1. Write conditional sentences with the prompts below. Use IF or UNLESS.
1. I / go to the concert with you tonight my boss / ask me to work overtime this evening.
2. you / read it carefully sign the document only.
3. Paul / must study he / not want to fail this school year.
4. you / not be able to see that concert you / buy the tickets in advance.
5. it / probably be to Australia he / move to another country.
6. Your boyfriend / shouldn't drive he / not have a driver's license.
7. it / rain this weekend we / go to the beach with you.
8. feel free to visit us you / ever come to California.
9. not do it you / not be sure of the consequences.
10. it / be an emergency not interrupt the meeting
11. just let it go you / not want to be involved in any argument.
12. we / may repeat them we / learn from our mistakes.
13. Karen / work hard she / not get a promotion.
14. the students / not understand the exercise the teacher / try to help them.
15. you / look at the picture carefully you / not be able to describe it.
16. your sister / do well at the interview she / not be accepted in the Ph.D. program.
17. people / not fight against air and water pollution life on the planet / be impossible.
18. you / want to develop a lung disease you / shouldn't smoke.
19. I / sit here you / ask me to sit somewhere else.
20. the criminal / be caught in the act he / be sent to jail.
2. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
1. If people didn’t drive to work, they……….......…........……………(save) a lot of petrol.
2. What could our city be like if everybody ……………….............…….(use) public transport?
3. If you…………………....………..(turn off) the tap while brushing your teeth, you can save a lot of water.
4. Someone………...........…………..(steal) your car unless you lock it.
5. If your dog................................(bite) me again, I’ll be very angry.
6. She ......................................... (look) completely different if her hair were black.
7. Children won’t get presents if they ........................................... (not write) to the 3 Kings.
8. If he ................................... (not waste) much time he would go to the university.
9. The workers .......................................... (build) the road if they had had enough tools
10. If
had to make a speech
..................................... (be) pretty nervous.
11. What would you say if you ....................................... (meet) a celebrity?
12. The zookeeper would have punished her with a fine if she ........................................(feed) the animals.
13. The door ................................... (unlock) if you press the green button.
14. Lisa ....................................... (find) the milk if she looked in the fridge.
15. If you had told me the truth,
.................................................. (help) you.
16. If we .................................... (have) good luck, we would have won the first prize.
17. If Susan took her driving lessons regularly, she ........................................ (pass) her driving test.
18. If Charlie ......................................... (not stop) eating these green apples, he'll soon feel sick.
19. If we missed the train, we ............................................ (take) a taxi.
20. If we ................................ (meet) at 9:30, we’ll have plenty of time.
3. Complete the sentences with your own ideas.
1. If
went abroad for my next holiday, ..................................................................................................
2. If someone stole my car, ......................................................................................................................
3. If you had been here last week, ...........................................................................................................
4. If
decide to go out this weekend, .......................................................................................................
5. English would be easier to learn if .......................................................................................................
6. We ‘ll reduce greenhouse gas emissions if ..........................................................................................
7. If
could have any job in the world, ....................................................................................................
8. Someone can steal your car unless ......................................................................................................
9. If someone pays me a compliment, .....................................................................................................
10. If your friend tells you a secret, ..........................................................................................................
11. If
would have my life again, ..............................................................................................................
12. If
had known that you were in hospital, ...........................................................................................
13. Would you visit me if .........................................................................................................................?
14. Their camera would have worked correctly if .....................................................................................
15. If a friend of mine had an accident, ......................................................................................................
16. Students would work a lot harder in class if .........................................................................................
17. If you ask me to cook you a meal, ........................................................................................................
18. The children won’t go to the beach if ...................................................................................................
19. If I could change one part of my body, ..................................................................................................
20. The world would be a better place if .....................................................................................................
Complete the text with the verbs in brackets in the appropriate conditional form.
Did you hear about that guy who won 180 million dollars in the lottery? If I
.............................(win) that much money, I ............................. (quit) my job the next day. I
............................. (travel) around the world and ............................. (stay) in the most luxurious
hotels. If I ............................. (want) anything, I .............................. (buy) it. If I .............................
(see) a beautiful Mercedes that I wanted, I ............................... (buy) it. If I wanted to stay in a
beautiful hotel and the hotel ............................. (be) full, I ............................. (buy) the hotel and
make them give me a room. I ............................. (can) do anything in the world if I had 180 million
Oh, I'm starting to sound a little materialistic. Well, I ............................. (do) good things with the
money as well. If anybody ............................... (need) help, I ............................... (give) them some
money to help them out. I ............................... (donate) money to charities. I ...............................
(give)money to help support the arts. If I ............................... (win) that much money, I wouldn't
keep it all for myself. I ............................... (help) as many people as possible.
5. Complete the sentences and don’t change the original meaning.
1. Lana was upset because she lost her mobile phone.
If Lana ____________________________________________________________________________
2. I think you should apologise.
If _________________________________________________________________________________
3. I had a headache because I sat in front of the computer all day.
I wouldn’t __________________________________________________________________________
4. Sheila is going to work all day to complete the project.
Unless ____________________________________________________________________________
5. I didn’t remember to buy Mum a birthday present, but my sister reminded me.
If she ______________________________________________________________________________
6. I won the race because I listened to my coach.
Unless _____________________________________________________________________________
7. I didn’t know Ken was in hospital so I didn’t go visit him.
I would have _______________________________________________________________________
8. I can’t drive because I’m not old enough.
I could_____________________________________________________________________________
9. I’m going to finish my homework so I can go out with my friends.
Unless ____________________________________________________________________________
10. I was exhausted because I stayed up all night.
I wouldn’t __________________________________________________________________________
6. Rewrite the following sentences using conditional sentences.
1. Peter lives with his parents because he can’t buy a flat.
2. Mary is sad because she has a small flat.
3. I didn’t go to Mary’s birthday because she didn’t invite me.
4. John will pass the driving exam if he isn’t nervous.
5. I don’t know his email so I can’t send him an invitation.
6. You must leave home early or you’ll miss the flight.
7. I was busy so I didn’t have enough time to go to the supermarket.
8. Mary was ill so she didn’t go to the cinema with me.
9. Mary didn’t play tennis because she had broken her leg.
10. I’d like to buy a new car but I haven’t got enough money.
11. It rained so we couldn’t go for a walk.
12. If you don’t study, you’ll fail your English exam.
13. I missed the bus so I was late for my English class.
14. You’re tired because you go to bed late.
15. I didn’t buy a new mobile phone because my credit card didn’t work.
16. It snowed so much yesterday that I didn’t go out.
17. I didn’t see Mary because she didn’t go to the disco.
18. It rained so the football match was cancelled.
19. I can’t go to the disco because I’m under 18.
20. I didn’t buy a new mobile phone because I didn’t have enough money.
21. It was so cold yesterday that we stayed at home.
22. I couldn’t fix the washing machine because I didn’t have the instructions.
23. The reason I was late was that my alarm clock didn’t work.
24. I’m not going out because I’m tired.
25. They didn’t miss the train because they were early at the station.
26. I don’t know how this machine works so I don’t use it.
27. I don’t have enough time to learn how to play golf.
28. We can’t go to the beach because it’s raining.
29. I didn’t take any pictures because I forgot my camera at home.
30. You forgot your coat, gloves and cap so you got a cold.
31. I’m with the flu so I can’t go to the party.
32. Unless you leave home now, you won’t miss the train.
33. I would like to travel to Japan but I don’t have enough money.
34. I didn’t go to Anne’s birthday party because she didn’t invite me.
Answer KEY:
1. Write conditional sentences with the prompts below. Use IF or UNLESS.
1. I'll go to the concert with you tonight
my boss asks me to work overtime this evening.
2. Sign the document only
you read it carefully.
3. Paul must study
he doesn't want to fail this school year.
you buy the tickets in advance, you won't be able to see that concert.
he moves to another country, it'll probably be to Australia.
6. He shouldn't drive
he doesn't have a driver's license.
7. I'll go to the beach with you
it rains this weekend.
you ever come to California, feel free to visit us.
9. Don't do it
you're not sure of the consequences.
10. Don't interrupt the meeting
it's an emergency.
11. Just let it go
you don't want to be involved in any argument.
we learn from our mistakes, we may repeat them.
Karen works hard, she won't get a promotion.
the students don't understand the exercise, the teacher will try to help them.
15. You won't be able to describe the picture
you look at it carefully.
she does well in the interview, she won't be accepted in the Ph.D. program.
17. Life on the planet will be impossible
we don't fight against air and water pollution.
you want to develop a lung disease, you shouldn't smoke.
you ask me to sit somewhere else, I'll sit here.
20. He'll be sent to jail
he's caught in the act.
Answer KEY:
2. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
1. If people didn’t drive to work, they ……….....
wouldn’t save
………(save) a lot of petrol.
2. What could our city be like if everybody ……………
...…….(use) public transport?
3. If you ………
turn off
.………..(turn off) the tap while brushing your teeth, you can save a lot of water.
4. Someone ………..
will steal
………..(steal) your car unless you lock it.
5. If your dog..........
.........(bite) me again, I’ll be very angry.
6. She ............
would look
........... (look) completely different if her hair were black.
7. Children won’t get presents if they ................
don’t write
.......... (not write) to the 3 Kings.
8. If he ...........
didn’t waste
........... (not waste) much time he would go to the university.
9. The workers ...........
would have built
........ (build) the road if they had had enough tools
10. If
had to make a speech
would be
....... (be) pretty nervous.
11. What would you say if you ...............
........... (meet) a celebrity?
12. The zookeeper would have punished her with a fine if she ...............
had fed
........(feed) the animals.
13. The door ............
will unlock
........ (unlock) if you press the green button.
14. Lisa ...........
would find
......... (find) the milk if she looked in the fridge.
15. If you had told me the truth,
would have helped
........... (help) you.
16. If we .................................... (have) good luck, we would have won the first prize.
17. If Susan took her driving lessons regularly, she .............
would pass
......... (pass) her driving test.
18. If Charlie ............
doesn’t stop
......... (not stop) eating these green apples, he'll soon feel sick.
19. If we missed the train, we .................
would take
.......... (take) a taxi.
20. If we ..........
....... (meet) at 9:30, we’ll have plenty of time.
Answer KEY:
4. Complete the text with the appropriate conditional form.
Did you hear about that guy who won 180 million dollars in the lottery? If I (win) won that much
money, I (quit) would quit my job the next day. I (travel) would travel around the world and
(stay) stay in the most luxurious hotels. If I (want) wanted anything, I (buy) would buy it. If I
(see) saw a beautiful Mercedes that I wanted, I (buy) would buy it. If I wanted to stay in a
beautiful hotel and the hotel (be) were full, I (buy) would buy the hotel and make them give me a
room. I (can) could do anything in the world if I had 180 million dollars.
Oh, I'm starting to sound a little materialistic. Well, I (do) would do good things with the money
as well. If anybody (need) needed help, I (give) would give them some money to help them out. I
(donate) would donate money to charities. I (give) would give money to help support the arts. If I
(win) won that
much money, I wouldn't keep it all for myself. I (help) would help as many people as
Answer KEY:
5. Complete the sentences and don’t change the original meaning.
1. If Lana hadn't lost her mobile phone, she wouldn't have been upset.
2. If I were you, I'd apologise.
3. I wouldn't have had a headache, if I hadn't sat in front of the computer all day.
4. Unless she works all day, she won't complete her project.
5. If she hadn't reminded me, I wouldn't have remembered to buy my mum a birthday present.
6. Unless I had listened to my coach, I wouldn't have won the race.
7. I would have gone to visit Ken, if I had known he was in hospital.
8. I could drive if I were old enough.
9. Unless I finish my homework, I won't go out with my friends.
10. I wouldn't have been exhausted if I hadn't stayed up all night.
Answer KEY:
6. Rewrite the following sentences using conditional sentences.
1. If Peter could buy a flat, he wouldn’t live with his parents.
Peter wouldn’t live with his parents if he could buy a flat.
2. If Mary didn’t have a small flat, she wouldn’t be sad.
Mary wouldn’t be sad if she didn’t have a small flat.
3. I would have gone to Mary’s birthday if she had invited me.
If Mary had invited me, I would have gone to her birthday.
4. John will pass the driving exam unless he is nervous.
5. If I knew his email, I could send him an invitation.
6. If you don’t leave home early, you’ll miss the flight.
7. If I hadn’t been so busy, I would have had enough time to go to the supermarket.
8. If Mary hadn’t been ill, she would have gone to the cinema with me.
9. Mary would have played tennis if she hadn’t broken her leg.
If Mary hadn’t broken her leg, she would have played tennis.
10. I would buy a new car if I had enough money. // If I had enough money, I would buy a new car.
11. If it hadn’t rained, we could have gone for a walk.
12. Unless you study, you’ll fail your English exam.
13. If I hadn’t missed the bus, I wouldn’t have been late for my English class.
14. You wouldn’t be tired if you didn’t go to bed late // If you didn’t go to bed late, you wouldn’t be tired.
15. I would have bought a new mobile phone if my credit card had worked.
If my credit card had worked, I would have bought a new mobile phone.
16. If it hadn’t snowed so much yesterday, I would have gone out.
17. I would have seen Mary if she had gone to the disco.
If Mary had gone to the disco, I would have seen her.
18. If it hadn’t rained, the football match wouldn’t have been cancelled.
19. I could go to the disco if I weren’t under 18 // if I weren’t under 18, I could go to the disco
20. I would have bought a new mobile phone if I had had enough money.
If I had had enough money, I would have bought a new mobile phone.
21. If it hadn’t been so cold yesterday, we wouldn’t have stayed at home.
22. I could have fixed the washing machine if I had had the instructions.
If I had had the instructions, I could have fixed the washing machine.
23. I wouldn’t have been late if my alarm clock had worked.
If my alarm clock had worked, I wouldn’t have been late.
24. I would go out if I weren’t tired // if I weren’t tired, I would go out.
25. They would have missed the train if they hadn’t been early at the station.
If they hadn’t been early at the station, they would have missed the train.
26. If I knew how this machine works, I would use it.
27. If I had enough time, I would learn how to play golf.
28. We could go to the beach if it didn’t rain.
If it didn’t rain, we could go to the beach.
29. I would have taken some pictures if I hadn’t forgotten my camera at home.
If I hadn’t forgotten my camera at home, I would have taken some pictures.
30. If you hadn’t forgotten your coat, gloves and cap, you wouldn’t have got a cold.
31. If I weren’t with the flu, I could go to the party.
32. If you don’t leave home now, you won’t miss the train.
33. I would travel to Japan if I had enough money // If I had enough money, I would travel to Japan
34. I would have gone to Anne’s birthday if she had invited me.