DNP Project Statistical Methods Algorithm
Use this algorithm to design the approach for data collection and analysis for your DNP project.
Evaluate which option(s) most align with the desired project outcomes. Utilize no more than
two and no less than one statistical analysis tool(s). Use the table below to map out the
statistical test(s) you will use to analyze collected data. *
Project Objectives:
Planned data collection
approach to achieve
objective (if applicable):
Data Analysis (if applicable):
choose option A, B, or C
Objective 1:
Objective 2:
Objective 3:
*Some objectives don’t require data collection to determine if the objective was met. For
example, educating staff would not require data collection. Determining compliance or rates of
infection would require data collection. If no data collection is required, write “n/a” in the
column for data collection/analysis.
Option A: Paired
samples t-test OR
Wilcoxon signed
rank test
Type of data: Numerical scores or
rates that can be assigned to
participant or provider location
and measured before and after
the intervention. Looking at
paired data.
1. Pre/post observations on
the same person for each
data set (examples:
cultural competence
survey, intent to stay
survey, etc.)
2. Compliance rates per
provider, reviewing the
same number of charts
before and after per
Evaluate the assumptions of each
test to determine which test to use.
Paired samples t-test: use to
compare means, assumption
of approximately normal
distribution for the
Wilcoxon signed rank test:
use when assumption of
normality is not met.
Compare ordering of the
Option B: Chi-
Square Test OR
Fisher’s exact test
Type of data:
Counts of participants, providers,
or charts that can be assigned to
Evaluate the assumptions of each
test to determine which test to use.
a particular category, such as
compliant/not compliant, or
injured/not injured.
Examining the difference
between expected and observed
1. Compare provider
compliance rates on a
protocol before and after
training (provider not
identified individually,
and compliance is yes/no)
2. Compare rates of hospital
acquired infections after
intervention if the
intervention was not
present before. Compare
rates pre-intervention to
rates post intervention.
Chi-Square Test: use to
compare observed vs
expected values. At least 5
expected values for each
combination of the two
variables should be present. If
this is not met then use
Fisher’s exact test.
Option C:
statistics with
Confidence interval
Descriptive statistics used to
describe phenomenon from a
sample of a population.
Confidence intervals reflect
uncertainty about how the
estimate applies to the
population as a whole.
1. Out of 30 telemedicine
patients who screen
positive for depression,
how many of them
received appropriate
referral for psychiatry?
x/30= xx%
Descriptive statistics example: Often
displayed in table and graph to show
Mean and standard
deviation/95% CI for each
group (approximately normal
continuous (ordinal or ratio)
Percent with 95% confidence
interval, making sure to
include the sample size.
Frequency table, preferably
including counts and
percentages in some format.
Option A
Paired samples t-test: Utilized to compare means between two similar samples. Generally, you
pair the same group of people’s test results before and after an intervention such as pre-
posttest. Example: Pre-test and post-test
Assumptions of Paired samples t-test:
1. Independence: two separate observations are being compared.
2. Normality: Normal distribution between pairs
3. No extreme outliers
If any assumption is violated, then this would be an invalid test.
If a different group of people is examined before and after, see option B.
Wilcoxon signed rank test: Utilized to compare two separate observations between two similar
samples when the assumption of normality is not present. Wilcoxon signed rank test should be
used over a t-test if there will be outliers in the data. Where a t-test examines the means
between two data sets, the Wilcoxon signed rank test examines the ordering of the data
instead of the means of the data. An example where this may be more helpful is if there will be
various disciplines of medicine with widely varied educational background taking the same
survey. Example: Likert scale
Assumptions of Wilcoxon signed rank test:
1. The dependent variable is ordinal and continuous.
2. Independent variable being compared is matched or related, or the same subjects are
examined before and after.
3. Distribution of differences is symmetrical between groups.
Option B
Chi-square test: Examines observed vs expected values.
Example: Implement a new protocol and examine an outcome, such as protocol compliance; **
a specific categorical outcome or nominal outcome that is expected after implementation.
Example: BMI screening, asthma action plan
Assumptions of Chi-square Test:
1. Data should be randomly sampled from the population of interest.
2. Comparing two categorical or nominal variables.
3. At least 5 expected values for each combination of the two variables. (If fewer than
5, consider Fisher’s exact test)
**When evaluating compliance with multiple variables, be sure to define level of compliance
when using YES/NO for consistency. For example, if a protocol requires 5 steps and you
determine the provider is compliant if they achieve 4/5 steps, please define this ahead of time
to collect consistent results from the chart audit.
Fishers exact test: Examines observed vs expected values. Use as an alternative to the Chi-
square test if a combination of two variables has less than 5 in expected value.
1. Data should be randomly sampled from the population of interest.
2. Comparing two categorical or nominal variables.
Example of what data might look like:
Not Compliant
Option C
Descriptive statistics with Confidence Interval testing: Descriptive statistics summarize data
collected in a sample population. Common approaches to descriptive statistics include mean
and standard deviation.
Confidence interval testing is used to determine if a true population mean has been assessed.
Example: descriptive statistics (% compliant before vs after, with 95% confidence interval,
estimable here:
1. Random sampling
2. Normal distribution of sample.
Copyright by Touro University Nevada, School of Nursing, 2022. Reprinted by permission.