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Preparation and Submission of a Manuscript for the Proceedings of the
Fusion Energy Conference
R. Kamendje 1), Z. Cai 1), G. Mank 1)
1) International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Vienna, Austria
E-mail contact of main author: r.kam[email protected]
Abstract. Since 1998, the proceedings of Fusion Energy Conferences (FECs) are being published electronically
on CD-ROM and the Internet. Therefore, for publication in the proceedings, authors must submit their papers in
electronic format via our web browser based, password protected file submission system, called LISA
(Lightweight Interactive Storage Application for the Collection of Conference Contributions). LISA was
developed in 2000 and further improved in 2002 and 2005/6 to help authors to submit their conference
contributions in appropriate electronic format. Portable Document Format (PDF) will be the required format for
submission of contributions. No other formats will be accepted. This paper describes the required layout for the
full manuscripts, gives examples of how to convert them to PDF, and tells how to submit them electronically
through LISA.
1. Introduction
With the Fusion Energy Conference (FEC) held in October 1998 in Yokohama, Japan, the
IAEA began publishing the proceedings of this series of conferences electronically on CD-
ROM and the Internet. The proceedings of the FEC 1998 (2001 Edition), FEC 2000, held in
Sorrento, Italy, in October 2000, FEC2002, held in Lyon, France, in October 2002, FEC2004
held in Vilamoura, Portugal and of the FEC 2006, held in 2006 in Chengdu, China People’s
Republic of, can be found on the IAEA home page: The proceedings for the present Fusion
energy Conference, 13-18 October, to be hold in Geneva, Switzerland, will be published in
the same way. There will be no hard copies of the proceedings. The publication on the
Internet is a cost free service provided by the IAEA to participants of this series of
conferences as well as to interested persons, institutes and libraries. In addition to the
electronic proceedings on CD-ROM and the Internet, authors are encouraged to submit their
full manuscripts to the Nuclear Fusion journal. The manuscripts will undergo the normal
refereeing procedure and, if accepted, will be edited and published in the journal (see also the
FEC 2010 announcement, Section 8.d, http://www-
This paper describes the particular requirements for the layout of the full manuscripts
(Section 2) and where to send the paper copy (Section 2.9), ways to convert the manuscripts
into correct PDF (Section 3), and the only way to submit them electronically to the IAEA
(Section 4). Please read these instructions carefully and follow the guidelines strictly.
These measures will help main authors and submitters of papers as well as the producers of
the CD-ROM, to get all correctly submitted manuscripts published soon after the conference.
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2. Preparation of Manuscripts (Source Files)
This section describes requirements for the layout of manuscripts to be produced by a word
processor (e.g. Microsoft Word, LaTeX), which then have to be converted to PDF format for
subsequent electronic submission to the IAEA.
2.1. Length of Manuscripts
Papers must not exceed the number of pages specified below:
Summaries: 20 pages
Overviews: 12 pages
Orals: 8 pages
Posters: 8 pages
Please note: rapporteured papers are considered as posters (maximum number of pages: 8).
2.2. General Layout
Paper Size: Please use these instructions as an example of the required layout. Use A4 format
only, 21 cm x 29.7 cm (portrait format). The required margins are given in Table I below
(resulting typing area: 16 cm x 24.7 cm).
Margin A4 Format
Left 2.5 cm
Right 2.5 cm
Top 2.5 cm
Bottom 2.5 cm
Fonts: Important – Use Times or Times New Roman
12 point size only (other sizes as
specified), and Symbol font for mathematical symbols (in the text and in the figures).
Justification should be set to full (or left only, if preferred).
Do not underline: Use italics, bold or bold italics instead
Line spacing should be set at 1 (single).
Leave a line space between paragraphs and sections.
Leave a line space between section titles and text.
Leave only one space after a full stop.
Authors are requested to use the (PostScript printer’s) Times or the (TrueType) Times New Roman font and
the standard Symbol font only, in order to produce PDF files having good performance. Other fonts used in the
source files increase the risk of getting unreadable PDF files. LaTeX users may use Computer Modern or related
fonts too, but need to ensure that the Type 1 (outline) version of the fonts is embedded in the PDF file; packages
like “times” together with “mathptm” may be an alternative.
Underlined words/sentences usually indicate Internet links.
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Insert your paper number on the top right corner of each page
(14 point size bold) within the area of the top margin (at least
1.0 cm from the upper edge of each page). You may also insert a
page number on every page (see examples in this paper).
The first page of the full manuscript must begin with the title of the paper centred on the
page in 14 point Bold Title Case (title case means first letter of each main word
capitalized), the names of the authors (Initials – followed by a period each – Family Name)
with the main author’s name mentioned first, the names and locations of the authors’
affiliations (Title Case), and the e-mail address of the main author (for an example, please see
the title, authors and affiliations of these instructions).
The paper must begin with an abstract not exceeding 2400 characters (single paragraph, no
references or footnotes, Times or Times New Roman 10 point).
Widow/Orphan lines: Never start a page with the last line of a paragraph or of a displayed list,
and never finish a page with the first line of a paragraph or a displayed list, or a section title.
Make sure that all headings are followed on the same page by at least two lines of text.
2.3. Section Headings and Numbering
Each new section and subsection should have a heading consisting of an Arabic numeral
followed by a period, a single space and then the section title (12 point Bold Title Case, see
these instructions).
2.4. Mathematical Signs and Symbols
For mathematical signs in the text use special characters, “·” or “x” for the multiplication
sign, “-” for minus, “+” for plus, and “·” for combining units (e.g. MW·h). Mathematical
symbols must be clearly and consistently typed to ensure that their meanings and positions are
2.5. Footnotes
Footnotes should be numbered with superscript Arabic numerals; the number and the text
should both be typed in Times or Times New Roman 10 point. Footnotes to the text should be typed
at the foot of the appropriate page (see examples in this paper).
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2.6. Figures and Tables
For figure numbering and captions, use Arabic numerals and text in Times or Times New Roman
11 point italics (see FIG.1.).
FIG. 1. IAEA logo.
For table numbering and headings, use Roman numerals, TIMES or TIMES NEW ROMAN 11
(see Table I above). Lettering in figures and tables should be large
enough to reproduce clearly and only the approved fonts may be used. Ensure that figures
and tables are clear and reproducible. Do not use too fine lines, too light colours, etc. All
figures and tables should be cited in the text and should be numbered in the order in which
they are first mentioned.
Figures and tables should be placed at the top or bottom of a page as near as possible to the
place where they are first mentioned. The table width should not exceed 16 cm (if less than
16 cm, centre the table) or, for a table in landscape format, 25 cm.
2.7. Other Issues
Numbering of sections, paragraphs, references, figures, pictures, tables, equations and
footnotes should be consecutive throughout the paper. Abbreviations should be explained
when they first appear, unless they are commonly understood by the readership to which the
paper is addressed. Express all physical quantities in SI units.
For pictures and photographs please include an electronic image in the document. Take
care: pictures and photographs may increase the file size of your manuscript tremendously.
Make sure that the file size of your manuscript converted to PDF does not exceed 20 MB (see
also Section 4.3. (c)).
2.8. References
Please use the reference style given in the enclosed sample of references (Appendix 1).
References should be numbered (Arabic numerals in square brackets, e.g. [12]) in the order in
which they are first mentioned, and listed at the end of the paper. If a reference is cited first in
a figure caption or table, it should be numbered according to the place in the text where the
figure or table is first cited. Please ensure that journal references contain the journal name,
volume number, year and page number. Paper numbers should be given in the case of
electronically published conference proceedings. For all proceedings, the location and year of
the conference should be given, and for both proceedings and reports, the name of the
publisher and the place and year of publication should also be included.
2.9. Submission of Paper Copies of Manuscripts
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The submission of hard paper copy is no longer required. For electronic submission of your
manuscript please see Section 4. below.
Please note: Papers will not be edited or retyped by the IAEA before copying on CD-ROM
and the Internet.
2.10. Recommendations
Authors should proof read their text carefully and finally run the source file through a
spelling checker before converting it to PDF format. Authors should check their manuscript
in PDF format for readability and printability before submitting it electronically to the IAEA.
3. Conversion of a Source File into PDF Format
As an author of a paper accepted for the FEC, you have already submitted a two-page
synopsis in correct PDF during the submission period. This leads to the assumption that you
are already familiar with the process of converting source files (Word, LaTeX, etc.) into the
required format. If this is the case, you may skip reading this section and go directly to
Section 4., Electronic Submission of Papers. Nevertheless, we recommend that you follow
carefully the Recommendations in Section 3.3.
General Information: PDF was chosen as document format. Each author should submit his
or her paper in PDF only. No other formats will be accepted.
In principle there are two ways of creating correct PDF files:
Writing to a PostScript file first, which then has to be converted to PDF with Adobe
Acrobat Distiller or similar software in a second step;
Creating PDF directly from within the text processing software (needs Adobe Acrobat
Writer or similar software installed on your computer).
3.1. Creation of PS Files
PS files are no longer acceptable.
3.2. Creation of PDF Files
To convert a PostScript file to PDF, you will need Adobe Acrobat 4.0 or higher or similar
software. To convert the source file of your manuscript to PDF from within the word
processing software (e.g. MS Word), you will need Adobe Acrobat Writer or similar
software. Please follow the instructions of your software and make sure that
1. the fonts used in the document get embedded in the PDF file,
2. Acrobat 3 compatibility mode is set, and
3. document security settings are not used.
Possible problems
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If you encounter problems in producing, viewing or printing a PDF file, please consult
your local software experts. The newest version of Acrobat Reader can be downloaded for
free from the Internet:
URL: http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep.html.
3.3. Recommendations
After generating the PDF file, we urgently recommend that authors review their PDF file by
printing it and proof reading the output before submitting the file electronically through
LISA to the IAEA. Carefully check the margins, mathematical symbols, graphics, pictures,
etc. If you experience any problems, please contact your local software and computer experts.
For detailed information, visit the Adobe Acrobat home page on the Internet (Internet address
is given above).
4. Electronic Submission of Papers
The full manuscript must be submitted through LISA, our web browser based file
submission system with password based access control for electronic submission of FEC
contributions. You – the author or submitter – must use the same user account (= e-mail
address) and the same password as specified for abstract and synopsis submission.
Submissions by e-mail, fax or any other means will not be accepted.
Only authors/submitters of accepted FEC contributions will be able to access LISA. The
system is able to check automatically incoming files in the specified format. You – the author
or submitter – already submitted a two-page synopsis and a short abstract through LISA
during the submission period. The submission process for a full manuscript will be very
similar to that for abstract and synopsis submission.
Besides the full manuscript in PDF you have to submit additional information, especially
names and affiliation of co-authors and keywords that will be used for the navigation and
index pages on the CD-ROM and the FEC proceedings web site. Data provided during the
abstract and synopsis submission period (paper title, main author, abstract, etc.) have been
saved in LISA and do not need to be submitted once more. The abstracts may have been
slightly modified in several cases with respect to mathematical formatting.
You may change
the abstract if it is absolutely necessary, however, this is not recommended.
4.1. Requirements for Electronic Submission
Authors will need to have a reasonable web browser able to do HTTP (Hypertext Transfer
Protocol) file uploads, e.g. Netscape Navigator 3.0 or higher, Internet Explorer 4.0 or higher,
or any other web browser capable of uploading files by HTTP.
We requested authors not to use mathematical characters, expressions and symbols in the short abstract.
Unfortunately, many authors ignored our request. However, special characters were not transmitted correctly in
several cases. The resulting formulas were difficult to understand or unreadable at all. We decided to allow some
simple mathematical formatting in the abstracts and used LaTeX to implement this feature.
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4.2. File Formats
Only files in Portable Document Format (PDF) format will be accepted, as described in
Section 3.
4.3. Electronic Submission of Auxiliary Information, Keywords and Full Manuscript
Start your web browser on your computer. In the “File” menu or similar click on “Open” and
type in (or click directly on)
This link will start the initial page of LISA. You will be asked to type in your user account
(=e-mail address) and the password specified during the abstract and two-page synopsis
submission period. Click on the button “Login”. After you have successfully logged in, you
will be guided through LISA in a similar way as for abstract and synopsis submission (for
details please see below). This time, auxiliary information will be required (co-authors,
keywords). The submission process for the full manuscript includes the following steps
(submitters of more than one paper: please read Section 4.4.):
a) submit auxiliary information,
b) submit keywords for your full manuscript,
c) submit your full manuscript in PDF
d) logoff from the site (do not forget this important step).
a) Submit auxiliary information
As you may already have noted from the FEC 1998/2000/02/04 proceedings, the navigation
through the CD-ROM and the proceedings web site is based on comprehensive summary
pages for each paper and on index lists. All authors’ names and affiliations will appear in
these pages as typed in during the electronic submission of a full manuscript!
You are asked to type in all co-authors of your paper in the first box of this interactive page
according to the following rules: “Initials (each followed by a period) Family Name”
followed by “#)” and a comma. The comma is needed for separating the author names in our
software that will be used for producing the proceedings (no semicolons or other means of
separators). The “#)” refers to the authors’ affiliations; the main author – as defined during
the abstract and synopsis submission period – is automatically given affiliation number “1)”.
Example: if the main author was F.Prefect, from The Islington Institute, who wrote the paper
together with two colleagues from the same institute (A. Dent, T. McMillan) and some other
people (Z.B. Brox, S.B. Fast; please note: no space between the Initials), you would write:
Z.B. Brox 2), A. Dent 1), S.B. Fast 3), T. McMillan 1)
You may want to use the same format within your paper, so that you can simply copy and paste the
information from your paper into the web browser window (please see the author list and affiliations of these
8 PS/M-1
Do not include the main author’s name in this list; this name is already saved in LISA. The
co-authors’ affiliations and addresses have to be typed now into the second box, preceded by
the reference numbers defined in the first box. The main author’s affiliation will
automatically appear in this box preceded by “1)”. Affiliations have to be numbered
consecutively – in our example from “1)” to “3)”:
Co-authors’ affiliations:
1) The Islington Institute, Islington, United Kingdom
2) Improbability Labs, Damogran, France
3) Landscape Modelling Ltd, MA, Magrathea
Fill in all affiliations of your co-authors. Click on the button “Submit” afterwards; you will
be informed if the submission succeeded. Then click on the button “Continue” to continue.
Please note: we have chosen this procedure for co-authors’ names and affiliations to protect
authors/submitters of full manuscripts from having to go through an “endless” list of text
boxes, especially in the case of long author lists. To ease the life of the producers of the FEC
proceedings, please handle this part of the submission process very carefully.
b) Submit keywords for your full manuscript
Please choose up to five keywords for your paper out of the predefined keyword list; just
click on the keywords appropriate for your paper. If you encounter problems in clicking on
more than one keyword, please consult your local software specialist. A printout of the
predefined keyword list is attached to these author instructions (Appendix 2). Click on the
button “Submit” afterwards; you will be informed if the submission succeeded. Then click
on the button “Continue” to continue.
c) Submit your full manuscript in PDF
Select the PDF you intend to submit from your computer. Either type the filename into the
input box or click on the button which says “Browse” and choose your file. Then click on the
button “Submit” to submit your paper through LISA.
If LISA is able to open and read your submitted file without problems, you will receive a
message “Submission successful”. Otherwise you will receive an automatic response, “Try
it again”, together with the error messages generated by Acrobat Distiller. Based on these
error messages, you will have to check your manuscript, make the required corrections and
submit your file again. Then click on the button “OK” to continue.
Please note: LISA allows up to 25 uploads per paper. Files exceeding 20 MB will not be
d) Logoff from the site (do not forget this important step)
Please logoff when you have submitted all the information described above. This is an urgent
step; otherwise the system would still allow input concerning your paper after you have
finished your work. This might give someone else a possibility to alter your data. At this stage
you may decide to:
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logoff immediately or
return to the main menu and change information already submitted (contact information,
password, short abstract).
In case you decide to go to the main menu, please note:
From within the main menu you may select the items you want to change by clicking on
the left hand menu bar.
If you need to change the abstract, please be aware that it might contain text formatting
commands in LaTeX format which you should not change. To enter special characters or
mathematical operators, follow strictly the instructions given online in LISA.
Do not forget to logoff when you have completed your changes.
4.4. Information for Submitters of More Than One Full Manuscript
Submitters of more than one full manuscript will be guided to LISA’s “Paper” menu after
logging in. Select the paper title for which you intend to submit the requested auxiliary
information, keywords and full manuscript in PDF. Then click on “OK”. From this point on
you must go through the same steps as described in Section 4.3. After finishing the input
work for one paper, you will be asked either to logoff or to continue with one of the other
papers. If you decide to continue with one of the other papers, you will be shown LISA’s
“Paper” menu once more and may continue as described above. In case you decide to logoff,
you may return to LISA later and provide the necessary data and PDF file for each paper, but
keep in mind the deadline for submissions.
4.5. Modification of Information, Revision of Manuscripts
If you wish to correct some part of the information described above, please open your
browser again and connect to LISA as described in Section 4.3. The main menu will show up,
which allows you to choose one of the functions described in Section 4.3. If you have
submitted more than one paper, select the appropriate paper out of the “Paper” menu. Make
the necessary corrections in the same way as described above. If you wish to alter your
submitted PDF, simply resubmit a new version during the submission period. Please have in
mind the maximum number of uploads per paper (25) and the maximum file size (20 MB).
5. Deadlines
Please check about deadlines in section 15 of the conference announcement: http://www-
pub.iaea.org/mtcd/meetings/Announcements.asp?ConfID= 38091
6. Copyright and Publishing
All authors have been requested to sign IAEA Form B, “Submission of a Paper”, assigning
the IAEA either copyright or a non-exclusive, royalty free license to publish. Authors are
responsible for ensuring that nothing in their papers infringes any existing copyright. If
previously copyrighted material is included, authors must provide evidence that the copyright
holder has given permission for its use.
Although it is hoped that it will be possible to publish all the papers from the conference on
CD-ROM and the Internet, the final decision on each paper can only be taken by the IAEA
after the conference.
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7. Final Remarks
We hope that our improved and extended file submission system LISA has helped and will
continue to help authors to submit their contributions in correct formats and on time, but this
will also require some effort from the authors, as described above. We kept the file
submission system as simple as possible to ease your life but, please, follow the instructions
strictly. Authors are reminded that it is their responsibility to produce their PDF or PS files in
correct formats. We have seen from the abstract and synopsis submission that LISA works
reliably and that authors/submitters had no problems with it. Nevertheless: we wish you good
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Appendix 1: Examples for the Reference Style
Reactors: Strategic Issues, Technologies and Economic Viability, IAEA-TECDOC-
1117, Vienna (1999).
[2] FIL, N.S., et al., “Balancing passive and active systems for evolutionary water cooled
reactors”, Evolutionary Water Cooled Reactors: Strategic Issues, Technologies and
Economic Viability, IAEA-TECDOC-1117, Vienna (1999) 149–158.
[3] Energy from Inertial Fusion, IAEA, Vienna (1995) 95–111.
[4] Topical Issues in Nuclear, Radiation and Radioactive Waste Safety (Proc. Conf.
Vienna, 1998), IAEA, Vienna (1999); Contributed Papers (CD-ROM).
Resources Development and Management, C&S Papers Series No. 2/C, IAEA, Vienna
(1999) (CD-ROM).
[6] LAO, L.L., et al., “Effects of Plasma Shape and Profiles on Edge Stability in DIII-D”,
Fusion Energy 1998 (Proc. 17th Int. Conf. Yokohama, 1998), C&S Papers Series No.
1/C, IAEA, Vienna (1999), CD-ROM file EX8/1 and
[7] TAIT, W.H., Radiation Detection, Butterworth, London (1980).
[8] GRAMBOW, B., et al., “Chemical stability of a phosphate glass under hydrothermal
conditions”, Scientific Basis for Nuclear Waste Management (Proc. Symp. Boston, 1979),
Vol. 2 (NORTHRUP, C.J.M., Jr., Ed.), Plenum Press, New York (1980) 109–116.
[9] DURAND, M., KAWASHIMA, R., ibid., pp. 375–379.
[10] FORSYTH, R.S. (Ed.), The Hot Cell Laboratory — A Short Description of Programs,
Facilities and Techniques, Rep. STUDSVIK/NF(P)-86/29, Studsvik Energiteknik,
Nyköping (1986).
[11] DEL CASTILLO, D., Dynamics and Transport in Rotating Fluids and Transition to
Chaos in Area Preserving Non-twist Maps, PhD Thesis, Univ. of Texas, Austin (1994).
[12] KUANG, Guangli, et al., “Lower hybrid current drive experiments and improved
performance on the HT-7 superconducting tokamak”, Nucl. Fusion 39 (1999) 1769.
[13] DIAMOND, B.A., Binding of Lectins to the Cell Surface of T. cruzi (in preparation).
[14] VON DRASCHE, R., Acquired cell mediated immunodepression effects in acute Chagas'
disease, J. Clin. Invest. (in press).
[15] REFORMATSKIJ, I.A., Laboratories for Work with Radioactive Substances, Atomizdat,
Moscow (1979) (in Russian).
[16] PHILLIPS, S.M., Kernforschungsanlage Jülich, KOCH, D., Physikalisch-Technische
Bundesanstalt, Braunschweig, personal communication, 1995.
[17] UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY, Aerosol Fog System for Fixing
Radioactive Contamination, Technology Deployment Fact Sheet (1999),
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Appendix 2: Keyword Index
accelerated beam plasma fusion
accident analysis
adiabatic particles
advanced helical systems
advanced magnetic systems
advanced scenarios
advanced stellarator
advanced stellarator scenarios
advanced tokamak
advanced tokamak scenarios
Alfvén eigenmodes
Alfvén modes
Alfvén wave current drive
Alfvén waves
alpha particle heating
alpha particles
angular momentum generation
anomalous confinement
anomalous transport
antenna array
aspect ratio
ballooning modes
barrier formation
beta limit
beta value
blanket development
bootstrap current
boundary plasma control
Braginskii equations
burning plasma
cable-in-conduit conductor
Cauchy formulation
central solenoid
charcoal-bonding system
charge exchange
chemical erosion
chirping modes
coaxial helicity injection
co injection
collective modes
collective phenomena
combined heating and current drive
compact torus
confinement degradation
confinement scaling law
confinement studies
confinement time
13 PS/M-1
conventional scenarios
cooling system
core density fluctuations
core micro-instability
core transport
core turbulence
correlation length
counter injection
cross field transport
cryogenic system
current density profile
current drive
current free plasmas
current hole
current profile control
current profile modification
D-D fusion reactor
D-T experiments
D-T fusion reactor
D-T plasmas
data acquisition
density control
density limit
detached divertor plasmas
diffusion coefficient
dipole confined plasma
direct drive
disruption avoidance
disruption control
disruption resilience
divertor/divertor region
double barrier
drift waves
drift Alfvén waves
drift wave dynamics
drift wave turbulence
economic aspects
eddy currents
edge database
edge modes
edge pedestal
edge plasma
edge turbulence
electric tokamak
electromagnetic turbulence
electron beam heating
electron Bernstein waves
electron cyclotron current drive
electron cyclotron resonance heating
electron density
electron dynamics
electron temperature gradient
electron transport
ELM free regimes
14 PS/M-1
ELMy H mode
energetic particles
energy confinement
energy transport
enhanced D-alpha H mode
enhanced performance
environmental aspects
ergodic divertor
error field modes
external helical fields
external transport barriers
fast ignition
fast ignitor
fast particle instabilities
fast particles
fast potential changes
feedback control
feasibility studies
field reversed configuration
first wall
flow shear stabilization
fluid simulations
flux dependence
flux driven turbulence
Fokker-Planck simulations
functional ceramics
fusion experimental breeder
fusion gain
fusion power
fusion triple product
fusion technology applications
fusion-fission hybrid reactor
fusion fuel cycle
gas dynamic trap
gas puffing
giant sawteeth
global Alfvén eigenmodes
global MHD modes
global transport
global warming
Grad-Shavranov shift
Grad-Shavranov equation
Greenwald density
Greenwald limit
H mode
H mode pedestal
H mode scaling
H mode threshold
H mode transition
H-L transition
halo currents
heat flux exhaust
heat load
heat transport
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heavy ion driven inertial fusion
helias reactor
helical system
helicity injection
high aspect ratio system
high beta
high confinement modes
high energy ions
high harmonic fast wave
high performance experiments
high power heating experiments
high repetition rate lasers
high Tc superconducting coils
high Z wall materials
hybrid electron ion drift mode
ideal ballooning modes
imploding plasmas
implosion physics
improved confinement
impurity control
impurity puffing/injection
impurity transport studies
indirect drive
inductive current drive
inertial confinement
ingress-of-coolant event
innovation concepts
interchange mode
internal inductance
internal disruptions
internal reconnection event
internal transport
internal transport barriers
International Fusion Materials Irradiation Facility (IFMIF)
intrinsic barrier
in-vessel systems
ion Bernstein wave heating
ion Bernstein waves
ion density
ion dynamics
ion cyclotron resonance heating
ion temperature gradient
ion transport
island divertor
isodynamic conditions
isotope effect
ITER China
ITER Japan
ITER Korea
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ITER Central Team
ITER central solenoid
ITER cryopumping system
ITER diagnostics system
ITER divertor
ITER divertor modelling
ITER divertor remote maintenance
ITER general design requirements
ITER in-vessel components
ITER magnets
ITER physics basis
ITER plant layout and site services
ITER plasma facing components
ITER poloidal field system
ITER pumping system
ITER safety analysis
ITER toroidal field system
killer pellets
kink modes
kink stability
L-H transition
L mode
Larmor radius
laser fusion power plant
laser systems
light ion drivers
limiter plasmas
linear eigenmodes
liquid lithium fusion reactor
liquid walls
local effects
locked modes
long mean free path regime
long pulse operation
long life fission products
long range correlation
long sustainment
loss-of-vacuum event
low activation materials
low aspect ratio helical system
low shear
low shear stellarators
low aspect ratio helical systems
low Z materials
lower hybrid current drive
lower hybrid heating
magnetic configuration
magnetic confinement
magnetic fluctuation
magnetic reconnection
magnetized plasma
magnetized target
magnetosonic modes
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material studies
Maxwell stress
Medium Z wall materials
Mercier limit
MHD activity
MHD phenomena
MHD stability
mode suppression
modular field coils
modulated ECH
multi mode transport model
multi mirror plasma confinement
Nb3Sn superconductor
NbTi superconductor
negative central magnetic shear
negative ion based NBI
neoclassical confinement
negative shear
neoclassical islands
neoclassical tearing modes
neoclassical theory
neoclassical transport
next step fusion device
neural network
neural techniques
neutral beam injection
neutron wall load
non-adiabatic particles
non-axisymmetric plasmas
non-diffusive phenomena
non-inductive current drive
non-inductive ramp up
non-linear gyrokinetic simulations
non-linear simulations
non-local effects
nuclear heat load
off-axis current drive
off-axis ECCD
Ohmic confinement
Ohmic H mode
Ohmically heated plasmas
open systems
operational limits
particle transport
pebble drop divertor
pedestal temperature
pellet injection
petawatt laser
Pfirsch-Schlüter currents
plasma confinement
plasma control
plasma current filamentation
plasma detachment
plasma elongation
plasma facing components
18 PS/M-1
plasma focus
plasma neutralizer
plasma wall interaction
poloidal field coils
positive ion based NBI
positive shear
potential turbulence
power balance
predictive simulations
pressure gradient driven turbulence
private flux region
pulsed heat load
pumped divertor
pumping system
q value
quasi-steady state operation
radiative cooling
radiative edge
radiative plasmas
radio frequency experiments
ramp-up experiments
Rayleigh-Taylor instabilities
reactor relevant scenarios
reduced transport
remote control
remote handling
remote handling maintenance
resistive ballooning mode
resistive edge modes
resistive instabilities
resistive modes
resistive wall mode
return current
reversed field pinch
reversed magnetic shear
reversed shear
Reynolds stress
runaway electrons
safety analysis
safety and environment
safety factor
sawtooth control
sawtooth stabilization
scale invariance
scaling law
scrape-off layer
second stable regime
semi-empirical transport model
Shafranov shift
sheared flows
SiC/SiC composites
similarity studies
19 PS/M-1
solid glass targets
spherical tokamak
spherical torus
steady state conditions
steady state operation
steady state plasma heating
steady state stellarator
steady state tokamak
steady state wall pumping
streamer mode
Stringer-Taylor effect
structural materials
supercritical helium
supersonic molecular beam injection
supersonic SOL flow
suprathermal electrons
TAE instabilities
target design
target gain
tearing modes
thermal electrons
thermal ions
thermal ion diamagnetic frequency
thermal loss
toroidal field coils
toroidal currents
toroidal mirrors
trace tritium transport experiments
transport barriers
trapped electrons
tritium handling
tritium inventory
tritium processing plant
tritium production
tritium retention
turbulence studies
vacuum vessel
vertical displacement events
very high confinement
volume neutron source
volume recombination
wall coatings
wall conditioning
wall stabilization
wire array Z pinch
Z pinch
Z pinch driven inertial fusion
zonal current
zonal field
zonal flow
20 PS/M-1