Job search letters may include cover letters (also known as
application letters), prospecting letters, thank-you letters,
acceptance letters, withdrawal letters, and declination letters.
Cover Letters
When you submit your résumé, a cover letter always
should accompany it. Many employers receive hundreds
of résumés each week. The letter introduces the résumé,
demonstrates that you have researched the organization,
and shows why you believe you are a good match for the
position and the company. Following are some important
tips for the cover letter:
 Address the letter to a specific person rather than
“To whom it may concern” or “Dear Sir or Madam.
 Catch the reader’s attention with a strong leading
paragraph. Avoid lackluster openings.
 Explain your reason for writing.
 Show your knowledge of the company.
 Highlight significant qualifications mentioned in your
résumé, but don’t merely repeat the information.
 Sign your name in black or blue ink.
 If applying via e-mail, the body of the e-mail is the cover
letter. Do not send an attachment unless required.
ProsPeCting Letters
Prospecting letters are very similar to cover letters. However,
whereas the prospecting letter is for exploring possibilities
with the organization. Reveal your source of information
on the organization (e.g. website, publication, etc.). As with
cover letters, you should market yourself to the employer
and convince the reader you have the characteristics that
will contribute to the organization’s success.
WithdraWaL Letters
Withdrawal letters express appreciation while asking
that you be removed from consideration for the position
at this time. Since you are removing your application
before the employer has made a decision, you should
provide an explanation. Be courteous and remember
that you may want to apply for a position with this
employer at a later date.
deCLination Letters
When declining a job offer, show genuine appreciation
for the offer of employment, explain your rationale for
declining, be courteous and respectful, and leave the
employer with a positive impression.
Carrington 309 & Glass 103 careercenter.missouristate.edu [email protected] 417-836-5636
Missouri State University is an AA/EO institution
aCCePtanCe Letters
Even if you had a telephone discussion and verbally
accepted the position, you still need to follow up with an
acceptance letter:
 Use a standard business-letter format.
 Accept the offer.
 Outline what you understand to be the parameters
of your employment. This would include salary,
benefits, relocation compensation, employment tests
and forms, and the details of any negotiated items.
 Confirm the date your employment will begin.
 Express your appreciation and pleasure in joining
the company.
thank-You Letters
Many job seekers do not send thank-you letters to
employers after an interview. Unfortunately, this is an
oversight that could adversely affect their chances of
receiving an offer. In situations where the competition is
especially keen, a thank-you letter may give you an edge
over a candidate who fails to send one. It shows you are
detail oriented, professional, and truly interested in the
job. A thank-you letter should—
 be sent within 24 hours of the interview,
 state your appreciation for the interview; you may
also want to include the date of your interview
 reiterate your interest in the position; you may also
want to refer to specific points in your discussion
that particularly interest you
 discuss a point you may have forgotten during the
 be carefully proofread; if the employer receives a letter
filled with typos, grammatical mistakes, or spelling
errors, the letter will do more harm than good
If you were interviewed by a panel, send personalized
letters to each panel member in the interview. Do not
send the same letter to each person. Avoid emailing a
thank-you letter unless the employer will be making a
decision quickly; emailed letters are more impersonal
than hard-copy letters.
Remember that thank-you letters should be typed in
standard business letter format, whereas thank-you
notes are handwritten on cards.
Carrington 309 & Glass 103 careercenter.missouristate.edu [email protected] 417-836-5636
Missouri State University is an AA/EO institution
Job search letters are a form of business communication
and should be formatted appropriately. The cover letter
is an extension of your résumé and should be formatted
as follows:
 
 11–12 point professional font; no decorative font.
 Limit the document to one page.
 Use proper business-letter format, such as full block
 One-column cover letters are most common; two-
column cover letters are useful when comparing
for the position.
 Print on the same paper as the résumé; use only
black ink.
Certain information must be included in a cover letter:
your contact information, a salutation, explanations
the job, a complimentary close, your signature, and
an enclosure line. Following are recommendations for
First ParagraPh
The introductory paragraph is designed to entice the reader
identify the title or type of the position you are applying for
and the name of the organization. Include an explanation of
why you are interested in THIS position with THIS company.
Be sure to do your research. Mention how you learned about
the position, and provide the names of people you have
spoken to within the company.
MiddLe ParagraPh(s)
The middle paragraphs address your education and
experience. If you wish to emphasize your education,
For your education, mention your degree title (Bachelor
of Science/Arts in . . . ), your university name, and
location. If you are a recent graduate or are approaching
graduation, you also may want to include the month and
year of your graduation.
Instead of simply repeating information from your résumé,
demonstrate how your prior education and experiences
qualify you for this position. Use the job posting to identify
the responsibilities for the position and use your prior
work experience, academic projects, and volunteer or
extracurricular activities to showcase your skills. The key
is to demonstrate how your experience and skills will
FinaL ParagraPh
or her consideration and request a plan of action. If
the employer has stipulated “no phone calls,” request
a meeting. If there is no such stipulation, it would be
appropriate to indicate that you will call in a certain
time frame to set an appointment to meet.
If the employer is in a different city/state, give a time
frame in which you will be in the area and request
a meeting during this time. It is important to sound
assertive; avoid sounding too demanding or too passive.
Examples of a variety of job search letters can be found
on the Career Center website (http://careercenter.
Current available examples include—
 standard business letter format
 one-column cover letter
 two-column cover letter
 thank-you letter
 acceptance letter
 declination letter
 follow-up to a rejection letter