Received by
the Swedish mission abroad
Received by
the Swedish Migration Agency
To be filled out by the authority
Case number Signature
Consent for a child to settle in Sweden
Complimentary information
Use this form if you, as a parent and legal guardian, wish to give your consent for a child under the age of 18 to settle
in Sweden.
The consent means that later you will not be able to be granted a residence permit based on family ties to your child
according to the rules for joint household, because you no longer have a relationship of dependence.
If possible, complete the form using a computer. This makes it easier for us to process the case. For more
information, please go to www.migrationsverket.se.
1. The child applying for a residence permit
Surname (family name)
First name(s)
Date of birth/Personal ID No. (YYYYMMDD-NNNN)
2. Signature of parent and legal guardian
First name(s)
Date of birth/Personal ID No. (YYYYMMDD-NNNN)
Daytime telephone number
I am the parent and legal guardian of the above mentioned child applying for a residence permit.
I consent to the child settling in Sweden.
Place and date
2.1 Witness to the above signature
First name(s)
Daytime telephone number
Place and date
MIGR217011 2022-12-01