South Carolina Department of Natural Resources Marine Resources Division
Summary of Commercial Trawling Laws
This document should be kept on board all licensed trawlers as a reference to
regulation, not to supersede knowledge of the pertinent laws. Complete laws
can be found at
License Requirements: [Section 50-5-300, Section 50-5-310, Section 50-5-325]
Resident Non-Resident
Saltwater Commercial License $25.00 $300.00
Trawl Gear License $125.00 $300.00
Commercial Vessel Decal No Charge No Charge
"Take" means to harass intentionally, hunt, capture, gather, harvest, remove, catch, wound, or kill
or attempt to harass, hunt, capture, gather, harvest, remove, catch, wound, or kill. [Section 50-5-15
"Territorial sea" means that portion of the Atlantic Ocean under the jurisdiction of the State of
South Carolina. [Section 50-5-15 (60)]
"Trap" is an enclosed device used for taking fish, constructed to facilitate entry but prohibit or
restrict exit of fish and is also called "pot". [Section 50-5-15 (62)]
Responsibility for determining location of commercial fishing vessel.
The operator of any vessel engaged in commercial fishing is responsible for accurately determining the
location of his vessel in order that he not violate any closed or restricted areas. [Section 50-5-115]
Boarding of vessel by law enforcement officers; penalty for failure to allow boarding and to
The operator and crew of any watercraft operating in state waters are required to heave to when
signaled or hailed and allow boarding, and cooperate with Department personnel, law enforcement
officers, or U.S. Coast Guard personnel. [Section 50-5-120]
Use of vessel within 300 feet of public fishing pier; penalty.
It is unlawful to use a vessel within three hundred feet of any public fishing pier that extends into the
Atlantic Ocean. [Section 50-5-125]
Commercial equipment licenses and fees; specification of vessel on which used; tagging of
equipment; penalties.
No person under the age of 16 years may operate a trawler as master. [Section 50-5-325 (C)]
Other than vessels solely transiting the State in interstate commerce, any vessel on or from which a
trawl or trynet is used or transported must display a current identification decal provided by the
Department. [Section 50-5-325 (F)]
Display of licenses, permits, and vessel's identification decal; transfer of licenses; penalty.
While exercising the privilege of a license or permit the licensee, operator, or permittee must display
or keep on his person the license or permit, and the license or permit must be produced on demand of
Department personnel or other law enforcement personnel. [Section 50-5-350 (A)]
The operator and the owner of a vessel used for commercial purposes must have aboard the required
commercial equipment licenses and permits and display the vessel’s identification decal provided by
the Department. [Section 50-5-350 (C)]
Expiration of licenses and permits.
Licenses issued for trawling vessels expire on June 30th following their effective date. Permits expire
under the terms of the individual permit. [Section 50-5-385]
Trawling prohibited.
It is unlawful to trawl in the waters of this State except as allowed in Chapter 5 of Title 50, SC Code of
Laws. [Section 50-5-700]
Trawling Zone established.
South Carolina law establishes and defines in detail the General Trawling Zone. [Section 50-5-705]
Restrictions on trawling for shrimp in General Trawling Zone; prohibition on trawling outside General
Trawling Zone; penalties; seizure and disposition of contraband.
It is lawful to trawl for shrimp or prawn in the General Trawling Zone only during those times and
seasons set by the Department, and it is unlawful to trawl outside the General Trawling Zone, unless a
special permit has been issued. [Section 50-5-710]
Trawling restriction areas within General Trawling Zone.
SECTION 50-5-715. Trawling restriction areas within General Trawling Zone.
(A) In the following areas trawling is restricted in the General Trawling Zone.
(1) Based on National Ocean Service (NOS) chart 11513 (22nd edition, July 12, 1997), all that area
bounded by a closed line beginning at the point on the shoreline on the southwestern end of Hilton
Head Island at latitude 32º 07.30' N, longitude 080º 49.50' W; thence following the shoreline of Hilton
Head Island to the point on its northeastern end at latitude 32º 14.20' N, longitude 080º 40.65' W;
thence northeasterly, following a straight line on a geodetic azimuth of 065 degrees, to the point one-
quarter nautical mile seaward from the shoreline; thence southeasterly, southwesterly, and northerly
following a line that is one-quarter nautical mile seaward of the shoreline to the point at the
intersection of said line with the inshore trawl boundary across Calibogue Sound; thence following the
inshore trawl boundary easterly to the point of beginning.
(2) Based on NOS chart 11513 (22nd edition, July 12, 1997), all that area bounded by a closed line
beginning at the southernmost point of Fripp Island at latitude 32º 18.40' N, longitude 080º 30.05' W;
thence following the shoreline of Fripp Island to its easternmost point at latitude 32º 19.35' N,
longitude 080º 27.18' W; thence southeasterly, following a straight line on a geodetic azimuth of 155
degrees, to the point one-quarter nautical mile seaward from the shoreline; thence southwesterly
following a line that is one-quarter nautical mile seaward of the shoreline to the point at the
intersection of said line and a straight line with a geodetic azimuth of 155 degrees from the point of
beginning; thence following a straight line northwesterly to the point of beginning.
(3) Based on NOS chart 11513 (22nd edition, July 12, 1997), all that area bounded by a closed line
beginning at the southernmost point of Hunting Island at latitude 32º 20.32' N, longitude 080º 27.28'
W; thence following the shoreline of Hunting Island to its northernmost point at latitude 32º 23.50' N,
longitude 080º 25.80' W; thence southeasterly, following a straight line on a geodetic azimuth of 100
degrees, to the point one-quarter nautical mile seaward from the shoreline; thence southwesterly
following a line that is one-quarter nautical mile seaward of the shoreline to the point at the
intersection of said line and the inshore trawl boundary across Fripp Inlet; thence following the inshore
trawl boundary northerly to the point of beginning.
(4) Based on NOS chart 11521 (22nd edition, January 20, 1996), all that area bounded by a closed line
beginning at the southernmost point (Bay Point) of Edisto Beach at latitude 32º 28.66' N, longitude
080º 20.18' W; thence following the shoreline of Edisto Beach to the point at latitude 32º 30.19' N,
longitude 080º 17.78' W (nearest point on the shoreline to where S.C. Highway 174 enters the Town of
Edisto Beach); thence southeasterly, following a straight line on a geodetic azimuth of 145 degrees, to
the point one-half nautical mile seaward from the shoreline; thence southwesterly and northerly
following a line that is one-half mile seaward of the shoreline to the point at the intersection of said
line and the inshore trawl boundary across the South Edisto River; thence following the inshore trawl
boundary easterly to the point of beginning.
(5) Based on NOS chart 11521 (22nd edition, January 20, 1996), all that area bounded by a closed line
beginning at the point on Edisto Beach at latitude 32º 30.19' N, longitude 080º 17.78' W (nearest point
on the shoreline to where S. C. Highway 174 enters the Town of Edisto Beach); thence northeasterly
following the shorelines of Edisto and Edingsville Beaches and crossing the mouth of Jeremy Inlet to
the point on Edingsville Beach at latitude 32º 31.42' N, longitude 080º 16.00' W; thence southeasterly,
following a straight line on a geodetic azimuth of 145 degrees, to the point one-quarter nautical mile
seaward from the shoreline; thence southwesterly following a line that is one-quarter nautical mile
seaward of the shoreline to the point at the intersection of said line and a straight line with a geodetic
azimuth of 145 degrees from the point of beginning; thence following a straight line northwesterly to
the point of beginning.
(6) Based on NOS chart 11521 (22nd edition, January 20, 1996), all that area bounded by a closed line
beginning at the southernmost point of Seabrook Island at latitude 32º 33.55' N, longitude 080º 10.50'
W; thence following the shorelines of Seabrook Island and Kiawah Island and crossing the mouth of
Captain Sam's Inlet to the point on Kiawah Island (Sandy Point) at latitude 32º 37.18' N, longitude 079º
59.65' W; thence southerly, following a straight line on a geodetic azimuth of 180 degrees, to the point
one-quarter nautical mile seaward from the shoreline; thence southwesterly and northwesterly
following a line that is one-quarter nautical mile seaward of the shoreline to the point at the
intersection of said line and the inshore trawl boundary crossing the North Edisto River; thence
following the inshore trawl boundary easterly to the point of beginning.
(7) Based on NOS chart 11521 (22nd edition, January 20, 1996), all that area bounded by a closed line
beginning at the southernmost point of Folly Island at latitude 32º 38.40' N, longitude 079º 58.36' W;
thence following the shoreline of Folly Beach to the point at latitude 32º 39.28' N, longitude 079º
56.37' W (location of the Folly Beach--Edwin S. Taylor Fishing Pier); thence southeasterly, following a
straight line on a geodetic azimuth of 150 degrees, to the point one-quarter nautical mile seaward
from the shoreline; thence southwesterly following a line that is one-quarter nautical mile seaward of
the shoreline to the point at the intersection of said line and the inshore trawl boundary across Stono
Inlet; thence following the inshore trawl boundary northeasterly to the point of beginning.
(8) Based on NOS chart 11521 (22nd edition, January 20, 1996), all that area bounded by a closed line
beginning at the point on the shoreline of Folly Island at latitude 32º 39.28' N, longitude 079º 56.37' W
(location of the Folly Beach--Edwin S. Taylor Fishing Pier); thence northeasterly following the shoreline
to the easternmost point of Folly Island at latitude 32º 41.10' N, longitude 079º 53.17' W; thence
following the inshore trawl boundary northerly to the point one-half nautical mile seaward of the
shoreline; thence southeasterly and southwesterly following a line that is one-half nautical mile
seaward of the shoreline to the point at the intersection of said line and a straight line with a geodetic
azimuth of 150 degrees from the point of beginning; thence following a straight line northwesterly to
the point of beginning.
(9) Based on NOS chart 11521 (22nd edition, January 20, 1996), all that area bounded by a closed line
beginning at the point of intersection of the submerged north jetty of Charleston Harbor with the
shoreline of Sullivans Island at latitude 32º 45.46' N, longitude 079º 50.40' W; thence northeasterly
following the shoreline of Sullivans Island, the seaward edge of the Breach Inlet bridge, and the
shoreline of Isle of Palms to its easternmost point at latitude 32º 48.90' N, longitude 079º 43.09' W;
thence southeasterly, following a straight line on a geodetic azimuth of 140 degrees, to the point one-
half nautical mile seaward of the shoreline; thence southwesterly following a line that is one-half
nautical mile seaward of the shoreline to the point at the intersection of said line and the inshore trawl
boundary (the submerged north jetty of Charleston Harbor); thence following the inshore trawl
boundary northerly to the point of beginning.
(10) Based on NOS chart 11535 (11th edition, April 18, 1992), all that area bounded by a closed line
beginning at the southernmost point of Pawleys Island at latitude 33º 23.70' N, longitude 079º 08.48'
W; thence following the shorelines of Pawleys Island, Litchfield Beach, and Magnolia Beach and
crossing the mouth of Midway Inlet to the point of intersection with the south jetty for Murrells Inlet
at latitude 33º 31.60' N, longitude 079º 01.90' W; thence following a straight line northerly across
Murrells Inlet to the point on the north jetty at latitude 33º 31.96' N, longitude 079º 01.77' W; thence
northeasterly following the shoreline to the point on Garden City Beach at latitude 33º 34.34' N,
longitude 079º 00.13' W; thence southeasterly, following a straight line on a geodetic azimuth of 125
degrees to the point one-half nautical mile seaward of the shoreline; thence southwesterly following a
line that is one-half nautical mile seaward of the shoreline to the point at the intersection of said line
and a straight line with a geodetic azimuth of 110 degrees from the point of beginning; thence
following a straight line northwesterly to the point of beginning.
(11) Based on NOS chart 11535 (11th edition, April 18, 1992), all that area bounded by a closed line
beginning at the point on the shoreline on Garden City Beach at latitude 33º 34.34' N, longitude 079º
00.13' W; thence following the shoreline northeasterly and crossing the mouths of Singleton Swash,
White Point Swash, and Hog Inlet to the point of intersection with the south jetty for Little River on the
eastern end of Waites Island at latitude 33º 50.91' N, longitude 078º 33.21' W; thence following a
straight line easterly across Little River Inlet to the point on the north jetty on Bird Island at latitude
33º 50.97' N, longitude 078º 32.62' W; thence following the shoreline of Bird Island to its intersection
with the South Carolina-North Carolina boundary line at latitude 33º 51.09' N, longitude 078º 32.50' W;
thence southeasterly following the state-boundary line to the point one-half nautical mile seaward of
the shoreline; thence southwesterly following a line that is one-half nautical mile seaward of the
shoreline to the point at the intersection of said line and a straight line with a geodetic azimuth of 125
degrees from the point of beginning; thence following a straight line northwesterly to the point of
(12) Based on NOS chart 11532 (18th edition, June 1, 1996), all that area of North Santee Bay bounded
by a closed line beginning at the point on the shoreline of Cedar Island at latitude 33º 08.36' N,
longitude 079º 14.71' W; thence following a straight line northerly across the North Santee River to the
southernmost point of Cane Island at latitude 33º 08.92' N, longitude 079º 14.92' W; thence following
the eastern shoreline of Cane Island and crossing the mouth of an unnamed creek to the easternmost
point of Crow Island at latitude 33º 10.04' N, longitude 079º 15.34' W; thence following a straight line
northeasterly across North Santee Bay to the point on South Island at the south side of the mouth of
Beach Creek at latitude 33º 10.43' N, longitude 079º 14.60' W; thence following the shoreline of South
Island to its southernmost point (Santee Point) at latitude 33º 08.06' N, longitude 079º 14.38' W;
thence following a straight line northwesterly across the North Santee River to the point of beginning.
(13) Based on NOS chart 11532 (18th edition, June 1, 1996), all that area of Winyah Bay bounded by a
closed line beginning at the point where the shoreline of Sand Island intersects the south jetty for
Winyah Bay at latitude 33º 11.43' N, longitude 079º 11.00' W; thence following the shorelines of Sand
and South Islands to the point on South Island at latitude 33º 13.82' N, longitude 079º 12.16' W;
thence following a straight line easterly passing approximately through the charted positions of a green
light buoy marked "15" and a red nun or conical buoy marked "16" to the point on North Island at
latitude 33º 14.00' N, longitude 079º 11.32' W; thence following the shoreline of North Island southerly
and easterly to its intersection with the north jetty for Winyah Bay at latitude 33º 12.53' N, longitude
079º 10.43' W; thence following a straight line southwesterly across the entrance to Winyah Bay to the
point of beginning.
(B) Those areas described in subsections (A)(1) through (A)(11) are closed to trawling from May 1
through September 15, inclusive.
(C) Those areas described in subsections (A)(12) and (A)(13) are closed to trawling from December 16
through August 31 inclusive.
(D) A person who violates this section by trawling in a restricted area during the open season is guilty of
a misdemeanor and, upon conviction, must be fined not less than five hundred dollars and not more
than one thousand dollars or imprisoned for not more than thirty days.
Disposal of trawl bycatch; penalty.
It is unlawful to dispose of trawl bycatch or waste fisheries products at any time into state waters
within one-half nautical mile of any Atlantic Ocean beach for which trawling restrictions are provided.
[Section 50-5-720]
Trawling waters description references.
The descriptions of trawling waters in SC law refer to the National Oceanic Service Nautical Charts
prepared by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and future revisions of
these charts by the federal government. References to points of latitude and longitude in trawling laws
are North American Datum 1983-1986 and take precedent over any reference to landmarks, buoys,
jetties, or other physical features. [Section 50-5-725]
Trawling near public fishing pier; penalty.
It is unlawful to trawl within one-half nautical mile of any public fishing pier in the salt waters. [Section
Night trawling; finfish exception.
Except under permit for trawling for fish at night, it is unlawful to trawl at night. Night as used in
trawling allowances means:
(1) from April 1 through August 31 inclusive: 9:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m. the following day, local
time; and
(2) from September 1 through October 31 inclusive: 8:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m. the following day,
local time; and
(3) from November 1 through March 31 inclusive: 7:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m. the following day,
local time. [Section 50-5-735]
Blue crab trawling season; penalty for trawling out of season; seizure and disposal of contraband.
The Department may set a blue crab trawling season between December 1 of one year through March
31 of the following year. It is unlawful to trawl for crabs during the closed season. [Section 50-5-740]
Blue crab taken by legal shrimp trawlers.
The operator of a shrimp trawler may take, retain, and market lawful size blue crabs taken in the
normal lawful process of trawling for shrimp during the seasons set for taking shrimp. [Section 50-5-
Crab trawling equipment restrictions; penalty.
It is unlawful to trawl for crabs with equipment with a mesh size of less than four inches stretched, and
chafing gear of any sort must not be more than one-half the circumference of the tailbag. [Section 50-
Permits to trawl or dredge for finfish, blue crabs, whelks, and horseshoe crabs; limitations and
conditions as to equipment;
The Department may grant permits to licensed commercial saltwater fisherman to trawl for finfish,
blue crabs, whelks, or other marine resources in the General Trawling Zone and for horseshoe crabs in
salt waters. A captain engaged in the activity must possess a valid permit for the purpose. A vessel
lawfully engaged in taking shrimp with trawl nets having stretched mesh of less than two and one-half
inches does not require a permit to retain lawful finfish, blue crabs, whelks, or other marine resource.
[Section 50-5-755 (A)]
An annual permit must be obtained from the department for a boat or vessel before it takes sharks for
commercial purposes in state waters. Permits granted under this section do not include income
requirements but may include requirements for fishing times, periods, areas, gear, and equipment,
catch limitations and reporting, and other conditions the department may determine to be necessary
for management or regulatory purposes. In addition to department conditions, the use of gill nets to
harvest sharks is prohibited in state waters at all times, and when taken by gill net, all sharks must be
released immediately. [Section 50-5-2725(B)]
All permits must be obtained through the Permitting Office at the Office of Fisheries Management at
217 Ft. Johnson Road, Charleston, SC 29412, (843) 953-9311.
Illegal trawling.
The operator of any vessel operating in an area or during a time when trawling is restricted or
prohibited and which vessel does not have its trawl doors completely out of the water is illegally
trawling. [Section 50-5-760]
Use of turtle excluder devices; penalty.
A turtle excluder device (TED) must be used in trawl nets in the salt waters of this State under the same
conditions required by federal regulations. [Section 50-5-765]
Shrimp trawl requirements; penalties.
It is unlawful to have on board a vessel or to trawl with any trawl or trawls having a total foot rope
length greater than two hundred twenty feet, not including the foot rope length of:
(1) a single trawl not greater than sixteen feet when used as a try net, or
(2) any trawl bundled and stored below deck or secured in a locked bin or container on deck.
When a vessel is underway, this limitation applies to trawls attached to trawl doors. When a vessel is
moored at a dock or anchored, this limitation applies to trawls attached to trawl doors or hung in the
vessels rigging. [Section 50-5-770]
Persons who may not obtain or hold shrimp baiting license; penalty.
Any person who, or officer of a corporation which, owns a vessel specified on a trawl license or any
person named as a master of a vessel specified on a trawl license application may not obtain or
attempt to obtain a shrimp baiting license. [Section 50-5-1102]
Catch limits; bait dealer taking and possession requirements; penalties.
No trawler may have a cast net or other recreational shrimping gear aboard from December 16
through April 30. [Section 50-5-1105 (C)]
Lawful and unlawful taking of shrimp;
It is unlawful to catch or take shrimp by any means for commercial purposes outside the General
Trawling Zone or outside the legal channel net zones as established by the department, other than for
sale as live bait, or in or near any waters or bottoms which have been baited by placing, depositing, or
scattering any material to attract or lure shrimp toward the bait or to cause shrimp to congregate in
the area where the bait is placed. Furthermore, it is unlawful to take or attempt to take shrimp by the
use of a shrimp trap or shrimp pot. [Section 50-5-1100(A)]
Information on TED requirements for trawl nets used in South Carolina’s General Trawling Zone
follows. Contact the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) for design and construction details.
Basic TED requirements were changed beginning in the 2003 season to accommodate all sizes
of turtles, including Leatherbacks.
There is one legal design of soft TED, the “Parker” TED. The escape hole is triangular with its
leading edge 96 inches (stretched mesh) across, centered in the top of the net body just before
the bag. This hole is covered with webbing with some allowable modifications.
A hard TED must have a grid size of at least 32x32 inches (outside grid dimension) with 4inch
maximum space between the bars. The bottommost four inches of the deflective bars in both a
bent-bar or straight-bar grid must not exceed 45°from horizontal. Bottom opening designs
require a minimum of 10 pounds of floatation attached to the top half of the grid. The escape
hole must measure at least 71 inches in horizontal (stretched mesh) width. The cover over this
hole is sewn to the TED section webbing up to six inches past the trailing edge of the grid.
Several types of grids, floats, and modifications to covers are allowed.
No TED is required for hand-retrieved nets (no winch, block, or pulley may be on board), but
tow time is limited to 55 minutes from April 1 through October and 75 minutes from November
1 through March.
For Turtle Excluder Device information from NMFS Harvesting Technology Branch call (228) 762-
NOAA has recently certified additional designs and materials for fishermen currently required to use
turtle excluder devices. The effective date for these newly certified designs and materials is June 20,
2012. For additional details visit:
A shrimp trawl made in part or in whole of any webbing less than two and one-half inches stretched
mesh and exceeding a head rope length of sixteen feet used in the waters of this State must contain
one or more Department approved, properly installed bycatch reduction devices (BRD). [Section 50-5-
770 (A)]
Information on BRD requirements for trawl nets used in South Carolina’s General Trawling Zone
Since 1997, the basic requirements for BRDs remain the same in federal waters; however, in
1998 South Carolina approved standard was changed to reduce escape opening size to
approximately half that required in federal waters.
BRD’s must have at least an 18 square inch escape opening with a minimum of 4.25 inches
inside opening dimension. This means a square opening must be 4.25 inches to a side and an
oval 4.25 inches in the middle by 9 inches long. BRDs must be made of 3/8 inch steel or ½ inch
aluminum rod and be mounted so that the opening is no more than 70% of the bag length
forward from the tie-off. They may be mounted no more than 15 meshes from top center of
the bag.
The Expanded Mesh BRD and Expanded Mesh with Extended Funnel BRD are also legal.
Contact NMFS for design and construction details.
For more information about federally approved BRDs contact NMFS Harvesting Technology Branch
at (228) 762-4591.
The Trawling Zones The following General Trawling Zone is established: Based on National Ocean Service
(NOS) chart 11513 (22nd edition, July 12, 1997), that area seaward of a line, termed the inshore trawl boundary,
beginning at the point of intersection of the north jetty (Oyster Bed Island Training Wall) of the Savannah River
and the shoreline (shoreline herein defined as the line of Mean High Water) of Oyster Bed Island at latitude 32°
02.35 N, longitude 080° 53.05 W; thence following the shoreline of Oyster Bed Island to the point at the mouth
of the Wright River at latitude 32° 02.92 N, longitude 080° 54.62 W; thence following a straight line
northeasterly to the southernmost point of Turtle Island at latitude 32° 03.08 N, longitude 080° 54.42 W;
thence following the shoreline of Turtle Island to the point at the mouth of the New River at latitude 32° 04.80
N, longitude 080° 52.97 W; thence following a straight line easterly to the southernmost point of Daufuskie
Island (Bloody Point) at latitude 32° 04.92 N, longitude 080° 52.60 W; thence following the shoreline of
Daufuskie Island to the point at latitude 32° 07.30 N, longitude 080° 50.40 W; thence following a straight line
easterly across Calibogue Sound to the point on Hilton Head Island at latitude 32° 07.30 N, longitude 080°
49.50 W; thence following the shoreline of Hilton Head Island and crossing the mouths of Folly and Coggin
Creeks to the northernmost point of Hilton Head Island at latitude 32° 16.26 N, longitude 080° 43.72 W; thence
following a straight line westerly to a green square beacon marked 5 at latitude 32° 16.10 N, longitude 080°
44.14 W; thence following a straight line northerly to a red triangular beacon marked 4 at latitude 32° 16.38
N, longitude 080° 44.14 W; thence following a straight line easterly to a red nun or conical buoy marked 2 at
latitude 32° 16.40 N, longitude 080° 42.40 W; thence following a straight line easterly to the point on Parris
Island Spit at latitude 32° 16.72 N, longitude 080° 40.00 W (approximate location of flashing red day marker
No. 246); thence following a straight line easterly to a red nun or conical buoy marked 26 at the mouth of the
Beaufort River at latitude 32° 16.75 N, longitude 080° 39.20 W; thence following a straight line easterly to the
point at the mouth of Station Creek at latitude 32° 16.72 N, longitude 080° 38.55 W; thence following the
shorelines of Bay Point and St. Phillips Islands and crossing the mouth of Morse Island Creek to the point on St.
Phillips Island at latitude 32° 17.00 N, longitude 080° 35.30 W; thence following a straight line easterly across
Trenchards Inlet to the point at latitude 32° 17.00 N, longitude 080° 34.75 W; thence following the shorelines
of Capers and Pritchards Islands and crossing the mouths of Capers, Pritchards, and Skull Inlets to the
southernmost point of Fripp Island at latitude 3 18.40 N, longitude 080° 30.05 W; thence following the
shoreline of Fripp Island to its easternmost point at latitude 32° 19.35 N, longitude 080° 27.18 W; thence
following a straight line northerly across Fripp Inlet to the southernmost point of Hunting Island at latitude 32°
20.32 N, longitude 080° 27.28 W; thence following the shoreline of Hunting Island to its northernmost point at
the mouth of Johnson Creek at latitude 32° 23.50 N, longitude 080° 25.80 W; thence following a straight line
northerly to the point on Harbor Island at latitude 32° 24.10 N, longitude 080° 25.63 W; thence following the
shoreline of Harbor Island to the eastern end of the U.S. Highway 21 swing bridge at Harbor River at latitude 32°
24.20 N, longitude 080° 27.00 W; thence to the center of the swing span of the bridge at latitude 32° 24.26 N,
longitude 080° 27.16 W; thence following a straight line northerly to the beacon on Combahee Bank at latitude
32° 28.07 N, longitude 080° 26.06 W; thence, based on NOS chart 11521 (22nd edition, January 20, 1996),
following a straight line northeasterly to the point on Otter Island at the mouth of the Ashepoo River at latitude
32° 29.25 N, longitude 080° 25.15 W; thence following the shoreline of Otter Island to the point at the mouth
of Fish Creek at latitude 32° 29.00 N, longitude 080° 23.24 W; thence following a straight line easterly across
the South Edisto River to the southernmost point (Bay Point) of Edisto Beach at latitude 32° 28.66 N, longitude
080° 20.18 W; thence following the shorelines of Edisto and Edingsville Beaches and Botany Bay Island and
crossing the mouths of Jeremy, Frampton, and Townsend Inlets to the point on Botany Bay Island at latitude 32°
33.50 N, longitude 080° 12.00 W; thence following a straight line easterly across the North Edisto River to the
southernmost point on Seabrook Island at latitude 32° 33.55 N, longitude 080° 10.50 W; thence following the
shorelines of Seabrook and Kiawah Islands and crossing the mouth of Captain Sams Inlet to the point on Kiawah
Island (Sandy Point) at latitude 32° 37.18 N, longitude 07 59.65 W; thence following a straight line
northeasterly across Stono Inlet to the southernmost point of Folly Island at latitude 32° 38.40 N, longitude 079°
58.36 W; thence following the shoreline of Folly Island to its easternmost point at latitude 32° 41.10 N,
longitude 079° 53.17 W; thence following a straight line northerly across Lighthouse Inlet to the Morris Island
lighthouse (abandoned) at latitude 32° 41.70 N, longitude 079° 53.03 W; thence following a straight line on a
geodetic azimuth of 285 degrees to the shoreline of Morris Island; thence following the shoreline of Morris
Island northerly to its point of intersection with the south jetty for Charleston Harbor at latitude 32° 43.91 N,
longitude 079° 52.18 W; thence following the submerged jetty easterly to the point where its emergent portion
begins at latitude 32° 43.85 N, longitude 079° 50.92 W; thence following a straight line northeasterly across the
Charleston Harbor channel to the point where the emergent north jetty begins at latitude 32° 44.57 N,
longitude 079° 50.00 W; thence following the submerged north jetty northerly to its point of intersection with
Sullivans Island at latitude 32° 45.46 N, longitude 079° 50.40 W; thence following the shoreline of Sullivans
Island, the seaward edge of the Breach Inlet bridge, and the shoreline of the Isle of Palms to its easternmost
point at latitude 32° 48.90 N, longitude 079° 43.09 W; thence following a straight line northerly across Dewees
Inlet to the point on Dewees Island at latitude 32° 49.65 N, longitude 079° 43.27 W; thence following the
shoreline of Dewees Island to the point at latitude 32° 50.70 N, longitude 079° 42.03 W; thence following a
straight line northerly across Capers Inlet to the southernmost point of Capers Island at latitude 32° 51.10 N,
longitude 079° 41.87 W; thence following the shoreline of Capers Island to the point at latitude 32° 52.57 N,
longitude 079° 39.30 W; thence following a straight line easterly across Price Inlet to the southernmost point of
Bull Island at latitude 32° 52.57 N, longitude 079° 38.95 W; thence, based on NOS chart 11531 (19th edition,
April 19, 1997), following the shoreline of Bull Island to its northernmost point at latitude 32° 55.98 N, longitude
079° 34.48 W; thence following a straight line northeasterly to the point at latitude 33° 00.38 N, longitude 079°
29.43 W; thence following a straight line in a northeasterly direction along Raccoon Key, thence crossing the
mouth of Raccoon Creek to the point at latitude 33° 01.00 N, longitude 079° 25.25 W; thence following a
straight line easterly across Key Inlet to the point of Cape Island at latitude 300.46 N, longitude 079° 24.49
W; thence following the shoreline of Cape Island to the point at latitude 33° 00.61 N, longitude 079° 21.90 W
(accretion in this area not shown on the nautical chart); thence following a straight line northeasterly to the
point at latitude 33° 02.21 N, longitude 079° 21.04 W, thence following a straight line northeasterly across
Cape Romain Harbor to the point on Murphy Island at latitude 33° 05.46 N, longitude 079° 19.72 W; thence
following the shoreline of Murphy Island northeasterly to the point at latitude 33° 07.00 N, longitude 079°
16.97 W; thence following a straight line easterly across the South Santee River to the southwesternmost point
of Cedar Island at latitude 33° 07.00 N, longitude 079° 16.58 W; thence following the shoreline of Cedar Island
to the point at latitude 33° 08.36 N, longitude 079° 14.71 W; thence, based on NOS chart 11532 (18th edition,
June 1, 1996), following a straight line northerly across the North Santee River to the southernmost point of
Cane Island at latitude 33° 08.92 N, longitude 079° 14.92 W; thence following the eastern shoreline of Cane
Island and crossing the mouth of an unnamed creek to the easternmost point of Crow Island at latitude 33°
10.04 N, longitude 079° 15.34 W; thence following a straight line northeasterly across North Santee Bay to the
point on South Island at the south side of the mouth of Beach Creek at latitude 33° 10.43 N, longitude 079°
14.60 W; thence following the shoreline of South Island to its southernmost point (Santee Point) at latitude 3
08.06 N, longitude 079° 14.38 W; thence following the shorelines of South and Sand Islands to the point of
intersection with the south jetty for Winyah Bay at latitude 33° 11.43 N, longitude 079° 11.00 W; thence
following the shorelines of Sand and South Islands to the point on South Island at latitude 33° 13.82 N,
longitude 079° 12.16 W; thence following a straight line easterly passing approximately through the charted
positions of a green light buoy marked 15 and a red nun or conical buoy marked ‘16’ to the point on North
Island at latitude 33° 14.00 N, longitude 079° 11.32 W; thence following the shoreline of North Island southerly
and easterly to its intersection with the north jetty for Winyah Bay at latitude 33° 12.53 N, longitude 079° 10.43
W; thence, based on NOS chart 11535 (11th edition, April 18, 1992), following the shoreline of North Island to
the point at latitude 33° 19.03 N, longitude 079° 09.57 W; thence following a straight line northerly across
North Inlet to the point on the south end of Debidue DeBordieu Island at latitude 33° 19.98 N, longitude 079°
09.60 W; thence following the shorelines of Debidue DeBordieu Island, Pawleys Island, Litchfield Beach, and
Magnolia Beach and crossing the mouths of Pawleys Inlet and Midway Inlet to the point on the south jetty for
Murrells Inlet at latitude 33° 31.60 N, longitude 079° 01.90 W; thence following a straight line northerly across
Murrells Inlet to the point of intersection with the north jetty at latitude 33° 31.96 N, longitude 079° 01.77 W;
thence following the shoreline northeasterly and crossing the mouths of Singleton Swash, White Point Swash,
and Hog Inlet to the point of intersection with the south jetty for Little River on the eastern end of Waites Island
at latitude 33° 50.91 N, longitude 078° 33.21 W; thence following a straight line easterly across Little River Inlet
to the point on the north jetty on Bird Island at latitude 33° 50.97 N, longitude 078° 32.62 W; thence following
the shoreline of Bird Island to its intersection with the South Carolina-North Carolina boundary line at latitude
33° 51.09 N, longitude 078° 32.50 W. [Section 50-5-705]
Maps Included With This Law Summary
These maps are illustrative only.
They should not be used to plot positions (points) for navigation purposes.
The listed positions should be plotted on National Ocean Service charts.
The General Trawling Zone (5 pages) These maps indicate the Territorial Sea Line, the inshore trawl
boundary, and the trawling restricted areas within the General Trawling Zone. The restricted areas, as
defined in law, are closed to trawling during part or all of the open season. Waters shoreward of the
inshore trawl boundary are never open to trawling.
Provisional Trawling Areas (2 pages) These areas are delineated for management purposes as a means
to allow trawling in seaward most areas of the Territorial Sea without opening or closing all of the
General Trawling Zone. These seven areas could be opened when stocks of overwintering white shrimp
are deemed large enough that limited harvest within state waters would not jeopardize the potential
for the next year’s white shrimp crops. Since each area is individually defined, the DNR may open any
single area or combinations of these areas based on stock assessment.
* If you no longer need your license please be sure to surrender it to the Commercial License office in
Charleston (PO Box 12559 Charleston, SC 29422). If you have questions about surrendering your
license please call (843)953-9311.
If you are convicted for an offense, there may be points assessed against your license or your privileges
may be suspended if the statute requires it. Upon an accumulation of eighteen (18) or more points,
the privileges of that license will be suspended for one year. Points and violations can be found in the
SCDNR Rules and Regulations book or SC Code of Laws 50-5-2500(A).
As required by S.C. Code Section 8-29-10, applicants for a commercial license or permit are required to
complete an affidavit entitled "Verification of Lawful Presence in the United States" certifying that the
applicant is lawfully in the United States. The affidavit MUST be completed, notarized and returned
with the application.
If your license/ permit is suspended or revoked, you are entitled to an administrative appeal pursuant
to the South Carolina Administrative Procedures Act. The review must be scheduled by the
Administrative Law Court in accordance with the division's procedural rules. The scope of the hearing
is limited to the issues set out by the Administrative Procedures Act and the division's procedural rules.
Appeals must be filed and served within 30 days of suspension/ revocation notice with the Clerk of
Court of Administrative Law Court 1205 Pendleton Street Suite 224 Columbia, SC 29201, telephone
! !
! !
1010. -80.2
General Trawling Zone
Edisto Island
Hilton Head
Port Royal
Broad River
St. Helena
South Edisto
Fripp Island
Territorial Sea Line
32° 02.501’ N
80° 50.961’ W
32° 16.776’ N
80° 25.396’ W
Provisional Trawl Coordinates
1. -80.849350, 32.041683
2. -80.839533, 32.055033
3. -80.747600, 32.083833
4. -80.664217, 32.140550
5. -80.595433, 32.214633
6. -80.496733, 32.250083
7. -80.423267, 32.279600
8. -80.367183, 32.415017
9. -80.243667, 32.472033
32° 03.302’ N
80° 50.372’ W
32° 05.0229’ N
80° 44.856’ W
32° 08.433’ N
80° 39.853’ W
32° 12.878’ N
80° 35.726’ W
32° 15.005’ N
80° 29.804’ W
32° 24.901’ N
80° 22.031’ W
32° 28.322’ N
80° 14.620’ W
0 2 4 6 81
Nautical Miles
Provisional Trawl Areas
Inshore Trawl Boundary
! !
1/2 Nautical Mile Restricted Area
! !
Channel Net - Restricted Area
1/4 Nautical Mile Restricted Area
South Carolina Department of Natural Resources | June 2013
This map is illustrative only. It is not to be used to plot positions
(points) for navigation purposes. The listed positions should
be plotted on NOAA National Ocean Service charts.
! !
18. -79.5082, 32.944667
17. -79.516217, 32.89975
General Trawling Zone
Isle of Palms
Johns Island
Kiawah Island
James Island
Capers Inlet
North Edisto
Bulls Bay
Stono River
Dewees Inlet
Territorial Sea Line
0 2 4 6 81
Nautical Miles
Provisional Trawl Areas
Inshore Trawl Boundary
! !
1/2 Nautical Mile Restricted Area
! !
Channel Net - Restricted Area
1/4 Nautical Mile Restricted Area
South Carolina Department of Natural Resources | June 2013
This map is illustrative only. It is not to be used to plot positions
(points) for navigation purposes. The listed positions should
be plotted on NOAA National Ocean Service charts.
Price Inlet
Provisional Trawl Coordinates
14. -79.827083, 32.692383
13. -79.833317, 32.666683
11. -80.085583, 32.548633
10. -80.200717, 32.495617
16. -79.754850, 32.742933
15. -79.813967, 32.719500
12. -79.859483, 32.636700
Bull Island
32° 44.576' N
79° 45.291' W
32° 43.170' N
79° 48.838' W
32° 41.543' N
79° 49.625' W
32° 40.001' N
79° 49.999' W
32° 38.202' N
79° 51.569' W
32° 32.918' N
80° 05.135' N
32° 29.737' N
80° 12.043' W
! !
General Trawling Zone
North Santee
North Inlet
South Santee
Winyah Bay
Bulls Bay
Key Inlet
Territorial Sea Line
1/4 Nautical Mile Restricted Area
0 2 4 6 81
Nautical Miles
Provisional Trawl Areas
Inshore Trawl Boundary
! !
1/2 Nautical Mile Restricted Area
! !
Channel Net - Restricted Area
1/4 Nautical Mile Restricted Area
South Carolina Department of Natural Resources | June 2013
This map is illustrative only. It is not to be used to plot positions
(points) for navigation purposes. The listed positions should
be plotted on NOAA National Ocean Service charts.
Cape Island
33° 14.756' N
79° 07.247' W
33° 11.540' N
79° 07.414' W
32° 58.145' N
79° 18.510' W
33° 08.417' N
79° 08.564' W
32° 56.680' N
79° 30.492' W
32° 57.677' N
79° 26.237' N
32° 53.985' N
79° 30.973' W
Provisional Trawl Coordinates
23. -79.120783, 33.245933
22. -79.123567, 33.192333
21. -79.142567, 33.140283
20. -79.308500, 32.969083
19. -79.437283, 32.961283
18. -79.508200, 32.944667
17. -79.516217, 32.899750
General Trawling Zone
Murrells Inlet
North Inlet
Pawleys Inlet
Territorial Sea Line
South Carolina Department of Natural Resources | May 2019
This map is illustrative only. It is not to be used to plot positions
(points) for navigation purposes. The listed positions should
be plotted on NOAA National Ocean Service charts.
Midway Inlet
1/4 Nautical Mile Restricted Area
0 2 4 6 81
Nautical Miles
Provisional Trawl Areas
Inshore Trawl Boundary
! !
1/2 Nautical Mile Restricted Area
! !
Channel Net - Restricted Area
1/4 Nautical Mile Restricted Area