Cover Letter Guide
Center for
Center for
any students say they don’t know what a cover
letter is, much less how to write one. This guide will
demystify this crucial document and show you how
to write one in a few simple steps.
It’s important to personalize your cover letter to
the specic opportunity to which you are applying,
but there is more to it than mentioning the
organization’s name a few times or quoting the job
description. Doing this well means thinking about
your target audience and demonstrating the value
you can add to your future employer.
New to cover letter
Anatomy of a Cover Letter 3
Applying to a specic
Sample Letter: Response to a
Job Lead
Worksheet: Interpreting a Job
4 & 5
Sending an internship
Sample Letter: General Inquiry
Worksheet: Organization/Agency
6 & 7
Seeking further
Weak-Better-Best Sample
If you are... Start with the... On Page...
Basic Principles of Cover Letter Writing
Not all employers will ask for – or read – cover letters,
but knowing how to thoughtfully convey your interests
and qualications is an integral part of the recruitment
A cover letter answers three basic questions: Who are
you and what are you applying for? What value can you
add to this organization? Why are you interested in this
particular opportunity?
It is an opportunity to introduce yourself and showcase
your value to the organization.
Be thorough, yet concise. Keep it to half a page,
approximately 250-300 words.
A well-written cover letter can set
you apart from candidates who
don’t submit one.
Cover letters provide the context around – and highlights
from – the experiences outlined on your resume.
This is your chance to demonstrate you know what the
organization needs and that you are the candidate who
can provide it.
A cover letter is more than a
resume in paragraph form.
The format, content and purpose of a
cover letter are highly individualized.
Follow basic professional writing standards, paying
special attention to differences in uploading a cover
letter into an online application or using your letter as
the body of an email message.
Match the tone of the job description or vibe of the
organization’s website.
Know that employers can tell when a letter reads like a
generic template.
Center for
Traditional Business Format:
Your street address
City, ST 00000
[Recommended: Use same header style as your resume]
Month Day, YYYY
Contact’s Name
Contact’s Title (Note: Start here if contact name unknown)
Organization Name
Street Address
City, ST 00000
If you are sending your cover letter in the
body of an email, omit the information
to the left and begin with the salutation.
Be sure to add in a subject line, such as
“Candidate for [Job Title]”
Dear Mr./Ms./Dr. Lastname: [or Dear Firstname Lastname]
Note: If name unknown, write Dear Recruiter/Hiring Manager/Internship Coordinator (pick one!) or something similar.
Opening paragraph:
Start by highlighting something interesting about yourself, like how a course inspired you or an internship conrmed a
career path. Avoid introducing yourself by name or lling in blanks (“I am a _____ major applying for ____ position with ____
company.”). Write with enthusiasm and demonstrate you recognize what this organization is trying to accomplish. Tell the
reader what appeals to you about that role/rm. Include contacts you’ve had with the rm, like if you met a representative an
information session or were referred by a friend/alum.
Middle paragraph(s):
Convey your story or the context around/themes running through your experiences. Highlight key accomplishments and how
they support your candidacy. Use examples to demonstrate the value you can add to the organization.
Point out commonalities between your experiences and the work environment. Respond to the stated mission, purpose and/
or goals of the organization and why you want to support their work. Demonstrate a connection between your skillset and the
needs of the organization.
Last paragraph:
Express appreciation for being considered. Include your phone number and email address here if it’s not already in the header.
Reiterate your interest in the organization/role and the opportunity to further discuss your qualications.
Note: Leave 3-4 blank lines then type name.
On a printed document, sign your name in this space.
Firstname M. Lastname
This example follows a standard business
letter format. Ask a career adviser about
more creative ways to communicate your
skills, strengths and qualications.
This page is meant as a guide, not a formal template. Consider your own writing style and that of
the organization to which you are writing when composing your cover letters.
Center for
Sample Letter: Response to a Job Lead
Month DD, YYYY
Henrietta Rollins
Recruiting Manager
Airplane, Inc.
8 Planet Boulevard
Flyup, CA 97654
Dear Ms. Rollins:
An announcement from my university’s Center for Career Development about Airplane Inc.s new entry-level
Aircra Engineering Program immediately sparked my interest. I have long admired Airplanes use of technology
to prototype new products and am condent you will nd my engineering background and entrepreneurial spirit a
strong match for the Aircra Engineering Program.
roughout my studies as a mechanical and aerospace engineering major at Princeton University, I have sought out
ways to apply theory to practice. During two signicant course projects – a World Geography Card Game and a Box
Li Crane Design – I had the opportunity to collaborate with others and take on a team leadership role, and this
past summer I accepted an internship that focused on process improvement. Collectively across these experiences,
I have seen products through from concept to pilot test and have condently presented my model designs to senior
engineers and corporate executives.
As the leading aircra manufacturing rm on the East Coast, it is understandable that you expect new hires into
the Aircra Engineering Program to demonstrate a penchant for ingenuity and design. Additionally, it is evident
from the CEOs recent press release that Airplane is committed to addressing global challenges. My resume speaks
to both characteristics, with project designs that have the capacity to improve lives and campus activities that
emphasize community engagement.
I appreciate your consideration for the Aircra Engineering Program and look forward to speaking with you soon.
Tammy Tiger
Tammy Tiger
Phone: 609-609-6096 tamm[email protected]
See more examples of cover letter sentences on p. 8
Center for
List three traits sought in a candidate
(e.g., Strong presentation skills)
List three phrases describing your personality
(e.g., Condent public speaker)
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
List three job duties/responsibilities
(e.g., Source newsworthy items from media outlets)
List an achievement related to each duty
(e.g., Curated hundreds of news clippings weekly)
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
List three facts about the organization
(e.g.,Leading aircraft manufacturing rm)
List why you nd that fact appealing
(e.g., Firm uses tech to prototype new planes)
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
Next Steps:
Review the standard cover letter format (p. 3) and the sample cover letter (p.4).
Craft your letter in your own voice.
Match the tone of the job description and organization.
A cover letter answers three basic questions: Who are you and what are you applying for? What value can you add to this
organization? Why are you interested in this particular opportunity?
This worksheet is designed to help you think of the answers to these questions, and then present them in a compelling way.
Refer to a specic job description to complete the chart below.
Center for
Sample Letter: General Inquiry
Not all internships or jobs are the direct result of a posting. Below is a standard format for a general inquiry note
to a contact to inquire about a possible position.
Dear Campaign Coordinator:
I am an avid follower of local political campaigns, and it is my hope to join your organization this
summer to support the work of senatorial candidate Olivia Williams. Although I did not see a
formal internship program posted on your website, I wanted to share my background with you for
At Princeton University, I am earning an A.B. in Politics with certicates in Spanish and Latin, with
the intention of pursuing law school after graduation. I have experience managing a student-election
campaign, tracking media stories and conducting voter outreach. I am competitive by nature and
channel this energy into both academic and athletic endeavors, maintaining a strong GPA while
committing more than 5,200 hours over ve years to training with a championship rowing team.
As a cadet with Princeton’s U.S. Army ROTC, I am most impressed with the work Ms. Williams has
done to engage Midwest veterans in community development. I come from a military family and
actively advocate for efforts that provide comprehensive health and social services to this population.
My spring semester exams end on May 25 and I am available to work from early June through late
August. I may be reached at (201) 987-6543 or [email protected] to discuss the campaign and
potential opportunities for the summer. I very much appreciate your time.
Teo Tiger
Internship Inquiry
See more examples of cover letter sentences on p. 8
Center for
If you nd yourself struggling to answer the question, “Why do you want to work for this organization?” use this worksheet
to learn more about the organization rst. You can answer these questions by reviewing the company website, company
summaries on, checking, conducting an internet search for recent articles or updates about the
company and (when possible) speaking with employees at career events or through informational conversations. Use the
ndings to craft a letter that shows you know what the organization does and why you want to support their efforts.
What is the organization’s mission?
What products/services does this organization provide?
How does this organization stand out from its competitors?
Describe any of the organization’s community engagement projects or employee development programs.
List an internship or entry level role or job function you’d enjoy within this organization.
Identify skills needed for this type of position and examples to demonstrate you have them.
Next Steps:
Review the standard cover letter format (p. 3) and the sample cover letter (p.4).
Craft your letter in your own voice.
Match the tone of the job description and organization.
Center for
Weak Better Best
I am a junior sociology major seeking a
summer journalism internship.
I am interested in using my writing
skills this summer in your journalism
internship. As a junior sociology major,
I have had the opportunity to develop
my writing skills through my academic
work and submissions to a University
I am an avid reader of People & Places
Magazine and was inspired to launch
a travel blog [link] after my semester
abroad. With an interest in creative
writing and a global focus, I am excited
to apply for the creative writing
internship at your publication.
Weak Better Best
I have strong writing skills and am
procient in Microsoft Publisher and
Adobe InDesign.
With strong writing skills and prociency
in Microsoft Publisher and Adobe
InDesign, I have created dozens of
yers for the Princeton Writers Club
and submitted three articles to Student
I was recognized by my internship
employer for my writing and creativity
when I wrote website content to
highlight new products. On campus I
contribute to Student Magazine, and
my articles engage readers and capture
their attention.
Weak Better Best
People & Places Magazine has won
more Ellie Awards than any other
publication in the past decade.
I am committed to writing excellence
and admire People & Places Magazine’s
long-standing record as a leading
industry publication.
Weak Better Best
This internship would be a great
opportunity to improve my writing skills.
Please feel free to call me if you’d like
more information.
Thank you for your time and
consideration. I hope to hear from you
I am excited about the journalism
internship and am condent you will
nd my background a strong match
for your organization. I look forward to
speaking with you soon about the role
and my qualications.
The weak opening line lacks enthusiasm and originality. The better one hits key points (who I am, why I’m writing), and the
best letter demonstrates a connection between the applicant’s skillset and the organization.
“About Me” Content
This rst line is weak because it is simply a list of skills. The better sentence demonstrates achievements with those skills,
and the best one tells a story that ties the skills and achievements together.
“About the Organization” Content
A weak letter skips this part altogether, and recruiters will notice it missing. The better letter references the organization
but is written like a sales pitch. The best letter shows the writer’s interest and common traits.
A weak closing focuses on the job seeker’s wants and does not express appreciation for being considered.
A better one is more polite, and the best version reiterates both the applicant’s interest and value to the company
and calls the reader to action.