TMCC’s JumpStart Courses,
Degree Pathways, and
Required Teaching Credentials
Dr. Jeffrey Alexander, Vice President of Academic Affairs
Fall 2022
Requirements for TMCC Concurrent Dual
Credit Courses at High School Sites
Course credit totals appear in the slides below.
One college credit = 15 hours of required seat time.
Each course may span a Fall or
Spring term, but not both.
Each course can vary in length within one term as needed.
Instructor credentials will be evaluated by TMCC.
Instructors must have official transcripts sent to TMCC.
Instructors must use the official TMCC syllabus.
Course materials must be approved by the Department Chair.
Suggested Pathways for Concurrent Education Students
The following courses are ideal for degrees in these popular pathways. Other courses are required, but the following are excellent starting points for high-school students.
Details about most of them appear in the slides below. Most can be offered at the high school, though classes with labs will need to be offered at the college.
Allied Health
Transfer AA in
Transfer AA in Arts
and Social Sciences
Transfer AS in STEM
AS Community Health
AS Engineering
BIOL 190 A/L (4 cr.):
Intro. to Cell & Molecular
Biology (with lab)
ENG 100/101 (3 cr.):
Composition I
MATH 126 (3 cr.):
Pre-Calculus I
PSY 101 (3 cr.):
Intro to Psychology
DFT 110 (3 cr.):
Print Reading for Industry
ENG 100/101 (3 cr.):
Composition I
MPT 140 (3 cr.)
Quality Control
ELM 110 (4 cr.):
Electric/Electronic Circuits
IS 101 (3 cr.):
Introduction to
Information Systems
ENG 100/101 (3 cr.):
Composition I
MATH 126 (3 cr.):
Pre-Calculus I
PSY 101 (3 cr.) or
SOC 101 (3 cr.): Principles
of Sociology
PSC 101 (3 cr.):
Introduction to American
ENG 100/101 (3 cr.):
Composition I
MATH 120 (3 cr.):
Fundamentals of College
Fine Arts or Social Science
course (3 cr.), e.g. ART 100,
101, PSY 101, SOC 101
CHEM 121 (4 cr.):
General Chemistry I
(with lab)
ENG 100/101 (3 cr.):
Composition I
MATH 126 (3 cr.):
Pre-Calculus I
PSC 101 (3 cr):
Intro to American Politics
CHS 101 (3 cr.):
Introduction to Community
Health Science
CHS 102 (3 cr.):
Foundations of Personal
Health and Wellness
ENG 100/101 (3 cr.):
Composition I
MATH 126 (3 cr.):
Pre-Calculus I
ENGR 100 (3 cr.):
Intro to Engineering Design
ENG 100/101 (3 cr.):
Composition I
MATH 126 (3 cr.):
Pre-Calculus I
MATH 181 (4 cr.)
Calculus I
Course Prefix definitions appear on slide 8
Practical Dual Credit Courses
Following below are details on 100-level courses that TMCC offers each
semester, and that partner high schools may wish to offer on their own
campuses, where credentialed instructors are available. This list is not
exhaustive. Further options are available, but these courses are among
the most common to TMCC’s degree programs, and many are
guaranteed transfer courses within NSHE.
Each slide describes the course, its content, its degree/career
destinations, and what credential is needed to teach that course.
A Foundational College Success Course
EPY 101 (3 cr.)
Educational Psychology: for Career, and Personal Development
Course Content
Provides a foundation for student success by introducing proven strategies in communication, critical
thinking, and college success methods. Study skills, career exploration and personal development
will also be explored. A good course to take before students come to college.
Degree Paths
Counts towards the Human Relations General Education requirement for AAS degrees and towards
electives in the AA and AS General Transfer degrees and AGS degree.
Required to Teach
Masters in Counseling (preferred), Education, Social Work, Psychology, Human
Courses in English, Communication, and Arts
Course Content
Degree Paths
Required to Teach
ENG 101 (3 cr.)
Composition I
COM 113 (3 cr.)
Fund. of Speech
ART 100 (3 cr.)
Visual Foundations
ART 101 (3 cr.):
Drawing I
MUS 121 (3 cr.)
Music Appreciation
Writing intensive course
designed to strengthen
college level writing skills,
with particular attention
to persuasion, analysis,
synthesis and an
introduction to research
methodologies. Drafting,
revising and editing are
emphasized. Conventions
of standard English are
reviewed. Critical reading
strategies of college level
texts are developed.
Principles and theories of
speech communication.
Participation in public
speaking and interpersonal
communication activities.
Explores visual forms and
contemporary concepts
through a variety of media,
presentations and
discussions. Transfers to
UNR/UNLV. Satisfies UNR
Fine Arts core curriculum.
An introductory studio
course emphasizing a
disciplined foundation in
drawing concepts based on
visual observations.
Historical and cultural
background of music. A
general course in music
appreciation open to all
students. Representative
works presented and
analyzed. Satisfies the UNR
Fine Arts core curriculum.
All transfer AA and AS
degrees and requirement
for many AAS degrees that
stack into a BAS.
AA Communications, Social
Science GE for AA and AS
Transfer, Communications
GE for AAS.
Fine Arts GE for AA and AS
Transfer and AAS and AGS,
degree requirement for AA
Fine Arts
Fine Arts GE for AA and AS
Transfer, AAS, and AGS,
degree requirement for AA
Fine Arts
Fine Arts GE for AA and AS
Transfer, AAS, and AGS,
degree requirement for AA
Fine Arts - Music,
Masters degree with 18 graduate credits in the discipline
Courses in Social Science, History, and Political
Course Content
Degree Paths
Required to Teach
PSY 101 (3 cr.)
General Psychology
SOC 101 (3 cr.)
Principles of Sociology
HIST 105 (3 cr.)
European Civilization
to 1648
HIST 106 (3 cr.)
European Civilization
since 1648
PSC 101 (3 cr.)
Introduction to
American Politics
Survey of the basic
foundations of
psychology with
emphasis on
psychological theories,
research methods and
principles of behavior.
Sociological principles
underlying the
development of
culture, structure and
function of society,
human groups,
institutions, deviance,
stratification and social
change. Satisfies UNR
Social Science core
Survey of the
development of
Western civilization up
to 1648.
Survey of the
development of
Western civilization
from 1648 to the
A survey of American
national, state and
local governments.
Includes Nevada's
government, and
contemporary issues.
Fulfills US and Nevada
All transfer AA and AS
degrees and
recommended for AA
Business and many allied
health programs.
All transfer AA and AS
degrees and
recommended for AA
Business and many allied
health programs.
Social Science GE for AA
and AS Transfer, AAS and
Social Science GE for AA
and AS Transfer, AAS, and
Social Science GE for AA
and AS Transfer, AAS, and
AGS. Satisfies U.S. and NV
Constitution requirement.
Masters degree with 18 graduate credits in the discipline
Career and Technical Education Courses
CTE Course
Course Content
Degrees and Career
Required to Teach
IS 101 (3 cr.)
Introduction to Information
BUS 107 (3 cr.)
Business Speech
Many CTE Courses may be offered with the appropriate post-
secondary technical credentials. Course prefixes are below.
An introduction to computer
terminology, hardware and
application programs for
management information
systems. Students are introduced
to business, industry and
education applications of popular
software using spreadsheets,
word processors, and databases.
"Hands-on" experience is
provided through student use of
open labs.
Provides business students and
career professionals with
intensive coaching in listening
skills, oral grammar and effective
speech construction. Students will
practice delivering a variety of
individual and small group
presentations necessary to
successful on-the-job
ACC - Accounting
AC - Air Conditioning
AUTO - Automotive
BUS - Business
CSCO - Cisco
CIT - Comp. Info. Tech.
CRJ - Criminal Justice
CUL - Culinary Arts
DT - Diesel Tech.
DFT - Drafting
ECE - Early Childhood Ed.
ECON - Economics
EDU - Education
ELM - Elec. Mech. Tech.
EMS - Emergency Med.
FS & FT - Fire Sci. /Tech.
GRC - Graphic Com.
HIT - Health Info. Tech.
MPT - Man. & Prod. Tech.
MT - Mechanical Tech.
MTT - Machining Tech.
WELD - Welding
AA Business
AA Entrepreneurship
AAS Business
AA Hospitality & Tourism Mgmt.
AAS Massage Therapy Entrepren.
AAS Office Management
AAS Personal Trainer Entrepren.
AAS Degrees, Certificates of Achievement, and Skills Certificates
provide meaningful career pathways for students in the areas
listed above.
Associate degree in the CTE discipline preferred; Recent industry experience or certifications
considered; Transfer courses require a master’s degree
Math for CTE and Business
CTE Math Course
Course Content
Degree Paths
Required to Teach
BUS 117 (3 cr.)
Business Calculations
& Methods
MATH 120 (3 cr.)
Fundamentals of
College Math
MATH 126 (3 cr.)
Pre-Calculus I
MATH 176 (3 cr.)
Intro. Calculus for
Business & Soc. Sci
Many AAS degrees in CTE
have the required Math
component embedded
directly into the technical
courses throughout the
program, including:
ELM, MPT, MTT, and
Practical business math
applications including:
bank reconciliations,
present value, markup and
markdowns, simple and
compound interest, trade
and cash discounts, sales
and property taxes,
payroll, understanding
overhead and analyzing
financial reports.
Covers the mathematical
concepts particularly
relevant to non-science
majors. Topics covered
include problem-solving,
topics in finance,
probability, statistics, and
additional real-world
applications. Satisfies UNR
core curriculum.
The study of functions,
their properties, their
graphs, and applications
including polynomial,
radical, rational,
exponential and
logarithmic functions. The
course also covers the
solving of equations,
systems of equations, and
Topics covered include
graphing functions,
derivatives, integrals,
applications, the
Fundamental Theorem of
Calculus. This course is
designed for business and
social sciences.
AAS degrees in:
Construction Tech., Dental
Assisting, Manufacturing
Tech, Transportation Tech.
AAS Business
AAS Business - Office
Mgmt., Personal Trainer,
Massage Therapy
Alternative for AAS
Business and its
specialties; BAS Logistics
Op. Mgmt., AAS Fire, AAS
AAS Computer
Information Tech.; BAS
AA Business
(Transfer Business degree)
Embedded Math - Associate degree in CTE area preferred; recent industry experience and
BUS 117 - Masters degree in Finance (preferred), Business, or Management
Transfer Math - Masters degree in Mathematics
Math for
CTE and
Transfer Math Course Sequence for STEM and
Some Allied Health Degrees
Math Course
Course Content
Degree Paths
Required to Teach
MATH 126 (3 cr.)
Pre-Calculus I
MATH 127 (3 cr.)
Pre-Calculus II
MATH 181 (4 cr.) -
Calculus I
MATH 182 (4 cr.)
Calculus II
MATH 283 (4 cr.)
Calculus III
MATH 285 (3 cr.)
The study of
functions, their
properties, their
graphs, and
applications including
polynomial, radical,
rational, exponential
and logarithmic
functions. The course
also covers the
solving of equations,
systems of equations,
and inequalities.
A continuation of
MATH 126. It includes
the study of circular
functions, their
graphs and
applications, analytic
trigonometry, the
coordinate geometry
of lines and conics
and elementary
vector algebra.
Functions, the
differentiation of
applications of the
understanding the
definite integral,
finding integrals and
applications of
integrals. Topics
viewed geometrically,
numerically and
Topics include a
continuation of the
definite integral,
finding integrals and
applications of
integrals, differential
equations and
approximations of
functions with simpler
functions. Throughout
the course topics
viewed geometrically,
numerically and
Topics include
differentiating and
integrating functions
of many variables,
parametric curves and
surfaces, line
integrals, flux
integrals and vector
fields. Topics will be
viewed geometrically,
numerically and
Theory and solving
techniques for
constant and variable
coefficient linear
equations and a
variety of non-linear
equations. Emphasis
on those differential
equations arising
from real world
AS Nursing
AS Dietetic Tech.
BS Dental Hygiene
AS Biology
AS Environmental
Recommended for
AS Biology and
AS Environmental
AS Chemistry AS Computer Science AS Engineering
AS Mathematics
Masters degree in Mathematics
Overview of Math Pathways Starting Points
Math Course
Course Content
Degree Paths
Required to Teach
Math for Liberal
Arts and Social
Math for Transfer Business Math for Sciences and some Allied Health
MATH 120 (3 cr.)
Fundamentals of
College Math
MATH 126 (3 cr.)
Pre-Calculus I
MATH 176 (3 cr.)
Intro. Calculus for
Business & Soc. Sci
MATH 126 (3 cr.)
Pre-Calculus I
MATH 127 (3 cr.)
Pre-Calculus II
MATH 181 (4 cr.) -
Calculus I
concepts particularly
relevant to non-
science majors. Topics
covered include
topics in finance,
probability, statistics,
and additional real-
world applications.
Functions, their
properties, their
graphs, and
applications including
polynomial, radical,
rational, exponential
and logarithmic
functions. The course
also covers the
solving of equations,
systems of equations,
and inequalities.
Topics covered
include graphing
functions, derivatives,
applications, the
Theorem of Calculus.
This course is
designed for business
and social sciences.
Functions, their
properties, their
graphs, and
applications including
polynomial, radical,
rational, exponential
and logarithmic
functions. The course
also covers the
solving of equations,
systems of equations,
and inequalities.
A continuation of
MATH 126. It includes
the study of circular
functions, their
graphs and
applications, analytic
trigonometry, the
coordinate geometry
of lines and conics
and elementary
vector algebra.
Functions, the
differentiation of
functions, derivative
applications, the
definite integral,
finding integrals,
applications of
integrals. Topics
viewed geometrically,
numerically and
AA’s in Anthropology,
Studies, Early
Childhood, English,
Fine Arts, Graphic
Com., HDFS, History,
Political Science,
AA Business
AS Nursing
AS Dietetic Tech.
BS Dental Hygiene
AS Biology
AS Chemistry
AS Computer Sci.
AS Engineering
AS Env. Science
Masters degree in Mathematics
Academic Division Contacts
Have faculty who want to teach? Please contact:
Liberal Arts Division Dean Natalie Russell: nrus[email protected]
Business & Social Sciences Division Dean Amy Williams: [email protected]
Math and Physical Sciences Division Dean Anne Flesher: [email protected]
Technical Science Division Interim Dean Kreg Mebust: [email protected]
Life Sciences, Allied Health, & Public Safety Division Dean Julie Ellsworth:
TMCC’s JumpStart Courses,
Degree Pathways, and
Required Teaching Credentials
Dr. Jeffrey Alexander, Vice President of Academic Affairs
Fall 2022