Monday 22
June 2020
L.O. I am learning to recognise
turns and angles.
Key vocabulary:
turn angles clockwise anti-clockwise quarter half three-quarter
Key vocabulary:
turn angles clockwise anti-clockwise quarter half three-quarter
Monday 22
June 2020
L.O. I am learning to recognise turns and angles.
is made when
two straight lines meet
Each of these pictures
shows one or more
right angle
is made when
two lines meet like this:
The size of a
right angle is
quarter turn
looks like this:
When something
makes a quarter turn,
it turns 90°.
Key vocabulary:
turn angles clockwise anti-clockwise quarter half three-quarter
Monday 22
June 2020
L.O. I am learning to recognise turns and angles.
Key vocabulary:
turn angles clockwise anti-clockwise quarter half three-quarter
Monday 22
June 2020
L.O. I am learning to recognise turns and angles.
The child is facing the
. If they make a
quarter turn
, which shape will they be facing?
Watch this animation
of turns to help you.
Key vocabulary:
turn angles clockwise anti-clockwise quarter half three-quarter
Monday 22
June 2020
L.O. I am learning to recognise turns and angles.
The child is facing the
. If they make a
turn anticlockwise
, which shape will they be facing?
Watch this animation
of turns to help you.
Key vocabulary:
turn angles clockwise anti-clockwise quarter half three-quarter
Monday 22
June 2020
L.O. I am learning to recognise turns and angles.
The child makes a
quarter turn clockwise to face the circle
. Is there
another way he could have turned to end up in the same position?
Watch this animation
of turns to help you.
Key vocabulary:
turn angles clockwise anti-clockwise quarter half three-quarter
Monday 22
June 2020
L.O. I am learning to recognise turns and angles.
What turning instructions would you give to the robot to escape the maze?
Complete as much of the worksheet as you can. Print the worksheet or
write down your answers on paper and send a photo.
Monday 22
June 2020
L.O. I am learning to recognise turns and angles.
Key vocabulary:
turn angles clockwise anti-clockwise quarter half three-quarter
Well done!
Now it’s time to check your work.
Tuesday 23
June 2020
L.O. I am learning to identify
right angles in shapes.
Key vocabulary:
turn angles right-angle quarter half three-quarter
Key vocabulary:
turn angles right-angle quarter half three-quarter
Tuesday 23
June 2020
L.O. I am learning to identify right angles in shapes.
Today we are looking at right angles.
What is a right angle?
Watch this clip on right angles before
completing today’s worksheet.
Today’s clip: akNIwDin4
Complete as much of the worksheet as you can. Print the worksheet or
write down your answers on paper and send a photo.
Key vocabulary:
turn angles right-angle quarter half three-quarter
Tuesday 23
June 2020
L.O. I am learning to identify right angles in shapes.
Well done!
Now it’s time to check your work.
Wednesday 24
June 2020
L.O. I am learning to compare
Key vocabulary:
angles acute right-angle obtuse greater than less than degrees
Key vocabulary:
angles acute right-angle obtuse greater than less than degrees
Wednesday 24
June 2020
L.O. I am learning to compare angles.
Today we are looking at different angles.
Acute, right angle and obtuse.
Watch these clips on angles before
completing today’s worksheet.
Today’s clips: uMULQjb3o
Complete as much of the worksheet as you can. Print the worksheet or
write down your answers on paper and send a photo.
Key vocabulary:
angles acute right-angle obtuse greater than less than degrees
Wednesday 24
June 2020
L.O. I am learning to compare angles.
Well done!
Now it’s time to check your work.
Thursday 25
June 2020
L.O. I am learning to draw lines
Key vocabulary:
line millimetre (mm) centimetre (cm) long length ruler
Key vocabulary:
line millimetre (mm) centimetre (cm) long length ruler
Thursday 25
June 2020
L.O. I am learning to draw lines accurately.
Watch the video for Lesson 4 on drawing lines accurately.
Complete as much of the worksheet as you can. Print the worksheet or
write down your answers on paper and send a photo.
Key vocabulary:
line millimetre (mm) centimetre (cm) long length ruler
Thursday 25
June 2020
L.O. I am learning to draw lines accurately.
Well done!
Now it’s time to check your work.
Friday 26
June 2020
L.O. I am learning find angles
around me.
Key vocabulary:
angles acute right-angle obtuse greater than less than degrees
Key vocabulary:
angles acute right-angle obtuse greater than less than degrees
Friday 26
June 2020
L.O. I am learning find angles around me.
Angles are all around us!
Today your challenge is to find angles in familiar places.
We can use a little Pac-Man to help us find angles.
Using a Pac-Man, we can tell if an angle is acute, right-angle or obtuse.
Activity 1: Find 10 different angles around your house using a Pac-Man shaped angle finder.
You can make your own Pac-Man by cutting a right-angle out of any paper.
Acute Angle:
The angle is
smaller than Pac-Man’s mouth.
Right Angle:
The angle fits
perfectly into Pac-Man’s mouth.
Obtuse Angle:
The angle is
bigger than Pac-Man’s mouth.
Safety pin
A book
An open laptop
Still using a Pac-Man, we are going to find the angles in your name!
Activity 2: Write your name in capital letters.
Wherever two lines meet, use a colour to label the type of angle you find.
Use your Pac-Man to help you here. Look a the example below…
obtuse and
acute angles
right angles acute angles