Employee Handbook
July 2022
Welcome to the Cobb County School District, where our Mission is “One
Team, One Goal: Student Success”!
You are now part of a team of individuals who demonstrate an unrelenting
commitment to our students, parents, educators, and community. By
working together, we provide a world-class education for all students.
The Cobb County School District is the second-largest school system in
Georgia and the 25th largest in the nation. It serves over 107,000 students
with 112 schools, including 66 elementary schools, 26 middle schools, 17
high schools, an early learning center, one special education center, and
one adult education center.
In your new role, you will be part of a team that is focused on one goal:
student success. Students will be successful if we make decisions in
classrooms based on our three District priorities. First, we use data to
make our decisions. Secondly, we prepare for innovation by simplifying
the foundation of teaching and learning. Finally, together we strive to
make Cobb the best place to teach, lead, and learn.
As you become acquainted with our district, please know that we are here
to support you. We see you as the most important part of our team
because we recognize the tremendous difference you will make in the
lives of our students.
This handbook contains important information about rules, policies,
procedures, and resources of the Cobb County School District.
Please feel free to contact us if you need additional information. In the
meantime, we hope you enjoy your experience working for the Cobb
County School District.
Chris Ragsdale
Table of Contents
Policy, Rules & Guidelines: Workplace/On-the-Job
Accidents and Emergencies
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
Annual Performance Evaluation
Confidential Nature of Work
Conflict of Interest/Dual Pay/ Outside Employment
Discipline & Representation
District Devices
Dress Code
Drug-Free Workplace
Employee Fundraising
Employees with Communicable Diseases
Equipment and Resources
Fair Dismissal
Identification Badges
Job Abandonment
Non-Discrimination and Anti-Harassment Policy
Professional Learning
School Assignment for Children of Employees
Social Media
Sexual Harassment
Social Security Number
Staff Complaints and Grievances
Tobacco-Free Schools
Violence in the Workplace
Work Day/Work Week
Policy, Rules & Guidelines: Employment
ACA Compliance
At-Will Employment
Background Checks
Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO)
Job Descriptions
Job Postings
Personnel Records
Pre-Employment Physical Examination
Reduction In Force (RIF)
Substitute Teachers
Policy, Rules & Guidelines: Benefits & Compensation
403(b) and 457 Supplemental Plans
Benefit Eligibility
Benefit Enrollment
Benefit Options
Effective Date
Extended Day / Year
Holiday Pay
Pay Schedule
Teaching Experience
Travel Reimbursement
Tutoring for Pay
Policy, Rules & Guidelines: Leave & Absences
Administrative or Directed Leave
Bereavement Leave
Jury and Witness Duty
Military Leave
Other Medical Leave
Personal Leave
Professional Leave
Sick Leave
Time for Voting
Family Medical Leave Act
Benefits/Deductions during Leave
Military Caregiver Leave
Return to Work
Workers Compensation
Key Terms and Definitions
Human Resources Contact Information
Board of Education
This symbol refers to a Board of Education policy or an administrative rule of
the Cobb County School District (CCSD). A complete copy of each policy and rule
and supporting form, if any, can be found on the CCSD Web site at
This handbook has been prepared to help familiarize you with some of our
administrative rules and forms and to present the information in a form that will
be readily available for reference. Although the contents of the handbook are
based on the administrative rules and forms of the Cobb County Board of
Education, the actual administrative rules and forms, which are far lengthier and
more detailed, have been summarized to make the handbook more readable.
There are additional administrative rules and forms not discussed in the
handbook. In the event of a conflict between the handbook and an administrative
rule or form, the administrative rules or forms shall control. Nothing in this
handbook or in the administrative rules and forms is intended to create a
contract of employment or an entitlement to any particular benefits or terms and
conditions of work. The Board of Education has the right to change or modify
any of its administrative rules or forms at any time. For additional, more detailed
information or if you have questions, please refer to the Board of Education
Policy Manual, Section G - Personnel, which can be found at the district’s web
site (www.cobbk12.org) or contact the Human Resources Division at Cobb
County School District, 580 Glover Street Marietta, Georgia 30060. The
telephone number for the Human Resources Division is 770-426-3342.
At-Will Employment
Limited Contract employees and those in their first year under contract with
Cobb acknowledge and agrees that the employer can suspend the employee
without pay or terminate the employee as permitted under the Strategic Waiver
School System Partnership Contract.
For the initial ninety (90) workdays, the
employee understands, acknowledges and agrees that employment under this
contract is at will and can be terminated by the district at any time for any reason
without any further obligation whatsoever on the part of the employer. O.C.G.A §
20-2-940 et al does not apply to the employee’s initial ninety (90) workdays.
Policy, Rules & Guidelines: Workplace/On-the-Job
Accidents and Emergencies
All employees are responsible for maintaining a safe working
environment and should report safety concerns to their supervisor
so that corrective action can be taken. In the event of an accident
sustained in the performance of job duties, employees should
report the injury to their supervisor within 24 hours and complete
a Supervisor’s Report of Injury with their supervisor. All Cobb
County Schools have access to emergency services and
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
The Cobb County School District will not discriminate against any
qualified employee because of a disability, if the employee can
perform the essential functions of the job. Reasonable
accommodations for qualified individuals with a disability will be
provided, following the ADA guidelines.
Annual Performance Evaluation
Policy/Rule reference: GARI-R, GBA-R
All employees are evaluated by their immediate supervisor, by the
deadline established by Human Resources, using an instrument
approved by the Evaluations Office. All employees should receive
a copy of their annual evaluation at a summative conference.
Appeals must be received by the building Principal or Division
Chief within 10 calendar days of the conference. The district shall
withhold a step increase for any employee who receives an
unsatisfactory annual evaluation.
Policy/Rule reference: GARH-R
Employees are required to be at work on time. Employees who will
be late to work or absent should personally notify their supervisor
as quickly as possible. Absences for reasons that are not
approved by the Cobb County Board of Education may be
considered job abandonment. Employee absences without
approval for three or more days can be considered voluntary
Confidential Nature of Work
Student and employee files, records, documentation, and other
information are private and confidential. Disclosure of such
information is limited by applicable federal and state laws.
Conflict of Interest/Dual Pay/ Outside Employment
Policy/Rule reference: GAGC-R, GBRG-R
Outside employment is not permitted if 1.) it interferes with the
employee’s ability to perform his/her job with Cobb County School
District; 2.) the work involves organizations that do or want to do
business with the school district; 3.) it violates laws or Cobb
County School District policies and regulations or 4.) the work
takes place during Cobb County School District business hours.
Employees who are paid for outside work they do during regular
work hours must forfeit one of the salaries. Employees can be
paid for outside work they do while on vacation leave, jury duty, or
personal days, or for services performed outside the regular
Business dealings that create a conflict with the interests of
CCSD are not acceptable. Employees should disclose any
potential conflicts of interest, including those where the
employee’s influence could result in personal gain for the
employee or an immediate family member.
Discipline and Representation
Policy/Rule reference: GBK-R;
Discipline will be implemented when there is unsatisfactory
and/or unacceptable employee performance and/or conduct of
any type. The district utilizes progressive discipline. However,
depending on the seriousness of the offense, it may be
determined that progressive discipline is not appropriate and any
disciplinary action may be imposed. An employee who holds a
certificate with the Georgia Professional Standards Commission
may be reported at any time for a violation of the Code of Ethics
for Educators. All employees are allowed to have an individual of
their choosing, excluding attorneys, spouses, and immediate
family members, present in any Disciplinary Conference. Annual
performance evaluation conferences are not considered
Disciplinary Conferences. The Superintendent (or designee) may
write letters of reprimand for any valid reason. These letters are
placed in the employee’s District personnel file.
District Devices
Policy/Rule reference: IFBGE, IFBG-R
Cobb County School District hardware, software and data should
be used for assigned responsibilities only, and should be
protected from damage, destruction, viruses, theft and
unauthorized access and use. Employees should have no
expectation of privacy when using CCSD electronic resources and
should minimize use of the Internet for personal reasons during
working hours.
Dress Code
Policy/Rule reference: GBRL-R
Employees should maintain an appropriate level of personal
hygiene, and dress appropriately for the school or workplace
situation and level of formality. Employees should adhere to the
expectations set forth by their supervisor.
Drug-Free Workplace
Policy/Rule reference: GAMA, GAMA-R, GCRA(1)-R
The Cobb County Board of Education will not tolerate and
specifically prohibits the unauthorized use, abuse, possession or
sale of alcohol or controlled substances, as well as a measurable
presence of alcohol in any employee. All employees are subject to
drug and alcohol testing based on reasonable suspicion.
Employee Fundraising
Policy/Rule reference: GAHA-R
All fund-raising, product sales, and employee assistance
campaigns require approval through the referenced rules.
Employees with Communicable Diseases
Policy/Rule reference: GANA
The Board of Education, the Cobb County Health Department,
and/or the Georgia Department of Human Resources may require
quarantine or surveillance of carriers of diseases and persons
exposed to or suspected of being infected with infectious disease
during such period until they are found free of the infectious agent
or disease.
Equipment and Resources
Employees entrusted with public funds and property should honor
that trust with a high level of honesty, accuracy and responsibility.
Unethical conduct includes, but is not limited to, misusing funds
or property; failing to account for funds collected from students or
parents; and/or submitting fraudulent requests for reimbursement
of expenses.
Policy/Rule reference: GAGC-R
All employees must adhere to standards and expectations
determined by the CCSD Board of Education and those described
in the Professional Standards Commission Code of Ethics. All
employees of the district are required to notify the Employee
Relations Office by the end of the next business day following any
arrest. Any misstatement or omission of information may be
reason for dismissal or non-employment. Employees are required
to cooperate with any investigation.
Fair Dismissal
The State of Georgia’s Fair Dismissal Act, O.C.G.A 20-2-940 et al.
pertains to certificated employees. Demotions and contract non-
renewals of certain certified employees are governed by O.C.G.A
20-2-940 et al. Limited Contract employees and those in their first
year under contract with Cobb acknowledge and agree that the
employer can suspend the employee without pay or terminate the
employee as permitted under the Strategic Waiver School System
Partnership Contract. This employee understands, acknowledges
and agrees that employment under this contract can be
terminated by the district at any time for any reason without any
further obligation whatsoever on the part of the employer. O.C.G.A
§ 20-2-940 et al does not apply to the initial ninety (90) workdays
for these employees. A demotion is a job with less pay, less
responsibility and less prestige. Employee transfers are not
regulated by the Fair Dismissal Act.
Identification Badges
All employees must clearly display their Cobb County School
District ID badge whenever they are on Cobb County School
District property or engaged in Cobb County School District-
related activities. Employees must report the loss or theft of ID
badges to the Fingerprinting Office in Human Resources
Job Abandonment
Policy/Rule reference: GARH-R
Absences for reasons that are not approved by the Cobb County
Board of Education may be considered job abandonment.
Employee absences without approval for three or more days can
be considered voluntary resignations.
Non-Discrimination and Anti-Harassment Policy
Policy/Rule reference: GAEB, GAEB-R
All employees have a right to be treated with respect and dignity,
and to work in a professional environment that is free of bias,
prejudice and harassment. The Cobb County School District
prohibits harassment, discrimination, or differential treatment of
any employee, and encourages employees who believe they have
been discriminated against to seek relief through the Cobb County
School District discrimination complaint resolution process.
Professional Learning
Policy/Rule reference: GAD
Employees have the opportunity to participate in staff
development activities that will enhance their professional
capabilities. Professional opportunities for Classified employees
are handled at the Division level.
Policy/Rule reference: GAO-R
Certified employees who wish to terminate their contract for the
upcoming year must submit written notification before June 15.
Certified employees who want to resign during the contract period
may be subject to a PSC referral. Classified employees are asked
to submit a letter of resignation at least two weeks prior to leaving
the Cobb County School District.
School Assignment for Children of Employees
Policy/Rule reference: JBCD-R
All employees of the Cobb County School District (District), except
temporary and substitute employees, who are also a custodial
parent/legal guardian/stepparent with whom the child is
domiciled, may elect to have their student(s) attend any District
school subject to the requirements of Administrative Rule JBCD-
R. The employee must provide transportation, if the school is
outside the area of residence, and the child must comply with all
eligibility rules, regulations and laws governing participation in
extracurricular activities. Placement of special education students
depends on availability of services and the approval of the Special
Student Services division.
Sexual Harassment
Policy/Rule reference: GAEB, GAEB-R
Sexual harassment, advances, requests for sexual favors and
other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature is unlawful,
will not be tolerated, will be investigated, and the police will be
involved if any crime was committed. Individuals who believe they
are being sexually harassed should immediately notify a
supervisor or Human Resources. Retaliation against a
complainant is strictly forbidden and will be handled in
accordance with the law.
Social Media Usage
Policy/Rule reference: IFBGC-R; GAGC-
The district recognizes the educational value inherent in the
responsible use of social media. The district also recognizes,
however, that District employees must use social media
respectfully and ethically to avoid harming the reputations and
careers of themselves and colleagues, as well as the reputation of
the district and the education profession as a whole. Accordingly,
the District takes the use of social media seriously and expects all
faculty and staff to use social media in the personal and
professional capacities with great care and consideration for the
privacy and safety of others.
Social Security Number
The Cobb County School District reserves the right to use an
employee’s social security number in employment-related
practices. All employees who handle documents containing
employee identification data such as social security numbers
should use reasonable precaution to preclude compromise.
Policy/Rule reference: KJ-R
Employees cannot solicit, advertise, or endorse one product over
another product when dealing with students, parents or
No person, firm, corporation or business can solicit money from
or sell, trade or barter merchandise of any kind to students,
employees and school clubs or organizations without the
approval of the Cobb County Board of Education. Please see the
board rule for approved activities.
Staff Complaints and Grievances
Policy/Rule reference: GAE(2)-R, GAE(3) R
The Cobb County School District’s internal grievance process
addresses alleged violations, misinterpretations or
misapplications of the district’s statutes, policies, rules,
regulations or written agreements that cannot be resolved in an
informal manner. It does not apply to annual evaluations, job
performance, employee discipline, or certificate-related matters.
The complaint must be sent in writing to the employee’s
supervisor within 10 calendar days of the event/incident.
Tobacco-Free Schools
Policy/Rule reference: GAN, GAN-R
Employees and visitors are prohibited from using tobacco in all
forms, including electronic cigarettes and vaping, at all school-
sponsored events and in/on all school property, including
buildings, offices, trucks, automobiles, and buses.
Violence in the Workplace
The Cobb County School District strongly believes that all
employees should be treated with dignity and respect. Acts of
violence will not be tolerated. Any instance of violence must be
reported to the employee's supervisor and/or Human Resources.
All complaints will be fully investigated. The Cobb County School
District will promptly respond to any incident or suggestion of
Work Day/Work Week
Policy/Rule reference: GBRC
The minimum workday for certified, contracted employees is
eight hours, and the minimum work week is 40 hours. Teachers
work a minimum of seven and one-half hours each day and spend
another 30 minutes a day (or two and one-half hours a week) in
various school related activities as determined by the principal.
The workday for Paraprofessionals is seven and one-half hours,
and the work week is 37 and one-half hours. Paraprofessionals
are compensated for additional time worked. Employees should
check with their supervisor for their particular schedule.
Policy, Rules & Guidelines: Employment
ACA Compliance
If an employee leaves CCSD from a benefit eligible position, that
employee will not be able to return in a non-benefit or temporary
position until after a 26-week waiting period. This includes
Employees who are in a non-benefited position, part time or
temporary, must be limited to 120 hours or less in all positions per
calendar month, and will be limited to two positions within Cobb
County School District. If an employee is in a Supply position
(long term substitute), they may not work any other positions
while in this position.
Policy/Rule reference: GARE-R
Employees are assigned to positions based on the needs of the
Cobb County School District as well as the employee’s training,
certification and other factors. Employees may be reassigned at
any time.
At-Will Employment
Georgia recognizes At-Will Employment; that is, an employee is
hired at-will and employment can be terminated at the will of
either party, for any reason or no reason at all. This applies to all
classified staff and certain contracted employees. Please see
your contract for more information.
Background Check
Policy/Rule Reference: GAK (1)
All new employees must pass a criminal background check as
required by Georgia State Law. State law also requires employees
to authorize the district to conduct periodic criminal and/or
driver’s history record checks for the duration of employment.
Policy/Rule reference: GBBA-R
Certified employees must be eligible for certification by the
Professional Standards Commission (PSC) before employment
and must maintain certification during employment. Contracts
may be terminated if an employee cannot be properly certified.
Policy/Rule reference: GBA-R
Certified employees receive electronic employment contracts that
are signed by the employee and the Superintendent.
Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO)
Policy/Rule reference: GAAA, GAAA-R
All employees are entitled to equal treatment in decisions
involving hiring, promotions, compensation, training, and
discipline. The Cobb County School District does not consider
race, color, sex (including pregnancy and related conditions),
religion, national origin, military status, disability, or any other
legally protected status in any employment decision or
employment practice. Further, the Cobb County School District
does not tolerate retaliation against employees for any legally
protected status or for engaging in legally protected conduct. The
district will consider requests for accommodation on the basis of
religion and will provide reasonable accommodation on the basis
of ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) qualified disability if it
can do so without undue hardship or safety threat. Also see
Administrative Regulations, Superintendent's Statements, and
EEO Procedures. Also see Responsibilities for Responses to Civil
Rights Concerns.
Policy/Rule reference: GARD
Individuals are employed by the Cobb County Board of Education
on the recommendation of the Superintendent. Human Resources
will make the offer of employment on behalf of the
Superintendent after the individual has successfully completed
the required employment and screening process, although some
post-employment screening or testing may be necessary.
Job Descriptions
Policy/Rule reference: GBB-R
Each position has a valid job description maintained by Human
Resources. Job descriptions are updated and maintained on a
regular basis. All job descriptions can be found HERE
, on the
CCSD website.
Job Postings
Announcements of job vacancies will be posted electronically. All
job postings can be found HERE
, on the CCSD website.
Personnel Records
Information contained in an employee’s personnel file is not made
public unless required by law or requested by the employee in
writing. Employees must communicate changes in name, contact
and/or address via the CCSD Employee Self-Service portal
notify their supervisor of these changes.
Pre-Employment Physical Examinations
ª Policy/Rule reference: GARA-R
Prior to employment, employees may be asked to take physical
and/or psychological examinations that demonstrate their
competence and ability to perform job-related functions. The
Cobb County School District will pay for the required
examinations but is not responsible for the cost of treatment.
Employees in some job classifications may be required by law to
pass an annual physical or to acquire special permits.
Reduction in Force (RIF)
Policy/Rule reference: GAKA-R
If it becomes necessary to reduce the workforce, the Cobb County
School District will rely on a process that maintains the
effectiveness and quality of the educational programs and
services, and that minimizes the number of employees who are
negatively impacted. The Superintendent will authorize a written
plan that identifies the underlying conditions, as well as what
positions are affected and why. Employees who receive written
notice that their positions have been eliminated can choose to
resign or accept separation under the RIF.
Individuals whose contracts will not be renewed are notified in
writing. Administrative and Certified personnel who are employed
after the contract year begins may be recommended for re-
employment after the reassignment process is completed.
Substitute Teachers
Policy/Rule reference: GBRJ-R
A substitute can be used for up to 10 days in the same
classroom. A vacancy that lasts between 11 days and 60 days
may be filled with a Supply Teacher. Substitute Teachers must
attend in-service training and meet other requirements.
Policy/Rule reference: GARF-R
Employees may initiate a transfer during specific times of the year
if transfer requirements are met, as outlined in the board policy.
Policy, Rules & Guidelines: Benefits & Compensation
Nothing in this section of the Employee Handbook creates or implies an
entitlement to any particular benefit. Visit www.mycobbbenefits.com for access
to individual benefits.
403(b) and 457 Supplemental Plans
The district offers pre-tax deferral to mutual fund plans under
these sections of the Internal Revenue Code. These are
supplemental retirement plans; eligible new employees are
automatically enrolled upon hire. Current employees not enrolled
can reach out to retirement@cobbk12.org
for instructions on how
to enroll.
Benefit Eligibility
Benefits coverage is available to employees, the employee’s legal
spouse under Georgia law, and the employee’s natural children,
adopted children, stepchildren, children in the employee’s legal
custody, and those children for whom the employee has a legal
requirement to provide coverage. Children can be covered until
the end of the month during which they turn 26 years of age.
Children who are disabled by their 26th birthday may continue
benefit coverage(s) with proper documentation of the disability.
Benefit Enrollment
Online enrollment should be completed within 10 days of the
employee’s “start date”. Employees may annually re-enroll in
benefits during Open Enrollment or at the time of a Qualifying
Event. If you have a Qualifying Event, documentation must be
submitted to the Benefit Call Center (844-268-0687) and State
Health Benefit Plan (800-610-1863).
Benefit Options
Eligible employees may participate in the State Health Benefit
Plan for health coverage. CCSD pays the premiums for Basic Life
insurance and Long-Term Disability insurance for all eligible
employees. Employees have the option to purchase additional
local benefits for themselves and family members.
Policy/Rule reference: GBA-R
Payroll deductions include, but are not limited to, federal and state
taxes; retirement systems contributions; Social Security; and
medical, dental and other deductions authorized by the employee.
Effective Dates
Coverage is effective the first of the month after a full calendar
month of employment. State Health Benefit Plan premiums are
deducted the month prior to the coverage effective date. Local
Benefit premiums are deducted the month of the coverage
effective date. If a paycheck is missed due to any reason, the
employee must make a payment directly to the Benefits Office or
coverage will be terminated.
Extended Day/Year
Policy/Rule reference: GBA-R
Supplemental pay may be provided to employees who work an
extended school day or school year to meet student needs. Local
school administrators must approve Extended Day/Year in
advance. Pay cannot be based on tasks that would normally be
performed during the regular workday.
Holiday Pay
Policy/Rule reference: GBA-R
In order to be paid a holiday premium for working on a scheduled
holiday, a 258 day hourly employee must meet criteria outlined in
board policy. Hourly employees who do not qualify for the
premium will be paid 1-1/2 times their regular rate for work on a
Policy/Rule reference: GCRD-R
Employees classified under The Fair Labor Standards Act as non-
exempt are compensated at a rate of 1 ½ their hourly rate beyond
40 hours and/or 1 ½ hours of compensatory time off for each
hour over 40 hours within a workweek. Overtime worked without
advance approval may subject the employee to disciplinary
action. Employees classified under the Fair Labor Standards Act
as exempt are paid a fixed rate and are not eligible for overtime
Pay Schedule
Policy/Rule reference: GBA-R
Certified employees are paid monthly. Certified employees who
begin work after the beginning of the contract year are paid an
equal monthly percentage of their salary through the end of July.
Classified employees are paid monthly or bi-weekly, based on
their job assignment.
Policy/Rule reference: GBA-R
Except for employees over 60 years of age, eligible employees are
required to participate in one of the designated Retirement
Systems for the employed position. Contributions are payroll-
Policy/Rule reference: GBA-R
Salaries for certified employees are determined by the Georgia
teaching certificate they hold and the years of experience
approved by the Cobb County Board of Education. Classified
employees are paid based on years of like experience related to
their current classification and education level.
Teaching Experience
Policy/Rule reference: GBA-R
Certificated employees new to the district will be placed at step
one of the appropriate salary schedule and certification level.
Upon receipt of verified experience and a valid in-field certificate,
the salary will be appropriately adjusted. Teaching experience
gained outside the district in an accredited, Georgia-recognized
program will be credited if all criteria are met.
Travel Reimbursement
Personal expenses associated with Cobb County School District
approved travel will be reimbursed at the approved District travel
rates. Signed receipts of expenses must accompany
reimbursement requests.
Tutoring for Pay
Policy/Rule reference: GBRGB-R
Employees can use District facilities, materials or equipment
when tutoring students for pay in a school-sponsored program.
Private tutoring for pay must be done off-campus, using personal
supplies, and must not include students assigned to the teacher.
Policy, Rules, & Guidelines: Leave / Absences:
Policy/Rule reference: GARH-R
Daily attendance and punctuality are performance expectations
for all employees and are included in each job description as a
primary responsibility. In the event absence is necessary,
employees are responsible for contacting their supervisor prior to
the start of the workday. Absences should be requested using the
Report of Absence form (FS 348). Employees who are
excessively absent are subject to disciplinary action up to and
including the recommendation to terminate employment.
Administrative or Directed Leave
Policy/Rule reference: GARH-R
During investigations or other situations, the district may direct
that an employee remain off work. This required leave will be paid
at the employee’s regular rate of pay. The Cobb County School
District Superintendent or his/her designee can relieve any
employee from duty for up to 10 days if the employee’s presence
could cause serious harm or disrupt students, the school, or other
Bereavement Leave GARH-R
Georgia law allows school district employees to use accrued,
unused Sick Leave as Bereavement Leave to receive pay for up to
five days away from work due to the death of an immediate family
member or a relative living at the same address. Employees may
use up to one day per year to be away from work due to the death
of someone outside the immediate family.
Jury and Witness Duty GARH-R
Employees will receive regular pay when absent due to a jury duty
summons. Employees who are subpoenaed as a witness and
who have no direct personal interest in the legal proceedings will
be allowed to be absent and will receive regular pay.
Military Leave GARH-
Employees who are members of the National Guard or Reserves
may be granted up to 18 days of paid leave each federal fiscal
year for training or active duty. Documentation of the duty and
dates of service must be provided in advance.
Other Medical Leave GARH-
Employees who deliver a baby during the first twelve months of
employment will be allowed to take a leave of absence for the
period of disability after delivery (normally six to eight weeks).
Personal Leave GARH-R
Advance approval of Personal Leave is required except in
emergency situations. Personal Leave will not be approved for
Critical Days as designated by the district or the school.
Professional Leave GARH-R
Employees who attend a conference, seminar or workshop at the
direction of the district are considered to be absent for
professional development purposes. This Professional Leave is
not deducted from any of the employee’s leave accounts as it is
considered worked time.
Sick Leave GARH-R
Sick Leave is provided under Georgia law for absences related to
medical issues for the employee or an immediate family member.
Sick Leave is accrued at 1 ¼ days per working month, provided
that at least half the scheduled workdays of the month are
worked. New employees who do not transfer any Sick Leave time
to the district will be advanced five days of leave. Save sick days!
Unused sick leave may be credited toward retirement years
through the Teacher Retirement System.
Time for Voting GARH-R
Polls in Georgia are open from 7:00 a.m. until 7:00 p.m., and often
advance voting is allowed before the day of elections. Therefore,
it is unlikely that time away from work would be necessary for an
employee to vote. Employees should consult their supervisor to
arrange for time off when necessary.
Vacation GARH-
Employees who work a 12-month schedule accrue vacation hours
to cover their pay for scheduled absences. At least half of
accrued vacation time must be used each fiscal year. Unused
vacation hours can be accumulated, up to a total of four times the
annual accrual. Employees who resign, retire or move to a non-
eligible position will be paid for accumulated but unused vacation
Federal Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA)
Policy/Rule reference: GBRIG-R
Employees are eligible for a leave of absence under the FMLA
once they have worked for the district for twelve months and have
accumulated a total of 1250 work hours. Leave under the FMLA
can be approved for up to 12 weeks in a rolling 12-month period
for specific reasons as outlined in the board policy.
Benefits / Deductions during a Leave of Absence GBRIG-R
While an employee receives Sick Leave pay, benefit deductions
continue to be taken from the paycheck. If the employee uses all
available Sick Leave before the end of the FMLA period or if the
employee is receiving payments from Workers Compensation, the
employee must pay for benefitted deductions directly to the
Benefits Office each month or coverage will be terminated.
Military Caregiver Leave of Absence GBRIG-R
An eligible employee is entitled to 26 workweeks of leave during a
single 12-month period to care for a family member with a serious
injury or illness related to certain types of military service.
Return to Work GBRIG-R
Employees are expected to return to work at the end of the FMLA
period with a full release to perform all duties with no restrictions.
Employees who are unable to return to work at the end of the
approved leave of absence must resign but are eligible to apply
for employment when they are cleared to work by the physician.
Policy/Rule reference: GBRIG-R
Absences covered by Workers’ Compensation are considered
FMLA leaves of absence. If an employee sustains an on-the-job
injury, they are required to provide immediate notification to their
supervisor and must be treated by a physician on the District’s
Panel of Physicians. A completed Supervisor’s Report of Injury
should be sent to Risk Management within 24 hours of the
accident. Delay in notification can result in denial of the workers’
compensation claim.
Key Terms and Definitions
Affordable Care Act
: Employment year or schedule.
Annual Employee:
An employee who works 238 days per school
Annual Hourly Employee
: An employee who works 258 days per
school year.
Break in Service:
An interruption in continuous service in a full-
time position. Examples of a break in service include resignation,
retirement, failure to return from approved long-term leave of
absence and termination. A break in service also interrupts an
employee’s school system seniority. School system seniority
begins to accrue again on the date the employee begins the
current continuous service period in a full-time position.
Cobb County School District
: Employees who must hold a teaching, educational
leadership or service certificate, issued by the Professional
Standards Commission and sign a contract for employment.
Certified employees include Principals, Associate Principals,
Assistant Principals, Assistant Administrators, Teachers,
Guidance Counselors, Media Specialists, Curriculum Supervisors
and Teachers-on-Special-Assignment.
: Employees who are not required to hold a teaching,
educational leadership or service certificate. Classified
employees include Central Office Administrators, Technical and
Professional employees, Clerical employees, Paraprofessionals,
Food Service Workers, Public Health Nurses, Custodial and
Maintenance Workers and Transportation Employees.
Compensatory Time:
As a public employer, the Cobb County
School District may pay overtime with “time off” instead of cash.
: The Cobb County Board of Education issues a contract
for all Certified employees and other Board-approved personnel.
Contracts should be in writing and signed by the employee and
the Superintendent. New Certified employees are issued a
temporary contract, pending results from the criminal background
check. All employees are evaluated at least annually. Continued
employment depends on satisfactory work performance,
maintaining qualifications and established need for the position.
Covered Positions:
Teachers, administrators, supervisors,
campus officers, clerks, teacher aides, secretaries,
paraprofessionals, and public- school nurses are considered
covered positions by the Teachers Retirement System of Georgia
Critical Days:
Employees are not able to take
personal/professional leave on certain days during the school
year. The Human Resources website has a list of these days.
Additional critical days may be designated by the principal as
Exempt Employee
: Employees classified under The Fair Labor
Standards Act as exempt are paid a fixed salary regardless of the
time required to complete duties. Exempt employees are not
eligible for overtime pay.
Full-Time Position:
Regular, full-time employees work at least a
fixed 37.5-hour work week. Each regular, full-time employee is
allotted in the district’s budget. Under the applicable regulations in
effect as of 2008, regular full-time employees generally are
eligible to elect to participate in one of the health insurance
programs offered through the State Health Benefit Plan. Further,
under the current local benefits plan in effect as of 2008, regular
full-time employees generally are eligible to elect to participate in
the dental, vision, short-term disability, and long-term disability
coverage available through the district.
Hourly Employee:
An employee who is paid an hourly rate for
services rendered.
Itinerant Teacher:
Teachers who have responsibilities at more
than one school.
Less Than Annual Employee:
An employee who works less than
seven- and one-half hours a day AND fewer than 238 days per
Less Than Part-Time Employee:
Employees who work a 49
percent or less schedule or by the percent of the day worked.
Limited Contract:
Contract offered to a Certified Teacher whose
first day of work is after the first day of pre-planning.
New Hire:
A new, first-time employee in a full-time position.
Non-Exempt Employee:
Employees classified under The Fair
Labor Standards Act as non-exempt are compensated overtime
pay or compensatory time off for all hours worked that exceed 40
hours within a work week. All non-exempt employees who work
more than 40 hours a week will be compensated for overtime
work at one and one-half times their regular hourly rate.
Work that extends outside an employee’s regular schedule must
be approved in advance by his/her supervisor (except in
emergency situations); non-exempt employees cannot waive their
rights to overtime pay or volunteer to perform normal job
functions outside normal work hours.
When an employee, holding a position that is
covered by a contract, is not offered a contract for the next school
year period.
Paraprofessionals work with individuals or
groups of students under the direction of classroom Teachers or
other Certified employees. Paraprofessionals must meet initial
and ongoing requirements for in-service training for continued
Part-Time Employee:
Regular, part-time employees generally
work less-than 37.5 hours per week. A regular part-time employee
may, or may not, be eligible to elect to participate in the State
Health Benefit Plan and the local benefits plans, depending upon
the number of hours scheduled to work and based exclusively on
the terms and conditions set forth in the applicable plans,
statutes, and/or regulations.
Any employee who is involuntarily assigned from one
work site to another in the same or a comparable position.
Refers to a Certified Teacher who has fulfilled a
limited contract and is offered employment on a regular contract.
A former employee who was separated from Cobb
County School District and has reentered the Cobb County School
District workforce.
Regular Contract:
Contract offered to a Certified Teacher whose
first day of work is on or before the first day of preplanning.
Seniority (System):
Term used to define the length of full-time
continuous employment; determines the priority of employees
during personnel activities such as transfers, reassignments,
Reduction in Force (RIF). In practice, the last employee hired has
the least seniority.
Supply Teacher:
A long term substitute teacher who is employed
when a teacher is absent on short-term leave. Supply Teachers
are employed not later than the 11
day of the regular Teacher’s
Temporary Employee:
Temporary employees may work up to 40
hours per week on a fixed or non-fixed schedule for a finite period
of time (typically 90 days or less). Temporary employees are
generally not eligible for benefits. Temporary employees are not
allotted in the district’s budget.
Any employee who voluntarily moves from one work
site to another in the same or a comparable position. The
employee must request the movement and be accepted by the
Principal, Supervisor or Administrator.
Human Resources Contact Information
Please refer to the following web sites for additional information:
Chief Human Resources Officer
Certification & Compensation
https://www.cobbk12.org/page/23932/compensation OR
Risk Management
Leadership Management
Employee Relations & Evaluations
Cobb County School District Board of Education
Post 1
Randy Scamihorn
Post 2
Jaha Howard
Post 3
Leroy Tre’ Hutchins
Post 4
David Chastain, Board Chair
Post 5
David Banks, Board Vice-Chair
Post 6
Charisse Davis
Post 7
Brad Wheeler
Cobb County School District
514 Glover Street
Marietta, GA 30060