Practical Data Analysis Examples
Scatterplot Scatterplot matrices can give useful insights on
matrices data that will be used for regression or related
Transformation Data often require transformation prior to entry
into a regression model.
Model Fitting a regression or other such model gives,
objects in the first place, a model object.
Generic plot(), print() and summary() are examples
functions of generic functions. With a dataframe as
argument plot() gives a scatterplot matrix.
With an lm object, it gives diagnostic plots.
Extractor Use an extractor function to extract output from
function a model object. Extractor fucntions are generic
List objects An lm model object is a list object. Lists are
used extensively in R.
This chapter will use examples to illustrate common issues in
the exploration of data and the fitting of regression models. It will
round out the discussion of Chapters 1 to 2 and 4 by adding some
further important technical details. These include the use of generic
functions such as plot() and print(), the way that regression
model objects are structured, and the use of extractor functions to
extract information from model objects.
5.1 The Uses of Scatterplot Matrices
The MASS package will be needed, for the dataset mammals.
library(MASS, quietly=TRUE)
40 data analysis , graphics, and visualisation using r
5.1.1 Transformation to an appropriate scale
Among other issues, is there a
wide enough spread of distinct
values that data can be treated as
A first step is to elicit basic information on the columns in the data,
including information on relationships between explanatory vari-
ables. Is it desirable to transform one or more variables?
Transformations are helpful that ensure, if possible, that:
All columns have a distribution that is reasonably well spread out
over the whole range of values, i.e., it is unsatisfactory to have
most values squashed together at one end of the range, with a
small number of very small or very large values occupying the
remaining part of the range.
Relationships between columns are roughly linear.
the scatter about any relationship is similar across the whole range
of values.
It may happen that the one transformation, often a logarithmic trans-
formation, will achieve all these at the same time.
The scatterplot in Figure 5.1A, showing data from the dataset
mammals (MASS), is is an extreme version of the common situation
where positive (or non-zero) values are squashed together in the
lower part of the range, with a tail out to the right. Such a distribu-
tion is said to be “skewed to the right”.
Code for Figure 5.1A
plot (brain ~ body, data=mammals)
mtext(side=3, line=0.5, adj=0, "A: Unlogged data")
0 2000 4000 6000
0 2000 4000
A: Unlogged data
1e02 1e+02
1e01 1e+01 1e+03
B: Log scales (both axes)
Figure 5.1: Brain weight (g)
versus Body weight (kg), for 62
species of mammal. Panel A plots
the unlogged data, while Panel B
has log scales for both axes, but
with axis labels in the original
(unlogged) units.
Figure 5.1B shows the scatterplot for the logged data. Code for
Figure 5.1B is:
plot (brain ~ body, data=mammals, log ="xy")
mtext(side=3, line=0.5, adj=0,
"B: Log scales (both axes)")
Where, as in Figure 5.1A, values are concentrated at one end of
the range, the small number (perhaps one or two) of values that lie at
the other end of the range will, in a straight line regression with that
column as the only explanatory variable, be a leverage point. When
it is one explanatory variable among several, those values will have
an overly large say in determining the coecient for that variable.
As happened here, a logarithmic transformation will often re-
move much or all of the skew. Also, as happened here, such transfor-
mations often bring the added bonus that relationships between the
resulting variables are approximately linear.
5.1.2 The Uses of Scatterplot Matrices
In subsequent chapters, there will be extensive use of scatterplot
matrices. A scatterplot matrix plots every column against every
practical data analysis examples 41
other column, showing the result in the layout used for correlation
matrices. Figure 5.2 shows a scatterplot matrix for the trees dataset
in the datasets package that is automatically attached when R
Interpreting Scatterplot Matrices:
For identifying the axes for each panel
- look across the row to the diagonal to identify the
variable on the vertical axis.
- look up or down the column to the diagonal for the
variable on the horizontal axis.
Each below diagonal panel is the mirror image of the
corresponding above diagonal panel.
## Code used for the plot
plot (trees , cex.labels=1.5)
# Calls pairs (trees)
65 75 85
8 12 16 20
65 75 85
8 12 16 20
10 30 50 70
10 30 50 70
Figure 5.2: Scatterplot matrix for
the trees data, obtained using
the default plot() method for
data frames. The scatterplot matrix
is a graphical counterpart of the
correlation matrix.
Notice that plot(), called with the dataframe trees, has
in turn called the plot method for a data frame, i.e., it has called
plot.data.frame() which has in turn called the function
The scatterplot matrix may be examined, if there are enough
points, for evidence of: The scatterplot matrix should
be used only as an initial coarse
screening device. Skewness in the
individual distributions is better
checked with the use of plots of
density estimates.
1. Strong clustering in the data, and/or obvious outliers;
2. Clear non-linear relationships, so that a correlation will underesti-
mate the strength of any relationship;
3. Severely skewed distributions, so that the correlation is a biased
measure of the strength of relationship.
5.2 World record times for track and field events
The first example is for world track and road record times,
as at 9th August 2006. Data are from the web page http: Note also the use of these data in
the exercise at the end of Chapter
2 (Section 2.6.2)
//www.gbrathletics.com/wrec.htm. Data are in the dataset
worldRecords in the DAAG package).
Data exploration
First, use str() to get information on the data frame columns:
library(DAAG, quietly=TRUE)
42 data a naly si s, graphics, and visualisation using r
str (world Records , vec.len=3)
' data.frame' :40obs.of5variables:
$Distance :num
$Place :chr "Athens""Cassino""Atlanta"...
$Time :num 0.1630.2470.3220.514...
$Date :Date,format:"2005-06-14"...
Distinguishing points for track events from those for road events
is easiest if we use lattice graphics, as in Figure 5.3.
## Code
xyplot (Time ~ Distance , scales =list (tck=0.5),
groups =roadORtrack, data =worldRecords ,
auto.key=list(columns=2), aspect=1)
## On a a colour device the default is to use
## different colours, not different symbols ,
## to distinguish groups.
Figure 5.3: World record times
versus distance, for field and road
Clearly increases in Time are not proportional to increases in
Distance. Indeed, such a model does not make sense; velocity
decreases as the length of the race increases. Proportionality when
logarithmic scales are used for the two variables does make sense.
Figure 5.4 uses logarithmic scales on both axes. The two panels
dier only in the labeling of the scales. The left panel uses labels on
scales of log
, while the right panel has labels in the orginal units.
Notice the use of auto.key to obtain a key.
2 0 2 4 6
road track
10^1 10^0 10^1 10^2
road track
Figure 5.4: World record times
versus distance, for field and road
events, using logarithmic scales.
The left panel uses labels on scales
of log
, while in the right panel,
labeling is in the orginal units,
expressed as powers of 10.
## Code for Left panel
xyplot (log (Time) ~ log (Distance),
groups =roadORtrack, data =worldRecords ,
scales =list (tck=0.5),
auto.key=list(columns=2), aspect=1)
## Right panel
xyplot (Time ~ Distance , groups =roadORtrack,
data =worldRecords,
practical data analysis examples 43
scales =list (log =10 , tck =0 .5 ),
auto.key=list(columns=2), aspect=1)
Fitting a regression line
The plots suggest that a line is a good fit. Note however that the
data span a huge range of distances. The ratio of longest to shortest
distance is almost 3000:1. Departures from the line are of the order
of 15% at the upper end of the range, but are so small relative to this
huge range that they are not obvious.
The following uses the function lm() to fit a straight line fit to The name lm is a mnemonic for
linear model.
the logged data, then extracting the regression coecients:
The equation gives predicted
Time = e
= 2.08 Distance
This implies, as would be ex-
pected, that kilometers per minute
increase with increasing distance.
Fitting a line to points that are on a
log scale thus allows an immediate
worldrec.lm <- lm (log (Time) ~ log (Distance),
data =worldRecords)
coef (worldrec.lm)
(Intercept) log(Distance)
0.7316 1.1248
There is no dierence that can be detected visually between the
track races and the road races. Careful analysis will in fact find no
5.2.1 Summary information from model objects
In order to avoid recalculation of the model information each time The name worldrec.lm is used
to indicate that this is an lm object,
with data from worldRecords.
Use any name that seems helpful!
that some dierent information is required, we store the result from
the lm() calculation in the model object worldrec.lm.
Plot points; add line:
plot (log(Time) ~ log (Distance),
data =worldRecords)
abline (worldrec.lm)
Note that the function abline() can be used with the model
object as argument to add a line to the plot of log(Time) against
Diagnostic plots
Insight into the adequacy of the line can be obtained by examining
the “diagnostic” plots, obtained by “plotting” the model object.
Figure 5.5 following shows the first and last of the default plots:
## Code
plot (worldrec.lm, which =c(1 ,5) ,
sub.caption=rep ("" ,2))
By default, there are four “diagnostic” plots. Panel A is designed
to give an indication whether the relationship really is linear, or
whether there is some further systematic component that should
perhaps be modeled. It does show systematic dierences from a
line. The largest of these is more than a 15% dierence.
There are
A dierence of 0.05 on a scale of
translates to a dierence of
just over 5%. A dierence of 0.15
translates to a dierence of just
over 16%, i.e., slightly more than
mechanisms for using a smooth curve to account for the dierences
from a line, if these are thought important enough to model.
44 data a naly si s, graphics, and visualisation using r
2 0 2 4 6
0.10 0.00 0.10
Fitted values
Residuals vs Fitted
0.00 0.04 0.08 0.12
2 0 1 2 3
Standardized residuals
Cook's distance
Residuals vs Leverage
Figure 5.5: First and last of the
default diagnostic plots, from the
linear model for log(record time)
versus log(distance), for field and
road events.
The plot in panel B allows an assessment of the extent to which
individual points are influencing the fitted line. Observation 40 does
have both a very large leverage and a large Cook’s distance. The plot
on the left makes it clear that this is the point with the largest fitted
time. Observation 40 is for a 24h race, or 1440 min. Examine
worldRecords["40", ]
Distance roadORtrack Place Time Date
40 290 .2 road Ba sle 144 0 199 8 -05 - 03
5.2.2 The model object
Functions that are commonly used to get information about model
objects are: print(), summary() and plot(). These are all
generic functions. The eect of the function depends on the class
of object that is printed (ie, by default, displayed on the screen) or or
plotted, or summarized.
The function print() may display relatively terse output, while
summary() may display more extensive output. This varies from
one type of model object to another.
Compare the outputs from the following:
print(worldrec.lm) # Alternatively, type worldrec.lm
Call :
lm ( for mul a = l og( T ime ) log ( Dista nce ), data = worl dRecord s)
(Intercept) log(Distance)
0.732 1.125
practical data analysis examples 45
Call :
lm ( for mul a = l og( T ime ) log ( Dista nce ), data = worl dRecord s)
Residuals :
Min 1Q Me dian 3Q Max
-0.0807 -0.0497 0.0028 0.0377 0.1627
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr( >|t |)
(Intercept) 0.73160 0.01241 59 <2e-16
log (Dist ance ) 1.12475 0.00437 257 <2e -16
Residual standard error: 0.0565 on 38 degrees of freedom
Multiple R
:0.999, AdjustedR
F-statistic: 6.63e+04 on 1 and 38 DF, p-value: <2e-16
Internally, summary(wtvol.lm)
calls UseMethod("summary"). As
wtvol.lm is an lm object, this calls
Used with lm objects, print() calls print.lm(), while
summary() calls summary.lm(). Note that typing worldrec.lm
has the same eect as print(worldrec.lm).
5.2.3 The lm model object is a list
The model object is actually a list. Here are the names of the list
[1] " coef fici ents " "residua ls " " effe cts "
[4] " rank" " fitte d. val ues " " ass ign "
[7] "qr " " df . resi dual " "x levels "
[10] "call" " terms" " model"
These dierent list elements hold all very dierent classes and di-
mensions (or lengths) of object. Hence the use of a list; any collec-
tion of dierent R objects can be brought together into a list.
The following is a check on the model call:
lm ( for mul a = l og( T ime ) log ( Dista nce ), data = worl dRecord s)
Commonly required information is best accessed using generic
extractor functions.
Use extractor function coef():
coef (worldrec.lm)
Above, attention was drawn to print(), summary()
and plot(). Other commonly used extractor functions are
residuals(), coefficients(), and fitted.values(). These
can be abbreviated to resid(), coef(), and fitted().
46 data a naly si s, graphics, and visualisation using r
5.3 Regression with two explanatory variables
The dataset nihills in the DAAG package will be used for a regres-
sion fit in Section 11.6. This has record times for Northern Ireland
mountain races. Overview details of the data are:
str (nihi lls )
' data.frame' :23obs.of4variables:
$climb:int 174011101210330012009501600150015005080...
$time:num 0.8580.4670.7031.0390.541...
$timef:num 1.0640.6230.8871.2140.637...
The function splom() is a lattice
alternative to pairs(), giving a
dierent panel layout.
Figure 5.6 uses the lattice function splom() (from the lattice
package) to give scatterplot matrices, one for the unlogged data,
and the other for the logged data. The left panel shows the unlogged
data, while the right panel shows the logged data:
A: Untransformed data
10 15
5 10
3 4
1 2
4 5 6
1 2 3
B: Log transformed data
2.0 2.5 3.0
1.0 1.5 2.0
8.08.5 9.0
7.07.5 8.0
1.0 0.0
0.5 1.5
1.0 0.0
Figure 5.6: Scatterplot matrices
for the Northern Ireland mountain
racing data. The left panel is for
the unlogged data, while the right
panel is for the logged data. Code
has been added that shows the
correlations, in the lower panel.
The following panel function was used to show the correlations:
showcorr <- function (x,y,...){
xy <- current.panel.limits()
rho <- paste (round (cor(x ,y) ,3))
eps <- 0.035* diff( range(y))
panel.text(max (x), min (y)+eps, rho ,
pos =2 , offset =-0.2)
Code for the scatterplot matrix in the left panel is:
## Scatterplot matrix ; unlogged data
practical data analysis examples 47
splom(~ nihills , xlab ="" ,
main =list ("A: Untransformed data", x=0,
just ="left", fontface =" plain "))
For the right panel, create a data frame from the logged data:
lognihills <- log (nihills)
names(lognihills) <- paste0 ("l" , names (nihills))
## Scatterplot matrix ; log scales
splom(~ lognihills, lower.panel =showcorr , xlab ="",
main =list ("B: Log transformed data", x=0,
just ="left", fontface =" plain "))
Unlike paste(), the function
paste0() does not leave spaces
between text strings that it pastes
Note that the data are positively skewed, i.e., there is a long tail
to the right, for all variables. For such data, a logarithmic transfor-
mation often gives more nearly linear relationships. The relation-
ships between explanatory variables, and between the dependent
variable and explanatory variables, are closer to linear when loga-
rithmic scales are used. Just as importantly, issues with large lever-
age, so that the point for the largest data values has a much greater
leverage and hence much greater influence than other points on the
the fitted regression, are greatly reduced.
Notice also that the correlation of 0.913 between climb and
dist in the left panel of Figure 5.6 is very dierent from the corre-
lation of 0.78 between lclimb and ldist in the right panel. Corre-
lations where distributions are highly skew are not comparable with
correlations where distributions are more nearly symmetric. The
statistical properties are dierent.
The following regresses log(time) on log(climb) and
nihills.lm <- lm (ltime ~ lclimb + ldist ,
data =lognihills)
5.4 One-way Comparisons
Note that, in an experiment such
as this, the plants should be grown
in separate pots, with a random
arrangement of pots.
The dataset tomato has weights of plants that were grown under one
of four dierent sets of experimental comditions. Five plants were
grown under each of the treatments:
- water only
- conc nutrient
- 2-4-D + conc nutrient
- x conc nutrient
Notice that “water only” has been made the referrence level. This
is done as a preferred starting point for the analysis of variance
calculations that appear below. Figure 5.7, created using the function
48 data a naly si s, graphics, and visualisation using r
quickplot() from the ggplot2 package, shows the plant weights.
There do seem to be some fairly clear dierences.
water only
24D + conc nutrient
3x conc nutrient
conc nutrient
1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0
Weight (g)
Figure 5.7: Weights (g) of tomato
plants grown under four dierent
## Code
tomato <- within (tomato , trt <- relevel(trt, ref="water only"))
quickplot (weight , trt, data =tomato, xlab="Weight (g)", ylab="")
Observe that, to get estimates
and SEs of treatment eects,
tomato.aov can be treated as an
lm (regression) object.
The command aov(), followed by a call to summary.lm(), can
be used to analyse these data, thus:
tomato.aov <- aov (weight ~ trt, data =tomato)
round(coef (summary.lm(tomato.aov)), 3)
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr( >|t |)
(Intercept) 1.683 0.187 9.019 0.000
trt2-4 -D + con c n utr ien t -0.3 58 0 .264 -1.35 8 0.19 0
trt3x conc nutrient -0.700 0.264 -2.652 0.015
trtconc nutrient 0.067 0.264 0.253 0.803
Because we made water only the reference level,
(Intercept) is the mean for water only, and the other coe-
cients are for dierences from water only. None of the treatments
can be distinguished statistically from water only.
Growing conditions in a laboratory or glasshouse or growth
chamber temperature, humidity and air movement are rarely
totally uniform. The preferred way to deal with this is to repeat the
comparison between treatments in several dierent locations.
Technically, each dierent loca-
tion (or set of conditions) is known
as a block.
ditions will vary between locations, but each comparison between
treatments is conducted under the relatively uniform conditions at
one particular location.
The dataset rice (DAAG) is from such experiment. There are
two treatment factors three types of fertilizer and two varieties
of rice plant. The six treatment combinations are each repeated six
times, in each of two blocks.
For these data, Figure 5.8 gives a clear picture of the result. For
fertilizers NH4Cl and NH4NO3, any dierence between the varieties
is inconsequential. There is strong “interaction” between fert and
practical data analysis examples 49
variety. A formal analysis will confirm what is already rather
clear. Experimenters are rarely thus fortunate.
20 40 60 80 100
mean of ShootDryMass
F10 NH4Cl NH4NO3
## Code
with (rice , inte raction.plot ( x.factor =fert ,
trace.factor=variety ,
cex.lab =1 .4))
Figure 5.8: Interaction plot for the
terms fert and variety, with
ShootDryMass as the dependent
variable. Notice that for fertilizer
F10, there is a huge variety dier-
ence in the response. For the other
fertilizers, there is no dierence of
5.5 Time series Australian annual climate data
Data are from the website
The data frame bomregions2012 from the DAAG package has
annual rainfall data, both an Australian average and broken down by
location within Australia, for 1900 2012. Figure 5.9 shows annual
rainfall in the Murray-Darling basin, plotted against year.
1900 1920 1940 1960 1980 2000
300 400 500 600 700 800
Figure 5.9: Annual rainfall in
the Australian Murray-Darling
Basin. by year. The lowess()
function is used to The dashed
curve with f=2/3 captures the
overall trend, while the solid curve
with f=0.1 captures trends on a
scale of around eleven years. (10%
of the 113 year range from 1900
to 2012 is a little more than 11
## Code
plot (mdbRain ~ Year, data =bomregions2012)