44%
2008 533 -50%
2009 413 -61%
Vehicle Theft Rates
(Stolen Vehicles Per 100,000
Pop.- State-Wide)
*1994 763
1999 492 -36%
2000 539 -29%
2003 661 -13%
2004 652 -15%
2005 679 -19%
2006 543 -29%
2007 505 -34%
2008 450 -41%
2009 344.2 -55%
Source: MD UCR 1994 – 2008
* 1994 vs. succeeding years
Jurisdictions Receiving Council Assistance
*1994 vs. 1999, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 & 2009
Other Statistical Accomplishments:
1,022 business inspections conducted
398 people charged with possession or
distribution of CDS
246 arrests for carjacking
123 arrests for handgun possession
123 arrests for burglary
129 people charged with insurance fraud
92 arrests for robbery
57 people arrested for attempted murder
13 people arrested for murder
9 people arrested for kidnapping
8 people arrested for rape
2 people arrested for counterfeiting
Repeat Offender Unit (Since July 2004 inception):
152 repeat offenders identified
62 juvenile waivers pursued
38 juveniles waived
Regional Auto Theft Team Accomplishments
*$ in Millions based on $8,040.00 average value)
Multi-Jurisdictional Task Force Operations
Baltimore Regional Auto Theft Team (R.A.T.T.)
Vehicle Theft Statistics
1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008
5,406 4,751 4,185 3,367 2,953 3,418 3,297 3,491 3,341 2,936 3,024 3,429 3,332 2,878
11,210 11,186 8,856 7,375 7,255 7,871 8,199 6,574 6,874 6,731 6,232 6,262 5,686 5,508
16,616 15,937 13,041 10,742 10,208 11,289 11,496 10,065 10,215 9,667 9,256 9,691 9,018 8,386
1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Totals
376 423 554 698 879 1,053 913 933 845 923 872 851 768 772 11,466
311 272 281 123 84 156 188 171 189 135 154 134 124 138 2,538
Total Arrests
687 695 835 821 963 1,209 1,101 1,104 1,034 1,058 1,026 985 892 910 14,004
340 474 574 566 707 905 816 864 753 828 960 1,251 1,209 1,187 12,356
2.55 3.55 4.30 4.24 5.30 6.78 6.56 6.95 6.05 6.68 7.72 10.06 9.72 9.54 97.4
Total People Arrested
Baltimore Regional Auto Theft Team
Vehicle Theft Fact Sheet 2009
Since Inception 2009
Arrested in Baltimore City 90% 90%
Arrested in Baltimore County 10% 10%
Total Adults arrests 82% 85%
Total Juvenile Arrests: 18% 15%
Total Stolen Vehicles Recovered
Since Inception 2009
Stolen from: Baltimore City 57% 65%
Stolen from: Baltimore County 22% 18%
Stolen from: Anne Arundel County 6% 5%
Stolen from: All Others 15% 12%
Where do our Arrested Thieves Live?
Where do we Recover Stolen Vehicles?
Since Inception 2009
Baltimore City: 87% 95%
Baltimore County: 9% 5%
All others: 4% 0%
Inception: 01/02/1995 to 12/15/2008
Since Inception 2009
Baltimore City: 77% 71%
Baltimore County: 13% 20%
All others: 10% 9%
Multi-Jurisdictional Task Force Operations
Baltimore Regional Auto Theft Team (R.A.T.T.)
Multi-Jurisdictional Task Force Operations
Baltimore Regional Auto Theft Team (R.A.T.T.)
Baltimore Regional
Auto Theft Team
Unit Accomplishments Since Creation in April 2000
General Statistics: 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Total
Subjects Arrested: 156 371 521 650 546 662 612 383 425 328 4,704
Stolen Vehicles
Recovered: 164 349 404 560 523 579 1,278 872 1,048 763 6.540
Stolen Tags
Recovered: 49 42 46 55 92 153 187 95 86 101 906
Firearms Seized: 9 18 18 34 20 31 10 11 24 6 181
Amount of Heroin
Seized (g): 20.0 31.0 38.0 34.0 23.0 44.6 2.5 0 0 0 193.1
Amount of Cocaine
Seized (g): 104.3 204.2 187.7 209.0 161.9 236.6 33.9 30.4 39.7 29.6 1,237.3
Amount of Marijuana
Seized (g): 37.6 262.8 207.7 1,872.7 410.9 361.4 17.3 127.4 54.8 106.7 3,658.9
Felony Warrants
Served: 9 24 36 58 39 81 41 21 62 24 395
Warrants Served: 22 34 59 22 27 26 29 26 40 28 313
Carjacked Vehicles
Recovered w/Arrest: 4 20 14 48 25 39 58 43 30 25 306
Vin Inspections 398 400 798
Business Inspections 23 43 66
Search Warrants 5 11 16
Total Value of
Vehicles Recovered
($ in Millions): 2.048 4.623 4.981 6.570 6.309 6.999 13,.318 9.315 10.014 63.715 00.000
Washington Area Vehicle Enforcement (WAVE)
Auto Theft Task Force
Annapolis Police Department
Auto Larceny Education
Reduces Thefts
A highly motivated public
education and awareness program
directed at preventing and
deterring vehicle theft and theft
from vehicles.
FY 2010 Award: $10,000
Anne Arundel County Police
Vehicle Theft Investigation,
Prevention, Education, and
Recovery (VIPER)
A comprehensive vehicle theft
investigation, prevention,
education, and recovery project to
effectively reduce the serious
vehicle theft activity in the county.
FY 2010 Award: $40,000
Baltimore County Police
Auto Theft Reduction Through
Crime Analysis
Identifies geographic areas with
the highest rate of frequency of
vehicle thefts to establish specific
vehicle theft prevention programs
and to evaluate the use of vehicle
theft prevention devices.
Baltimore County Police Dept.
Cracking Down on Auto Theft
Provides vehicle theft prevention
and educational training, identifies
repeat offenders, enhances
prosecution, and establishes a
multi-jurisdictional vehicle theft
investigative task force with the
Baltimore City Police Department.
FY 2010 Award: $393,500
Award includes both Auto Theft
Reduction through Crime
Analysis and Cracking Down on
Auto Theft programs.
Charles County Sheriff’s Office
Vehicle Theft Project
Provides for a dedicated vehicle
theft investigator, vehicle theft
investigative training, and
aggressive community prevention
and education program.
FY 2010 Award: $60,000
Department of Maryland State
Theft Reduction, Enforcement &
Provision of vehicle theft
investigation and technical
assistance to local law
enforcement agencies, statewide
vehicle theft enforcement program.
FY 2010 Award: $176,820
Harford County Sheriff’s Office
Auto Theft Initiative
Purchase of a License Plate
Reader. Funding for one auto
theft detective.
FY 2010 Award: $50,000
Howard County Dept. of Police
Howard County Interagency
Collaboration on Vehicle Theft
The formation of an interagency
team dedicated to vehicle theft
reduction by maximizing
prevention, investigation, and
prosecution efforts.
FY 2010 Award: $123,500
Montgomery County Police
Vehicle Theft Enforcement and
Prevention Project
Implements a task-force approach
to vehicle theft by creating a
centralized vehicle theft
investigative unit, encouraging
prevention through public
education, and proving crime
analysis. This grant also provides
for a Montgomery County
Prosecutor’s Office to directly
assist police efforts.
FY 2010 Award: $180,000
Prince George’s County Police
Vehicle Theft Prevention
Comprehensive program directed
at law enforcement, support and
participation in the Washington
Area Vehicle Enforcement Team;
Analyze stolen and recovered
vehicle theft data, public
information campaign directed at
empowering the role of citizens
through the ALockit & Pocket@
Community Prevention Program
and enhanced cooperation with
FY 2010 Award: $185,000
Law Enforcement
Summary of Grant Recipients for
Fiscal Year 2010
Baltimore City State’s
Attorney’s Office
ACARS Conquering Auto Theft
Recidivism Soon
Computer tracking and analysis of
case prosecution of juvenile
vehicle theft offenders and direct
support to police efforts.
FY 2010 Award: $36,000
Baltimore County State’s
Attorney’s Office
A Comprehensive Enforcement
and Prosecution Project
Intensive prosecution of repeat
vehicle theft offenders and direct
support to police efforts.
FY 2010 Award: $125,000
Prince George’s County State’s
Attorney’s Office
Aggressive Auto Theft
Prosecution: Applying
Resources and Getting Results
Program directed at aggressive
prosecution to improve conviction
rates for adults and juveniles
charged with vehicle theft and to
get higher sentencing for
convicted offenders.
FY 2010 Award: $185,000
Community Conferencing
Building Community
Conferencing as an Effective
Intervention for Juvenile Theft
Unique community justice
intervention that includes victims,
offenders, and their respective
supporters in deciding how to best
resolve the incident. Project
targets young people who steal
cars for the first time. Community
conferencing helps offenders to
understand the impact of their
behavior which has shown to
decrease the likelihood that it will
happen again.
FY 2010 Award: $25,000
Take Charge Juvenile Diversion
Program, Inc.
Proposed Pilot Vehicle Theft
Reduction Program For Youth in
Prince George’s County
Target juvenile vehicle theft
offenders in Prince George’s
County with intense intervention,
utilizing peers, youth, parents and
citizens to get involved to prevent
vehicle theft.
FY 2010 Award: $135,000
Maryland Community Crime
Prevention Institute
Vehicle Theft Prevention Public
Awareness Support
Supports the Vehicle Theft
Prevention Council’s public
awareness campaign through the
operation of the toll free hotline (1-
800-96-THEFT) and distribution of
brochures and other educational
FY 2010 Award: $18,500
Northwest Citizens Patrol
Vehicle Theft Prevention Project
Promotes education and crime
prevention by focusing on both
offenders and vehicle owners.
Tactics include educating vehicle
owners through marketing and
community seminars and deterring
offenders through aggressive
cooperation with prosecutors and
delaying parole of offenders.
FY 2010 Award: $28,000
Olde Mill Foundation
Auto Theft/Prevention/
Education and Information
Vehicle theft prevention program
at the grassroots community level.
Coordination with community
police officers and juvenile
intervention prior to the offense.
FY 2010 Award: $15,000
Vehicle Theft Prevention
Council Public Awareness
Promotes action to lower rates of
auto theft statewide by
establishing the best possible
media themes and methods to
increase public awareness and to
educate citizens in vehicle theft
prevention measures.
FY 2010 Award: $22,268
Community Prevention
Public Awareness
Summary of Grant Recipients for
Fiscal Year 2010
$2,334,630.00 $2,348,192.00 $1,943,588.00
ANNE ARUNDEL COUNTY POLICE DEPARTMENT $75,000.00 $65,000.00 $40,000.00
ANNAPOLIS CITY POLICE DEPARTMENT $42,000.00 $30,000.00 $10,000.00
TOTAL $117,000.00 $95,000.00 $50,000.00
% OF GRANT MONIES AWARDED 5.0% 4.0% 3.0%
% OF VEHICLE THEFTS 5.0% 6.2% 6.6%
% OF REGISTERED VEHICLES 11.1% 10.1% 11.04%
BALTIMORE CITY STATE’S ATTORNEY $40,000.00 $41,000.00 $36,000.00
COMMUNITY CONFERENCING CENTER $50,000.00 $30,000.00 $25,000.00
$25,000.00 $30,000.00 $28,000.00
TOTAL $115,000.00 $101,000.00 $89,000.00
% OF GRANT MONIES AWARDED 4.9% 4.3% 5.0%
% OF VEHICLE THEFTS 20.0% 21.7% 24.0%
% OF REGISTERED VEHICLES 6.2% 6.2% 5.91%
BALTIMORE COUNTY POLICE DEPARTMENT $450,000.00 $452,000.00 $393,500.00
BALTIMORE COUNTY STATE’S ATTORNEY $125,000.00 $125,000.00 $125,000.00
TOTAL $575,000.00 $577,000.00 $518,500.00
% OF GRANT MONIES AWARDED 24.6% 24.5% 27.0%
% OF VEHICLE THEFTS 11.0% 11.6% 12.0%
% OF REGISTERED VEHICLES 14.4% 14.4% 14.05%
CHARLES COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE $70,000.00 $70,000.00 $60,000.00
% OF GRANT MONIES AWARDED 3.0% 2.9% 3.0%
% OF VEHICLE THEFTS 1.4% 1.5% 1.0%
% OF REGISTERED VEHICLES 2.7% 2.7% 2.91%
HARFORD COUNTY SHERIFF’S OFFICE $23,000.00 $50,000.00 $50,000.00
TOTAL $37,000.00 $50,000.00 $50,000.00
% OF GRANT MONIES AWARDED 1.5% 2.1% 3.0%
% OF VEHICLE THEFTS 1.4% 1.6% 1.0%
% OF REGISTERED VEHICLES 2.7% 2.7% 4.89%
HOWARD COUNTY POLICE DEPARTMENT $125,000.00 $130,000.00 $123,500.00
% OF GRANT MONIES AWARDED 5.3% 5.5% 6.0%
% OF VEHICLE THEFTS 1.6% 2.1% 2.0%
% OF REGISTERED VEHICLES 5.2% 5.2% 5.27%
Grant Award Analysis by Jurisdiction for
Fiscal Years 2008, 2009 and 2010
Grant Award Analysis by Jurisdiction for
Fiscal Years 2008, 2009 and 2010
$2,334,630.00 $2,348,192.00 $1,943,588.00
MONTGOMERY COUNTY POLICE DEPARTMENT $226,630.00 $205,000.00 $180,000.00
% OF GRANT MONIES AWARDED 9.7% 8.7% 9.0%
% OF VEHICLE THEFTS 8.7% 9.4% 9.0%
% OF REGISTERED VEHICLES 15.9% 15.9% 15.59%
PRINCE GEORGE'S COUNTY POLICE DEPARTMENT $310,000.00 $305,000.00 $185,000.00
PRINCE GEORGE’S COUNTY S/A OFFICE $220,000.00 $210,000.00 $185,000.00
OLDE MILL FOUNDATION $10,000.00 $15,000.00 $15,000.00
DIVERSION PROG. INC. $160,000.00 $150,000.00 $135,000.00
TOTAL $700,000.00 $680,000.00 $520,000.00
% OF GRANT MONIES AWARDED 30.0% 29.0% 27.0%
% OF VEHICLE THEFTS 42.4% 38.4% 37.0%
% OF REGISTERED VEHICLES 13.4% 13.4% 13.29%
MARYLAND STATE POLICE - Auto Theft Unit $110,000.00 $172,000.00 $176,820.00
MARYLAND STATE POLICE - Field Operations Bureau $44,000.00
MD COMMUNITY CRIME PREVENTION INSTITUTE $22,000.00 $23,500.00 $18,500.00
VEHICLE THEFT PREVENTION COUNCIL $98,000.00 $40,000.00 $22,268.00
TOTAL $274,600.00 $235,500.00 $217,588.00
% OF GRANT MONIES AWARDED 11.7% 10.0% 11.0%
THEFT (IMPACT) $5,000.00 $10,000.00
TOTAL $95,000.00 $100,000.00
Funding Available $1,943,588
Grant Awards $1,813,588
Administrative Costs (Projected) $130,000
Total Disbursement (Projected) $1,943,588
Balance (Projected) $-0-
Vehicle Theft Prevention Council
Fiscal Year 2010 (July 1, 2009 - June 30, 2010)
As of 11/30/09
% of Total
Total 2009
Vehicle Theft
Jurisdiction’s %
of Total Thefts in
the State
% of
Vehicles Stolen
Percentages by Jurisdiction
Fiscal Year 2010 (July 1, 2009 - June 30, 2010)
Maryland Vehicle Thefts
*1994, 1999, 2003 - 2009
COUNTY 1994 1999 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 % Change % Change % Change % Change % Change % Change % Change % Change
94-99 02-03 03-04 04-05 05-06 07-08 08-09 94-09
ALLEGANY 75 78 93 55 57 83 92 49 49 10% 3.00% -40.00% 0.00% 46% -47% 0% -35%
ANNE ARUNDEL 1,806 1,418 1,441 1,631 1,524 1,654 1,667 1,581 1.134 -22% -3.00% 13.00% -6.50% 9% -5% -28% -37%
BALTIMORE CITY 13,603 7,255 6,874 6,731 6,232 6,276 5,821 5,518 4,632 -47% -4.00% -2.00% -7.40% 0.70% -5% -16% -66%
6,289 2,953 3,341 2,936 3,046 3,454 3,363 2,940 2,443 -53% -7.00% -12.00% 3.50% 13% -13% -17% -61%
CALVERT 48 89 83 74 86 102 105 108 104 85% 0.00% -10.00% 16.00% 19% 0% -4% 2%
CAROLINE 38 65 77 77 51 44 66 57 42 71% 38.00% 0.00% -33.70% -14% -14% -28% 11%
CARROLL 169 165 143 151 170 127 133 124 102 -2% 5.00% 5.00% 11.90% -25% -7% -18% -40%
CECIL 160 153 200 264 278 310 256 310 248 -4% 3.00% 32.00% 5.30% 12% 21% -20% 55%
CHARLES 435 272 585 524 627 435 438 387 272 -38% 26.00% -11.00% 19.60% -31% -12% -30% -38.00%
DORCESTER 47 53 74 92 77 89 55 61 26 13% -6.00% 24.00% -16.30% 16% 9% -57% -45%
FREDERICK 258 252 240 221 197 222 247 239 175 -2% -9.00% -8.00% -10.80% 13% -3% -27% -32%
GARRETT 32 25 22 16 19 22 26 29 14 -22% 0.00% -18.00% 18.70% 16% 12% -52% -56%
HARFORD 403 359 330 413 359 437 467 403 251 -11% -24.00% 25.00% -13.00% 22% -14% -38% -38%
HOWARD 1,157 704 682 598 544 655 551 534 393 -39% 10.00% -12.00% -9.00% 20% -3% -26% -66%
KENT 17 17 21 29 24 17 12 25 13 0 0.00% 38.00% -17.20% -29% 108% -48% -13%
MONTGOMERY 3,370 2,667 3,676 2,730 2,671 2,640 2,630 2,384 1,824 -21% -7.00% -25.00% -2.10% -2% -9.00% -24% -46%
PRINCE GEORGE'S 9,477 8,619 17,628 18,482 17,242 12,941 11,643 9,841 7,266 -9% 4.00% 5.00% -6.70% -25% -15% -26% -23%
QUEEN ANNE'S 39 61 37 20 48 46 49 56 30 56% 0.00% -45.00% 15.00% -4% 14% -47% -23%
SAINT MARY'S 70 75 127 107 142 177 128 135 115 7% -4.00% -16.00% 27.10% 25% 5% -15% 64%
SOMERSET 29 36 39 26 27 37 29 35 12 24% 62.00% -33.00% 0.00% 37% 21% -66% -59%
TALBOT 54 43 27 36 26 35 27 46 19 -17% 80.00% 33.00% -27.70% 35% 24% -59% -65%
WASHINGTON 152 258 273 270 261 300 239 242 182 67% 8.00% -1.00% -3.30% 15% 0% -26% 20%
WICOMICO 231 218 144 185 205 255 191 217 169 -6% -27.00% 28.00% 9.75% 24% 14% -20% -27%
WORCESTER 121 120 93 92 101 106 80 80 71 0 0.00% 0.00% 9.00% 5% 0% -11% -44%
STATEWIDE 114 112 156 98 56 40 50 29 33 -1% -13.00% -37.00% -42.80% -29% -42% 0% -72%
MARYLAND 38,194 26,067 36,406 35,858 34,070 30,504 28,375 25,340 19,619 -32% -1.00% -1.50% -5.00% -10% -11 -23% -49%
Jurisdictions receiving Vehicle Theft Prevention Council assistance.
National Vehicle Thefts Totals
1994, 2000 - 2009
2007 Totals 2006 Totals 2005 Totals 2004 Totals 2003 Totals 2002 Totals 2001 Totals 2000 Totals 1999 Totals
1 CA CA 243,693 CA 257,543 CA 252,604 CA 241,326 CA 222,364 CA 204,033 CA 182,035 CA 168,480
2 TX TX 95,429 TX 93,423 TX 94,077 TX 98,204 TX 102,680 TX 102,667 TX 93,161 FL 93,191
3 FL FL 76,437 FL 75,303 FL 78,325 FL 81,563 FL 88,516 FL 89,917 FL 89,181 TX 92,037
4 AZ AZ 54,849 AZ 54,905 AZ 55,306 AZ 56,997 AZ 57,668 MI 53,607 IL 56,143 NY 58,261
5 WA MI 50,017 WA 49,287 MI 50,555 MI 53,736 MI 49,723 AZ 52,203 MI 55,724 MI 56,800
6 MI WA 45899 MI 48,223 GA 44,238 NY 45,217 NY 47,366 IL 48,784 NY 54,231 IL 52,114
7 GA GA 43,163 GA 44,477 WA 43,233 GA 43,371 IL 44,857 NY 48,287 AZ 43,204 GA 40,120
8 OH IL 37,641 OH 41,379 NY 41,002 IL 41,764 OH 42,767 OH 42,229 OH 39,026 PA 39,234
9 IL OH 37,425 IL 39,385 OH 40,853 OH 40,996 WA 40,493 WA 39,077 GA 38,702 OH 39,192
10 NY NY 32,134 NY 35,736 IL 40,355 WA 40,619 GA 38,036 GA 37,589 PA 36,325 AZ 38,247
MD MD 30,522 MD 34,070 MD 35,858 MD 36,405 NJ 35,739 NJ 37,708 WA 35,018 NJ 35,357
12 PA NC 30,126 PA 29,394 PA 30,969 NJ 34,568
MD 34,020 PA 35,713 NJ 34,151 WA 33,807
13 NC PA 29,540 NC 28,466 NJ 30,306 PA 33,442 PA 32,817
MD 32,025 MD 28,573 MA 25,628
14 NJ NV 26,961 NJ 27,683 NC 26,988 MO 28,659 MO 27,878 TN 28,272 TN 27,530 NC 25,577
15 NV MO 25,433 NV 26,931 MO 25,893 NC 26,892 MA 26,588 MO 28,014 MA 25,876
MD 25,447
16 CO NJ 24,724 CO 26,101 TN 24,749 TN 26,410 TN 26,541 MA 27,828 NC 25,266 TN 25,255
17 MO TN 22,593 MO 25,699 CO 24,063 MA 25,506 NC 24,866 NC 24,647 MO 24,695 MO 22,984
18 TN IN 21,866 TN 25,078 NV 22,635 CO 22,699 CO 23,183 LA 21,687 LA 21,270 LA 21,695
19 IN CO 20,795 IN 21,744 MA 22,053 NV 20,838 IN 20,287 IN 21,499 IN 21,090 IN 20,290
20 OR MA 17,961 OR 19,262 IN 21,091 IN 20,768 LA 20,186 CO 20,994 VA 17,813 VA 17,953
21 MA SC 16,402 MA 18,880 LA 19,714 LA 19,882 VA 18,478 VA 18,842 CO 16,961 CO 14,795
22 SC LA 15,640 SC 16,358 OR 18,535 OR 18,989 NV 17,486 MN 15,031 SC 15,207 SC 14,445
23 VA AL 14,840 VA 15,972 VA 17,411 VA 17,914 SC 16,867 OR 14,842 WI 14,636 WI 13,819
24 LA VA 14,814 LA 14,389 SC 15,637 SC 15,762 OR 16,524 SC 14,760 OR 13,932 OR 13,633
25 MN OR 14,460 MN 14,281 AL 14,024 AL 14,957 AL 13,890 WI 14,722 MN 13,432 MS 13,532
26 OK WI 14,031 OK 13,900 MN 13,518 MN 13,759 MN 13,842 NV 14,702 NV 13,172 MN 13,275
27 AL MN 13,379 AL 13,140 OK 12,957 OK 12,958 WI 13,458 PR 12,643 CT 13,099 AL 13,134
28 WI OK 13,358 WI 12,546 WI 11,374 WI 12,320 PR 12,935 AL 12,619 PR 12,976 NV 13,094
29 CT CT 10,390 CT 10,418 CT 11,025 PR 12,211 OK 12,772 OK 12,569 AL 12,809 OK 12,132
30 KS KY 9,243 KS 9,322 KY 8,772 CT 11,026 CT 11,572 CT 12,378 OK 12,348 CT 11,297
31 PR NM 9,225 PR 9,299 HI 8,620 DC 9,903 HI 9,910 MS 9,473 KY 9,274 KY 8,631
32 HI KS 8,703 HI 9,135 KS 8,435 HI 9,651 DC 9,599 KY 9,344 NM 7,341 NM 8,126
33 KY MS 8,347 KY 8,796 DC 8,408 KY 9,366 MS 9,523 KS 7,985 MS 6,968 UT 7,382
34 UT UT 8,299 UT 8,493 NM 7,902 MS 8,949 KY 8,750 DC 7,670 AR 6,932 AR 6,664
35 NM HI 7,763 NM 7,993 MS 7,879 KS 7,777 UT 7,722 AR 7,320 DC 6,600 DC 6,652
36 DC AR 7,463 DC 7,720 UT 7,651 UT 7,764 NM 7,437 NM 7,137 KS 6,496 KS 6,048
37 MS DC 7,321 MS 7,492 AR 6,491 NM 7,256 KS 7,212 HI 6,743 UT 6,461 NE 5,440
38 AR NE 5,038 AR 7,284 IA 5,404 NE 6,124 AR 6,813 UT 6,513 HI 6,114 IA 5,135
39 NE IA 5,006 NE 5,567 NE 5,287 AR 6,010 NE 6,409 NE 6,490 IA 5,374 HI 4,660
40 IA WV 3,921 IA 5,475 RI 4,078 IA 5,601 IA 5,823 IA 5,505 NE 5,230 RI 4,032
41 RI RI 3,582 RI 4,398 WV 3,739 RI 4,387 RI 4,876 RI 5,043 RI 4,665 WV 3,762
42 WV DE 2,816 WV 3,816 ID 2,724 WV 3,524 WV 3,898 WV 3,216 WV 3,315 DE 3,043
43 ID AK 2,529 ID 2,884 AK 2,240 DE 2,880 DE 3,057 DE 2,779 DE 3,151 AK 2,658
44 AK ID 2,429 AK 2,595 DE 2,147 ID 2,609 ID 2,627 AK 2,618 AK 2,350 ID 1,898
45 DE MT 1,748 DE 2,349 NH 1,942 AK 2,448 AK 2,471 ID 2,389 NH 2,148 MT 1,896
46 MT NH 1,422 MT 1,971 MT 1,618 NH 1,917 NH 1,944 NH 2,140 ID 2,086 ME 1,694
47 ME ME 1,340 ME 1,348 ME 1,303 MT 1,906 MT 1,783 MT 1,821 MT 1,956 NH 1,354
48 NH ND 1,012 NH 1,337 ND 906 ME 1,456 ME 1,429 ME 1,671 ME 1,322 ND 1,036
49 ND WY 776 ND 1,057 SD 846 ND 1,078 ND 1,018 ND 1,086 ND 986 VT 912
50 SD SD 718 SD 841 WY 799 SD 874 SD 819 SD 815 VT 809 SD 861
51 WY VT 586 WY 739 VT 575 WY 798 VT 769 VT 758 SD 798 WY 596
52 VT VT 641 VT 646 WY 743 WY 696 WY 573
2009 Totals 2008 Totals 2006 Totals 2005 Totals 2004 Totals 2003 Totals 2002 Totals 2001 Totals 1994 Totals
1 CA 164,021 CA 192,527 CA 243,693 CA 257,543 CA 252,604 CA 241,326 CA 222,364 CA 204,033 CA 308,205
2 TX 76,559 TX 85,350 TX 95,429 TX 93,423 TX 94,077 TX 98,204 TX 102,680 TX 102,667 NY 128,873
3 FL 50,259 FL 63,509 FL 76,437 FL 75,303 FL 78,325 FL 81,563 FL 88,516 FL 89,917 FL 127,186
4 GA 33,145 GA 39,628 AZ 54,849 AZ 54,905 AZ 55,306 AZ 56,997 AZ 57,668 MI 53,607 TX 110,753
5 MI 29,313 AZ 37,218 MI 50,017 WA 49,287 MI 50,555 MI 53,736 MI 49,723 AZ 52,203 IL 66,218
6 IL 26,676 MI 36,241 WA 45899 MI 48,223 GA 44,238 NY 45,217 NY 47,366 IL 48,784 MI 62,304
7 AZ 25,981 IL 32,572 GA 43,163 GA 44,477 WA 43,233 GA 43,371 IL 44,857 NY 48,287 PA 54,153
8 WA 23,680 OH 28,532 IL 37,641 OH 41,379 NY 41,002 IL 41,764 OH 42,767 OH 42,229 NJ 52,164
9 OH 22,890 WA 28,331 OH 37,425 IL 39,385 OH 40,853 OH 40,996 WA 40,493 WA 39,077 OH 47,413
10 NY 21,870 NC 26,743 NY 32,134 NY 35,736 IL 40,355 WA 40,619 GA 38,036 GA 37,589 AZ 43,467
NC 20,024 MD 25,333 MD 30,522 MD 34,070 MD 35,858 MD 36,405 NJ 35,739 NJ 37,708 MA 42,348
MD 19,619 NY 25,114 NC 30,126 PA 29,394 PA 30,969 NJ 34,568 MD 34,020 PA 35,713 GA 39,312
13 PA 17,821 PA 22,471 PA 29,540 NC 28,466 NJ 30,306 PA 33,442
PA 32,817 MD 32,025 MD 38,194
14 MO 17,439 MO 20,765 NV 26,961 NJ 27,683 NC 26,988 MO 28,659 MO 27,878 TN 28,272 TN 28,994
15 NJ 15,508 NJ 20,180 MO 25,433 NV 26,931 MO 25,893 NC 26,892 MA 26,588 MO 28,014
WA 28,743
16 TN 14,973 TN 19,224 NJ 24,724 CO 26,101 TN 24,749 TN 26,410 TN 26,541 MA 27,828 MO 27,038
17 IN 13,879 SC 17,652 TN 22,593 MO 25,699 CO 24,063 MA 25,506 NC 24,866 NC 24,647 LA 26,219
18 SC 13,566 IN 17,455 IN 21,866 TN 25,078 NV 22,635 CO 22,699 CO 23,183 LA 21,687 IN 25,011
19 CO 12,548 NV 15,903 CO 20,795 IN 21,744 MA 22,053 NV 20,838 IN 20,287 IN 21,499 OR 21,764
20 NV 12,379 LA 13,743 MA 17,961 OR 19,262 IN 21,091 IN 20,768 LA 20,186 CO 20,994 NC 21,342
21 MA 11,735 CO 13,519 SC 16,402 MA 18,880 LA 19,714 LA 19,882 VA 18,478 VA 18,842 CT, 20,167
22 LA 11,713 AL 13,458 LA 15,640 SC 16,358 OR 18,535 OR 18,989 NV 17,486 MN 15,031 WI 18,321
23 VA 11,419 VA 13,259 AL 14,840 VA 15,972 VA 17,411 VA 17,914 SC 16,867 OR 14,842 VA 18,289
24 AL 11,081 MA 12,737 VA 14,814 LA 14,389 SC 15,637 SC 15,762 OR 16,524 SC 14,760 OK 15,461
25 OK 10,409 WI 11,520 OR 14,460 MN 14,281 AL 14,024 AL 14,957 AL 13,890 WI 14,722 CO 14,365
26 OR 9,869 OR 11,331 WI 14,031 OK 13,900 MN 13,518 MN 13,759 MN 13,842 NV 14,702 MN 14,355
27 WI 8,936 OK 10,881 MN 13,379 AL 13,140 OK 12,957 OK 12,958 WI 13,458 PR 12,643 AL 14,000
28 MN 8,519 MN 10,078 OK 13,358 WI 12,546 WI 11,374 WI 12,320 PR 12,935 AL 12,619 SC 13,184
29 CT 7,476 CT 8,963 CT 10,390 CT 10,418 CT 11,025 PR 12,211 OK 12,772 OK 12,569 NV 11,065
30 UT 6,904 NM 8,004 KY 9,243 KS 9,322 KY 8,772 CT 11,026 CT 11,572 CT 12,378 MS 10,810
31 PR 6,832 KY 7,667 NM 9,225 PR 9,299 HI 8,620 DC 9,903 HI 9,910 MS 9,473 KY 8,558
32 NM 6,476 KS 7,395 KS 8,703 HI 9,135 KS 8,435 HI 9,651 DC 9,599 KY 9,344 KS 8,383
33 AR 6,103 UT 7,195 MS 8,347 KY 8,796 DC 8,408 KY 9,366 MS 9,523 KS 7,985 NM 8,350
34 KY 6,040 PR 7,003 UT 8,299 UT 8,493 NM 7,902 MS 8,949 KY 8,750 DC 7,670 DC 8,261
35 KS 5,954 AR 6,511 HI 7,763 NM 7,993 MS 7,879 KS 7,777 UT 7,722 AR 7,320 AR 7,726
36 DC 5,532 DC 6,465 AR 7,463 DC 7,720 UT 7,651 UT 7,764 NM 7,437 NM 7,137 HI 6,383
37 MS 5,401 MS 6,352 DC 7,321 MS 7,492 AR 6,491 NM 7,256 KS 7,212 HI 6,743 NE 6,236
38 HI 4,819 HI 5,133 NE 5,038 AR 7,284 IA 5,404 NE 6,124 AR 6,813 UT 6,513 UT 5,689
39 IA 3,888 IA 4,332 IA 5,006 NE 5,567 NE 5,287 AR 6,010 NE 6,409 NE 6,490 RI 5,183
40 NE 3,481 NE 4,188 WV 3,921 IA 5,475 RI 4,078 IA 5,601 IA 5,823 IA 5,505 IA 5,096
41 WV 2,741 WV 3,204 RI 3,582 RI 4,398 WV 3,739 RI 4,387 RI 4,876 RI 5,043 AK 3,275
42 RI 2,393 RI 3,200 DE 2,816 WV 3,816 ID 2,724 WV 3,524 WV 3,898 WV 3,216 WV 3,274
43 DE 1,907 DE 2,541 AK 2,529 ID 2,884 AK 2,240 DE 2,880 DE 3,057 DE 2,779 DE 2,945
44 AK 1,689 ID 1,668 ID 2,429 AK 2,595 DE 2,147 ID 2,609 ID 2,627 AK 2,618 MT 2,450
45 ID 1,492 AK 1,638 MT 1,748 DE 2,349 NH 1,942 AK 2,448 AK 2,471 ID 2,389 NH 2,302
46 MT 1,456 MT 1,573 NH 1,422 MT 1,971 MT 1,618 NH 1,917 NH 1,944 NH 2,140 ID 2,210
47 NH 1,124 NH 1,387 ME 1,340 ME 1,348 ME 1,303 MT 1,906 MT 1,783 MT 1,821 ME 1,776
48 ME 1,021 ME 1,176 ND 1,012 NH 1,337 ND 906 ME 1,456 ME 1,429 ME 1,671 ND 964
49 ND 852 ND 882 WY 776 ND 1,057 SD 846 ND 1,078 ND 1,018 ND 1,086 SD 872
50 SD 813 SD 800 SD 718 SD 841 WY 799 SD 874 SD 819 SD 815 VT 862
51 WY 771 WY 713 VT 586 WY 739 VT 575 WY 798 VT 769 VT 758 WY 771
52 VT 448 VT 585 VT 641 VT 646 WY 743 WY 696 PR
Source: FBI UCR
Source: FBI UCR
Vehicle Theft Rate Per 100,000 Residents
1994, 2000 - 2009 [Delete 1999 & ADD 2009]
2009 Rate 2008 Rate 2006 Rate 2005 Rate 2004 Rate 2003 Rate 2002 Rate 2001 Rate 2000 Rate 1994 Rate
DC 922.5 DC 1092.4 DC 1402.3 DC 1402.3 DC 1519.0 DC 1757.8 DC 1681.4 DC 1341.3 DC 1153.7 DC 1449.3
NV 468.4 NV 611.6 NV 1115.2 NV 1115.2 NV 969.5 AZ 1021.3 AZ 1056.9 AZ 983.6 AZ 842.1 AZ 1066.7
CA 443.8 AZ 572.6 AZ 924.4 AZ 924.4 AZ 962.9 NV 929.8 NV 804.5 NV 698.1 NV 659.2 CA 980.6
AZ 394.0
CA 523.8
WA 783.9 WA 783.9 CA 703.8 HI 767.4 HI 796.0
WA 652.6
WA 594.1
FL 911.5
HI 372.0
MD 449.7
HI 716.4 HI 716.4 WA 696.9 CA 680.1
WA 667.2
MD 595.8
MI 560.7
MD 763.0
WA 355.3
WA 432.6
CA 712.8 CA 712.8 HI 682.6 WA 662.5
CA 633.2
CA 591.4
FL 558.0
NV 759.4
MD 344.2
GA 409.1
MD 608.4 MD 608.4 MD 645.2 MD 660.8
MD 623.3
HI 550.7
MD 539.5
NY 709.3
GA 337.2 NM 403.4 CO 559.5 CO 559.5 CO 522.9 OR 533.5 FL 529.6 FL 548.4 CA 537.4 OR 705.2
NM 322.2 HI 398.5 OR 529.0 OR 529.0 OR 515.6 MI 533.1 CO 514.4 MI 536.6 HI 504.6 MA 701.0
TX 308.9 SC 394.0 GA 490.2 GA 490.2 GA 501.0 MO 502.4 MI 494.7 MO 497.6
TN 483.9 NJ 660.0
SC 297.0 MI 362.3 MI 476.5 MI 476.5 MI 499.9 GA 499.4 MO 491.5 TN 492.5 LA 475.9 MI 656.1
MI 294.0 MO 351.3 MO 443.1 MO 443.1 FL 450.2 CO 498.8 TX 471.4 LA 485.7 GA 472.8 CT 615.8
MO 291.0 TX 350.8 FL 423.3 FL 423.3 MO 450.0 FL 479.2 OR 469.4 TX 481.4 IL 452.1 LA 607.6
OH 282.2 FL 346.5 TN 420.6 TN 420.6 LA 436.6 TN 452.1 TN 457.8 RI 476.2 TX 446.8 TX 602.6
OK 282.2 LA 311.6 NM 414.5 NM 414.5 TN 419.4 TX 444.0 RI 455.8 CO 475.2 RI 445.0 IL 563.5
FL 271.1 TN 309.3 TX 408.7 TX 408.7 TX 418.3 LA 442.2 LA 450.3 GA 448.3 MO 441.4 TN 560.3
LA 260.8 RI 304.5 RI 408.7 RI 408.7 NM 415.2 RI 407.7 GA 444.3 NJ 444.4 MA 407.6 GA 557.2
OR 258.0 OR 299.0 OK 391.8 OK 391.8 RI 377.4 MJ 400.2 NJ 416.0 MA 436.2 OR 407.2 HI 541.4
AL 253.3 OK 298.7 AK 391.0 AK 391.0 SC 372.5 MA 396.5 MA 413.6 OR 427.4 NJ 405.9 AK 540.4
CO 247.9 DE 291.0 SC 384.4 SC 384.4 OK 367.7 NM 387.1 SC 410.7 AK 412.4 NM 403.6 RI 519.9
UT 247.9 NC 290.0 OH 360.9 OH 360.9 OH 356.5 SC 380.1 NM 400.0 IL 390.8 DE 402.1 MO 512.3
AK 241.8 AL 288.7 IN 346.7 IN 346.7 NJ 348.4 AK 377.3 AK 383.8 NM 390.2 CO 394.3 NM 504.8
TN 237.8 CO 273.7 UT 343.9 UT 343.9 MA 343.7 OK 369.0 DE 378.6 NE 378.8 CT 384.6 WA 500.5
RI 217.2 IN 273.7 KS 339.6 KS 339.6 IN 338.1 OH 358.5 OH 375.5 OH 371.3 SC 379.0 OK 474.6
IN 216.1 KS 263.9 NC 327.8 NC 327.8 UT 320.3 DE 352.3 NE 370.6 OK 363.3 AK 374.8 PA 449.3
DE 215.5 UT 262.9 LA 318.1 LA 318.1 IL 317.4 NE 352.1 OK 365.6 SC 363.3 OK 357.8 IN 434.8
NC 213.5 CT 256.0 NJ 317.5 NJ 317.5 NC 316.0 IN 335.2 IL 356.0 CT 361.4 IN 346.8 OH 427.1
CT 212.5 IL 252.5 NE 316.5 NE 316.5 CT 314.7 AL 332.3 PR 335.2 IN 351.6 OH 343.7 DE 417.1
KS 211.2 OH 248.4 IL 308.6 IL 308.6 AL 309.6 UT 330.2 CT 334.4 DE 349.0 PR 340.7 MS 405.0
AR 211.2 AK 238.7 CT 296.8 CT 296.8 KS 308.4 IL 330.1 UT 333.4 MS 331.5 NC 313.9 CO 392.9
IL 206.6 NE 234.8 MA 295.1 MA 295.1 NE 302.6 NC 319.9 MS 331.6 PR 329.3 NE 305.6 NE 384.2
NE 193.8 NJ 232.4 AL 288.3 AL 288.3 MS 271.4 CT 316.5 IN 329.4 MN 302.3 PA 295.8 WI 360.5
MS 183.0 AR 228.0 DE 278.5 DE 278.5 MN 265.0 PR 314.8 AL 309.6 NC 301.1 UT 289.3 SC 359.8
NJ 178.1 MS 216.2 MN 278.2 MN 278.2 DE 258.6 MS 310.6 NC 298.9 KS 296.3 AL 288.0 AL 331.8
MA 178.0 WI 204.7 AR 262.1 AR 262.1 PA 249.6 KS 285.6 MN 275.8 PA 290.7 NY 285.8 KS 328.2
PR 172.2 MA 196.0 MS 256.5 MS 256.5 AR 235.8 MN 272.0 PA 266.0 UT 286.9 MN 273.0 AR 315.0
MN 161.9 MN 193.1 PR 237.7 PR 237.7 VA 233.4 PA 270.4 KS 265.5 AL 282.7 WI 272.9 MN 314.3
WI 157.8 PA 180.5 PA 236.5 PA 236.5 NY 213.3 VA 242.5 VA 253.3 WI 272.5 AR 259.3 NC 301.9
WV 150.6 KY 179.6 WI 226.6 WI 226.6 KY 211.6 NY 235.6 AR 251.4 AR 271.9 VA 251.6 UT 298.2
MT 149.3 PR 177.1 VA 211.1 VA 211.1 WI 205.5 KY 227.5 WI 247.3 VA 262.1 MS 245.0 MT 286.2
VA 144.9 WV 176.6 KY 210.8 KY 210.8 WV 206.0 WI 225.1 NY 247.2 NY 254.0 KS 241.6 VA 279.1
WY 141.7 VA 170.7 MT 210.7 MT 210.7 ID 195.5 AR 220.5 WV 216.3 KY 229.8 KY 229.5 KY 223.6
PA 141.4 MT 162.6 WV 210.0 WV 210.0 IA 182.9 MT 207.7 KY 213.8 MT 201.3 MT 216.8 NH 202.5
KY 140.9 IA 144.3 ID 201.8 ID 201.8 MT 174.6 WV 194.7 IA 198.3 IA 188.3 IA 183.6 ID 195.1
ND 131.7 ND 137.5 NY 185.6 NY 185.6 WY 157.7 ID 190.9 MT 196.1 ID 180.8 WV 183.3 IA 180.1
IA 129.3 WY 133.9 IA 184.6 IA 184.6 NH 149.4 IA 190.2 ID 195.9 WV 178.5 NH 173.8 WV 179.7
NY 111.9 NY 128.9 ND 166.0 ND 166.0 ND 142.8 ND 170.1 ND 160.5 ND 171.2 ID 161.2 WY 162.0
SD 100.1 ID 109.5 WY 145.1 WY 145.1 SD 109.7 WY 159.2 NH 152.5 NH 170.0 ND 153.5 ND 151.1
ID 93.3 NH 105.4 SD 108.4 SD 108.4 ME 98.9 NH 148.9 WY 149.0 WY 140.8 VT 132.9 VT 148.6
NH 84.9 SD 99.5 VT 102.9 VT 102.9 VT 92.5 SD 114.4 VT 124.7 ME 129.9 WY 116.0 ME 143.2
ME 77.4 VT 94.2 NH 102.1 NH 102.1 AK 34.8 ME 111.5 ME 110.4 VT 123.6 SD 105.7 SD 120.9
VT 72.1 ME 89.3 ME 102.0 ME 102.0 VT 104.3 SD 107.6 SD 107.7 ME 103.7
Did you know?
 In 2009 there were 19,619 motor
vehicles stolen in Maryland.
 A vehicle theft occurs every twenty
-six minutes in Maryland.
 In approximately 25 percent of the
vehicles stolen, keys were left in
the vehicles.
 It is estimated that 70 percent of
the vehicles stolen were not
 Ongoing surveys reflect that an
anti-theft device was used in less
than 5 percent of stolen vehicles.
 2,945 individuals were arrested for
vehicle theft in 2009.
 Juveniles represented 38 percent
of the arrests.
 Approximately 25 to 40 percent of
the cost of comprehensive auto
insurance is due to auto theft.
Protect yourself and your car!
 You hold the key! Lock your car
and take the key.
 Use anti-theft devices such as
alarms, kill switches, steering
wheel and brake locking devices,
or recovery systems.
 Park in well lighted and heavily
traveled areas.
 Park with wheels turned toward
the curb.
 Lock vehicle doors upon entering.
 Do not hide spare keys in or under
the vehicle, they can be easily
 Never leave vehicle registration
card, drivers license, or any type
of owner identification in the glove
 Don’t leave valuables in sight
within the car...
...and, Join the Maryland
“Watch Your Car” Program
The key to preventing
vehicle theft is in
your hands.
Lock your car.
Take the key.
Use an anti-theft device.
Participate in the Maryland
“Watch Your Car” Program.
Vehicle Theft Prevention Council
1125 National Highway
LaVale, MD 21502