The Manager
HDFC Bank Ltd
Payment of fixed deposit number
Dear Sir,
We request you to kindly close the captioned deposit account held in my/ our name with your bank and
1. Credit the proceeds to my /our Account No. Standing in the name(s)
of ………………………………………and …………………………………………
2. Issue Manager’s cheques favoring in the name of the FD deposit holder(s)
We understand that the Bank has already renewed the above fixed deposit as per my /our earlier
instructions and dispatched to me/us the renewed advice for the same, which is pending receipt by me/us
I/We confirm that the renewed FD advice has yet not been received by us.
We understand that as per the bank’s process the customers need to surrender the original renewed FD
advice. However, we are in immediate need of the funds and hence request you to process the request for
closure of the captioned account pending receipt of the renewed FD advice. I/we hereby agree and
undertake that on receipt of the renewed advice already dispatched to me/us, I/we shall destroy the same at
our end. This letter of request for liquidation of the above referred FD would discharge the bank of the
liability on the said fixed deposits towards me/us and I / We will have no right of any claims on the bank on
the said fixed deposit.
Yours faithfully,
(First Holder) (Joint Holder)
Ps: In case instructions to liquidate the FD is provided after the maturity date of the FD( i.e. after the
renewal of the FD), the request need to be signed by all the FD deposit holders.