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June 2004
M16C/80 & M32C/80 Series
Programming Guidelines <C Language>
REJ05B0088-0110Z/Rev.1.10 Page 1 of 150
This application note is written for the Renesas M16C/80 and M32C/80 series 16-bit
microcomputers. It explains the basics of C language programming and how to put your program
into ROM using the NC308 C compiler.
For details about hardware and development support tools available for each type of
microcomputer in the M16C/80 and M32C/80 series, please refer to the appropriate hardware
manuals, user's manuals and instruction manuals.
Guide to Using This Application Note
This application note provides programming guidelines for NC308, the C compiler for the M16C/80
and M32C/80 series. Knowledge of the M16C/80 and M32C/80 series microcomputer architectures
and the assembly language is helpful in using this manual. The manual contains the following:
-Chapter 1: Introduction to C language
-Chapter 2: Extended Functions of NC308
-Appendix A: Functional Comparison between NC30 and NC308
-Appendix B: NC308 Command Reference
-Appendix C: Questions & Answers
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Programming Guidelines <C Language>
June 2004REJ05B0088-0110Z/Rev.1.10 Page 2 of 150
Table of Contents
Chapter 1 Introduction to C Language................................ 5
1.1 Programming in C Language......................................................................................6
1.1.1 Assembly Language and C Language ............................................................................................6
1.1.2 Program Development Procedure...................................................................................................7
1.1.3 Program Rules and Practices ..........................................................................................................9
1.2 Data Types ..................................................................................................................13
1.2.1 "Constants" in C Language ...........................................................................................................13
1.2.2 Variables ..........................................................................................................................................15
1.2.3 Data Characteristics .......................................................................................................................17
1.3 Operators....................................................................................................................19
1.3.1 Operators of NC308 ........................................................................................................................19
1.3.2 Operators for Numeric Calculations .............................................................................................20
1.3.3 Operators for Processing Data......................................................................................................23
1.3.4 Operators for Examining Condition ..............................................................................................25
1.3.5 Other Operators ..............................................................................................................................26
1.3.6 Priorities of Operators....................................................................................................................28
1.3.7 Examples for Easily Mistaken Use of Operators .........................................................................29
1.4 Control Statements....................................................................................................31
1.4.1 Structuring of Program ..................................................................................................................31
1.4.2 Branching Processing Depending on Condition (Branch Processing).....................................32
1.4.3 Repetition of Same Processing (Repeat Processing) .................................................................36
1.4.4 Suspending Processing .................................................................................................................39
1.5 Functions....................................................................................................................41
1.5.1 Functions and Subroutines ...........................................................................................................41
1.5.2 Creating Functions .........................................................................................................................42
1.5.3 Exchanging Data between Functions ...........................................................................................44
1.6 Storage Classes .........................................................................................................45
1.6.1 Effective Range of Variables and Functions ................................................................................45
1.6.2 Storage Classes of Variables.........................................................................................................46
1.6.3 Storage Classes of Functions .......................................................................................................48
1.7 Arrays and Pointers ...................................................................................................51
1.7.1 Arrays...............................................................................................................................................51
1.7.2 Creating an Array ............................................................................................................................52
1.7.3 Pointers............................................................................................................................................54
1.7.4 Using Pointers.................................................................................................................................56
1.7.5 Placing Pointers into an Array.......................................................................................................58
1.7.6 Table Jump Using Function Pointer..............................................................................................60
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1.8 Struct and Union ........................................................................................................62
1.8.1 Struct and Union .............................................................................................................................62
1.8.2 Creating New Data Types ................................................................................................................63
1.9 Preprocess Commands.............................................................................................67
1.9.1 Preprocess Commands of NC308 .................................................................................................67
1.9.2 Including a File................................................................................................................................68
1.9.3 Macro Definition..............................................................................................................................69
1.9.4 Conditional Compile .......................................................................................................................71
Chapter 2 Extended Functions of NC308.......................... 73
2.1 Memory Mapping .......................................................................................................74
2.1.1 Types of Code and Data .................................................................................................................74
2.1.2 Sections Managed by NC308 .........................................................................................................75
2.1.3 Control of Memory Mapping ..........................................................................................................77
2.1.4 Controlling Memory Mapping of Struct ........................................................................................80
2.2 Startup Program.........................................................................................................82
2.2.1 Roles of Startup Program ..............................................................................................................82
2.2.2 Estimating Stack Sizes Used .........................................................................................................84
2.2.3 Creating Startup Program ..............................................................................................................87
2.3 Extended Functions for ROM'ing Purposes............................................................ 94
2.3.1 Efficient Addressing .......................................................................................................................94
2.3.2 Handling of Bits ..............................................................................................................................99
2.3.3 Control of I/O Interface .................................................................................................................100
2.3.4 Using Inline Assembly..................................................................................................................102
2.3.5 Using Assembler Macro Functions .............................................................................................104
2.4 Linkage with Assembly Language .........................................................................109
2.4.1 Interface between Functions .......................................................................................................109
2.4.2 Calling Assembly Language from C Language ......................................................................... 115
2.4.3 Calling C Language from Assembly Language .........................................................................123
2.5 Interrupt Handling....................................................................................................124
2.5.1 Writing Interrupt Handling Functions .........................................................................................124
2.5.2 Writing High-speed Interrupt Handling Functions.....................................................................127
2.5.3 Writing Software Interrupt (INT Instruction) Handling Functions ............................................129
2.5.4 Registering Interrupt Processing Functions..............................................................................131
2.5.5 Example for Writing Interrupt Processing Function..................................................................132
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Appendices........................................................................ 134
Appendix A. Functional Comparison between NC308 and NC30.............................. 135
Appendix B. NC308 Command Reference.................................................................... 139
Appendix C. Questions & Answers ..............................................................................145
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Programming Guidelines <C Language>
June 2004REJ05B0088-0110Z/Rev.1.10 Page 5 of 183
Chapter 1
Introduction to C Language
1.1 Programming in C Language
1.2 Data Types
1.3 Operators
1.4 Control Statements
1.5 Functions
1.6 Storage Classes
1.7 Arrays and Pointers
1.8 Struct and Union
1.9 Preprocess Commands
This chapter provides an introduction to the C language for first
time users and a reference for more experienced programmers.
Chapter 1 Introduction to C Language
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1.1 Programming in C Language
1.1.1 Assembly Language and C Language
As the scale of microcomputer based systems has increased over the years, productivity and
maintainability using Assembly language has become an issue. As a result, C language has
become a popular alternative.
The following explains the main features of the C language and describes how to write a program
in "C".
Features of the C Language
(1) An easily traceable program can be written.
The basics of structured programming, i.e., "sequential processing", "branch
processing", and "repeat processing", can all be written in a control statement. For this
reason, it is possible to write a program whose flow of processing can easily be traced.
(2) A program can easily be divided into modules.
A program written in the C language consists of basic units called "functions". Since
functions have their parameters highly independent of others, a program can easily be
made into parts and can easily be reused. Furthermore, modules written in the
assembly language can be incorporated into a C language program directly without
(3) An easily maintainable program can be written.
For reasons (1) and (2) above, the program after being put into operation can easily be
maintained. Furthermore, since the C language is based on standard specifications
(ANSI standard
), a program written in the C language can be ported into other
types of microcomputers after only a minor modification of the source program.
Comparison between C and Assembly Languages
Table 1.1.1 outlines the differences between the C and assembly languages with respect to
the method for writing a source program.
Table 1.1.1 Comparison between C and Assembly Languages
Note: This refers to standard specifications stipulated for the C language by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) to maintain the
portability of C language programs.
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1.1.2 Program Development Procedure
The operation of translating a source program written in "C" into machine language is referred to
as "compiling". The software provided for performing this operation is called a "compiler".
This section explains the procedure for developing a program by using NC308, the C compiler for
the M16C/80 and M32C/80 series of Renesas single-chip microcomputers.
NC308 Product List
Figure 1.1.1 lists the products included in NC308, the C compiler for the M16C/80 and
M32C/80 series.
Figure 1.1.1 NC308 Product List
Standard libraries
Compiler driver
Compiler main unit
Stack size calculating utility
Sample startup program
Standard library source files
Starts up the compiler, assembler or linker
Converts C language source files into assembly
language source files.
Processes macro and conditional compiling
Calculates the amount of
stacks used.
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Creating Machine Language File from Source File
Creation of a machine language file requires the conversion of start-up programs written in
Assembly language and C language source files.
Figure 1.1.2 shows the tool chain necessary to create a machine language file from a C
language source file.
Figure 1.1.2 Creating Machine Language File from C Language Source File
C language
source file
Stack usage
source file
Stack usage
calculation result
display file
Relocatable assembler as308
Stack size
calculating utility
Linkage editor ln308
source file
Startup programs
Compile driver nc308
Preprocessor ccp308
Compiler main unit ccom308
File name
Files generated by NC308
Software included in NC308
product package
File name
Files prepared by the
user (including libraries)
language file
Software included in AS308
product package
module file
Load module converter lmc308
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1.1.3 Program Rules and Practices
Since there is no specific format for C language programs, they can be written in any way desired
as long as the stipulated rules of the C language are followed. However in order for a program to
be easily read and maintained it should follow some common practices. This section explains
some points for creating a well written program.
Rules on C Language
The following lists the six items that need to be observed when writing a C language
(1) As a rule, use lowercase English letters to write a program.
(2) Separate executable statements in a program with a semicolon ";".
(3) Enclose execution units of functions or control statements with brackets "{" and "}"
(4) Functions and variables require type declaration.
(5) Reserved words cannot be used in identifiers (e.g., function names and variable
(6) Write comments between "/" and "/".
Configuration of C Language Source File
Figure 1.1.3 schematically shows a configuration of a general C language source file. For
each item in this file, refer to the section indicated with an arrow.
Refer to 1.9, "Preprocess Commands".
Refer to 1.5, "Functions".
Refer to 1.9, "Preprocess Commands".
Refer to 1.2, "Date Types" and 1.6,
"Storage Classes".
Refer to 1.5, "Functions".
Refer to 1.2, "Date Types" and 1.6,
"Storage Classes".
Refer to 1.3, "Operators" and 1.4,
"Control Statements".
Reading header file
Type declaration of functions used;
Macro definition
Declaration of external variables
Type function name
(dummy argument, ...)
Declaration of internal variables;
Executable statement;
Figure 1.1.3 Configuration of C Language Source File
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Programming Style
To improve program maintainability, programming conversions should be agreed upon by
the programming team. Creating a template is a good way for the developers to establish a
common programming style that will facilitate program development, debug and
maintenance. Figure 1.1.4 shows an example of a programming style.
(1) Create separate functions for various tasks of a program.
(2) Keep functions relatively small (< 50 lines is recommended)
(3) Do not write multiple executable statements in one line
(4) Indent each processing block successively (normally 4 tab stops)
(5) Clarify the program flow by writing comment statements as appropriate
(6) When creating a program from multiple source files, place the common part of the
program in an independent separate file and share it
Test program
unsigned int ram1;
char a;
if(a==ram1) {
break ;
Enclose a set of processing
with brackets "{" and "}"
'main' processing
'while' processing
Enclose a comment statement with "/" and "/ ".
Figure 1.1.4 Example of Programming Style of C Language Program
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Method for Writing Comments
Comments are an important aspect of a well written program. Program flow can be
clarified, for example, through a file and function headers.
/ ""FILE COMMENT"" ∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗
SystemName : Test program
FileName : TEST.C
Version : 1.00
CPU : M30800M8-XXXFP
Compiler : NC308 (Ver.1.00)
OS : Unused
Programmer : XXXX
Copyright, XXXX xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx CORPORATION
History : XXXX.XX.XX : Start
""FILE COMMENT END"" ∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗/
/ ""Prototype declaration"" ∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗/
void main ( void ) ;
void key_in ( void ) ;
void key_out ( void ) ;
/ ""FUNC COMMENT"" ∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗
ID : 1.
Module outline : main function
Declaration : void main (void)
Functionality : Overall control
Argument : void
Return value : void
Input : None.
Output : None.
Used functions : voidkey_in ( void ) ; Input function
: voidkey_out ( void ) ; Output function
Precaution : Nothing particular.
""FUNC COMMENT END"" ∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗/
void main ( void )
while(1){ / Endless loop /
key_in() ; / Input processing /
key_out(); / Output processing /
Example of file header
Example of function header
Figure 1.1.5 Example for Using Comments
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_asm const far register switch
_far continue float return typedef
_near default for short union
asm do goto signed unsigned
auto double if sizeof void
break else int static volatile
case enum long struct while
char extern near inline
Reserved Words of NC308
The words listed in Table 1.1.2 are reserved for NC308. Therefore, these words cannot be
used in variable or function names.
Table 1.1.2 Reserved Words of NC308
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1.2 Data Types
1.2.1 "Constants" in C Language
Four types of constants can be handled in the C language: "integer", "real", "single character" and
"character string".
This section explains the method of description and the precautions to be noted when using each
of these constants.
Integer Constants
Integer constants can be written using one of three methods of numeric representation:
decimal, hexadecimal, and octal. Table 1.2.1 shows each method for writing integer
constants. Constant data are not discriminated between uppercase and lowercase.
Table 1.2.1 Method for Writing Integer Constants
Real Constants (Floating-point Constants)
Floating-point constants refer to signed real numbers that are expressed in decimal. These
numbers can be written by usual method of writing using the decimal point or by
exponential notation using "e" or "E".
Usual method of writing Example: 175.5, -0.007
Exponential notation Example: 1.755e2, -7.0E-3
Single-character Constants
Single-character constants must be enclosed with single quotations ('). In addition to
alphanumeric characters, control codes can be handled as single-character constants.
Inside the microcomputer, all of these constants are handled as ASCII code, as shown in
Figure 1.2.1.
Figure 1.2.1 Difference between 1 and '1'
'1' 0x31
ASCII code
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June 2004REJ05B0088-0110Z/Rev.1.10 Page 14 of 150
{ 'a' , 'b' }
"ab" 'a'
A set of single-
2 bytes of
data area
are used.
3 bytes of
data area
are used.
Null code
\\lobmys¥ 0\edoclluN
Character String Constants
A row of alphanumeric characters or control codes enclosed with double quotations (") can
be handled as a character string constant. Character string constants have the null
character "\0" automatically added at the end of data to denote the end of the character
Example: "abc", "012\n", "Hello!"
Figure 1.2.2 Difference between {'a', 'b'} and "ab"
List of Control Codes (Escape Sequence)
The following shows control codes (escape sequence) that are frequently used in the C
Table 1.2.2 Escape Sequence in C Language
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1.2.2 Variables
Before a variable can be used in a C language program, its "data type" must first be declared in
the program. The data type of a variable is determined based on the memory size allocated for
the variable and the range of values handled.
This section explains the data types of variables that can be handled by NC308 and how to
declare the data types.
Basic Data Types of NC308
Table 1.2.3 lists the data types that can be handled in NC308. Descriptions enclosed with ( ) in
the table below can be omitted when declaring the data type.
Table 1.2.3 Basic Data Types of NC308
Data type Bit length Range of values that can be expressed
(unsigned) char
8 bits
0 to 255
signed char -128 to 127
unsigned short (int)
16 bits
0 to 65535
(signed) short (int) - 32768 to 32767
unsigned int
16 bits
0 to 65535
(signed) int - 32768 to 32767
unsigned long (int)
32 bits
0 to 4294967295
(signed) long (int) - 2147483648 to 2147483647
float 32 bits Number of significant digits: 9
double 64 bits Number of significant digits: 17
long double 64 bits Number of significant digits: 17
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Declaration of Variables
Variables are declared using a format that consists of a "data type variable name;".
Example: To declare a variable a as char type
char a;
By writing "data type variable name = initial value;", a variable can have its initial value
set simultaneously when it is declared.
Example: To set 'A' to variable a of char type as its initial value
char a = 'A';
Furthermore, by separating an enumeration of multiple variables with a comma (,),
variables of the same type can be declared simultaneously.
Example: int i, j;
Example: inti = 1, j = 2;
Figure 1.2.3 Declaration of Variables
void main ( void )
char a ;
char b = 'A' ;
int i ;
unsigned int k = 500 ;
long n = 0x10000L ;
8 bits
Denotes that this is the
long type of data.
XX: Indeterminat
8 bits
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1.2.3 Data Characteristics
When declaring a variable or constant, NC308 allows its data characteristic to be written along
with the data type. The specifier used for this purpose is called the "type qualifier".
This section explains the data characteristics handled by NC308 and how to specify a data
Specifying that the Variable or Constant is Singed or Unsigned Data (singed/
unsigned Qualifier)
Write the type qualifier "signed" when the variable or constant to be declared is signed data
or "unsigned" when it is unsigned data. If neither of these type specifiers is written when
declaring a variable or constant, NC308 assumes that it is signed data for only the data
type char, or unsigned data for all other data types.
Figure 1.2.4 Example for Writing Type Qualifiers "signed" and "unsigned"
Specifying that the Variable or Constant is Constant Data (const Qualifier)
Write the type qualifier "const" when the variable or constant to be declared is the data
whose value does not change at all even when the program is executed. If a description is
found in the program that causes this constant data to change, NC308 outputs a warning.
Figure 1.2.5 Example for writing the type qualifier "const"
void main ( void )
char a ;
signed char s_a ;
int b ;
unsigned int u_b ;
Synonymous with "signed int b";
Synonymous with "unsigned char a";
void main ( void )
char a = 10 ;
constcharc_a = 20 ;
a = 5 ;
c_a = 5 ;
Warning is generated.
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char port1 ;
volatile char port2 ;
void func ( void )
port1 = 0;
port2 = 0;
if( port1 == 0 ){
if( port2 == 0 ){
Because the qualifier "volatile" is nonexistent in the data
declaration, comparison is removed by optimization and
no code is output for this.
Because the qualifier "volatile" is specified in the data
declaration, no optimization is performed and code is
output for this.
Declaration specifier
(data name)
Storage class
(described later)
Inhibiting Optimization by Compiler (volatile Qualifier)
NC308 optimizes the instructions that do not have any effect in program processing, thus
preventing unnecessary instruction code from being generated. However, there are some
data that are changed by an interrupt or input from a port irrespective of program
processing. Write the type qualifier "volatile" when declaring such data. NC308 does not
optimize the data that is accompanied by this type qualifier and outputs instruction code for
Figure 1.2.6 Example for Writing the Type Qualifier "volatile"
Syntax of Declaration
When declaring data, write data characteristics using various specifiers or qualifiers along
with the data type. Figure 1.2.7 shows the syntax of a declaration.
Figure 1.2.7 Syntax of Declaration
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Monadic arithmetic operators ++ -- -
Binary arithmetic operators + - * / %
Shift operators << >>
Bitwise operators & | ^ ~
Relational operators > < >= <= == !=
Logical operators && || !
Assignment operators = += -= *= /= %= <<= >>= &= |= ^=
Conditional operator ? :
sizeof operator sizeof( )
Cast operator (type)
Address operator &
Pointer operator *
Comma operator ,
1.3 Operators
1.3.1 Operators of NC308
NC308 has various operators available for writing a program.
This section describes how to use these operators for each specific purpose of use (not including
address and pointer operators
) and the precautions to be noted when using them.
NC308 Operators
Table 1.3.1 lists the operators that can be used in NC308.
Table 1.3.1 NC308 Operators
Note: For address and pointer operators, refer to Section 1.7, "Arrays and Pointers".
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1.3.2 Operators for Numeric Calculations
The primary operators used for numeric calculations consist of the "arithmetic operators" to
perform calculations and the "assignment operators" to store the results in memory.
This section explains these arithmetic and assignment operators.
Monadic Arithmetic Operators
Monadic arithmetic operators return one answer for one variable.
Table 1.3.2 Monadic Arithmetic Operators
When using the increment operator (++) or decrement operator (--) in combination with an
assignment or relational operator, note that the result of operation may vary depending on
which type, prefix or postfix, is used when writing the operator.
Prefix type: The value is increment or decrement before assignment.
b = ++a; a = a + 1; b = a;
Postfix type: The value is increment or decrement after assignment.
b = a++; b = a; a = a + 1;
Binary Arithmetic Operators
In addition to ordinary arithmetic operations, these operators make it possible to obtain the
remainder of an "integer divided by integer" operation.
Table 1.3.3 Binary Arithmetic Operators
Operator Description format Content
++ variable (prefix type)
variable ++ (postfix type)
Increments the value of an expression.
-- variable (prefix type)
variable -- (postfix type)
Decrements the value of an expression.
- - expression
Returns the value of an expression after
inverting its sign.
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unsigned int result1;
unsigned long data1 = 10;
unsigned int data2 = 5;
int result2;
long data3 = 10;
int data4 = 5;
result1 = data1 / data2;
result2 = data3 / data4;
%nc308 test1.c
Expanded into call of
runtime library __i4divU.
Expanded into call of
runtime library __i4div.
unsigned int result1;
unsigned long data1 = 10;
unsigned int data2 = 5;
int result2;
long data3 = 10;
int data4 = 5;
result1 = data1 / data2;
result2 = data3 / data4;
%nc308 -fuse_DIV test1.c
Expanded into
divu.w instruction.
Expanded into
div.w instruction.
Division Operator in NC308
In NC308, calculation results are guaranteed in cases where the divide operation results in
an overflow. For this reason, when the operation is performed in the following
combinations, the compiler by default calls a runtime library (_i4divU or _i4div).
unsigned int = unsigned long / unsigned int
int = long / int
If it is desired to forcibly expand a division operation using the div or divu instruction of the
M16C/80 or M32C/80 series, you may specify the command line option "-fuse_DIV(-fUD)."
However, if the operation results in an overflow, the calculation result is indeterminate.
Figure 1.3.1 Division Operator in NC308
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Operator Description format Content
= expression 1 = expression 2 Substitutes the value of expression 2 for expression 1.
+= expression 1 += expression 2
Adds the values of expressions 1 and 2, and
substitutes the sum for expression 1.
-= expression 1 -= expression 2
Subtracts the value of expression 2 from that of
expression 1, and substitutes the difference for
expression 1.
*= expression 1 = expression 2
Multiplies the values of expressions 1 and 2, and
substitutes the product for expression 1.
/= expression 1 /= expression 2
Divides the value of expression 1 by that of
expression 2, and substitutes the quotient for
expression 1.
%= expression 1 %= expression 2
Divides the value of expression 1 by that of
expression 2, and substitutes the remainder for
expression 1.
<<= expression 1 <<= expression 2
Shifts the value of expression 1 left by the amount
equal to the value of expression 2, and substitutes the
result for expression 1.
>>= expression 1 >>= expression 2
Shifts the value of expression 1 right by the amount
equal to the value of expression 2, and substitutes the
result for expression 1.
&= expression 1 &= expression 2
ANDs the bits representing the values of expressions
1 and 2, and substitutes the result for expression 1.
|= expression 1 |= expression 2
ORs the bits representing the values of expressions 1
and 2, and substitutes the result for expression 1.
^= expression 1 ^= expression 2
XORs the bits representing the values of expressions
1 and 2, and substitutes the result for expression 1.
char byte = 0x12 ;
int word = 0x3456 ;
word = byte ;
/ int char /
560x0x 00
0x00 is extended
byte = word ;
/ char int /
0x 34 56
Upper 1 byte is cut
When ...
Assignment Operators
The operation of "expression 1 = expression 2" assigns the value of expression 2 for
expression 1. The assignment operator '=' can be used in combination with arithmetic
operators described above or bitwise or shift operators that will be described later. (This is
called a compound assignment operator.) In this case, the assignment operator '=' must
always be written on the right side of the equation.
Table 1.3.4 Substitute Operators
Implicit Type Conversion
When performing arithmetic or logic operation on different types of data, NC308 converts
the data types following the rules shown below. This is called "implicit type conversion".
Data types are adjusted to the data type whose bit length is greater than the other before
performing operation.
When substituting, data types are adjusted to the data type located on the left side of the
Figure 1.3.2 Assign Different Types of Data
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1.3.3 Operators for Processing Data
The operators frequently used to process data are "bitwise operators" and "shift operators".
This section explains these bitwise and shift operators.
Bitwise Operators
Use of bitwise operators makes it possible to mask data and perform active conversion.
Table 1.3.5 Bitwise Operators
Shift Operators
In addition to shift operation, shift operators can be used in simple multiply and divide
operations. (For details, refer to "Multiply and divide operations using shift operators".)
Table 1.3.6 Shift Operators
Operator Description format Content
& expression 1 & expression 2
Returns the logical product of the values of
expressions 1 and 2 after ANDing each bit.
| expression 1 | expression 2
Returns the logical sum of the values of
expressions 1 and 2 after ORing each bit.
^ expression 1 ^ expression 2
Returns the exclusive logical sum of the values
of expressions 1 and 2 after XORing each bit.
~ ~expression
Returns the value of the expression after
inverting its bits.
Operator Description format Content
<< expression 1 << expression 2
Shifts the value of expression 1 left by the
amount equal to the value of expression 2,
and returns the result.
>> expression 1 >> expression 2
Shifts the value of expression 1 right by the
amount equal to the value of expression 2,
and returns the result.
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signed int i = 0xFC18
(i = -1000)
unsigned int i = 0xFC18
(i = 64520)
1111 1100 0001 1000
i >> 1
i >> 2
i >> 3
1111 1110 0000 1100
1111 1111 0000 0110
1111 1111 1000 0011
1111 1100 0001 1000
0111 1110 0000 1100
0011 1111 0000 0110
0001 1111 1000 0011
Arithmetic shift
(positive or negative sign is retained)
Logical shift
signed int i = 0x03E8
(i = +1000)
0000 0011 1110 1000
0000 0001 1111 0100
1111 1111 0000 0110
0000 0000 0111 1101
0000 0000 1111 1010
<Positive number>
<Negative number>
Comparison between Arithmetic and Logical Shifts
When executing "shift right", note that the shift operation varies depending on whether the
data to be operated on is singed or unsigned.
When unsigned Logical shift: A logic 0 is inserted into the most significant bit.
When signed Arithmetic shift: Shift operation is performed so as to retain the sign.
Namely, if the data is a positive number, a logic 0 is inserted into the
most significant bit; if a negative number, a logic 1 is inserted into the
most significant bit.
Figure 1.3.3 Arithmetic and Logical Shifts
Multiply and Divide Operations Using Shift Operators
Shift operators can be used to perform simple multiply and divide operations. In this case,
operations are performed faster than when using ordinary multiply or divide operators.
Considering this advantage, NC308 generates shift instructions, instead of multiply
instructions, for such operations as "2", "4", and "8".
Multiplication: Shift operation is performed in combination with add operation.
a2 a<<1
a3 (a<<1) +a
a4 a<<2
a7 (a<<2)+(a<<1) +a
a8 a<<3
a20(a<<4) + (a<<2)
Division: The data pushed out of the least significant bit makes it possible to know the
a/4 a>>2
a/8 a>>3
a/16 a>>4
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1.3.4 Operators for Examining Condition
Used to examine a condition in a control statement are "relational operators" and "logical
operators". Either operator returns a logic 1 when a condition is met and a logic 0 when a
condition is not met.
This section explains these relational and logical operators.
Relational operators
These operators examine two expressions to see which is larger or smaller than the other.
If the result is true, they return a logic 1; if false, they return a logic 0.
Table 1.3.7 Relational Operators
Logical operators
These operators are used along with relational operators to examine the combinatorial
condition of multiple condition expressions.
Table 1.3.8 Logical Operators
Operator Description format Content
< expression 1 < expression 2
True if the value of expression 1 is smaller than
that of expression 2; otherwise, false.
<= expression 1 <= expression 2
True if the value of expression 1 is smaller than or
equal to that of expression 2; otherwise, false.
> expression 1 > expression 2
True if the value of expression 1 is larger than that
of expression 2; otherwise, false.
>= expression 1 >= expression 2
True if the value of expression 1 is larger than or
equal to that of expression 2; otherwise, false.
== expression 1 == expression 2
True if the value of expression 1 is equal to that of
expression 2; otherwise, false.
!= expression 1 != expression 2
True if the value of expression 1 is not equal to
that of expression 2; otherwise, false.
Operator Description format Content
&& expression 1 && expression 2
True if both expressions 1 and 2 are true;
otherwise, false.
|| expression 1 || expression 2
False if both expressions 1 and 2 are false;
otherwise, true.
! ! expression
False if the expression is true, or true if the
expression is false.
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1.3.5 Other Operators
This section explains four types of operators which are unique in the C language.
Conditional Operator
This operator executes expression 1 if a condition expression is true or expression 2 if the
condition expression is false. If this operator is used when the condition expression and
expressions 1 and 2 both are short in processing description, coding of conditional
branches can be simplified. Table 1.3.9 lists this conditional operator. Figure 1.3.4 shows
an example for using this operator.
Table 1.3.9 Conditional Operator
Figure 1.3.4 Example for Using Conditional Operator
sizeof Operator
Use this operator when it is necessary to know the number of memory bytes used by a
given data type or expression.
Table 1.3.10 sizeof Operator
Operator Description format Content
? : Condition expression ? expression 1 : expression 2
Executes expression 1 if the condition expression
is true or expression 2 if the condition expression is
Value whichever larger is selected.
Absolute value is found.
c = a > b ? a : b ;
c = a > 0 ? a : - a ;
if (a > b){
c = a ;
c = b ;
if(a > 0){
c = a ;
c = - a ;
Operator Description format Content
sizeof expression
sizeof (data type)
Returns the amount of memory used by the
expression or data type in units of bytes.
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Cast Operator
When operation is performed on data whose types differ from each other, the data used in
that operation are implicitly converted into the data type that is largest in the expression.
However, since this could cause an unexpected fault, a cast operator is used to perform
type conversions explicitly.
Table 1.3.11 Cast Operator
Comma (Sequencing) Operator
This operator executes expression 1 and expression 2 sequentially from left to right. This
operator, therefore, is used when enumerating processing of short descriptions.
Table 1.3.12 Comma (Sequencing) Operator
Operator Description format Content
( ) (new data type) variable
Converts the data type of the variable to
the new data type.
Operator Description format Content
, expression 1, expression 2
Executes expression 1 and expression 2
sequentially from left to right.
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1.3.6 Priorities of Operators
The operators used in the C language are subject to "priority resolution" and "rules of
combination" as are the operators used in mathematics.
This section explains priorities of the operators and the rules of combination they must follow:
Priority Resolution and Rules of Combination
When multiple operators are included in one expression, operation is always performed in
order of operator priorities beginning with the highest priority operator. When multiple
operators of the same priority exist, the rules of combination specify which operator, left or
right, be executed first.
Table 1.3.13 Operator Priorities
Type of operator Operator
Rules of
High Expression
() [] .
Monadic arithmetic operators, etc.
! ~ ++ -- - *
sizeof (type)
Multiply/divide operators
/ %
Add/subtract operators
+ -
Shift operator
<< >>
Relational operator (comparison)
< <= > >=
Relational operator (equivalent)
== !=
Bitwise operator (AND)
Bitwise operator (EOR)
Bitwise operator (OR)
Logical operator (AND)
Logical operator (OR)
Conditional operator
Assignment operator
= += -= *= /= %= <<= >>= &= ^= |=
Low Comma operator
Note 1: The dot '' denotes a member operator that specifies struct and union members.
Note 2: The asterisk '*' denotes a pointer operator that indicates a pointer variable.
Note 3: The ampersand '&' denotes an address operator that indicates the address of a variable.
Note 4: The asterisk '*' denotes a multiply operator that indicates multiplication.
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1.3.7 Examples for Easily Mistaken Use of Operators
The program may not operate as expected if the "implicit conversion" or "precedence" of
operators are incorrectly interpreted.
This section shows examples for easily mistaken use of operators and how to correct.
Example 1.3.1 Incorrectly Interpreted "Implicit Conversion" and How to Correct
When an operation is performed between different types of data in NC308, the data types
are adjusted to that of data which is long in bit length by what is called "implicit conversion"
before performing the operation. To ensure that the program will operate as expected, write
explicit type conversion using the cast operator.
Example 1.3.1 Incorrectly Interpreted "Implicit Conversion" and How to Correct
unsigned char a,b;
a = 0;
b = 5;
if( (a - 1) >= b ){
unsigned char a,b;
a = 0;
b = 5;
if( (a - (unsigned char )1) >= b ){
unsigned char a,b;
a = 0;
b = 5;
if( (unsigned char )(a - 1) >= b ){
The constant is handled as signed quantity (signed int). For this
reason, the expression (a - 1) becomes an expression unsigned char
- signed int. By "implicit conversion," unsigned char has its type
changed to signed int, so the expression (a - 1) is calculated as (
signed int - signed int). The comparison of the operation result of
expression (a - 1) with the variable b also is performed in the form of
(signed int >= signed int) as a result of "implicit conversion." All told,
comparison is performed on (0x00ff >= 5), so the result is found to be
Use the cast operator for the constant 1 to
explicitly convert its type to unsigned char.
In this way, its data type can be matched
to that of variable a.
Use the cast operator for the entire
calculation result of expression (a - 1) to
explicitly convert its type to unsigned
char. In this way, its data type can be
matched to that of variable b.
The expected operation is such that the operation result
0xff of expression (a - 1) in the if statement is compared
with the value of variable b, which should hold true, but
actually is found to be false.
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int a = 5;
if(a & 0x10 == 0 ){
int a = 5;
if( (a & 0x10) == 0 ){
To ensure that the operation of a & 0x10
has precedence, add expressional "()."
Because between bitwise operator "&" and relational operator
"==", precedence is higher for the relational operator "=="
and, hence, the comparison result of 0x10==0 (false: 0) and
the variable a are AND'd, so the operation of the if statement
conditional expression always results in false.
if( i = 0 ){
i == 0;
A warning is generated when the assignment
operator "=" is erroneously written as "==".
A warning is generated when the assignment operator "=" is used
in if statement, for statement, logical operator "&&," or "||"
comparison statement.
%nc308 - Wall test.c
Note: Detection is made within the scope that program descriptions are assumed to be incorrect by the compiler.
Example 1.3.2 Incorrectly Interpreted "Precedence" of Operators and How to Correct
When one expression includes multiple operators, the "precedence" and "associativity" of
operators need to be interpreted correctly. Also, to ensure that the program will operate as
expected, use expressional "()."
Example 1.3.2 I
ncorrectly Interpreted "Precedence" of Operators and How to Correct
Detecting the Mistaken Use of Operators (Warning Option "-Wall")
NC308's warning option "-Wall" can be used to detect the mistaken use of operators
In addition, the warning option "-Wall" indicates other warnings which are equivalent to
"-Wnon_prototype(-WNP)" or "-Wunknown_pragma(-WUP)."
Example 1.3.3 Detecting the Mistaken Use of Operators (Warning Option "-Wall")
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1.4 Control Statements
1.4.1 Structuring of Program
The C language allows "sequential processing", "branch processing" and "repeat processing"--
the basics of structured programming--to be written using control statements. Consequently, all
programs written in the C language are structured. This is why the processing flow in C language
programs are easy to understand.
This section describes how to write these control statements and shows some examples of
Structuring of Program
The most important point in making a program easy to understand is to create a readable
program flow. This requires preventing the program flow from being directed freely as one
wishes. Therefore, processing flow is limited to the three primary forms: "sequential
processing", "branch processing" and "repeat processing". The result is the technique
known as "structured programming".
Table 1.4.1 shows the three basic forms of structured programming.
Table 1.4.1 Three Basic Forms of Structured Programming
Processing A
Processing A
Processing B
Condition P
Executed top down, from
top to bottom.
Branched to processing A
or processing B
depending on whether
condition P is true or
Processing A is repeated
as long as condition P is
Processing B
Condition P
Processing A
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1.4.2 Branching Processing Depending on Condition (Branch Processing)
Control statements used to write branch processing include "if-else", "else-if", and "switch-case"
This section explains how to write these control statements and shows some examples of usage.
if-else Statement
This statement executes the next block if the given condition is true or the "else" block if the
condition is false. Specification of an "else" block can be omitted.
Figure 1.4.1 Example for if-else Statement
Example 1.4.1 Count Up (if-else Statement)
In this example, the program counts up a seconds counter "second" and a minutes counter
"minute". When this program module is called up every 1 second, it functions as a clock.
Example 1.4.1 Count up (if-else Statement)
Is condition
statement A
If the else statement is omitted
statement B
Execution statement A
Execution statement B
Is condition
statement A
Execution statement A
if (condition
if (condition
If less than 59 seconds,
the module counts up "second".
If greater than 59 seconds,
the module resets "second" and
counts up "minute".
void count_up(void) ;
unsigned int second = 0 ;
unsigned int minute = 0 ;
void count_up(void)
if(second >= 59 ){
second = 0 ;
minute ++ ;
second ++ ;
Declares "count_up" function. (Refer to Section 1.5,
Declares variables for "second" (seconds counter)
and "minute" (m inutes counter).
Defines "count_up" function.
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else-if Statement
Use this statement when it is necessary to divide program flow into three or more flows of
processing depending on multiple conditions. Write the processing that must be executed
when each condition is true in the immediately following block. Write the processing that
must be executed when none of conditions holds true in the last "else" block.
Figure 1.4.2 Example for else-if Statement
Example 1.4.2 Switchover of Arithmetic Operations (else-if Statement)
In this example, the program switches over the operation to be executed depending on the
content of the input data "sw".
Example 1.4.2 Switchover of Arithmetic Operations (else-if Statement)
else {
else {
Is condition
expression 1
Is condition
expression 2
Is condition
expression 3
statement D
statement C
statement B
statement A
Execution statement A
Execution statement B
Execution statement C
Execution statement D
if (condition expression 1)
if (condition expression 2)
if (condition expression 3)
Declares "select" function.
(Refer to Section 1.5, "Functions".)
Declares the variables used.
Defines "select" function.
If the content of "sw" is 1,
the program subtracts data.
If the content of "sw" is 2,
the program multiplies data.
If the content of "sw" is 4 or greater,
the program performs error
If the content of "sw" is 3,
If the content of "sw" is 0,
the program adds data.
void select(void);
int a = 29 , b = 40 ;
long int ans ;
char sw ;
void select(void)
if(sw == 0){
ans = a + b ;
else if(sw == 1){
ans = a - b ;
else if(sw == 2){
ans = a
b ;
else if(sw == 3){
ans = a / b ;
the program divides data.
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switch-case Statement
This statement causes program flow to branch to one of multiple processing depending on
the result of a given expression. Since the result of an expression is handled as a constant
when making decision, no relational operators, etc. can be used in this statement.
Figure 1.4.3 Example for switch-case Statement
Example 1.4.3 Switchover of Arithmetic Operations (switch-case Statement)
In this example, the program switches over the operation to be executed depending on the
content of the input data "sw".
Example 1.4.3 Switchover of Arithmetic Operations (switch-case Statement)
case constant 1:
case constant 2:
case constant 3:
Constant 1 Others
statement A
of expression
Constant 2 Constant 3
statement B
statement C
statement D
execution statement A
execution statement B
execution statement C
execution statement D
void select(void);
int a = 29 , b = 40 ;
long int ans ;
char sw ;
void select(void)
case 0 : ans = a + b ;
break ;
case 1 : ans = a - b ;
break ;
case 2 : ans = ab ;
break ;
case 3 : ans = a / b ;
break ;
default : error();
break ;
Declares "select" function.
(Refer to Section 1.5, "Functions".)
Declares the variables used.
Defines "select" function.
If the content of "sw" is 0, the program
adds data.
If the content of "sw" is 1, the program
subtracts data.
If the content of "sw" is 2, the program
multiplies data.
If the content of "sw" is 4 or greater, the
program performs error processing.
If the content of "sw" is 3, the program
divides data.
Determines the content of "sw".
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Constant 1
statement A
of expression
Constant 2Constant 3
statement B
statement C
statement D
case constant 1:
case constant 2:
case constant 3:
execution statement A
execution statement B
execution statement C
execution statement D
switch-case Statement without Break
A switch-case statement normally has a break statement entered at the end of each of its
execution statements.
If a block that is not accompanied by a break statement is encountered, the program
executes the next block after terminating that block. In this way, blocks are executed
sequentially from above. Therefore, this allows the start position of processing to be
changed depending on the value of an expression.
Figure 1.4.4 switch-case Statement without Break
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1.4.3 Repetition of Same Processing (Repeat Processing)
Control statements used to write repeat processing include "while", "for" and "do-while"
This section explains how to write these control statements and shows some examples of usage.
while Statement
This statement executes processing in a block repeatedly as long as the given condition
expression is met. An endless loop can be implemented by writing a constant other than 0
in the condition expression, because the condition expression in this case is always "true".
Figure 1.4.5 Example for while Statement
Example 1.4.4 Finding Sum Total (while Statement)
In this example, the program finds the sum of integers from 1 to 100.
Example 1.4.4 Finding Sum Total (while Statement)
Is condition
statement A
Execution statement A
(condition expression)
void sum(void) ;
unsigned int total = 0 ;
void sum(void)
unsigned int i = 1 ;
while(i <= 100){
total += i ;
i ++ ;
Declares "sum" function. (Refer to Section 1.5,
Declares the variables used.
Defines "sum" function.
Defines and initializes counter variables.
Loops until the counter content reaches 100.
Changes the counter content.
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for Statement
The repeat processing that is performed by using a counter like in Example 1.4.4 always
requires operations to "initialize" and "change" the counter content, in addition to
determining the given condition. A for statement makes it possible to write these
operations along with a condition expression. (See Figure 1.4.6.) Initialization (expression
1), condition expression (expression 2), and processing (expression 3) each can be
omitted. However, when any of these expressions is omitted, make sure the semicolons (;)
placed between expressions are left in. This for statement and the while statement
described above can always be rewritten.
Figure 1.4.6 Example for "for" Statement
Example 1.4.5 Finding Sum Total (for Statement)
In this example, the program finds the sum of integers from 1 to 100.
Example 1.4.5 Finding Sum Total (for Statement)
for (expression 1; expression 2; expression 3){
Execution statement
Expression 1
Is expression 2
Expression 3
void sum(void) ;
unsigned int total = 0 ;
void sum(void)
unsigned int i ;
for(i = 1 ; i <= 100 ; i++){
total += i ;
Declares "sum" function.
(Refer to Section 1.5, "Functions".)
Declares the variables used.
Defines "sum" function.
Defines counter variables.
Loops until the counter content
increments from 1 to 100.
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do-while Statement
Unlike the for and while statements, this statement determines whether a condition is true
or false after executing processing (post-execution determination). Although there could
be some processing in the for or while statements that is never once executed, all
processing in a do-while statement is executed at least once.
Figure 1.4.7 Example for do-while Statement
Example 1.4.6 Finding Sum Total (do-while Statement)
In this example, the program finds the sum of integers from 1 to 100.
Example 1.4.6 Finding Sum Total (do-while Statement)
statement A
Is condition
Execution statement
while (condition expression);
Declares "sum" function. (Refer to
Section 1.5, "Functions".)
Declares the variables used.
Defines "sum" function.
Defines and initializes counter variables.
Loops until the counter content increments from 1 to 100.
void sum(void) ;
unsigned int total = 0 ;
void sum(void)
unsigned int i = 0 ;
i ++ ;
total += i ;
}while(i < 100) ;
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1.4.4 Suspending Processing
There are control statements (auxiliary control statements) such as break, continue, and goto
statements that make it possible to suspend processing and quit.
This section explains how to write these control statements and shows some examples of usage.
break Statement
Use this statement in repeat processing or in a switch-case statement. When "break;" is
executed, the program suspends processing and exits only one block.
Figure 1.4.8 Example for break Statement
continue Statement
Use this statement in repeat processing. When "continue;" is executed, the program
suspends processing. After being suspended, the program returns to condition
determination when continue is used in a while statement or executes expression 3 before
returning to condition determination when used in a for statement.
Figure 1.4.9 Example for continue Statement
Execution statement
- - - - -
- - - - -
- - - - -
Execution statement
- - - - -
- - - - -
Is expression 2
Expression 1
Expression 3
When used in a while statement
When used in a for statement
Is condition
Execution statement
- - - - - -
- - - - - -
- - - - - -
Execution statement
- - - - - -
- - - - - -
Expression 3
When used in a while statement
When used in a for statement
Is expression 2
Expression 1
Is condition
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goto Statement
When a goto statement is executed, the program unconditionally branches to the label
written after the goto statement. Unlike break and continue statements, this statement
makes it possible to exit multiple blocks collectively and branch to any desired location in
the function. (See Figure 1.4.10.) However, since this operation is contrary to structured
programming, it is recommended that a goto statement be used in only exceptional cases
as in error processing.
Note also that the label indicating a jump address must always be followed by an
execution statement. If no operation need to be performed, write a dummy statement
(only a semicolon ';') after the label.
Figure 1.4.10 Working of goto Statement
void main(void)
goto err;
err: errorf();
Entering a label
label: execution statement;
If no operation need to be performed,
label: ; (dummy statement)
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1.5 Functions
1.5.1 Functions and Subroutines
As subroutines are the basic units of program in the assembly language, so are the "functions" in
the C language.
This section explains how to write functions in NC308.
Arguments and Return Values
Data exchanges between functions are accomplished by using "arguments", equivalent to
input variables in a subroutine, and "return values", equivalent to output variables in a
In the assembly language, no restrictions are imposed on the number of input or output
variables. In the C language, however, there is a rule that one return value
per function is
accepted, and a "return statement" is used to return the value. No restrictions are imposed
on arguments.
Figure 1.5.1 "Subroutine" vs "Function"
Note: In some compilers designed for writing a finished program into ROM, the number of arguments is limited.
"Subroutine" in assembly language
"Function" in C language
Main routine
Main function (calling function)
Function (called function)
Argument 1
Argument 2
Return value
(One value per
func(···) ;
return value;
Input variable 1
Input variable 2
Output variable 1
Output variable 2
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1.5.2 Creating Functions
Three procedures are required before a function can be used. These are "function declaration"
(prototype declaration), "function definition", and "function call".
This section explains how to write these procedures.
Function Declaration (Prototype Declaration)
Before a function can be used in the C language, function declaration (prototype
declaration) must be entered first. The type of function refers to the data types of the
arguments and the returned value of a function.
The following shows the format of function declaration (prototype declaration):
data type of returned value function name (list of data types of arguments)
If there is no returned value and argument, write the type called "void" that means null.
Function Definition
In the function proper, define the data types and the names of "dummy arguments" that are
required for receiving arguments. Use the "return statement'' to return the value for the
The following shows the format of function definition:
data type of return value function name (data type of dummy argument 1 dummy
{ argument 1, ...)
return return value;
Function Call
When calling a function, write the argument for that function. Use a assignment operator to
receive a return value from the called function.
function name (argument 1, ...);
When there is a return value
variable = function name (argument 1, ...);
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Example for a Function
In this example, we will write three functions that are interrelated as shown below.
Figure 1.5.2 Example for a Function
Main function
No argument No return value
Function 1
func 1
int type
char type
/ Prototype declaration /
void main ( void ) ;
int func1 ( int ) ;
void func2 ( int , char ) ;
/ Main function /
void main()
int a = 40 , b = 29 ;
int ans ;
char c = 0xFF ;
ans = func1 ( a ) ;
func2 ( b , c ) ;
/ Definition function 1 /
int func1 ( int x )
int z ;
return z ;
/ Definition function 2 /
void func2 ( int y , char m )
Calls function 1 ("func1") using a as argument.
Return value is substituted for "ans".
Returns a value for the argument
using a "return statement".
Calls function 2 ("func2") using b, c as arguments.
There is no return value.
int type
int type
No return value
Function 2
func 2
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1.5.3 Exchanging Data between Functions
In the C language, exchanges of arguments and return values between functions are
accomplished by copying the value of each variable as it is passed to the receiver ("Call by
Value"). Consequently, the name of the argument used when calling a function and the name of
the argument (dummy argument) received by the called function do not need to coincide.
Since processing in the called function is performed using copied dummy arguments, there is no
possibility of damaging the argument proper in the calling function.
For these reasons, functions in the C language are independent of each other, making it possible
to reuse the functions easily.
This section explains how data are exchanged between functions.
Example 1.5.1 Finding Sum of Integers (Example for a Function)
In this example, using two arbitrary integers in the range of -32,768 to 32,767 as
arguments, we will create a function "add" to find a sum of those integers and call it from
the main function.
Example 1.5.1 Finding Sum of Integers (a Function)
/ Prototype declaration /
void main ( void ) ;
long add ( int , int ) ;
/ Main function /
void main ( void )
long int answer ;
int a = 29 , b = 40 ;
answer = add ( a , b ) ;
/ Add function /
long add ( int x , int y )
long int z ;
z = ( long int ) x + y ;
return z ;
(1) Calls the add function.
(2) Executes addition.
(3) Returns a value
for the argument.
<Flow of data>
Main function
Add function
answer29 40
(1) copy
(3) copy
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1.6 Storage Classes
1.6.1 Effective Range of Variables and Functions
Variables and functions have different effective ranges depending on their nature, e.g., whether
they are used in the entire program or in only one function. These effective ranges of variables
and functions are called "storage classes (or scope)".
This section explains the types of storage classes of variables and functions and how to specify
Effective Range of Variables and Functions
A C language program consists of multiple source files. Furthermore, each of these source
files consists of multiple functions. Therefore, a C language program is hierarchically
structured as shown in Figure 1.6.1.
There are following three storage classes for a variable:
(1) Effective in only a function
(2) Effective in only a file
(3) Effective in the entire program
There are following two storage classes for a function:
(1) Effective in only a file
(2) Effective in the entire program
In the C language, these storage classes can be specified for each variable and each
function. Effective utilization of these storage classes makes it possible to protect the
variables or functions that have been created or conversely share them among the
members of a team.
Storage classes of function
Storage classes of variable
File File
Function Function Function Function Function Function
Figure 1.6.1 Hierarchical Structure and Storage Classes of C Language Program
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1.6.2 Storage Classes of Variables
The storage class of a variable is specified when writing type declaration. There are following two
points in this:
(1) External and internal variables ( location where type declaration is entered)
(2) Storage class specifier ( specifier is added to type declaration)
This section explains how to specify storage classes for variables.
External and Internal Variables
This is the simplest method to specify the effective range of a variable. The variable
effective range is determined by a location where its type declaration is entered. Variables
declared outside a function are called "external variables" and those declared inside a
function are called "internal variables". External variables are global variables that can be
referenced from any function following the declaration. Conversely, internal variables are
local variables that can be effective in only the function where they are declared following
the declaration.
Figure 1.6.2 External and Internal Variables
Storage Class Specifiers
The storage class specifiers that can be used for variables are auto, static, register, and
extern. These storage class specifiers function differently when they are used for external
variables or internal variables. The following shows the format of a storage class specifier.
storage class specifier data type variable name;
int main(void) ;
int func(void) ;
int tmp ;
int main(void)
int a ;
int func(void)
int b ;
External to function
Effective range of a
Effective range of b
Effective range
of tmp
External to function
Internal to function
Internal to function
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Storage Classes of External Variable
If no storage class specifier is added for an external variable when declaring it, the variable
is assumed to be a global variable that is effective in the entire program. On the other
hand, if an external variable is specified of its storage class by writing "static" when
declaring it, the variable is assumed to be a local variable that is effective in only the file
where it is declared.
Write the specifier "extern" when using an external variable that is defined in another file
like "mode" in source file 2 of Figure 1.6.3.
Figure 1.6.3 Storage Classes of External Variable
Storage Classes of Internal Variable
An internal variable declared without adding any storage class specifier has its area
allocated in a stack. Therefore, such a variable is initialized each time the function is
called. On the other hand, an internal variable whose storage class is specified to be
"static" is allocated in a data area. In this case, therefore, the variable is initialized only
once when starting up the program.
Figure 1.6.4 Storage Classes of Internal Variable
char mode ;
static int count ;
void func1(void)
mode = STOP ;
count = 0 ;
extern char mode ;
static int count ;
void func2(void)
mode = BACK ;
count = 100 ;
Source file 1 Source file 2
Memory space
Common mode
count of source
file 1
count of source
file 2
Stack area
Data area
void func1(void)
char flag = 0 ;
static int count = 0 ;
flag = SET ;
count = count + 1 ;
func2() ;
void func2(void)
char flag = 0 ;
static int count = 0 ;
flag = SET ;
count = count + 1 ;
Source file
Memory space
count of func1
count of func2
Stack area
Data area
flag of func2
flag of func1
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1.6.3 Storage Classes of Functions
The storage class of a function is specified on both function defining and function calling sides.
The storage class specifiers that can be used here are static and extern.
This section explains how to specify the storage class of a function.
Global and Local Functions
(1) If no storage class is specified for a function when defining it
This function is assumed to be a global function that can be called and used from any
other source file.
(2) If a function is declared to be "static" when defining it
This function is assumed to be a local function that cannot be called from any other
source file.
(3) If a function is declared to be "extern" in its type declaration
This storage class specifier indicates that the declared function is not included in the
source file where functions are declared, and that the function in some other source file
be called. However, only if a function has its type declared--even though it may not be
specified to be "extern", if the function is not found in the source file, the function in
some other source file is automatically called in the same way as when explicitly
specified to be "extern".
Figure 1.6.5 Storage Classes of Function
Source file 1
void func1(void) ;
extern void func2(void) ;
void func3(void) ;
void main(void)
func1() ;
func2() ;
func3() ;
void func1(void)
void func2(void)
static void func3(void)
Can be called
Can be called
Can be called
Source file 2
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Summary of Storage Classes
Storage classes of variables are summarized in Table 1.6.1. Storage classes of functions
are summarized in Table 1.6.2.
Table 1.6.1 Storage Classes of Variables
Table 1.6.2 Storage Classes of Functions
Storage class Types of functions
Storage class
specifiers omitted
Global functions that can be called and executed from other source files
[Specified on function defining side]
Local functions that can not be called and executed from other source files
[Specified on function defining side]
Calls a function in other source files
[Specified on function calling side]
Storage class External variable Internal variable
Storage class
specifiers omitted
Global variables that can also be
referenced from other source files.
[Allocated in a data area]
Variables that are effective in only the function.
[Allocated in a stack when executing the function.]
Variables that are effective in only the function.
[Allocated in a stack when executing the function.]
Local variables that cannot be
referenced from other source files.
[Allocated in a data area]
Variables that are effective in only the function.
[Allocated in a data area.]
Variables that are effective in only the function.
[Allocated in the register.]
However, this has no effect in NC308 unless the
generated code change option "-fenable_register(-fER)"
is specified.
(ignored when compiled.)
Variables that reference variables in
other source files.
[Not allocated in memory]
Variables that reference variables in other source files.
(cannot be referenced from other functions.)
[Not allocated in the memory]
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void func1(void );
char array[10][10];
void func1(void )
register int i,j;
for(i = 0,j = 0 ; i < 0, j < 0 ; i++,j++){
array[i][j] = 0;
When the generated code change option "-fenable_register(-fER)" is specified,
this variable is assigned to a register when executed.
How to Use Register Variables
In NC308, the register storage class is enabled by specifying the generated code change
option "-fenable_register(-fER)." Note that unless this option is specified, the register
storage class specifier written in a program has no effect (ignored when compiled).
Figure 1.6.6 How to Use Register Variables
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1.7 Arrays and Pointers
1.7.1 Arrays
Arrays and pointers are the characteristic features of the C language.
This section describes how to use arrays and explains pointers that provide an important means
of handling the array.
What is an Array?
The following explains the functionality of an array by using a program to find the total age
of family members as an example. The family consists of parents (father = 29 years old,
mother = 24 years old), and a child (brother = 4 years old). (See Example 1.7.1.)
In this program, the number of variable names increases as the family grows. To cope with
this problem, the C language uses a concept called an "array". An array is such that data
of the same type (int type) are handled as one set. In this example, father's age (father),
mother's age (mother), and child's age (brother) all are not handled as separate variables,
but are handled as an aggregate as family age (age). Each data constitutes an "element"
of the aggregate. Namely, the 0'th element is father, the 1st element is mother, and the
2nd element is the brother.
Figure 1.7.1 Concept of an Array
Example 1.7.1 Finding Total Age of a Family (1)
In this example, we will find the total age of family members (father, mother and brother).
Example 1.7.1 Finding Total Age of a Family (1)
variables of the
same data type
0'th element (= father)
1st element (= mother)
void main(void)
int father = 29 ;
int mother = 24 ;
int brother = 4 ;
int total ;
total = father + mother + brother ;
void main(void)
int father = 29 ;
int mother = 24 ;
int brother = 4 ;
int sister 1 = 1 ;
int sister 2 = 1 ;
int total ;
total = father + mother + brother + sister 1 + sister 2 + ···;
As the family grows, so do the type declaration of
variables and the execution statements to be initialized.
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1.7.2 Creating an Array
There are two types of arrays handled in the C language: "one-dimensional array" and "two-
dimensional array".
This section describes how to create and reference each type of array.
One-dimensional Array
A one-dimensional array has a one-dimensional (linear) expanse. The following shows the
declaration format of a one-dimensional array.
Data type array name [number of elements];
When the above declaration is made, an area is allocated in memory for the number of
elements, with the array name used as the beginning label.
To reference a one-dimensional array, add element numbers to the array name as
subscript. However, since element numbers begin with 0, the last element number is 1
less than the number of elements.
Figure 1.7.2 Declaration of One-dimensional Array and Memory Mapping
Example 1.7.2 Finding Total Age of a Family (2)
In this example, we will find the total age of family members by using an array.
Example 1.7.2 Finding Total Age of a Family (2)
char buff1[3] ;
int buff2[3] ;
8 bits
char buff1[ ] = {
'a' , 'b' , 'c'
} ;
int buff2[ ] = {
10 , 20 , 30
} ;
8 bits
buff 1
buff 2
buff 1
buff 2
Declaration of one-dimensional array Declaration and initialization of one-dimensional array
#define MAX 3
void main(void)
int age[MAX] ;
int total = 0 ;
int i ;
age[0] = 29 ;
age[1] = 24 ;
age[2] = 4 ;
for(i = 0 ; i < MAX ; i++) {
total += age[i] ;
#define MAX 3
void main(void)
int age[ ] = {
29 , 24 , 4
int total = 0 ;
int i ;
for(i = 0 ; i < MAX ; i++) {
total += age[i] ;
(Note): #define MAX 3: Synonym defined as MAX = 3.
(Refer to Section 1.9, Preprocess Commands".)
Initialized simultaneously
when declared.
By using an array, it is
possible to utilize a
repeat statement where
the number of elements
are used as variables.
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Two-dimensional Array
A two-dimensional array has a planar expanse comprised of "columns" and "rows". Or it
can be considered to be an array of one-dimensional arrays. The following shows the
declaration format of a two-dimensional array.
Data type array name [number of rows] [number of columns];
To reference a two-dimensional array, add "row numbers" and "column numbers" to the
array name as subscript. Since both row and column numbers begin with 0, the last row
(or column) number is 1 less than the number of rows (or columns).
Figure 1.7.3 Declaration of Two-dimensional Array and Memory Mapping
Row 0
column 0
Row 1
column 0
char buff 1[2][3] ;
buff 1[0][0]
buff 1[0][1]
buff 1[0][2]
buff 1[1][0]
buff 1[1][1]
buff 1[1][2]
buff 1[0]
buff 1[1]
char buff 1[2][3] = {
{ 'a' , 'b' , 'c' } ,
{ 'd' , 'e' , 'f' } ,
} ;
buff 1[0]
buff 1[1]
int buff 2[2][3] ;
buff 2[0][0]
buff 2[0][1]
buff 2[0][2]
buff 2[1][0]
buff 2[1][1]
buff 2[1][2]
buff 2[0]
int buff 2[ ][3] = {
10 , 20 , 30 , 40 , 50 , 60
} ;
buff 2[0]
buff 2[1]
Concept of two-dimensional array
Declaration and initialization of two-
dimensional array
Declaration and initialization of two-dimensional array
When initializing a two-
dimensional array
simultaneously with
specification of the
number of rows can be
omitted. (Number of
columns cannot be
Row 0
column 1
Row 0
column 2
Row 0
column 3
Row 1
column 1
Row 1
column 2
Row 1
column 3
Row 2
column 0
Row 2
column 1
Row 2
column 2
Row 2
column 3
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1.7.3 Pointers
A pointer is a variable that points to data; i.e., it indicates an address.
A "pointer variable" which will be described here handles the "address" at which data is stored as
a variable. This is equivalent to what is referred to as "indirect addressing" in assembly
This section explains how to declare and reference a pointer variable.
Declaring a Pointer Variable
The format show below is used to declare a pointer variable.
Pointed data type pointer variable name;
However, it is only an area to store an address that is allocated in memory by the above
declaration. For the data proper to be assigned an area, it is necessary to write type
declaration separately.
Figure 1.7.4 Pointer Variable Declaration and Memory Mapping
char p ; int p ; char ∗∗p ;
int type
char type
char type
Pointer variable declaration
No area is allocated.
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void main(void)
int a ;
int *p ;
p = &a ;
*p = 5 ;
This "&a" indicates the address of
variable 'a'.
This "*p" indicates the
content of
variable 'a'.
Address modifier
Address 001000H
int *ptr;
ptr = (int * )0x001000;
ptr = p + 2;
The pointer variable ptr is an int type of variable.
When calculated by sizeof(int), the size of the
int-type variable is found to be 2 bytes.
Therefore, p + 2 points to address 1004H.
Address - ( integers X izeof ( type) )
Address + ( integer X sizeof ( type) )
Address 001002H
Address 001004H
Relationship between Pointer Variables and Variables
The following explains the relationship between pointer variables and variables by using a
method for substituting constant '5' by using pointer variable 'p' for variable of int type 'a' as
an example.
Figure 1.7.5 Relationship between Pointer Variables and Variables
Operating on Pointer Variables
Pointer variables can be operated on by addition or subtraction. However, operation on
pointer variables differs from operation on integers in that the result is an address value.
Therefore, address values vary with the data size indicated by the pointer variable.
Figure 1.7.6 Operating on Pointer Variables
Data Length of Pointer Variable
The data length of variables in C language programs are determined by the data type. For
a pointer variable, since its content is an address, the data length provided for it is
sufficiently large to represent the entire address space that can be accessed by the
microprocessor used.
Pointer variables in NC308 are 4 bytes in data length because the relevant data by default
is assumed to be in the far area. For details, refer to Section 2.3.1, "Efficient Addressing."
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1.7.4 Using Pointers
This section shows some examples for effectively using a pointer.
Pointer Variables and One-dimensional Array
When an array is declared by using subscripts to indicate its element numbers, it is
encoded as "index addressing". In this case, therefore, address calculations to determine
each address "as reckoned from the start address" are required whenever accessing the
On the other hand, if an array is declared by using pointer variables, it can be accessed in
indirect addressing.
Figure 1.7.7 Pointer Variables and One-dimensional Array
Pointer Variables and Two-dimensional Array
As in the case of a one-dimensional array, a two-dimensional array can also be accessed
by using pointer variables.
Figure 1.7.8 Pointer Variables and Two-dimensional Array
void main(void)
char str[ ] = "ab" ;
char p ;
char t ;
p = str ;
t = (p + 1) ;
str[0] or p
str[1] or (p+1)
str[1] or (p+2)
The start address of a one-dimensional array can be obtained by "str".
(Address modifier '&' is unnecessary.)
void main(void)
char mtx[2][3] = {
"ab" , "cd"
} ;
char p ;
char t ;
p = mtx[1];
t = (p + 1) ;
mtx[1][0] or p
mtx[1][1] or (p+1)
mtx[1][2] or (p+2)
The start address of the first row of a two-dimensional array
"mtx" can be obtained by "mtx[1]". ('&' is unnecessary.)
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#define MAX 5
void cls_str ( char ) ;
void main ( void )
char str [ MAX ] ;
cls_str ( str ) ;
void cls_str ( char p )
int i ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < MAX ; i ++ ){
( p + i ) = 0 ;
str [ 0 ]
str [ 1 ]
The array's start
address is passed
as argument.
Received as pointer variable
The array body is
operated on.
<Calling function> <Called function>
Passing Addresses between Functions
The basic method of passing data to and from C language functions is referred to as "Call
by Value". With this method, however, arrays and character strings cannot be passed
between functions as arguments or returned values.
Used to solve this problem is a method, known as "Call by Reference", which uses a
pointer variable. In addition to passing the addresses of arrays or character strings
between functions, this method can be used when it is necessary to pass multiple data as a
returned value.
Unlike the Call by Value method, this method has a drawback in that the independency of
each function is reduced, because the data in the calling function is rewritten directly.
Figure 1.7.9 shows an example where an array is passed between functions using the Call
by Reference method.
Figure 1.7.9 Example of Call by Reference for Passing an Array
Passing Data between Functions at High Speed
In addition to the Call by Value and the Call by Reference methods, there is another
method to pass data to and from functions. With this method, the data to be passed is
turned into an external variable.
This method results in loosing the independency of functions and, hence, is not
recommended for use in C language programs. Yet, it has the advantage that functions
can be called at high speed because entry and exit processing (argument and return value
transfers) normally required when calling a function are unnecessary. Therefore, this
method is frequently used in ROM'ed programs where general-purpose capability is not an
important requirement and the primary concern is high-speed processing.
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1.7.5 Placing Pointers into an Array
This section explains a "pointer array" where pointer variables are arranged in an array.
Pointer Array Declaration
The following shows how to declare a pointer array.
Data type far
array name [number of elements];
Figure 1.7.10 Pointer Array Declaration and Initialization
Pointer array declaration
char far ptr1[3] ;
int far ptr2[3] ;
char type data
char type data
char type data
int type data
int type data
int type data
Pointer array initialization
char far ptbl[4] = {
} ;
'S' 'T' 'O' 'P' '\0'
'S' 'T' 'A' 'R' '\0''T'
'R' 'E' 'S' 'E' '\0''T'
'R' 'E' '\0''S' 'T' 'A' 'R' 'T'
Address of 'S'
Address of 'S'
Address of 'R'
Address of 'R'
Each character string's start address is stored here.
Note: The actual data of pointer arrays in NC308 are located in the far area. Also, pointer-type variables by default are a far type of variable
(4 bytes). Therefore, omit the description "far" normally written for pointers. For details, refer to Section 2.3.1, "Efficient Addressing."
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Pointer Array and Two-dimensional Array
The following explains the difference between a pointer array and a two-dimensional array.
When multiple character strings each consisting of a different number of characters are
declared in a two-dimensional array, the free spaces are filled with null code "\0". If the
same is declared in a pointer array, there is no free space in memory. For this reason, a
pointer array is a more effective method than the other type of array when a large amount
of character strings need to be operated on or it is necessary to reduce memory
requirements to a possible minimum.
Figure 1.7.11 Difference between Two-dimensional Array and Pointer Array
char name[ ][7] ={
"Boston" ,
"Nara" ,
} ;
char far *name[3] = {
"Boston" ,
"Nara" ,
} ;
'B' 'o' 's' 'o''t' 'n' '\0'
'N' 'a' 'r' 'a'
'L' 'o' 'n' 'd' 'o' 'n'
'\0' '\0' '\0'
Two-dimensional array
Pointer array
Address of 'B'
Address of 'N'
Address of 'L'
Filled with null code.
'B' 'o' 's' 'o''t' 'n'
'N' 'a' 'r' 'a'
'L' 'o' 'n' 'd' 'o' 'n'
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1.7.6 Table Jump Using Function Pointer
In assembly language programs, "table jump" is used when switching processing load increases
depending on the contents of some data. The same effect as this can be obtained in C language
programs also by using the pointer array described above.
This section explains how to write a table jump using a "function pointer".
What Does a Function Pointer Mean?
A "function pointer" is one that points to the start address of a function in the same way as
the pointer described above. When this pointer is used, a called function can be turned
into a parameter. The following shows the declaration and reference formats for this
<Declaration format> Type of return value ( function pointer name) (data type of argument);
Reference format> Variable in which to store return value = ( function pointer name) (argument);
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Example 1.7.3 Switching Arithmetic Operations Using Table Jump
The method of calculation is switched over depending on the content of variable "num".
Example 1.7.3 Switching Arithmetic Operations Using Table Jump
/ Prototype declaration∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗/
int calc_f ( int , int , int ) ;
int add_f (int , int ) , sub_f ( int , int ) ;
int mul_f ( int , int ) , div_f ( int , int ) ;
Jump table ∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗/
int (const jmptbl[ ] ) ( int , int ) = {
add_f , sub_f , mul_f , div_f
} ;
void main ( void )
int x = 10 , y = 2 ;
int num , val ;
num = 2 ;
if ( num < 4 ) {
val = calc_f ( num , x , y ) ;
int calc_f ( int m , int x , int y )
int z ;
int (p ) ( int , int ) ;
p = jmptbl [ m ] ;
z = (p ) ( x , y ) ;
return z ;
Setting of jump address
Function call using a function pointer
Start address
of "add_f"
Start address
of "sub_f"
Start address
of "mul_f"
Start address
of "div_f"
Function pointers arranged in an array
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1.8 Struct and Union
1.8.1 Struct and Union
The data types discussed hereto (e.g., char, signed int, and unsigned log int types) are called the
"basic data types" stipulated in compiler specifications.
The C language allows the user to create new data types based on these basic data types.
These are "struct" and "union".
The following explains how to declare and reference structs and unions.
From Basic Data Types to Structs
Structs and unions allows the user to create more sophisticated data types based on the
basic data types according to the purposes of use. Furthermore, the newly created data
types can be referenced and arranged in an array in the same way as the basic data types.
Figure 1.8.1 From Basic Data Types to Structs
Dates of
Dates of birth
Basic data types
(elements of struct)
More sophisticated
data types (structs)
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1.8.2 Creating New Data Types
The elements that constitute a new data type are called "members". To create a new data type,
define the members that constitute it. This definition makes it possible to declare a data type to
allocate a memory area and reference it as necessary in the same way as the variables
described earlier.
This section describes how to define and reference structs and unions, respectively.
Difference between Struct and Union
When allocating a memory area, members are located differently for structs and unions.
(1) Struct: Members are sequentially located.
(2) Union: Members are located in the same address.
(Multiple members share the same memory area.)
Definition and Declaration of Struct
To define a struct, write "struct".
struct struct tag {
member 1;
member 2;
The above description creates a data type "struct struct tag". Declaration of a struct with
this data type allocates a memory area for it in the same way as for an ordinary variable.
struct struct tag struct variable name;
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Referencing Struct
To refer to each member of a struct, use a period '.' that is a struct member operator.
struct variable name.member name
To initialize a struct variable, list each member's initialization data in the order they are
declared, with the types matched.
Figure 1.8.2 Struct Declaration and Memory Mapping
struct person{
char name ;
long number ;
char section[5] ;
int work_year ;
} ;
void main(void)
struct person a , b ;
If the area that contains name is a near area, "struct person" becomes a 13-byte type; if a far
area, it becomes a 15-byte type.
struct person a = {
"SATOH" , 10025 , "T511" , 25
} ;
of 's'
Initialization of struct variable
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Example for Referencing Members Using a Pointer
To refer to each member of a struct using a pointer, use an arrow '->'.
Pointer -> member name
Figure 1.8.3 Example for Referencing Members Using a Pointer
struct person{
char far name ;
long number ;
char section[5] ;
int work_year ;
} ;
struct person a = {
"SATOH" , 10025 , "T511" , 25
} ;
void main(void)
struct person p ;
p = &a ;
a or
of 'S'
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union pack {
long all ;
char byte[4] ;
short word[2] ;
} ;
void main(void)
union pack a , b ;
A 4-byte area is shared by all,
byte, and word.
When defining types, structure (union)
tag names can be omitted.
typedef struct {
char a ;
short b ;
long c ;
} DATA ;
DATA sdata , *sptr ;
struct data{
char a ;
short b ;
long c ;
} ;
struct data sdata , *sptr
Unions are characteristic in that an allocated memory area is shared by all members.
Therefore, it is possible to save on memory usage by using unions for multiple entries of
such data that will never exist simultaneously. Unions also will prove convenient when they
are used for data that needs to be handled in different units of data size, e.g., 16 bits or 8
units, depending on situation.
To define a union, write "union". Except this description, the procedures for defining,
declaring, and referencing unions all are the same as explained for structs.
Figure 1.8.4 Declaring and Referencing a Union
Type Definition
Since structs and unions require the keywords "struct" and "union", there is a tendency that
the number of characters in defined data types increases. One method to circumvent this
is to use a type definition "typedef".
typedef existing type name new type name;
When the above description is made, the new type name is assumed to be synonymous
with the existing type name and, therefore, either type name can be used in the program.
Figure 1.8.5 below shows an example of how "typedef" can actually be used.
Figure 1.8.5 Example for Using Type Definition "typedef"
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1.9 Preprocess Commands
1.9.1 Preprocess Commands of NC308
The C language supports file inclusion, macro function, conditional compile, and some other
functions as "preprocess commands".
The following explains the main preprocess commands available with NC308.
Preprocess Command List of NC308
Preprocess commands each consist of a character string that begins with the symbol '#' to
discriminate them from other execution statements. Although they can be written at any
position, the semicolon ';' to separate entries is unnecessary. Table 1.9.1 lists the main
preprocess commands that can be used in NC308.
Table 1.9.1 Main Preprocess Commands of NC308
Description Function
#include Takes in a specified file.
#define Replaces character string and defines macro.
#undef Cancels definition made by #define.
#if to #elif to #else to #endif Performs conditional compile.
#ifdef to #elif to #else to #endif Performs conditional compile.
#ifndef to #elif to #else to #endif Performs conditional compile.
#error Outputs message to standard output devices before suspending processing.
#line Specifies a file's line numbers.
#assert Outputs alarm when constant expression is false.
#pragma Instructs processing of NC30's extended function. This is detailed in Chapter 2.
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1.9.2 Including a File
Use the command "#include" to take in another file. NC308 requires different methods of
description depending on the directory to be searched.
This section explains how to write the command "#include" for each purpose of use.
Searching for Standard Directory
#include <file name>
This statement takes in a file from the directory specified with the startup option 'I.' If the
specified file does not exist in this directory, NC308 searches the standard directory that is
set with NC308's environment variable "INC308" as it takes in the file.
As the standard directory, normally specify a directory that contains the "standard include
Searching for Current Directory
#include "file name"
This statement takes in a file from the current directory. If the specified file does not exist in
the current directory, NC308 searches the directory specified with the startup option 'I' and
the directory set with NC308's environment variable "INC308" in that order as it takes in the
To discriminate your original include file from the standard include file, place that file in the
current directory and specify it using this method of description.
Example for Using "#include"
NC308's command "#include" can be nested in up to 8 levels. If the specified file cannot be
found in any directory searched, NC308 outputs an include error.
Figure 1.9.1 Typical Description of "#include"
#include <stdio.h>
#include "usr_global.h"
/*main function**********/
void main ( void )
The header of a global variable is read
from the current directory.
The standard include file is read from the
standard directory.
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1.9.3 Macro Definition
Use the "#define identifier" for character string replacement and macro definition. Normally use
uppercase letters for this identifier to discriminate it from variables and functions.
This section explains how to define a macro and cancel a macro definition.
Defining a Constant
A constant can be assigned a name in the same way as in the assembler "equ statement".
This provides an effective means of using definitions in common to eliminate magic
numbers (immediate with unknown meanings) in the program.
Figure 1.9.2 Example for Defining a Constant
Defining a Character String
It is possible to assign a character string a name or, conversely, delete a character string.
Figure 1.9.3 Example for Defining a Character String
#define THRESHOLD 100
Sets the upper limit at +50.
Defines that the threshold = 100.
Sets the lower limit at +50.
#define TITLE "Position control program"
char mess[ ] = TITLE ;
#define void
void func()
The defined character string is inserted
at the position of "TITLE".
"void" is deleted.
For a compiler where "void" is not supported, this
definition eliminates the need for modification in the
source file.
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Defining a Macro Function
The command "#define" can also be used to define a macro function. This macro function
allows arguments and return values to be exchanged in the same way as with ordinary
functions. Furthermore, since this function does not have the entry and exit processing
that exists in ordinary functions, it is executed at higher speed.
What's more, a macro function does not require declaring the argument's data type.
Figure 1.9.4 Example for Defining a Macro Function
Canceling Definition
#undef identifier
Replacement of the identifier defined in "#define" is not performed after "#undef".
However, do not use "#undef" for the following four identifiers because they are the
compiler's reserved words.
_FILE_ Source file name
_LINE_ Line number of current source file
_DATE_ Compilation date
_TIME_ Compilation time
#define ABS(a) ( (a) > 0 ? (a) : (a) )
#define SEQN( a , b , c ) {\
func1(a) ; \
func2(b) ; \
func3(c) ; \
Macro function that returns the
argument's absolute value.
The symbol "\" denotes successive
description. Descriptions entered even after
line feed are assumed to be part of a
continuous character string.
Enclose a complex
statement with brackets
'{' and '}'.
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1.9.4 Conditional Compile
NC308 allows you to control compilation under three conditions.
Use this facility when, for example, controlling function switchover between specifications or
controlling incorporation of debug functions.
This section explains types of conditional compilation and how to write such statements.
Various Conditional Compilation
Table 1.9.2 lists the types of conditional compilation that can be used in NC308.
Table 1.9.2 Types of Conditional Compile
In all of these three types, the "#else" block can be omitted. If classification into three or
more blocks is required, use "#elif" to add conditions.
Specifying Identifier Definition
To specify the definition of an identifier, use "#define" or NC308 startup option '-D'.
#define identifier Specification of definition by "#define"
%nc308 -D identifier Specification of definition by startup option
Description Content
#if condition expression
If the condition expression is true (not 0), NC30 compiles
block A; if false, it compiles block B.
#ifdef identifier
If an identifier is defined, NC30 compiles block A; if not
defined, it compiles block B.
#ifndef identifier
If an identifier is not defined, NC30 compiles block A; if
defined, it compiles block B.
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Example for Conditional Compile Description
Figure 1.9.5 shows an example for using conditional compilation to control incorporation of
debug functions.
Figure 1.9.5 Example for Conditional Compile Description
#define DEBUG
void main ( void )
#ifdef DEBUG
check_output() ;
output() ;
#ifdef DEBUG
void check_output ( void )
It defines an identifier "DEBUG". (Set to debug mode.)
When in debug mode, it calls "debug function;" otherwise, it
calls "ordinary output function". In this case, it calls "debug
When in debug mode, it incorporates "debug function".
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Chapter 2
Extended Functions of NC308
2.1 Memory Mapping
2.2 Startup Program
2.3 Extended Functions for ROM'ing
2.4 Linkage with Assembly Language
2.5 Interrupt Processing
This chapter describes precautions to be followed when
creating built-in programs by focusing on the extended
functions of NC308.
Chapter 2 ROM'ing Technology
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2.1 Memory Mapping
2.1.1 Types of Code and Data
There are various types of data and code that constitute a program. Some are rewritable, and
some are not. Some have initial values, and some do not. All data and code must be mapped
into the ROM, RAM, and stack areas according to their properties.
This section explains the types of data and code that are generated by NC308.
Data and Code Generated by NC308
Figure 2.1.1 shows the types of data and code generated by NC308 and their mapped
memory areas.
Figure 2.1.1 Types of Data and Code Generated by NC308 and Their Mapped Areas
Handling of Static Variables with Initial Values
Since "static variables with initial values" are rewritable data, they must reside in RAM.
However, if variables are stored in RAM, initial values cannot be set for them.
To solve this problem, NC308 allocates an area in RAM for such static variables with initial
values and stores initial values in ROM. Then it copies the initial values from ROM into
RAM in the startup program.
Figure 2.1.2 Handling of Static Variables with Initial Values
Variable data
Fixed data
character string
With initial value
Without initial value
To stack area
To RAM and ROM areas
To RAM area
To ROM area
To ROM area
RAM area
ROM area
Initial value of "moji"
Initial value of "seisu"
char moji = 'A' ;
int seisu = 0x1234 ;
void main ( void )
Startup program
RAM area
Block transfer from
Setting of
initial values
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2.1.2 Sections Managed by NC308
NC308 manages areas in which data and code are located as "sections".
This section explains the types of sections generated and managed by NC308 and how they are
Sections Types
NC308 classifies data into sections by type for management purposes. (See Figure 2.1.3.)
Table 2.1.1 lists the sections types managed by NC308.
Table 2.1.1 Sections Types Managed by NC308
Figure 2.1.3 Mapping Data into Sections by Type
Section base name Content
data Contains static variables with initial values.
bss Contains static variables without initial values.
rom Contains character strings and constants.
program Contains programs.
program_s Store the program specified by #pragma SPECIAL.
vector Variable vector area (compiler does not generate)
fvector Fixed vector area (compiler does not generate)
stack Stack area (compiler does not generate)
heap Heap area (compiler does not generate)
void func(void);
#pragma SPECIAL 20 func()
int i = 1 ;
char c = '0' ;
int i, k ;
const char cc = 'a' ;
void main(void)
int l , m ;
i = i + k ;
void func(void)
data section
bss section
stack section
program section
rom section
data_I section
(Compiler does not generate)
variables with
initial values
Static variables
without initial
Initial values
Character strings,
program_S section
Store the program specified by #pragma SPECIAL
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Sections Attributes
The sections generated by NC308 are further classified into smaller sections by their
"attributes", i.e., whether or not they have initial value, in which area they are
mapped, and their data size.
For details on how to specify these attributes, refer to Section 2.3.1, "Efficient Addressing".
Table 2.1.2 lists the symbols representing each attribute and its contents.
Table 2.1.2 Sections Attributes
Rule for Naming Sections
The sections generated by NC308 are named after their section base name and attributes.
Figure 2.1.4 shows a combination of each section base name and attributes.
Figure 2.1.4 Rule for Assigning Section Names
Attribute Content
section name
I Section to hold data's initial value. data
N-near attribute (64-Kbyte area at absolute addresses from 000000H to 00FFFFH)
F-far attribute (entire 16-Mbyte memory area from address 000000H to FFFFFFH)
S-SBDATA attribute (area where SB relative addressing can be used) data,bss
E-Data size is even.
O-Data size is odd.
Attribute Meaning
near attribute
far attribute
SBDATA attribute
Even-size data
Odd-size data
Contains initial value
Section base name
data bss rom program
Section name = section base name_attribute
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2.1.3 Control of Memory Mapping
NC308 provides extended functions that enable memory mapping to be performed in an efficient
way to suit the user's system.
This section explains NC308's extended functions useful for memory mapping.
Changing Section Names (#pragma SECTION)
#pragma SECTION designated section base name changed section base name
This function changes section base names generated by NC308. The effective range of a
changed name varies between cases when "program" is changed and when some other
section base name is changed.
Figure 2.1.5 Typical Description of "#pragma SECTION"
int data1 ;
void func1 ( void )
#pragma SECTION data new_data
#pragma SECTION program new_program
int data2 ;
void func2 ( void )
.section program
.section new_program
.section new_data_NO,DATA
.blkb 2
.blkb 2
Expanded in default section name.
<For data> <For program>
Section name
Expanded in changed
section name.
For both, expanded
in changed section
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Adding Section Names ("")
The sections generated by NC308 are defined in the section definition file "
Changing a section name with #pragma SECTION means that a section base name to be
generated by NC308 has been added. Therefore, when you've changed section names,
always be sure to define them in the section definition file ""
Figure 2.1.6 Adding Section Names ("")
Note: For details about the section definition file "," refer to Section 2.2, "Startup Program."
; Arrangement of section
; Near RAM data area
; SBDATA area
.section data_SE,DATA
.org 400H
.section bss_SE,DATA
.section data_NO,DATA
.section new_data_NO,DATA
; code area
.section interrupt
.section program
.section new_program
Define the new section name after being changed
by #pragma SECTION .
Define the new section name after being changed
by #pragma SECTION .
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Forcible Mapping into ROM (const Modifier)
Both RAM and ROM areas are allocated by writing the initial data when declaring the type
of a variable. However, if this data is a fixed data that does not change during program
execution, write the "const" modifier when declaring the type. Because only a ROM area is
allocated and no RAM area is used, this method helps to save the amount of memory used.
Furthermore, since explicit substitutions are checked when compiling the program, it is
possible to check rewrite errors.
const data type variable name
Figure 2.1.7 const Modifier and Memory Mapping
Optimization by Replacing Referenced External Variables with Constants
When the optimization option "-Oconst" is added, referenced external variables declared by
the const qualifier are replaced with constants for optimization when compiled. The external
variables optimized in this way are any external variables except structures, unions, and
arrays. Also, this optimization is limited to external variables for which initialization is written
in the same C language source file.
Figure 2.1.8 Optimization by Replacing Referenced External Variables with Constants
Warning is generated
when compiling.
char a = 5 ;
const char c = 10;
void main(void)
a = 6 ;
c = 5 ;
A 2-byte area
is allocated.
Only 1 byte is
Startup program
char func(void );
char const a = 5;
char func(void )
char b;
b = a;
return b;
enter #02H
mov.b 05H,-2[FB] ; b
mov.b -2[FB],R0L ; b
Variable a is replaced with constant 5.
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2.1.4 Controlling Memory Mapping of Struct
When allocating memory for structs, NC308 packs them in the order they are declared in order to
minimize the amount of memory used. However, if the processing speed is more important than
saving memory usage, write a statement "#pragma STRUCT" to control the method of mapping
structs into memory.
This section explains NC308's specific extended functions used for mapping structs into memory.
NC308 Rules for Mapping Structs into Memory
NC308 follows the rules below as it maps struct members into memory.
(1) Structs are packed. No padding occurs inside the struct.
(2) Members are mapped into memory in the order they are declared.
Figure 2.1.9 Image Depicting How NC308's Default Struct is Mapped into Memory
Inhibiting Struct Members from Being Packed (#pragma
tag name
This command statement inserts pads into a struct so that its total size of struct members
equals even bytes. Use this specification when the access speed has priority.
Figure 2.1.10 Inhibiting Struct Members from Being Packed
struct tag_s1 {
int i ;
char c ;
int k ;
} s1 ;
5 bytes
#pragma STRUCT tag_s2 unpack
struct tag_s2 {
int i ;
char c ;
int k ;
} s2 ;
Declares inhibition
of packing.
A struct's total size is
adjusted to even bytes.
6 bytes
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Optimizing Mapping of Struct Members (#pragmaSTRUCTtag namearrange)
This command statement allocates memory for the members of an even size before other
members no matter in which order they are declared. If this statement is used in
combination with the "#pragma STRUCT unpack" statement described above, each
member of an even size is mapped into memory beginning with an even address.
Therefore, this method helps to accomplish an efficient memory access.
Figure 2.1.11 Optimizing Memory Allocation for Struct Members
#pragma STRUCT tag_s3 arrange
struct tag_s3{
int i ;
char c ;
int k ;
} s3 ;
Declares optimization
of mapping.
Members of even size
are mapped first.
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2.2 Startup Program
2.2.1 Roles of Startup Program
For a built-in program to operate properly, it is necessary to initialize the microprocessor and set
up the stack area before executing the program. This processing normally cannot be written in
the C language. Therefore, an initial setup program is written in the assembly language
separately from the C language source program. This is the startup program.
The following explains the startup programs supplied with NC308, "ncrt0.a30" and "".
Roles of Startup Program
The following lists the roles performed by the startup program:
(1) Allocate a stack area.
(2) Initialize the microprocessor.
(3) Initialize a static variable area.
(4) Set the interrupt table register "INTB".
(5) Call the main function.
(6) Set the interrupt vector table.
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Structure of Sample Startup Programs
NC308's startup program consists of two files: "ncrt0.a30" and "".
Figure 2.2.1 Structure of Sample Startup Program
Program part
Initialize stack pointer.
Set processor operation mode.
Initialize FLG register.
Initialize FB and SB registers.
Initialize INTB register.
Initialize near area of data.
Initialize far area of data.
Initialize heap area.
Initialize standard I/O function
Call main function.
Set arrangement of each section.
Set size of stack area.
Set variable vector table.
Set SB area.
Define macro for initializing
variable area.
Set start address of section.
Set fixed vector table.
Set size of heap area.
Set start address of interrupt
vector table.
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2.2.2 Estimating Stack Sizes Used
Set an appropriate stack size in the startup program. If the stack size is excessively small, the
system could run out of control. Conversely, if excessively large, it means wasting memory.
This section explains how to estimate an appropriate stack size.
Items that Use a Stack
The following items use a stack:
(1) Automatic variable area
(2) Temporary area used for complex calculation
(3) Return address
(4) Old frame pointer
(5) Arguments to function
(6) Storage address when the return value is a structure or union.
File for Displaying Stack Sizes Used
Calculate the stack sizes used by each function. Although it can be estimated from
program lists, there is a more convenient way to do it. Specify a startup option
"- fshow_stack_usage(-fSSU)" when starting up NC308. It generates a file "xxx.stk" that
contains information about the stack sizes used. However, this information does not
include the stacks used by assembly language subroutine call and inline assembler.
Calculate the stack sizes used for these purposes from program lists.
Figure 2.2.2 Stack Size Usage Information File
FUNCTION func ( )
context 8 bytes
auto 3 bytes
f8regSize 0 bytes
4 bytes PUSH&CALL func1
6 bytes PUSH&CALL func2
6 bytes PUSH (MAX)
Automatic variable
temporary area
Old frame pointer
Return address
<.stk file>
<Stack image>
used by
Information on
function func()
Return address
Old frame pointer
Stack sizes used when
calling subordinate
function (used for
Area used for 64-bit
floating-point calculation
Automatic variable
temporary area
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Calculating the Maximum Size of Stacks Used
Find the maximum size of stacks used from the stack sizes used by each individual
function after considering the relationship of function calls and handling of interrupts.
Figure 2.2.3 shows by using a sample program an example of how to calculate the
maximum size of stacks used.
Figure 2.2.3 Method for Calculating the Maximum Size of Stacks Used
void main ( void ) ;
int func1 ( int , int ) ;
int func2 ( int , int ) ;
int func3 ( int ) ;
void main ( void )
int m , n ;
long result1 , result2 ;
result1 = func1 ( m , n ) ;
result2 = func2 ( m , n ) ;
int func1 ( int x , int y )
int z1 , z2 ;
z1 = x + y ;
z2 = func3 ( z1 ) ;
return z2 ;
int func2 ( int x , int y )
int z ;
z = x - y ;
return z ;
int func3 ( int x )
return ˜x ;
context 8 bytes
auto 8 bytes
f8regSize 0 bytes
4 bytes PUSH & CALL func1
4 bytes PUSH & CALL func2
4 bytes PUSH (MAX)
context 8 bytes
auto 2 bytes
f8regSize 0 bytes
0 bytes PUSH & CALL func3
0 bytes PUSH (MAX)
context 8 bytes
auto 2 bytes
f8regSize 0 bytes
0 bytes PUSH (MAX)
context 8 bytes
auto 2 bytes
f8regSize 0 bytes
0 bytes PUSH (MAX)
8+8=16 bytes
8+2=10 bytes
+4 bytes
(1)Stack size for path : 16+4+10+10=40 bytes
(2)Stack size for path : 16+4+10=30 bytes
Maximum size of stacks used is 40 byes.
Stack size used
by each function
Stack size used when
calling a function
<Stack size usage information file "sample.stk">
<Source file "sample.c">
%nc308 -fshow_stack_usage sample.c
8+2=10 bytes
+4 bytes
8+2=10 bytes
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Automatically Calculating the Maximum Size of Stacks Used
If the program structure is simple, it is possible to estimate the stack sizes used by
following the method described above. However, if the program structure is complicated or
when the program uses internal functions, calculations require time and labor. In such a
case, Renesas recommends using the "stack size calculating utility, stk308" that is
included with NC308. It automatically calculates the maximum size of stacks used from the
stack size usage information file "xxx.stk" that is made at compiling and outputs the result
to standard output devices. Furthermore, if a startup option '-o' is added, it outputs the
relationship of function calls along with the calculation result to a "calculation result display
file ,xxx.siz".
To estimate an interrupt stack size, it is necessary to calculate the stack sizes used by
each interrupt function and those used by the functions called by the interrupt function. In
this case, use a startup option '-e function name'. If this startup option is used along with
'-o', the stk308 utility outputs the stack sizes used below a specified function and the
relationship of function calls.
Figure 2.2.4 shows the processing results of stk308 by using the sample program
described above.
Figure 2.2.4 Stack Size Calculating Utility "stk308"
*** Stack Size ***
40 bytes
*** C Flow ***
Stack size
%stk308 sample.stk
%stk308 -o sample.stk
>stk308 sample.stk
*** Stack Size ***
40 bytes
<Standard output>
<Calculation result display file
(sample.siz ) >
%stk308 -o -efunc1 sample.stk
*** Stack Size ***
20 bytes
*** C Flow ***
Stack size used from "func1"
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2.2.3 Creating Startup Program
The sample startup program shown above must be modified to suit a C language program to be
This section describes details on how to modify the sample startup program.
Modifying Sample Startup Program
Modify the following points to suit a C language program to be created:
Figure 2.2.5 Points to Be Modified in Sample Startup Program
Setting processor mode register
Arranging sections and setting start
Setting size of heap area
Setting fixed vector table
Setting variable vector table
Setting size of stack area
Setting start address of
interrupt vector table
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Setting the Size of Heap Area ("ncrt0.a30")
Set the required memory size to be allocated when using memory management functions
(calloc, malloc). Set '0' when not using memory management functions. In this case, it is
possible to prevent unwanted libraries from being linked and reduce ROM sizes by turning
lines of statements initializing the heap area in "ncrt0.a30" into comments.
Figure 2.2.6 Setting the Heap Area
Setting the Size of Stack Area ("ncrt0.a30")
By using the results obtained by the stack size calculating utility "stk308", etc., set the user
stack and the interrupt stack sizes.
When using multiple interrupts, find the total size of interrupt stacks used for them and set
it as the interrupt stack size.
Figure 2.2.7 Setting the Stack Size
; HEAP SIZE definition
; heap area initialize
; .glb _mbase
; .glb _mnext
; .glb _msize
; mov.w #(heap_top&0FFFFFFH),_mbase
; mov.w #(heap_top&0FFFFFFH),_mnext
; mov.w #(heap_top&0FFFFFFH),_msize
When not using memory
management functions, set '0' and
turn the heap area initialization
section into comments.
; STACK SIZE definition
When using multiple interrupts, set the
total size of interrupt stacks used for them.
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Setting the Start Address of Interrupt Vector Table ("ncrt0.a30")
Set the start address of the interrupt vector table. The value set here is set in the interrupt
table register "INTB" within "ncrt0.a30".
Figure 2.2.8 Setting the Start Address of Interrupt Vector Table
Setting the Processor Operation Mode ("ncrt0.a30")
Set the processor operation mode. In the same way, add the instructions here that directly
controls the M16C/80 or M32C/80 operation, such as one that sets the system clock.
Figure 2.2.9 shows locations where to add these instructions and how to write the
instruction statements.
Figure 2.2.9 Setting the Processor Operation Mode
; interrupt section start
.glb start
.section interrupt
; after reset , this program will start
ldc #VECTOR_ADR,intb
Set in interrupt table register "INTB".
; Interrupt section start
.glb start
.section interrupt
; after reset , this program will start
ldc #istack_top-1,isp
mov.b #00000011B,000AH ; disable register protect
mov.b #10000111B,0004H ; processor mode register 0
mov.b #00001000B,0006H ; system clock control register 0
mov.b #00100000B,0007H ; system clock control register 1
mov.b #00000000B,000AH ; enable register protect
ldc #0080H,flg
ldc #stack_top-1,sp
ldc #stack_top-1,fb
ldc #data_SE_top,sb
ldc #VECTOR_ADR,intb
Add settings matched to the system.
After a reset, the program starts from this label.
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Arranging Each Section and Setting Start Address ("")
Arrange the sections generated by NC308 and set their start addresses. Use the pseudo-
instruction ".org" to specify the start address of each section.
If any section does not have a specified start address, memory for it is allocated in a
contiguous location following the previously defined section.
Figure 2.2.10 Setting the Start Address of Each Section
; Arrangement of section
; Near RAM data area
; SBDATA area
.section data_SE,DATA
.org 400H
.section bss_SE,DATA
; Far RAM data area
.section data_FE,DATA
.org 10000H
; Far ROM data area
.section rom_FE,ROMDATA
.org 0FF0000H
Specify the start address of each
area in conformity with memory
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Setting the Variable VectorTable ("")
Add the setup items related to the variable vector table to the section definition file
Figure 2.2.11 shows an example of how to set.
Figure 2.2.11 Setting Variable Vector Table
; variable vector section
.section vector ; variable vector table
.lword dummy_int ; vector 0 ( BRK )
.org ( VECTOR_ADR + 32 )
.lword dummy_int ; DMA0 ( software int 8 )
.lword dummy_int ; DMA1 ( software int 9)
.lword dummy_int ; DMA2( software int 10 )
.lword dummy_int ; DMA3 (software int 11)
.lword dummy_int ; TIMER A0 ( software int 12 )
.lword dummy_int ; TIMER A1 (software int 13 )
.lword dummy_int ; TIMER A2 (software int 14 )
.lword dummy_int ; TIMER A3 (software int 15)
.lword dummy_int ; TIMER A4 (software int 16)
.lword dummy_int ; UART0 trance (software int 17)
.lword dummy_int ; UART0 receive (software int 18 )
.lword dummy_int ; UART1 trance ( software int 19 )
.lword dummy_int ; UART1 receive (software int 20 )
.lword dummy_int ; TIMER B0 (software int 21)
.lword dummy_int ; TIMER B1 ( software int 22)
.lword dummy_int ; TIMER B2 (software int 23)
.lword dummy_int ; TIMER B3 (software int 24)
.lword dummy_int ; TIMER B4(software int 25)
.lword dummy_int ; INT5 (software int 26)
.lword dummy_int ; INT4 (software int 27)
.lword dummy_int ; INT3 ( software int 28)
.lword dummy_int ; INT2(software int 29)
.lword dummy_int ; INT1 (software int 30)
.lword dummy_int ; INT0 ( software int 31)
.lword dummy_int ; TIMER B5(software int 32)
.lword dummy_int ; uart2 trance/NACK(software int 33)
.lword dummy_int ; uart2 receive/ACK(software int 34)
.lword dummy_int ; uart3 trance/NACK(software int 35)
.lword dummy_int ; uart3 receive/ACK(software int 36)
.lword dummy_int ; uart4 trance/NACK(software int 37)
.lword dummy_int ; uart4 receive/ACK(software int 38)
.lword dummy_int ; uart2 bus collision(software int 39)
.lword dummy_int ; uart3 bus collision(software int 40)
.lword dummy_int ; uart4 bus collision(software int 41)
.lword dummy_int ; AD Convert ( software int 42)
.lword dummy_int ; input key ( software int 43 )
.lword dummy_int ; software int (software int 44 )
.lword dummy_int ; software int (software int 45 )
.lword dummy_int ; software int (software int 46 )
.lword dummy_int ; software int (software int 47 )
.lword dummy_int ; software int (software int 48 )
.lword dummy_int ; software int (software int 49 )
.lword dummy_int ; software int (software int 50 )
.lword dummy_int ; software int (software int 51 )
.lword dummy_int ; software int (software int 52 )
.lword dummy_int ; software int (software int 53 )
.lword dummy_int ; software int (software int 54 )
.lword dummy_int ; software int (software int 55 )
.lword dummy_int ; software int (software int 56 )
.lword dummy_int ; software int (software int 57 )
.lword dummy_int ; software int (software int 58 )
.lword dummy_int ; software int (software int 59 )
.lword dummy_int ; software int (software int 60 )
.lword dummy_int ; software int (software int 61 )
.lword dummy_int ; software int (software int 62 )
.lword dummy_int ; software int (software int 63 )
; to vector 63 from vector 44 is used for MR308
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Setting the Fixed Vector Table ("")
Set the start address of the fixed vector table and the vector address of each interrupt.
Figure 2.2.12 shows an example of how to write these addresses.
Figure 2.2.12 Setting Fixed Vector Table
Set the start address of the fixed vector table.
Set the vector address of the
function used. When not using
functions, leave the field set as
Processing of "dummy_int" ( " ncrt0.a30 " )
; dummy interrupt function
; fixed vector section
.section fvector ; fixed vector table
.org 0FFFE00H
; still nothing
.lword dummy_int
.lword dummy_int
.lword dummy_int
.lword dummy_int
.lword dummy_int
.lword dummy_int
.lword dummy_int
.lword dummy_int
.lword start
Area where interrupt vectors
are not assigned any specific
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Precautions for Operating in Single-chip Mode
When operating M16C/80 or M32C/80 in single-chip mode, note that the "near ROM" and
the "far ROM" areas are not used. Delete the "ncrt0.a30" and the "" blocks
shown in Figure 2.2.13 or turn them into comment statements.
ncrt0.a30: far area initialization program ("FAR area initialize") near ROM area allocation ("Near ROM data area")
far RAM area allocation ("Far RAM data area")
Figure 2.2.13 Example for Writing Program when Operating in Single-chip Mode
; Near ROM data area
; .section rom_NE,ROMDATA,ALIGN
; rom_NE_top:
; .section rom_NO,ROMDATA
; rom_NO_top:
; Far RAM data area
; .section data_EI,DATA
; .org 10000H
; data_FE_top:
; .section bss_FE,DATA,ALIGH
; bss_FE_top:
; .section data_FO,DATA
; data_FE_top:
; .section bss_FO,DATA
; bss_FO_top:
; FAR area initialize.
;bss_FE & bss_FO zero clear
; BZERO bss_FE_top,bss_FE
; BZERO bss_FO_top,bss_FO
;Copy data_FE(FO) section from data_IFE(IFO) section
; BCOPY data_FEI_top,data_FE_top,data_FE
; BCOPY data_FOI,data_FO_top,data_FO
ldc #stack_top-1,sp
(" ")
(" ncrt0.a30 ")
Leave these lines as
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2.3 Extended Functions for ROM'ing Purposes
2.3.1 Efficient Addressing
The maximum area accessible by the M16C/80 or M32C/80 series is 16 Mbytes. NC308 divides
this area into a "near area" in addresses from 000000H to 00FFFFH and a "far area" in
addresses from 000000H to FFFFFFH for management purposes.
This section explains how to arrange and access variables and functions in these areas.
The near and the far Areas
NC308 divides a maximum 16 Mbytes of accessible space into the "near area" and the "far
area" for management purposes. Table 2.3.1 lists the features of each area.
Table 2.3.1 near Area and far Area
Default near/far Attributes
NC308 discriminates the variables and functions located in the near area as belonging to
the "near attribute" from those located in the far area as belonging to the "far attribute".
Table 2.3.2 lists the default attributes of variables and functions.
Table 2.3.2 Default near/far Attributes
If any of these default near/far attributes needs to be modified, specify the following startup
options when starting up NC308:
ffar_RAM (fFRAM) : Changes the default attribute of RAM data to "far".
fnear_ROM (fNROM) : Changes the default attribute of ROM data to "near".
fnear_pointer (fNP) : Changes the default attribute of the pointer type to "near".
Classification Attribute
Program far, fixed
RAM data
(However, the pointer type is far
ROM data far
Stack data near, fixed
Note: The size of pointer-type variables in NC308 by default are the far type of variable (4 bytes). The size of pointer-type variables in NC30
by default are the near type of variable (2 bytes).
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near/far of Functions
The attributes of NC308 functions are fixed to the far area for reasons of the M16C/80 and
M32C/80 series architecture. If near is specified for an NC308 function, NC308 outputs a
warning when compiling the program and forcibly locates it in the far area.
near/far of Variables
[storage class] type specifier near/far variable name;
Unless near/far is specified when declaring type, RAM data is located in the near area, and
RAM data with the const modifier specified and ROM data are located in the far area.
Figure 2.3.1 near/far of Static Variables
Specification of near/far for automatic variables does not have any effect at all. (All
automatic variables are located in the stack area.) What is affected by this specification is
only the result of the address operator '&'.
Figure 2.3.2 near/far of Automatic Variables
static int data ;
static int near n_data ;
static int far f_data ;
static const int c_data = 0x1234 ;
far area
near area
void func(void)
int near i_near ;
int far i_far ;
int near *addr_near ;
int *addr_far ;
Stack area
Whether stack area is allocated to
the near or far area depends on the
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near/far of Pointers
By specifying near/far for a pointer, it is possible to specify the size of addresses stored in
the pointer and an area where to locate the pointer itself. If nothing is specified, all pointers
are handled as belonging to the near attribute.
(1) Specify the size of addresses stored in the pointer
Handled as a 32 bits long (4 bytes) pointer variable pointing to a variable in the far area
unless otherwise specified.
[storage class] type specifier near/far variable name;
near The address size stored in pointer variable is 16 bits long.
far The address size stored in pointer variable is 32 bits long.
Figure 2.3.3 Specifying Address Size Stored in Pointer
(2) Specify the area in which to locate the pointer itself
The pointer variable itself is located in the near area unless otherwise specified.
[storage class] type specifier near/far variable name;
near Area for the pointer variable itself is located in the near area
far Area for the pointer variable itself is located in the far area
Figure 2.3.4 Specifying Area to Locate the Pointer
int near *near_data ;
int far *far_data ;
near area
far area
int *near near_data ;
int *far far_data ;
near area
far area
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Differences in near/far Specification of Pointers between NC308 and NC30
In C compiler NC30 for the M16C/60 and M16C/20 series, all pointers are handled as
having the near attribute unless they are explicitly specified to be near or far. In NC308,
unless pointer attribute is explicitly specified when specifying the address size to be stored
in the pointer, the size of pointer variable is assumed to be 32 bits long (4 bytes) and the
pointer is handled as pointing to a variable in the far area.
Figure 2.3.5 Differences in near/far Specification of Pointers between NC308 and NC30
Storing the Sddress of a Variable Located in the far Area in a near Pointer for
Address Assignment
When an attempt is made to store the address of a variable located in the far area in a near
pointer for address assignment, NC308 outputs a warning message to the effect that the
assignment will be performed by ignoring the upper bytes of the address.
Also, the compiler outputs a warning message to the effect that the far pointer has been
changed explicitly or implicitly to a near pointer.
Figure 2.3.6 Storing the Sddress of a Variable Located in the far Area in a near Pointer
for Address Assignment
void func(int near * );
int near i_near;
int far i_far;
int *addr_far;
int near *addr_near;
void main(void )
addr_near= &i_far;
addr_far = &i_far;
addr_far = &i_near;
addr_near = addr_far;
addr_near = (near *)addr_far;
void func(int near *ptr )
Prepares pointer variable for far area.
Prepares pointer variable for near area.
Warning generated.
Stored by ignoring upper address.
Warning generated.
Stored by ignoring upper address.
Function that receives near pointer as parameter.
Warning generated.
far pointer explicitly changed to near pointer.
Warning generated.
far pointer implicitly changed to near pointer.
int *far_data ;
near area
far area
near area
int *near_data;
Same as
int near *near near__data1;
Same as
int far *near far__data1;
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Using SB Relative Addressing (#pragma SBDATA)
#pragma SBDATA variable name
For the variables declared in this way, NC308 generates AS308 directive command
".SBSYM" and uses the SB relative addressing mode when referencing them. This makes
it possible to generate highly ROM-efficient code.
Figure 2.3.7 Image Depicting Expansion of "#pragma SBDATA"
#pragma SBDATA m
static int m , n ;
void main ( void )
m = m + n ;
.SECTION program
.glb _main
add.W _n,_m
_n: .blkb 2
_m: .blkb 2
Directive command
".SBSYM" is generated
for variable 'm'.
Whether or not to use
the SB addressing
mode depends on the
Variable 'm' is located as
belonging to the SBDATA
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2.3.2 Handling of Bits
NC308 allows the user to handle data in units of bits. There are two methods to use data in such
a way: "bit field", an application of structs, and an extended function of NC308.
This section explains each method of use.
Bit Field
NC308 supports a bit field as a method to handle bits. A bit field refers to using structs to
assign bit symbols. The following shows the format of bit symbol assignment.
struct tag {
type specifier bit symbol : number of bits;
} ;
When referencing a bit symbol, separate it with a period '.' when specifying it, as in the
case of structs and unions.
variable name.bit symbol
Memory allocation for a declared bit field varies with the compiler used. NC308 has two
rules according to which memory is allocated for bit fields. Figure 2.3.8 shows an example
of actually how memory is allocated.
(1) Allocated sequentially beginning with the LSB.
(2) Different type of data is located in the next address.
(The size of the allocated area varies with each data type.)
Figure 2.3.8 Example of Memory Allocation for Bit Fields
struct ex {
char a : 1 ;
char b : 1 ;
char c : 1 ;
char d : 1 ;
} s0 ;
struct ex1 {
char b0 : 1 ;
int b12 : 2 ;
char b3 : 1 ;
} s1 ;
s0.d s0.c s0.b s0.a
bit7 6 5 4
21 0
s1.b3 s1.b0
Memory is allocated for each
data type as follows:
char type 1 byte
int type 2 bytes
long type 4 bytes
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2.3.3 Control of I/O Interface
When controlling the I/O interface in a built-in system, specify absolute addresses for variables.
There are two methods for specifying absolute addresses in NC308: one by using a pointer, and
one by using an extended function of NC308.
This section explains each method of specification.
Specifying Absolute Addresses Using a Pointer
Use of a pointer allows you to specify absolute addresses. Figure 2.3.9 shows a
description example.
Figure 2.3.9 Specifying Absolute Addresses Using a Pointer
Specifying Absolute Addresses Using an Extended Function (#pragma ADDRESS)
#pragma ADDRESS variable name absolute address
The above declaration causes a variable name to be located at an absolute address.
Since this method defines a variable name as synonymous with an absolute address, there
is no need to allocate a pointer variable area as required for the above method. Therefore,
this method helps to save memory usage.
Figure 2.3.10 Specifying Absolute Addresses Using "#pragma ADDRESS"
Example: Substituting 0xef for address 00000aH
*(char *)0x00000a = 0xef ;
char *point ;
point = (char *)0x00000a ;
*point = 0xef ;
Address 00000aH
When rearranged into
one line...
#pragma ADDRESS port4 03e8h
char near port4 ;
void func(void)
port4 = 0x00 ;
_port4 .equ 03e8h
mov.b #0,_port4
"#pragma ADDRESS" is effective for only variables defined outside a function.
Expansion image
AS308 format of numeric description must be followed.
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Example 2.3.1 Defining SFR Area Using "#pragma ADDRESS"
The extended function "#pragma ADDRESS" can be used to set the SFR area. For this
method of SFR setting, normally prepare a separate file and include it in the source
The following shows one example of an SFR area definition file.
Example 2.3.1 Defining SFR Area Using "#pragma ADDRESS"
/* type definition */
union {
struct {
char b0 : 1;
char b1 : 1;
char b2 : 1;
char b3 : 1;
char b4 : 1;
char b5 : 1;
char b6 : 1;
char b7 : 1;
unsigned char all;
/* input/output port */
#pragma ADDRESS P6 03c0h
static SFR P6;
#pragma ADDRESS P7 03c1h
static SFR P7;
#pragma ADDRESS PD6 03c2h
static SFR PD6;
#pragma ADDRESS PD7 03c3h
static SFR PD7;
#pragma ADDRESS P8 03c4h
static SFR P8;
#pragma ADDRESS P9 03c5h
static SFR P9;
#pragma ADDRESS PD8 03c6h
static SFR PD8;
#pragma ADDRESS PD9 03c7h
static SFR PD9;
/* Port P6 direction register bit */
#define PD6_0 PD6.bit.b0 /* P6 direction register bit0 */
#define PD6_1 PD6.bit.b1 /* P6 direction register bit1 */
#define PD6_2 PD6.bit.b2 /* P6 direction register bit2 */
#define PD6_3 PD6.bit.b3 /* P6 direction register bit3 */
#define PD6_4 PD6.bit.b4 /* P6 direction register bit4 */
#define PD6_5 PD6.bit.b5 /* P6 direction register bit5 */
#define PD6_6 PD6.bit.b6 /* P6 direction register bit6 */
#define PD6_7 PD6.bit.b7 /* P6 direction register bit7 */
SFR area definition file <M30800.h >
< Source file >
#include "M30800.h"
void main ( void )
P6.all = 0x00 ;
PD6_0 =1;
Reads in the SFR area definition file.
Sets absolute addresses.
Type declaration for bit operation.
Reference SFR area,for bytewise access.
Reference SFR area,for bitwise access.
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2.3.4 Using Inline Assembly
There are some cases where hardware-related processing cannot be written in the C language.
This occurs when, for example, processing cannot be finished in time or when one wishes to
control the C flag directly. To solve this problem, NC308 allows you to write the assembly
language directly in C language source programs ("inline assemble" function). There are two
inline assemble methods: one using the "asm" function, and one using "#pragma ASM".
This section explains each method.
Writing Only One Line in Assembly Language (asm Function)
asm ("character string")
When the above line is entered, the character string enclosed with double quotations (") is
expanded directly (including spaces and tabs) into the assembly language source program.
Since this line can be written both in and outside a function, it will prove useful when one
wishes to manipulate flags and registers directly or when high speed processing is
Figure 2.3.11 shows a description example.
Figure 2.3.11 Typical Description of asm Function
Accessing Automatic Variables in Assembly Language (asm Function)
When it is necessary to access automatic variables inside the function, write a statement
using "$$[FB]" as shown in Figure 2.3.12. Since the compiler replaces "$$" with the FB
register's offset value, automatic variable names in the C language can be used in
assembly language programs.
Figure 2.3.12 Using Automatic Variables in asm Function
void main ( void )
initialize() ;
asm(" FSET I") ;
Sets interrupt enable flag.
void main ( void )
unsigned int m ;
m = 0x07 ;
asm(" MOV.W $$[FB],R0",m) ;
enter #02H
mov.w #0007H,-2[FB] ; m
MOV.W -2[FB],R0
;#### ASM END
<Expansion image>
asm ( "assembly language", automatic variable name );
Defines automatic
variable 'm'.
FB offset value of 'm' is -2.
FB relative addressing is used.
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void func ( void )
int i ;
for ( i=0 ; i<10 ; i++ ){
func2() ;
#pragma ASM
#pragma ENDASM
This area is output to the assembly
language source program directly
as it is.
or.b #03H,_flag
bset 00H,_flag
bset 01H,_flag
struct bit {
char bit0 : 1 ;
char bit1 : 1 ;
} ;
#pragma BIT flag
struct bit flag ;
void main ( void )
flag . bit0 = 1 ;
flag . bit1 = 1 ;
flag . bit0 = 1 ;
asm() ;
flag . bit1 = 1 ;
Rearranged into
one instruction by
The '-O' option is specified.
Optimization is
<Expansion image>
Writing Entire Module in Assembly Language (#pragma ASM)
If the embedded assembly language consists of multiple lines, use an extended function
"#pragma ASM". With this extended function, NC308 determines a section enclosed with
"#pragma ASM" and "#pragma ENDASM" to be an area written in the assembly language
and outputs it to the assembly language source program directly as it is.
Figure 2.3.13 Example for Using "#pragma ASM" Function
Suppressing Optimization Partially by Using asm Function
When the startup option '-O' is added, NC308 optimizes generated code when compiling
the program. However, if this optimization causes inconveniences such as when an
interrupt occurs, NC308 allows you to suppress optimization partially by using the asm
function. Similarly, by specifying the optimization option "-One_bit-(ONB)," it is possible to
suppress optimizing bit manipulations into a single instruction. Figure 2.3.14 shows an
example for using the asm function for this purpose.
Figure 2.3.14 Suppressing Optimization Partially by Using asm Function
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2.3.5 Using Assembler Macro Functions
NC308 allows part of assembly language instructions to be written as C language functions,
which are known as "assembler macro functions."
In ordinary C language description, the assembly language instructions that NC308 does not
expand can be written directly in a C language program. This helps the program to be tuned up
This section explains how to write assembler macro functions and an example for using the
assembler macro functions.
Assembly Language Instructions that Can Be Written Using Assembler Macro
Functions (1)
In NC308, a total of 18 assembly language instructions can be written using assembler
macro functions.
Assembler macro function names represent assembly language instructions in lowercase
letters. The bit lengths referenced during operation are expressed by "_b," "_w," and "_l."
Tables 2.3.3 and 2.3.4 list the assembly language instructions that can be written using
assembler macro functions.
Table 2.3.3 Assembly Language Instructions that Can Be Written Using Assembler
Macro Functions (1)
Assembly language
Assembler macro
function name
Function Format
Returns result of decimal
addition of val1 and val2.
char dadd_b(char val1, char val2);
dadd_w int dadd_w(int val1, int val2 );
dadc_b Returns result of decimal
addition of val1 and val2
with carry.
char dadc_b(char val1, char val2);
dadc_w int dadc_w(int val1, int val2);
Returns result of decimal
subtraction of val1 and
char dsub_b(char val1, char val2 );
dsub_w int dsub_w(int val1, int val2 );
Returns result of decimal
subtraction of val1 and
val2 with borrow.
char dsbb_b(char val1, char val2 );
dsbb_w int dsbb_w(int val1, int val2 );
Returns result of
operation indicating initial
value by int, count by
count, and start addresses
of multiplier locations by
p1 and p2.
long rmpa_b(long init, int count, char *p1, char *p2);
rmpa_w long rmpa_w(long init, int count,int *p1, int *p2);
Returns selected
maximum values of val1
and val2 as the result.
char max_b(char val1, char val2 );
max_w int max_w(intr val1, int val2 );
min_b Returns selected minimum
values of val1 and val2 as
the result.
char min_b(char val1, char val2 );
min_w int min_w(intr val1, int val2 );
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Assembly Language Instructions that Can Be Written Using Assembler Macro
Functions (2)
Table 2.3.4 Assembly Language Instructions that Can Be Written Using Assembler
Macro Functions (2)
Assembly language
Assembler macro
function name
Function Format
Transfers string in reverse
direction from transfer
address p1 to transfer
address p2 as many times
as indicated by count.
void smovb_b(char *p1, char *p2, unsigned int count );
smovb_w void smovb_w(int *p1, int *p2, unsigned int count );
Transfers string in forward
direction from transfer
address p1 to transfer
address p2 as many times
as indicated by count.
void smovf_b(char *p1, char *p2, unsigned int count );
smovf_w void smovf_w(int *p1, int *p2, unsigned int count );
Transfers string in forward
direction from transfer
address p1 to transfer
address p2 as many times
as indicated by count until
0 is detected.
void smovu_b(char *p1, char *p2 );?
smovu_w void smovu_w(int *p1, int *p2 );?
Transfers string in forward
direction from fixed
transfer address p1 to
transfer address p2 as
many times as indicated
by count.
void sin_b(char *p1, char *p2, unsigned int count );
sin_w void sin_w(int *p1, int *p2, unsigned int count );
Transfers string in forward
direction from transfer
address p1 to transfer
address p2 as many times
as indicated by count .
void sout_b(char *p1, char *p2, unsigned int count );
sout_w void sout_w(int *p1, int *p2, unsigned int count );
Stores string with the data
to be stored indicated by
val, transfer address by p,
and transfer count by
void sstr_b(char val, char *p,unsigned int count );
sstr_w void sstr_w(int val, int *p,unsigned int count );
Returns val after rotating it
left by 1 bit including carry
as the result.
unsigned char rolc_b(unsigned char val );
rolc_w unsigned int rolc_w(unsigned int val );
rorc_b Returns val after rotating it
right by 1 bit including
carry as the result.
unsigned char rorc_b(unsigned char val );
rorc_b unsigned int rrlc_w(unsigned int val );
Returns val after rotating it
as many times as
indicated by count as the
unsigned char rot_b(signed char val,unsigned char count );
rot_w unsigned int rot_w(signed char val,unsigned int count );
Returns val after
arithmetically rotating it as
many times as indicated
by count as the result.
unsigned char sha_b(signed char count, unsigned char val );
sha_w unsigned int sha_w(signed char count, unsigned int val );
sha_l unsigned long sha_l(signed char count, unsigned longval );
Returns val after logically
rotating it as many times
as indicated by count as
the result.
unsigned char shl_b(signed char count, unsigned char val );
shl_w unsigned int shl_w(signed char count, unsigned int val );
shl_l unsigned long shl_l(signed char count, unsigned longval );
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Decimal Additions Using Assembler Macro Function "dadd_b"
When using the assembler macro functions of NC308 after calling them in your program,
make sure the assembler macro function definition file "asmmacro.h" is included in the
Example 2.3.2 below shows an example of a decimal addition performed by using
assembler macro function "dadd_b."
Example 2.3.2 Decimal Additions Using Assembler Macro Function "dadd_b"
#include <asmmacro.h>
char result ;
void main ( void )
result = dadd_b(0x01,0x09);
_dadd_b .macro
dadd.b R0H,R0L
;#### ASM END
.SECTION program
.glb main
mov.b #01H,R0L
mov.b #09H,R0H
movb R0L,_result:16
.glb _result
.blkb 1
Macro definition of dsub instruction.
Macro call of dadd instruction
.Actually, "dadd.b ROH,ROL" is expanded.
<Expansion image>
Calls assembler macro function.
The file "asmmacro.h" must always be included.
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String Transfers Using Assembler Macro Function "smovf_b"
An example of a string transfer performed by using assembler macro function "smovf_b" is
shown in Example 2.3.3 below.
Example 2.3.3 String Transfers Using Assembler Macro Function "smovf_b"
#include <asmmacro.h>
char src_string[] = "ABCDEFG" ;
char dest_string[8];
void main ( void )
smovf_b( src_string, dest_string, sizeof(src_strig ));
_smovf_b .macro
pushm R3,A0,A1
popm R3,A0,A1
;#### ASM END
.SECTION program
.glb main
pushm R3,A0,A1
mov.w #(_dest_string&0FFFFH),A1
mov.w #(_src_string&0FFFFH),A0
popm R3,A0,A1
.glb _src_string
.blkb 8
.byte 41H ;'A'
.byte 42H ;'B'
.byte 43H ;'C'
.glb _dest_string
.blkb 8
< Expansion image >
Actually, the following
pushm R3,A0,A1
popm R3,A0,A1
is expanded.
The file "asmmacro.h" must always be included.
Macro definition of smovf instruction.
Calls assembler macro function.
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Multiply/accumulate Operations Using Assembler Macro Function "rmpa_w"
An example of a multiply/accumulate operation performed by using assembler macro
function "rmpa_w" is shown in Example 2.3.4 below.
Example 2.3.4 Multiply/accumulate Operations Using Assembler Macro Function "rmpa_w"
Note: The macro assembler function definition file "asmmacro.h" is stored in the standard directory that has been set by NC308's
environment variable "INC308."
#include <asmmacro.h>
int str1[10] = {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9};
int str2[10] = {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9};
long result ;
void main ( void )
result = rmpa_w(0, 9, str1,str2 );
_rmpa_w .macro
pushm R1,R3,A1,A0
mov.w #00H,R1
popm R1,R3,A1,A0
;#### ASM END
.SECTION program
.glb main
mov.w #(_str2&0FFFFH),A1
mov.w #(_str1&0FFFFH),A0
mov.w #0009H,R3
mov.l #00000000H,R2R0
mov.l R2R0,_result:16
.glb _str1
.blkb 20
.glb _str2
.blkb 20
.word 0000H
.word 0001H
.word 0002H
.word 0003H
.glb _result
.blkb 4
< Expansion image
Calls assembler macro function.
The file "asmmacro.h" must always be included.
Macro call of rmpa instruction.
pushm R1,R3,A1,A0
mov.w #00H,R1
popm R1,R3,A1,A0
is expanded.
Macro definition of rmpa insutruction.
Initial value.
Number of times
operation is
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2.4 Linkage with Assembly Language
2.4.1 Interface between Functions
When the module size is small, inline assemble is sufficient to solve the problem. However, if the
module size is large or when using an existing module in the program, NC308 allows you to call
an assembly language subroutine from the C language program or vice versa.
This section explains interfacing between functions in NC308.
Entry and Exit Processing of Functions
The following lists the three primary processings performed in NC308 when calling a
(1) Construct and free stack frame
(2) Transfer argument
(3) Transfer return value
Figure 2.4.1 shows a procedure for these operations.
Figure 2.4.1 Operations for Calling a Function
int func ( int , int ) ;
void main ( void )
int a = 3 , b = 5 ;
int c ;
c = func ( a , b ) ;
int func( int x , int y )
Preparation for
passing argument
JSR $func
return value
Global declaration of label
$func :
Constructing stack frame
Receiving argument
Storing return value
Freeing stack frame
(including RTS)
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Method for Compressing ROM Size during Function Call
When calling a function defined in another file from NC308, the instruction is expanded into
a jsr.a instruction (comprised of 4 bytes) before calling the function. Therefore, even when
calling the function that exists within 64 Kbytes (-32768 to +32767), the instruction is
expanded in full address specification (3 bytes of operand). This results in poor ROM
If the generated code change option "-fJSRW" is specified when compiling, the function call
instruction can be expanded into a jsr.w instruction (comprised of 3 bytes) before calling the
function. This helps to compress the ROM size.
If an error occurs when linking (could not be reached by 16-bit relative), the function can be
declared with "#pragma JSRA" so that the instruction is expanded into a jsr.a instruction
before calling the function. This helps to handle function calls in a large program exceeding
64 Kbytes. Therefore, if your program is within 64 Kbytes, we recommend using the
generated code change option "-fJSRW."
Figure 2.4.2 Method for Compressing ROM Size during Function Call
void main(void );
extern int func1(int );
extern int func2(int );
#pragma JSRA func2
void main(void )
int a = 0;
result = func1(a);
result = func2(a);
mov.w #0000H,R0
jsr.w $func1
jsr.a $func2
<Expansion image>
%nc308 -fJSRW -O test.c
Declared with #pragma JSRA so as to call the function func2 by jsr.a instruction.
Expanded into 3-byte instruction.
Expanded into 4-byte instruction.
The body of the function is defined in another file.
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Structure of a Stack Frame
When a function is called, an area like the one shown below is created in a stack. This
area is called a "stack frame".
The stack frame is freed when control returns from the called function.
Figure 2.4.3 Structure of a Stack Frame
Constructing a Stack Frame
Figure 2.4.4 shows how a stack frame is constructed by tracing the flow of a C language
Figure 2.4.4 Constructing a Stack Frame
Area for saving registers
Automatic variable area
Old frame pointer
Return address
Argument area
Area allocated by the called
function(called side)
Area allocated by the
calling function(caller side)
void main( void )
int i ;
char c ;
func( i , c ) ;
void func( int x , char y )
Processing of func
(1) main under
(2) Immediately
jumping to
(3) When entry
processing of
func is
Stack frame of
main function
Argument c
Stack frame of
main function
Argument i
Argument c(y)
Stack frame of
main function
Argument i(x)
Return address
Automatic variable
of func
Old frame pointer
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Rules for Passing Arguments
NC308 has two methods for passing arguments to a function: "via a register" and "via a
When the following three conditions are met, arguments are passed via a register;
otherwise, arguments are passed via a stack.
(1) The types of the function's arguments are prototype declared.
(2) The types of argument match those of the arguments listed in Table 2.4.1.
(3) No variable arguments are used in the argument part of prototype declaration.
Table 2.4.1 Rules for Passing Arguments
Figure 2.4.5 Example for Passing Arguments to Functions
Type of argument First argument
Second and following
char type R0L Stack
short, int types
near pointer type
R0 Stack
Other types Stack Stack
/* Prototype declaration **********/
void func1 ( char , char , char ) ;
void func2 ( int ) ;
void main ( void )
char a , b , c ;
int m , n ;
func1 ( a , b , c ) ;
func2 ( m ) ;
void func1 ( char x , char y , char z )
Register R0
Stack area
Register R0
Argument c
Argument b
Argument a
void func2 ( int x )
Argument m
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Rules for Passing Return Values
All return values except those expressed by a struct or union, are stored in registers.
However, different registers are used to store the return values depending on their data
The return values represented by a struct or union are passed via "stored address and
stack". Namely, an area to store a return value is prepared when calling a function, and
this address is passed via a stack as a hidden argument. The called function writes its
return value to the area indicated by the address placed in the stack when control returns
from it.
Table 2.4.2 Rules for Passing Return Value
Figure 2.4.6 Example for Passing Return Value
Data type Returning method
char R0L
double R3R2R1R0
near pointer R0
far pointer R2R0
Store address is passed via a stack
struct tag_st {
char moji ;
int suji ;
} ;
struct tag_st func ( char ) ;
void main ( void )
char a ;
struct tag_st ret_data ;
ret_data = func ( a ) ;
Register R0
Register R0
Return value
int func2 ( int x )
return x + 1 ;
Argument m
/* Prototype declaration***********/
int func ( int ) ;
void main ( void )
int m;
int ans ;
ans = func ( m ) ;
struct tag_st func ( char x )
struct tag_st z ;
return z ;
Register R0
Argument a
Stack area
Address of
When returned value is a struct
When returned value is a int type
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Note: Although the execution speed increases, the ROM efficiency degrades if this is used for frequently called functions, because code is
generated in all spots from which the function is called.
Function type Conversion method
Arguments passed via register Functions are prefixed with "$".
Arguments passed via stack
No argument
#pragma INTERRUPT[/B/E/F]
#pragma PARAMETER[/C]
Functions are prefixed with "_".
inline int func ( int ) ;
inline int func ( int x )
return ( x + 1 );
void main ( void )
int m ;
int ans ;
ans = func ( m ) ;
_func: .MACRO
add.w #0001H,R0
Code is generated as user macro.
There must be a body definition before a
function call (within the same file).
Rules for Symbol Conversion of Functions into Assembly Language
In NC308, the converted symbols differ depending on the properties of functions. Table
2.4.3 lists the rules for symbol conversion.
Table 2.4.3 Rules for Symbol Conversion
A Measure for Calling Functions Faster
A function call requires stack manipulation for the return values and arguments to be
passed from a function to another. This takes time before the actual processing can be
performed. Consequently, the via-register transfer reduces the time required for
procedures from calling to processing, because it involves less stack manipulation than the
other method.
To reduce this time difference further, NC308 has an "inline storage class" available. For
functions that have been specified to be of the inline storage class, code is generated as
macro functions when compiling, and code is expanded directly in the spot from which the
function is called. As a result, the function call time and ordinary stack operation are
eliminated, helping to increase the execution speed
Figure 2.4.7 Example for Writing Inline Storage Class
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2.4.2 Calling Assembly Language from C Language
This section explains details on how to write command statements for calling an assembly
language subroutine as a C language function.
Passing Arguments to Assembly Language (#pragma PARAMETER)
#pragma PARAMETER function name (register name, ...)
A function that is written as shown above sets arguments in specified registers without
following the ordinary transfer rules as it performs call-up operation.
Use of this facility helps to reduce the overhead during function call because it does not
require stack manipulation for argument transfers. However, the following precautions
must be observed when using this facility:
(1) Before writing "#pragma PARAMETER", be sure to prototype declare the specified
(2) Observe the following in prototype declaration:
Always make sure that function arguments are the char type, int type, long type, float
type, near pointer type, or far pointer type. The structure type, union type, and double
type cannot be declared.
Structs and unions cannot be declared as a function return value.
Make sure the register sizes and argument sizes are matched.
Register names are not discriminated between uppercase and lowercase.
If the body of a function specified with this #pragma command is defined in the C
language, an error results.
Figure 2.4.8 Example for Writing #pragma PARAMETER
void asm_func ( int , int ) ;
#pragma PARAMETER asm_func ( R0 , R1 )
void main ( void )
int i ,j ;
asm _func (i , j ) ;
Be sure to declare the assembler
function's prototype before declaring
#pragma PARAMETER.
Following can be used as register
R0, R1, R2, R3,
R0L, R0H, R1L, R1H,
A0, A1
Note, however, that arguments are
passed to a function via these registers.
Argument i and argument j
are stored in R0 and R1,
respectively when calling a
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Calling Assembly Language Subroutine
Follow the rules described below when calling an assembly language subroutine from a C
language program.
(1) Write the subroutine in a file separately from the C language program.
(2) Follow symbol conversion rules for the subroutine name.
(3) In the C language program on the calling side, declare the prototype of subroutine
(assembly language function). At this time, declare it to be externally referenced by
using the storage class specifier "extern."
(4) When accessing automatic variables using FB relative addressing in the subroutine
(assembly language function), declare them with ".fb" and set the value 0.
(5) In the subroutine (assembly language function), do not normally change the values of
the B flag, U flag, SB register, and FB register that are used exclusively by NC308. If
any of these values need to be changed, save the values to the stack at entry to the
function and restore them from the stack at exit from the function.
Figure 2.4.9 Calling Assembly Language Subroutine
<C language>
Prototype declaration of the
assembly language function
asm_func() ;
Specification of section
Global declaration (.glb) of
label symbol at the beginning
of function
Entry processing of function
Saving and setting FB
Setting return value
Exit processing of function
Restoring and setting FB
_asm_func :
Declaration of argument
transfer via register
(#pragma PARAMETER)
Always write.
Write if necessary.
.fb declaration
when using FB relative
(value 0 is set)
Save all registers
except R0 register
and those used for
return value
Restore all registers
except R0 register and
those used for return
Note: If R0 register or the register used for return value need to be saved, NC308 generates code necessary to save them on the function
calling side (caller side). Therefore, R0 register and the register used for return value do not need to be saved or restored in a
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extern void func(int );
#pragma PARAMETER/C func(A0)
int count;
void main(void )
Prototype declaration of assembly language function.
With switch "/C" added, the compiler
generates code necessary to save registers
that need to be saved when calling functions.
Calls assembly language function.
Expansion Image
.glb _main
pushm R1,R2,R3,A0,A1
mov.W _count:16,A0
jsr _func
popm R1,R2,R3,A0,A1
Saves registers on function calling side (caller side).
Restores registers on function calling side (caller side).
Difference in Calling Conventions between NC308 and NC30
When calling functions, NC30 saves registers on the function calling side (by the caller),
while NC308 does this on the called function side. For this reason, when calling assembly
language functions from a C language function, care must be taken not to destroy the
contents of registers used in the C language function. To this end, always be sure to write
processing statements to save the registers which will be destroyed in the function (e.g.,
any registers other than R0 register and the register used for return value) at entry to the
assembly language function by using the PUSHM instruction and restore the saved
registers at exit from the assembly language function by using the POPM instruction.
To call functions following the same calling conventions as in NC30, write #pragma
PARAMETER/C (with the switch "/C" added) in your program to ensure that when calling
functions, registers are saved on the function calling side (by the caller). The same switch
"/C" is also available for #pragma SPECIAL, which can be used to have the calling
sequence in NC308 matched to that of NC30.
Figure 2.4.10 shows an example of a #pragma PARAMETER/C description.
Figure 2.4.10 Example of #pragma PARAMETER/C Description
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Example 2.4.1 Calling Subroutine
The program in this example displays count-up results using LEDs. The LED display part
is written in the assembly language and the count-up part is written in the C language.
Then the two parts are linked.
Example 2.4.1 Calling Subroutine
/* Prototype declaration */
void led (int) ;
#pragma PARAMETER led (A0)
/* Specification of variables used in SB
relative addressing */
#pragma SBDATA counter
static int counter = 0 ;
void main ( void )
if ( counter < 9 ) {
counter ++ ;
else {
counter = 0 ;
led ( counter ) ;
P7 .equ 03edh
.section program
.glb led
_led :
mov.b table[a0] , P7
; LED display data table
.section rom_FE , ROMDATA
table :
.byte 0c0h , 0f9h , 0a4h , 0b0h , 099h
.byte 092h , 082h , 0f8h , 080h , 090h
<Count-up part>
<LED display part>
Declares assembly language
function to be passed via
argument register.
Calls assembly language
function "led()".
Sets the allocated area.
Subroutine name
is declared to be
Because #pragma
PARAMETER is specified,
subroutine name is converted
by adding "_" at the beginning
of function name.
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Calling Special Page Subroutine (#pragma SPECIAL[/C])
#pragma SPECIAL[/C] calling number function name ()
A function call written like the above is expanded into a jsrs instruction (special page
subroutine call instruction). Use of this facility helps to reduce the number of instruction
bytes when calling frequently called functions
. Following precautions must be observed
when using this facility:
(1) Before writing #pragma SPECIAL, be sure to declare the prototype of function.
(2) The functions declared by #pragma SPECIAL are located in the program_S section.
Therefore, in the startup program, locate the program_S section in an area from
address F00000H to address FFFFFFH.
(3) Calling numbers can only be specified in decimal, in the range of 18 to 255.
(4) A label "__SPECIAL_calling number:" is output for the start address of a function
declared by #pragma SPECIAL. Therefore, the output label name of this function must
be set in the special page vector table.
Figure 2.4.11 Calling Special Page Subroutine (#pragma SPECIAL[/C])
Note: When using the jsrs instruction, note that the number of instruction bytes required is 2. Because another 2 bytes are required for the
special page vector table, it may prove effective to use #pragma SPECIAL declaration for functions that are called three times or more.
void special_func(void );
#pragma SPECIAL 20 special_func()
void main(void )
Before declaring #pragma SPECIAL,
be sure to declare the prototype of
; fixed vector section
.section fvector ;fixed vector table
; special page definition
; macro is defined in ncrt0.a30
; Format: SPECIAL number
If removed from comments,
for setting in the special page vector table
actually the following is macro-expanded.
.org 0FFFFFEH - (20 * 2)
.glb __SPECIAL_20
.word __SPECIAL_20 & 0FFFFH
.section program
.glb _main
jsrs #20
.section program_S
.glb __SPECIAL_20
Expansion image
Located in program_S section.
Special page number (decimal).
Called as special page
subroutine call .
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Calling a Subroutine by Indirect Addressing
Normally an instruction "jsr" is generated for calling an assembly language subroutine from
the C language. To call a subroutine by indirect addressing using "jsri", use a "function
pointer". However, when using a function pointer, note that no registers can be specified
for argument transfers by "#pragma PARAMETER".
Figure 2.4.12 shows a description example.
Figure 2.4.12 Calling a Subroutine by Indirect Addressing
/* Prototype declaration */
extern int count_up ( int ) ;
extern int count_down ( int ) ;
void main ( void )
int counter = 0 ;
int mode ;
int (*jump_adr ) ( int ) ;
if ( mode == 0 ){
jump_adr = count_up ;
jump_adr = count_down ;
counter = (*jump_adr ) ( counter ) ;
.section program
.glb $count_up
add.w #1,R0
.glb $count_down
sub.w #1,R0
"mode"= 0
Count-up Count-down
source file
<C language source file> <Assembly language source file>
Sets jump address
in function pointer.
Declares function
Arguments and return values are
exchanged following NC308's
transfer rules.
Global declaration of called subroutine
Be sure to declare the called subroutine as
an external referenced function in advance.
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Example 2.4.2 Calling a Subroutine by Table Jump
The program in this example calls different subroutines from a C language program
according to the value of "num". In cases where multiple branches are involved like in this
example, use of table jump makes it possible to call any desired subroutine in the same
processing time. However, no registers can be specified for argument transfers by
"#pragma PARAMETER".
Example 2.4.2 Calling a Subroutine by Table Jump
/* Prototype declaration */
int cal_f ( int , int , int ) ;
extern int ( *jmptbl[] )( int , int ) ;
void main ( void )
int x = 10 , y = 2 ;
int num , val ;
num = 2 ;
if ( num < 4 ) {
val = cal_f( num , x , y ) ;
int cal_f( int m , int x , int y )
int z ;
int (*p )( int , int ) ;
p = jmptbl [ m ] ;
z = ( *p )( x , y ) ;
return z ;
.section program
.fb 0
add.w 10[FB],R0
sub.w 10[FB],R0
mul.w 10[FB],R0
mov.w 10[FB],R3
exts.w R0
div.w R3
.section rom_FE , ROMDATA
.glb _jmptbl
.lword add_f
.lword sub_f
.lword mul_f
.lword div_f
references relevant
table name as
function pointer.
Gets jump address.
Uses function pointer to call subroutine.
Table name is
declared to be global.
Use directive command ".lword" to
register each subroutine's start address.
<C language source file> <Assembly language source file>
n of "num"
"num"= 0 "num"= 1 "num"= 2 "num"= 3 "num"> 3
source file
Specifies located section.
Because FB relative addressing is used,
declare FB register value to the assembler.
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Example 2.4.3 A Little Different Way to Use Table Jump
Once the internal labels of a subroutine are registered in a jump table, NC308 allows you to
change the start address of the subroutine depending on the mode. Since multiple
processings can be implemented by a single subroutine, this method helps to save ROM
Example 2.4.3 A little Different Way to Use Table Jump
/* Prototype declaration */
int clock ( int , int ) ;
extern int ( *clock_mode [ ] ) ( int ) ;
void main ( void )
int mode ;
int counter = 0 ;
mode = 2 ;
if ( mode < 3 ) {
counter = clock( mode , counter ) ;
int clock( int m , int x )
int z ;
int ( *p ) ( int ) ;
p = clock_mode [ m ] ;
z = ( *p ) ( x ) ;
return z ;
.section program
mov.w #0FFFFH,R0
add.w #1,R0
.section rom_FE,ROMDATA
.glb _clock_mode
.lword reset
.lword count
.lword stop
of "mode"
<C language source file>
<Assembly language source file>
"mode"= 0
"mode"= 1
"mode"= 2
Resets counter.
Counts up.
Sets return value.
(Stops counting.)
"mode" > 2
Assembly language
source file
Registers internal labels of
subroutine in jump table.
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2.4.3 Calling C Language from Assembly Language
This section explains how to call a C language function from an assembly language program.
Calling a C Language Function
Follow the rules described below when calling a C language function from an assembly
language program.
(1) Follow NC308's symbol conversion rules for the labels of the called subroutine.
(2) Write the C language function in a file separately from the assembly language
(3) In the assembly language file, declare external references using AS308's directive
command ".glb" before calling the C language function.
(4) C language functions do not save R0 register and the register used for return value as
part of processing at entry to the function. For this reason, always be sure to save R0
register and the register used for return value before calling C language functions.
Figure 2.4.13 Calling C Language Function
<Assembly language> <C language>
External references (.glb) of
label symbol at the beginning
of function.
Saving other registers.
Setting arguments.
Allocating area for storing
return values.
JSR _func
(JSR $func)
Freeing area that contains
return values.
Restoring other registers.
func (argument)
Freeing argument area.
Saving R0 register.
Always write.
Write if necessary.
Restoring register R0.
Saving register used for return
value .
Restoring register used for
return value .
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2.5 Interrupt Handling
2.5.1 Writing Interrupt Handling Functions
NC308 allows you to write interrupt handling as C language functions. There are four procedures
to be followed
(1) Write interrupt handling functions.
(2) Register them in an interrupt vector table.
(3) Set interrupt enable flag (I flag)
Use the inline assembly facility to do this.
(4) Set the interrupt priority level of the interrupt used.
Set this priority before enabling the interrupt as when using the assembler.
This section explains how to write C language functions for each type of interrupt handling.
Writing Hardware Interrupts (#pragma INTERRUPT)
#pragma INTERRUPT interrupt function name
When an interrupt function is declared as shown above, NC308 generates instructions to
save and restore all registers of M16C/80 or M32C/80 and the reit instruction at entry and
exit of the specified function, in addition to ordinary function procedures. For both
arguments and return values, void is only the valid type of interrupt handling functions.
If any other type is declared, NC308 generates a warning when compiling the program.
Figure 2.5.1 Image Depicting Expansion of Interrupt Handling Function
Note: For details, refer to Section 2.5.5, "Description Example of Interrupt Handling Functions."
#pragma INTERRUPT intr
void intr ( void )
Interrupt handling
.section program
.glb _intr
pushm R0 , R1 , R2 , R3 ,
A0 , A1 , SB , FB
Interrupt handling
popm R0 , R1 , R2 , R3 ,
A0 , A1 , SB , FB
Saves all registers.
Restores all registers.
Returns by reit instruction
Only the "void" type is valid for both
arguments and return values.
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Writing Interrupt Handling Using Register Banks (#pragma
In the M16C/80 and M32C/80 series, by switching over register banks, it is possible to
reduce the time required for interrupt handling to start, while at the same time protecting
register contents, etc. If you want to use this facility, write the line shown below.
#pragma INTERRUPT/B interrupt function name
When written like the above, an instruction to switch over register banks is generated, in
place of instructions to save and restore registers. However, since the register banks
available in the M16C/80 and M32C/80 series are only register banks 0 and 1, only one
interrupt can be specified
. Use this facility for an interrupt that needs to be started in a
short time.
Figure 2.5.2 Image Depicting Expansion of Interrupt Handling Function Using
Register Banks
Note: When not using multiple interrupts, this facility can be used in all interrupts.
#pragma INTERRUPT/B intr
void intr ( void )
Interrupt handling
.section program
.glb _intr
fset B
Interrupt handling
Uses register bank 1.
Returns by reit instruction.
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Writing Interrupt Handling to Enable Multiple Interrupts
(#pragma INTERRUPT/E)
In the M16C/80 and M32C/80 series, once an interrupt request is accepted, the interrupt
enable flag (I flag) is reset to 0 causing other interrupts to be disabled. Therefore, if
necessary, the interrupt enable flag (I flag) can be set back to 1 at entry to the interrupt
handling function (immediately after entering the interrupt handling function) to enable
multiple interrupts, for improved interrupt response. If you want to use this facility, write the
line shown below.
#pragma INTERRUPT/E interrupt function name
When written like the above, an instruction to set the interrupt enable flag (I flag) to 1 is
generated at entry to the interrupt handling function (immediately after entering the interrupt
handling function). However, if multiple interrupts need to be enabled, i.e., another interrupt
request is accepted while executing an interrupt handling function, write a "#pragma
INTERRUPT" declaration and set the interrupt enable flag (I flag) to 1 using the asm()
function from within the interrupt handling function.
Figure 2.5.3 Image Depicting Expansion of Interrupt Handling Function to Enable
Multiple Interrupts
#pragma INTERRUPT/E intr
void intr ( void )
Interrupt handling
.section program
.glb _intr
fset I
pushm R0 , R1 , R2 , R3 ,
A0 , A1 , SB , FB
Interrupt handling
popm R0 , R1 , R2 , R3 ,
A0 , A1 , SB , FB
Sets Flag I.
Returns by reit instruction.
Only the "void" type is effective for both
arguments and return values.
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2.5.2 Writing High-speed Interrupt Handling Functions
In NC308, high-speed interrupt handling where an interrupt can be acknowledged in 5 cycles and
control returned from it in 3 cycles can be written as C language function. However, interrupts that
can be set to be a high-speed interrupt are only one interrupt whose interrupt priority level = 7.
The procedure consists of the following five steps
(1) Write a high-speed interrupt handling function.
(2) Set the interrupt priority level of the high-speed interrupt used.
Do this setting before enabling interrupts as when using the assembler.
(3) Set the high-speed interrupt set bit.
(4) Set the vector register (VCT).
(5) Set the interrupt enable flag (I flag).
Use the inline assemble facility to do this setting.
The following explains how to write functions for each type of high-speed interrupt handling.
Writing High-speed Hardware Interrupt Handling (#pragma INTERRUPT/F)
#pragma INTERRUPT/F interrupt function name
When declared as shown above, in addition to the ordinary function procedure, instructions
are generated to save and restore all registers of the M16C/80 or M32C/80 series at entry
to and exit from a specified function and the freit instruction to return from the high-speed
interrupt routine. The valid types of interrupt handling functions are only the void type for
both argument and return value. If any other type of function is declared, a warning is
output when compiled.
Figure 2.5.4 Image Depicting Expansion of High-speed Interrupt Handling Function
Note: For details, refer to Section 2.5.5, "Description Example of Interrupt Handling Functions."
#pragma INTERRUPT/F intr
void intr ( void )
Interrupt handling
.section program
.glb _intr
pushm R0 , R1 , R2 , R3 ,
A0 , A1 , SB , FB
Interrupt handling
popm R0 , R1 , R2 , R3 ,
A0 , A1 , SB , FB
Saves all registers.
Restores all registers.
Returns by freit instruction.
Only the "void" type is effective
for both arguments and return
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Writing High-speed Interrupt Functions Using Register Banks (#pragma
In the M16C/80 and M32C/80 series, by switching over register banks, it is possible to
reduce the time required for high-speed interrupt handling to start, while at the same time
protecting register contents, etc. If you want to use this facility, write the line shown below.
#pragma INTERRUPT/F/B interrupt function name
When declared as shown above, an instruction to switch over register banks is generated,
in place of instructions to save and restore registers. However, since the register banks
available in the M16C/80 or M32C/80 series are only register banks 0 and 1, only one
interrupt can be specified
. Use this facility for an interrupt that needs to be started in the
shortest time possible.
Figure 2.5.5 Image Depicting Expansion of High-speed Interrupt Handling Function
Using Register Banks
Note: Unless multiple interrupts are used, register bank switchover can be used for all interrupts.
#pragma INTERRUPT/F/B intr
void intr ( void )
Interrupt handling
.section program
.glb _intr
fset B
Interrupt handling
Uses register bank 1.
Returns by freit instruction.
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2.5.3 Writing Software Interrupt (INT Instruction) Handling Functions
Writing Software Interrupt to Call an Assembly Language Function
To use the software interrupt (INT instruction) of the M16C/80 and M32C/80 series, write
#pragma INTCALL. Use of this facility makes it possible to generate interrupts in a
simulated manner when debugging. Furthermore, because the number of bytes required
for the INT instruction is only 2, this facility helps to increase the ROM efficiency
The method of writing #pragma INTCALL differs depending on whether the body of the
function called from a software interrupt is written in assembly language or written in C
If the body of the function called from a software interrupt is written in the assembly
language, write #pragma INTCALL as shown below.
#pragma INTCALL software interrupt number assembly language function
name (register name, register name,...)
When the body of the function called from a software interrupt is written in assembly
language, arguments can be passed via registers. Also, return values in any other types
than structure or union can be received.
Figure 2.5.6 Example for Writing "#pragma INTCALL" to Call an Assembly Language
Note: Because 12 execution cycles of the INT instruction + interrupt sequence execution time are required, it takes some time before the
function is executed.
extern void call32 ( int , int );
#pragma INCALL 32 call32 ( R0 , R1 )
void main ( void )
int m , n ;
call32 ( m , n ) ;
Before declaring #pragma INTCALL,
be sure to declare the prototype of function .
Software interrupt number (in decimal).
As register names,
can be used.
Arguments are passed to the function
via these registers.
enter #02H
pushm R1
mov.w -2[FB],R1 ; n
mov.w -2[FB],R0 ; m
int #32
popm R1
Function "CALL32" is called by INT instruction.
Expansion image
Sets argument in register.
The body of the function is written in assembly language.
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Writing Software Interrupt to Call a C Language Function (#pragma INTCALL)
When the body of the function to be called from a software interrupt (INT instruction) is
written in C language, write #pragma INTCALL as shown below.
#pragma INTCALL software interrupt number C language function name ()
When the body of the function to be called from a software interrupt (INT instruction) is
written in C language, note that only the functions all arguments of which are passed via
registers can be specified. No arguments can be written for functions that declare #pragma
INTCALL. Return values in any other types than structure or union can be received.
Figure 2.5.7 Example for Writing "#pragma INTCALL" to Call an C Language Function
void call32 ( int );
#pragma INTCALL 32 call32 ()
void main ( void )
int m;
call32 ( m ) ;
Before declaring #pragma INTCALL,
be sure to declare the prototype of function.
enter #02H
mov.w -2[FB],R0 ; m
int #32
Sets argument in register.
Body of the function is written in C language.
Software interrupt number (in decimal).
Arguments of function
cannot be written.
Function "CALL32" is called by INT instruction.
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2.5.4 Registering Interrupt Processing Functions
For interrupts to be serviced correctly, in addition to writing interrupt handling functions, it is
necessary to register them in an interrupt vector table.
This section explains how to register interrupt handling functions in an interrupt vector table.
Registering in Interrupt Vector Table
When interrupt handling functions are written, they must be registered in an interrupt vector
table. This can be accomplished by modifying the interrupt vector table in the sample
startup program "".
Follow the procedure described below to modify the interrupt vector table.
(1) Externally define the interrupt handling function names using the directive command
(2) Change the dummy function names "dummy_int" of the interrupts used to interrupt
handling function names.
Figure 2.5.8 Interrupt Vector Table ("")
; variable vector section
.section vector ; variable vector table
.lword dummy_int ; vector (BRK)
.org ( VECTOR_ADR + 32 )
.lword dummy_int ; DMA0 (software int 8)
.lword dummy_int ; DMA1 (software int 9)
.lword dummy_int ; DMA2 (software int 10)
.lword dummy_int ; DMA3 (software int 11)
.glb _ta0
.lword _ta0 ; TIMER A0 (software int 12)
.lword dummy_int ; TIMER A1 (software int 13)
.lword dummy_int ; TIMER A2 (software int 14)
.lword dummy_int ; TIMER A3 (software int 15)
.lword dummy_int ; TIMER A4 (software int 16)
Registers function "ta0()"
in TA0 interrupt.
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2.5.5 Example for Writing Interrupt Processing Function
The program shown in this description example counts up the content of "counter" each time an
INT0 interrupt occurs.
Writing Interrupt Handling Function
Figure 2.5.9 shows an example of source file description.
Figure 2.5.9 Example for Writing Interrupt Handling Function
/ Prototype declaration ∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗/
void int0 ( void ) ;
void int1 ( void ) ;
#pragma INTERRUPT/F int0
#pragma INTERRUPT int1
unsigned int counter;
void int0 ( void ) / High-speed Interrupt function /
counter = 0 ;
void int1 ( void ) / Interrupt function /
if ( counter < 9 ) {
counter ++ ;
else {
couter = 0 ;
void main ( void )
INT0IC = 0x07 ; / Setting high-speed interrupt priority level /
RLVL = 0x08 ; / Setting Exit priority register /
asm ( " LDC #_int0,VCT " ) ; / Setting Vector register /
INT1IC = 0x01 ; / Setting interrupt priority level /
asm ( " fset i " ) ; / Enabling interrupt /
while (1) ; / Interrupt waiting loop /
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Registering in Interrupt Vector Table
Figure 2.5.10 shows an example for registering the interrupt handling functions in an
interrupt vector table.
Figure 2.5.10 Example for Registering in Interrupt Vector Table
; variable vector section
.section vector ; variable vector table
.org ( VECTOR_ADR + 32 )
.lword dummy_int ; DMA0 (software int 8)
.lword dummy_int ; DMA1 (software int 9)
.lword dummy_int ; DMA2 (software int 10)
.lword dummy_int ; DMA3 (software int 11)
.lword dummy_int ; TIMER A0 (software int 12)
.lword dummy_int ; TIMER A1 (software int 13)
.lword dummy_int ; TIMER A2 (software int 14)
.lword dummy_int ; TIMER A3 (software int 15)
.lword dummy_int ; TIMER A4 (software int 16)
.lword dummy_int ; uart0 trance (software int17)
.lword dummy_int ; uart0 receive (software int18)
.lword dummy_int ; uart1 trance (software int19)
.lword dummy_int ; uart1 receive (software int 20)
.lword dummy_int ; TIMER B0 (software int 21)
.lword dummy_int ; TIMER B1 (software int 22)
.lword dummy_int ; TIMER B2 (software int 23)
.lword dummy_int ; TIMER B3 (software int 24)
.lword dummy_int ; TIMER B4 (software int 25)
.lword dummy_int ; INT5 (software int 26)
.lword dummy_int ; INT4 (software int 27)
.lword dummy_int ; INT3 (software int 28)
.lword dummy_int ; INT2 (software int 29)
.glb _int1
.lword _int1 ; INT1 (software int 30)
.lword dummy_int ; INT0 (software int 31)
.lword dummy_int ; TIMER B5 (software int 32)
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Appendix A. Functional Comparison between
NC308 and NC30
Appendix B. NC308 Command Reference
Appendix C. Questions & Answers
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Appendix A. Functional Comparison between NC308 and NC30
Calling Conventions when Calling Functions
When calling a function in NC30, registers are saved on the function calling side (caller
side), whereas in NC308 registers are saved on the called function side. For this reason,
care must be taken not to destroy the contents of registers used in the C language function.
To this end, always be sure to write processing statements to save the registers which will
be destroyed in the function at entry to the assembly language function (using the PUSHM
instruction) and restore the saved registers at exit from the assembly language function
(using the POPM instruction).
Figure A.1 Calling Conventions when Calling Functions
Rules for Passing Parameters
Rules for passing parameters in NC308 and those in NC30 are different, as summarized in
Tables A.1 and A.2 below.
Table A.1 Rules for Passing Parameters in NC308
Table A.2 Rules for Passing Parameters in NC30
<C language function>
Save registers
Restore registers
<Assembly language>
Calling conventions in NC30
<C language function>
Save registers
Restore registers
<Assembly language>
Calling conventions in NC3
Type of argument First argument Second argument
Third and following
char type
R1L Stack Stack
short, int type
near pointer type
R1 R2 Stack
Other types Stack Stack Stack
Type of argument First argument Second argument
Third and following
char type
R0L Stack Stack
short, int type
near pointer type
R0 Stack Stack
Other types Stack Stack Stack
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Assembler Macro Functions
NC308 supports the facility called "assembler macro functions" which allows part of
assembly language instructions to be written as C language functions.
Use of this facility makes it possible to write part of assembly language instructions directly
in a C language program. The effect is that the program can be tuned up easily.
For details, refer to Section 2.3.5, "Using Assembler Macro Functions."
Table A.3 Assembly language Instructions that Can Be Written Using Assembler
Macro Functions
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Modified Extended Functions
Definitions of near/far qualifiers and the default address sizes of pointer variables have
been changed.
Table A.4 Modified Extended Functions
Added Extended Functions
Pursuant to the addition of a new function "high-speed interrupt" beginning with the M16C/
80 and M32C/80 series, extended functions have been added to NC308 .
Table A.5 Added Extended Functions
Item Function in NC308 Function in NC30
near/far qualifiers
Specify addressing mode in
which to access data.
near: Access data at addresses
000000H to 00FFFFH
far : Access data at addresses
000000H to FFFFFFH
Specify addressing mode in which to
access data.
near: Access data at addresses
00000H to 0FFFFH
far : Access data at addresses
00000H to FFFFFH
Default address size of
pointer variable
far pointer (4 bytes) near pointer (2 bytes)
Item Function
#pragma INTERRUPT /F
When calling a high-speed interrupt function, saves (and
restores) all registers and generates a FREIT instruction
to return from the high-speed interrupt routine.
#pragma INTERRUPT /F/B
When calling a high-speed interrupt function, switches
over register banks instead of saving registers to the
stack. It also generates a FREIT instruction to return from
the high-speed interrupt routine.
#pragma INTERRUPT /F/E
When calling a high-speed interrupt function, sets the
interrupt enable flag (I flag) to 1 at entry to the interrupt
handling function (immediately after entering the interrupt
handling function) to allow multiple interrupts to be
accepted. It also generates a FREIT instruction to return
from the high-speed interrupt routine.
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Deleted Extended Functions
The extended functions of NC30 listed in Table A.6 are not supported by NC308.
Table A.6 Extended Functions Not Supported by NC308
Item Function
#pragma BIT
Declares that the variable is in an area where 1-bit manipulating
instruction in 16-bit absolute addressing mode can be used.
#pragma EXT4MPTR
A functional extension whish shows a variables is a pointer
accessing 4-Mbyte expanded ROM.
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Appendix B. NC308 Command Reference
NC308 Command Input Format
%nc308 [startup option] [assembly language source file name] [relocatable object file
name] <C language source file name>
% : Indicates the prompt.
< > : Indicates an essential item.
[ ] : Indicates items that can be written as necessary.
: Indicates a space.
When writing multiple options, separate them with the space key.
Options for Controlling Compile Driver
Table B.1 Options for Controlling Compile Driver
If startup options -c, -E, -P, and -S are not specified, NC308 controls the compile driver up
to ln308 until it creates the absolute module file (attribute .x30).
Option Function
-c Creates relocatable file (attribute .r30) and ends processing.
-Didentifier Defines an identifier. Same function as #define.
-Idirectory name
Specifies the directory name where file specified by "#include"
exists. Up to 8 directories can be specified.
Invokes only preprocess commands and outputs result to
standard output device.
Invokes only preprocess commands and creates a file
(attribute .i).
Creates an assembly language source file (attribute .a30) and
ends processing.
-Upredefined macro name Undefines the specified predefined macro.
-silent Suppresses the copyright message display at startup.
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Options for Specifying Output Files
Table B.2 Options for Specifying Output Files
Options for Displaying Version Information
Table B.3 Options for Displaying Version Information
Options for Debugging
Table B.4 Options for Debugging
Option Function
-ofile name
Specifies the name(s) of the file(s)(e.g., absolute module file, map file)
generated by ln308.This option can also be used to specify the
destination directory name.Do not specify the file name extension.
-dirdirectory name
Specifies the destination directory of the file(s) (e.g., absolute module
file, map file)generated by ln308.
Option Function
Displays the name of the command program and the command line
during execution.
Displays the startup message of the compiler programs, then finished
processing (without compilling).
Option Function
Outputs debugging information to an assembly language source file
(attribute. a30).
When calling function, it always outputs an enter instruction. Be sure
to specify this option when using debugger's stack trace function.
-gno_reg Supresses the output of debugging information for register variables.
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Optimization Options
Table B.5 Optimization Options
Library Specifying Options
Table B.6 Library specifying options
Option Abbreviation Function
-O None. Maximum optimization of speed and ROM size.
-OR None.
Maximum optimization of ROM size fllowed by
-OS None.
Maximum optimization of speed fllowed by
ROM size.
-Oconst -OC
Performs optimization by replacing references
to the const-qualified external variables with
-Ono_bit -ONB
Suppresses optimization based on grouping of
bit manipulations.
-Ono_break_source_debug -ONBSD
Suppresses optimization that affects source line
-Ono_float_const_fold -ONFCF
Supresses the constant folding processing of
floating point numbers.
-Ono_stdlib -ONS
Suppresses inline embedding of standard library
functions or modification of library functions.
-Osp_adjust -OSA
Optimizes to remove stack correction code.This
allows the necessary ROM capacity to be
reduced. However, this may result in an
increased amount of stack being used.
Option Function
-llibrary file name Specifies a library file that is used by ln308 when linking files.
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Generated Code Modification Options
Table B.7 Generated Code Modification Options
Option Abbreviation Function
-fansi None.
Enables -fnot_reserve_asm,
-fnot_reserve_inline, and -fextend_to_int.
-fnot_reserve_asm -fNRA
Excludes "asm" from reserved words. (Only _asm
is valid.)
-fnot_reserve_far_and_near -fNRFAN
Excludes "far" and "near" from reserved words.
(Only _far and _near are valid.)
-fnot_reserve_inline -fNRI
Excludes "inline" from reserved words. (Only
_inline is valid.)
-fextend_to_int -fETI
Performs operation after extending the char-type
data to the int type.(Extended according to ANSI
-fchar_enumerator -fCE
Handles the enumerator type as an unsigned char
type, not as an int type.
-fno_even -fNE
Allocates all data to the odd attribute section
without separating them between odd and even
when outputting data.
-fshow_stack_usage -fSSU
Outputs the usage condition of the stack pointer to
a file(extention .stk).
-ffar_RAM -fFRAM Changes the default attribute of RAM data to far.
-fnear_ROM -fNROM Changes the default attribute of ROM data to near.
-fnear_pointer -fNP
Specifies the default attribute of the pointer type
variables to near.
-fconst_not_ROM -fCNR
Does not handle the types specified by const as
ROM data.
-fnot_address_volatile -fNAV
Does not recognize the variables specified by
#pragma ADDRESS (#pragma EQU) as those
specified by volatile.
-fsmall_array -fSA
When referencing a far-type array, if its total size is
within 64 Kbytes, this option calculates subscripts
in 16 bits.
-fenable_register -fER Enables register storage class.
-align None.
Maps starting address of functions to even
-fJSRW None.
Changes the default instrution for calling functions
to "JSR.W" instruction.
-fuse_DIV -fUD
This option changes generated code for divide
Note: Although char-type data in NC308 are, by default, evaluated without being extended, char-type or int-type data under ANSI standards
are always extended into int type before evaluation.
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Warning Options
Table B.8 Warning Options
Assemble and Link Options
Table B.9 Assemble and Link Options
Other Options
Table B.10 Other Options
Option Abbreviation Function
-Wnon_prototype -WNP
Outputs the warning messages for the functions
without the prototype declarations.
-Wunknown_pragma -WUP
Outputs the warning messages for non-
supported "#pragma".
-Wno_stop -WNS
Prevents the compiler stopping when an error
-Wstdout None.
Outputs the error messages to the host
machine's standard output device (stdout).
-Werror_filetagfilename -WEF
Outputs the error messages to the specified tag
-Wstop_at_waring -WSAW
Stops the compiling process when a warning
-Wnesting_comment -WNC Outputs a warning for a comment including /*.
-Wccom_max_warings -WCMW
This option allows you to specify an upper limit
for the number of warnings output by ccom308.
-Wall None. Displays message for all detectable warnings.
-Wmake_tagfile -WMT
Outputs error message to the tag file of source-
file by source-file.
Option Function
-as308 "option"
Specifies options for the "as308" assemble command. If you specify
two or more options, be sure to enclose them with double quotations
-ln308 "option"
Specifies options for the "ln308" link command. If you specify two or
more options, be sure to enclose them with double quotations (").
Option Abbreviation Function
-dsource -dS
Outputs C language source listing as comment in assembly
language source file list to be output.
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Command Input Example
1 Link the startup program (ncrt0.a30) and a C language source program (c_src.c) to
create an absolute module file (test.x30).
%nc308 -otest ncrt0.a30 c_src.c
Specifies the output file name.
2 Generate an assembler list file and a map file.
%nc308 -as308 "-l" -ln3088 "-M" c_src.c
Specifies the options of "as308" and "ln308".
3 Output debug information to an assembly language source file (attribute.a30).
%nc308 -g -S ncrt0.a30 c_src.c
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Appendix C. Questions & Answers
Transferring (Copying) Structs
What method can be used to transfer (copy) structs?
(1) When transferring structs of the same definition
Use a struct vs. variable name and a assignment operator to transfer the structs.
(2) When transferring structs of different definitions
Use a assignment operator for each member to transfer the structs.
Figure C.1 Example for Writing Transfers of Struct
struct tag1 { /*Definition of struct */
int mem1 ;
char mem2 ;
int mem3 ;
} ;
struct tag2 {
int mem1 ;
char mem2 ;
int mem3 ;
} ;
near struct tag1 near_s1t1,near_s2t1 ;
near struct tag2 near_s1t2 ;
far struct tag1 far_s1t1,far_s2t1 ;
near_s1t1.mem1 = 0x1234 ;
near_s1t1.mem2 = 'A' ;
near_s1t1.mem3 = 0x5678 ;
/* Transferring structs of the same definition------------ */
near_s2t1 = near_s1t1 ; /* near -> near */
far_s1t1 = near_s1t1 ; /* near -> far */
near_s2t1 = far_s1t1 ; /* far -> near */
far_s2t1 = far_s1t1 ; /* far -> far */
/*Transferring structs of different definitions ------------ */
near_s1t2.mem1 = near_s1t1.mem1 ;
near_s1t2.mem2 = near_s1t1.mem2 ;
near_s1t2.mem3 = near_s1t1.mem3 ;
(1) For structs of the same definition
Can be transferred using a struct vs.
variable name and a assignment operator
irrespective of allocated areas.
(2) For structs of different definitions
Transfer the structs, one member at a time.
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Reducing Generated Code (1)
We wish to reduce the amount of generated code. What points should we check?
Check the following points:
[When declaring data...]
(1) Among the data declared to be the int type, is there data that falls within the following
range? If any, correct its data type. Designations in ( ) can be omitted.
Unsigned int type that falls within 0 to 255 Correct it to the (unsigned) char type.
(signed) int type that falls within 128 to 127 Correct it to the signed char type.
(2) Among the data other than the int type where the unsigned/signed modifiers are
omitted, is there data that does not have a negative value? If any, add the unsigned
(In NC30, data other than the int type assumes the "signed" modifier by default.)
[When declaring far-type array...]
(1) Isn't the number of elements omitted for any far-type array whose size is within 64
Kbytes and which is extern declared?
-> Explicitly write the number of array elements. Or specify the generated code change
option "-fsmall_array(-fSA)."
(In NC308, when the generated code change option "-fsmall_array(-fSA)" is specified,
the number of elements is calculated in 16 bits.
Figure C.2 Example for Using the Generated Code Change Option "-fsmall_array(-fSA)"
void func(char );
extern char far array[];
int index;
void main(void )
Calculates array + index pointer
By default,
When the generated code change option
"-fsmall_array(-fSA)" is specified,
calculated in length of 32 bits x 16 bits.
calculated in length of 32 bits x 32 bits.
Array size
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[When compiling...]
(1) Is the optimization option "-OR" specified? If not, specify this option.
(When the optimization option "-OR" is specified in NC308, it optimizes code
generation by placing emphasis on ROM efficiency.)
(2) Is the optimize option "-Osp_adjust(-OSA)" specified? -> If not, specify "-Osp_adjust(-
(In NC308, when the optimize option "-Osp_adjust(-OSA)" is specified, stack
correction code is removed for optimization. This helps to reduce the ROM size.
However, this may lead to an increased amount of stack used.
Figure C.3 Example for Using the Optimize Option "-Osp_adjust(-OSA)"
void func1(int );
void func2(int, int );
void main(void )
int a = 1;
int b = 2;
int c = 3;
Direction in which
stack grows
By default
When the optimize option
"-Osp_adjust(-OSA)" is specified,
Stack is returned collectively.
Direction in which
stack grows
Stack is returned each time
function is terminated.
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<Source file 1>
Defines "mode".
<Source file 2>
References "mode".
void func1(void) ;
char mode ;
#pragma SBDATA mode
void main(void)
mode = 1;
extern void func(void) ;
extern char mode ;
#pragma SBDATA mode
void func1(viod)
mode = mode + 1 ;
For "mode" to be accessed by SB relative,
declare "#pragma SBDATA" in the
referencing program.
void main(void );
extern void func1(void );
extern void func2(void );
#pragma JSRA func2
void main(void )
void func1(void );
void func2(void );
void func1(void )
void func2(void )
%nc308 -fJSRW test1.c test2.c
When a link error occurs,
declare #pragma JSRA so that function func2 is called by jsr.a instruction.
Reducing Generated Code (2)
Our program consists of multiple files. What points should we consider in order to reduce
the generated code?
Pay attention to the following:
[When referencing data located in SB relative addressing...]
(1) When referencing data located in an SB relative addressing area, always be sure to
declare "#pragma SBDATA".
Figure C.4 Example for Writing "#pragma SBDATA"
[For programs whose generated code is 64 Kbytes or less...]
(1) Specify the generated code change option "-fJSRW."
When an error occurs while linking, declare #pragma JSRA for only the functions in
which the error occurred.
Figure C.5 Example for Using -fJSRW and Writing #pragma JSRA
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Programming Guidelines <C Language>
Application Note
Rev. Date Description
Page Summary
1.00 Oct.30, 2003
1.10 Jun.25, 2004
- New Document
M32C/80 series added
All pages "Column" removed from titles
1 Preface Description modified
Guide to Using This Application Note Description modified
Chapter 1
6 1.1.1 Assembly Language and C Language Description modified
Table 1.1.1 Comparison between C and Assembly Languages "Format" row
7 1.1.2 Program Development Procedure Description modified
Figure 1.1.1 NC308 Product List Figure modified
8 Creating Machine Language File from C Language Source File Description
9 1.1.3 Program Rules and Practices Title and description modified
10 Programming Style Description modified
11 Method for Writing Comments Title and description modified
13 1.2.1 "Constants" in C Language Title modified
Table 1.2.1 Method for Writing Integer Constants "Decimal" and "Hexadeci-
mal" rows modified
Table 1.2.2 Escape Sequence in C Language Symbol modified
19 Table 1.3.1 NC308 Operators Title modified
21 Division Operator in NC308 Description modified
31 • 1.4.1 Structuring of Program Description modified
51 • What is an Array? and Example 1.7.1 Finding Total Age of a Family (1) Ex-
ample name modified
54 • 1.7.3 Pointers Description modified
59 • Figure 1.7.11 Difference between Two-dimensional Array and Pointer Array
Example names modified
68 • 1.9.2 Including a File Title modified
Chapter 2
102 • 2.3.4 Using Inline Assembly Title modified
104 • 2.3.5 Using Assembler Macro Functions Title modified
Chapter 3
148 • Reducing Generated Code (2) Question modified
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