Letter of Parental Consent
/Authorization for children below
the age of 18 traveling without
parents or legal guardian
This form must be filled in and signed by both of the applicant’s
parents or the applicant’s legal guardian.
Along with the form, the applicant’s birth certificate must be
submitted. (If the applicant has a legal guardian, documentation of
guardianship must be submitted)
Information about parents or legal guardian
Parent 1
First name(s)
Date of birth (dd/mm/yyyy)
Documentation of the relationship (as a main rule with the applicant’s birth
parent’s passport / ID-card copy must be attached
Documentation of having sole custody of the minor, if relevant.
Parent 2
First name(s)
Date of birth (dd/mm/yyyy)
Documentation of the relationship (as a main rule with the applicant’s birth certificate) and the
parent’s passport / ID-card copy must be attached
Legal guardian
First name(s)
Date of birth (dd/mm/yyyy)
Documentation of guardianship and the guardian’s passport / ID
card copy must be attached.
Name of the child (the applicant)
First name(s)
Date of birth (dd/mm/yyyy)
Signature and consent
I / we the undersigned, give authorization to my/our son/daughter to travel to Norway and/or the
Schengen countries without me / us from___________ (date) to ___________ (date).
Our child, the applicant, will be accompanied by and in the guardianship of
First name(s)
Date of birth (dd/mm/yyyy)
Passport number:
Relation to our child (for this travel):
Relative: _______________________ (relation)
Coach / Agent
Other: _____________________________________________
Place and date
Signature parent 1
Place and date
Signature parent 2
Place and date
Signature legal guardian
Please note that if the parents or guardians’ ID documents do not show a signature, the signature(s)
in below must be verified by a Notary Public.