ECF Manual Section 1.1
Getting Started
Adobe Acrobat –PDF
What is a PDF Document, How to, View, Convert to and Save to PDF
Portable Document Format (PDF)
There are two types of Adobe products referred to in this manual. Adobe Reader,
which allows a user to view a document on the ECF System, and Adobe Acrobat
(Writer/Distiller), which allows a user to convert documents to PDF. (Please note that
Adobe Distiller will create a larger file than Adobe Acrobat. The Court recommends
the use of Adobe Acrobat.)
Each word processing program has a unique method for formatting documents. A
document created with one word processing program may not look the same in, or may
not even be accessible, using different word processing software. Putting documents in
Adobe's Portable Document Format (PDF) is one way to avoid a potential Tower of Babel.
How to View a PDF File
1. Start the Adobe Acrobat Reader program.
2. Go to the File menu and choose Open.
3. Click on the location and file name of the document to be viewed. If the
designated location is correct, and the file is in PDF format, Acrobat PDF
Reader loads the file and displays it on the screen.
4. If the displayed document is larger than the screen or consists of multiple
pages, use the scroll bars to move through the document.
5. Click on the View menu for other options for viewing the displayed
6. Choose the option that is most appropriate for the document.
How to Convert Documents to Portable Document Format
Other than a Creditor Matrix which must be in .txt format, only documents in
PDF format will be accepted for filing in the ECF System. Documents not in this format
must be converted. Since the Acrobat PDF Writer installs as a printer driver, most
software applications installed on the computer will have the ability to print to PDF. To
convert a word processing document to a PDF file, you need to seemingly print the
document to get the conversion to take place.
The conversion process is relatively simple and can be accomplished in one of two
ways depending on the word processing program you are using.
ECF Manual Section 1.1
Getting Started
For WordPerfect:
Once your document is complete and with the document to be converted open
on your screen,
1. Select File from the menu bar, then select Print (or click the printer icon from
your toolbar)
2. Use the drop down box to select the Current Printer to Adobe PDF
3. Click Print. The document will not actually print; instead a Save As box will
appear on your screen.
Navigate to the drive
b Navigate to the folder
Name the file
The PDF extension will affix automatically
After youve selected the correct drive and folder and named your file, click
5. The PDF conversion is now complete. Your electronic original is stored in
the folder you designated.
ECF Manual Section 1.1
Getting Started
You will still need to save your WordPerfect document in WordPerfect
format as you always have, however, you will only file your PDF
document with ECF.
Note: Adobe may be added to the toolbar within the program by editing the
For Microsoft Word 2007 or later:
Once your document is complete and with the document to be converted is open
on your screen,
1. Click on the File menu, click on Print then select Adobe PDF.
You will still need to save your Word document
in Word format as you have always done.
Scanning a document using a flatbed or other type of scanner creates a graphic
image of the document. Images that are converted to PDF format from a graphic image
create very large files.
File size is important in two ways. First, it takes much more time to transfer a copy
of a large file between computers than it takes to transfer a copy of a text-based file.
Second, by definition, a large file requires more storage capacity in the court’s or a user’s
computer system. For these reasons, users should avoid if at all possible filing large
numbers of imaged pages.
Using Official Bankruptcy Forms
When using a PDF fillable form (such as an Official Form available on the
court's website), the user must lock or "flatten" the PDF document after completing
the form fields to ensure the document can be viewed on all devices and to prevent
other users from manipulating or editing the information. The document filed and
stored in CM/ECF cannot be altered once it has been filed; however, flattening the
form will prevent any user from saving the document and editing the form fields.
Follow the steps below to "flatten" a completed PDF fillable form:
1. Open fillable form.
ECF Manual Section 1.1
Getting Started
2. Add appropriate data.
3. Select File.
4. Select Print
5. Select the PDF printer. (The Adobe PDF printer is installed automatically with
Adobe Acrobat. Numerous free PDF printer
drivers are available for download from the Internet.)
6. Select OK.
7. Specify location to save the printed, "flattened" version of the form.
8. Select Save.
9. File the "flattened" form in CM/ECF.