Urban Forestry
1900 SW 4
Ave. Suite 5000
Portland, OR 97201
Email: trees@portlandoregon.gov
Tel: (503) 823-TREE (8733) Fax: (503) 823-4493
Sustaining a healthy park and recreation system to make Portland a great place to live, work and play.
Need help? Visit www.portlandoregon.gov/trees, email [email protected], or call 503-823-TREE
This form is to be used when Title 11 required replacement trees are being planted at or adjacent to a
property different than the tree removal property.
1. Obtain verbal permission from the property owner to plant trees on, or adjacent to, their property. Let
your assigned Urban Forestry Tree Inspector know the address and the number of trees proposed to
plant on that property.
2. If planting street trees, the Tree Inspector will inspect the site, mark the curb to identify where the trees
are to be planted, and send you the Approved Street Tree Planting List
appropriate for the planting
3. Talk with your neighbor, select trees to plant, and fill this form out completely and legibly. All information
is required. Incomplete forms will be subject to delay.
4. Submit the completed form in one of the following ways:
by email directly to the Tree Inspector assigned to the case
by email to [email protected]
by mail to Portland Parks & Recreation Urban Forestry, 1900 SW 4th Ave. Suite 5000, Portland,
OR 97201
in person at the Development Services Center (DSC), 1900 SW 4
Ave. 1
NOTE: This form must be submitted before the Tree Removal & Replanting Permit will be issued.
Tree Planting Standards
Street tree species must be selected from the appropriate Approved Street Tree Planting List. Find the
lists online at www.portlandoregon.gov/trees/plantinglists
Broadleaf Trees must meet the minimum caliper size (below). Caliper is defined as the diameter of a
tree trunk, in inches, measured 6 inches above the tree’s natural ground line.
Development type
Minimum Caliper Size
On Site
One and two family residential
1.5 inches
1.5 inches
Multi-dwelling residential
1.5 inches
2 inches
All others
1.5 inches
2.5 inches
Conifer trees must be a minimum of 5 feet in height at time of planting.
Trees must be watered during the dry summer months (May to October) for at least the first two to
three years. Each tree will need approximately 15 gallons of water once a week.
Maintenance of required trees is the ongoing responsibility of the property owner Trees that do not
survive must be replaced in kind.
Portland Parks & Recreation Urban Forestry Neighbor Planting Consent Form updated 11/2019 Page 2
Neighbor Planting Consent Form
Name: _____________________________________
Mailing address: _____________________________
Email: ___________________________________
Phone: __________________________________
PLANTING LOCATION INFORMATION (must be the property owner)
Property owner name: _________________________
Mailing address: _____________________________
Email: ___________________________________
Phone: ___________________________________
Please list number and species of trees to replant.
# of STREET TREES to be replanted: _________ Species (required): _______________________
Must be selected from the City’s approved street tree planting lists
Street trees cannot be planted in planting strips less than 3-feet wide.
# of PRIVATE TREES to be replanted: ________ Species (required): ________________________
Address of the permit: ________________________
Case number (IVR # or permit#): ________________
Address for replanting: ______________________
Total number of trees to replant: ______________
B. Tree Plan must include the following:
Existing street trees
Existing private property trees
Trees proposed for removal
Trees proposed for replanting
C. Street names, property lines, building(s) outline, driveway, and/or any other pertinent information
Portland Parks & Recreation Urban Forestry Neighbor Planting Consent Form updated 11/2019 Page 3
Tree Planting & Establishment Agreement
Write in the name of the responsible party for each line below.
I, _________________________ (Permit Holder or Neighbor), agree to purchase and plant the tree(s) listed
above at the planting location listed above.
I, _________________________ (Permit Holder or Neighbor), agree to plant the tree(s) according to the City
of Portland Code Title 11 Tree Planting Specification.
I, _________________________ (Neighbor), agree to replace the tree(s) in kind if the tree(s) dies.
I, _________________________ (Neighbor), agree to the long-term maintenance and care of the tree(s). I will
obtain all necessary permits related to the future maintenance of the tree(s).
Statement of Fact: By signing or initialing, I certify that the facts and information set forth in this application
are true and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand that any falsification, misrepresentation or
omission of fact (whether intentional or not) in this application or any other required document, as well as any
misleading statement or omission, may be cause for revocation of permit, regardless of how or when
Statement of Compliance with City Code: By signing or initialing, I agree to comply with City of Portland
Code Title 11. I understand that submitting an application does not entitle me to a permit, and I must have the
permit in hand before beginning any work. Failure to obtain a permit or violating the terms of a permit may
result in civil penalties of up to $1,000 per violation per City Code Title 11. I agree to hold harmless the City of
Portland, its agents, officers, and employees for any damage or injury caused by reason of planting,
placement, maintenance, or removal of trees.
Statement of Intent to Plant and Establish Trees: By signing or initialing, I understand that replanting is a
condition of a tree removal permit. I agree to meet the City of Portland’s street tree planting standards
). I understand that I am responsible for the successful
establishment of the replanted trees.
Permit Holder Name:__________________ Permit Holder Signature:___________________ Date:_______
Neighbor Name:______________________ Neighbor Signature:______________________ Date:_______
Neighbor must be the owner of the property where the trees will be planted
Submit completed form to your assigned Tree Inspector or
by email to: [email protected]
by mail to: Portland Parks & Recreation Urban Forestry, 1900 SW 4th Ave. Suite 5000, Portland, OR 97201
in person: at the Development Services Center (DSC), 1900 SW 4th Ave. 1st Floor
Don’t forget to call the Oregon Utility Locate Hotline (811) before digging a hole to plant your tree!
For additional tree planting and establishment information and standards visit: