DCMA Manual 4301-06
Office of Primary
Responsibility: Stewardship Capability
Effective: October 23, 2019
Releasability: Cleared for public release
New Issuance
Implements: DCMA-INST 4301, “Stewardship,” July 18, 2018
Incorporates and Cancels: DCMA-INST 705, “Automated Time, Attendance, and Production
System (ATAAPS) Graphical User Interface (GUI),”
January 23, 2014
Internal Control: Process flow and key controls are located on the Resource Page
Labor Codes: Located on the Resource Page
Resource Page Link: https://360.intranet.dcma.mil/sites/policy/ST/SitePages/4301-06r.aspx
Approved by: David H. Lewis, VADM, USN, Director
Purpose: This issuance, in accordance with the authority in DoD Directive 5105.64, “Defense
Contract Management Agency (DCMA),” implements policy, assigns responsibility, and defines
procedures for civilian payroll operations for DCMA.
DCMA-MAN 4301-06, October 23, 2019
Table of Contents 2
SECTION 1: GENERAL ISSUANCE INFORMATION ..........................................................3
1.1. Applicability .......................................................................................................................3
1.2. Policies and Procedures ......................................................................................................3
SECTION 2: RESPONSIBILITIES ............................................................................................4
2.1. Agency Director. ................................................................................................................4
2.2. Executive Director, Financial and Business Operations/Comptroller ................................4
2.3. Finance and Business Systems Division ............................................................................4
2.4. Finance and Business Systems Payroll Branch ..................................................................4
2.5. Finance and Business Systems Operations Branch ............................................................5
2.6. Defense Logistics Agency Project Management Office ....................................................5
2.7. Defense Finance and Accounting Service ..........................................................................5
2.8. Defense Contract Management Agency Supervisor ..........................................................6
2.9. Limited Timekeeper ...........................................................................................................6
2.10. Employee .........................................................................................................................7
2.11. Special Programs Mission Support Office Customer Support Representative ................7
2.12. Customer Service Representative .....................................................................................7
3.1. Overview ............................................................................................................................9
3.2. Establishing Certifiers and Timekeepers............................................................................9
3.3. Employee Assignment in Defense Civilian Payroll System ..............................................9
3.4. Defense Agencies Initiative System Authorization Access Request..................................9
3.5. Tour of Duty ..................................................................................................................... 10
3.6. Employee Time and Attendance Documentation ............................................................. 10
SECTION 4: TIME AND ATTENDANCE APPROVAL ....................................................... 12
4.1. Overview .......................................................................................................................... 12
4.2. Time and Attendance Approval ....................................................................................... 12
SECTION 5: PAYROLL CORRECTIVE ACTIONS ............................................................. 14
5.1. Defense Civilian Payroll System Time and Attendance Corrections ............................... 14
SECTION 6: RETENTION OF RECORDS ............................................................................. 15
6.1. Records Retention ............................................................................................................ 15
SECTION 7: INTERNAL CONTROLS ................................................................................... 16
7.1. Internal Controls ............................................................................................................... 16
7.2. Oracle Time and Labor Availability ................................................................................. 16
SECTION 8: EMERGENCY/CONTINGENCY PROCEDURES ......................................... 17
8.1. Continuity of Operations Plan .......................................................................................... 17
GLOSSARY .................................................................................................................................. 18
G.1. Definitions ....................................................................................................................... 18
G.2. Acronyms ........................................................................................................................ 19
REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................. 20
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Section 1: General Issuance Information 3
1.1. APPLICABILITY. This issuance applies to all DCMA employees involved in the civilian
payroll process unless higher-level regulations, policy, guidance, or agreements take precedence.
1.2. POLICY. This manual defines DCMA’s financial policies and procedures regarding
payroll operations and time and attendance. It further establishes the Agency’s procedures to
maintain effective internal controls to ensure all time and attendance is proper, accounted for,
and certified.
a. The Defense Agencies Initiative (DAI) Oracle Time and Labor (OTL) is the Agency’s
approved tool used for the entry, attestation and certification of time and labor for its employees.
b. The Agency uses the Defense Finance and Accounting Service (DFAS) to process
DCMA’s civilian employee payroll. DFAS runs bi-weekly civilian payroll through the Defense
Civilian Pay System (DCPS), and generates Leave and Earnings Statements (LES) that are
available online via myPay. Additionally, DFAS is responsible for granting and maintaining
DCPS user accounts for Agency Customer Service Representatives (CSRs) and timekeepers.
c. DCMA utilizes the Defense Civilian Personnel Data System (DCPDS), the DoD civilian
Total Force (TF) Directorate automated system. DCPDS supports DCMA’s entire civilian TF
life cycle, to include processing several key transactions and providing diverse information.
Those capabilities include (1) acquiring and assigning civilian personnel; (2) training and
development of civilian personnel; (3) sustaining and managing compensation; (4) managing
organizations; (5) supporting benefits management; and (6) separation or termination of civilian
personnel. DCPS provides TF management through DCPDS for TF specialists and CSRs. The
processes and controls for establishing, maintaining and updating the employee’s personnel file
are completed through personnel actions. The processes and controls performed for reconciling
pay and personnel data systems are through payroll reconciliation. The processes and controls
for data exchanged or interfaced with systems external to DCPDS, DAI OTL and DCPS are
through interfaces and data feeds.
d. The Hire to Retire end-to-end business process encompasses the business functions and
activities necessary to recruit, in-process, develop, retain, and out-process employees. Business
functions include providing employee benefits, recording time and attendance, performing
payroll activities, training and developing personnel, garnishing wages, and collecting and
paying taxes.
e. DCMA personnel are hereby directed to execute the policies, protocols, and processes set
forth in this manual in a safe, efficient, effective, and ethical manner.
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Section 2: Responsibilities 4
2.1. AGENCY DIRECTOR. The DCMA Director will:
a. Unless delegated, be the final authority for payroll operations and reporting by
representing DCMA with leadership, receiving guidance, and providing decisions as required.
b. Approve new and updated policy publications relevant to the execution of the DCMA
payroll mission.
COMPTROLLER. The Executive Director, Finance and Business will:
a. Manage resource planning, programming, budgeting and execution of DCMA funding for
the execution of civilian pay and ensure adherence to policies and procedures in accordance with
DoD 7000.14-R, DoD Financial Management Regulation, Volume 8, “Civilian Pay Policy,”
Government Accountability Office guidance, and all applicable local, internal and external
payroll guidance.
b. Delegate authority to the Finance and Business Systems Payroll (FBSP) Branch to
execute the Agency’s portion of the bi-weekly pay process in DAI and to complete all reporting
requirements, both internal and external, including, but not limited to, any necessary reports to
DFAS, the Office of the Secretary of Defense, and Congress.
2.3. FINANCE AND BUSINESS SYSTEMS DIVISION. The Finance and Business System
Division Chief will:
a. Oversee civilian payroll policy for DCMA civilian employees in coordination with
internal and external agencies.
b. Oversee the recording of time and attendance via DAI OTL.
c. Disseminate civilian payroll and time and attendance policy and procedures throughout
the Agency.
Supervisor must:
a. Process all Time and Attendance (T&A) inquiries and/or corrections.
b. Perform table maintenance in DCPS for the Agency.
c. Process the Source Data Automation (SDA) outbound file bi-weekly to process approved
timecards for payment.
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Section 2: Responsibilities 5
d. Clear all payroll Unmatched Disbursements and Gross Pay File variances before end-of-
month closure.
e. Provide payroll guidance to DCMA employees, supervisors, limited timekeepers and
Business Systems Operations Branch Supervisor must:
a. Inform the Agency of DAI system software upgrades and system downtime.
b. Coordinate and implement software upgrades impacting DCMA.
c. Maintain and assist with user account access in DAI OTL for authorized users.
d. Assist with DAI timecard or interface issues and escalate any issues that cannot be
resolved at the Agency level to the Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) Project Management
Office (PMO).
e. Troubleshoot user system errors.
f. Provide DAI OTL training to DCMA personnel.
g. Maintain initial and refresher OTL training records.
h. Establish initial user accounts and maintain status on system access.
PMO responsibilities include:
a. Validating that the Gross Pay File interface from DCPS has processed successfully in
b. Detecting file-level transmission and/or validation errors.
c. Performing and maintaining DAI system security and backup functions, and informing
DCMA Payroll of any system security status.
d. Notifying DCMA Payroll when the DAI database is locked for maintenance and upgrades.
e. Addressing any system issues not resolved at the Agency level.
a. Maintaining DCPS.
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Section 2: Responsibilities 6
b. Ensuring compliance with all applicable laws and regulations, and with guidance issued
by the Office of Personnel Management, Federal and other taxing authorities, Department of
Treasury, Department of State and the Department of Labor.
c. Supporting all functions related to the processing, administration and distribution of
checks, electronic funds transfer payments, myPay, financial returns and other treasury/financial
d. Processing pay, entitlements and leave for Federal civilian employees.
Supervisor must:
a. Administer leave policies and regulations for employees under their supervision.
b. Ensure employees’ T&A records are reviewed for accuracy of information entered,
supporting documentation is attached in DAI, accurate project and tasks are selected, and
timecards are approved.
c. Provide guidance to employees on the use of projects, tasks, and process codes.
d. Ensure a minimum of two delegates are available to approve T&A records in their
e. Ensure limited timekeepers and employees complete the training for system access as
f. Approve Tour of Duty (TOD)/work schedule for employees in DAI OTL. This must
occur before employees may begin recording T&A on their timecard. Ensure applicable
telework agreements are attached to the TOD.
2.9. LIMITED TIMEKEEPER. The evolution of the T&A system has reduced or even
eliminated timekeeper’s duties and shifted responsibilities to the employees or supervisors. The
limited timekeeper, if required, is responsible for assisting supervisors in recording and verifying
employees' work time and absences; in the absence of the employee and/or supervisor, the
DCMA limited timekeeper must:
a. Record T&A in DAI OTL in the absence of the employee or employee’s supervisor.
b. Maintain complete and accurate T&A records.
c. Serve as the alternate Point of Contact (POC) for all mass communication for payroll
issues from the Payroll Branch, i.e., change in payroll procedures, office closures, accelerated
payroll, updated guidance, etc.
d. Receive or run the recurring DCPS or DAI reports to identify exceptions and errors, and
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Section 2: Responsibilities 7
communicate corrections needed to identified employees, supervisors and management.
e. Serve as the local subject matter expert and POC for employees and supervisors who have
questions regarding DAI OTL.
f. Locate substantiating documentation for auditors when/if not readily available in DAI
within required timelines.
g. Ensure the employee’s previous pay period timecards remain in an approved status.
h. Ensure timecards are submitted and approved in a timely manner and prior to pay
processing. The limited timekeeper must monitor and review the DAI Timecard Summary
Report for employees with a timecard in the following status: not entered, rejected, and
2.10. EMPLOYEE. The DCMA employee must:
a. Create a TOD which is a recurring work schedule that assists the supervisor in planning
and allocating resources effectively.
b. Electronically enter their T&A in DAI and ensure all projects and tasks are correct for
time worked, and leave is requested and approved in the time keeping system.
c. Ensure supporting documentation such as leave requests, telework approvals and similar
documentation is attached to timecards. Likewise, Telework Agreements and regular and
recurring Authorized Time for Fitness (ATF) requests should be attached to the TOD.
d. Submit T&A issues or questions via the DCMA 360 FBSP Payroll Inquiries Inbox.
e. Ensure timecards are not deleted.
REPRESENTATIVE. The Special Programs CSR, supporting the Special Programs Command
only, must:
a. Provide “over-the-counter” liaison support for employees with pay problems.
b. Perform debt, leave and pay audits for pay issues, and work with TF prior to referring an
issue to DFAS.
c. Submit researched, yet unresolved pay and leave issues, to DFAS via a Remedy ticket.
a. Provide customer support for employees with pay problems for members, timekeepers and
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Section 2: Responsibilities 8
b. Ensure employee on-boarding payroll forms are updated in DCPS.
c. Troubleshoot pay issues, and work with TF to resolve these issues prior to referring them
to DFAS.
d. Submit researched, yet unresolved pay and leave issues to DFAS via a Remedy ticket.
e. Perform required out-processing actions prior to the employee’s final separation date
when notified of a pending separation/retirement of an employee.
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Section 3: DCMA Payroll Employee Time and Attendance 9
3.1. OVERVIEW. When an employee is in the process of onboarding, there will be several
actions that are performed by DCMA Civilian Payroll in order for the employee to properly
record their T&A. In accordance with DoD 7000.14-R, “DoD Financial Management
Regulation, Volume 8, “Civilian Pay Policy,” Chapter 2, “Time and Attendance (T&A),”
timekeeping is a critical function which may be performed by the individual employee,
timekeeper, supervisor or a combination of these individuals. The timekeeping function requires
the accurate and timely recording of T&A data and the maintenance of related documentation.
authorization for the expenditure of government funds. Each employee’s T&A must be certified
as correct by the employee’s supervisor, acting supervisor, or other designated representative
authorized to act as an alternate certifier at the end of the pay period. Certification is a
mandatory function. Under the guidelines of financial systems’ segregations of duties, a certifier
cannot be assigned timekeeping authority in DAI OTL. Entering time and certifying by the same
user is not authorized.
a. Supervisors or designated officials may be appointed as certifiers or alternate certifiers
(delegate/proxy). Certifiers may be civilian or military personnel. Contractors cannot be
appointed as certifiers as they cannot authorize the expenditure of government funds.
b. Certifiers must ensure all T&A has been entered into DAI OTL and certified by the close
of business on the last work day of the pay period. Any corrections or adjustments to the current
pay period must be completed by 12:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time (EST) on the first Monday
following the end of the pay period unless accelerated pay procedures are announced.
c. Limited timekeepers may be civilian, contractor, or military personnel.
Assignment of an employee within DCPS is accomplished by the Master Employee Record only
when a Standard Form (SF) 50, “Notification of Personnel Action,” has successfully interfaced
with DCPS.
a. The employee must be assigned to the correct organization in DCPS as it is in DCPDS,
with the start date as the beginning of the current pay period or using the employee’s respective
Entrance On Duty date no later than the Tuesday following the end of each pay period to avoid
employee payroll issues.
b. The default project and task codes are assigned to each employee according to the
employee’s identified Unit Identification Code, Organization, and Appropriation Code.
REQUEST. In order for an employee to record T&A, the employee must gain access to DAI
using the process defined in DCMA Manual (DCMA-MAN) 4301-05, Vol. 9, “Financial
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Section 3: DCMA Payroll Employee Time and Attendance 10
Systems and Interfaces: Defense Agencies Initiative User Management” located on the Resource
a. Unless the employee will be performing transactions within DAI (e.g., Budget
Reimbursements), the employee will only need to apply for the Employee Time User DCMA
role using the System Authorization Access Request (DD Form 2875) and DAI role request
b. If the employee will be performing other transactions within DAI, DCMA-MAN 4301-05,
Vol. 9 provides procedures for requesting additional roles.
3.5. TOUR OF DUTY. The employee creates a TOD/work schedule in DAI and it is approved
by the supervisor. Once the TOD is completed and approved, the employee may enter T&A on
the timecard.
a. Changes to a TOD/work schedule occur when an employee makes a material change to
duty hours.
b. Changing from a Maxi-Flex schedule to a compressed or a standard/fixed work schedule
will result in credit hours being paid to the employee.
c. An employee will notify their supervisor in advance of changing their TOD and/or
submitting leave requests in order for the supervisor to plan and allocate resources appropriately.
d. The limited timekeeper must make approved schedule changes prior to entering T&A for
an employee.
record their T&A in DAI OTL. It is the employee’s responsibility to ensure proper documents
are attached to the timecard for processing and recordkeeping purposes.
a. The supervisor must review the timecard for accuracy and ensure approval of requests for
absence, leave, and premium time are fully supported within the supervisor’s records. This must
be accomplished for each employee within the time frame identified by FBSP.
b. Proper supporting documentation for the bi-weekly pay period consists of original source
documents that demonstrate that there is prior approval of leave, premium time, authorization to
perform ad-hoc telework, temporary/permanent change of work schedule, or that approval is
granted as soon as possible after the event, e.g., in the case of unforeseen sick leave. The
documentation demonstrates the existence of important internal controls over civilian payroll
expenses, and such features must be maintained to comply with DCMA’s internal control
program to support auditability. Supervisors must be able to clearly demonstrate these controls
are being followed through maintenance of proper timekeeping records. Documentation must be
attached to the employee’s timecard in DAI OTL. Supervisors and employees must redact all
Personally Identifiable Information and Protected Health Information on all supporting
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Section 3: DCMA Payroll Employee Time and Attendance 11
(1) Medical documentation is between the employee and the approving supervisor. This
information should not be attached to the approved leave request.
(2) Supervisors of Bargaining Unit Employees may refer to the DCMA Collective
Bargaining Agreement Article 20 for requirements on the documentation of leave requests.
c. Other supporting documentation for leave include, but are not limited to:
(1) Summons to jury duty.
(2) Jury duty certificates of attendance.
(3) Military orders for members of a reserve component.
(4) Verification of military service.
(5) All Hands e-mail messages detailing excused absence in the event of inclement
weather or disaster.
(6) Other similar supporting documents.
d. Premium hours include overtime, holiday work, and compensatory time earned.
Compensatory time for travel and credit hours are not premium hours, but compensatory time
must be requested and accounted for in the same manner as premium hours. All premium time,
compensatory time for travel, and credit hours must be approved in advance or as soon after it is
earned or utilized as practicable, and the approval must be retained with timekeeping records.
Premium hours must be requested using DAI Premium Request. For example, a travel
compensatory time estimate is requested in DAI using DAI Premium Request. When travel is
completed, the employee will use the Travel Comp Worksheet to document the actual hours for
the supervisor to approve and then the employee will attach this document to the timecard.
e. For employees on Maxi-Flex schedules, the employee must provide supervisors with their
intended hours of work for approval and planning purposes. Should a material deviation occur
thereafter (e.g., a change in duty day/Regular Day Off or a change in the number of hours
worked per day which is not reflected in the employee’s TOD), the approval of the revised work
schedule must be documented, as with all work schedules, and accompany the supporting
documentation for the respective pay period.
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Section 4: Time and Attendance Approval 12
4.1. OVERVIEW. Supervisors and limited timekeepers are this section’s targeted audience.
An employee is restricted from approving their own time within DAI OTL.
4.2. TIME AND ATTENDANCE APPROVAL. Supervisors are responsible for the T&A
they approve and must have knowledge of the time worked and absence of the employee for
whom approval is given.
a. Only those individuals who have been properly designated as proxies or delegates are
authorized to certify T&A records.
b. An employee is never authorized to approve their own T&A in DAI OTL.
c. Supervisors must verify leave balances in DAI Absence Management before approving
leave. If leave balances are insufficient, the supervisor must notify the employee of the
deficiency and discontinue approval unless the employee has requested advanced or emergency
(1) Leave balances of newly appointed DCMA employees will not be visible in the DAI
OTL database during the first pay period of their appointment; therefore, supervisors must rely
on the employee’s most recent LES, which is generally from the previous pay period, as a guide
for approving requested leave. Additionally, the employee must ensure a copy of their latest
LES is provided to the TF Specialist during onboarding and/or to their respective CSR as leave
balances are not always automatically transferred between agencies. This delay in reporting
could result in leave without pay if certain leave balances are not updated in DCPS prior to the
employee’s request for leave.
(2) The supervisor may approve advanced leave requests at their discretion. If there is
any doubt an employee will not return to a duty status, advanced leave must not be approved as
this could result in a collection action. When approving advanced annual leave, the supervisor
cannot approve more than the total number of hours an employee will accrue from the effective
date of the request to the end of the current leave year. The approval of advanced sick leave may
not exceed 240 hours or 30 days. When the advanced leave has been approved, the employee’s
supervisor, or designated official for the activity, must send the documented approved request to
the FBSP DCMA 360 Payroll Inquiries Inbox for processing by the CSR in DCPS.
d. The supervisor must ensure T&A errors, if any, are corrected by the employee prior to
e. Ordinarily, timecard approval should not occur earlier than the last workday of a pay
period to allow for accountability of unexpected leave or premium time. However, approval for
DCMA employees may commence as early as the second Wednesday of the pay period. An
exception is when known factors make this impractical, such as a legal holiday occurring on the
last Friday of the pay period or the following Monday, when a foreseeable condition such as
inclement weather or natural disaster exists, or when an employee is taking extended leave and
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Section 4: Time and Attendance Approval 13
will be unavailable to submit their timecard. Particular care will be taken with approval of
planned premium time that will occur after approval. The supervisor must confirm the scheduled
premium time was in fact worked as planned. Unapproved T&A in DAI OTL will not pass to
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Section 5: Payroll Corrective Actions 14
CORRECTIONS. If the supervisor is unable to approve T&A in DAI OTL prior to the payroll
interface, then a signed manual/paper timecard must be forwarded to the CSR for direct input
into DCPS. DAI should be updated as soon as possible.
a. The CSR must account for all missing T&A and clear invalid transactions that may have
occurred when the SDA file was processed in DCPS.
b. The CSR must contact the employee and/or the employee’s supervisor directly to obtain
necessary documentation to update missing time, clear an invalid transaction, or process an
advanced leave request as indicated by the Conversion of Hours Report.
c. The CSR must simultaneously process prior pay period adjustments and make
corrections/changes to T&A for the current pay period in DAI and DCPS.
(1) Current Pay Period Adjustments. Employees must notify their supervisor when T&A
adjustments are required for a given pay period. A corrected timecard must be submitted for the
supervisor’s approval. The supervisor must approve the changes or corrections. The supervisor’s
approval may be either a digital or wet signature before the timecard is uploaded in DAI. All
corrected timecards should be submitted on the Tuesday following the end of a given pay period
by 1300 EST for final SDA interface.
(2) Prior Pay Period Adjustments. Changes occur when T&A for the current pay period
has been processed and a change is required to update the previously reported payroll data. T&A
data must reflect the proper and accurate accounting of an employee’s actual T&A and leave.
Once the adjustment is noted, the following must occur:
(a) Employee must certify the DAI OTL timecard and submit it to their supervisor,
ensuring all personally identifiable information has been redacted.
(b) Supervisor must review and approve the adjusted timecard in DAI OTL.
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Section 6: Retention of Records 15
6.1. RECORDS RETENTION. Upon completion of T&A certification, all approved timecards
with required documentation are stored in DAI and retained for a minimum of seven years.
Schedules or agreements that are superseded or revoked also will be maintained for a minimum
of seven years. A request to establish/change a TOD/work schedule, Telework Agreements, and
ATF documentation must be maintained as separate master records by the employee. Temporary
requests to establish/change a TOD/work schedule must be maintained with the timekeeping
records they pertain to (within the affected pay period). Documented records must be attached to
an employee timecard and maintained in the designated DAI Enterprise Resource Planning
(ERP) system.
a. Civilian Payroll records are subject to audit. All documents and records essential to an
audit will be maintained and available upon request in the designated DAI ERP system. Source
documents include, but are not limited to:
Approval of requests for leave/approved absence (to include leave applications for
jury and military duty)
Approval of requests for premium pay or overtime
Compensatory Time for Travel Worksheet
Approval of TOD/work schedules
Telework Agreements attached to TOD
Approval of ATF requests
Approval of situational telework
b. Instructions for the retention of key supporting documentation is found in DoD 7000.14-
R, Financial Management Regulation, Volume 1, “General Financial Management Information,
Systems and Requirements,” Chapter 9, “Financial Records Retention.” Additionally, document
retention policy requirements are set forth in the National Archives and Records Administration
(NARA), General Records Schedule 2.4: Employee Compensation and Benefits Records. If
unsure of document retention period, contact the local records management office.
c. The CSR maintains all documents used in establishing an employee’s payroll account in
DCPS. Additionally, any subsequent documents requiring manual input into DCPS will also be
maintained (e.g., hardcopy timecard, Direct Deposit Standard Form 1199A (EG), and W-4
Employee’s Withholding Allowance Certificate) in accordance with DCMA Instruction
(DCMA-INST) 809, “Records Management.”
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Section 7: Internal Controls 16
7.1. INTERNAL CONTROLS. Internal controls have been established to prevent
unauthorized changes to completed T&A reports.
a. Changes may be made only by the employee, limited timekeeper or supervisor.
b. The timecard is still required to be certified by the supervisor/proxy/delegate.
c. In the event a manual change is required, the supervisor must submit a signed, manual
Attestation Timecard to the Payroll CSR for processing.
7.2. ORACLE TIME AND LABOR AVAILABILITY. DAI OTL will remain available for
26 consecutive pay periods. Supervisors and limited timekeepers are to ensure all employee
timecards remain in an approved status and are not deleted.
a. All timecards with attached substantiating documentation must be approved by 12:00 p.m.
EST on the first Monday following the end of the pay period (unless the pay period is
accelerated) to allow time for FBSP to transmit the SDA file via File Transfer Protocol to the
DFAS Payroll Office.
b. FBSP must send notification via email to include record count sent when transmitting the
c. The DFAS Payroll Office sends an email notification to confirm receipt of the number of
records that have interfaced with DCPS.
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Section 8: Emergency/Contingency Procedures 17
8.1. CONTINUITY OF OPERATIONS PLAN. During a contingency when input of T&A is
not possible (e.g., a lapse in appropriations, system failure, weather emergency, etc.), the CSR
will work with the Crisis Action Team and the respective activities’ timekeepers to determine
impacted employees and follow the Agency’s Continuity of Operations Plan (COOP) to ensure
timely payroll processing.
a. DCMA Payroll will contact the DFAS Indianapolis Payroll Office and the DAI PMO to
submit T&A using their procedures.
b. When the emergency is over and the system is available, employees, supervisors and
timekeepers will be provided instructions on making necessary corrections.
c. Once individual timecards are corrected and submitted, the supervisor reviews the
timecards for accuracy and certifies them.
d. If the contingency continues for a prolonged period of time, FBSP will follow the
Agency’s COOP procedures.
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Glossary - Definitions 18
Accelerated Pay. Occurs when T&A certification is due earlier than normal because, for
example, a holiday falls on the day that the SDA file must be submitted and/or DFAS or DCMA
has announced early pay processing.
Certifiers. Individuals designated for certifying T&A records for an activity.
Close Date. The employee’s effective separation date.
CSR. Payroll Team members with assigned CSR duties who will coordinate between DCMA
timekeepers and the DFAS Payroll Office.
DCPDS. Defense-wide automated human resources information and transaction processing
DCPS. The official system used to store, record, and update employee payroll information and
to view payroll reports.
DD Form 2875. System Authorization Access Request form used to request access to DAI.
Direct Deposit Standard Form 1199A (EG). Form used for direct deposit of paycheck.
Gross Pay Reconciliation File. A file containing unpaid accrued leave liability summary, dollar
values of contingent liability for unused leave, Medicare/Old Age, Survivors and Disability
Insurance information, fringe costs at a summary level by the employing activity and accounting
activity Fiscal Station Number.
Limited Timekeepers. Individuals designated to enter complete and accurate T&A for
employees assigned to their team(s) in the absence of the employee.
SDA. The digital collection of the bi-weekly T&A pay file which is transmitted to the DFAS
Payroll Office.
Standard Form 50 (SF 50). Form used for notification of personnel actions.
W4. Employee’s withholding allowance certificate.
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Glossary Acronyms 19
ATF Authorized Time for Fitness
COOP Continuity of Operations Plan
CSR Customer Service Representative
DAI Defense Agencies Initiative
DCPDS Defense Civilian Personnel Data System
DCPS Defense Civilian Payroll System
DFAS Defense Finance and Accounting Service
DLA Defense Logistics Agency
ERP Enterprise Resource Planning
EST Eastern Standard Time
FBSP Finance and Business Systems Payroll Branch
LES Leave and Earnings Statement
OTL Oracle Time and Labor
PMO Project Management Office
POC Point of Contact
SDA Source Data Automation
T&A Time and Attendance
TF Total Force Directorate
TOD Tour of Duty
DCMA-MAN 4301-06, October 23, 2019
References 20
Collective Bargaining Agreement between Defense Contract Management Agency and
American Federation of Government Employees Council 170, August 1, 2019
DCMA Instruction 809, “Records Management,” May 1, 2011
DCMA Manual 4301-05, Vol. 9, “Financial Systems and Interfaces: Defense Agencies Initiative
User Management,” April 1, 2019
DoD Directive 5105.64, “Defense Contract Management Agency (DCMA),” January 10, 2013
DoD 7000.14-R, DoD Financial Management Regulation, Volume 1, “General Financial
Management Information, Systems, and Requirements
National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), General Records Schedule 2.4:
Employee Compensation and Benefits Records, December 2017