Exceptional Children
2017, Vol. 84(1) 27 –41
© The Author(s) 2017
DOI: 10.1177/0014402917718341
Speech or language impairments (SLIs)
increase young children’s risk for atypical
development, including lower cognitive,
behavioral, and school functioning (Bornstein,
Hahn, & Suwalsky, 2013; Petersen et al., 2013;
U.S. Preventive Services Task Force, 2006).
Elementary school–age children with SLIs are
at increased risk of having reading (Catts, Fey,
Tomblin, & Zhang, 2002; Snowling, Bishop,
& Stothard, 2000) and behavioral (Yew &
O’Kearney, 2013) disabilities and often expe-
rience greater bullying and feelings of isola-
tion (Harrison, McLeod, Berthelsen, & Walker,
2009; McCormack, Harrison, McLeod, &
McAllister, 2011; Morgan, Farkas, & Wu,
2011). As they age, children with SLIs are less
likely to complete high school; are more
frequently unemployed; and, if employed,
hold lower-paying positions (Elbro, Dalby, &
Maarbjerg, 2011; Felsenfeld, Broen, & McGue,
1994; Johnson, Beitchman, & Brownlie, 2010;
Muir, O’Callaghan, Bor, Najman, & Williams,
2011). Prevalence estimates among preschool
children vary, ranging from 5% to 8% for com-
bined speech and language delays and 2% to
19% for language delays, with persistence
rates of 40% to 60% for untreated speech
and language delays (Nelson, Nygren, Walker,
& Panoscha, 2006). Although SLIs may
constitute a chronic condition (Silva,
Williams, & McGee, 1987; Snowling et al.,
2000; Tomblin, Zhang, Buckwalter, &
O’Brien, 2003), children appropriately identi-
fied and provided with interventions and ser-
vices by kindergarten display substantially
improved speech and language capabilities
(Beitchman, Wilson, Brownlie, Walters, &
Lancee, 1996; Boyle, McCartney, O’Hare, &
Forbes, 2009; Hebbeler et al., 2007; Law,
XXX10.1177/0014402917718341Exceptional ChildrenMorgan et al.
Pennsylvania State University
University of California, Irvine
Corresponding Author:
Paul L. Morgan, Department of Education Policy Studies,
310E Rackley Building, University Park, PA, 16802.
Cross-Cohort Evidence of
Disparities in Service Receipt for
Speech or Language Impairments
Paul L. Morgan
, George Farkas
, Marianne M. Hillemeier
Hui Li
, Wik Hung Pun
, and Michael Cook
We examined the extent to which disparities in the receipt of special education services
for speech or language impairments (SLIs) on the basis of race, ethnicity, or language use by
kindergarten—when the delivery of these services might be expected to be most effective—
have changed over a 12-year period in the United States. Logistic regression modeling of 2
nationally representative cohorts (N = 16,800 and 12,080) indicated that children who are
Black (covariate-adjusted odds ratios = 0.39 and 0.54) or from non-English-speaking households
(covariate-adjusted odds ratios = 0.57 and 0.50) continue to be less likely to receive services
for SLIs. Hispanic children are now less likely to receive these services (covariate adjusted
odds ratio = 0.54) than otherwise similar non-Hispanic White children. Disparities in special
education service receipt for SLIs attributable to race, ethnicity, and language presently occur in
the United States and are not explained by many potential confounds.
28 Exceptional Children 84(1)
Garrett, & Nye, 2004; Nelson et al., 2006;
Roberts & Kaiser, 2011; Wilcox, Gray, Guimond,
& Lafferty, 2011).
Disparities in SLI
Identification and Service
Receipt by Race, Ethnicity,
and Language Use
Although young children should be regularly
evaluated for possible speech or language delays
(Hagan, Shaw, & Duncan, 2008), fewer than
50% of those who need treatment for SLIs
receive it (Skeat et al., 2014). Racial, ethnic, and
language minorities are a large and rapidly
growing segment of the U.S. child population
(Colby & Ortman, 2014). Although they are at
greater risk for SLI symptoms (Harrison &
McLeod, 2010; Morgan, Farkas, Hillemeier, &
Maczuga, 2012; Pruitt, Oetting, & Hegarty,
2011), minority children with SLIs may be espe-
cially unlikely to be identified and so receive
treatment, including through special education
(Harrison & McLeod, 2010; Morgan et al.,
2012; Morgan et al., 2016). Because of their
unmet treatment needs, minority children there-
fore may be disproportionately likely to grow to
experience the sequela of untreated SLIs (e.g.,
reading or behavioral disabilities, bullying,
unemployment). For example, White children’s
behavioral struggles are more likely to be medi-
calized and those of minority more likely to be
criminalized―and so ineffectively managed
(Ramey, 2015). Minority children’s greater like-
lihood of having unidentified and so untreated
disabilities has been hypothesized to at least
partly explain achievement gaps in the United
States (Basch, 2011).
Children appropriately identified and
provided with interventions and
services by kindergarten display
substantially improved speech and
language capabilities.
Possible mechanisms for racial, ethnic, and
language use disparities in special education
service receipt for SLIs include socioeco-
nomic, language, and cultural factors that
reduce access and receptivity to SLI screening
and treatment by minority families (E. Flores,
Tschann, Dimas, Pasch, & de Groat, 2010;
Peña & Fiestas, 2009; Zuckerman, Mattox,
Sinche, Blaschke, & Bethell, 2014); a lack of
diagnostic protocols designed and validated
for use with cultural and language minority
populations (Figueroa & Newsome, 2006;
Kohnert, Yim, Nett, Kan, & Duran, 2005;
Linan-Thompson, 2010; Zuckerman et al.,
2013); and a reluctance by practitioners to
identify minority children for fear of being
considered racially biased (possibly by misat-
tributing a speech or language dialectal differ-
ence to SLIs; Hibel, Farkas, & Morgan, 2010;
Skiba et al., 2006). Practitioners may be com-
paratively less likely to solicit developmental
concerns from minority families (Guerrero,
Rodriguez, & Flores, 2011; Zuckerman,
Sinche, et al., 2014; Zuckerman, Boudreau,
Lipstein, Kuhlthau, & Perrin, 2009).
Extant Work’s Limitations
There are major limitations in the field’s
knowledge base about which children in the
United States are receiving special education
services for SLIs, including the extent to which
disparities based on race, ethnicity, and lan-
guage use currently occur. Overall, researchers
and practitioners currently have “little infor-
mation” (U.S. Preventive Services Task Force,
2014) about the risk factors for SLIs to guide
early screening and intervention efforts. This
is despite repeated calls by the U.S. Preventive
Services Task Force for epidemiological stud-
ies that better inform SLI screening, evalua-
tion, and service delivery for this especially
vulnerable population of children (Nelson
et al., 2006; U.S. Preventive Services Task
Force, 2006, 2014). Existing studies investi-
gating disparities based on race, ethnicity, or
language use have mostly used convenience
samples or have not accounted for likely con-
founding factors, including family socioeco-
nomic status, maternal age and marital status,
health insurance coverage, prematurity, birth
weight, academic functioning, and behavioral
self-regulation (Morrier & Gallagher, 2010;
Singer et al., 2001). Such factors are important
Morgan et al. 29
to control for, as they otherwise explain dis-
parities initially attributable to children’s race,
ethnicity, or language use (Morgan et al.,
2015). For example, minority children are
more likely to experience low birthweight
(Clay & Andrade, 2016), which may itself
increase the risk for SLIs (Yliherva, Olsen,
Maki-Torkko, Koiranen, & Jarvelin, 2001).
Available studies analyzing population-based
data have mostly used non-U.S. samples
(Harrison & McLeod, 2010; Reilly et al.,
2010; Zubrick, Taylor, Rice, & Slegers, 2007)
and so may not generalize to the increasingly
diverse U.S. school-aged population. The few
population-based studies based on U.S. sam-
ples have reported conflicting findings regard-
ing whether racial, ethnic, and language
minority children are less likely to receive
special education services for SLIs (Hibel
et al., 2010; Morgan et al., 2012; Morgan et al.,
2015; Sullivan & Bal, 2013), possibly because
the disparities have sometimes been investi-
gated with samples of children attending upper
elementary grades (Hibel et al., 2010; Sullivan
& Bal, 2013). Instead, these disparities may be
most likely to occur early in children’s school
careers because children in the United States
are most likely to be identified as having
SLIs by kindergarten (Morgan et al., 2015).
Consistent with this, Morgan and colleagues’
(2016) recent analyses of a nationally repre-
sentative data set of children born in the United
States indicated that Black children were less
likely than otherwise similar White children to
receive services for SLIs prior to or by kinder-
garten entry. Disparities attributable to chil-
dren’s race, ethnicity, and language use were
also evident at the end of kindergarten in an
older, nationally representative data set of
U.S. children entering kindergarten in 1998 or
1999 (Morgan et al., 2015). However, whether
and to what extent these disparities continue
to occur in the United States, as well as the
extent to which they may have changed over
the preceding 12-year period as the nation
has grown increasingly diverse, is currently
unclear (Morgan et al., 2016).
Understanding whether racial, ethnic, and
language use disparities in SLI identification
are continuing to occur by kindergarten in the
United States is especially timely, including
for policy, research, and practice. Despite
some studies finding that―among children
displaying similar clinical needs―racial, eth-
nic, and language minority children are less
likely to receive school-based services for
SLIs (Morgan et al., 2012; Morgan et al.,
2015; Morgan et al., 2016), federal policy
makers have expanded efforts to reduce what
is considered to be disproportionate overrep-
resentation in special education due to wide-
spread misidentification based on children’s
race or ethnicity (U.S. Department of
Education, 2016a). This includes for SLIs
(U.S. Department of Education, 2016b).
Establishing that underidentification and ser-
vice receipt for SLIs currently occur or are
possibly increasing in the United States on the
basis of race, ethnicity, and language use—
particularly during kindergarten, when these
services may be most effective—should better
inform federal policy making as well as edu-
cational research and practice. This includes
policies designed to bring greater equity to
special education by ensuring that all children
with disabilities are being appropriately
recognized and provided with the services to
which they have a civil right. More generally,
and by identifying factors that are repeatedly
associated with an increased likelihood of SLI
identification, cross-cohort analyses of two
nationally representative samples should
better inform empirically based efforts to
appropriately screen, monitor, and possibly
evaluate children who may be at risk for these
impairments and their sequela.
Our study had two purposes. The first was to
estimate to what extent disparities on the basis
of race, ethnicity, and language use in the
receipt of special education services for SLIs
by kindergarten continue to occur or possibly
may be increasing in the United States. We
did so by conducting cross-cohort analyses of
two nationally representative data sets over a
12-year period. Because the disparity esti-
mates are adjusted for many confounding fac-
tors, they should provide for less ambiguous
30 Exceptional Children 84(1)
inferences about whether the disparities are
attributable to children’s status as racial,
ethnic, or language minorities. This in turn
should help inform federal policy, including
newly announced regulations (U.S. Department
of Education, 2016a). The second purpose
was to identify which factors—across a range
of gestational and birth, sociodemographic,
and other child and family characteristics—
are most strongly and consistently associated
with receiving special education services for
SLIs during kindergarten. By replicating these
estimates through cross-cohort analyses of
two nationally representative samples of U.S.
kindergarteners, these results should help
inform efforts to identify and provide services
to children with SLIs as they are beginning
formal schooling.
Data and Samples
Data from two Early Childhood Longitudinal
Study (Pollack, Atkins-Burnett, Rock, &
Weiss, 2005) cohorts were analyzed: the kin-
dergarten class of 1998–1999 (ECLS-K:
1999; N = 16,800) and the kindergarten class
of 2010–2011 (ECLS-K: 2011; N = 12,080).
Both of these nationally representative data
sets are maintained by the National Center for
Education Statistics, U.S. Department of
Education (
Table 1 displays descriptive statistics of the
two samples. The racial and ethnic distribu-
tion was similar for the two cohorts, with non-
Hispanic White children composing a little
more than half the sample. Children who are
Black, Hispanic, and of another race or eth-
nicity constituted 13%–14%, 17%–22%, and
10%–12% of the samples, respectively. Simi-
lar proportions of the two cohorts were born at
low birth weight (7%–9%) or prematurely
(17%–20%). Family characteristics were also
similar between the groups, including mater-
nal age at first birth, marital status, health
insurance coverage, and English language
usage at home. Nearly equivalent proportions
of the two samples were reported to have
communication problems (7%–8%), were
evaluated by professionals for a communica-
tion problem (10%–11%), or had a school
record of having SLIs (3%–4%).
Special Education Services for SLIs. Special edu-
cation service receipt for SLIs was reported in
each cohort by the children’s special educa-
tion teachers. These teachers were responsible
for coordinating delivery of the children’s
school-based special education services.
Sociodemographic Characteristics. Children’s
race or ethnicity was classified as being
non-Hispanic White, non-Hispanic Black,
Hispanic, or other race/ethnicity. The inci-
dence of SLIs may vary by other demo-
graphic characteristics, including region of
residence (Northeast, Midwest, South, West)
and family’s socioeconomic status, which
were included as covariates in the analyses
(Morgan et al., 2012). A composite continu-
ous variable measuring a family’s socioeco-
nomic status was constructed by the National
Center for Education Statistics based on
multivariate information from parent ques-
tionnaires about the family’s household
income and each parent’s education level
and occupation. This variable has been used
in prior studies analyzing the ECLS-K data
(McCormack et al., 2011). Parents reported
in the spring of kindergarten on their marital
status, which was also included in the analy-
ses to control for family composition.
Child Characteristics. Parents identified their
children’s gender, which was included as a
covariate because of its associations with
speech or language delays and SLI service
receipt (Harrison & McLeod, 2010). The
child’s age (in months) was recorded at the
date of the interview in spring of kindergar-
ten for both cohorts and was included in the
analyses to control for variation in age at the
time of testing. Variables were also included
to indicate whether the child was born with
low birth weight (<5.5 lb) or prematurely (>2
weeks before due date), as they are associ-
ated with increased risk of atypical language
Morgan et al. 31
development (e.g., Vohr, 2014). Whether the
child was covered by health insurance was
also included as a covariate because insur-
ance has been associated with greater access
to health care providers who could refer for
eligibility and service receipt for SLIs prior
to school entry (G. Flores & the Committee
on Pediatric Research, 2010). In the fall of
kindergarten, interviewed parents reported
the biological mothers age when she gave
birth to her first child. Because differences in
health risks, including those for SLIs, have
been associated with whether children are
born to young or older mothers (Harrison &
Table 1. Descriptive Statistics.
ECLS-K: 1999
(N = 16,800)
ECLS-K: 2011
(N = 12,080)
Variable Percentage Mean (SD) Percentage Mean (SD)
White 58 54
Black 14 13
Hispanic 17 22
Other race/ethnicity 10 12
Socioeconomic status 0.04 (0.79) –0.01 (0.8)
Child characteristics
Male 51 51
Child age, fall of kindergarten 68.47 (4.44) 68.45 (4.5)
Low birth weight 7 9
Born more than 2 weeks before due 17 20
Biological mother gave her first birth at
age <18
12 11
Biological mother gave her first birth at
age 38
1 2
Covered by health insurance, spring of
91 95
Parents were married, spring of
68 71
Language primarily spoken at home is
not English
12 13
Northeast 19 15
Midwest 25 23
South 32 38
West 23 23
Academic achievement
Reading test, spring of kindergarten 32.4 (10.4) 49.99 (11.78)
Mathematics test, spring of kindergarten 28 (8.83) 42.63 (11.1)
Behavioral functioning
Behavioral self-regulation 3.11 (0.67) 3.11 (0.68)
Externalizing problem behaviors 1.67 (0.64) 1.64 (0.62)
Internalizing problem behaviors 1.57 (0.51) 1.51 (0.48)
School record of speech or language
3 4
Note. ECLS-K = Early Childhood Longitudinal Study–Kindergarten.
Special education teacher report
32 Exceptional Children 84(1)
McLeod, 2010), these factors were captured
by maternal age dummy variables in the
analyses. Because non-English-speaking
families may have reduced interactions with
health care providers and school personnel,
we included a variable indicating whether
English or another language was primarily
spoken at home (Morgan et al., 2016). We
did so to examine whether disparities in SLI
service receipt were also occurring based on
language use, as well as possibly based on
race or ethnicity.
Academic Achievement. Children’s academic
achievement is strongly associated with the
likelihood for disability identification, includ-
ing that for SLIs (Morgan et al., 2015), and so
was included here as an additional explanatory
factor. For both cohorts, grade-appropriate,
item response theory-scaled psychometrically
validated measures of reading and mathemat-
ics achievement were individually adminis-
tered in kindergarten. These adaptive
assessments included some items that were
specifically created for the ECLS-K studies,
some that were adapted from commercial
assessments with copyright permission, and
some that were developed for other studies
fielded by the National Center for Education
Statistics. The reading assessment includes
questions measuring basic skills, such as print
familiarity, letter recognition, beginning and
ending sounds, word recognition, and vocabu-
lary knowledge. The mathematics assessment
includes questions on number sense, proper-
ties, and operations. The conceptual basis and
psychometric processes used to derive the
assessments were highly similar in the two
ECLS-K cohorts, although the measures were
not identical. Theta reliabilities for the reading
and mathematics achievement measures in
kindergarten were in the mid-.90s (Pollack
et al., 2005). We used children’s spring-of-
kindergarten scores on the reading and mathe-
matics achievement measures from both
cohorts as covariates.
In each cohort, English language profi-
ciency was assessed prior to administration of
the achievement assessments. Spanish speak-
ers who were not sufficiently fluent in English
received Spanish forms of the achievement
assessments. Children who did not speak
either English or Spanish did not participate
in the achievement assessments.
Behavioral Functioning. Children’s behavior,
including their self-regulation and internaliz-
ing problem behaviors, is associated with the
incidence of language delays and SLI service
use (Harrison & McLeod, 2010) and so was
included as an explanatory factor. In the spring
of kindergarten, children’s behaviors were
rated by their general education teachers
using items from the Social Rating Scale
(Pollack et al., 2005), a psychometrically
validated behavioral measure (e.g., split-half
reliabilities ranging from .76 to .91; Pollack
et al., 2005). We controlled for three types of
behavioral functioning. The Approaches to
Learning Scale measures self-regulatory
behaviors, including the frequency with which
the child pays attention, keeps belongings
organized, works independently, shows eager-
ness to learn new things, easily adapts to
changes in routine, and persists in completing
tasks. The Externalizing Problem Behaviors
Scale measures acting-out behaviors, includ-
ing the frequency with which a child argues,
fights, becomes angry, acts impulsively, and
disturbs ongoing classroom activities. The
Internalizing Problem Behaviors Scale mea-
sures how often the child seems anxious,
lonely, or sad, or displays low self-esteem.
Missing Data
Each cohort sample was initially captured in
the fall of kindergarten. There was a small
amount of missing data in spring when we
measured whether children were receiving
special education services for SLIs. However,
and by controlling for variables included in
the data associated with missingness (e.g.,
socioeconomic status, race/ethnicity, aca-
demic achievement), we reasonably assumed
that the data were missing at random. We then
used multiple imputation procedures to
impute missing independent variable data,
resulting in the largest possible number of
cases in our analyses. The missingness of the
Morgan et al. 33
predictors in the study ranged from 0% to
8.3% for ECLS-K: 1999 and from 0% to
19.3% for ECLS-K: 2011. We imputed miss-
ing data for each cohort five times to create
five data sets for each, which enabled us to
estimate five sets of model parameters. We
then used standard formulas to combine these
five sets of estimates into those reported here.
Analytical Methods
Separate logistic regression equations predict-
ing special education service receipt for SLIs
were estimated for each period, and the differ-
ence in coefficients for race, ethnicity, and
language use was tested for statistical signifi-
cance. Because the data were collected by
first sampling kindergarten classrooms and
then sampling children within these class-
rooms, we used multilevel modeling (children
nested in kindergarten classrooms) to estimate
the regression equations. Doing so adjusted
the standard errors for the clustering of obser-
vations within schools. We standardized fam-
ily socioeconomic status, child age, academic
achievement scores, and teacher ratings of
behavior with M = 0 and SD = 1 for each
cohort. Doing so made the data from these
two cohorts more comparable (with continu-
ous predictors now measured in standard
deviation units). We obtained Institutional
Review Board approval.
Table 2 shows the coefficient estimates for the
multilevel multiple logistic regressions pre-
dicting whether children were receiving spe-
cial education services for SLIs for each
U.S. cohort. All factors were simultaneously
entered into each cohort’s regression model. In
1999, the covariate-adjusted odds ratio coeffi-
cient for Black children was a statistically sig-
nificant 0.39. This odds ratio indicates that the
odds that Black children were receiving ser-
vices for SLIs were 61% lower (calculated as 1
minus the odds ratio of .39) than the odds for
otherwise similar White children. Twelve
years later, in 2011, the same covariate-
adjusted odds ratio was .54, indicating that
Black children’s odds of service receipt were
46% lower than for otherwise similar White
children (1 – .54). Black children in the United
States therefore continued to be less likely
than otherwise similar White children to be
receiving services for SLIs by kindergarten.
The estimated magnitude of this disparity in
2011 was not statistically significantly differ-
ent from the disparity in 1999.
In 1999, the covariate-adjusted odds ratio
for Hispanic children was .86, which was not
statistically significant. However, by 2011,
this same ethnic disparity had increased and
become statistically significant. This odds
ratio for Hispanic children was .54 at the more
recent time point, indicating that the odds that
they were receiving services were now 46%
(1 – .54) lower than for otherwise similar
non-Hispanic White children.
For children from non-English-speaking
homes, their odds of receiving services for
SLIs were 43% (1 – .57) and 50% (1 – .50)
lower than those from English-speaking homes
in 1999 and 2011, respectively. Both these dis-
parity estimates were statistically significant,
but they are not significantly different from
each other. Taken together, the results indi-
cated that children from non-English-speaking
homes continued to be less likely to receive
services for SLIs than otherwise similar chil-
dren from English-speaking homes.
Children from non-English-speaking
homes continued to be less likely to
receive services for SLIs than
otherwise similar children from
English-speaking homes.
Covariates that were statistically signifi-
cant at both periods for increased risk of SLI
service delivery included being male, being
older at the time of assessment, having lower
reading as well as mathematics achievement,
and displaying less frequent behavioral self-
regulation. Residing in the Western region of
the United States was consistently associated
with a lower likelihood of service receipt. A
number of other predictors achieved signifi-
cance at one but not the other period.
34 Exceptional Children 84(1)
This study provides covariate-adjusted esti-
mates of disparities in special education ser-
vice delivery for SLIs attributable to
kindergarten children’s status as racial, ethnic,
and language minorities. Similar disparities
have been found in some studies (Morgan
et al., 2016; Morrier & Gallagher, 2010) but
not others (Campbell et al., 2003; Sullivan &
Bal, 2013), possibly because of sampling lim-
itations. Our analyses of two nationally repre-
sentative, individual-level data sets based on
extensive covariate adjustment indicate that
children in the United States who are racial,
ethnic, and language minorities are less likely
than otherwise similar White and/or English-
speaking children to receive services for
identified SLIs during kindergarten―when
delivery of these school-based services might
Table 2. Multilevel Multivariate Logistic Regression Models of Teacher-Reported SLIs, Spring
Kindergarten: Estimated for ECLS-K 1998–1999 and ECLS-K 2010–2011 Data.
Odds ratio coefficients
[95% confidence intervals]
ECLS-K: 1999
N = 16,800
ECLS-K: 2011
N = 12,080
Black 0.39
[0.28, 0.55] 0.54
[0.39, 0.75]
Hispanic 0.86 [0.62, 1.2] 0.54
[0.38, 0.75]
Other race/ethnicity 1 [0.68, 1.46] 0.83 [0.58, 1.19]
Socioeconomic status 0.89 [0.79, 1.01] 0.87 [0.76, 1]
Child characteristics
Language primarily spoken at home is not English 0.57
[0.37, 0.88] 0.5
[0.33, 0.78]
Male 1.75
[1.41, 2.18] 1.71
[1.37, 2.14]
Child age, fall of kindergarten 1.49
[1.37, 1.63] 1.43
[1.31, 1.57]
Low birth weight 1.27 [0.9, 1.79] 1.21 [0.86, 1.69]
Born more than 2 weeks before due 1.4
[1.08, 1.82] 1.18 [0.91, 1.53]
Biological mother gave her first birth at age <18 0.96 [0.71, 1.29] 0.85 [0.61, 1.17]
Biological mother gave her first birth at age 38 1.7 [0.67, 4.3] 2.38
[1.27, 4.44]
Covered by health insurance, spring of kindergarten 1.55
[1.02, 2.36] 1.66 [0.85, 3.23]
Parents were married, spring of kindergarten 1.07 [0.85, 1.34] 0.99 [0.76, 1.3]
Midwest 0.31
[0.23, 0.42] 1.02 [0.75, 1.39]
South 0.79 [0.62, 1.01] 0.8 [0.6, 1.08]
West 0.24
[0.17, 0.35] 0.5
[0.35, 0.73]
Academic achievement
Reading test, spring of kindergarten 0.73
[0.6, 0.89] 0.76
[0.65, 0.9]
Mathematics test, spring of kindergarten 0.63
[0.53, 0.76] 0.52
[0.44, 0.61]
Behavioral functioning
Behavioral self-regulation 0.83
[0.73, 0.95] 0.76
[0.67, 0.88]
Externalizing problem behaviors 0.91 [0.82, 1.02] 0.94 [0.84, 1.05]
Internalizing problem behaviors 1.19
[1.08, 1.31] 0.99 [0.9, 1.09]
Note. Socioeconomic status, child age, academic achievement test scores and teacher ratings of child’s behaviors
standardized with M = 0 and SD = 1. Odds ratios >1 indicate a positive relation between the variable and the
outcome. Odds ratios <1 indicate a negative relation between the variable and the outcome. For example, the .39
coefficient for children who are Black indicates that their odds of being identified with SLIs are .39 that of otherwise
similar children who are White. That is, these odds are 61% (1 – .39) lower for Black than for White children. SLIs =
speech or language impairments; ECLS-K = Early Childhood Longitudinal Study–Kindergarten.
*p .05. **p .01. ***p .001.
Morgan et al. 35
be expected to be most effective due to the
children’s young age. These disparities occur
despite racial, ethnic, and language minority
children’s previously reported greater risk of
SLI symptoms (Harrison & McLeod, 2010;
Morgan et al., 2012), suggesting that minority
children in the United States may be dispro-
portionately more likely to experience the
many adversities associated with untreated
SLIs, including lower academic achievement,
bullying, school dropout, unemployment, and
psychiatric disorders (Elbro et al., 2011;
Felsenfeld et al., 1994; Harrison et al., 2009;
Johnson et al., 2010; McCormack et al., 2011;
Morgan et al., 2011; Muir et al., 2011). These
disparities are not explained by a wide variety
of potential confounds, including gestational,
birth, and sociodemographic characteristics,
as well as children’s own academic achieve-
ment or behavioral functioning. It is important
to note that we found no evidence indicating
that the disparities for children who are Black
and those from non-English-speaking homes
have appreciably lessened in the United
States. Instead, racial, ethnic, and language
use disparities in SLI service receipt have
been generally stable across a 12-year period.
The disparities increased in estimated magni-
tude for Hispanic children in the United States
and now have become statistically as well as
practically significant (i.e., a difference of
46% in respective odds).
We found no evidence indicating that
the disparities for children who are
Black and those from non-English-
speaking homes have appreciably
lessened in the United States.
Our analyses extend the currently limited
and inconsistent knowledge base by identify-
ing a general set of factors associated with an
increased or decreased likelihood of receiving
services for SLIs, thereby helping to inform
screening, monitoring, and intervention efforts
by the beginning of formal schooling. Factors
associated with a greater likelihood of special
education service receipt for SLIs include
being male, being older, and displaying lower
academic achievement as well as behavioral
self-regulation (e.g., off task, inattentive, dis-
organized). Residence in the Western region of
the United States is associated with a signifi-
cantly decreased likelihood of SLI service
receipt. This suggests differences in SLI iden-
tification and service use depending on where
children and their families live in the United
States. Further research is needed to identify
factors that may account for this geographic
The present study is limited to estimates of dis-
parities in service receipt for SLIs during chil-
dren’s kindergarten year. Due to data
limitations, we were unable to independently
verify whether children reported by their teach-
ers met formal diagnostic criteria for SLIs.
Children identified as having SLIs may be
quite heterogeneous in regard to their specific
types of speech or language delays and disor-
ders. We were unable to distinguish among
types of SLIs because of how special education
teachers were surveyed about SLIs in the ECLS
data sets, which might be particularly impor-
tant in regard to identification of speech versus
language impairments for children who are
English language learners. The two ECLS-K
databases do not include independently admin-
istered measures of children’s speech produc-
tion, expressive or receptive vocabulary, or
other indicators of SLI symptoms, although
such variables would likely correlate with chil-
dren’s academic achievement and behavioral
functioning as well as other controls included
in our analyses. Despite extensive statistical
control for many potential confounding factors,
it is possible that characteristics not measured
in the study may contribute to the disparities
inferred to children’s status as racial, ethnic, or
language minorities. Consistent with prior
work on health disparities (Cheng & Goodman,
2015; E. Flores et al., 2010; Morgan, Staff,
Hillemeier, Farkas, & Maczuga, 2013), we
interpret the directionality of the disparities as
indicating that minority children are dispropor-
tionately underidentified as having SLIs and so
36 Exceptional Children 84(1)
less likely to receive services for SLIs. It may
be instead that White children are dispropor-
tionately overidentified and so more likely to
receive these services. Recent work suggests
that minority underidentification may be the
more likely explanation (Coker et al., 2016).
Because the data analyzed for each cohort were
cross sectional, it is not possible to clearly dis-
tinguish whether those with lower academic
and behavioral functioning are more likely to
be identified for SLI services or, instead,
whether SLI impairments are more likely to
result in impaired academic and behavioral
functioning. Analyses of longitudinal data,
including from the ECLS-K: 2011, would pro-
vide helpful insights in this regard.
Study’s Contributions and
Implications for Policy and Practice
Our study adds to an expanding literature
indicating that racial, ethnic and language
minority children in the United States may be
less likely to receive additional supports and
services to which they may be legally entitled
due to disabling conditions (E. Flores et al.,
2010; Hibel et al., 2010; Morgan, Hillemeier,
Farkas, & Maczuga, 2014; Zuckerman et al.,
2013). Disparities in special education ser-
vice receipt for SLIs may be contributing to
minority children’s well-documented lower
educational attainment including in both
reading and mathematics, greater likelihood
of experiencing harsh or punitive discipline
in school, more frequent experiences of eco-
nomic adversity, and comparatively fewer
societal opportunities over the life course
(Basch, 2011; Braveman & Barclay, 2009;
National Assessment of Educational Progress,
2013; Ramey, 2015). Our findings indicate
that these disparities, which continue to occur
for children who are Black as well as those
who are language minorities, now occur for
children who are Hispanic. These findings
suggest that policies designed to address
overrepresentation in special education for
SLIs based on race or ethnicity, although well
intentioned, may be misdirected and instead
risk exacerbating already occurring dispari-
ties in service receipt. Instead, our findings
suggest that such policies should attempt to
ensure that Child Find procedures are used
throughout the United States that result in
children with SLIs, including those who are
racial, ethnic, or language minorities, being
appropriately recognized and provided the
special education services to which they have
a civil right. Our results provide further evi-
dence indicating that underidentification for
disabilities based on race or ethnicity in the
United States may be widespread as well as
long-standing (Hibel et al., 2010; Morgan
et al., 2012; Morgan et al., 2015), as indicated
by contrasts among similarly situated chil-
dren (U.S. Department of Education Office of
Civil Rights, 2016).
One practical implication of our findings
is the importance of school-based practitio-
ners soliciting developmental concerns from
racial, ethnic, and language minority parents
to better identify possible delays or impair-
ments in speech or language production.
Parental report of developmental concerns
strongly predicts SLI identification and ser-
vice receipt (Skeat, Eadie, Ukoumunne, &
Reilly, 2010). Unfortunately, some studies
have also found practitioners to be less
likely to solicit developmental concerns from
minority families (Guerrero et al., 2011;
Zuckerman, Sinche, et al., 2014), even when
their children are at high risk for develop-
mental disorders (Zuckerman et al., 2009).
Strategies that can be implemented to better
solicit a parent’s concerns include universal
use of a structured and standardized screening
measure (e.g., Ages & Stages Question-
naires; Squires, Bricker, & Potter, 1997), as
well as utilizing effective interviewing tech-
niques such as eliciting parental information
on children’s speech and language abilities in
comparison to siblings, cousins, or same-
aged peers and in the parent’s preferred lan-
guage (Kummerer & Lopez-Reyna, 2009).
Doing so should help account for family and
peer norms that vary across racial, ethnic, and
spoken-language groups. Identifying SLIs in
children who are language minorities may
require special care and additional assess-
ments, including the use of bilingual peer-
based comparisons that may be more sensitive
to SLIs than comparisons with monolingual
peers (Kohnert, 2010). Universal screening
Morgan et al. 37
based on structured protocols has been found
to help address disparities in medical care as
well as in gifted education service receipt
(Card & Giuliano, 2015; Payne & Puumala,
2013) and so may be helpful in reducing dis-
parities in special education service receipt
(Morgan et al., 2015).
Another practical implication of our study is
that school-based practitioners should ensure
that their screening and monitoring efforts are
sensitive to the needs of cultural and language
minorities. Although some minority parents
have reported that practitioners were instru-
mental in identifying their children’s SLIs
(Kummerer & Lopez-Reyna, 2009), others
have reported practitioners being dismissive of
their concerns (Zuckerman, Mattox, et al.,
2014) or culturally insensitive or indifferent
(Shapiro, Monzó, Rueda, Gomez, & Blacher,
2004). For example, Gillborn, Rollock,
Vincent, and Ball’s (2016) qualitative study
involving 77 interviews of Black middle-class
parents of children with identified disabilities
indicated that the families felt that they encoun-
tered school professionals who were resistant
to their concerns “at virtually every stage” and
who “reacted with little interest, ranging from
slow responses to open antagonism and refusal”
(p. 53). Actively engaging parents during chil-
dren’s SLI evaluation (e.g., asking open-ended
follow-up questions over concerns about lan-
guage development and then restating the par-
ent’s response to ensure proper interpretation),
doing so in the parent’s preferred language, and
working collaboratively to introduce and coor-
dinate interventions and services that are sensi-
tive to diverse cultural beliefs may lessen
disparities in SLI identification and service
delivery (Kummerer, 2012; Thordardottir, 2010;
Toomey, Chien, Elliott, Ratner, & Schuster,
2013; Westby, 2009). More generally, research
on culturally and language sensitive care
has highlighted the importance of engaged
and personal practitioner–parent relationships
(DeCamp et al., 2013; Guerrero et al., 2011),
including conscious efforts to understand
the family’s perspective (Langdon, 2008).
Additional relevant interventions could
include public awareness campaigns, commu-
nity- and school-based Child Find programs,
and targeted screenings of minority children
at elevated risk (e.g., older boys who are per-
sistently experiencing academic difficulties
during kindergarten). A combination of these
efforts involving speech or language patholo-
gists, special education teachers, parents, and
schools and community organizations may be
needed to reduce widespread and continuing
disparities in service delivery for SLIs that are
disproportionately experienced by racial, eth-
nic, and language minority children. Such
efforts may be needed to ensure that minority
children are not disproportionately experienc-
ing the sequela of untreated SLIs (e.g., reading
or behavioral disabilities, bullying, unemploy-
ment), especially as they begin formal school-
ing in the United States.
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Authors’ Note
Funding for this study was provided by the National
Center for Special Education Research, Institute of
Education Science, U.S. Department of Education
(R324A120046) and the Spencer Foundation.
Infrastructure support was provided by Penn
State’s Population Research Institute through
funding from the National Institute of Child Health
and Human Development, National Institutes of
Health (P2CHD041025). These funders had no
direct involvement in the study.
Manuscript received October 2016; accepted
January 2017.