Board of Regents Policy: Commercialization of Intellectual Property Rights
Category: Academic
Last Amended: December 16, 2022
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Commercialization of Intellectual Property Rights
This policy governs the University of Minnesota’s (University) ownership and commercialization of
intellectual property rights, subject to the exclusions provided in Section IX of this policy.
The following principles shall guide the University in commercializing intellectual property rights under
this policy:
(a) The primary mission of University research is the generation and dissemination of knowledge, and
academic freedom requires that faculty, staff, and students be free to pursue areas of research and
study without regard to the potential for the creation of inventions.
(b) The development and dissemination of new knowledge, technology, or scientific procedures
resulting in innovative products, practices, and ideas is a valued supplement to scholarly
(c) University commercialization activities shall not inhibit the ability of University researchers to
pursue research of their choosing, to publish results of their work in a timely manner, and
otherwise to exercise their rights of academic freedom.
(d) Licensing University-owned technology to private companies promotes the University’s interest in
successful commercial development of University-owned intellectual property. In some
circumstances, a non-commercial method of distribution, such as open source sharing of technology
or licensing for humanitarian needs, may be the preferred method of providing public access to, and
use of, University discoveries.
(e) The University may use money earned from the commercialization of University-owned intellectual
property to support commercial and other organizations that assist or promote such
Subd. 1. Inventor.
Inventor means an individual who is employed by the University, who used substantial University
resources to create technology, or who is otherwise subject to this policy. Visiting instructors and
researchers, post-doctoral and other fellows, and students are subject to this policy and its exclusions.
Board of Regents Policy: Commercialization of Intellectual Property Rights
Category: Academic
Last Amended: December 16, 2022
Page 2 of 5
Subd. 2. License Equity.
License Equity means securities acquired by the University under Section VI, Subd. 1(b) of this policy in
connection with commercializing a technology.
Subd. 3. Net Income.
Net income means the gross monetary payments the University receives in consideration for granting
rights in a technology less (a) the University’s out-of-pocket expenditures (including legal and
administrative fees) directly attributable to protecting, developing, and commercializing the technology,
and (b) a fifteen percent (15 percent) technology commercialization administrative fee of the gross
monetary payments to help defray the costs associated with operating the Technology Commercialization
office. Net income includes the net cash proceeds received from the sale of License Equity. Net income does
not include the net cash proceeds received from the sale of securities acquired under Section VI, Subd. 3,
(a) and (b) of this policy. Fees, charges, and other monetary payments made to the University to
compensate it for administering intellectual property agreements or seeking and maintaining intellectual
property protection for technology shall not be considered monetary payments under this policy.
Subd. 4. Research Data.
Research Data means recorded factual material commonly accepted in the scientific or scholarly
community as necessary to validate research findings, excluding preliminary analyses, drafts of scholarly or
scientific work, plans for future research, peer reviews, communication with colleagues and physical
objects. Research Data includes only recorded factual material that the University commercializes alone or
jointly with technology.
Subd. 5. Substantial University Resources.
Substantial University Resources means resources provided by the University that go above and beyond
what is customarily provided to University employees or students. Substantial University Resources will
vary by department/unit and context. To be substantial, the resources must be beyond the ordinary and
must be more than what other members of the department or students in similar situations are regularly
offered as support for their work.
Subd. 6. Student.
Student means an individual who is enrolled in a University course or who otherwise participated in a
University educational activity.
Subd. 7. Technology.
Technology means the intellectual property and related rights in:
(a) a discovery or invention, patentable or not;
(b) software; and
(c) a trademark identifying a technology.
Subd. 8. University Official.
University Official means an individual defined by Board of Regents Policy: Institutional Conflict of Interest.
To permit the registration, application for, and protection of the intellectual property rights in a technology,
the University may request an inventor to delay the publication or public disclosure of a description of the
technology for a brief period of time.
Board of Regents Policy: Commercialization of Intellectual Property Rights
Category: Academic
Last Amended: December 16, 2022
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Subd. 1. Ownership.
The University hereby claims and shall own all right, title, and interests in a technology created by an
inventor in the course of their University employment or appointment or using substantial University
resources and in research data generated or acquired by an inventor through research projects conducted
at or under the auspices of the University, regardless of funding source.
Subd. 2. Ownership of Student-Created Technology.
The University does not claim ownership of a technology developed or research data generated or acquired
by a student in connection with their participation in a University course or University educational activity.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, the University hereby claims and shall own all right, title and interests in a
technology developed and in research data generated or acquired by a student when:
(a) an external sponsor solely or partially funded the development of the technology;
(b) the technology was an improvement of a University-owned technology;
(c) the student used substantial University resources to develop the technology; or
(d) the student and an inventor jointly developed the technology.
In each such situation, the student shall be deemed under this policy an inventor of the technology, with all
commensurate rights and obligations.
Subd. 3. Inventors’ Assignments of Intellectual Property Rights in a Technology.
An inventor hereby irrevocably assigns to the University all of their rights, titles, and interests in a
technology they created in the course of their University employment or appointment or they created using
substantial University resources. An inventor shall cooperate with the University to effectuate this
Subd. 1. Commercialization.
The president or delegate is authorized to approve the University:
(a) assigning, waiving, licensing, or otherwise granting a person a right to practice the University’s
intellectual property rights covering a technology; and
(b) accepting equity securities and entering into related equity-ownership agreements in connection
with commercializing a technology.
Subd. 2. Private Company Board Membership.
The president or delegate is authorized to approve the appointment of an individual to serve on behalf of
the University as a voting member of the governing body of a privately held company commercializing a
technology. The individual shall:
(a) have demonstrated experience and competence in technology commercialization and in company
creation, management, and capitalization; and
(b) be reasonably insured against liability arising from service on the governing body.
The individual:
(a) shall not accept compensation (excluding reasonable reimbursement for service-related expenses)
from the company for their service as a member of the governing body;
(b) shall comply with applicable Board of Regents (Board) and administrative policies and procedures;
Board of Regents Policy: Commercialization of Intellectual Property Rights
Category: Academic
Last Amended: December 16, 2022
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(c) shall discharge fiduciary and contractual responsibilities to the company, subject to the
performance of University duties as provided in Board and administrative policies and procedures
if the individual is an employee of the University; and
(d) shall resign as a voting member of the governing body of the company prior to the company’s
becoming publicly held, unless the president or delegate approves an extension of the appointment.
Subd. 3. Financial Support.
The president or delegate is authorized to approve the following:
(a) the purchase of equity securities and securities that are convertible to equity securities of a
company formed to develop and commercialize technology up to $1,500,000 per company. The
securities may be purchased in one or a series of transactions.
(b) providing to a non-University person in a single project up to $250,000 from income the University
earned from the commercialization of technology to directly encourage, promote or assist with the
development or commercialization of technology.
Subd.1. Disposition of License Equity.
The University shall sell license equity as soon as practicable and in compliance with all applicable laws.
Subd. 2. Investment.
University officials shall not purchase or invest, directly or indirectly, in the equity securities of a non-
public company commercializing a technology. University employees who are not University officials may
purchase such equity securities if permitted under applicable Board and administrative policies.
The University shall distribute the net income it received from commercializing a technology as follows:
(a) thirty-three and one-third percent to the inventors of the technology,
(b) twenty-five and one-third percent to the department, division, or center that supported the creation
of the technology, to be spent in support of the inventor’s research or directly related University
(c) eight percent to the collegiate unit that supported the creation of the technology, and
(d) thirty-three and one-third percent to the Office of the Vice President for Research & Innovation, to
be spent in support of the University’s technology commercialization activities and to fund
University research and scholarly activity.
The president or delegate may change the distribution to collegiate units or to departments, divisions, or
centers if such cumulative amounts become disproportionate compared to their budgets or if there have
been administrative organizational changes, including an inventor’s movement among units or
departments. The president shall inform the Board in each instance after changing a distribution to a
collegiate unit or to a department, division, or center.
Subd. 1. Copyright.
The University only claims ownership of copyrighted works as stated in Board of Regents Policy: Copyright
and related administrative policies and procedures, except the University claims ownership of the
intellectual property rights in software developed by inventors in this policy.
Board of Regents Policy: Commercialization of Intellectual Property Rights
Category: Academic
Last Amended: December 16, 2022
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Subd. 2. Trademarks.
With the exception of intellectual property rights in University trademarks that identify University-owned
plant varieties or that are commercialized in conjunction with other technology covered by this policy, this
policy does not apply to the use of University-owned or licensed names, trademarks, or service marks as
defined by Board of Regents Policy: Founding Date, Corporate Name and Seal, and University Marks and
related administrative policies and procedures.
The president or delegate shall report annually to the Board on University activities under this policy as a
component of the annual report on the state of the University research enterprise.
The president or delegate shall implement this policy and maintain appropriate administrative policies and
procedures to administer it.
Adopted: December 14, 2007
Amended: December 10, 2010, February 14, 2014, June 12, 2015; February 11, 2022; December 16, 2022
Technical Correction: December 18, 2023
Last Comprehensive Review: 2022
Supersedes: Educational Materials dated April 14, 1967, Patent and Technology Transfer dated October
10, 1986, Intellectual Property adopted October 8, 1999, Use of Royalty Income to Support Technology
Commercialization adopted March 12, 2004, and Acquiring Controlling Equity Interests in Technology
Licensees adopted December 8, 2006.