Exhibit “B”
10 ZONE (WBCF’s)
FILE NO. City of Redmond File No. 711-16-000024-TA
REQUEST: A legislative amendment to the Deschutes County Code Title 20,
Redmond Urban Area Zoning Ordinance Chapter 20.12.030:
UH-10, Conditional Uses, to add additional standards for wireless and
broadcast communication facilities (WBCF’s). This request creates
consistent standards for WBCF’s within the unincorporated areas of the
Redmond Urban Growth Boundary (UGB).
APPLICANT: City of Redmond
716 SW Evergreen Avenue
P O Box 726
Redmond, OR 97756
LOCATION: The proposal adds standards that would be applicable to all wireless and
broadcast communication facility development within the unincorporated
boundary of the City of Redmond consistent with current standards used
within the incorporated boundary of the City of Redmond.
STAFF: Deborah McMahon, Principal Planner
Heather Richards, Community Development Director
BODY: The City of Redmond and Deschutes County Joint Management
Agreement authorizes the Redmond Urban Area Planning Commission,
Redmond City Council and the Deschutes County Board of
Commissioners to review this request.
DATE & TIME: Redmond Urban Area Planning Commission Hearing February 16, 2016 at
6:30 p.m.; Joint Redmond City Council, Deschutes County Board of
Commissioners Hearing February 23, 2016 6:00 p.m.
LOCATION: Redmond Urban Area Planning Commission Meeting - Redmond City
Council Chambers, 777 Deschutes Avenue, Redmond, Oregon
Joint Redmond City Council / Deschutes County Board of Commissioners
Hearing Redmond City Hall 716 SW Evergreen Avenue, Redmond,
Deschutes County Code
Title 20 Redmond Urban Area Zoning Ordinance
Chapter 20.12 Urban Holding Zone UH-10
Chapter 20.36 Amendments
Title 22 Procedures
Chapter 22.12 Legislative Procedures
Deschutes County/City of Redmond Joint Management Agreement
Deschutes County Comprehensive Plan
Redmond Urban Area Comprehensive Plan
Oregon Revised Statutes (ORS) ORS 197.250, 197.610, 197.763.
Oregon Administrative Rule (OAR), LCDC, Division 15, Statewide Planning Goals
and Guidelines OAR 660-012-0000
II. BACKGROUND & HISTORY: The proposed Development Code text Amendments
have been initiated legislatively by the City of Redmond thus, the City is the applicant
through the authority provided in the Joint Management Agreement. The proposed
amendments are intended to respond to community concerns about development of
WBCF’s; provide a legally current update to the existing County code; to provide
affirmative direction for the establishment of WBCF’s; and, provide continuity for
development within the Redmond Urban Growth Boundary.
III. PROPOSAL: The request is for an amendment to the text of the Deschutes County
Code Title 20 Redmond Urban Area Zoning Ordinance
Chapter 20.12 Urban Holding Zone UH-10, to add standards consistent with the current
City of Redmond Development Code for “Wireless and Broadcast Communication
Facilities” (WBCF’s). The new standards will be applicable to the entirety of the UH-10
zoned area within the unincorporated boundary of the City of Redmond.
IV. AREA DESCRIPTION: As stated above, this proposal (a Text Amendment to the
Deschutes County Code) is applicable to the entirety of the UH-10 zoned area within the
unincorporated boundary of the City of Redmond. Thus, the proposal will not include
any specific Comprehensive Plan or Zoning map changes.
V. EXHIBITS: The following exhibits make up the record in this matter:
1. Staff Report, including the Redmond Planning Commission
Recommendation of Approval
2. Proposed Ordinance
3. Proposed Findings and Conclusions included herein.
4. Proposed text to supplement Chapter 20.12 Urban Holding Zone UH-10,
Section 20.12.030, Conditional Uses
5. The proposed text for new Urban Holding Zone UH-10 Section, Section
20.12.090 Wireless and Broadcast Communication Facilities.
6. Notice to DLCD
7. Notice of Public Hearing “Bend Bulletin(file).
1. The request is for an amendment to the text of the Deschutes County Code Title 20
Redmond Urban Area Zoning Ordinance Chapter 20.12 Urban Holding Zone UH-10, to
add standards consistent with the current City of Redmond Development Code for
“Wireless and Broadcast Communication Facilities” (WBCF’s). The new standards will
be applicable to the entirety of the UH-10 zoned areas within the unincorporated
boundary of the City of Redmond.
2. The intent of the proposal is to improve consistency of urban planning within the
unincorporated UH-10 zoned area of Redmond’s Urban Growth Boundary. Specifically,
the development standards for WBCF’s in the unincorporated areas of the UH-10 are not
the same as those currently used inside the City limits. This can lead to confusion and
inconsistent development patterns for lands intended for the future urban development of
new Redmond residential neighborhoods. Consolidation of the development standards
for the WBCF’s meets the intent of the Redmond Comprehensive Plan and Joint
Management Agreement and provide for improved clarity and ease of use.
3. The proposal will be applicable to the entirety of the area within the unincorporated
boundary of the City of Redmond no amendments to the Comprehensive Plan and
Zoning Maps are proposed.
4. The findings, the proposed text for the WBCF standards, and supporting materials, all
demonstrate that the proposed Plan and Development Code amendments would be
consistent with the Statewide Planning Goals, the Redmond Comprehensive Plan, the
City Council Goals and other policies adopted by the City.
5. The criteria set forth in Deschutes County Code Title 20, Chapter 20.36.030 (Criteria
for Amendments) are addressed herein/below.
A. Deschutes County Code Title 20, Chapter 20.36.020 (Amendments) sets forth the
procedure and standards for an amendment to the text of the Code or to the adopted
Comprehensive Plan or Zoning map.
20. 36.020. Zone-Comprehensive Plan Amendments.
The Hearings Body shall hold a public hearing on a quasi-judicial zone change or
Comprehensive Plan amendment in accordance with the provisions of the Joint
Management Agreement.
Finding: The City of Redmond has published notice of the required hearings, February 16,
2016 and February 23, 2106 for the City of Redmond Urban Area Planning Commission, and
Joint Board of County Commissioners and Redmond City Council, respectively.
1. In conformity with all applicable State statutes;
Finding: The State statutes that directly apply to this application include ORS 197.610, Local
Government Notice of Amendment or New Regulation; ORS 197.250, Compliance with Goals
Required. The applicable Deschutes County standards and legislative processes were developed
in compliance with the applicable State Statutes listed above regarding noticing and public
hearings. Applicability of the Statewide Planning Goals is addressed in greater detail below
those findings, incorporated by reference herein, show compliance with the applicable Statutes
listed above.
With regard to the Statutory noticing requirements referenced above, notice of the proposed
amendment has been provided to DLCD and advertised and distributed to the local newspapers
(public/media notice) as required by County Code and State Statute.
With regard to the Statutory public hearing requirements referenced above, this proposal is
legislative and not quasi-judicial in nature. Subsequently, the Planning Commission and
(ultimately) the Joint Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) and City Council’s public
hearing and review processes meet the statutory requirements for the purpose of the review.
Notwithstanding the Statutory requirements addressed herein, the Oregon Administrative Rules
(OAR) also implement the Statutes. The applicable Rules are addressed in the ensuing review.
Based on the findings addressing code amendment criterion 1, the proposed Deschutes County
Code text amendment conforms to applicable State statutes.
2. In conformity with the State-wide planning goals whenever they are determined to be
Finding: The proposed amendments do not directly implement a comprehensive planning
requirement of the Statewide Planning Goals, State Statutes or Administrative Rules they do
not include provisions that are directly applicable to the substantive “land use” elements of the
Goals, but do fall within the procedural Statewide Planning Goal requirements applicable to
the development of land. Thus, the only applicable Statewide Planning Goals are Goals 1
(Citizen Involvement) and 2 (Land Use Planning). These are addressed below.
Goal 1- Oregon’s Statewide Planning Goals: Citizen Involvement.
To develop a citizen involvement program that insures the opportunity for citizens to be
involved in all phases of the planning process.
Finding: The Redmond Urban Area Planning Commission serves as the City’s formal citizen
advisory committee to fulfill Goal 1, and is made up of Redmond area residents. The City has a
long history and extensive record with regard to the desire to regulate WBCF’s. The public has
been involved through the opportunity to submit written testimony and or provide oral and
written testimony at noticed public meetings.
Public notices and agendas for Planning Commission, and Joint BOCC and City Council
meetings where the proposed amendments were discussed were provided. All documents were
available for the public review. Based on these actions, Oregon Planning Goal 1 for Citizen
Involvement has been met.
Goal 2- Oregon’s Statewide Planning Goals: Land Use Planning.
To establish a land use planning process and policy framework as a basis for all decisions and
actions related to use of land and to assure an adequate factual base for such decisions and
Finding: The City and County both have adopted Comprehensive Plans. Both plans provide
policies and implementation procedures for urban development as applicable within the
Redmond Urban Growth Boundary. The revised standards are necessary to regulate and guide
development of necessary WBCF facilities, but to do so in a manner where they are constructed
consistent with Redmond’s urbanization goals and with minimal adverse impact to future
residential neighborhoods.
The Redmond Planning Commission has determined that a factual policy basis exists to support
the proposed code amendments. The proposed amendments will better implement policies of the
current Redmond Comprehensive Plan and will provide clearer regulations for the City staff to
administer pursuant to the Joint Management Agreement. Based on these findings, the proposed
amendments meet Goal 2.
Based on the findings addressing Code amendment criterion 2, the proposed Development Code
text amendment conforms to applicable Statewide planning goals.
3. In conformity with the Deschutes County and Redmond Comprehensive Plan, land use
requirements and policies:
Citizen Involvement.
To develop a citizen involvement program that insures the opportunity for citizens to be
involved in all phases of the planning process.
Finding: The Redmond Urban Area Planning Commission serves as the City’s formal citizen
advisory committee (as required by State Administrative Rule) and is made up of Redmond area
residents. The Planning Commission is formally recognized through City Code and was
appointed by the City Council. Pursuant to the Joint Management Agreement the Redmond
Planning Commission is the appropriate body to initially review the proposed text amendment
following the procedures outlined in Deschutes County Code Title 20 and 22. Thus, the
Redmond Planning Commission is the appropriate public review and recommendation body to
the City Council and BOCC to meet this Comprehensive Plan policy. All documents used to
conduct meetings and review the amendments were available for the public review.
The proposed amendments serve the following policies of Chapter 1 of the Deschutes County
Comprehensive Plan. Deschutes County Community Involvement Program Statewide Planning
Goal 1 requires a citizen involvement program with six components. The required components
and the primary methods of County implementation are described below.
Citizen Involvement Provide for widespread citizen involvement.
The Planning Commission acts as the committee for community involvement.
Communication Assure effective two-way communications between local officials and
citizens. This is accomplished through a variety of techniques, including newsletters,
email lists, display ads or mailings.
Citizen Influence Provide opportunities for citizens to be involved in all phases of the
planning process. Deschutes County Code Title 22 describes land use noticing and
Technical Information Assure technical information is available in an understandable
form. Clearly written staff reports assure all information is available and
Feedback mechanisms Assure that citizens get responses from policy makers. A
written record is maintained for all formal proposals and procedures ensure that those
who participate and request notification are notified of the decision.
Financial support Ensure adequate funding for the citizen involvement program.
Funding and staffing are maintained for the Planning Commission and for sending
required notices.
The list above describes the minimum requirements. Deschutes County takes a more active
stand, maintaining an updated website, holding public meetings around the County and reaching
out to the community.
The proposed amendments also serve the following Policies of Chapter 1 of the Redmond
Comprehensive Plan.
1. The City shall establish a citizen involvement program to provide for widespread citizen
2. The citizen involvement program shall involve a cross-section of affected citizens in all
phases of the planning process.
3. The City shall assign the Redmond Urban Area Planning Commission as its officially
recognized committee for citizen involvement (CCI).
4. The City shall establish mechanisms to assure two-way communications between citizens
and elected and appointed officials.
5. The City shall provide the opportunity for citizens to be involved in all phases of the
planning process.
6. The City shall assure that technical information is available to citizens in an
understandable form.
7. The City shall assure that recommendations resulting from the citizen involvement
program shall be retained and made available for public assessment. Citizens who have
participated in this program shall receive a response from policy-makers.
8. The City shall allocate adequate human, financial and informational resources for the
citizen involvement program.
Land Use Planning
Land Use Statewide Planning Goal 2, Land Use Planning, requires a fact-based land use
planning process and policy framework to guide land use decisions. It requires comprehensive
planning that identifies issues and complies with Statewide Planning Goals.
Finding: Both Deschutes County and the City of Redmond have adopted Comprehensive
Plans that provide a policy framework for making land use decisions and meeting State law.
Pursuant to the Joint Management Agreement, the City of Redmond staff and Planning
Commission have provided opportunities for and have received input from Redmond residents
throughout the review process. Based on this input, the Planning Commission finds that the
proposed amendment and new development standards are necessary to implement the Deschutes
County and City of Redmond Comprehensive Plan. The Planning Commission has determined
that enough factual and policy basis exists to support the proposed text amendments. The
proposed amendments will better implement policies of both Comprehensive Plans and will
provide clearer regulations for the City staff to administer.
The proposed amendments serve the following policy of the Deschutes County Comprehensive
Promote regional cooperation and partnerships on planning issues. Policy 1.3.10 Regularly
review intergovernmental and urban management agreements, and update as needed.
The proposed amendments serve the following policies of Chapter 2 of the Redmond
Comprehensive Plan.
Chapter 2 Redmond Comprehensive Plan: Land Use Planning.
To establish a land use planning process and policy framework as a basis for all decisions and
actions related to use of land and to assure an adequate factual base for such decisions and
2. The plan shall be the basis for specific implementation measures. These measures shall
be consistent with and adequate to carry out the plans. Each plan and related
implementation measure shall be coordinated with the plans of affected governments.
3. All land use plans and implementation ordinances shall be adopted by the governing
body after public hearing and shall be reviewed and, as needed, revised on a periodic
cycle to take into account changing public policies and circumstances, in accord with a
schedule set forth in the plan.
4. Opportunities shall be provided for review and comment by citizens and affected
governmental units during preparation, review and revisions of plans and implementing
5. To provide a sound basis for orderly and efficient urbanization by establishing proper
relationships between residential, commercial, industrial, public and open land uses, and
transportation uses.
Based on the findings addressing the proposed text amendment criteria, the proposed
amendments conform to the Deschutes County and Redmond Comprehensive Plan, including the
implementing land use requirements.