Autumn 2015
3rd Runway
Slough International Freight Exchange
Council Contacts 3
Chairman’s Message 4
Pippin’s School 7
Colnbrook C of E Primary School 8
St Thomas Church 9
Colnbrook Resident’s Association 10
Colbrook Beavers, Cubs and Scouts 11
Colnbrook Village Hall 12
Colbrook Community Partnership 13
Colbrook Community Association 14
Colbrook Youth Club 14
Thames Valley Police 15
Magna Carta Celebrations 17
Colnbrook Neighbourhood Action Group 19
Pump Hunt for Sewage Station Owners 19
The Colne Valley Park Community Interest Company (CIC) 20
Colnbrook Community Cup 21
Colnbrook Amateur Stage Theatre CAST 21
Colnbrook Apple Fair Back Page
Autumn 2015 Newsletter
Council Contacts
Cllr Peter Hood CHAIRMAN 01753 682395
Cllr Ray Angell VICE CHAIRMAN 01753 680507
Cllr ‘K’ Laxman 01753 680048
Cllr Scott Bryant 07957 226481
Cllr Dexter Smith 01753 683542
Cllr Puja Bedi 07949 285010
Cllr Jagjit Grewal 07980 307560
Cllr Arnold Richardson 07919 412241
Cllr Mick Kinane 01753 680052
Cllr Eddy Elum-Smith 07809 711618
Cllr Paul Brooks 07957 267954
Cllr Raymond Jackson 01753 689181
All written correspondence should be directed to
Mrs Katy Jones Clerk and Responsible Finance Officer
Colnbrook with Poyle Parish Council
1 Allen Way, Datchet, Berkshire, SL3 9HR
Tel: 01753 586572
Parish elections
In May the Parish elections took place and twelve of
the sixteen candidates were duly elected. However
two of those that were elected did not formally make a
declaration of acceptance within the period prescribed
by law. It is soley the responsibility of the individual
candidates to comply with this most important and
fundamental requirement. The District Council were
therefore obliged to call a bi-election which has taken
place and resulted in two new candidates being elected.
It is unfortunate that the Parish Council has been put to
the extra cost of a second election because of the failings
of Persons put forward by the Labour Party.
Meeting Attendance
Parish Councillors lead busy lives like everybody else and
so with other commitments, it’s not always possible for
them to attend scheduled meetings or events. However
we are often asked for meeting attendance figures.
For your information these were as follows:-
100.00% Cllr Peter Hood – CHAIRMAN
84.38% Cllr Ray Angell – VICE-CHAIRMAN
17.19% Cllr Charles Burke
71.88% Cllr Howard Jones
87.50% Cllr ‘K’ Laxman
96.88% Cllr David MacDougald
59.38% Cllr Mrs Avtar Cheema
68.75% Cllr Dexter Smith
78.13% Cllr Mrs Barbara Underhill
43.75% Cllr Mrs Neelam Verma
100.00% Cllr Scott Bryant
100.00% Cllr Mrs Safia Akram
Chairman’s message
Heathrow & S.I.F.E.
The Parish Council have now embarked on a new
term. We have a mixture of seasoned, new and very
new councillors who have all committed to serve our
community to the best of their abilities.
They can serve you better if you make your thoughts
known to them first hand. Please don’t hesitate to contact
them by phone, at a monthly surgery, using the Council
e-mail address or facebook page. There is also a public
question time before each full council meeting.
As the front page of this issue indicates our Parish and
the Green Belt it sits in faces two major threats. Both
Heathrow Airport and S.I.F.E. seek to turn a huge area of
Colnbrook into concrete and tarmac.
Heathrow Airport will bring with it more aircraft
movements and noise together with more lorries and cars
on the road.
S.I.F.E. promises thousands of extra lorry movements in
the area and offers nothing in the way of compensation to
At a Parish meeting called by residents and held on
16th June it was agreed that the Chairs/Leaders of local
community groups should meet, discuss and agree how to
respond to these threats. Two meetings have been held
and most of the significant groups from the community
have attended.
It was also agreed that whilst the Government/Parliament
consider how to proceed with the recommendations
of The Airports Commission to build a third runway at
Heathrow, partly in Colnbrook that better compensation
and mitigation should be sought for our community if it
were to go ahead.
Following publication of The Airports Commission
recommendation that Heathrow be the site of the new
third runway I have made a request on behalf of our
combined community groups and the Parish Council that
Heathrow Airport hold a drop in question and answer
forum for Parish Residents. Heathrow Airport have agreed
to hold this on 30th September.
The campaign to Stop Heathrow Expansion continues. Go
to for details.
It was agreed that a simple brief flyer/questionnaire/poster
should be circulated in respect of the S.I.F.E. proposal and
as this newsletter goes to press that is in hand.
The document is titled STOP SIFE AGAIN. Not everybody
will remember that there was LIFE before SIFE. The
London Intermodal Freight Exchange was proposed for the
same site back in 1999. The Parish Council were successful
in objecting to that and the appeal that followed.
SIFE was more recently rejected for planning by Slough
Borough Council but now the appeal is in full swing it
needs to be stopped yet again. The recent campaign title
therefore seems wholly appropriate and adds to the efforts
made by the CCA and StopSIFE.
It should be noted that “there is no dispute” by
the developer or anyone else “that the proposal
is inappropriate development in the
Green Belt” but Goodmans continue with their
appeal to let it happen.
The S.I.F.E. inquiry commences on 8th September 2015
and is being held at The Centre, Farnham Rd, Slough,
SL1 4UT. The Parish Council have already attended and
spoken at the pre-enquiry and have registered to speak and
give evidence at the inquiry.
The inspector has confirmed that at the start of the inquiry
there will be the opportunity for anyone else to ask to speak.
Go to the Parish Council web site www. to find the full notes of the
pre-enquiry and more details of the SIFE proposals.
Peter Hood
The location of the huge SIFE proposal. Almost a third
of the area of the Parish. Stealing a huge section of the
Green Belt and the Colne Valley Park.
Colnbrook in bloom
2015, the hanging
baskets look great.
This is what we want
more of, not lorry parks.
Autumn 2015 Newsletter
The S.I.F.E. inquiry commences at
10am on 8th September 2015 and is being held
at The Centre, Farnham Rd, Slough, SL1 4UT.
It is open to the public.
The inspector has conrmed that at the start of
the inquiry there will be the opportunity for people
to ask to speak.
Autumn 2015 Newsletter
Pippins Park Raymond
Close Herb Garden
I’d like to welcome readers of the Parish Newsletter
to The Pippins Park Herb Garden. My name is Jo
Doyle, I am a local Mum and live very close to the
school and park. I started with the school gardening
club as an assistant in spring this year to improve my
own gardening knowledge and to share my enthusiasm
for digging in dirt and nurturing plants. I have been
handed the role of leading the club from the start
of the new school term and this role includes the
maintenance of the Herb Garden in Pippins Park but as
we are a small after school club we can’t manage the
maintenance of the herb garden alone. I am reaching
out to the community to share this project with us and
make this area a useful, pleasant and tasty place to be
for everyone in Colnbrook.
Pippins Park Herb Garden was installed by Slough
Borough Council in conjunction with Groundworks South
Colnbrook Community Partnership and DHL in 2012
as an Eco-initiative. The garden contains apple trees,
two raised herb beds, fruit bushes, a low level fence on
the side of the park, a bench and bark chip pathway. It is
situated on the right hand side of Pippins Park.
The herb garden is in need of refreshing, wild spreading
herbs in the raised beds have overgrown, they are too
close together and starting to disease. The area under
the apple trees was sown with wild flowers but with the
mix of the weeds from the adjacent field, the area looks
unkempt. The brown fence, tall herbs and weeds make
the area almost invisible but even still a handful of local
residents have taken herbs home to use in their cooking,
taken cuttings for their own propagation and local families
have weeded the path and the raised bed at times when
they’ve visited the park.
The herb garden has proven itself as a useful benefit to
the community.
Slough Borough Council has approved a proposal to put a
mural against the fence where artists from all over Slough
and the surrounding areas may showcase their work by
producing art which will be fixed to the main frame of the
mural. The proposal also includes repainting the area and
replacing the current tired herbs with fresh manageable
herbs which local people can use. A wildlife village will be
built to engage children in bugs and wildlife and benefit the
plot. The garden will be refreshed and properly maintained.
Everyone in Colnbrook is welcome to come and take
produce from the garden and if interested, join the growing
number of local volunteers who will be working to
regenerate and maintain the area in the coming seasons.
Work has only just begun and you will soon see the
improvements to this small hidden gem in our community.
C. of E. Primary
Believe and Achieve
This has been a great and busy two terms for
Colnbrook School and, indeed for me, as I became
Headteacher of this School in January 2015! In that
time, one important event was our visit from Ofsted.
I am delighted to say that, we have been judged as a
‘Good’ school. The Ofsted report reflects how much
progress the School has made in the last two years and I
would like to point out one of the key findings:
“Pupils achieve well throughout the school. All
pupils, including those with complex learning needs,
make good progress from their starting points on
entry to the school.”
During the last two terms, we have as a School, opened
our doors to parents as much as possible and we have
been delighted with the response. Parents in Nursery
join their children for rhyme time each fortnight which
has proved to be a great success. Our open mornings
where parents can see what is going on in the classroom
in English and maths have also been very well attended.
From September, we will continue to offer parents/carers
as many opportunities as possible to see the school.
Our involvement with the local community is important
to us. We ran a stall at the Apple Fair last September
and some of the children will be performing at the next
Fair on 19th September; a number of children and staff
took part in the Colnbrook Magna Carta celebrations; at
Christmas, the local elderly residents of the village came
for tea and to watch the Nursery and Reception Nativity
Play and the Local Council kindly provide us with awards
for young writers and social achievement. In addition,
thanks to the Hilton Hotel at Terminal 5, we are able to
reward classes with the best attendance for each ½ term.
So far, they have planted sunflowers, made pizza and
decorated Easter Eggs. The Hilton also bring Santa and
the Easter Bunny to visit us each year.
In the last two terms, the pupils have enjoyed a variety
of educational visits, including Kew Gardens, Iver
Environmental Centre and the Science Museum. Years
5 and 6 had a fantastic time during their residential trip
to Rhos y Gwaliau in North Wales, where they had the
opportunity to go into the old slate mines, hill climb,
gorge walk, kayak on the local lake and use their map
reading skills to find their own way back to the Centre.
Another great trip was to the O2 Arena in London,
where our Key Stage 2 children took part in the Young
Voices event. Colnbrook children joined schools from
around the country to perform at the O2.
Still on a musical theme, the children have all taken part
in Musical Showcases in School. Each year group learnt
some fantastic songs and performed these for parents and
carers. Their performances in school were magnificent
Looking to the future, we are delighted that from
September we will have our own in-house catering,
run by the Slough and Eton Catering Manager. The
new menu offers great choice, value for money and
healthy food. Children and staff will also be able to take
advantage of a free breakfast each morning.
We wish you a good summer from all of us at Colnbrook
C. of E. Primary School and look forward to welcoming
some of you into our School during the year ahead.
Susan Marsh
At the summit of Moelwyn Mawr in Rhos y Gwaliau!
Performing at our Musical Showcase
Autumn 2015 Newsletter
St Thomas Church
Our Mission statement is
We are here to provide a place of worship and
celebration before God and to serve Christ in the
We are doing our best to fulfil this statement and we
are very pleased that our links with the community
continue to grow.
Currently the church is used by the Cubs and Beavers on
Monday and Wednesday evenings. The CCA youth club
meets on Tuesday evenings and our mother and toddler
group ‘ Little Fishes’ meets in church on a Friday morning.
It is important to us to reach out to everyone and show
that the church is welcoming to all.
We were very pleased to take part in the Magna Carta
celebrations and it was fantastic to have a packed
church for the service. The whole event was a really
good example of community spirit, hard work, fun and
cooperation. There was a lovely atmosphere and good
humour from everyone.
We are holding our Annual Fish and chip Supper and Quiz
on Friday October 9th at 7-15pm and we hope this will
be well supported. This is one of our fund raising events
which help to pay towards our running expenses.
Many people are unaware that it costs over £400 a
week to keep St. Thomas’ open and the average weekly
attendance is about 25. Paying for insurance, utilities,
parish share to the diocese to pay for clergy and general
running expenses soon mount up.
We know that there are many people who are happy
to support the church in a variety of ways without
necessarily attending. If you are able to volunteer to help
in any way please let us know. If you would like to make a
donation instead that would also be very welcome.
Janet Morgan
PCC secretary
Church Wardens and members of the congregation dressed as peasants for the Magna Carta celebrations. All did a great job on the day feeding
hundreds of people at a marvellous tea party.
Serving Residents and Community since 1947
Dear Residents,
As ever time seems to have passed so quickly since the
beginning of the year. The Residents Association have
been busy arranging events which so far have included –
Family skittles evening In February. Held at the Village
Hall. Young and old alike had a chance to test their
bowling skills against one another. A splendid Supper of
Fish and Chips was provided by our local chippy.
Easter Egg Hunt in April. This saw the Village children
hunting around St Thomas Church quiet garden,
searching high and low to solve clues which provided
them with a chocolate Easter Egg. There were games to
play and it all made for a great family afternoon.
History of Colnbrook Talk in July. Historian Julian
Hunt gave a very enlightening talk about our great
village, or town as it used to be in those days. The talk
was conducted in a packed upstairs reception room
in the very historical Ostrich Inn. It was followed by a
hearty buffet supper and a question and answer session,
Everybody stayed on to chat and socialise. All in all, a
great family evening and community event.
The AGM in July. This was a chance to reflect on the
past years events and for committee members to stand
for re- election. Sadly Neelam Verma decided to step
down as Secretary due to other commitments. We
would just like to take this opportunity to thank Neelam
for all her help over the years.
The good news is I am very pleased to announce that
Brenda Pettit who has lived in the Village for over 10
years has stepped into this role and is already proving to
have some great ideas and contacts. Welcome aboard
Brenda !!
Events yet to come include:
Apple Fair Saturday 19th September, 12 - 4 pm at
the recreation ground old bath road (next to the Queens
Arms public house), come along and enjoy traditional
games, displays ,donkey rides, bouncy castle, various
competitions, BBQ, a fantastic raffle and much more,
be sure to check our Facebook page for updates on this
great family event...
Annual Christmas Lunch Sunday 6th December
being held at the Marriott Hotel, Langley. Be sure to put
this in your diary as places are strictly limited. There will
be great food, carol singing, kids entertainment, dancing
and of course Father Christmas.
Carol Singing Service around the Village Clock
Friday 18th December
For your Information
Our meetings are open for all to attend and are held in
the Village hall on the 2nd Thursday of each Month @
7.30. We are always looking for help to run these events
or new ideas, you can contact us via Facebook, email
[email protected], or you could just give us a
call on 01753 686331.
On behalf of all the team at Colnbrook Residents
Association, I would just like to thank you for your
continued support throughout the year, as without your
support we couldn’t run these events wishing you all a
great run up to Christmas.
Sean Kelly
Autumn 2015 Newsletter
Colnbrook Beavers, Cubs & Scouts –
Summer 2015 update
This year so far has seen a successful year for all
3 sections in the Group, whilst Beavers and Cubs
are now starting to grow again the Scout Section is
maintaining its numbers. Our Young Leaders are also
growing and taking an active role in the sections whilst
taking on their training and projects.
All 3 sections are delivering a fun, active and balanced
program helping all of our young people try new things,
learn new skills and have a great time.
We are always looking for more young people to join and
do not run a waiting list –
Beavers is open to Boys and Girls from age 5 ¾ to 8 and
meets Wednesdays from 6-7.15pm
Cubs is open to Boys and Girls from age 8 to 10 ½ and
meets Mondays from 6.30 to 8pm
Scouts is open to Boys and Girls from age 10 to 14 ½
and meets Fridays from 7-to 9pm
Alasdair Garbett
Group Scout Leader
Te l 07793 973240
Beavers have been out earlier
with the Cubs and Scouts at
Group Camp. This was their
first time away from home for
many and the first time in tents
– despite some very tough
weather conditions the Beavers
stayed all weekend and learnt
to cook on open fires, try new activities and had a lot of fun
(they also asked when the next camp was….)
Beavers were also out with Slough District at a Circus skills
day where a great day out was had by all
Cubs have been getting more
active this year, having been out
on Group Camp with Beavers
and Scouts. They took t part in
the district cycle ride and went
to the Cutty Sark and National
Maritime Museum in London
Our Cubs are already planning for their first week long
‘Jamboree ‘ experience next year at Cubjam 2016 (www. with over 1500 Cubs from around
the UK
Scouts is our oldest and most active section, they take
part in everything from Abseiling to Scuba Diving (yes…
Scuba Diving!!!!).
Our Scouts have been to France and also an International
Jamboree with Scouts from over 43 countries. They have
recently returned from summer camp in Staffordshire
where they had a week of outdoor ‘wet n wild’ activities.
This ranged from rafting and abseiling to Jacobs ladder. It
all culminated in a visit to Alton Towers.
Our scouts always have fun and are up for trying all sorts
of different activities.
Colnbrook Village Hall
at the Heart of the
The Village Hall is already near to the centre of the
village in Vicarage way, our vision is to become the
Heart of the Community and we believe that the
recent re-furbishment programme has gone a long
way to achieve this ambition.
Colnbrook Village Hall was completed over 25 years
ago and replaced the old “Public Rooms” in Bridge Street
and has recently undergone a cir. £ 100,000 renovation
programme to ensure that it lasts for another twenty odd
This has enabled us to push on and we have secured
many more regular bookings and doubled the amount of
Ad Hoc bookings and to this end it will ensure that the
hall is the heart of the village.
Also within the Village Hall is the Village Hall Members
Club where residents of Colnbrook meet for a drink,
chat and perhaps a game of darts. The Village Hall Club is
an autonomous group to the village hall and pays rent to
the Village Hall for the use of the bar.
If you would like to become a member of the Village hall
Club please obtain a form from Barbara Underhill on
01753 684139 or
For Hall availability, please call Chris Darbon our
Bookings Secretary on
07598 126809 or
The community’s own PCSOs have a small office at the
Village Hall to enable them to remain in the Village for
longer periods of their working day; it is hoped this may
also allow them to conduct regular face to face meetings
with the community.
Colnbrook Village Hall Trust
Vicarage Way, Colnbrook, Slough SL3 0RA
CVHT is a Registered Charity Number 1003725
Colnbrook Museum
In conjunction with the Parish Council and all the village
groups we are planning an extension to the hall that
will become the Colnbrook Museum. This will be
able to house all the historical artefacts of a very ancient
village including the fire tender pump and the original
Coronation clock.
Whilst this project is in its infancy a funding application will
be submitted for the capital works that need to be carried
The Apple Fair will kick start the fund raising of on 19th
September 2015.
Draft plans produced by the Colnbrook Community
Partnership have been viewed by community groups.
The drawings are being further developed by an architect
for planning purposes. Once these are completed an
exhibition and consultation will be held for all residents to
see and hopefully agree. Help with the fund raising will be
Our AGM is soon to be arranged and we will be
announcing the date very shortly so please come along
and support your hall. If you feel that you can make a
contribution to the running of the hall please come along
and put your name forward for election to join this hard
working group of people.
Ray Angell
Chair to the Colnbrook Village Hall Trust (CVHT)
Have you tried the Zumba
or line dancing classes?
Have you been to a play or
musical production by CAST?
There is an event/information notice board at the
Village Hall that has the contact numbers for all the
groups that hold events/activities in the hall.
Autumn 2015 Newsletter
The aim of the partnership is “to promote,
for the benefit of the inhabitants of Colnbrook
and the surrounding area the conservation,
protection and improvement of the physical and
the natural environment for recreation or other
leisure time occupations in the interests of social
welfare and with the object of improving the
condition of life for the said inhabitants”
The partnership is a registered charity:
No. 1115166
The partnership is attended by representatives of SBC,
Local Residents, Grundons, Groundwork South and the
Parish Council.
August 2015 again saw Green Flags awarded to Pippins
Park for the fifth year running and to Colnbrook
Recreation Ground with its fourth year award. Both
these flags were the result of the extensive work by the
Partnership in funding and designing the parks to a very
high standard which enabled the applications for the
Green Flag award for Excellent Parks to be made.
Pippins Park has now benefited from a new Tennis Court
for a year now and is adjacent to the MUGA. We are
pleased to announce that the tennis court is extensively
well used and sometimes queues form patiently waiting
for their turn to play. If there are queues we would ask
that you be patient and if you are on the court to limit
your play so that others may enjoy a game.
The Partnership were also very pleased to be associated
with the Colnbrook Village Hall re-furbishment
programme which has seen this facility more than double
its bookings and popularity.
We are currently working on improvements to Albany
Park in conjunction with Slough Borough Council,
Groundwork South and Grundons.
This will include the following works
Renew and extend the existing path up to the edge of
the trees.
An informal path to be cut through tree/scrub.
Remove a section of fence to create a new entrance.
Welcome sign sign/sculpture trail sign.
Add spoil from the path to the bund and plant with
meadow seeds
Open up the views of the river
Riverside planting.
Also coming up is the CCP/Village Groups led CAROL
SINGING evening around the Christmas tree and the
Jubilee clock on the 18th December at 7.00pm.
This has gone from strength to strength over the last
couple of years that it has been going and we are hoping
to improve on this again this year. After the singing we will
again move to St. Thomas church for mulled wine and
mince pies.
In case of inclement weather the event will be held in the
We believe that we have had another very successful
year and managed to make further improvements to the
environment and Colnbrook in general.
More work is in the planning stage and as soon as this is
finalised we will let you know how things are progressing.
Ray Angell
Hon. Secretary
Colnbrook Community Partnership
The Chairman of the Parish Council, Peter Hood gets
help from local children to raise this year’s GREEN FLAG
in Colnbrook Recreation Ground.
We are a membership organisation; join for FREE
by emailing your details, including email address to
Visit our website for news affecting Colnbrook,
Poyle, Brands Hill and Westfield, and find out what
we do on behalf of the whole community –
If you would like to get involved with like minded people
who care about where they live and work please get in
touch by email or call 07940131778
We run the very successful Colnbrook Youth Club – for
more details see the separate article in this newsletter.
We challenge infrastructure projects planned for
Colnbrook that will likely severely impact quality of
life and have made representations to the Davies
Commission regarding the proposed third runway at
Heathrow, and in September we will be attending the
Planning Inspectorates enquiry into the SIFE project.
We will continue to challenge planning applications that
lead to a loss of our green spaces, and those that add to
noise and air pollution in and around the village.
We are represented on the Colnbrook NAG, and have
good working relationships with the Parish Council and
other village groups working towards a common goal – a
better Colnbrook.
Working to improve our communities by
discussion, communication and cooperation
Colnbrook Youth Club
The Colnbrook Youth Club is now in its third year, and is run by the Colnbrook
Community Association with volunteers from the community.
The regular sessions are held on Tuesday evenings at St Thomas’ Church from 18.00 to
20.00 hrs and include both indoor and outdoor activities.
Young people from the ages of 11 to 19 are welcome to attend free of charge. Siblings of a slightly younger age are also
We are an Associate of Youth Engagement Slough (YES) and funded via Slough Borough Council and donations from local
Activities available include most popular sports such as table tennis, table football, pool, cricket, football, Smash up
We recently attended the SBC “Funday” at Salt Hill Park, when over 100 young people (and some older folk!) took the
opportunity to have some free cricket coaching from our sports coaches Chris and Kerthney.
Autumn 2015 Newsletter
Valley Police
Summer burglary Crime
Prevention Advice
Now the weather is brightening
up and the sun is shining people
become complacent when it
comes to their home security. The
most common cases of opportunist summer burglary
involve offenders that:
enter an insecure front door while residents are in the
back garden
enter doors that are closed but unlocked at night
while residents are asleep
reach through windows to take valuable items
In around 25% of break-ins that take place in the spring
and summer months, entry is gained through insecure
windows and doors, especially at the rear of the property.
Crime reduction advice should focus on
Ensure that windows and doors are closed and locked
when you are out. Don’t leave small windows open
believing them to be safe.
If you want to leave windows open while you sleep,
fit window restrictors so they cannot be fully opened,
or make sure they are not large enough to allow
access to a burglar.
When out in your garden ensure that windows and
doors to the front of the house are secure. It only
takes a second for someone to get into your home
and take things without you noticing.
Do not leave valuables on display in front of windows
or in reach of open windows or doors.
Ensure that all barbecue and garden equipment and
tools are securely locked up in a shed and out of sight.
Tools can be used by the potential offender to break in
to your home.
Consider fitting outside security lighting or a visible
alarm to help deter burglars. Even using pea shingle or
gravel on a driveway and spiky plants in garden beds
can help.
Don’t leave any keys near entry points where they can
be ‘fished’ or ‘hooked’ out through the window, letter
box or cat flap.
Ensure any internal handle operated locks on UPVC
doors are fully secured with a key.
Sheds - Easy pickings?
Offenders see sheds as easy pickings because they are
unprotected and lack basic security measures. The
buildings often contain property that can be sold on or
implements that can be used to force entry into the
owner’s home.
Many sheds whilst being of good construction fall
short on basic security.
It is easy to unscrew the ironmongery, steal contents
and in some cases replace the screws to make it look
as if the shed has not been tampered with.
By using tamper proof screws or coach bolts together
with a good quality pad bar or hasp and staple and
close shackled padlock, the shed owner will make it
harder for the would-be thief.
It is also a good idea to bond any window glass in,
with mastic to prevent easy removal.
Ensure all tools and equipment is locked away when
not in use.
High-quality locks should be used on doors. Windows
can be fitted with a grille or, as a cheaper alternative,
chicken wire, to slow a thief down.
A shed alarm can also be installed.
Post-coding or indelibly marking all property such as
lawnmowers, bikes, and tools using ultra-violet pens,
forensic marking such as Selecta DNA or Smartwater
or engravers.
Installing security lighting as a deterrent, and plants
such as thorny shrubs to act as a barrier at potential
access points.
If building a shed, putting it where it is most visible to
you and neighbours.
Going on holiday?
Make your home look occupied.
If you’re out or going away, ask a trusted neighbour to
open and close your curtains for you.
Ask a neighbour if they don’t mind parking their car
on your driveway and trimming your garden to make
your home look occupied.
Cut the front and back lawns before you go away and
trim any plants that burglars could hide behind.
Cancel milk and newspaper deliveries.
Before your holiday, don’t advertise that you are going
away on Facebook, Twitter etc.
Register for the Royal Mail ‘Keepsafe’ service.
Leave important documents and valuable personal
items with other family members or a bank.
Double-check that you’ve locked all outside windows
and doors.
Set your burglar alarm.
The Neighbourhood Police Team is encouraging
all residents to sign up to the Thames Valley
alerts. Registering to receive messages from
Thames Valley Alerts offers you the opportunity
to receive localised crime and safety alerts for
your local neighbourhood via email, voice or
text. To sign up, you just need to visit www. click on ‘Join’ and follow
the on screen instructions. You can choose
to receive different types of messages, e.g.
burglary alerts, suspicious circumstances or
good news and select the priority level which
keeps you in control to receive alerts which are
relevant to you.
Colnbrook Neighbourhood
Action Group
A Neighbourhood Action Group is a multi-agency,
problem-solving group that consists of relevant partner
agencies, key stakeholders and, most importantly,
members of the local community. Neighbourhood
Action Group focuses their work around the main
priorities that are identified after consultation with the
local community. Members, who are all volunteers,
take on responsibility for achieving certain tasks on
behalf of their neighbourhood. Several members of
Slough Borough Council, Parish Council, L&Q Housing
Association, Langley Neighbourhood Police team
(NHPT) and members of the community are present
and discuss issues surrounding burglary, theft from
motor vehicles, traffic/parking, street lighting, anti-social
behaviour(ASB), as well as many other local concerns.
Understanding the issues that impact on those who
live in or visit our neighbourhoods is one of the most
important aspects of delivering a citizen focused service
and improving public confidence.
As a result of attending Neighbourhood Action
Group meetings, the Neighbourhood Police Team
can appropriately plan and conduct patrol activities,
community reassurance and respond to local priorities.
Until recently neighbourhood priorities were established
following leaflet-based consultation, public meeting
or street events. As a result of these relatively limited
consultation opportunities, priorities are identified by a
very small proportion of the population and are often
unrepresentative of the issues that neighbourhood
teams deal on a daily basis.
Contact us
If you want any advice or would like to contact the
neighbourhood team you can call us on the police
non emergency number 101 but if your call is an
emergency then dial 999. You can also contact us
via mail: ColnbrookPoyleFoxboroughNHPT@
Autumn 2015 Newsletter
Well I took on the responsibility and started a process
which resulted in over 400 people turning up on 6th
June 2015 at King John’s Palace, Bath Road to enjoy
and participate in a procession to St Thomas Church,
for a service conducted superbly by Rev. Peter Wyard,
followed by a Libber Tea Party. The procession was led by
a horse called Revel and its owner dressed as King John,
followed by the Mayor of Slough, Councillor Mohammed
Rasib and local VIP’s. Our local MP Adam Afriyie also
put in an appearance. A host of locals put on costumes
and came as Robin Hood, Pandit Nerhu, the Archbishop
of Canterbury, Nelson Mandela, Winston Churchill,
Abraham Lincoln and the despicable King John himself.
Most of the local groups took part in one way or another,
with food prepared by the ladies of St Thomas’ Church and
Chlldren gathering in King John’s Palace Courtyard before the event
Magna Carta Celebrations
Margaret Lenton, Chairman of Wraysbury Parish Council came to one of our meetings earlier in the year and posed the
question: What is Colnbrook doing about the 800th Anniversary Celebrations of the Sealing of Magna Carta?
the Colnbrook Residents Association. Special praise goes
to Puja Bedi, our newest Councillor who cooked over 100
poppadoms in her own time and at her own expense. We
also had amateur dramatics, with CAST members Steve
Oakes (King John) and Keith Hughes ( Abraham Lincoln)
bringing St Thomas Church to life. Steve Oakes played the
role of King John in a dramatic monologue so well that he
had the congregation of 200 hissing and shouting at him
as if it was a pantomime. Never have I seen anyone make
such an impact in 5 minutes!!
This was a very successful event, and as Margaret Lenton said
we did Wraysbury proud and went beyond her expectations.
So where do we go from here? Well next year will be our
Queens 90th Birthday and we hope to plan a celebration
to honour her unique achievement. Watch this space!!
Councillor K Laxman
King John leaves the Palace on horseback
Autumn 2015 Newsletter
Colnbrook Neighbourhood
Action Group NAG
The Colnbrook Neighbourhood Action Group (C-NAG)
has been operating in a formal capacity since January of this
year after adopting the current Constitution and Terms of
Reference at a meeting on 20th January 2015. The NAG
was previously chaired by officers from Thames Valley
Police as an interim measure until a Chairperson was found
from within the local community. The current Chairperson
is Raymond Jackson who can be contacted by email at
Members of the NAG represent the main organisations
operating within the neighbourhood such as Colnbrook
with Poyle Parish Council, Colnbrook Residents Association,
Colne Valley Park, Colnbrook Community Association and
Neighbourhood Watch. These members are assisted by
representatives from Slough Borough Council, Thames
Valley Police and L & Q Housing Group on a regular basis
and the NAG can invite other members from local schools,
businesses and other agencies if required.
The main purpose of the NAG is to co-ordinate the
efforts of all members in dealing with the concerns of
residents on crime related issues such as Burglary, Vehicle
Theft, Anti-Social Behaviour, Rubbish/Fly-Tipping and
Traffic Enforcement.
Regular crime updates are provided by Thames Valley
Police which are discussed at meetings and the relevant
crime figures are included in the Minutes of meetings
issued to members and published in our soon to be
launched Facebook page for the benefit of residents.
The NAG meets every 5-6 weeks on average with a longer
break during August due to holidays. New members
are always welcome with the next meeting planned for
September 9th in Colnbrook Village Hall at 19.30.
One of the NAG’s major programmes is dealing with
the scourge of rubbish and fly-tipping that has blighted
a number of locations throughout Colnbrook and Poyle
for many years. Following the publication of photographs
showing the kind of rubbish dumped in and around the
village a meeting was requested with partner agencies to
discuss the issue in detail and an Action Plan was drawn
up with Slough Borough Council taking the lead.
The focus at present is on clearing the Willow Close/
Horton Road ditches of accumulated rubbish and fly-tipped
furniture, bedding, fridges and assorted sundry items as well
as educating people through the provision of leaflets, letters
and local meetings to bring about changes in behaviour.
Pump Hunt For Sewage
Station Owners
Thames Water is appealing to
customers to help identify privately
owned sewage pumping stations.
The utility, which serves 15
million customers across London
and the Thames Valley, will take
responsibility for around 4,000
pumping stations in October 2016, but needs to track
down 1,800 currently off its radar.
New legislation means sewage pumping stations, which
power wastewater away from properties and out into
the public sewer pipe network, currently owned and
maintained by customers will become legally owned and
operated by the local water company.
The pumping stations are found in all shapes and sizes,
and can be in places where there are a number of
properties needing to connect to the public sewer
network. Customers will know they have one as they’ll
be paying to maintain and power them.
Jerry White, of Thames Water, said: “This is really
good news for customers. We’d urge anyone who thinks
they may have one to get in touch so we can check they
are eligible for the transfer of ownership. In some cases,
as well as electricity savings, maintaining and replacing
pumps can cost thousands of pounds so it’s an excellent
deal for them.
“We believe we know where approximately half of the
stations we need to take over are, but really need help
to find the other 1,800. Please get in touch if you think
this applies to you and we can take on the responsibility
Anyone with a private pumping station can make Thames
Water aware at
The Colne Valley Park
Community Interest Company (CIC)
Following on from our article published in the Christmas 2014 edition of this newsletter,
and not wishing to become repetitive, we wish to concentrate on the future of the Colne
Valley Park in this edition. Suffice to say that the Colne Valley Park is a special place
including some attractive countryside, rivers and lakes that receives millions of visits each
year. Anyone wishing to gain background information can visit our website at
Significant threats to the Colne Valley Park and its local communities have been taking up much of our resources, financial
and manpower, in dealing with these matters. The CIC has put in place a Spatial Planning Group who respond to planning
applications, Development Consent Orders (DCOs), and much more recently Hybrid Bills. The learning curve has been
steep, time consuming, frustrating and satisfying, all rolled into one heck of a roller-coaster ride.
HS2 has taken the most time for our small team of four, not really due to the enormity of the development, but the
process, a hybrid bill, by which the development is being determined. Objections are lodged via the Parliamentary
petitioning route. This would be a daunting task for any group of objectors.
The Additional Provisions to the bill, one of which is the relocation of the Heathrow Exchange Depot to Langley, are
also open to petition. More informative details of this process can be found on the Government website http://www. (Only for the dedicated
amongst you, wading through the documentation can be likened to watching grass grow!)
Whilst the process of our engagement with the petitioning process lasted over 12 months, and is still ongoing with
negotiations with HS2 Ltd., other threats have not escaped our involvement, including:
We had engagement with the Pinewood Studios development and presented at the last inquiry.
We have submitted to the Davies Commission upon Heathrow expansion and had negotiations with the promoters of
both schemes, for mitigation / compensation for the areas of the Park affected.
We are represented at the forthcoming Slough International Freight Exchange Inquiry.
We are preparing for whatever process the Western Rail Access to Heathrow (WRAtH) may take as a determining
route (possibly the DCO process).
We have had our first meeting with Highways England upon the local effects of Iver and Colnbrook with the proposed temporary
removal of the Old Slade Lane footpath crossing over the M4, part of the Colne Valley Trail, for up to 1 year duration.
Most of the impacts to the Colne Valley Park are being justified as major infrastructure projects of National importance,
as a method of satisfying the condition for Green Belt development. It is important to recognise that all groups opposing
these developments make provision in their argument that if the Nation benefits due to these developments, then the local
communities and facilities available to those communities, require commensurate compensation.
One last consideration; this year the Colne Valley Park celebrates its Golden Anniversary. Our funding comes from our
Corporate Supporters and Members, without them your local Regional Park will not have a future, please support the
Colne Valley Park in whatever means are available to you, see:
Let’s look forward to our future, and provide a legacy for the generations that follow us. - Thank you.
Mike Nye (Director)
Colne Valley Park C.I.C.
Autumn 2015 Newsletter
Community Cup
This Year’s Community Cup award went to Lorrie
Paesano for his support of many community groups and
events and his service to many car owners in the Village.
Lorrie has owned and run Airport Motors for around
thirty years. He has sponsored the Colnbrook Football
Club and for several years provided fun and enjoyment
at his special farm for disabled and able children where
they could meet and pet a variety of interesting animals
including Alpacas, Sheep, Ducks, Geese, Peacocks,
Chickens and more.
The cup being awarded to Lorrie Paesano by
Chairman Peter Hood.
The Ken Hoard Memorial Trophy
being awarded to joint winners Jaime
Hodgson, Pauline Chamberlain & Steve
Oakes. Well done to them!
Colnbrook Amateur
Stage Theatre CAST
The Annual General Meeting was held on August 6th
in Colnbrook Village Hall. An important part of the
business of the meeting was the award of the Ken
Howard Memorial Cup.
Cast was first established nearly twenty five years ago by
Ken & Viv Howard. Ken worked tirelessly to make the
venture a success and in doing so did a lot for the local
community. When Colnbrook moved into Berkshire and
the Parish Council was formed in 1995 Ken organised and
presented a Festival of Unity which was performed at
The MGM Cinema in Slough the following year.
Following a very successful event Ken was awarded a cup
by the Parish Council in recognition of his community
work. Sadly Ken passed away but his memory lives on in
the cup which is now awarded annually to the member
or members of the group which best epitomise the CAST
ethos of fun, friendship and camaraderie.
As the person that awarded the cup to Ken all those years
ago I was very pleased to be asked to award it to this
year’s winners.
Peter Hood
Autumn 2015 Newsletter
Colnbrook Apple Fair!
19th September, Colnbrook Recreation Ground.
Raffle with prizes including:
Ist. Two return British Airways Euro Traveller Tickets
to Paris or Amsterdam.
2nd. £150 (Cash).
3rd. Escorted tour for three to The Brooklands
Motor & Aviation Museum including The Concorde
Experience & Lunch.
Dinner for Two at Mr Todiwala’s Hilton T5,
A second Dinner for Two at Mr Todiwala’s Hilton T5,
Dinner for Four at The Gallery Restaurant Hilton T5
and Annual Membership for one to The Imagine Spa
Hilton T5,
A Spa Day for two including 30 min treatment at The
Imagine Spa Hilton T5,
Meal Voucher for the Taj Restaurant Colnbrook,
Meal for four & bottle of Wine at The White Horse
Wheel Alignment and Nitrogen Inflation ATS
Luxury Picnic Hamper from Colnbrook Flood Group,
Bottles of Champagne, James Martin Cookery Books,
Cosmetics, Timberland Jacket....and more. See the
growing list on Facebook.
Colnbrook Recreation Ground.
Raffle Tickets now available at the Colnbrook Pharmacy or by
contacting the Colnbrook Residents Association Facebook page.
Ist. Two return British Airways Euro Traveller Tickets to Paris or Amsterdam.
2nd. £150 (Cash).
3rd. Escorted tour for three to The Brooklands Motor & Aviation
Museum including The Concorde Experience & Lunch.
Donkey Rides, Dancers, Various Competitions, Hog Roast,
German Food Market, Burgers & Hot Dogs, Sports Events, Raffle, Games,
Emergency Vehicles, Music, Bar, Farm animals, face painting, and other stalls.