Annual Reviews Graphics Guide
1. Keep gures editable
Annual Reviews has a team of Illustration Editors who work with your gures
using Adobe Illustrator to ensure accuracy and consistency, provide graphical
enhancements, and apply our house style. During this process, we may change
font, type size, colors, layout, gure size, and information hierarchy, and we may
redraw certain elements.
Therefore, while we prefer that gures be as close to nal as possible when you
send them, please make sure the les are not attened* or uneditable.
NOTE: many other journals require print-ready, attened les; our requirement
for editable les is quite dierent, due to the gure enhancement and editing
we provide.
Examples of desired gure attributes:
If you are creating your gures from scratch:
If you are using previously published gures:
2. Submit PDF les
• Always send us a high-quality PDF of every gure.
Look for save as PDF" or "export PDF" options; otherwise, choose “Print” and
select “PDF le” as the destination instead of your printer.
• Please ensure the le name includes the correct gure number.
• If you used the following programs to create the image, please also send the
gure in the original le format listed:
Adobe Illustrator: .AI
Adobe Photoshop: layered .PSD or .TIF
Microsoft PowerPoint: .PPT/.PPTX
• AR encourages authors to submit video clips. Please see our supplemental
material guidelines for information on format and compression:
3. Contact us with questions
If you have questions or need help creating gures, please ask your Production
Editor to put you in touch with the Illustration Editor for your volume.
• Send the original, editable/vector format
wherever possible (for graphs, diagrams, etc.).
Avoid creating line- or text-heavy diagrams in
raster programs such as Photoshop.
• Keep text/lines on separate layers from any
photo, or send one version of the image with
labels and one without. Suggested: place the
photo in Illustrator or PowerPoint, then add
text/lines; send us the original .AI or .PPT le.
• Make sure all photos you start with are high
resolution (300 dpi at desired nal size).
• Consult our Figure Permission Guide for details.
• Request permission from the copyright
holders to adapt gures; include citation/
license/permission info in the captions. (Authors
are responsible for obtaining all permissions,
ideally BEFORE submitting the gures.)
The low-resolution gures found in online
journals are usually not adequate for our
press-quality publication. Contact the author or
publisher for high-resolution, editable les.
• Redrawing a gure does not change copyright;
if the original author would recognize the gure
as theirs, permission to adapt/modify the gure
must be obtained.
Why PDF? Almost all programs can output PDF
les, which maintain the exact look of the image
while preserving vector data, editable text, and
high-resolution raster images, all at once.
• Unacceptable le formats include:
For les created in these and other programs
not listed in the blue box at left, please save as,
export, or print to .PDF, .EPS, or .SVG format.
• High-resolution .JPG or .PNG les are acceptable
only for photos without text, lines, or labels.
• BioRender-created gures are not ideal because
all images are rasterized upon export. (Export as
PDF to retain editable text.) BioRender gures will
be either retouched or treated as sketches/drafts
and redrawn entirely.
Further notes on le format:
ArcGIS (various)
Canvas (.CNV, .CVX)
Cricket Graph (.CGG)
Freehand (.FH)
Kaleidagraph (.QPC)
Painter (.RIF)
SigmaPlot (various)
Visio (.VSD)
0.2 μm
0.2 μm
Microsoft Excel: .XLS/.XLSX
CorelDraw: .CDR
ChemDraw: .CDX, .CDXML
key is included
Editable, vector
lines, shapes,
and arrows
Text is live and
editable, not
Text and arrows are
on separate layers
from main image
Scale bar is labeled with
value and units
Raster or photo-
graphic images are
in high resolution
(300 dpi)
Color is used to
emphasize and
dierentiate the most
important elements
*Technical terms are dened on pages 3 and 4
Mf prevalence (%)
Duration of control (years)
0 10 20 30 40 50
Increased DEC/ALB
Our general specs
What is the dierence between vector and raster?
We prepare all gures to t our layout; you do not need to size
your gures exactly. Ideally, make gures larger and higher
resolution than they need to be; it is easier for us to scale down
as needed than to scale up. The largest image dimensions we can
publish per page are 6.33 × 7.9 inches (160 × 200 mm).
• Photos must be at least 300-dpi resolution at nal layout size. For
an image to be 3 × 3 in. (76 × 76 mm), it must be 900 × 900 pixels.
We change all type to house style, which uses Myriad Pro, with
most type at 7–8 pt size; minimum size is normally 6 pt.
Vector (object-oriented image)
Why graphs and similar imagery should NOT be submitted in raster format:
Raster (bitmap or scanned image)
• Do not include so many panels (gure parts) that the majority of
the type must be smaller than 7 pt when the gure ts our page
size. A maximum of six panels per gure is usually reasonable.
• Include only the most important images as gures. Additional
images can be posted online as Supplemental Material. See your
specic AR journal's submission guidelines for recommended
gure numbers.
Vector* images are based on mathematically described points,
lines, and areas; they can therefore be easily resized and edited.
Graphs, diagrams, schematics, and cladograms are usually
created in a vector format and should be submitted as such.
Raster images are made up of pixels, and thus cannot be easily
edited or enlarged without losing resolution or image quality.
Photos, scans, and continuous-tone data plots are examples of
intrinsically raster images, and are ne to submit as such.
File formats that are usually vector: File formats that are always raster:
Adobe Illustrator (.AI)
PowerPoint (.PPT)
File formats that can be either vector or raster:
Adobe Acrobat (.PDF)
Encapsulated PostScript (.EPS)
Adobe Photoshop (.PSD)
No control points or paths
Can only be changed using
photo retouching tools
in Photoshop
Type is not live or editable
Not easily editable
Crisp at all magnications
Imagery consists of a
set of mathematically
described objects, each
separate, independent,
and scalable without
Control points are connected
by lines called paths
Lines, colors, gradients,
and type are instantly
Paths can be manipulated
(where appropriate) with handles
Resolution independent
Underlying wire-frame view
Jagged pixelation occurs
when image is enlarged
Imagery consists of a grid of
tiny adjacent square pixels,
each one color
Resolution depends on size
of pixels (i.e., dots per inch or dpi)
Resolution dependent
No wire-frame view exists
The vector image at the left is shown
here rasterized, and is thus no longer
easily editable.
Graph in vector form
Annual Reviews Graphics Guide 2
*Technical terms are dened on pages 3 and 4
Bitmap: (a) A spatially mapped array of bits; that is, an image made up of a xed
number of pixels, also known as a raster image. (b) A raster image made up of
one-bit data (black and white pixels only). This is the meaning used by Adobe
Photoshops bitmap mode. (c) Bitmap (BMP) image format, one of many raster
le formats.
CMYK: A color space using the primary colors cyan, magenta, yellow, and black.
K stands for key; black is the key plate on a traditional printing press.
Color space: A description or model of the range of all possible colors that can
be displayed on screen or in print. Display devices such as computer monitors
typically dene colors using RGB, the primary colors of light. Printing processes
typically use CMYK, the primary colors of ink. Annual Reviews converts all
images to the CMYK color space to ensure our journals print properly. The RGB
color space is slightly larger than the CMYK color space due to the proper-
ties of transmitted versus reected light. Therefore certain colors that can be
shown in RGB (especially bright blues and greens) will look less bright when
converted to CMYK.
dpi: A measurement of image resolution, described as dots per (linear) inch or
pixels per (linear) inch (ppi). See resolution for more details.
Editable: An image containing text, lines, and other graphical elements that are
live and can be separately selected, moved, edited, or deleted. Entirely vector
les are the most easily editable. Flattened raster les are considered unedit-
able by Annual Reviews, as they can only be changed to a limited extent, using
time-consuming photo-retouching tools. Typically, the format in which the
le was originally created will be most editable, because the gures creator
would want to preserve the ability to easily move and change elements. For
example, a Photoshop (PSD) le with a background photo and live text on top,
on a separate layer, is considered editable. A JPG version of the same le would
not be editable, because the layers would be attened and the text would be
embedded into the pixels making up the image.
Embedded text: Text that has been rasterized and attened into the pixels that
make up a raster image. Embedded text becomes part of the image, perma-
nently obscuring whatever was beneath it, and it cannot be moved or edited
without altering the image. As a result of rasterization, embedded text often
appears blurry or pixelated in print. Annual Reviews prefers that images be
submitted with editable text, or text on a separate layer, or in two les, one
with the text and the other without.
EPS: Encapsulated PostScript. A graphics le format used for both vector and
raster images. EPS les can be read by a wide variety of software. Raster data
saved in an EPS le cannot be read as vector data.
Flattened: A attened image is one that was originally created with layers and/or
vector components, then rasterized into a single-layer, non-editable snapshot
image. Please avoid sending attened images. Annual Reviews prefers graphics
in a vector or layered format.
JPG or JPEG: A common le format for compressed raster images. Does not
support layers (therefore not appropriate for images with text/lines/labels).
JPG compression is "lossy": it causes the image to permanently lose quality as
the le is compressed; quality deteriorates further each time it is resaved. While
this makes the le size much smaller, it may cause blurriness and smudgy com-
pression artifacts around the edges of color regions. JPG images are commonly
used on the Web, in PowerPoint les, and anywhere else small le size is more
important than image quality. Unless they come straight from your digital
camera in high resolution and have not been resaved repeatedly, JPG les are
typically not acceptable for submission to Annual Reviews; use TIF instead.
Layers: A way of arranging image les to allow for easy editing. In programs such
as Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator, layers allow dierent components of an
image to be kept in separate virtual spaces that are stacked like sheets of trans-
parent acetate. Text can be kept on a separate layer from the rest of an image,
Annual Reviews Graphics Guide 3
JPG compression
artifacts show in areas
that were pure white
before compression
Embedded text: all text has been
converted to uneditable pixels
Rasterized image: lines that used
to be crisp, editable vector are
now converted to blurry pixels.
Example of uneditable image —please make sure submitted
les are editable.
(Continued on next page)
Example of the same image in RGB versus CMYK color space.
Layers allow dierent parts of
an image, such as text, arrows,
or shapes, to be separated
and restacked.
so that it can be moved without aecting the underlying layer. In Photoshop
and similar programs, if multiple layers are merged into a single layer, the
image has been attened and is no longer editable. Annual Reviews prefers to
receive layered les whenever possible.
PDF: Portable Document Format. A le format created to enable image and le
transfers between software programs. Image, text, and layout information is
stored in a manner that is independent of the operating system or software
program in which the le was created. Because of its ability to protect the
exact look of an image, while also preserving vector information, fonts, and im-
age resolution, PDF is the preferred le format for gures submitted to Annual
Reviews. Be sure to select high resolution and no image compression if given
the option when saving as PDF.
Pixel: Also called a picture element or dot, a pixel is the smallest element of a ras-
ter digital image. Each pixel is a small square of a single color that is arrayed in
a grid adjacent to other pixels; viewed together, many tiny pixels form a larger
visible image. The more pixels an image contains per unit area, the higher its
resolution is, and the clearer and more detailed it will look.
Pixelated: Visibly showing pixels, for example as jagged edges on text or color
transitions. If an image is at adequate resolution, no pixels should be visible to
the naked eye at 100% size.
Raster: A term for an image made up of a xed number of pixels, for example, a
digital photo or scanned image. Raster images cannot be made larger in size
without losing resolution, or image quality. Raster images are also sometimes
referred to as bitmap. (See What is the dierence between vector and raster?”
on page 2.)
Rasterize: To convert an image from vector format into raster format, render-
ing it largely uneditable. Wherever possible, do not rasterize images before
submitting them to Annual Reviews. For example, a graph exported from a
graphing program as a TIF or JPG has been rasterized; exporting it as a PDF or
EPS instead may preserve the vector data.
RGB: A color space using the primary colors red, green, and blue.
Resolution: The density of pixels (dots) in a raster image, usually measured in
dots per (linear) inch (dpi). The higher the resolution of an image, the more
pixels it contains, and the clearer and higher quality it appears when viewed
or printed. Annual Reviews requests all raster images be at least 300 dpi, the
standard resolution for printed images. For example, a 3 x 4-inch image at 300
dpi will measure 900 pixels wide by 1200 pixels high. Internet images are usu-
ally saved at low resolution (often 72 dpi) to minimize le size. While they may
appear clear on screen, they will appear blurry or pixelated in print, and are not
SVG: Scalable Vector Graphics. An XML-based graphics le format used for vector
les (and sometimes animations). If a program does not have PDF as an export
option, SVG is a good choice for preserving editability of the image for Annual
TIF or TIFF: Tagged Image File Format. A graphics le format used for raster les.
TIF les tend to be large, stable, and readable by a wide variety of software.
Annual Reviews prefers all raster images be submitted as TIF. Lossless compres-
sion such as LZW can be used to make TIF les smaller without losing image
Vector: A type of image that is based on mathematical points connected by
paths. Unlike raster images made of pixels, vector images are resolution-
independent and can be resized without losing quality or sharpness. They are
much smaller in le size, and they are easier to edit because the elements of
an image are recognized as individual, overlapping shapes. Vector images can
be converted into raster images (rasterized), but rasterized images cannot be
converted back the other way. (See What is the dierence between vector and
raster?” on page 2.)
Annual Reviews Graphics Guide 4
Denitions, continued
High-resolution image.
Acceptable for
publication at AR.
Low-resolution Web
image, with evident
Not acceptable for
publication at AR.