February 10, 1995
To: Dan Barnes
Through: Terry Deforest
From: Marilyn K Schuster
Model #s 113.196221, 113.196321, 113.196421
Bob Thiessen has been in contact with Emersons special products division in Hazelwood, Missouri the
manufacturer of the above listed Craftsman radial arm saws. Greg Dix, the Product Safety Engineer that has
responsibility for these types of issues, has responded with a letter of explanation that you will find attached. This
letter explains the rationale behind the design and includes a copy of UL std 987, Stationary and Fixed Electric
Tools that allows a mechanical means for raising and lowering the lower blade guard. Also you will find attached
OSHA P.D. #100-92 which allows manually adjusted guards provided that they are used in accordance with the
manufacturers instructions.
If we can be of any further assistance please contact Bob Thiessen at 378-327 2.
January 11, 1995
Oregon OSHA Technical Section
Labor & Industries Building
Salem, Oregon 97310
Attn: Bob Thiessen
Dear Mr. Thiessen:
This letter is in response to your proposed HAZARD ALERT on the SEARS,
Craftsman Radial Arm Saw Model 113.196221, 113.196321, and 113.196421.
My first comment needs to be the acknowledgment that your interpretation of
the OSHA standards is accurate. In crosscut the lower guard is not work
actuated and we do not recommend it being lowered to maintain contact with
the top surface of the workpiece.
My next comment is that after reviewing the proposed HAZARD ALERT you may
not be unaware of hazards associated with the use of lower blade guards in
general. Since you addressed the Hazard Alert to crosscutting, I will
restrict my comments to the same.
The instructions proposed are in my opinion, unsafe. These very
instructions were considered when the original owners manual for the
subject radial saw was written, and they were rejected for reasons that may
not be obvious. Consider first that, when actually in the operation of
cutting, both operator's hands are occupied in a safe manner; one hand is
on the handle of the saw, the other is at a safe distance from the blade
stabilizing the workpiece. It is only what happens before and after the cut
that causes accidents, and there are many possible scenarios.
(1)Contact with the side of the blade (Axial Contact).
Generally a left hand injury, the operator moves his/her hand from left to
right striking the side of the blade. The saw can be parked partially in
front of the fence or with a portion of it just above the fence, or, less
frequently in terms of accident potential, it can be parked fully behind
the fence. This motion is most often associated with the act of positioning
a workpiece from side to side to perform a cut. The workpiece is moved
sideways by the hand and the hand contacts the blade from the side. One or
both hands are no longer safely occupied in the cutting process and it is
this free movement that allows the contact with the blade.
In any event, contact with the side of the blade would result in
contusions, abrasions or minor lacerations. Major injury should not be
expected in blade side contact. This is the only injury receiving a
demonstrable benefit from the OSHA required "automatically" adjustable
lower blade guard.
(2)Contact with the teeth of the blade (Radial Contact).
Any movement of the hand toward the edge of the blade can result in
serious, permanent injury, including amputations of fingers, hands or arms.
As with side contact, it is the free movement of the hand which allows the
contact. The OSHA guard is of no benefit to this injury, but the new
Craftsman guard can prevent it. More explicitly any hand movement into the
blade from a front approach will raise the OSHA guard and allow contact
with the blade teeth. This is specifically prevented with the Craftsman
The first question to be considered is, "Will the guard be up or down when
needed for protection of the operator?" I believe it will be down and here is
why. In those circumstances where free movement of hands is possible, the
operator is encouraged by design to release the trigger handle, thereby lowering
the guard. It is purposely uncomfortable to hold the trigger and keep the guard
raised for extended periods. It is also awkward to hold the handle with the
right hand while moving the workpiece with the left (or visa versa). Thus, it
can be expected that the guard will be down at those times when the hands are
free to move about. It is also most likely the saw will be pushed behind the
fence and the guard will drop to the table and prevent the saws forward movement
until the guard is raised by the lever actuation.
The second question, and the one addressed in your HAZARD ALERT instructions is
"Should the cut be performed with the guard raised or lowered? Without question,
the answer is, "Raised." When crosscutting on a radial saw (including miter
cuts), lower guards can become jammed in fence kerfs and small cutoff pieces can
become jammed between the guard and blade. Both situations may cause the
operator to act in an unpredictable, unsafe manner to resolve the problem. With
the guard raised, the problems never occur.
Finally, it is unsafe to pull the saw too far beyond the cut before
returning it to the rear. This can result in the cutoff piece being caught
on the return trip and thrown by the saw. With lower guards that remain
down, operator visibility is reduced and the operator may not know the saw
has been pulled too far. Further, the pressure placed on the cutoff piece
by the guard itself can create the very situation.
Simply stated, there is no compelling safety argument for operating a
radial arm saw with the guard down on the workpiece. The OSHA requirements,
which were adopted from the 1958 ASA (now ANSI) O1.1 standard, were written
in such a way that the operator would not be required to take some action
in order for the guard to be down when needed. Having the guard down during
the cut was not the intent; having the guard down when needed was. Clearly,
it is when the saw is running and no cutting is being performed that
guarding of this type is of benefit. The new guard fulfills this task in
the best possible manner.
Had it not been for Emerson Electric Co.'s continuous efforts over the past
several decade, and the consequences of those efforts, it would not have
been apparent that the OSHA standard was a hindrance to advancement of the
state of the art. While Emerson made a conscious decision not to comply
with the letter of the regulations, a careful, competent analysis will
demonstrate they did meet the intent of the standard. Any attempt to
retreat from the guarding system or its accompanying instructions can be
seen as detrimental to the safety of the operator.
As to what actions may be taken by OSHA in the future, one can only
speculate. During the development of the new guard, OSHA was contacted for
the express purpose of determining how they would interpret the standards
when faced with this guarding system. They declined, more than once.
Emerson was left with the difficult decision of proceeding without certain
knowledge. The decision speaks highly of our commitment to customer safety
even when it would have been easier to hide behind the regulation and do
nothing. Other standards bodies, UL and CSA, have performed the careful
review required and have accepted the new design, even though it meant
rewriting their standards. Given the proper amount of time and review, it
is likely that OSHA will do the same.
To support the fact that OSHA has in the past looked at new guarding
systems and issued a Field Information Memorandum I am attaching #77-5. It
provides guidance on the very section we are discussing. The alternate
design OSHA is accepting is not of Emerson's design and I present it only
as an example of exceptions to the regulations.
I am also attaching sections from an OSHA approved testing facility,
Underwriters Laboratories, Inc., Standard for Safety; UL 987, Stationary
and Fixed Electric Tools. The exception to section 38.11 was added to
accommodate our new guarding system after their review of its merits.
A final point of clarification to item #1 on your HAZARD ALERT. The
Accessory Lower Guard, 19-29010, is provided with each saw.
Gregory 1. Dix
Product Safety Engineer
Attachments cc: K. Baumgartner
February 17, 1977
Subject:29 CER 1910.213(g) (1) and (h) (1), Woodworking Machinery Guarding
1. Purpose
Th provide further guidance in the application of 29 CrR 1910.213 by
specifying the application of paragraphs (g) (1) and (h) (1) to swing cutoff
saws and radial saws.
2. Documentation Affected
This memorandum cancels and supersedes OSHA Program Directive #100-45 dated
January 23, 1976.
3. Action
a. In those instances where fixed enclosures, fixed barrier
guards, or manually adjusted guards that provide the equiv-
alent protection of automatically adjusted guards are used,
thereby preventing employee exposure to the saw blade, no
citation shall be issued.
b. Accordingly, when a fixed enclosure, fixed barrier, or
manually adjusted guard is used instead of an automatic
guard, a de minimis notice shall be issued. That is,
provided the guards are used in accord with manufacturer's
instructions and under sufficient supervision to insure
consistent compliance with these instructions.
5. Effective Date
This memorandum is effective immediately and will remain in
effect until canceled or superseded.
Richard P. Wilson
Deputy Director, Federal Compliance
and State Programs
37.7 An insert shall be firmly held in place and prevented from rotating.
38 Radial-Arm Saws
38-1 These requirements cover radial-arm saws equipped with blade guards and accessories for such saws.
38.2 A radial-arm saw shall be:
a) Provided with automatic or manual arbor braking such that a 104nch (254-mm) or smaller blade will stop within
15 seconds and a larger blade will stop within 25 seconds; or
b) Constructed so that inherent friction losses, such as from gearing, preclude coasting of the saw blade beyond the
limits specified in 38.2(a).
38.3 A blade guard shall be provided as a part of a radial-arm saw. The guard shall completely enclose the upper half of
the blade and at least 50 percent of the end of the arbor.
Exception: The guard may have an opening for the ejection of sawdust provided.
a) The opening is located beyond the outer circumference of the blade; or
b) A 112-inch (12.7-mm) diameter probe cannot be made to contact the blade when inserted 2-1/2 inches
(63.5 mm) into the opening.
38.4 For a saw intended for ripping, antikickback means shall be provided on both sides of the saw blade of the outfeed side.
When properly adjusted, the means shall:
a) Reduce the likelihood of wrong-way feed; and
b) Reduce the risk of kickback -the blade hurling the workpiece out the infeed side when ripping.
The means shall be functional for bevel angles of 45 degrees or less and shall provide holding power to prevent infeed
removal of soft-pine having a thickness within the capacity of the saw.
38.5 A hold-down device shall be provided on a saw intended for ripping. The device shall be designed to prevent the blade
from lifting the workpiece off the table.
38.6 The unguarded portion of the blade shall not extend beyond the table or mounting frame when the carriage is at any
position on the arm at any miter angle from 30 degrees left to 45 degrees right The blade shall be over the table when:
a) The saw is set for outtrip;
b) The carriage is at the end of the arm; and
c) The miter angle is set at 0 degrees.
38.7 Permanently attached, fixed - not drop leaf - table extensions and carriage stops that cannot be adjusted beyond the
point to which the blade extends beyond the table are acceptable means of complying with the requirements in 38.6 if such
extensions and stops are standard equipment for the assembly.
38.8 Provision shall be incorporated in a radial-arm saw so that the arm cannot be positioned to the rear of a position parallel to the
back edge of the table.
38.9 A saw blade shall be furnished with a saw.
38.10 The construction and size of a blade guard or other fixed nonremovable stop shall be such as to limit the size of the blade that
can be installed on the arbor. The maximum size shall be tested in the assembly.
38.11 The manufacturer shall make available a lower blade guard that will:
a) Cover both sides of the teeth of the blade not covered by the upper guard when the blade
and lower guard are dear of the workpiece and table;
Exception: A one-piece combination upper and lower blade guard may have a 1-114-inch (31.8 mm) side slot on the motor side,
extending from the motor-shaft to the bottom of the guard, for motor-shaft clearance.
b) Cover the teeth of the blade to their full depth;
c) For miter and bevel angles of 45 degrees and less, comply with (a) and (b) in a radial
direction, and (d); and
d) Automatically fide over the workpiece and return to the original position upon leaving the
Exception: A mechanical means may be provided to raise and lower the lower guard during crosscutting.
38.12 The manufacturer shall make a spreader available for a saw used for ripping. When in use, the spreader shall be aligned with
the saw blade.
38.13 A spreader, if provided, shall move automatically with the arbor when the saw is set for bevel cuts.
38.14 The arbor shall have a nominal diameter not less than 1/2 inch (12.7 mm) for a blade having a diameter less than 8 inches (203
mm) and not less than 5/8 inch (15.9 mm) for a blade having a diameter of 8 inches or more.
38.15 The thread for the blade-retaining nut shall have such direction that the nut is tightened by being rotated in the direction
opposite to normal rotation of the blade.
38.16 Normal rotation of the arbor shall be clock. wise when viewed from the left of the position normally assumed by the operator
when the saw is in the 90-degree cutoff position.
38.17 A diameter of a saw-blade supporting collar shall be at least 1-3/8 inches (34.9 mm) for a 74nch (178-mm) diameter blade and
shall be increased 1/8 inch (3.2 mm) for each 1 -inch (25.4-mm) increase in blade diameter.
Field Coordinator
03/13/90 - 1910.213 (h) (1)
Subject: 29 CFR 1910.213(c)(1) and (h)(1), Woodworking Machinery Guarding
03/13/90 1916.213(h)(1)
1. Purpose
The purpose of this directive is to provide guidance in the application of
29 CFR 1910.213 by specifying the application of paragraph (c) (1) to hand-
fed ripsaws and paragraphs (g) (1) and (h) (1) to swing cutoff saws and
radial saws.
03/13/90 1910.213(h)(1)
2. Documentation Affected
This directive supersedes and cancels OSHA Program Directive #100745 dated
January 23, 1976, and OSHA Field Information Memorandums #76-2A dated
January 28, 1976, and #77-5 dated February 17, 1977.
03/13/90 - 1910.213(h)(1)
3. Background -
This directive was developed to inform field personnel of the alternate
methods of meeting the intent of 29 CFR 1910.213(c)(1), (g)(1) and (h)(1)
to eliminate employee exposure to point of operation hazards.
03/13/90 - 1910.213.(h)(1)
4. Action
a. In those instances where fixed enclosures, fixed barrier guards or
manually adjusted guards are used that provide protection equivalent to
the protection of automatically adjusted guards, thereby preventing
employee exposure to the saw blade, no citation shall be issued.
b. Accordingly, a fixed enclosure, fixed barrier, or manually
adjusted guard is used instead of an automatic guard, it shall be
considered de minimis. That is, provided the guards are used in
accord with manufacturer's instructions and under sufficient
supervision to insure consistent compliance with these
03/13/9p - 1910.213 (h) (1)
5. Effective Date
This directive is effective immediately and will remain in effect until
canceled or superseded.
03/13/90 - 1910.213 (h) (1)
Richard P. Wilson Deputy Director, Federal Compliance
and State Programs
03/13/90 - 1910.213 (h) (1)
A-1 E-1
B-2 HEW-1
C-1 NIOSH Regional Directors-1
D-4&5 NACOSH-1
Training Institute-4
03/13/90 - 1910.213 (h) (1)
(Originator: OCCS)