NextGen® Office Data Extraction
(Effective June 2020)
The following instructions outline how you can extract your data prior to termination of the NextGen® Office solution. It is your regulatory obligation
to retain your patient and practice data.
Upon termination or expiration of the agreement under which you obtained access and use of the NextGen Office solution:
(A) Your right to access and use the NextGen® Office solution and all related functionality therein immediately terminates; and,
(B) You must, at your expense, remove and delete all copies of any Plug-In Software, if any, previously loaded onto your systems.
YOU MUST EXTRACT YOUR DATA PRIOR TO YOUR TERMINATION DATE. After termination, we do not store your data for your future reference, nor do we
offer a post-termination “read-only access” arrangement. Please note, if your account is disabled, there is a $500 reactivation fee if Company needs to turn
your account back on.
Access to your data, and the ability to extract a copy thereof, is available to you throughout the Term. Currently the NextGen Office solution provides two
methods, within the solution itself, for you to extract your data on your own, at no additional charge:
Option 1 - C-CDA Export: The easiest, and free, option is to export ONC compliant C-CDA files. This can be done in bulk, for all patients, directly
from the Admin section of the PM system. This will produce a Patient Health Record (PHR) XML format file formatting to C-CDA standards for
ALL patients in the system. The C-CDA files meet ONC specifications in providing a portable format with clinical history (problems, allergies,
medications, vitals, care plans, etc.) that can be viewed in an ONC compliant EMR system.
However, it does NOT include encounter notes or any
Option 2 - Print Chart Wizard: Also free, but more labor intensive, is the "Print Chart" wizard. This will produce a single PDF containing the
entire contents of that patient's chart - not just the PHR but all encounter notes, documents/attachments etc. It essentially gives you everything
that is associated with that patient chart, including copies of all attachments, PDF's, scanned images etc. and outputs it as a single
comprehensive PDF file. It can only be done one patient at a time.
In addition to the two self-managed methodologies outlined above, Company offers a third option for data extraction in which Company will perform,
at an additional charge, the data extraction as follows:
Option 3 - Download my Patient Records: For a fee, Company can provide the Download My Patient Records service, which produces a backup
to a secure Amazon cloud service. The site will contain not only the PHR C-CDA file for each patient, but also read-only copies of all encounters,
as well as all documents/attachments in their original format. Once the extraction has been completed you will promptly receive instructions
and credentials to access the data. You must move your data from the temporary cloud site. Your account executive will discuss pricing if you
wish to learn more.
If you would like to utilize Option 3, then prior to any termination/expiration of the Agreement, you must:
Create an ASR (accounting) case in Company’s Success Community (contact support at 858-523-212, option 6, if need help).
The case will be sent directly to accounting, who will reference your signed contract on file and make the appropriate adjustments. They can
also notify you via your case with the last charge/access dates for that account.
Below, are instructions for Options 1 and 2. If you have any questions about the two screen shot instructions below please feel free to call customer support at:
(877) 523.2120, option 6.
In addition to the above, we have also included are instructions from running the Patient Demographics Report.
Option 1 - C-CDA Export:
Export CCDA Patient Records
The Export CCDA Patient Records feature allows users to
generate Export CCDA patient record files, to view files
that have already been generated, and to delete files.
1. Select “Export CCDA Patient Records from the “Admin” page.
*Note: You must sign off on all encounters that you wish to be
included in the C-CDA
You have two options here
A. Click Generate Export CCDA File” to create a new Export CCDA
B. Select “All Patientsor “Patients with an Encounter From,
select the date range by manually entering the dates or
selecting them from the calendar icons and select the
rendering provider.
A. Click the file name below to download the Export CCDA file.
B. Click the trash icon to permanently delete the file and click “OK
in the popup to confirm.
Option 2 - Print Chart Wizard:
Patient Chart: Print Wizard
1. Search your patient name
2. Select the patient chart
a. Select the “Administrative tab”
b. Choose “Print Wizard
*Note: The “Print Wizard” is an extremely helpful tool that
allows users to generate a PDF file containing a variety of
information documented from the patient’s chart.
3. Enter information and select date ranges or choose “All”.
4. Select “Generate File”
*Note: The file is located in “Documents,” located within the
“Administrative” tab, where the user is able to download, or
preview. It may take several minutes to see the file after you’ve
selected “Generate File”.
Patient Demographics Report:
This report will only export the demographics.
1. Under Reports
2. Choose Demographics under Type and Patient under
3. Choose Generate Report and it will download the report.