Since its inception, the HIPAA Privacy Rule’s right of an individual to access protected health
information (PHI) about him or her held by a covered entity has operated in a primarily paper-
based environment. While it has been common for covered entities to create, maintain, and
exchange PHI in paper form, an increasing number of covered entities are beginning to utilize
new forms of health information technology (health IT), which often involve the transition of
PHI from paper to electronic form. Many health care providers, for example, are adopting
comprehensive electronic health records (EHRs) to enhance the quality and efficiency of care
they deliver. Health IT also may create mechanisms by which individuals can electronically
request access to their PHI and by which covered entities can respond by providing or denying
access electronically.
An individual’s right to access his or her PHI is a critical aspect of the Privacy Rule, the
application of which naturally extends to an electronic environment. The Privacy Rule
establishes, with limited exceptions, an enforceable means by which individuals have a right to
review or obtain copies of their PHI, to the extent it is maintained in the designated record
set(s) of a covered entity. The Privacy Rule’s specific, yet flexible, standards also address
individuals’ requests for access and timely action by the covered entity, including the provision
of access, denial of access, and documentation. See 45 C.F.R. § 164.524.
Health IT has the potential to facilitate the Privacy Rule’s right of access from both an
individual’s and a covered entity’s perspective. Because the right of access operates regardless
of the format of the PHI, its application in an electronic environment is similar to that in a
paper-based environment. Several provisions, however, such as those related to requests for
access, timely action, verification, form or format of access, and denial of access, may apply
slightly differently and, thus, require additional consideration. The discussion that follows
addresses an individual’s right to request access electronically, a covered entity’s electronic
provision or denial of access and other specific applications of the Privacy Rule that will assist
covered entities in tailoring their compliance appropriately.
The guidance also is meant to serve as a stepping stone for covered entities that are considering
how an individual’s access rights may be fulfilled within an electronic health information
exchange environment. To that end, the guidance demonstrates how the Privacy Rule’s access
standard provides a strong foundation from which covered entities can develop policies and
procedures which also meet several of the objectives enumerated in the Individual Access
Principle identified within The Nationwide Privacy and Security Framework for Electronic
Exchange of Individually Identifiable Health Information.
The Privacy Rule allows covered entities to require that individuals make requests for access in
writing, provided they inform individuals of such a requirement. See 45 C.F.R. §
164.524(b)(1). In addition, the Privacy Rule has always considered electronic documents to
qualify as written documents. Thus, the Privacy Rule supports covered entities’ offering
individuals the option of using electronic means (e.g., e-mail, web portal) to make requests for
The Privacy Rule requires covered entities to respond to requests for access in a timely manner.
Except as otherwise specified, the Privacy Rule requires the individual be notified of the
decision within 30 days of the covered entity’s receipt of the request. See 45 C.F.R. §
164.524(b)(2)(i). While the Privacy Rule establishes the 30 days as an outside limit, it does not
preclude covered entities from responding sooner. Indeed, a covered entity may have the
capacity through the use of some electronic systems to provide automated access to an
individual’s PHI or respond to requests with immediate access, twenty-four hours a day. Not
all electronic systems, however, may allow for the provision of immediate access, and the
covered entity’s response time-frame will normally depend, in part, on its system capacity.
As in a paper-based system, other factors also will impact a covered entity’s response time in
an electronic environment. For example, the Privacy Rule’s 30 day parameter was originally
conceptualized to allow covered entities sufficient time to accommodate normal business
functions (e.g., interpretation of test results), as well as those unusual circumstances that might
delay a response (e.g., reporting suspected child abuse). Similar allowances may be necessary
in an electronic health information environment as well.
As a practical matter, individuals might expect, when making a request of a technologically
sophisticated covered entity, that their requests could be responded to instantaneously or well
before the current required time-frame. This might be the case, for example, when access is
provided through a direct view or portal into a health care provider’s EHR. Providing more
timely access than the Privacy Rule requires may be a means by which covered entities
distinguish themselves within the market.
Individuals and Personal Representatives. While the Privacy Rule’s right of access belongs
primarily to the individual who is the subject of the PHI, the Privacy Rule also generally
requires that persons who are legally authorized to act on behalf of the individual regarding
health care matters be granted the same right of access. See 45 C.F.R. § 164.502(g)(1). The
Privacy Rule defers to state law to determine when a person has the legal authority to act on
behalf of an individual with regard to health care matters. Health care powers of attorney and
parental rights, for example, are two legal bases by which state law may be determinative of a
person’s authority to act on behalf of an individual.
The Privacy Rule’s personal representative requirement ensures that certain people will have
access to an individual’s PHI when the individual is incapacitated or otherwise unable to
exercise the right of access on his or her own behalf. The Privacy Rule would require that
covered entities grant personal representatives with the right of access on behalf of an
individual in an electronic environment, just as they do today with regard to paper-based
information. Covered entities will want to make sure, however, that they have the capacity to
identify, authenticate, and properly respond to requests from these individuals, whether
electronically or otherwise, as the Privacy Rule requires.
Verification. The Privacy Rule requires covered entities to develop and implement reasonable
policies and procedures to verify the identity of any person who requests PHI, as well as the
authority of the person to have access to the information, if the identity or authority of the
person is not already known. See 45 C.F.R. § 164.514(h)(1). These verification requirements
apply to individuals who request access to their PHI that is maintained in a designated record
set. The Privacy Rule refrains from defining specific or technical verification requirements and
largely defers to the covered entity’s professional judgment and industry standards to determine
what is reasonable and appropriate under the circumstances.
Verification may be obtained either orally, or in writing (which may be satisfied electronically),
so long as the requisite documentation, statements or representations are obtained where
required by a specific Privacy Rule disclosure provision, and that the appropriate steps are
ultimately taken to verify the identity and authority of individuals or personal representatives
who are otherwise unknown. Therefore, covered entities that receive and/or respond to access
requests electronically should revisit their verification and documentation policies and
procedures to ensure that they are reasonable in light of the electronic environment within
which they are operating.
An individual’s right of access generally applies to the information that exists within a covered
entity’s designated record set(s), including: (1) a health care provider’s medical and billing
records, (2) a health plan’s enrollment, payment, claims adjudication, and case or medical
management record systems, and (3) any information used, in whole or in part, by or for the
covered entity to make decisions about individuals. A record is any item, collection, or
grouping of information that includes PHI and is maintained, collected, used, or disseminated
by or for the covered entity. See 45 C.F.R. § 164.501 (definition of “designated record set”).
Covered entities that use electronic records (e.g., EHRs or electronic claims systems) will want
to remain cognizant that the right of access applies regardless of the information’s format. The
term “designated record set,” therefore, cannot be limited to information contained in an
electronic record, but also will include any non-duplicative, electronic or paper-based
information that meets the term’s definition. While overlap may initially exist between
electronic and paper-based record sets, covered entities will likely find their access-related
obligations to be less time and labor intensive the more PHI they convert to being electronic.
Further, a covered entity that utilizes a business associate to maintain or otherwise operate its
electronic records will want to ensure the business associate is obligated to share non-
duplicative information pursuant to electronic access requests. The same would be true if a
health information organization (HIO), as a business associate, maintains an electronic
repository of some or all of a covered entity’s PHI.
The Privacy Rule requires covered entities to provide access to the PHI in the form or format
requested by the individual, if it is readily producible in such form or format. If the PHI is not
readily producible in the form or format requested, access must be provided in a readable hard
copy form, or in the alternative, some other form or format as agreed to by the covered entity
and the individual. The covered entity also may provide the individual with a summary of the
PHI or may provide an explanation of the PHI which has been provided, so long as the
individual agrees to the alternative form and associated fees. See 45 C.F.R. § 164.524(c)(2).
To the extent individuals request that access to their PHI be provided in an electronic form or
format, covered entities’ utilization of electronic records will likely increase the amount of PHI
that is “readily producible” in electronic form, thereby benefiting both the requesting
individual, as well as the covered entity:
Electronic access may provide individuals with more timely access to more information
in a more convenient manner. For example:
Electronic copies of PHI may be downloaded to USB thumb-drives or copied to
compact discs relatively quickly and may provide individuals with a more
convenient means of transporting and maintaining the information.
EHRs may enable covered entities to offer individuals an immediate and ongoing
view into the covered entity’s designated record set(s), either through a personal
health record (PHR) or otherwise, while limiting the time, expense, and labor that
may be required otherwise in order to provide access to the individual.
Electronic access also may be a means by which covered entities can limit the time,
resources and other expenses required to provide the individual with access.
Electronic copies of PHI that are downloaded to USB thumb-drives or copied to
compact discs may require less labor and overhead than access to paper records
would require.
Covered entities may find that providing individuals with electronic access to
PHI could save them time and resources by limiting, if not eliminating, the need
to provide hard copies of the information or some other, more expensive, form or
Providing such “readily producible” electronic access may have the secondary
effect of enhancing their communication with individuals, which may in turn,
lead to improved quality of care and strengthened consumer satisfaction.
The right of access also affords covered entities the option of making alternative agreements
with individuals as to the form or format of access provided. If, for example, a covered entity’s
default administrative safeguards policies and procedures limit the provision of electronic
access to stand-alone devices and secure, web-based portals, and an individual requests access
via electronic mail (e-mail), the Privacy Rule would permit alternative agreements which
satisfy both parties, so long as reasonable safeguards are otherwise in place.
To the extent that individuals request access to their PHI in hard-copy form, the covered entity
must provide such access, even if the information is stored in an electronic record.
The Privacy Rule contemplates circumstances under which covered entities may deny an
individual access to PHI and distinguishes those grounds for denial which are reviewable from
those which are not.
Unreviewable grounds for denial are
: situations involving (i) psychotherapy notes,
information compiled for use in legal proceedings, and certain information held by
clinical laboratories; (ii) certain requests which are made by inmates of correctional
institutions; (iii) information created or obtained during research that includes treatment
if certain conditions are met; (iv) denials permitted by the Privacy Act; and (v)
information obtained from non-health care providers pursuant to promises of
confidentiality. See 45 C.F.R. § 164.524(a)(2).
Reviewable grounds for denial are: (i) disclosures which would cause endangerment of
the individual or another person; (ii) situations where the PHI refers to another and
disclosure is likely to cause substantial harm; and (iii) requests made by a personal
representative where disclosure is likely to cause substantial harm. See 45 C.F.R. §
The Privacy Rule further requires that denials of access be timely, written, provided to
individuals in plain language, with a description of the basis for denial, and if applicable,
contain statements of the individual’s rights to have the decision reviewed and how to request
such a review. In addition, the notice of denial must inform the individual of how complaints
may be filed with the covered entity or the Secretary of HHS. If access to some of the PHI is
denied, the covered entity must, to the extent possible, give the individual access to any other
PHI requested, after excluding the PHI to which the covered entity has a ground to deny access.
See 45 C.F.R. § 164.524(d)(1).
A covered entity may satisfy the Privacy Rule’s writing requirement for denials electronically,
though its denial still must be based on the grounds identified by the Privacy Rule, and must
comply with each of the Privacy Rule’s procedural requirements. In cases where the covered
entity is able to receive and process a request for access by the individual electronically and
provide access in an electronic format, the denial of the request, in whole or in part, may also
be done electronically. As emphasized above, the form of the denial does not change the
covered entity's obligations regarding the basis for the denial or the content of the notification
to the individual. However, where the covered entity provides individuals with electronic
access to some or all of their health information, through a PHR or similar means, and the
access is available to the individual at any time and without a request, it becomes more difficult
to determine whether a denial of access has occurred and when notice to the individual is
required. For example, the requirements in the Privacy Rule are flexible enough to permit a
covered entity to notify the individual in advance of the types of PHI to which it intends to
deny access and for which the Privacy Rule does not provide a right of review. See 45 C.F.R. §
164.524(a)(2). Such advance notification would not be appropriate, however, for other types of
PHI to which a covered entity may deny access because the denial must be based on the
specific exercise of professional judgment by a licensed health care professional and are subject
to the individual's right to request a review of the denial by another licensed health care
professional. In these cases, the individual must be aware of the fact that he or she has been
denied access to certain information for which the individual has a right to request a review.
See 45 C.F.R. § 164.524(a)(3). The covered entity's policies and procedures for the provision of
electronic access must appropriately provide for these individualized grounds for denial of
In an electronic health information exchange environment, what is a
designated record set for purposes of an individual’s right of access under the
HIPAA Privacy Rule?
A1: To the extent covered entities maintain their own electronic records systems, their
choice to link those systems to a network for electronic health information
exchange purposes would not necessarily change the status of information
maintained within their designated record sets. That is, information that meets the
definition of a designated record set remains part of the designated record set even
if that information is linked to a network. See 45 C.F.R. § 164.501 (definition of
“designated record set”). Covered entities should be aware, however, that whatever
information they import into their electronic records via a network may become an
integrated part of their designated record set(s). Network participation alone,
however, would not make all other information about the individual that is
accessible through the network part of a covered entity’s designated record set.
Thus, the ability to link to information through a network does not obligate a
covered entity to provide access to the designated record set of another entity
participating in the network.
How would a covered entity or health information organization (HIO), acting
on its behalf, know if someone were a personal representative for the purpose
of granting access under the HIPAA Privacy Rule?
A2: The Privacy Rule’s verification standard requires that covered entities develop and
implement reasonable policies and procedures to verify the identity and authority
of such persons, if otherwise unknown to them, before granting them access to
protected health information (PHI). See 45 C.F.R. § 164.514(h). Once verified, the
personal representative can then be given the appropriate credentials for
authentication and access through an electronic system. The Privacy Rule allows
covered entities to rely on their professional judgment, as well as industry
standards, in designing reasonable verification and authentication processes.
The Privacy Rule permits a covered entity to assign this function to a HIO, acting
as its business associate, so long as the relevant standards are complied with. For
example, a covered entity could use the HIO to assign the appropriate credentials
and authenticate personal representatives, and any others, seeking access to PHI.
How may judgments be made electronically about denial of access under the
HIPAA Privacy Rule?
A3: The Privacy Rule differentiates between two types of denial, reviewable and
unreviewable. See 45 C.F.R. § 164.524(a)(2), (3). As to the unreviewable grounds
for denial, there are essentially two decisions a covered entity will need to make
with respect to electronic access: 1) whether it may deny access based on one or
more of the grounds identified by the Privacy Rule; and 2) how to implement such
decisions categorically in the electronic environment.
A covered entity may decide, for example, to categorically deny access to certain
types of information to which no access right exists, such as psychotherapy notes.
The Privacy Rule would permit denial without review, and a case-by-case
judgment would not be necessary. Similarly, the covered entity may make such a
system-wide decision with respect to other types of protected health information
where the Privacy Rule permits an unreviewable denial of access.
In contrast, reviewable grounds for denial of access require decisions be made on a
case-by-case basis through the professional judgment of licensed health care
providers. Professional judgment also would be required if individuals exercise
their right to appeal a denial of access made on reviewable grounds. As computer
logic cannot be a substitute for professional judgment in these cases, these types of
activities cannot be carried out categorically or in an automated way. Neither
could these decisions be delegated to a health information organization (HIO),
unless a licensed health care professional at the HIO were assigned the task of
making the access determinations.