Revised 5.2023
I. Objective
The Employment Plan of the Cook County Board of Review (BOR) sets forth the general principles
which will govern BOR hiring policies and procedures. This Employment Plan applies to all BOR
employees as well as applicants and candidates for BOR positions.
The BOR is committed to hiring practices that:
Base employee selection on a candidate's knowledge, skills and ability to perform effectively
on the job;
Provide equal employment opportunity to all qualified applicants;
Prohibit the entry of Political Reasons or Factors and other Improper considerations
into any stage of the selection and hiring processes for covered positions;
Provide the hiring authority with maximum lawful discretion in making
selection decisions; and
Create a transparent hiring system that minimizes the ability to manipulate
employment decisions.
This Employment Plan was developed by the Cook County Board of Review in compliance with the
Cook County Office of the Independent Inspector General Report IIG18-0344.
II. Rules Governing All, Hires Made Pursuant to the General Hiring Process
Contacts by Hiring Departments
Hiring departments shall not contact the Human Resources Department with the Office of the
Secretary of the Board of Review (“Human Resources Department”) to lobby for or advocate on
behalf of actual or potential applicants for non-exempt/covered positions, nor may hiring
departments request that specific individuals be added to any referral or eligibility list except as
permitted in this Employment Plan.
Hiring departments may contact the Human Resources Department to inquire about the status of
selected candidates.
Non-Political and Impartial Actions
For actions covered under this Employment Plan concerning all non-exempt/covered positions,
political reasons or factors or other considerations otherwise prohibited by law or the BOR Personnel
Rules may not be considered.
Revised 5.2023
Recommendations from Elected and Appointed Officials
Nothing in this Employment Plan shall limit the right of any citizen, including elected officials, to
make recommendations not based on political reasons or factors or other improper considerations to
personnel involved in making employment decisions on behalf of the BOR. In the case of hiring for
covered positions, recommendations from public office holders or political party officials that are
based on their personal knowledge of the person's work experience, skill or other job-related
qualifications are permitted and may be considered, to the extent that the department considers any
recommendations for a particular position.
III. Hiring Process and Procedures Non-Exempt/Covered Positions
Personnel requisitions
Personnel requisitions must be completed to fill BOR positions. Requisitions must be initiated by the
department Hiring Manager, and then forwarded to the Human Resources Department.
Personnel requisitions should indicate the following:
Position name
Job code and description
Grade and step
Proposed salary
Essential job functions and qualifications (or a current job description may be attached)
Intake meetings
The Human Resources Department will arrange a meeting with the department Hiring Manager to
conduct an intake meeting prior to posting a job opening to learn more about the position, the
requirements, and the profile of the ideal candidate.
Job postings
The Human Resources Department will create job postings that briefly describe the job opening and
communicate the hiring goals and objectives of the BOR. All job openings will be posted
concurrently on the BOR website, and externally with sources appropriate for the position being
The Human Resource Department shall post an employment opportunity for a maximum of thirty
(30) days, or at least fourteen (14) days for Exempt positions.
With the approval of the Secretary of the Board, positions may be posted for an indefinite and
ongoing basis, provided they are posted at least fourteen (14) days.
The Human Resources Department will be responsible for tracking all applicants and retaining
applications and resumes as required.
Revised 5.2023
Interested applicants shall submit their applications for the position electronically to the Human
Resources Department within the applicable period listed in the notice of job opportunity.
Internal applicants
Current employees with a satisfactory employment status may apply for internal job openings. The
consents of the employee's Hiring Manager and the Human Resources Department may be necessary
for employees with less than one year of service with the BOR. All applicants for a posted vacancy
will be considered based on their qualifications and ability to perform the job successfully.
Certification of Minimum Qualifications
The Human Resources Department and the Hiring Manager will verify that applicants meet the
predetermined minimum qualifications for the position.
Interview Process
The Human Resources Department and the Hiring Manager will screen applications and resumes prior
to scheduling interviews. Initial interviews are generally conducted by the Human Resources
Department and the Hiring Manager using a structured interview process. Candidate evaluation forms
will be completed after each interview and retained with the application.
Interview Questions
Interview questions shall be developed by the Human Resources Department and the hiring
department from job-specific content related to the vacant position. Interviews shall be designed to
assess the candidates' match to the hiring criteria.
Conduct of Interviews
Candidates for the same position shall be asked the same core interview questions. Follow-up
questions are permitted so long as they relate to previous questions asked to draw out more detailed
information from the candidate.
Interviewers; Evaluations
At least two BOR employees shall interview each candidate. One interviewer shall come from the
hiring department and shall be familiar with the position's requirements. At least one interviewer shall
come from the Human Resources Department. Each interviewer shall independently and personally
complete an evaluation form for the candidate at the conclusion of the interview.
Interview Notes
Interview notes shall be recorded on each interviewer's evaluation form (and attached pages if
necessary) and preserved and provided to the Human Resources Department at the conclusion of the
Interviewer Recommendations and Documentation.
Immediately following the interview, each interviewer shall independently and personally identify on the
evaluation form whether the candidate shall be subject to further consideration in the hiring process. Each
interviewer shall provide all documentation from the interview to the Human Resources Department.
Revised 5.2023
Consensus Meetings; Selection
After the interviews for the vacancy are completed, the selection process for interviewed positions
shall be based on a Consensus Meeting led by the Human Resources Department and attended by all
interviewers, along with the Hiring Manager for the position. The participants in the Consensus
Meeting shall make a consensus selection at the meeting. If no selection consensus can be reached,
the Hiring Manager shall make the final selection decision and shall provide written rationale for the
Reference checks
The Human Resources Department will conduct professional reference checks and employment verification on
the top candidates based on the results of the candidate evaluation forms completed by the interviewers.
Job offers
After a hiring selection has been made, an employment offer will be extended to the candidate. The applicant
must accept the job offer within five business days. The offer will be contingent on the candidate passing a
mandatory background check. The BOR may rescind an offer of employment if a candidate does not accept it
within 5 calendar days.
Background checks will vary depending on the position. The candidate must complete the background check
within 5 business days. If the candidate fails to complete the background check within 5 business days, the offer
may be rescinded by the BOR.
The Human Resource Department will determine a start date upon receipt of satisfactory background check
IV. Hiring Process and Procedures Exempt Positions
Applicability and Principles
Exempt positions are those where any factor may be considered in actions covered by this Employment Plan
unless otherwise prohibited by law and are listed on the Exempt List.
Modifications to the Exempt List
The Human Resources Department shall maintain a list of Exempt positions where use of the process detailed
in this section is allowed. The BOR may from time to time add or delete positions from the list of Exempt
No specific selection process required.
The employing department or official is not required to use any specific selection process in filling an Exempt
position. The employing department or official may consider any factor in making its decision, so long as it is
not an illegal factor.
An Exempt employee may be terminated for any reason or without reason, so long as it is not an illegal reason.
Revised 5.2023
V. Training and Employee Education
Human Resources Personnel Training
The Secretary of the Board, or a Designee shall administer comprehensive, mandatory education training for
all personnel within the Human Resources Department to ensure that they are aware of and knowledgeable
about this Employment Plan, are able to administer relevant portions of this Employment Plan and are able to
answer any questions they may receive.
The HR Personnel training described above shall be conducted at regular intervals of approximately every 12
months. New Human Resources employees shall receive this training no later than 30 days after they become an
Employee in HR and as necessary between annual training sessions.
Hiring Manager Training
The Secretary of the Board or Designee shall provide comprehensive mandatory training (including
through a learning management system) for all Hiring Managers to ensure they are aware of and
knowledgeable about this Employment Plan. Hiring Managers shall receive this training initially no
later than 30 days following their employment as a Hiring Manager. After the initial training, Hiring
Managers shall receive this training at regular intervals of approximately
every 12 months.
The Secretary of the Board or a Designee, may provide or oversee the training, or implementation of
training (including through a learning management system) to Hiring Managers regarding changes to
this Employment Plan as necessary between annual training sessions. Receipt of training shall be
certified in writing by the Secretary of the Board and the certification shall be placed in a training file
readily accessible to the Human Resources Department.
Employee Applicability
The Human Resources Department shall provide new employees with a copy of the Employment Plan as
part of their onboarding packet.
VI. Conclusion
The participation of any BOR employee in any hiring activity who has not received training on the
Employment Plan is strictly prohibited.
The BOR is committed to continuing its practices of being an equal opportunity employer, hiring qualified
candidates and prohibiting unlawful political discrimination with respect to all employment actions. The
purpose of this Employment Plan is to establish transparent and functional processes and procedures that
meet the business needs of the BOR and adhere to legal requirements.