Richard Paul Woychik
Address and Phone
111 T.W. Alexander Dr.
Bldg. 101, B246
P.O. Box 12233, MD B2-06
Research Triangle Park, NC 27709
221 Mill Race Dr.
Chapel Hill, NC 27514
1984 Ph.D. Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH.
1978 M.S. University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI.
1977 B.S. University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI.
Professional Appointments
Jun 2020-Present Director, National Institute of Environmental Health
Sciences (NIEHS) & National Toxicology Program (NTP)
Oct 2019-Jun 2020 Acting Director, NIEHS, NTP
Feb 2011-Oct 2019 Deputy Director, NIEHS
Aug 2002- Jan 2011 President and Chief Executive Officer, The Jackson
Laboratory, Bar Harbor, ME
Jan 2001 Aug. 2002 Chief Scientific Officer, Lynx Therapeutics, Hayward, CA.
Dec 1998 Dec 2000 Senior Director, Parke-Davis Laboratory of Molecular
Genetics, Alameda, CA.
Dec 1998 2002 Adjunct Professor, Dept. of Pediatrics, Case Western
Reserve University, Cleveland, OH.
Dec 1998 2003 Adjunct Professor, Dept. of Pharmacology, Case Western
Reserve University, Cleveland, OH.
Aug 1997 Nov 1998 Professor and Vice Chairman for Research, Dept. of
Pediatrics, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland,
Oct 1997 Nov 1998 Professor, Dept. of Genetics, Case Western Reserve
University, Cleveland, OH.
Oct 1997 Nov 1998 Professor, Dept. of Pharmacology, Case Western Reserve
University, Cleveland, OH.
1992 2002 Adjunct Professor, Dept. of Pathology, College of
Veterinary Medicine, University of Tennessee, Knoxville,
1996 - July 1997 Director, Office of Functional Genomics, Oak Ridge
National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN
1996 - 1997 Research Professor, College of Arts and Sciences, Dept. of
Biology, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN.
1995 - 1996 Head, Mammalian Genetics Section, Oak Ridge National
Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN
1989 - 1997 Adjunct Associate Professor, School of Biomedical
Sciences at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory, University
of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN.
1987 - 1997 Senior Research Scientist, Mammalian Genetics Section,
Life Sciences Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory,
Oak Ridge, TN.
1984 - 1987 Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Genetics, Harvard
Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts. Preceptor: Dr.
Philip Leder.
1983 - 1984 Postdoctoral Researcher, Department of Molecular Biology
and Microbiology, Case Western Reserve University,
Cleveland, Ohio. Preceptor: Dr. Fritz Rottman
Military Service
United States Naval Reserve, 1972-1978.
Honors and Awards
Postdoctoral Fellowship, The Jane Coffin Childs Memorial Fund, 1984-1985,
Postdoctoral Fellowship, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, 1986.
Significant Event Award, 1989, Oak Ridge National Laboratory,
Significant Event Award, 1992, Oak Ridge National Laboratory,
Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Publication Award, 1994.
Professional Service
Editorial Boards
Mutation Research Reviews, 2008-2014.
Mutation Research, 1996-2003.
Technology Transfer Tactics, 5/2007-2009.
Principal Investigator Advisor, 2009-2011.
Professional Societies
American Association for the Advancement of Science
International Mammalian Genome Society
Society of Toxicology
Environmental Mutagenesis and Genomics Society
1. Revzin, A. and R.P. Woychik. Quantitation of the interaction of Escherichia coli
RNA polymerase holoenzyme with double-helical DNA using a
thermodynamically rigorous centrifugation method. Biochemistry 20:250-256,
2. McCorquodale, D.J., C.W. Chen, M.K. Joseph, and R.P. Woychik. Modification
of RNA polymerase from Escherichia coli by pre-early gene products of
bacteriophage T5. J. Virol. 40:958-962, 1981.
3. Sasavage, N.L., M. Smith, S. Gillam, R.P. Woychik, and F.M. Rottman.
Variation in the polyadenylation site of bovine prolactin mRNA. Proc. Natl.
Acad. Sci. 79:223-227, 1982.
4. Woychik, R.P., S.A. Camper, R.L. Lyons, S. Horowitz, E.C. Goodwin, and F.M.
Rottman. Cloning and nucleotide sequencing of the bovine growth hormone
gene. Nucleic. Acids Res. 10:7197-7210, 1982.
5. Nilson, J.H., A.R. Thomason, M.T. Cserbak, C.L. Moncam, and R.P. Woychik.
Nucleotide sequence of a cDNA for the common a subunit of the bovine pituitary
glycoprotein hormones. J. Biol. Chem. 258:4679-4682, 1982.
6. Rottman, F.M., S.A. Camper, and R.P. Woychik. Role of posttranscriptional
mRNA modification in the maintenance of eucaryotic mRNA levels. Proceedings
Alfred Benzon Symposium 19 Gene Expression, Munksgaard, Copenhagen.
7. Camper, S.A., D.N. Luck, Y. Yao, R.P. Woychik, R.G. Goodwin, R.H. Lyons,
and F.M. Rottman. Characterization of the bovine prolactin gene. DNA 3:237-
249, 1984.
8. Woychik, R.P., R.H. Lyons, L. Post, and F.M. Rottman. Requirement for the 3'
flanking region of the bovine growth hormone gene for accurate polyadenylation.
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 81:3944-3948, 1984.
9. Desrosiers, R.C., J. Kamine, A. Bakker, D. Silva, R.P. Woychik, D.D. Sakai, and
F.M. Rottman. Synthesis of bovine growth hormone in primates by using a
Herpes virus vector. Mol. Cell. Biol. 5:2796-2803, 1985.
10. Woychik, R.P., T.A. Stewart, L.G. Davis, P. D'Eustachio, and P. Leder. An
inherited limb deformity created by insertional mutagenesis in a transgenic
mouse. Nature 318:36-40, 1985.
11. Pfarr, D., L. Rieser, R.P. Woychik, F. Rottman, M. Rosenberg, and M. Reff.
Differential effects of polyadenylation regions on gene expression in mammalian
cells. DNA 5:115-122, 1986.
12. Woychik, R. P., B. R. Beatty, and W. L. McKinney, Jr. Insertional mutagenesis
in transgenic mice. In: Multilevel Health Effects Research: From Molecules to
Man, ed. by J.F. Park and R. A. Pelroy. Battele Press, Columbus, Ohio, pp. 87-
90, 1989.
13. Woychik, R. P., W. M. Generoso, L. B. Russell, K. T. Cain, N. L. A. Cacheiro, S.
J. Bultman, P. B. Selby, M. E. Dickinson, B. L. M. Hogan and J. C. Rutledge.
Molecular and genetic characterization of a radiation-induced structural
rearrangement in mouse chromosome 2 causing new mutations at the limb
deformity and agouti loci. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 87:2588-2592, 1990.
14. Woychik, R. P., B. R. Beatty, W. L. McKinney, D. K. Andreadis, A. J. Chang and
P. E. Barker. Insertional mutagenesis in transgenic mice. In: Banbury Report 34:
Biology of Mammalian Germ Cell Mutagenesis, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
press, pp. 377-381, 1990.
15. Van der Meer-de Jong, R., M. E. Dickinson, R. P. Woychik, L. Stubbs, C.
Hetherington & B. L. M. Hogan. Location of the gene involving the small eye
mutation on mouse chromosome 2 suggests homology with human aniridia 2
(AN2). Genomics 7:270-275, 1990.
16. Maas, R. L., R. Zeller, R. P. Woychik, T. F. Vogt and P. Leder. Formin encoding
transcripts are disrupted in two mutant limb deformity alleles. Nature 346:853-
855, 1990.
17. Woychik, R. P., D. Maas, R. Zeller, T. F. Vogt, and P. Leder. The formins: a
novel class of proteins deduced from the variable transcripts of the limb deformity
gene. Nature 346:850-853, 1990.
18. Jacobson, K.B., H. F. Arlinghaus, H. W. Schmitt, R. A. Sachleben, G. M. Brown,
N. Thonnard, F. V. Sloop, R. S. Foote, F. W. Larimer, R. P. Woychik, M. W.
England, K. L. Burchett, and D. A. Jacobson. The use of stable isotopes for DNA
sequencing. Genomics 9:51-59, 1991.
19. Arlinghaus, H.F, N. Thonnard, M.T. Sparr, R. A. Sachleben, F.W. Larimer, R. S.
Foote, R. P. Woychik, G. M. Brown, F. V. Sloop, and K. B. Jacobson. Potential
Application of Sputter-Initiated Resonance Ionization spectroscopy for DNA
sequencing. Anal. Biochem. 63:402-407, 1991.
20. Bultman, S., L. B. Russell, G. A. Gutierrez-Espeleta, and R. P. Woychik.
Molecular characterization of a region of DNA associated with mutations at the
agouti locus in the mouse. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 88:8062-8066, 1991.
21. Sachleben, R.A., G. M. Brown, F. V. Sloop, H. F. Arlinghaus, R. S. Foote, F. W.
Larimer, R. P. Woychik, N. Thonnard, N., and K. B. Jacobson. Resonance
ionization spectroscopy for multiplex sequencing of tin-labeled DNA. Genet.
Anal. Tech. and Applications 8(6):167-170, 1991.
22. Furth, P.A., L. Hennighausen, C. Baker, B.R. Beatty, and R.P. Woychik. Utility
of the human cytomegalovirus promoter/ enhancer in transgenic mice. Nucleic
Acids Res. 19(22):6205-6208, 1991.
23. Brown GM, Allison DP, Warmack RJ, Jacobson KB, Larimer FW, Woychik RP,
Carrier WL. Electrochemically induced adsorption of radio-labeled DNA on gold and
HOPG substrates for STM investigations. Ultramicroscopy 38(3-4):253-64, 1991.
PubMed PMID: 1785142.
24. Allison, D.A., R.J. Warmack, L.A. Bottomley, T. Thundat, G.M. Brown, R.P.
Woychik, J.J. Schrick, and K.B. Jacobson, T.L. Ferrell. Scanning tunneling
microscopy of DNA: A novel technique using radiolabeled DNA to evaluate
chemically mediated attachment of DNA to surfaces. Ultramicroscopy 42:1088-
1094, 1992.
25. Allison, D.A., L.A. Bottomley, T. Thundat, G.M. Brown, R.P. Woychik, J.J.
Schrick, K.B. Jacobson, and R.J. Warmack. Immobilization of deoxyribonucleic
acid for scanning probe microscopy. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 89:10129-10133,
26. Bultman, S.J., E.J. Michaud, and R.P. Woychik. Characterization of the mouse
agouti locus. Cell 71:1195-1204, 1992.
27. Michaud, E.J., S.J. Bultman, L.J. Stubbs, and R.P. Woychik. The embryonic
lethality of homozygous lethal yellow mice (A
) is associated with the
disruption of a novel RNA-binding protein. Genes & Dev. 7:1203-1213, 1993.
28. Woychik, R.P., Wassom, J.S., Kingsbury, D., Jacobson, D.A. TBASE: a
computerized database for transgenic animals and targeted mutations. Nature.
363:(6427):375-6, 1993. Erratum in: Nature. 363:(6430):656, 1993. PubMed PMID:
29. Bultman, S.J., M.L. Klebig, E.J. Michaud, H.O. Sweet,
M.T. Davisson, and R.P.
Molecular analysis of reverse mutations from nonagouti (a) to black-
and-tan (a
) and white-bellied agouti (A
) reveals alternate forms of agouti
transcripts. Genes & Dev. 8:481-490, 1994.
30. Michaud, E.J., S.J. Bultman, M.L. Klebig, M.J. van Vugt, L.J. Stubbs, L.B.
Russell, and R.P. Woychik. A molecular model for the genetic and phenotypic
characteristics of the mouse lethal yellow (A
) mutation. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci.
91:2562-2566, 1994.
31. Moyer, J.M., M.J. Lee-Tischler, H.Y. Kwon, J.J. Schrick, E.D. Avner, W.E.
Sweeney, V.L. Godfrey, N.L.A. Cacheiro, J.E. Wilkinson, and R.P. Woychik.
Candidate gene associated with a mutation causing recessive polycystic kidney
disease in mice. Science 264:1329-1333, 1994.
32. Kwon, H.Y., S.J. Bultman, C. ffler, W. Chen, P.J. Furdon, J.G. Powell, A. Usala,
W.O. Wilkinson, I. Hansman, and R.P. Woychik. Molecular structure and
chromosomal mapping of the human homolog of the agouti gene. Proc. Natl. Acad.
Sci 91:9760-9764, 1994.
33. Michaud, E.J., M.J. van Vugt, S.J. Bultman, H.O. Sweet, M.T. Davisson, and R.P.
Woychik. Differential expression of a new dominant agouti allele (A
) is
correlated with methylation state and is influenced by parental lineage. Genes &
Dev. 8:1463-1472, 1994. PubMed PMID: 7926745.
34. Woychik, R.P. Transgenic mice in developmental toxicology. In: Male-Mediated
Developmental Toxicology, ed. by D.R. Mattison and A.F. Olshan. Plenum
Publishing, New York, N.Y., 1994.
35. Lu, D., D. Willard, I.R. Patel, S. Kadwell, L. Overton, T. Kost, M. Luther, W. Chen,
R.P. Woychik, W.O. Wilkison, and R.D. Cone. Agouti protein is an antagonist of the
melanoycte stimulating hormone receptor. Nature 371:799-802, 1994.
36. Shelby, M.D., L.B. Russell, R.P. Woychik, J.W. Allen, L.M. Wiley, and J.B. Favor.
Laboratory research methods in male-mediated developmental toxicity. In: Male-
Mediated Developmental Toxicity, ed. by D.R. Mattison and A.F. Olshan. Plenum
Press, New York, N.Y., pp. 379-384, 1994.
37. Woychik, R.P., J.E. Wilkinson, J.H. Moyer, M.J. Lee-Tischler, H.Y. Kwon, J.J.
Schrick, B. Yoder, E.D. Avner, W.E. Sweeney, and V.L. Godfrey. Insertional
Mutagenesis and PKD. Kid. International 47(3):732, 1995.
38. Schrick, J.J., M.E. Dickinson, B.L.M. Hogan, P.B. Selby, and R.P. Woychik.
Molecular and phenotypic characterization of a new mouse insertional mutation
that causes a defect in the distal vertebrae of the spine. Genetics 140:1061-1067,
39. Schrick, J.J., L. Onuchic, S.T. Reeders, J.R. Korenberg, X.N. Chen, J.H. Moyer,
J.E. Wilkinson, and R.P. Woychik. Characterization of the human homologue of
the mouse Tg737 candidate polycystic kidney disease gene. Human Mol. Genet.
4:559-567, 1995.
40. Onuchic, L.F., J.J. Schrick, J. Ma., T. Hudson, L.M. Guay-Woodford, K. Zerres, R.P.
Woychik, and S.T. Reeders. Sequence analysis of the human hTg737 gene and its
polymorphic sites in patients with autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease.
Mammalian Genome 6:805-808, 1995.
41. Klebig, M. L., J.E. Wilkinson, J.G. Geisler, and R.P. Woychik. Ectopic expression of
the agouti gene in transgenic mice causes obesity, features of Type II diabetes, and
yellow fur. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 92:4728-4732, 1995.
42. Zemel, M.B., J.H. Kim, R.P. Woychik, E.J. Michaud, S.H. Kadwell, I.R. Patel, L.
Overton, and W.O. Wilkison. Agouti regulation of intracellular calcium: role in the
insulin resistance of (A
) viable yellow mice. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 92:4733-4737,
43. Yoder, B.K., W.G. Richards, W.E. Sweeney, J.E. Wilkinson, E.D. Avner, and R.P.
Woychik. Insertional mutagenesis and molecular analysis of a new gene associated
with polycystic kidney disease. Proc. Assoc. Am. Phy. 107: 313-323, 1995.
44. Culiat, C.T., L.J. Stubbs, R.P. Woychik, L.B. Russell, D.K. Johnson, and E.M.
Rinchik. Deficiency of the 3 subunit of the type A -aminobutyric acid receptor
causes cleft palate in mice. Nature Genetics 11:344-346, 1995.
45. Doktycz, M.J., G.B. Hurst, S. Habibi-Goudarzi, S.A. McLuckey, K. Tang, C.H. Chen,
M. Uziel, K.B. Jacobson, R.P. Woychik and M.V. Buchanan. Analysis of
polymerase chain reaction-amplified DNA products by mass spectrometry using
matrix-assisted laser desorption and electrospray: current status. Anal. Biochem.
230:205-214, 1995.
46. Klebig, M. L., J.E. Wilkinson, and R.P. Woychik. Molecular analysis of the mouse
agouti gene and the role of dominant agouti-locus mutations in obesity and insulin
resistance. In: Molecular and Genetic Aspects of Obesity - Pennington Nutrition
Series, Vol. 5, ed. by G. Bray and D. York, Louisiana State University Press, Baton
Rouge, Louisiana, 1996.
47. Jones, B.H., J.H. Kim, M.B. Zemel, R.P. Woychik, E.J. Michaud, W.O. Wilkison,
and N. Moustaid. The agouti gene product upregulates expression of adipose fatty
acid synthetase and stearoyl-CoA desaturase genes. A possible role for [Ca
]i in
agouti signaling. Am. J. Physiol. 270:E192-E196, 1996.
48. Yoder, B.K., W.G. Richards, C. Sommardahl, W.E. Sweeney, E.J. Michaud, J.E.
Wilkinson, E.D. Avner, and R.P. Woychik. 1996. Functional correction of the renal
defects in a mouse model for ARPKD through expression of the cloned wild-type
Tg737 gene. Kidney International, 50:1240-1248, 1996.
49. Richards, W.G., B.K. Yoder, R.J. Isfort, P.G. Detilleux, C. Foster, N. Neilsen, R.P.
Woychik, and J.E. Wilkinson. Oval cell proliferation associated with the murine
insertional mutation TgN737Rpw. Am. J. Path. 149: 1919-1930, 1996.
50. Kim, J.H., R. Mynatt, J.W. Moore, R.P. Woychik, N. Moustaid, and M.B. Zemel. The
effects of calcium channel blockade on agouti-induced obesity. FASEB J. 10: 1646-
1652, 1996.
51. Mynatt, R.L., R.J. Miltenberger, M.L. Klebig, L.L. Keifer, J-H Kim, M.B. Zemel,
J.E. Wilkinson, W.O. Wilkison, and R.P. Woychik. Analysis of the function of the
agouti gene in obesity and diabetes. In: Proceedings International Business
Communications 2nd Annual International Symposium: Obesity, Advances in
Understanding and Treatment. Ed. by L.A. Weston. International Business
Communications, Southborough, Massachusetts, 1996.
52. Mynatt, R.L., R.J. Miltenberger, M.L. Klebig, M.B. Zemel, J.E. Wilkinson, W.O.
Wilkison, and R.P. Woychik. Combined effects of insulin treatment and adipose
tissue-specific agouti expression on the development of obesity. Proc. Natl. Acad.
Sci. 94:919-922, 1997.
53. Richards, W.G., B.K. Yoder, R.J. Isfort, P.G. Detilleux, C. Foster, N. Neilsen, R.P.
Woychik, and J.E. Wilkinson. Isolation and characterization of liver epithelial cell
lines from wild-type and mutant TgN737Rpw mice. Am. J. Path. 150:1189-1197,
54. Sommardahl, C.S., R.P. Woychik, W.E. Sweeney, E.D. Avner, and J.E. Wilkinson.
Efficacy of taxol in the orpk mouse model of polycystic kidney disease. Pediatric
Nephrol. 11:728-733, 1997.
55. Yoder, B.K., W.G. Richards, C. Sommardahl, W.E. Sweeney, E.J. Michaud, J.E.
Wilkinson, E.D. Avner, and R.P. Woychik. Differential rescue of the renal and
hepatic disease in an ARPKD mouse mutant: A new model to study the liver lesion.
Am J. Pathol. 150:2231-2241, 1997.
56. Miltenberger, R.J., R.L. Mynatt, J.E. Wilkinson, and R.P. Woychik. Role of the
agouti gene in obesity. J. Nutrition. 127:1902S-1907S, 1997.
57. Isfort, R.J., D.B. Cody, C.J. Doersen, W.G. Richards, B.K. Yoder, J.E. Wilkinson,
L.D. Kier, R.L. Jirtle and R.P. Woychik. The tetratricopeptide repeat containing
Tg737 gene is a liver neoplasia tumor suppressor gene. Oncogene 15:1797-1803,
58. Isfort, R.J., D.B. Cody, S.B. Stuard, C.J. Randall, C. Miller, G.M. Ridder, C.J.
Doersen, W.G. Richards, B.K. Yoder, J.E. Wilkinson, and R.P. Woychik. The
combination of epidermal growth factor and transforming growth factor-beta induces
novel phenotypic changes in mouse liver stem cell lines. J. Cell Sci. 110:3117-3129,
59. Woychik, R.P., B. Hogan, S. Bryant, G. Eichele, D. Kimelman, D. Noden, G.
Schoenwolf, C. Wright. Pattern Formation. Reproductive Toxicology 11:339-344,
60. Justice, M.J., B. Zheng, R.P. Woychik, and A. Bradley. Using targeted large deletions
and high-efficiency N-ethyl-N-nitrosourea mutagenesis for functional analyses of the
mammalian genome. Methods 13:423-436, 1997.
61. Michaud, E.J., R.L. Mynatt, R.J. Miltenberger, M.L. Klebig, J.E. Wilkinson, M.B.
Zemel, W.O. Wilkison, and R.P. Woychik. Role of the agouti gene in obesity. J.
Endocrinol. 155:207-209, 1997.
62. Kim, J.H., L.L. Kiefer, Woychik, R.P., Wilkison, W.O., Truesdale, A., Ittoop, O.,
Willard, D., Nichols, J., and Zemel, M.B. Agouti regulation of intracellular calcium:
role of melanocortin receptors. Am . J. Physiol. 272:E379-E384, 1997.
63. Isfort, R.J., D.B. Cody, W.G. Richards, B.K. Yoder, J.E. Wilkinson, and R.P.
Woychik. Characterization of growth factor responsiveness and alterations in growth
factor homeostasis involved in the tumorigenic conversion of mouse oval cells.
Growth Factors 15:81-94, 1998.
64. Richards, W.G., W.E. Sweeney, B.K. Yoder, J.E. Wilkinson, R.P.Woychik, and E.D.
Avner. Epidermal growth factor receptor activity mediates renal cyst formation in
polycystic kidney disease. J. Clin. Invest. 101:935-939, 1998.
65. Khrebtukova, I., E.J. Michaud, C.M. Foster, K.L. Stark, Garfinkel, D.J., and R.P.
Woychik. Utilization of microhomologous recombination in yeast to generate
targeting constructs for mammalian genes. Mutation Res. 401:11-25, 1998.
66. Murcia, N.S., R.P. Woychik, and E.D. Avner. The molecular biology of polycystic
kidney disease. Pediatric. Nephrol. 12:721-6, 1998.
67. Woychik, R.P., M.L. Klebig, M.J. Justice, T.R. Magnuson, and E.D. Avner.
Functional genomics in the post-genome era. Mutation Res. 400:3-14, 1998.
68. Woychik, R.P. and K. Alagramam. Insertional mutagenesis in transgenic mice
generated by the pronuclear microinjection procedure. International Journal of
Developmental Biology 42:1009-17, 1998.
69. Hansen, L.A., D.E. Malarkey, J.E. Wilkinson, M. Rosenberg, R.P. Woychik, and
R.W. Tennant. Effect of the viable-yellow (A
) agouti allele on skin tumorigenesis
and humoral hypercalcemia in v-Ha-ras transgenic TG.AC mice. Carcinogenesis
19:1837-1845, 1998.
70. Davis, A.P., Woychik, R.P., and Justice, M.J. Effective chemical mutagenesis is
FVB/N mice requires low doses of ethylnitrosourea. Mammalian Genome 10:308-10,
71. Miltenberger, R.J., R.L. Mynatt, B.D. Bruce, W.O. Wilkison, R.P.Woychik, and E.J.
Michaud. An agouti mutation lacking the basic domain induces yellow pigmentation
but not obesity in transgenic mice. PNAS 96(15):8579-8584, 1999.
72. Alagramam, K.N., H. Kwon, N.L.A. Cacheiro, L.Stubbs, C.G. Wright, L.C. Erway,
and R.P. Woychik. Molecular and phenotypic characterization of a new mouse
insertional mutation that causes sensorineural deafness and vestibular defects.
Genetics 152:1691-1699, 1999.
73. Khrebtukova, I., A. Kuklin, R.P. Woychik, and E.J. Michaud. Alternative processing
of the human and mouse raly genes. Biochim. Biophys. ACTA 1447:107-112, 1999.
74. Avner, E.D., R.P.Woychik, K.M. Dell, and W.E. Sweeney. Cellular pathophysiology
of cystic kidney disease: insight into future therapies. Int. J. Dev. Bio. 43:457-461,
75. Khrebtukova I I, Michaud EJ, Foster CM, Stark KL, Garfinkel DJ, Woychik RP.
Corrigendum to: 'Utilization of microhomologous recombination in yeast to generate
targeting constructs for mammalian genes'. Mutat Res. 423(1-2):191, 1999. PubMed
PMID: 10029697.
76. Murcia, N.S., W.G. Richards, B.K. Yoder, M.L. Mucenski, J.R. Dunlap, and R.P.
Woychik. The Oak Ridge Polycystic Kidney (orpk) disease gene is required for left-
right axis determination. Development 127:2347-2355, 2000.
77. Chen, Y., D. Yee, K. Dains, A. Chatterjee, J. Cavalcoli, E. Schneider, J. Om,
R.P.Woychik, and T. Magnuson. Genotype-based screen for ENU-induced mutations
in mouse embryonic stem cells. Nat. Genet. 24:314-317, 2000. PubMed PMID:
78. Alagramam, K.N., J. Zahorsky-Reeves, C.G. Wright, K.S. Pawlowski, L.C. Erway, L.
Stubbs, and R.P. Woychik. Neuroepithelial defects of the inner ear in a new allele of
Ames Waltzer. Hearing Res. 148:181-191, 2000.
79. Colitz, C.M.H., D.E. Malarkey, R.P. Woychik, and J. E. Wilkinson. Persistent
hyperplastic tunica vasculosa lentis and persistent hyperplastic primary vitreous in
transgenic line TgN3261Rpw. Vet. Pathol. 37:422-427, 2000.
80. Alagramam, K.N., C.L. Murcia, H.Y. Kwon, K.S. Pawlowski, C.G. Wright, and R.P.
Woychik. The mouse Ames waltzer hearing-loss mutant is caused by mutation in
Pcdh15, a novel protocadherin gene. Nat. Genet. 27:99-102, 2001. PubMed PMID:
81. Murcia, CL. and R.P. Woychik. Expression of Pcdh15 in the inner ear, nervous
system, and various epithlia of the developing embryo. Mech. Dev. 105:163-166,
82. Sommardahl, C., M. Cottrell, J.E. Wilkinson, R.P. Woychik, and D.K. Johnson.
Phenotypic variations of orpk mutation and chromosomal localization of modifiers
influencing kidney phenotype. Physiol. Genomics 7:127-134, 2001.
83. Miltenberger, R.J., K. Wakamatsu, S. Ito, R.P. Woychik, L.B. Russell, and E.J.
Michaud. Molecular and phenotypic analysis of 27 homozygous-viable, recessive
alleles at the mouse agouti locus. Genetics 160:659-674, 2001.
84. Alagramam, K. N., Yuan, H., Kuehn, M.H., Murcia, C.L., Wayne, S., Srisailpathy,
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Morton, C.C., Mullins, R.F., Ramesh, A., Van Camp, G., Hageman, G.S., Woychik,
R.P., Smith, R.J., Hagemen, G.S. Mutations in the novel protocadherin PCDH15
cause Usher syndrome type 1F. Human Mol. Genetics 10:1709-1718, 2001.
85. Reinartz, J., Bruyns, E., Lin, J.Z., Burcham, T., Brenner, S., Bowen, B., Kramer,
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in-depth quantitative gene expression profiling in all organisms. Briefings in
Functional Genomics and Proteomics 1:95-104, 2002. PubMed PMID: 15251069.
86. Woychik, R.P., Brenner, S., Burcham, T., Corcoran, K., Albrecht, G., and Russell, N.
Massively parallel signature sequencing (MPSS) provides in-depth analysis of gene
expression for systems biology applications. In Modern Bioanalytics Analysing
Gene Expression, Lorkowski and Cullen Eds., Wiley VCH GmbH, Weinheim,
Germany 538-550.
87. Woychik, R.P and O’Brien, T. Our small relative. Nat. Genet. 33:3-4, 2003.
88. Zhang, Q., Murcia, N.S., Chittenden, L.R., Richards, W.G., Michaud, E.J., Woychik,
R.P., Yoder, B.K. Loss of the Tg737 protein results in skeletal patterning defects.
Dev Dyn. 227:78-90, 2003. PubMed PMID: 12701101.
89. Kuklin, A.I., Mynatt, R.L., Klebig, M.L., Kiefer, L.L., Wilkison, W.O., Woychik,
R.P., Michaud, E.J. Liver-specific expression of the agouti gene in transgenic mice
promotes liver carcinogenesis in the absence of obesity and diabetes.
Mol Cancer 2(3):17, 2004.
90. Austin, C.P., Battey, J.F., Bradley, A, Bucan, M, Capecchi, M, Collins, F.S., Dove,
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T.R., Joyner, A., Koller, B.H., Lloyd, K.C., Magnuson, T., Moore, M.W., Nagy, A.,
Pollock, J.D., Roses, A.D., Sands, A.T., Seed, B., Skarnes, W.C., Snoddy, J., Soriano,
P., Stewart, D.J., Stewart, F., Stillman, B., Varmus, H., Varticovski, L., Verma, I.M.,
Vogt, T.F., von Melchner, H., Witkowski, J., Woychik, R.P., Wurst, W.,
Yancopoulos, G.D., Young, S.G., Zambrowicz, B. The knockout mouse project. Nat
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91. Kuklin, A.I., Mynatt, R.L., Klebig, M.L., Kiefer, L.L, Wilkison, W.O., Woychik,
R.P., and Michaud, E.J. Liver-specific expression of the agouti gene in transgenic
mice promotes liver carcinogenesis in the absence of obesity and diabetes. Mol.
Cancer 3:1-10, 2004.
92. Woychik, R.P., Bult, C. Functional Analysis of Genes. In: Encyclopedia of Genetics,
Genomics, Proteomics and Bioinformatics, ed. by Dunn MJ, Jorde LB, Little PFR,
Subramaniam S. John Wiley & Sons. Ltd. 2005.
93. Gridley, T., Woychik, R. Laser surgery for mouse geneticists. Nat Biotechnol. 25:59-
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94. Wyrobek, A.J., Mulvihill, J.J., Wassom, J.S., Malling, H.V., Shelby, M.D., Lewis,
S.E., Witt, K.L., Preston, R.J., Perreault, S.D., Allen, J.W., Demarini, D.M.,
Woychik, R.P., Bishop, J.B. Assessing human germ-cell mutagenesis in the
Postgenome Era: a celebration of the legacy of William Lawson (Bill) Russell.
Environ. Mol. Mutagen. 48:71-95, 2007.
95. Carlin, D.J., Rider, C.V., Woychik, R., Birnbaum, L.S. Unraveling the health effects
of environmental mixtures: an NIEHS priority. Environmental Health Perspectives
121(1): 6-8, 2013.
96. Martínez-Reyes, I., Diebold, L.P., Kong, H., Schieber, M., Huang, H., Hensley, C.T.,
Mehta, M.M., Wang, T., Santos, J.H., Woychik, R., Dufour, E., Spelbrink, J.N.,
Weinberg, S.E., Zhao, Y., DeBerardinis, R.J., Chandel, N.S. TCA Cycle and
Mitochondrial Membrane Potential Are Necessary for Diverse Biological Functions.
Mol Cell. 61(2):199-209, 2016. PMID: 26725009; PMCID: PMC4724312.
97. Wang, T., Santos, J.H., Feng, J., Fargo, D.C., Shen, L., Riadi, G., Keeley, E., Rosh,
Z.S., Nestler, E.J.*, Woychik, R.P*. A Novel Analytical Strategy to Identify Fusion
Transcripts between Repetitive Elements and Protein Coding-Exons Using RNA-Seq.
PLoS One. 11(7): e0159028. 2016. PMID: 27415830. *Co-corresponding authors.
98. Lozoya, O.A., Martinez-Reyes, I., Wang, T., Grenet, D., Bushel, P., Li, J., Chandel,
N., Woychik, R.P.*, and Santos, J.H.* (2018) Mitochondrial nicotinamide adenine
dinucleotide reduced (NADH) oxidation links the tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle with
methionine metabolism and nuclear DNA methylation. PLoS Biol 16(4): e2005707.
*Co-corresponding authors.
99. Lozoya, O.A., Santos, J.H., and Woychik, R.P. A Leveraged Signal-to-Noise Ratio
(LSTNR) Method to Extract Differentially Expressed Genes and Multivariate
Patterns of Expression From Noisy and Low-Replication RNAseq Data. Front.
Genet. 9:176. 2018.
100. Collman, G.W., Berridge, B.R., Hall, J.E., Woychik, R., Zeldin, D.C., Birnbaum,
L.S. NIEHS: Making a Mark on Translational Research Science. Environmental
Health Perspective. 2018. PMID: 30073951.
101. Lozoya, O.A., Wang, T., Grenet, D., Wolfgang, T.C., Sobhany, M., Ganini da
Silva, D., Riadi, G., Chandel, N., Woychik, R.P.*, and Santos, J.H.* Mitochondrial
acetyl-CoA reversibly regulates locus-specific histone acetylation and gene
expression. Life Science Alliance. 2 (1) e201800228. 2019. *Co-corresponding
102. Lozoya, O., Xu, F., Grenet, D., Wang, T., Grimm, S., Godfrey, V., Waidyanatha,
S., Woychik, R.P.*, and Santos, J.H.* Single nucleotide resolution analysis reveals
pervasive and long-lasting DNA methylation remodeling caused by developmental
exposure to a mitochondrial toxicant. Under Review, Cell Reports. *Co-
corresponding authors.
103. Lozoya, O., Grenet, D., Wang, T., Nadalutti, C., Wilson, S., Giorgio, V.,
Debattisti, V., Hassan, P., Hajnoczky, Woychik, R.P.*, and Santos, J.H.* Los of
ATPIF1 remodels the nuclear epigenome and transcriptome. In preparation. *Co-
corresponding authors.
104. Lozoya, O., Grenet, D., Wang, T., D’Aurelio, M., Manfredi, G., Woychik, R.P.*,
and Santos, J.H.* Mutations at different sites of the mitochondrial electron transport
chain lead to diverse epigenetic and transcriptomic outcomes. In preparation. *Co-
corresponding authors.
105. Xu, F., Lozoya, O.A., Wang, T., Grenet, D., Jensen, P., Hernandez, B., Riadi, G.,
Santos, J.H.*, and Woychik, R.P.* A novel brain-specific fusion isoform of Pgc1a
acts as a co-repressor of cerebellar genes and is associated with behavioral changes in
the mouse. In preparation. *Co-corresponding authors.