FRBNY Economic Policy Review / March 2001 19
Regulatory capital standards based on internal
credit risk models would allow banks and
supervisors to take advantage of the benefits
of advanced risk-modeling techniques in
setting capital standards for credit risk.
The internal-model (IM) capital standards for
market risk provide a useful prototype for IM
capital standards in the credit risk setting.
Nevertheless, in devising IM capital standards
specific to credit risk, banks and supervisors
face significant challenges. These challenges
involve the further technical development of
credit risk models, the collection of better data
for model calibration, and the refinement of
validation techniques for assessing model
Continued discussion among supervisors,
financial institutions, research economists,
and others will be key in addressing the
conceptual and theoretical issues posed by
the creation of a workable regulatory capital
system based on banks’ internal credit risk
Using Credit Risk Models
for Regulatory Capital:
Issues and Options
n January 1996, the Basel Committee on Banking
Supervision adopted a new set of capital requirements to
cover the market risk exposures arising from banks’ trading
activities. These capital requirements were notable because, for
the first time, regulatory minimum capital requirements could
be based on the output of banks’ internal risk measurement
models. The market risk capital requirements thus stood in
sharp contrast to previous regulatory capital regimes, which
were based on broad, uniform regulatory measures of risk
exposure. Both supervisors and the banking industry
supported the internal-models-based (IM) market risk capital
requirement because firm-specific risk estimates seemed likely
to lead to capital charges that would more accurately reflect
banks’ true risk exposures.
That market risk was the first—and so far, only—
application of an IM regulatory capital regime is not surprising,
given the relatively advanced state of market risk modeling at
the time that the regulations were developed. As of the mid-
1990s, banks and other financial institutions had devoted
considerable resources to developing “value-at-risk” models to
measure the potential losses in their trading portfolios.
Modeling efforts for other forms of risk were considerably less
advanced. Since that time, however, financial institutions have
made strides in developing statistical models for other sources
of risk, most notably credit risk. Individual banks have
developed proprietary models to capture potential credit-
related losses from their loan portfolios, and a variety of models
are available from consultants and other vendors.
Beverly J. Hirtle, Mark Levonian, Marc Saidenberg, Stefan Walter, and David Wright
Beverly J. Hirtle is a vice president at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, Mark
Levonian is a director in the Banking Supervision and Regulation Division at the
Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, Marc Saidenberg is a Bank Supervision
officer and Stefan Walter a vice president at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York,
and David Wright is an assistant director of the Banking Supervision and
Regulation Division at the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System.
The authors would like to thank Edward Ettin, Michael Gordy, Darryll Hendricks,
David Jones, Jose Lopez, Brian Peters, and two anonymous referees for many
thoughtful comments. The views expressed are those of the authors and do not
necessarily reflect the position of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, the
Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, or the Federal Reserve System.
20 Using Credit Risk Models for Regulatory Capital
These developments raise the question of whether banks
internal credit risk models could also be used as the basis of
regulatory minimum capital requirements. The Basel
Committee on Banking Supervision is in the midst of revising
regulatory capital standards and has in fact considered using
credit risk models for this purpose. However, in a study
released in April 1999 (Basel Committee on Banking
Supervision 1999a), the Committee concluded that it was
premature to consider the use of credit risk models for
regulatory capital, primarily because of difficulties in
calibrating and validating these models.
The purpose of this article is to build on this earlier work, by
the Basel Committee and others, and to consider the issues that
would have to be addressed in developing a regulatory minimum
capital standard based on banks internal credit risk models. In
conducting this exercise, we consider how such a capital regime
might be structured if the models were sufficiently advanced.
This article is not intended to be a policy proposal, but rather to
serve as a discussion laying out the issues that would have to be
addressed in creating a capital framework based on credit risk
models. In particular, we draw on the structure of the IM capital
charge for market risk and examine how this structure might be
applied in the credit risk setting.
As in the market risk setting, the overall objective of an
internal-models regulatory capital charge would be to allow
banks and supervisors to take advantage of the benefits of
advanced risk-modeling techniques in setting capital
standards for credit risk. Ideally, the framework should
provide supervisors with confidence that the IM capital
charges are conceptually sound, empirically valid, and
reasonably comparable across institutions. At the same time,
an IM framework should be flexible enough to
accommodateand perhaps even encouragefurther
innovation in credit risk measurement. The balance between
meeting immediate prudential needs and fostering
continuing, fruitful innovation is one of the key themes in
the discussion that follows.
The remainder of this article lays out the issues that would be
involved in structuring an IM capital regime for credit risk
exposures. The next section contains a brief overview of the basic
concepts underlying credit risk models. We then describe the
basic components of an IM capital framework for credit risk
prudential standards, modeling standards, and validation
techniquesand discuss a range of alternative approaches for
these standards. At certain points in this discussion, we identify
particularly difficult issues that would have to be addressed
before an IM framework could be implemented. In such cases,
we describe the scope of the issues and their importance, rather
than make specific recommendations.
Overview of Credit Risk Models
This section provides a brief overview of credit risk models.
The purpose of this discussion is to provide background about
the general structure and key features of credit risk models that
will help explain the regulatory capital framework described in
the next section. For this purpose, we will focus on the concepts
that are common to all credit risk models, rather than present
a detailed description of specific models. It is also important to
note that the models described in this section are those that are
usually applied to banks wholesale and middle-market
commercial lending portfolios. The models used for some
other types of creditsfor example, retail lending such as
credit cards, auto loans, and small business loansgenerally
differ from the models described below.
In very general terms, the purpose of a credit risk model is
to estimate the probability distribution of future credit losses
on a banks portfolio. The first step in constructing a credit risk
model is therefore to define the concept of loss that the model
is intended to capture, as well as the horizon over which the loss
is measured. In terms of the definition of loss, models generally
fall into one of two categories: models that measure the losses
arising solely from defaults (default mode models), and
models that incorporate gains and losses arising from less
extreme changes in credit quality as well as from defaults
(multistate or mark-to-market models). Clearly, the
default mode paradigm is a restricted version of the multistate
approach, and some models are designed to produce loss
estimates based on both definitions of loss.
For both approaches, losses are measured over some future
planning horizon. The most common planning horizon used is
one year, meaning that the model will estimate changes in
portfolio valueeither from defaults or from more general
changes in credit qualitybetween the current date and one
year in the future. While a one-year horizon is most common
The overall objective of an internal-models
regulatory capital charge would be to
allow banks and supervisors to take
advantage of the benefits of advanced
risk-modeling techniques in setting capital
standards for credit risk.
FRBNY Economic Policy Review / March 2001 21
in practice, other choices are also possible, including fixed
horizons other than one year and horizons that match the
lifetime of the credits in the portfolio.
Once the definition of loss and the planning horizon have been
selected, the model generates a distributiona probability density
function (PDF)of future losses that can be used to calculate the
losses associated with any given percentile of the distribution. In
practice, banks concentrate on two such loss figures:
and unexpected loss. Expected loss is the mean of the loss
distribution and represents the amount that a bank expects to lose
on average on its credit portfolio. Unexpected loss, in contrast, is a
measure of the variability in credit losses, or the credit risk inherent
in the portfolio. Unexpected loss is computed as the losses
associated with some high percentile of the loss distribution (for
example, the 99.9th percentile) minus expected loss. A high
percentile of the distribution is chosen so that the resulting risk
estimates will cover all but the most extreme events.
The first step in generating the PDF of future credit losses is
to classify the individual credits in the portfolio by their current
credit quality. Most frequently, this is done by distributing the
credits across the banks internal credit risk rating system,
which provides a picture of the current state of the credit
portfolio. Typically, a bank will have an internal rating system
that assigns each credit to one of a series of risk categories
according to the borrowers probability of default. The next
conceptual step is to assess the probability that the positions
might migrate to different risk categoriessometimes called
credit quality states”—during the planning horizon. In a
default mode model, this process amounts to assessing the
probability of default, while in a multistate model, it also
incorporates assessing transition probabilities between internal
rating categories. The accuracy of both the assignment and the
quantification of banks internal risk ratings is critical, as these
ratings and transition probabilities have a very significant effect
on the estimation of portfolio credit risk.
The third step in constructing a credit risk model is to estimate
the likely exposure of each credit across the range of credit quality
states. For whole loans, exposure is simply the face value of the
loan and is usually constant across risk categories, but for other
positionssuch as lines of credit or derivativesexposure can
vary over time and might be correlated with the particular credit
quality state. Finally, given the risk category and the exposure in
that category, the last element to be determined is the valuation of
the position. For default mode models, this valuation is usually
accomplished by specifying a loss-given-default (LGD)
percentage. This is, essentially, the proportion of the credits
exposure that would be lost if the borrower defaults.
multistate models, this process generally involves revaluing the
position using credit spreads that reflect the default risk associated
with the particular rating category.
Thus far, the discussion has focused on the treatment of
individual positions in a banks credit portfolio. Generating the
PDF of future credit losses requires bringing these individual
positions together to capture the behavior of the overall
portfolio. From standard portfolio theory, this process
essentially requires capturing the correlations between losses
associated with individual borrowers. Correlations are vital in
assessing risk at the portfolio level since they capture the
interaction of losses on individual credits. In general, portfolio
risk will be greater the more the individual credits in the
portfolio tend to vary in common. In practice, incorporating
correlations into a credit risk model involves capturing
variances in and correlations between the risk category
transition probabilities, credit exposures, and credit valuations.
Nearly all models assume that these variances and
correlations are driven by one or more risk factors that
represent various influences on the credit quality of the
borrower (for example, industry, geographic region, or the
general state of the economy). In some models, risk factors are
economic variables such as interest rates and economic activity
indicators, while other models derive default and transition
probabilities from equity price data. In still other models, the
risk factors are abstract factors that intuitively relate to business
cycle conditions but are not tied to specific economic variables.
In every case, the assumptions about the statistical process
driving these risk factors determine the overall mathematical
structure of the model and the shape of the PDF.
assumptions about the distribution of risk factors are a key
element in the design of all credit risk models.
Depending on the assumptions about the mathematical
processes driving the risk factors, there are a variety of ways
that the final PDF of future credit losses can be generated. In
some cases, a specific functional form for the PDF is assumed
and the empirical results are calculated analytically. In other
cases, Monte Carlo simulationgenerally involving
simulation of the underlying risk factors that determine default
and transition probabilitiesis used to provide a numerical
PDF. In either case, the final result is a PDF that can be used to
derive estimates of the various percentiles of the loss
Assumptions about the distribution of risk
factors are a key element in the design of
all credit risk models.
22 Using Credit Risk Models for Regulatory Capital
Framework for an Internal-Models
Capital Charge
This section describes a possible framework for an internal-
models regulatory capital charge for credit risk exposures. In
developing this framework, we use the IM capital requirements
for market risk as a model.
As a practical matter, the market
risk standards provide a foundation that would be familiar to
the many parties involved in developing and implementing any
new credit risk standards. On a theoretical level, it also seems
reasonable to use the market risk framework as a starting point
because, fundamentally, both market and credit risk models
have the same goal: to estimate the distribution of gains and
losses on a banks portfolio over some future horizon. The two
types of models differ with respect to the underlying risk factors
that generate these gains and losses, and these differences lead
to significant differences in methodologies, modeling
assumptions, and data requirements between the models.
Nonetheless, the core similarity between the two types of
models suggests that the framework used in the market risk
setting can provide a workable beginning for a regulatory
capital regime based on internal credit risk models.
As noted above, the basis of the market risk requirements is
a risk measurement model that estimates the distribution of
gains and losses on the banks portfolio over some future time
horizon. The market risk capital charge is based on a certain
percentile of this distribution. In particular, the capital charge
is based on the 99th percentile loss amount over a ten-day
future time horizon. This amount represents the maximum
that the bank could lose over a ten-day period with 99 percent
probability. Such estimates are often interpreted as measures of
the degree of risk inherent in a banks portfolio, since they
reflect the portfolios potential for future losses.
A regulatory capital requirement for credit risk could be
based on the output of credit risk models in a similar fashion.
Just as in the market risk setting, the capital charge could be
based on a particular percentile of this loss distribution over a
given time horizon. These parameters would differ from those
used in the market risk capital framework, for reasons that are
discussed below. Nonetheless, the basic structure of the
frameworka capital requirement based on a statistical
estimate of the distribution of future gains and losses on the
banks positionscould be applied to credit risk exposures.
As in the market risk setting, the IM framework for credit risk
could have three general components: a set of prudential
standards defining the risk estimate to be used in the capital
charge, a set of model standards describing the elements that a
comprehensive credit risk model would incorporate, and
validation techniques that could be used by supervisors and banks
to ensure that model estimates are reasonably accurate and
comparable across institutions. These three general components
could be specified in a variety of ways, and the discussion that
follows generally highlights a range of alternatives. The goal of
the discussion is to provide a sense of the features that an IM
approach to regulatory capital would likely incorporate and to
raise issues requiring further analysis and comments.
Prudential Standards
The first component of an IM regulatory capital regime would
be a set of prudential standards intended to establish the basic
degree of stringency of the capital charge. As such, these
standards would be specified by the supervisor to ensure that
the regulatory capital requirements provide a suitable degree of
prudential coverage and would be the same for all banks
subject to the capital charge. Mirroring the basic elements of
credit risk measurement models described in the previous
section, these prudential standards would include the
definition of loss, the planning horizon, and the target loss
percentile. Each of these elements is discussed below.
Definition of Loss
As noted, the first step in specifying a credit risk model is to
determine the definition of loss and the planning horizon.
Similarly, in constructing a minimum capital requirement
based on internal models, the first step would be to specify
supervisory standards for these concepts. In particular, an IM
approach to regulatory capital would need to specify whether
the minimum capital requirement would be based on a default
mode or multistate loss concept and the horizon over which
these losses would be measured.
Perhaps the most appealing approach
would be to base an internal-models
regime on a multistate loss concept,
because it takes account of the probability
of changes in credit quality as well as the
probability of default.
FRBNY Economic Policy Review / March 2001 23
From a prudential perspective, the two standards are linked,
since there is something of a trade-off between the length of the
planning horizon and the definition of loss. Specifically, longer
planning horizons appear appropriate for the default mode
approach since the impact of defaults that occur beyond the
end of the planning horizon is ignored. Conversely, somewhat
shorter planning horizons may be acceptable in a multistate
paradigm because some of the impact of these long-term
defaults is captured by credit rating downgrades.
Perhaps the most appealing approach would be to base an
internal-models regime on a multistate loss concept, because it
takes account of the probability of changes in credit quality as
well as the probability of default. This approach is appealing
because it recognizes economic gains and losses on the credit
portfolio and, from a supervisory perspective, it holds the
promise of requiring additional capital for credit weaknesses
well in advance of their full development as losses. In addition,
this approach is consistent with the growing tendency of many
of the largest banking institutions to treat credit risk as
something that can be traded and hedged in increasingly liquid
markets. These considerations suggest that a multistate loss
definition would be the soundest basis for a regulatory capital
regime based on internal credit risk models.
Nonetheless, this choice would raise some issues that are
worth noting. The most significant of these is that many models
currently used by banks incorporate a default mode approach,
which means that these models would have to be changedand
in some cases, entirely reconstructedto be eligible for
regulatory capital treatment. In addition, default mode models
correspond in straightforward ways with the book value
accounting used by many financial institutions, while multistate
models are more consistent with market-value accounting.
Thus, although some evidence suggests that the trend in the
industry is moving away from default mode models and toward
multistate approaches, the question remains whether a
regulatory standard based on a multistate approach would place
a significant burden on banks or whether it would merely
provide them with the incentive to move more quickly in the
direction that they were already going.
Planning Horizon
As indicated above, the choice of a supervisory planning
horizon is very much linked to the definition of loss. We have
argued that a multistate loss definition that recognizes changes
in credit quality short of default would provide the soundest
basis for an IM capital regime for credit risk. Given this choice,
we now consider several alternative planning horizons,
including a fixed horizon of one year, a fixed horizon of more
than one year, and a lifetime horizon that would cover the
maturity of credits in a banks portfolio.
At one end of the spectrum, a lifetime horizon would be
consistent with the conceptual approach to a traditional
banking book in which credits are held to maturity.
By looking
over the full maturity of positions in the portfolio, the potential
for all future losses would be captured by the capital
requirement. In that sense, the lifetime assumption can be
interpreted as requiring that capital be sufficient to ensure that,
with a certain probability, the bank will be able to absorb any
and all losses, even if it is unable to raise additional capital or to
mitigate its troubled credits.
For this reason, the lifetime horizon would provide a very
high degree of comfort that capital would be able to withstand
quite significant negative credit events. However, the lifetime
horizon approach is at odds with the modeling techniques in
current use by most practitioners. In addition, the buy and
hold portfolio management assumption might be excessively
conservative in an environment in which credit risk is
increasingly liquid. It seems likely, for instance, that even in
stressful market situations, banks would have some ability to
manage their loss exposures or to raise additional capital.
An intermediate approach to the loss horizon question
might be to use a fixed horizon of several years. Since it can take
two to three years (or longer) to work through the effects of a
credit cycle, a fixed horizon of more than a year might be
appropriate from a prudential perspective. However, few
models currently incorporate a horizon of more than one year,
so the benefits of increased prudential coverage would have to
be weighed against the costs of altering the modeling approach
most commonly used by banks.
For a variety of reasons, a fixed one-year horizon may
represent the most workable balance between prudential
concerns and practical considerations about modeling
practice. As noted above, the multistate setting reflects the
possibility of defaults beyond one year through credit
downgrades during the year. Further, a one-year horizon may
be sufficient for banks and supervisors to begin to respond to
emerging credit problems. Finally, this horizon is consistent
with market practice, and is the most commonly used
approach in the industry. Thus, adopting a one-year horizon
A fixed one-year horizon may represent
the most workable balance between
prudential concerns and practical
considerations about modeling practice.
24 Using Credit Risk Models for Regulatory Capital
for regulatory capital purposes would be least disruptive to
current modeling practice. This considerationalong with the
fact that reasonable theoretical arguments can be constructed
for different holding period assumptionssuggests that a one-
year standard may be the most pragmatic approach.
Target Loss Percentile
Along with the definition of loss and the planning horizon, the
target loss percentile is one of the key prudential parameters of
an internal-models-based regulatory capital regime. As in the
market risk setting, the capital charge could be calculated based
on the level of losses at a specified percentile of the loss
distribution, minus the expected loss.
The specified percentile
should be chosen so that, in conjunction with other
parameters, the capital charge would provide the level of
prudential coverage desired by the supervisory authorities.
A number of considerations would apply in determining the
appropriate target loss percentile. First, since the purpose of
regulatory capital requirements is to ensure that banks hold
sufficient capital to withstand significant losses, it seems
reasonable to expect that the target loss percentile would be
fairly high. For instance, those banks that use credit risk models
for internal capital allocation purposes tend to pick target
insolvency rates consistent with senior debt ratings in the mid-
to-high investment-grade range. Historical data suggest that
annual insolvency rates associated with such bonds are less
than 1 percent, implying a target percentile above the 99th.
This example suggests that one approach to determining a
target percentile is to consider the desired public debt rating for
large banking institutions.
While safety concerns may suggest setting a very high target
percentile, other considerations offset this incentive to some
degree. First, the capital guidelines are meant to be minimum
regulatory standards, and banks would almost certainly be
expected to hold actual capital amounts higher than these
If this is the case, then it would be desirable to
establish regulatory minimum capital requirements that are
lower than the internal capital amounts that safe and prudent
banks choose to hold.
This consideration suggests selecting a
somewhat lower percentile of the distribution, perhaps one
associated with the minimum public debt rating consistent
with a banks operating in a safe and sound manner.
There may also be practical reasons to consider selecting a
somewhat lower target percentile. Foremost among these are
validation issues. Since we observe losses associated with these
high percentiles very infrequently, selecting a very high percentile
as the supervisory standard may exacerbate the already difficult
task of model validation. One possibility might be to base the
regulatory capital requirement on a less extreme value of the
PDFfor instance, the 90th percentilethat could be validated
more easily and to adjust this figure upward if there is concern
about whether the resulting capital charge was stringent enough.
While this approach has certain intuitive appeal, establishing a
scaling factor that would accurately translate a lower percentile
loss estimate into the higher percentile desired for prudential
reasons would require making parametric assumptions about the
shape of the tail loss distribution. Given the lack of consensus
among practitioners and researchers on this issue, as well as
possible variation in the loss distribution across different types of
credit portfolios, establishing an appropriate scaling factor could
be a difficult task. In addition, there are important questions
about whether the ability to validate model estimates would be
meaningfully improved even using comparatively low percentiles
of the loss distribution.
Model Standards
Portfolio credit risk models would have to meet certain
regulatory standards to be judged by supervisors as sufficiently
comprehensive to be used for capital calculations. Given the
current rapid state of evolution of these models, these standards
should not be highly restrictive. That is, they should not require
specific mathematical approaches or the use of particular
approved models, since at present there is little basis for
concluding that one specific approach to credit risk modeling is
uniformly better than all others in all situations. Such
requirements either would impede future modeling advances or
would require frequent revision of regulatory standards to
encompass innovations and advances in modeling.
As an alternative to a regulatory framework based on
specific modeling restrictions, conceptual standards could be
As an alternative to a regulatory
framework based on specific modeling
restrictions, conceptual standards could
be developed that would require banks
subject to an internal-models capital
requirement to develop and use a
comprehensive credit risk model.
FRBNY Economic Policy Review / March 2001 25
developed that would require banks subject to an internal-
models capital requirement to develop and use a comprehensive
credit risk model. Flexibility could be permitted in how the
concepts are incorporated within any given model, subject to a
supervisory review and approval process to ensure that the model
was sufficiently comprehensive. Supervisors could work with the
industry to develop sound-practice guidance, which could be used
when assessing banks models to make certain that models and
assumptions fall within an acceptable range. This approach might
result in a degree of disparity across banks; however, some
disparities may be desirable if they reflect legitimate differences in
how individual banks choose to model the risk factors that are
most important to their business mix.
As long as banking
supervisors can verify that a banks choices are reasonable and that
model parameters have a sound empirical basis, conceptual
standards could strike a balance between ensuring comparability,
on the one hand, and facilitating continued model improvement
and innovation, on the other.
The rest of this section considers how modeling standards
might address the conceptual elements that characterize
comprehensive portfolio credit models as outlined earlier. The
discussion covers the key elements of robust credit risk modeling
to indicate a potential starting point for regulatory modeling
standards. Conceptual standards for comprehensive models
would have to cover two major areas: model structure and general
data requirements related to parameter estimation and to the way
in which portfolio structure is captured within the model.
Standards for Model Structure
Comprehensive credit risk models account for variation in and
correlation between losses from individual credits, borrowers,
or counterparties. This can be accomplished in a variety of
ways, but in general terms it entails accounting for variation
due to three key modeling elements: transition probabilities,
credit exposures, and asset revaluation. Structural modeling
standards would have to address all three areas.
Transition probabilities
: In one way or another,
comprehensive models incorporate the probability that any
given position might have migrated to a different credit quality
state at the planning horizon. In a default mode framework,
this requires an assessment of the probability of default, while
in a multistate framework, the model must capture the
probabilities of credits moving from one credit state or risk
category to any of the others. At a minimum, standards would
require that models used for regulatory capital do this.
However, transitions between credit quality states are
correlated to some extent across borrowers. Structural
modeling standards would have to address the extent to which
models should recognize this fact. A requirement that models
incorporate this type of correlation should not pose a
significant hurdle for most banks, because few if any models
assume that variation in credit quality is independent across
borrowers. This is hardly surprising, since a model that made
such an assumption would fail to capture one of the most
important influences on risk in a credit portfolio. A standard
probably would also require that the relevant correlations be
based on empirical analysis, although in some cases a more
judgmental process might be warranted.
Credit exposures
: Uncertainty in credit exposures at the
horizon may stem from direct dependence on market prices or
rates, such as counterparty credit risk exposures under
derivatives contracts. It also may arise for other reasons, as in
the case of lines of credit and standby letters of credit that
depend on actions of borrowers that are generally beyond a
banks control. Because the size of credit exposures has a first-
order effect on measured credit riskfor example, a 20 percent
increase in exposure generally leads to a 20 percent increase in
the risk estimatestandards for comprehensive models would
have to specify an approach to recognizing this uncertainty.
At a minimum, a regulatory standard could require models
to recognize that exposures can change, perhaps by making
stress case assumptions about exposures at the end of the
planning horizon. An example of such an approach would be
to assume that all credit lines will be completely drawn down,
or that derivatives will have exposures equal to some high
percentile of their potential future values. In the near term, a
realistic and adequate regulatory standard might simply
require that models incorporate deterministic changes in
exposures according to credit quality states, but a more
complete alternative would be to incorporate an element of
random variation in exposures.
For positions that involve derivatives or that otherwise
depend to a material extent on market factors, standards likely
would require integrated models of market movements and
credit exposures. Especially in such cases, banks credit risk
Comprehensive credit risk models
[would] account for . . . variation due to
three key modeling elements: transition
probabilities, credit exposures, and
asset revaluation.
26 Using Credit Risk Models for Regulatory Capital
models should reflect not only the uncertainty in future
exposures, but also the potential correlation of exposures
across credits. For example, a banks counterparty exposures
from derivatives contracts that are linked to a common market
price will certainly be correlated, and this correlation should be
captured in exposure estimates. This is an area in which
modeling practice is developing rapidly, and fairly rigorous
regulatory standards likely would be appropriate.
Asset revaluation: An integral part of any credit risk model is
revaluing various credit exposures as they migrate across credit
quality states. As noted in the prior section, in multistate models
this process of asset valuation consists of revaluing positions
according to their credit quality and the general market conditions
expected at the end of the planning horizon, generally by using
market credit spreads to discount contractual payments.
Standards for comprehensive models should require banks
to capture not only the expected change in value as positions
migrate across credit quality states, but also the impact of the
uncertainty around these changes. Thus, using a market-based
but fixed-term structure of credit spreads would be inadequate.
Incorporating deterministic changes in credit spreads, perhaps
based on the forward spreads implied in the yield curve, is
more sophisticated but still does not capture the effects of
uncertainty. Thus, modeling standards might require that
volatility in market credit spreads and correlations between
changes in these spreads be explicitly incorporated into
revaluations due to migration across credit quality states.
Default states often are treated separately, with revaluation
based on the fraction of the exposure that ultimately will be
recovered. Recovery rates vary by facility type, across industries,
and across countries. However, they also vary uncertainly with
conditions in asset markets, and standards for comprehensive
models probably would require banks to incorporate this source
of uncertainty.
An important question in setting model
standards is whether models should be required to capture
correlations among recovery rates in addition to variation, and, if
so, what sort of standards can reasonably be established to ensure
that these correlations are adequately captured.
Other aspects of correlation
: As noted above, cross-credit
correlations are important within each of the three dimensions
of transition probabilities, exposures, and revaluation.
However, there can also be important correlations across these
dimensions. For example, the same factors that cause a
borrower to transition to an inferior credit quality state might
also cause an increase in the draw on a line of credit and a
simultaneous decline in the value of collateral assets. In that
case, all three dimensions of credit uncertainty are correlated.
Capturing these types of correlations is an area in which credit
risk models have made limited progress. To date, most credit risk
models assume that most of these correlations are zero. Model
developers sometimes assert that such assumptions are
appropriate because the correlations either are relatively
unimportant or are impractical to model. Further exploration of
such assertions would be necessary to ensure that these
assumptions are reasonable. Standards for comprehensive models
could require banks to either estimate and incorporate the relevant
correlations or demonstrate convincingly that they are not
material. This would likely present a significant hurdle, given the
current state of model development.
Thus far, this section has outlined a qualitative standard
requiring a model to capture correlations both within and
across each of the three dimensions of transition probabilities,
exposures, and revaluation. As noted earlier, nearly all models
assume that these correlations are driven by one or more risk
factors that represent various influences on the credit quality of
the borrower. The assumptions about the statistical process
driving these risk factors determine the overall mathematical
structure of the model and the ultimate shape of the PDF. As
such, a comprehensive models standard would need to address
the underlying distribution of these risk factors.
Although it might be desirable to develop a specific standard
for the distribution of the risk factors, differences in model
structure again make it difficult to establish minimum
requirements that would be broadly applicable. Given the
importance of these embedded assumptions, the development
of such standards may be one of the most important hurdles
that banks and supervisors will need to clear before an IM
approach for credit risk could be implemented. At a minimum,
as an alternative, supervisors would need to address the
calibration and statistical process driving these risk factors in
sound-practice guidance.
Standards for Data and Estimation
Data requirements may pose some of the most significant
implementation hurdles for an IM capital adequacy regime.
A comprehensive credit risk model must
be based on a rating process that is sound
and rigorous and that incorporates all
relevant information, both public and
FRBNY Economic Policy Review / March 2001 27
Two major categories of data are required for models-based
capital calculations. First, the credit portfolio must be
characterized in some consistent way, appropriate to the model
being used. That is, the portfolio structure must be captured.
Second, any model relies on certain parameter estimates,
typically computed from empirical observations,
corresponding to the conceptual dimensions described above.
These parameter estimates tailor the more general conceptual
model of credit risk to the specific operating environment of a
bank. This section discusses some general issues related to data,
for both portfolio structure and parameter estimation, and the
types of regulatory standards that might be appropriate for this
aspect of credit risk modeling.
Portfolio structure
: In a comprehensive credit risk model,
the two most important aspects related to portfolio structure
are that the portfolio be appropriately segregated by credit
quality and that all material exposures be accounted for. The
nearly universal approach within the industry for
characterizing credit quality is to assign each exposure a
numerical rating along a continuum of risk grades that divides
the exposures into various categories according to credit risk. A
number of different approaches are used in practice, based on
some combination of external agency ratings, market and
financial statement data, and other information. In marked
contrast to market risk models, banks use internal analysis and
private, proprietary information on relevant borrower and
counterparty characteristics to determine how exposures are
included in credit risk models. Sound practices in the area of
internal credit risk rating have been evolving rapidly. Whatever
approach a bank uses, the overall quality of the credit risk
modeling effort depends heavily on the quality of the rating
process. Thus, a comprehensive credit risk model must be
based on a rating process that is sound and rigorous and that
incorporates all relevant information, both public and
proprietary. Standards in this area are the subject of ongoing
efforts by regulatory and industry groups.
Aside from being based on a rigorous credit rating system, a
comprehensive credit risk model must capture all material
credit exposures and incorporate them appropriately in the
calculations. This process would start with identifying which
positions within a banks portfolio were subject to the credit
risk capital charges. The current regulatory capital structure
separates positions into those subject to market risk capital
standards and those subject to credit risk standards, primarily
on the basis of whether a position is held inside or outside of a
banks trading account. Thus, a clear delineation between the
banking and trading books would be necessary to prevent
regulatory arbitrage intended to minimize regulatory capital
requirements by inappropriately shifting positions across
books. Of course, such incentives exist even in the absence of an
IM approach to credit risk, and supervisors have developed
guidance to govern the treatment of various types of positions.
To the extent that the incentives to engage in such regulatory
arbitrage are heightened under an IM regime, supervisors
could refine this guidance to ensure that it limits the
opportunity for banks to shift positions solely to benefit from
reduced capital requirements.
Once the positions subject to the credit risk capital
requirements have been identified, regulatory standards would
require institutions to demonstrate that their information
systems consolidate credit exposure data globally, with any
omissions immaterial to the overall credit risk profile of the
institution. For completeness, the structural data would have to
capture the flow of new credits into each rating category, the
elimination of any retiring credits, and the migration of existing
credits into other rating categories. That is, initial ratings should
be updated periodically to reflect the current financial condition
of borrowers or counterparties. In addition, the model should
aggregate all material exposures for each borrower, so that a
consolidated exposure estimate is produced.
Parameter estimates: Parameter estimation gives rise to some
of the most significant data issues in constructing a
comprehensive credit risk model. Estimation techniques often
are unique to a particular model, so again the standards must
be conceptual rather than specific. However, banks would be
expected to explain and justify estimation methods to bank
supervisors and to provide sufficient supportsuch as
literature citations, technical documents, and access to
developersto make possible a rigorous assessment of the
parameter estimation methodology.
Data sources vary by type of parameter. Data on transition
probabilities may come from a banks own credit migration
experience. In contrast, parameters that reflect state values
and their variations generally are based on market credit
Banks would be expected to explain
and justify estimation methods to bank
supervisors and to provide sufficient
support—such as literature citations,
technical documents, and access
to developers—to make possible a
rigorous assessment of the parameter
estimation methodology.
28 Using Credit Risk Models for Regulatory Capital
spread data, estimated from historically realized values on
asset sales for certain types of assets, or based on recovery
rates for assets in default. Whatever the specific data used to
calibrate the parameters, regulatory standards likely would
reflect three general principles. First, the data should be
drawn from a historical period that reflects a wide range of
potential variation in factors related to credit quality, thereby
providing adequate historical coverage. Second, the data
should be applicable to the specific business mix of the bank.
Third, the data should reflect consistent definitions of default
or of relevant credit-state transitions.
With regard to historical coverage, a comprehensive
approach would require that the data, in combination with
the model structure, be sufficient to reflect credit cycle effects.
To achieve that, regulatory standards likely would require a
historical window that encompasses a period sufficiently long
to capture defaults and downgrades that were at various times
both high and low by historical standards. Specific
requirements may vary depending on the asset type,
geographic region, or product market in question, since
different products and markets experience cycles at different
times and with different frequencies, but an adequate window
would almost always span many years.
With regard to bank-specific applicability, regulators
probably would expect a bank to be able to demonstrate that
the data used to estimate model parameters are appropriate for
the current composition of its portfolio. For example, data
from U.S. corporations might not be appropriate for use in
models that cover exposures to European or Latin American
borrowers. Similarly, transition probabilities or state-valuation
estimates based on national level data might be inappropriate
for institutions with loan portfolios that contain highly specific
regional or industrial concentrations.
At least in the near term, banks and supervisors are likely to
face a trade-off between the dual requirements of data
applicability and coverage of the historical window. Using a
banks own internal data generally solves the applicability
problem, as long as any significant historical changes in the
banks business profile are addressed and provided the bank
has experienced a sufficient number of defaults and losses to
produce reasonably accurate parameter estimates. However, at
present it appears that few banks can construct an adequate
data history based on internal data. Alternatively, banks could
use vendor-provided or public datafor example, data from
publicly traded bondsor pooled data from a group of peer
institutions to estimate parameters. Since historical data of this
type are more readily available, issues related to sample period
and coverage of the credit cycle can be addressed more easily,
but demonstrating that the results are applicable to a specific
banks business mix becomes more difficult.
Finally, parameter estimates should be based on common
definitions of default or, in a multistate framework, common
definitions of credit-state transitions. Inconsistency in the data
used could lead to highly erroneous estimates. It may be
particularly important to ensure that the data used for default
probabilities and associated losses-given-default reflect consistent
definitions. For example, if default probabilities calculated from
publicly traded bond data were combined with loss-given-default
figures from internal bank data on nonaccrual loans, the resulting
estimates of risk could be seriously understated, owing to the
less severe credit events defined as default in the internal
data. This type of definitional issue also may be especially
problematic when data are drawn from multiple bankruptcy
regimes, as is generally the case for international data.
The third component of an IM capital regime concerns
supervisory model validation, that is, the process of ensuring that
the model is implemented in a rigorous way.
As in the
discussion of the structure of an IM capital regime for credit risk,
it is useful to begin this discussion by recalling the validation
approaches applied in the market risk setting. The market risk
validation approach relies on a combination of qualitative
standards and statistical testing. The qualitative standards
address the internal controls and procedures surrounding the
design and operation of the models used for regulatory capital
purposes, focusing on issues such as the need for an independent
risk management function, regular risk reporting to senior
management, and periodic independent audits of the model. In
addition to the qualitative standards, supervisory validation also
The supervisory validation process can be
viewed as comprising the following two
elements. The first is the development
of sound-practice guidance for the
structure and implementation of credit risk
management models. . . . The second
element . . . is the use of quantitative
testing to detect systematic biases
in model results.
FRBNY Economic Policy Review / March 2001 29
involves statistical testing of the output of the market risk
measurement models, or so-called back-testing. Back-testing is a
way of assessing the accuracy of a models estimate of the target
percentile of the loss distributionthe 99th percentile in the case
of the market risk capital chargethrough a comparison of the
actual gains and losses on the trading portfolio with the risk
estimates supplied by the model.
Against this background, the supervisory validation process
can be viewed as comprising the following two elements. The
first is the development of sound-practice guidance for the
structure and implementation of credit risk management
models. This guidance would consist of a largely qualitative
description of the current state of the practice in credit risk
measurement, covering both technical aspects of model design
and estimation and qualitative standards for the risk
management environment. The technical aspects of model
design would cover the elements of a comprehensive credit risk
model, as indicated above, while the qualitative standards
would focus on the policies and procedures used by the bank in
its risk management activities. A key element among these
policies and procedures would be a use test to ensure that any
model used for regulatory capital purposes is in fact an integral
part of the banks risk management structure.
The second element of the supervisory validation process is
the use of quantitative testing to detect systematic biases in
model results. Unlike in the market risk setting, formal back-
testing of credit risk model results is not feasible because of the
length of a typical credit cycle and the resultant limited number
of independent observations of actual outcomes.
As a result,
model validation in the credit risk setting will likely have to
draw on a combination of tests, at least until more internal data
become available and more robust statistical methodologies are
developed. These tests could consist of both work that banks
have done internally as part of model design and upkeep (for
example, sensitivity tests of key parameters) and supervisory
tests intended to identify systematic differences across banks in
model outputs (for example, test portfolio exercises). Finally,
public disclosures about model design, estimation, and output
are another way to bring scrutiny to the models used by banks
for capital purposes. All of these elements together are intended
to provide both supervisors and the banks themselves
assurance that any model used for regulatory capital purposes
is theoretically sound and properly implemented.
Sound-Practice Guidance
The purpose of sound-practice guidance would be to
describe in more detail the various elements that supervisors
would consider when evaluating internal models used for
regulatory minimum capital calculations. In some cases,
guidance would describe standards that any model should
meet to be considered accurate. In other cases, guidance
would serve to reflect the range of practice found at banks
with more advanced approaches to modeling. Guidance on
sound practices would be dynamic and change over time to
reflect the then-current state of the practice in credit risk
modeling, providing both supervisors and banks with a
benchmark against which to assess a particular models
structure and implementation. In particular, since credit
models will almost inevitably incorporate a certain degree of
management judgmentfor instance, simplifying
assumptions about correlations or other parameters, the use
of less-than-perfect data to calibrate model parameters, or
assumptions about the distribution of aggregate lossesthe
guidance could provide a way of assessing these assumptions
against the range of current practice.
Within the supervisory process, there is growing emphasis
on qualitative reviews of banks methods for measuring,
managing, and controlling their risk exposure and the
implications for capital adequacy.
A key part of any sound-
practice guidance would be qualitative standards for the risk
management environment. Supervisors have developed
significant experience using qualitative sound practice
standards to assess banks risk management processes in the
context of market risk. Finally, the upcoming revisions to the
Basel Accord will likely incorporate a greater reliance on banks
internal risk rating systems in assessing regulatory minimum
capital requirements. The experience gained by both banks and
supervisors in implementing the revised Basel Accord has the
potential to provide important insight into the development of
qualitative standards and for validation more generally.
Building on the precedent of the market risk amendment to
the Basel Accord, banks use of portfolio credit models for
regulatory capital purposes would be contingent upon their
meeting a series of qualitative standards aimed at ensuring that
The experience gained by both banks and
supervisors in implementing the revised
Basel Accord has the potential to provide
important insight into the development of
qualitative standards and for validation
more generally.
30 Using Credit Risk Models for Regulatory Capital
the models used are sound and implemented with integrity.
Qualitative standards aimed at aligning banks risk manage-
ment techniques with supervisory safety and soundness
objectives could include:
compliance with a documented set of internal policies,
controls, and procedures concerning the operation of
the credit risk measurement system
an independent risk control unit responsible for the design
and implementation of the banks credit risk model
a regular independent review of the credit risk model as
part of the banks own internal auditing process, either
by internal or by external auditors.
Finally, the qualitative guidelines should incorporate a use
test to ensure that any model used for regulatory capital is
closely integrated with the ongoing credit risk management
process of the bank. In particular, the models output should be
an integral part of the process of planning, monitoring, and
controlling the banks credit risk profile. For instance, the model
might be used in conjunction with internal credit exposure
limits, capital and portfolio allocation decisions, or pricing. All of
these uses suggest that a bank would have significant incentives
to invest sufficient resources in model development and
maintenance to ensure that the model is producing reliable risk
estimates. Just as in the IM approach for market risk, where a use
test is one of the key elements of the qualitative guidelines, such
tests could help to provide discipline in the credit risk setting.
Quantitative Testing
Aside from ensuring that a model meets sound-practice
standards, supervisory validation could include empirical
testing of the models inputs and results. Given the short-
comings of formal back-testing of model results, quantitative
testing in the credit risk setting is likely to rest on independent
review of model parameters such as expected default
probabilities, loss given default, and exposure estimates;
sensitivity analysis of key parameter estimates; stress testing of
model results; and test portfolio exercises intended to identify
possible systematic biases in model outcomes across banks.
These elements provide a possible roadmap for
quantitative testing for model validation, but considerable
work would be required to implement these ideas in an
effective way. With the exception of the test portfolio
exercises, this quantitative testing would most likely build
on the work done by the banks themselves as part of their
internal-model development and maintenance procedures.
That is, the first step in a supervisory review of a banks
credit risk model should be the review of the banks own
work papers documenting the tests done by the model
builders and by the banks internal or external auditors to
calibrate and test the model.
To support this process, supervisors could develop sound-
practice guidance on the types of tests that banks would be
expected to perform as part of developing and maintaining
their credit risk models. For instance, testing could include
sensitivity analysisthat is, analysis of the sensitivity of the
model results to changes in parameters and key assumptions.
Sensitivity analysis allows management to probe the
vulnerabilities in a model that arise from its structure, use of a
particular type of statistical technique, or limitations in terms
of historical observations. This analysis might include
demonstrating the impact on the models output and resulting
capital charge from changes in recovery rates, correlations, and
credit spreads. In all cases, banks would likely be expected to
maintain adequate documentation to permit a rigorous review
of model development and testing.
This list is not intended to be exhaustive, because these
tests would by neccessity be somewhat model-specific.
However, there are likely to be a general range of parameters
and assumptions that banks could be expected to examine.
Where the analysis indicates that particular parameters and
assumptions have a significant impact on the model results,
the sensitivity analysis should yield a thorough understanding
of the impact of changes.
Another important benchmark against which supervisors can
assess the reasonableness of a banks modeled capital
requirement is stress testing. Stress testing is an important
element of the modeling and risk management process that can
help ensure that potentially large portfolio losses are not hidden
by overly optimistic or simplistic assumptions. While stress
testing is far from a perfect validation tool, it can provide
important information about the impact of unlikely but
potentially damaging events that could result in very large losses
in a banks credit portfolio.
The key, of course, is identifying a meaningful range of stress
scenarios and accurately assessing their likely impact on the
While stress testing is far from a perfect
validation tool, it can provide important
information about the impact of unlikely
but potentially damaging events that
could result in very large losses in a banks
credit portfolio.
FRBNY Economic Policy Review / March 2001 31
credit portfolio.
These stress scenarios could involve actual
historical events; simulated increases or decreases in the models
transition probabilities, volatilities, or correlations; or a
widespread deterioration in credit quality. As challenging as
identifying meaningful stress scenarios might be, the lack of
historical data and the inability to back-test model results make
stress testing an important and independent indicator
supervisors can use for gauging the reliability of the modeling
process and the appropriateness of the resulting capital charge.
As such, it is an important tool in the arsenal for the evaluation
of credit risk models.
Beyond the testing done by the bank, supervisors may want
additional verification that the model output is reasonable.
However, the absence of back-testing requires that supervisors
rely on other tools to help them evaluate the output of a banks
credit risk measurement model and to serve as a foundation for
dialogue and discussion with the bank. Possible tools include
supervisory stress tests, the use of test portfolios, and
supervisory use of vendor-provided models.
Public Disclosure of Model Specifications
Another approach to model validation, somewhat different
from the supervisory processes described above but possibly
complementary to them, would be to require all banks using
internal models for regulatory capital purposes to disclose
publicly full documentation of the models mathematical
structure, key assumptions, and parameter estimates.
purpose of such disclosure would be to expose the banks
model to the discipline of public scrutiny. This scrutiny could
aid the supervisory validation process by providing
independent assessments of a banks model by market
practitioners and interested academics. In addition, it could
improve modeling practices for the industry as a whole by
ensuring that the latest modeling innovations were quickly
disseminated to all practitioners.
While the benefits of such disclosure could be substantial,
they would depend on the ability of supervisors and banking
institutions to establish a workable disclosure framework. In
principle, this could be accomplished through regulatory
disclosure requirements, though these could be difficult to
define in view of the wide variety of models and the continuing
rapid evolution in industry practice. Alternatively, disclosures
could be assessed through the supervisory review process to
ensure that key elements of model structure and design were
being accurately portrayed. The benefits of public disclosure
would also have to be weighed against their potential costs,
including the possibility that mandatory disclosure would
undercut banks incentives to develop new and innovative
modeling practices, since they would have to share the benefits
of any innovations with their competitors.
Summary and Conclusions
In this article, we have attempted to lay out the issues that would
have to be addressed in creating a regulatory minimum capital
requirement based on the output of banks internal credit risk
models. Using the current market risk capital requirements as a
guide, we identified three basic components of an IM credit risk
capital charge: prudential standards defining the risk measure to
be used in the requirement, modeling standards describing the
essential components of a comprehensive credit risk model, and
validation standards governing the techniques used by banks and
by supervisors to ensure that the models are conceptually sound
and reasonably accurate. An important consideration in
specifying standards in these three areas would be to balance the
desire for flexibility and innovation in modeling practice, on the
one hand, with the need to ensure that the capital charge is
conceptually sound, empirically accurate, and reasonably
comparable across banks, on the other.
This article is not intended to be a policy proposal. Instead,
our goal is to stimulate discussion among financial institutions,
supervisors, and other interested parties about the many
practical and conceptual issues that would be involved in
structuring a workable IM regulatory capital regime for credit
risk. The Basel Committee is in the process of revising regulatory
capital standards, and a key factor in considering any IM
regulatory capital regime will be the experience of both
supervisors and financial institutions with these new, more risk-
sensitive standards. For these reasons, the discussion above
should be interpreted as an initial step in trying to establish some
general principles that could guide the ultimate formation of an
IM approach to regulatory capital rather than any kind of
definitive statement of what such an approach would look like.
As our discussion suggests, the challenges in developing an
IM framework would be significant, both for banks and for
supervisors. These challenges involve the further technical
development of the credit risk models used by financial
institutions, the accumulation of improved data sources for
model calibration, and the refinement of procedures used by
banks and supervisors to validate the accuracy of the models
risk estimates. In addition, a variety of detailed implementation
issues would have to be worked out (see the appendix for a
discussion of these points). Our hope is that this article will
represent a constructive step in identifying the most important
of these many issues and in helping to determine the feasibility
of an IM approach for credit risk.
32 Using Credit Risk Models for Regulatory Capital
A number of issues not discussed in this article would have to
be addressed before an internal-models-based (IM) approach
to regulatory capital for credit risk could be implemented.
These issues include:
Loan loss reserves and expected loss: A capital charge
based on unexpected losses raises important issues
concerning the role and definition of loan loss reserves.
Recall that unexpected losses equal losses at the target
percentile minus expected losses. Therefore, if loan loss
reserves fall short of expected losses, the total resources
available to absorb lossesreserves plus capitalwill
not be sufficient to provide protection at the desired
soundness standard. Unfortunately, there is no necessary
correspondence between the accounting definition of
loan loss reserves and the concept of expected losses
from a credit risk measurement model. Thus, over the
longer run, basing a regulatory capital charge on
unexpected losses may require a rethinking of the
treatment of loan loss reserves.
Eligible institutions: The set of institutions subject to an
IM capital requirement will most likely be defined by the
minimum standards that are developed. Initially, only a
small set of banks would likely have models that were
sufficiently well-developed; many banks currently
employ default mode models and few, if any, fully
capture the correlation between risk drivers such as the
potential correlation between defaults and recovery
rates. Over time, however, the set of institutions with
comprehensive credit risk models is likely to grow as
modeling expertise disseminates through the industry,
as data sources become more readily available, and as the
competitive incentives for institutions to manage their
credit risk exposures in a more active way intensify.
Scope of application: An important issue is whether an
IM capital requirement could be designed to cover all of
a banks credit exposures, or only those in selected
portfolios (for instance, large commercial loans). The
models discussed in this article are applied primarily to
commercial lending portfolios, while other portfolios
such as retail lendingare either covered by models
whose structures are very different or, occasionally, not
covered at all. In this situation, it might make sense to
allow banks to apply an IM capital requirement only to
those portfolios covered by comprehensive credit risk
models of the type described here and to use a non-
models-based regulatory capital requirement for other
portfolios. However, cherry picking, or selective
adoption, is a clear concern if banks are allowed to use
internal models to determine capital charges for some,
but not all, of their exposures. That is, a bank may have
an incentive to model only those portions of its portfolio
in which capital charges are reduced.
Scaling factor: The IM capital requirement for market
risk incorporates a multiplicative scaling factor that is
intended to translate value-at-risk estimates into an
appropriate minimum capital requirement, reflecting
considerations both about the accuracy of a banks
value-at-risk model and about prudent capital coverage.
There could be a similar role for a scaling factor in an IM
credit risk capital regime. For instance, given
shortcomings in data availability, uncertainty
surrounding the calibration of credit risk model
parameters (so-called model uncertainty) is a significant
concern in using these models for regulatory capital
purposes. More generally, supervisors and banks lack
long-term experience with credit risk models, a fact that
creates uncertainty about how the models will perform
over future credit cycles and during times of financial
market distress. These concerns could be addressed
albeit roughlyby scaling up the raw loss figures
reported by the banks. In this instance, a scaling factor
might be incorporated when an IM approach is initially
implemented, and then revisited as both supervisors and
banks gain experience with the IM regime.
Frequency of capital calculations: Prudential standards
would have to specify how frequently banks would be
required to run their credit risk models and report the
results to supervisors. Unlike value-at-risk models,
which are run on a daily basis to assess the market risk in
banks trading activities, credit risk models are run less
frequently. Monthly runs of the modelwhere a run
of the model means a new estimate of the PDF of future
losses incorporating changes in portfolio composition,
credit ratings, market prices, and parameter updates,
where warrantedseem a reasonable minimum
standard in the near term, though over the longer run,
banks would probably be expected to develop the
capability to generate fresh model estimates on an even
more frequent basis (perhaps weekly or biweekly).
Given frequent model results, capital could be based
on the average of monthly or weekly estimates during the
quarter. Using an average should mitigate banks
incentives to window dress, as might be the case if the
capital charge were based on model outputs as of a single
point in time, such as quarter-end. In addition, averaging
should smooth short-run volatility in the model
Appendix: Practical Implementation Issues
Appendix: Practical Implementation Issues (Continued)
FRBNY Economic Policy Review / March 2001 33
estimates and ensure that the capital requirement is not
overly sensitive to short-term anomalies in credit
Parameter updates: A bank using an internal model for
credit risk capital would also be required to update the
models inputs and parameters with some minimum
frequency. There are obvious trade-offs between
accuracy of risk assessment and reporting burden: more
frequent updating gives regulators and banks more
confidence in the model results, but may impose a
greater burden on the banks. Different updating
schedules may be reasonable for different types of
parameters and different data sources. For instance,
many models use market-based credit spreads to revalue
credit exposures. These spreads should be updated
frequently, probably more frequently than the full model
is reestimated, to account for the potentially significant
variation of spreads over relatively short periods. In
contrast, state-value estimates based on recovery rates or
on market prices from asset sales could be updated less
frequently, as could transition probabilities and
correlations, although additional work would be
desirable to confirm the optimal timing. Portfolio
structure data should be updated at least as often as the
material is run.
34 Using Credit Risk Models for Regulatory Capital
1. This section draws heavily on a recent Federal Reserve study of the
structure and implementation of credit risk models at large U.S.
banking institution (Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve
System 1998b). For interested readers, this paper contains an in-depth
discussion of credit risk modeling issues.
2. A discussion of internal risk rating systems is beyond the scope of
this article. However, since sound-practice standards and guidelines
for internal rating systems are under active consideration as part of the
Basel Committees efforts to revise capital standards, regulators
expectations regarding such rating systems will become known as part
of that process. For further discussion regarding internal rating system
standards, see Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
(1998a). In addition, for information on the range of internal rating
practices among international banks, see Treacy and Carey (1998) and
Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (2000).
3. The LGD, sometimes also referred to as the loss in event of default,
is equal to 1 minus the recovery rate on the defaulted loan.
4. See, for example, Gordy (2000a).
5. See Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (1996) and
Hendricks and Hirtle (1997) for a full description and discussion of
the market risk capital requirements.
6. It is interesting to note that under a lifetime horizon, there is no
distinction between the multistate and default-mode loss definitions
since credits will either default or mature over their lifetimes;
intermediate upgrades and downgrades short of default have no
impact on the value of credits at the horizon.
7. One concern that arises in specifying a given planning horizon for
regulatory capital purposes is that this choice may impede supervisors
from urging banks to use different planning horizons for internal
purposes if market best practice evolves over time. In the market risk
setting, this concern is addressed through a simple scaling approach,
where capital requirements based on a ten-day standard may be
calculated with scaled risk estimates based on the one-day horizon that
is typical for most value-at-risk models. However, the nature of the
processes underlying credit risk is sufficiently different that this
approach may not be acceptable. For credit risk, it may be more
appropriate for supervisors to address such issues through the review
of banks internal capital allocation methodologies (see Board of
Governors of the Federal Reserve System [1999]). Another alternative
would be to allow each bank to use a bank-specific planning
horizonor even a bank-specific loss definition/planning horizon/
target loss percentile combinationbut this approach would
introduce very significant problems in establishing a consistent
minimum regulatory capital requirement across banks.
8. Subtracting the expected loss from the specified loss percentile
reflects the concept that capital is used primarily to cover unexpected
losses. Regulatory standards would have to ensure that expected losses
were covered in other ways, such as through loan loss reserves or
through credit spreads on the pricing of credit extensions. See the
appendix for a more detailed discussion.
9. As an alternative to value at risk, some have suggested that using the
expected tail loss”—that is, the expected loss given that the loss is
greater than the target percentileas a measure of risk. See, for
instance, Gordy (2000b).
10. For instance, the historical insolvency rate on AA-rated bonds is
about 0.03 percent, implying that a target percentile of 99.97 would be
required to provide that degree of coverage. A 99.97th target percentile
would mean that unexpected losses would exceed capital only
0.03 percent of the time.
11. See Estrella (1995) and Basel Committee on Banking Supervision
(1999b) for a discussion of the role of minimum capital requirements
in regulation and supervision.
12. Establishing higher regulatory capital requirements than banks
themselves would select on safety and soundness grounds would
imply that supervisors were having an inappropriate impact on banks
business decisions. Under the current capital standard, this
phenomenon sometimes encourages banks to securitize assets when
regulatory capital requirements exceed what the market demands.
13. For instance, even using a 90th percentile figure, we would expect
to see losses exceeding this level only once every ten years. Further,
validation procedures that examine the entire tail of the distribution
rather than a single point at a given percentilemay prove more
powerful in identifying models that fail to capture extreme loss
behavior. In that event, the ability to validate models would depend
much less on the particular percentile chosen to form the basis of the
capital requirement.
14. A study by the Institute of International Finance, Inc., and the
International Swaps and Derivatives Association (2000) highlights not
only some of the differences that can result from banks different
Endnotes (Continued)
FRBNY Economic Policy Review / March 2001 35
modeling choices, but also differences that arise from the calibration
and implementation of models that are otherwise similar.
15. Asarnow and Marker (1995) present an empirical study of the
relationship between the use of lines of credit in the event of default
and borrower credit quality.
16. Frye (2000) highlights the challenges and potential importance of
incorporating recovery rate uncertainty.
17. See Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (1999a) for a full
discussion of these hurdles.
18. This section focuses on validation of portfolio credit models.
Critical validation issues also arise with regard to the mappings of
individual credits into a given institutions internal credit grades. As
indicated above, both banks and supervisors have been devoting
significant attention to this process in recent years, and considerable
progress has been made in addressing some of the key issues. See, for
instance, Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (2000) and Board
of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (1998a).
19. Lopez and Saidenberg (2000) discuss some of the challenges and
limitations of back-testing credit risk models.
20. See Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (1999) for a
discussion of banks internal capital allocation procedures and Basel
Committee on Banking Supervision (1999b) for a discussion of
internal capital as pillar two of the proposed revisions to the Basel
21. In a test portfolio exercise, supervisors construct one or more
standard portfolios, which may be composed of actual or hypothetical
credit positions, and each bank is asked to produce risk estimates for
these portfolios using its internal model. The resulting figures are then
compared across institutions to generate a sense of the range of model
outcomes and potentially to identify outliers whose risk estimates
fall outside the typical range.
22. Berkowitz (2000) discusses the challenges of establishing a
comprehensive approach to stress testing.
23. Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (1999b) and Estrella
(1995), among others, outline the importance of disclosure and
market discipline as components of banking regulation and
36 Using Credit Risk Models for Regulatory Capital
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