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1. Full moon dates were verified for Colquitt County pulled
and cross referenced with the U.S. Navy full moon calendar.
2. Randomized dates were created using a customized python
3. 3 sets of 3 dates per month were generated using the
above mentioned randomizer.
4. Set 1 with 3 dates per month, with the exception of August
which had 4 and used one random date from Set 3 dates
pulled, were used to request data from Colquitt Regional
Medical Center.
Month 1: ['2023-01-26', '2023-01-11', '2023-01-02']
Month 2: ['2023-02-13', '2023-02-25', '2023-02-27']
Month 3: ['2023-03-24', '2023-03-17', '2023-03-02']
Month 4: ['2023-04-14', '2023-04-02', '2023-04-24']
Month 5: ['2023-05-11', '2023-05-25', '2023-05-09']
Month 6: ['2023-06-21', '2023-06-23', '2023-06-24']
Month 7: ['2023-07-09', '2023-07-22', '2023-07-24']
Month 8: [‘2023-08-04’, '2023-08-09', '2023-08-18',
Month 9: ['2023-09-10', '2023-09-24', '2023-09-18']
Month 10: ['2023-10-28', '2023-10-20', '2023-10-25']
Month 11: ['2023-11-30', '2023-11-11', '2023-11-29']
Month 12: ['2023-12-03', '2023-12-25', '2023-12-24']
5. Electronic medical records from the Emergency Department
at Colquitt Regional Medical Center spanning from January 1,
2023 to December 31, 2023 were requested and pulled.
6. Data was categorized according to various lunar phases per
month, focusing on the full moon period.
7. Using the admit diagnosis and final diagnosis the data was
filtered down to relevant codes starting in F01-F99, which are
only psychiatric in nature, and R41 to R46 which include:
a. R41
Other symptoms and signs involving cognitive functions
and awareness
b. R42
Dizziness and giddiness
c. R43
Disturbances of smell and taste
d. R44
Other symptoms and signs involving general sensations
and perceptions
e. R45
Symptoms and signs involving emotional state
f. R46
Symptoms and signs involving appearance and
8. Results were analyzed using 2-tail two sample t-test. The p
value, mean, and standard deviation was calculated on excel,
with a cutoff of p<0.05.
Our objective was to gather evidence to test our hypothesis
that the full moon impacts mental health in a manner that
directly increases psychiatric admissions and patients needing
acute psychiatric stabilization. Specifically, research showed
that the p value = 0.1628. Since the p value is greater than
0.05 we accept the null hypothesis, and therefore conclude that
there is no statistically significant difference between the
occurrence of psychiatric diagnosis and subsequent
admissions in an ED on a lunar day versus a non lunar day.
In conclusion, our final findings indicated that there is no
correlation between the lunar cycle and its effect on psychiatric
admissions to the ED.
Future research with larger sample sizes and multi-center
collaborations could provide more robust insights into the
potential influence of the full moon on psychiatric presentations
in emergency settings. The results of this study are important
towards understanding if such patterns may contribute to
improved resource allocation and enhanced preparedness for
heightened psychiatric demand in the emergency department
during the full moon.
1. Uddin M, Nursetyo AA, Iqbal U, Nguyen PA, Jian WS, Li YC,
Syed-Abdul S. Assessment of effects of moon phases on hospital
outpatient visits: An observational national study. AIMS Public Health.
2023 May 6;10(2):324-332. doi: 10.3934/publichealth.2023024. PMID:
37304591; PMCID: PMC10251051.
2. Kung S, Mrazek D. Psychiatric emergency department visits on
full-moon nights. Psychiatr Serv. 2005; 56: 221–222.
3. Bierman T, Estel D, Sperling W. Influence of lunar phases on suicide:
the end of a myth? A population-based study. Chronobiol Int. 2005; 22:
4. Vance DE. Belief in lunar effects on human behavior. Psychol Rep.
1995; 76: 32–34.
5. Zargar M, Khaji A, Kaviani A, et al. The full moon and admission to
emergency rooms. Indian J Med Sci. 2004; 58: 191–195.
6. Chakraborty U. Effects of different phases of the lunar month on
humans. Biol Rhythm Res. 2014;45:383–396. doi:
7. Zimecki M. The lunar cycle: effects on human and animal behavior and
physiology. Postep Hig Med Dosw. 2006;60:1–7.
There has been a long-standing belief or superstition among
individuals that the Lunar cycle and specifically the full moon
has an affect or influence on our mood or mental health
There are some contradictory research studies on how the
full moon impacts human health and behavior
Various studies suggest a connection between lunar phases
and neurological, reproductive, endocrine, immunological,
cardiovascular, and inflammatory diseases, while other
studies show no correlation between lunar phases and
medical conditions
. One research article speculates that
one of the ways the moon could impact mental health is
through the neurohormone release secondary to the
electromagnetic radiation and the moon’s gravitational pull
This retrospective study explores how the full moon and
various lunar phases correlate to the frequency of emergency
department (ED) psychiatric admissions. The idea that lunar
cycles may influence human behavior has long been a
subject of fascination and folklore
. However, empirical
evidence in the context of psychiatric presentations in the ED
remains limited
Electronic medical records (EMR) and electronic health
records (EHRs) offer valuable resources for research that
allow for the analysis of patient data to further elucidate if the
full moon impacts the number of psychiatric admissions in the
emergency department
The goal of this inquiry is to investigate and determine if there
is any correlation of the lunar cycle and admittance to the ED
due to the lunar cycles affect on an individual’s mood or
mental health.
Jeanine Garcia
, Philipa A. Wang
, Richard Tricardo, MD
, Rizwana Ashraf, MD
Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine, Moultrie GA,
Georgia South Psychiatry Residency Program, Moultrie GA
Impact of the Full Moon on Psychiatric Admissions and Consultations
in the Emergency Department: a Retrospective Analysis
The full moon affects psychiatric admissions in the ED.
The full moon increases psychiatric admissions in the ED.
The full moon increases the number of those who seek
inpatient care in order to be acutely stabilized for their
psychiatric conditions.
Analysis of ED admission records, did not show significant
difference in psychiatric admissions on full moon dates vs
randomized non-full moon dates
The mean number of psychiatric admission during a full
moon date were 3
The mean number of psychiatric admissions during a
non-full moon date were 2
The p value was 0.1628
Assessed 04/23/2024 and available from: