2021-2023 BIENNIUM
Contact Information:
Huy Pham
The Department of Archaeology & Historic Preservation, together with the Washington Trust for Historic
Preservation and the Historic Cemetery Advisory Committee, are pleased to announce the third round of
grant funds through the Historic Cemetery Preservation Capital Grant Program. Established in 2016 with the
enactment of House Bill 2637, the capital grant program is intended to benet the public by preserving
outstanding examples of the state’s historical heritage, enabling historic cemeteries to continue to serve
their communities, and honoring the military veterans buried within them.
The Historic Cemetery Preservation Capital Grant Program is a program of the Washington State
Department of Archaeology & Historic Preservation (DAHP). Management of the grant portion of the
program is provided by the Washington Trust for Historic Preservation under contract with DAHP. The
Washington Trust for Historic Preservation is Washington’s only statewide non-prot advocacy organization
dedicated to historic preservation.
Approximately $300,000 in grant funds is available in the 2021-2023 Biennium with individual awards up to
Cemeteries: Any cemetery containing 5 or more burials, with at least one burial more than 50 years old, is
Applicants: Eligible applicants include cemetery property owners, nonprot organizations, and local
governments. Private property owners may apply provided they have a non-prot or local government
scal sponsor or will allow reasonable public access through a 10 year easement.
Projects and Funding: Funds may be requested for construction, renovation, or rehabilitation projects that
preserve the historic character, features, and materials of the cemetery, or that maintain or improve the
functions of the cemetery.
1. Projects must be considered capital projects that make signicant, long-term improvements
to existing facilities. Projects typically fall into one of the following categories: protection and
security; restoration and preservation; and interpretative displays. Eligible projects may include, but
aren’t limited to: security fencing or lighting; skilled monument repair; conservation of historic
elements such as fencing, curbs, markers, etc.; interpretive signage; and landscape restoration. The
purchase of equipment for capital improvements or to reduce overall maintenance costs may also
be eligible.
2. Funding is provided on a reimbursement basis only. Project expenditures must begin and end
within the grant cycle (completed by June 30, 2023).
3. All labor funded by the grant must be performed by a qualied contractor, with an estimate
submitted with your project budget.
4. Grant requests of any amount, up to $50,000, will be considered.
2021 – 2023 BIENNIUM
Historic Cemetery Preservation Capital Grant Program - 2021-2023 Grant Guidelines & Procedures • Page 1 of 6
One of the primary purposes of grant funding through the Historic Cemetery Preservation Grant Program
is to enable historic cemeteries to continue to serve their communities and honor military veterans
throughout Washington. The following are requirements for applicants receiving grant funding:
• Grant recipients must pro-actively maintain their historic cemetery for a minimum of ten years.
• Public access to the cemetery must be provided under reasonable terms and circumstances; for
example, a posted sign must provide hours of access or a telephone number to arrange a scheduled visit.
Tribal access must be provided under reasonable terms and circumstances to historic cemeteries in which
there are Indian burials.
Assistance from the Washington Trust for Historic Preservation is available by phone, email, teleconference
(Zoom), and if travel and weather permitting, via site visits.
Please contact the grant administrator, Huy Pham, Preservation Programs Director, for the Washington Trust
at (206) 462-2999 or via email at [email protected] with questions.
Quality and thoroughness of the application is important, but please limit your information to the space
provided in the application form and the attachments that have been requested. Please do not include
continuation sheets or attach any lengthy supplemental, historical, or organizational materials that are not
requested in the application.
The following criteria will be used in determining grant awards:
• relative historic signicance of the cemetery;
• relative percentage of military burials in the cemetery;
• project impact on future maintenance and operation costs and provisions provided for long-term
• urgency of the project;
• public access of the cemetery; and
• extent to which the project leverages community and volunteer support.
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We encourage you to review the entire application, prepare your submission in your own text document and le
folder, before nally submitting your answers and attachments in the online form:
SECTION 1. Property Information
This section is for introducing the cemetery and its location.
- Cemetery Name (on sign)
- Cemetery Name (if any others)
- Nearest City/Town/Area
- County, Legislative District,
- Location Description (address or directions)
- Geographic Coordinates - Approximate coordinates of where the cemetery is located.
SECTION 2. Owner Information
This section is for introducing the legal owner of the cemetery. If the cemetery is abandoned, skip to Section 3:
Applicant Information. Questions related to ownership and maintenance of a cemetery can be directed to Guy Tasa,
State Physical Anthropologist, (360) 790-1633 ([email protected])
- Owner Name, Address, Phone, and Email
SECTION 3. Applicant Information
This section is for introducing the grant applicant (if different from the property owner or abandoned).
- Owner Authorization or Care & Maintenance Certicate from DAHP (for abandoned cemeteries)
- Applicant Name, Address, Phone, and Email
- Preferred Contact (Email, Text Message, Phone Call, Video Call)
SECTION 4. Cemetery Description
This section is for providing the physical, practical, and historical context of the cemetery. Use this section to describe
with as much detail as possible why the resource is signicant.
- Year Ofcially Established
- Earliest & Lastest Burial Dates
- Cemetery Acreage
- Number of Burials
- Percentage of Military Burials
- Historic and Cultural Signicance
Describe the historic and cultural signicance of the cemetery. If a comprehensive history exists in another
document, please summarize the signicance here and include the supplemental history as an attachment to
your application. Consider if the cemetery contains burials of persons of transcendent importance (including
veterans and others of great eminence in their eld of endeavor or had a great impact upon the history of
their community, state, or nation); the relative age in a particular geographic or cultural context (example:
oldest cemetery associated with a town or community’s original settlement period); if there are distinctive
design features; or if the cemetery is associated with historic events. Please also describe any known military
burials and monuments. Please see NPS National Register Bulletin #44: Guidelines for evaluating and
registering cemeteries and burial places (https://www.nps.gov/nr/publications/bulletins/pdfs/nrb43.pdf ) for
guidance on what to consider and include in your history.
- Site Conditions and Change Over Time
Describe the existing conditions of the cemetery and any signicant changes (site size, etc) over its history.
Please also explain the cemetery’s present value to the local community or organization.
- Historic Designation Status of the Property
If you have questions about your building’s eligibility or if it is not yet listed on a historic register, please
contact Michael Houser, the State Architectural Historian, before completing this application: michael.
[email protected] or (360) 890-2634.
Historic Cemetery Preservation Capital Grant Program - 2021-2023 Grant Guidelines & Procedures • Page 3 of 6
- Previous Grant Request(s)
Has the Cemetery applied for a Historic Cemetery Preservation Grant before? If yes, was a grant awarded
and completed?
- Other Restrictions
Is the property protected through an easement, transfer of development rights, or any other
program providing conservation / preservation incentives? If yes, explain. For easements, provide the name
of the easement holder and the easement term.
SECTION 5. Project Proposal & Budget
This section is for developing and proposing a project and budget based a described need or urgency. Use this
section to demonstrate that you have a thorough understanding of the preservation work required to maintain
or improved the stewardship of the cemtery in terms of selecting scopes of work, contractors, and materials and
managing timelines and project funds.
This section will also be used to develop the grant contract so it is important to be clear in the proposed work and
dollars allocated.
All work must be categorized into at least one of the following Work Types:
- 1. Protection & Security (gates, fences, lighting, etc.)
- 2. Restoration & Preservation (headstones, mausoleums, monuments, landscape features, etc.)
- 3. Interpretive Displays (signage, plaques, markers, etc.)
- 4. Other
For each of the Work Type you select, you must then provide the following:
- A. Description - Please describe in detail including treatments, techniques, and materials used.
- B. Timeline - Example: “7/22-9/22” or “2 weeks in August 2022”
- C. Cost - In dollars, based on quotes/estimates to be uploaded with the application
- PROJECT TOTAL COST - Automatically calculated from the sum of values above.
- GRANT AWARD - Applicants can request grants up to $50,000. Matching funds are not required. Based on the project
total cost above, please conrm the amount of grant dollars you are requesting.
- Experience & Qualications
Describe similar projects that you (or the applicant organization) have completed in the past ten years with
special attention to previous projects involving historic cemeteries or historic preservation projects. Describe
prior experience managing grant awards or projects of a similar size that help the Advisory Committee
understand your qualications related to delivering a successful project. If volunteers will conduct a signicant
amount of work, please indicate your experience managing volunteer projects. If you are hiring a consultant
or contractor, please include a summary of their experience and qualications working on historic cemeteries
as an attachment. If work will be performed by multiple people, please indicate the scope they will work on.
- Will the project require ground disturbance or excavation?
Any proposed work on cemetery grounds that includes GROUND DISTURBANCE may require obtaining a
PERMIT from the Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation (DAHP). Depending on the location
and scope of work, you may be required to hire an archaeologist to monitor the site or complete the permit
and include those costs in your budget.
We encourage you to reach out to the State Physical Anthropologist, Guy Tasa, [email protected] ,
(360) 790-1633, for preliminary feedback prior to submitting this application. More information: https://dahp.
Historic Cemetery Preservation Capital Grant Program - 2021-2023 Grant Guidelines & Procedures • Page 4 of 6
One of the purposes of this program is to promote and preserve Washington State’s historic cemeteries and honor
our military veterans through historic preservation for the benet of the public. This can include long term preservation
and protection, improved memorial identication and interpretation, and / or occasional public access for special
events or tours. More information about public benet requirements can be found on page 2.
- Public Access
Is the cemetery accessible to family members and the public? Has it been included in public tours, hosted
school groups, or provided other educational opportunities?
- Future Plans
Describe future plans to maintain the cemetery and all work or purchases funded by this grant for a period of
at least 10 years
- Preservation Easement
If a grant is awarded to a private property owner (including nonprot owners), the owner will be required to
enter into an easement on the property to ensure the cemetery is not adversely impacted by future action.
The term of the easement will be 10 years. If awarded a grant, will you agree to enter into this easement?
- Additional Information
Please add any additional information pertaining to the proposed scope of work and the overall
preservation of your barn or farm that you were unable to include in other sections.
Please be sure to upload all required application materials listed below. Incomplete applications may risk being
scored lower and/or delayed in review. If you encounter technical difculties, please continue to submit the
application, but then reach out to [email protected] immediately to let us know that you intend to submit
attachments separately.
Attachments Checklist
1. Any contractor bids, cost estimates or condition assessments, etc. used to develop your proposal
2. Images of or product pages for proposed materials for the project work
3. Public View: 1 image showing view of cemetery from a public right of way (even if you cannot see the
cemetery from the public right of way)
4. Context: Up to 8 images illustrating the overall condition and landscape of the cemetery
5. Project: Up to 15 images clearly illustrating the condition of the area(s) of the proposed work and the need
for/urgency of repair
(Optional) Contractors/Consultants: Resume and summary of experience working with historic cemeteries if
using hired professionals
(Optional) Local Government Applicants: A brief prole of department mission, lead staff, and annual budget:
(Optional) Non-prot Organization Applicants: A list of board members and their afliations and an annual
operating budget for most recently completed scal year
6. Text document with image captions/descriptions that correspond to image le names (Please use the
Historic Cemetery Preservation Capital Grant Program - 2021-2023 Grant Guidelines & Procedures • Page 5 of 6
• Once funding is approved, administrative staff will work with award recipients to develop the scope
of work for agrant agreement, or contract. Grantees will be required to sign a grant contract prior to
commencing work. Grant funds are paid on a reimbursement basis. When a grant award is less than the
amount requested, applicants and staff may work together to develop a reduced scope of work.
Grant funds may only be applied to (reimbursed for) expenditures and cannot be used to pay for
expenditures made prior to the grant contract period.
• For a cemetery owned by an individual, the owner must sign the contract. When a lessee or other
representative of the owner is the applicant, both the owner and representative must sign. For
organizations, both the Board president and executive director must sign the contract. The responsible
ofcial must sign for local governments.
• Construction must begin within one year of the award date, and project work must be completed by
June 30, 2023.
• The Washington State Heritage Barn Initiative and the Department of Archaeology and Historic
Preservation must be acknowledged on any materials publicizing the project.
• Proposed rehabilitation work supported by this program will be reviewed by program staff for both the
Washington Trust for Historic Preservation and the Department of Archaeology & Historic Preservation.
• If a recipient of a grant or subsequent owner of a property that was assisted by a grant takes any
action within 10 years of the grant award which destroys the cemetery’s historic integrity or context, the
preservation grant shall be repaid in full within one year. Such actions may include demolition or substantial
• If the project includes work that impacts privately owned monuments, consent of individual monument
owners must be documented. If the owners are deceased, consent must be provided by the entity
responsible for management of the monuments and/or cemetery.
Completed program applications including attachments are due Sunday – October 17, 2021 at
11:59pm via online form. Once all applications are received, the Historic Cemetery Advisory Committee
established through RCW 27.34.420 will convene to review applications based on the evaluation criteria
contained herein. The Advisory Committee may recommend full funding, partial funding, or no funding for
applications. Advisory Committee recommendations will be forwarded to the director of the Washington
State Department of Archaeology & Historic Preservation for nal review and approval.
After review of grant applications occurs, applicants will receive formal notication regarding grant
awards. Heritage Barn Initiative program staff will work with each award recipient to develop a contract
that species the scope of work to be funded.
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