Cisco Press
201 West 103rd Street
Indianapolis, IN 46290 USA
Cisco Press
Troubleshooting IP Routing
Faraz Shamim, CCIE #4131,
Zaheer Aziz, CCIE #4127,
Johnson Liu, CCIE #2637,
and Abe Martey, CCIE #2373
Troubleshooting IP Routing Protocols
Faraz Shamim, Zaheer Aziz, Johnson Liu, Abe Martey
Copyright© 2002 Cisco Systems, Inc.
Published by:
Cisco Press
201 West 103rd Street
Indianapolis, IN 46290 USA
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Printed in the United States of America 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0
First Printing May 2002
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Number: 2001086619
ISBN: 1-58705-019-6
Warning and Disclaimer
This book is designed to provide information about troubleshooting IP routing protocols, including RIP, IGRP,
EIGRP, OSPF, IS-IS, PIM, and BGP. Every effort has been made to make this book as complete and as accurate
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About the Authors
Faraz Shamim, CCIE #4131, is a network consulting engineer with the Advance Network Services Team for the
Service Provider (ANS-SP) for Cisco Systems, Inc. He provides consulting services to his dedicated Internet service
providers. Faraz wrote several documents, white papers, and technical tips for ODR, OSPF, RIP, IGRP, EIGRP, and
BGP on Cisco Connection Online (CCO), ( Faraz has also been engaged in developing and teaching
the Cisco Internetworking Basic and Advance Bootcamp Training for Cisco new-hire engineers. He has also taught
the Cisco Internetworking Bootcamp Course to MS students at the University of Colorado at Boulder (BU) and Sir
Syed University of Engineering & Technology (SSUET), Karachi, Pakistan. Faraz has been a visiting faculty mem-
ber for SSUET and also gave a lecture on OSPF to Lahore University of Management & Sciences (LUMS), Lahore,
Pakistan. Faraz has been engaged in developing CCIE lab tests and proctoring the CCIE lab. Faraz actively speaks at
the Networkers conference on the subject of OSPF. Like other authors of this book, he also started his career at the
Cisco Technical Assistant Center (TAC) providing support for customers in IP routing protocols. Faraz has been with
Cisco Systems for five years.
Zaheer Aziz, CCIE #4127, is a network consulting engineer in the Internet Infrastructure Services group for Cisco
Systems, Inc. Zaheer provides consulting services to major ISPs in the MPLS and IP routing protocols area. In his
last five years at Cisco, Zaheer has been actively involved in speaking at Cisco Networkers conferences and at several
Cisco events. Zaheer occasionally writes for Cisco Packet magazine and for Spider Internet magazine, Pakistan on
topics of MPLS and BGP. He holds a master’s degree in electrical engineering from Wichita State University, Wich-
ita, KS and enjoys reading and playing cricket and Ping-Pong. Zaheer is married and has a loving five-year-old boy,
Taha Aziz.
Johnson Liu, CCIE #2637, is a senior customer network engineer with the Advance Network Services Team for
the enterprise in Cisco Systems. He obtained his MSEE degrees at the University of Southern California and has been
with Cisco Systems for more than five years. He is the technical editor for other Cisco Press books, including
Routing Architectures and Large-Scale IP Network Solutions. Johnson has been involved in many large-scale IP net-
work design projects involving EIGRP, OSPF, and BGP for large enterprise and service provider customers. Johnson is
also a regular speaker for deploying and troubleshooting EIGRP at the Networkers conference.
Abe Martey, CCIE #2373, is a product manager of the Cisco 12000 Internet Router Series. Abe specializes in
high-speed IP routing technologies and systems. Prior to this position, Abe worked as a support engineer in the
Cisco Technical Assistance Center (TAC), specializing in IP routing protocols and later on the ISP Team (now
Infrastructure Engineering Services Team), where he worked closely with tier one Internet service providers. Abe
holds a master’s degree in electrical engineering and has been with Cisco Systems for over six years. Abe
is also the author of IS-IS Design Solutions from Cisco Press.
About the Technical Reviewers
Brian Morgan, CCIE #4865, CCSI, is the Director of Data Network Engineering at Allegiance Telecom, Inc. He
has been in the networking industry for more than 12 years. Before going to Allegiance, Morgan was an instructor/
consultant teaching ICND, BSCN, BSCI, CATM, CVOICE, and BCRAN. He is a co-author of the Cisco CCNP
Remote Access Exam Certification Guide and a technical editor of numerous Cisco Press titles.
Harold Ritter, CCIE # 4168, is a network consulting engineer for Cisco Advanced Network Services. He is res-
ponsible for helping Cisco top-tier customers to design, implement, and troubleshoot routing protocols in their envi-
ronment. He has been working as a network engineer for more than eight years.
John Tiso, CCIE #5162, is one of the senior technologists of NIS, a Cisco Systems Silver partner. He has a bachelor
of science degree from Adelphi University. Tiso also holds the CCDP certification, Cisco Security and Voice Access
Specializations, and Sun Microsystems, Microsoft, and Novell certifications. He has been published in several indus-
try publications. He can be reached through e-mail at [email protected].
Zaheer Aziz:
I would like to dedicate this book to my late father (may God bless his soul) for his struggling life for betterment of
our life, to a person whose self-made, hardworking, and not-so-easy life history became a catalyst for the relatively
little hard work I have put in my life. Undoubtedly, he would have tremendously enjoyed seeing this book, but he is
not here. Truly, his Air Force blood would have rushed fast seeing this book, but he is not here. Verily, he would
have immensely applauded me in seeing this book, but he is not here. Therefore, I want my mother, who has put in
equal hard work in our life, to enjoy this accomplishment and success. She deserves equal credit in the success of
our family, and I wish her a very long and happy life.
Johnson Liu:
I dedicate this book with my deepest love and affection to my wife, Cisco Liu, who has given me the inspiration and
support to write this book.
Abe Martey:
I’d like to dedicate this book to all previous and current engineers of the Cisco Worldwide TAC for their remarkable
enthusiasm, dedication, and excellence in providing technical and troubleshooting assistance to network operators
in every corner of our planet and in space.
Faraz Shamim:
I would like to dedicate this book to my parents, whose favors I can never return and whose prayers I will always
need. To my wife, who encouraged me when I felt too lazy to write, and to my sons, Ayaan and Ameel, who waited
patiently for my attention on many occasions.
Faraz Shamim:
Alhamdulillah! I thank God for giving me the opportunity to write this book, which I hope will help many people in
resolving their routing issues.
I would like to thank my manager, Srinivas Vegesna, and my previous manager and mentor, Andrew Maximov, for
supporting me in this book project. Special thanks goes to Bob Vigil, who let me use some of his presentation mate-
rial in the RIP and IGRP chapter. I would also like to thank Alex Zinin for clearing some of my OSPF concepts that
I used in this book. I would like to thank my co-authors, Zaheer Aziz, Abe Martey, and Johnson Liu, who put up
with my habit of reminding them of their chapter deadlines. I would also like to thank Chris Cleveland and Amy
Lewis of Cisco Press for their understanding whenever we were late in submitting our chapters.
Zaheer Aziz:
All thanks to God for giving me strength to work on this book. I heartily thank my wife for her support, patience,
and understanding that helped me put in many hours on this book. I appreciate the flexibility of my employer, Cisco
Systems, Inc. (in particular, my manager, Srinivas Vegesna) for allowing me to work on this book while keeping my
day job. Many thanks to Syed Faraz Shamim (lead author of this book), who invited me through a cell-phone call
from San Jose to Washington, D.C., where I was attending IETF 46 in 1999, to co-author this book. Thanks to Moiz
Moizuddin for independently reviewing the technical content of my chapters. I would like to credit my mentor,
Syed Khalid Raza, for his continuous guidance and for showing me the world of BGP. Finally, I wish to thank Cisco
Press, who made this book possible—in particular, Christopher Cleveland and Brian Morgan, whose suggestions
greatly improved the quality of this book and made this process go smoothly.
Johnson Liu:
I would like to thank my friends and colleagues at Cisco Systems, with whom I spent many late hours with trying to
troubleshoot P1 routing protocol problems. Their professionalism and knowledge are simply unparalleled. Special
thanks to my managers, Andrew Maximow and Raja Sundaram, who have given me all their support throughout my
career at Cisco Systems. Finally, I would like to thank my technical editors for their invaluable input and sugges-
tions to improve this book.
Abe Martey:
First of all, I’d like to express sincere thanks to the co-authors and colleagues at work, Faraz, Johnson, and Zaheer
for dreaming up this title and inviting me to participate in its materialization. We all worked on the Cisco Technical
Assistance Center (TAC) Routing Protocol Team, giving us quite a bit of experience troubleshooting IP routing
problems. This work is our attempt to generously share that experience with a larger audience beyond the Cisco
Systems work environment.
I received a lot of support, mentorship, and training from many Cisco TAC and development engineers, as well
as many direct and nondirect managers as a TAC Engineer. Hats off to this unique breed of talented individuals,
women and men, who have committed their lives to keep the Internet running. I’d also like to thank these folks (too
many of them to name here) for every bit of knowledge and wisdom that they’ve shared with me over the years.
Over time, I’ve developed great personal relationships with various networking professionals worldwide, all of
whom I met as customers or through IETF, NANOG, IEEE, and other professional conferences and meetings. I’d
like to sincerely thank them for sharing with me their knowledge and expertise, as well as their professional insights
and visions into the future of networking technology.
I’d also like to express my sincerest gratitude to Amy Lewis and Chris Cleveland, both of Cisco Press, and the tech-
nical editors for their roles in helping bring this book to fruition. Many thanks to several close relatives for their
support and encouragement all through this project.
Contents at a Glance
Introduction xxxiv
Chapter 1 Understanding IP Routing 3
Chapter 2 Understanding Routing Information Protocol (RIP) 29
Chapter 3 Troubleshooting RIP 47
Chapter 4 Understanding Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (IGRP) 127
Chapter 5 Troubleshooting IGRP 137
Chapter 6 Understanding Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (EIGRP) 207
Chapter 7 Troubleshooting EIGRP 227
Chapter 8 Understanding Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) 295
Chapter 9 Troubleshooting OSPF 341
Chapter 10 Understanding Intermediate System-to-Intermediate System (IS-IS) 533
Chapter 11 Troubleshooting IS-IS 585
Chapter 12 Understanding Protocol Independent Multicast (PIM) 625
Chapter 13 Troubleshooting PIM 643
Chapter 14 Understanding Border Gateway Protocol Version 4 (BGP-4) 659
Chapter 15 Troubleshooting BGP 719
Appendix Answers to Review Questions 839
Index 849
Table of Contents
Introduction xxxiv
Chapter 1 Understanding IP Routing 3
IP Addressing Concepts 5
IPv4 Address Classes 5
IPv4 Private Address Space 7
Subnetting and Variable-Length Subnet Masks 8
Classless Interdomain Routing 10
Static and Dynamic Routes 11
Dynamic Routing 11
Unicast Versus Multicast IP Routing 12
Classless Versus Classful IP Routing Protocols 15
Interior Gateway Protocols Versus Exterior Gateway Protocols 15
Distance Vector Versus Link-State Protocols 18
Distance Vector Routing Concepts 18
Link-State Protocols 23
Routing Protocol Administrative Distance 24
Fast Forwarding in Routers 25
Summary 26
Review Questions 26
References 27
Chapter 2 Understanding Routing Information Protocol (RIP) 29
Metric 29
Timers 30
Split Horizon 30
Split Horizon with Poison Reverse 30
RIP-1 Packet Format 31
RIP Behavior 31
RIP Rules for Sending Updates 31
RIP Rules for Receiving Updates 33
Example of Sending Updates 33
Example of Receiving Updates 35
Why RIP Doesn’t Support Discontiguous Networks 36
Why RIP Doesn’t Support Variable-Length Subnet Masking 37
Default Routes and RIP 39
Protocol Extension to RIP 40
Route Tag 40
Subnet Mask 41
Next Hop 41
Multicast Capability 42
Authentication 42
Compatibility Issues 43
Summary 44
Review Questions 44
Further Reading 45
Chapter 3 Troubleshooting RIP 47
Flowcharts to Solve Common RIP Problems 48
Troubleshooting RIP Routes Installation 52
Problem: RIP Routes Not in the Routing Table 52
RIP Routes Not in the Routing Table—Cause: Missing or Incorrect network
Statement 53
Debugs and Verification 54
Solution 55
RIP Routes Not in the Routing Table—Cause: Layer 1/2 Is Down 56
Debugs and Verification 57
Solution 58
RIP Routes Not in the Routing Table—Cause: distribute-list in Is Blocking the
Route 58
Debugs and Verification 58
Solution 59
RIP Routes Not in the Routing Table—Cause: Access List Blocking RIP Source
Address 60
Debugs and Verification 60
Solution 62
RIP Routes Not in the Routing Table—Cause: Access List Blocking RIP Broadcast
or Multicast (in Case of RIP-2) 63
Debugs and Verification 63
Solution 64
RIP Routes Not in the Routing Table—Cause: Incompatible RIP Version Type 65
Debugs and Verification 65
Solution 67
RIP Routes Not in the Routing Table—Cause: Mismatch Authentication Key
(RIP-2) 68
Debugs and Verification 69
Solution 70
RIP Routes Not in the Routing Table—Cause: Discontiguous Network 71
Debugs and Verification 72
Solution 73
RIP Routes Not in the Routing Table—Cause: Invalid Source 74
Debugs and Verification 74
Solution 76
RIP Routes Not in the Routing Table—Cause: Layer 2 Problem (Switch, Frame
Relay, Other Layer 2 Media) 76
Debugs and Verification 77
Solution 78
RIP Routes Not in the Routing Table—Cause: Offset List Has a Large Metric
Defined 79
Debugs and Verification 80
Solution 81
RIP Routes Not in the Routing Table—Cause: Routes Reached RIP Hop Count
Limit 81
Debugs and Verification 82
Solution 83
Problem: RIP Is Not Installing All Possible Equal-Cost Paths—Cause: maximum-path
Command Restricts RIP from Installing More Than One Path 83
Debugs and Verification 85
Solution 85
Troubleshooting RIP Routes Advertisement 86
Problem: Sender Is Not Advertising RIP Routes 86
Sender Is Not Advertising RIP Routes—Cause: Missing or Incorrect network
Statement 87
Debugs and Verifications 88
Solution 88
Sender Is Not Advertising RIP Routes—Cause: Outgoing Interface Is Down 89
Debugs and Verification 90
Solution 91
Sender Is Not Advertising RIP Routes—Cause: distribute-list out Is Blocking the
Route 91
Debugs and Verification 91
Solution 92
Sender Is Not Advertising RIP Routes—Cause: Advertised Network Interface Is
Down 93
Debugs and Verification 94
Solution 94
Sender Is Not Advertising RIP Routes—Cause: Outgoing Interface Is Defined
Passive 95
Debugs and Verification 95
Solution 96
Sender Is Not Advertising RIP Routes—Cause: Broken Multicast Capability
(Frame Relay) 96
Debugs and Verification 97
Solution 98
Sender Is Not Advertising RIP Routes—Cause: Misconfigured neighbor
Statement 99
Debugs and Verification 99
Solution 100
Sender Is Not Advertising RIP Routes—Cause: Advertised Subnet Is VLSM 100
Debugs and Verification 101
Solution 101
Sender Is Not Advertising RIP Routes—Cause: Split Horizon Is Enabled 102
Debugs and Verification 104
Solution 105
Problem: Subnetted Routes Missing from the Routing Table of R2—Cause:
Autosummarization Feature Is Enabled 106
Debugs and Verification 108
Solution 108
Troubleshooting Routes Summarization in RIP 109
Problem: RIP-2 Routing Table Is Huge—Cause: Autosummarization Is Off 109
Debugs and Verification 110
Solution 111
Problem: RIP-2 Routing Table Is Huge—Cause: ip summary-address Is Not Used 111
Debugs and Verification 112
Solution 112
Troubleshooting RIP Redistribution Problems 113
Debugs and Verification 115
Solution 115
Troubleshooting Dial-on-Demand Routing Issues in RIP 116
Problem: RIP Broadcast Is Keeping the ISDN Link Up—Cause: RIP Broadcasts Have
Not Been Denied in the Interesting Traffic Definition 117
Debugs and Verification 118
Solution 119
Problem: RIP Updates Are Not Going Across the Dialer Interface—Cause: Missing
broadcast Keyword in a dialer map Statement 120
Debugs and Verification 121
Solution 122
Troubleshooting Routes Flapping Problem in RIP 122
Debugs and Verification 122
Solution 124
Chapter 4 Understanding Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (IGRP) 127
Metrics 127
Timers 129
Split Horizon 130
Split Horizon with Poison Reverse 130
IGRP Packet Format 131
IGRP Behavior 131
Default Route and IGRP 132
Unequal-Cost Load Balancing in IGRP 133
Summary 135
Review Questions 135
Chapter 5 Troubleshooting IGRP 137
Flowcharts to Solve Common IGRP Problems 138
Troubleshooting IGRP Route Installation 142
Problem: IGRP Routes Not in the Routing Table 142
IGRP Routes Not in the Routing Table—Cause: Missing or Incorrect network
Statement 143
Debugs and Verification 144
Solution 145
IGRP Routes Not in the Routing Table—Cause: Layer 1/2 Is Down 147
Debugs and Verification 147
Solution 148
IGRP Routes Not in the Routing Table—Cause: distribute-list in Is Blocking the
Route 149
Debugs and Verification 150
Solution 150
IGRP Routes Not in the Routing Table—Cause: Access List Blocking IGRP Source
Address 151
Debugs and Verification 151
Solution 152
IGRP Routes Not in the Routing Table—Cause: Access List Blocking IGRP
Broadcast 153
Debugs and Verification 154
Solution 155
IGRP Routes Not in the Routing Table—Cause: Discontiguous Network 155
Debugs and Verification 156
Solution 157
IGRP Routes Not in the Routing Table—Cause: Invalid Source 159
Debugs and Verification 160
Solution 160
IGRP Routes Not in the Routing Table—Cause: Layer 2 Problem (Switch, Frame
Relay, Other Layer 2 Media) 161
Debugs and Verification 162
Solution 162
IGRP Routes Not in the Routing Table—Cause: Sender’s AS Mismatch 163
Debugs and Verification 164
Solution 165
Problem: IGRP Is Not Installing All Possible Equal-Cost Paths—Cause: maximum-
paths Restricts IGRP to a Maximum of Four Paths by Default 166
Debugs and Verification 167
Solution 168
Troubleshooting IGRP Routes Advertisement 168
Problem: Sender Is Not Advertising IGRP Routes 169
Sender Is Not Advertising IGRP Routes—Cause: Missing or Incorrect network
Statement 169
Debugs and Verification 170
Solution 170
Sender Is Not Advertising IGRP Routes—Cause: Outgoing Interface Is
Down 171
Debugs and Verification 172
Solution 172
Sender Is Not Advertising IGRP Routes—Cause: distribute-list out Is Blocking the
Route 173
Debugs and Verification 174
Solution 174
Sender Is Not Advertising IGRP Routes—Cause: Advertised Network Interface Is
Down 175
Debugs and Verification 175
Solution 176
Sender Is Not Advertising IGRP Routes—Cause: Outgoing Interface Is Defined as
Passive 176
Debugs and Verification 177
Solution 178
Sender Is Not Advertising IGRP Routes—Cause: Broken Broadcast Capability
(Encapsulation Failure in Layer 2) 178
Debugs and Verification 179
Solution 180
Sender Is Not Advertising IGRP Routes—Cause: Misconfigured neighbor
Statement 180
Debugs and Verification 181
Solution 181
Sender Is Not Advertising IGRP Routes—Cause: Advertised Subnet Is
VLSM 182
Debugs and Verification 183
Solution 183
Sender Is Not Advertising IGRP Routes—Cause: Split Horizon Is Enabled 184
Debugs and Verification 186
Solution 187
Problem: Candidate Default Is Not Being Advertised—Cause: ip default-network
Command Is Missing 188
Debugs and Verification 189
Solution 190
Troubleshooting IGRP Redistribution Problems 191
Problem: Redistributed Routes Are Not Getting Installed in the Routing Table—Cause:
Metric Is Not Defined During Redistribution into IGRP 191
Debugs and Verification 192
Solution 193
Troubleshooting Dial-on-Demand Routing (DDR) Issues in IGRP 194
Problem: IGRP Broadcast Is Keeping the ISDN Link Up—Cause: IGRP Broadcasts
Have Not Been Denied in the Interesting Traffic Definition 194
Debugs and Verification 195
Solution 196
Problem: IGRP Updates Are Not Going Across the Dialer Interface—Cause: Missing
Broadcast Keyword in a dialer map Statement 197
Debugs and Verification 197
Solution 198
Troubleshooting Route Flapping Problem in IGRP 198
Problem: IGRP Routes Are Flapping—Cause: Packet Drops on Sender’s or Receiver’s
Interface 199
Debugs and Verification 200
Solution 201
Troubleshooting Variance Problem 201
Problem: IGRP Not Using Unequal-Cost Path for Load Balancing—Cause: variance
Command Is Missing or Misconfigured 202
Debugs and Verification 203
Solution 204
Chapter 6 Understanding Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (EIGRP) 207
Metrics 208
EIGRP Neighbor Relationships 209
The Diffusing Update Algorithm 211
DUAL Finite-State Machine 213
EIGRP Reliable Transport Protocol 214
EIGRP Packet Format 215
EIGRP Behavior 218
EIGRP Summarization 219
EIGRP Query Process 220
Default Routes and EIGRP 221
Unequal-Cost Load Balancing in EIGRP 221
Summary 223
Review Questions 224
Chapter 7 Troubleshooting EIGRP 227
Troubleshooting EIGRP Neighbor Relationships 227
Consulting the EIGRP Log for Neighbor Changes 228
EIGRP Neighbor Problem—Cause: Unidirectional Link 230
EIGRP Neighbor Problem—Cause: Uncommon Subnet 233
Misconfiguration of the IP Address on the Interfaces 234
Primary and Secondary IP Addresses of the Neighboring Interface Don’t
Match 234
Switch or Hub Between EIGRP Neighbor Connection Is Misconfigured or Is
Leaking Multicast Packets to Other Ports 235
EIGRP Neighbor Problem—Cause: Mismatched Masks 235
EIGRP Neighbor Problem—Cause: Mismatched K Values 237
EIGRP Neighbor Problem—Cause: Mismatched AS Number 239
EIGRP Neighbor Problem—Cause: Stuck in Active 240
Reviewing the EIGRP DUAL Process 240
Determining Active/Stuck in Active Routes with show ip eigrp topology
active 242
Methodology for Troubleshooting the Stuck in Active Problem 244
Troubleshooting EIGRP Route Advertisement 250
EIGRP Is Not Advertising Routes to Neighbors When the Network Administrators
Think That It Should 251
EIGRP Is Not Advertising Routes to Its Neighbors—Cause: Distribute
List 251
EIGRP Is Not Advertising Routes to Its Neighbors—Cause: Discontiguous
Networks 252
EIGRP Is Not Advertising Routes to Neighbors—Cause: Split-Horizon
Issues 253
EIGRP Is Advertising Routes to Neighbors When the Network Administrators
Think That It Shouldn’t 257
EIGRP Is Advertising Routes with Unexpected Metric 259
Troubleshooting EIGRP Route Installation 264
EIGRP Is Not Installing Routes—Cause: Auto or Manual Summarization 265
EIGRP Is Not Installing Routes—Cause: Higher Administrative Distance 267
EIGRP Is Not Installing Routes—Cause: Duplicate Router IDs 268
Troubleshooting EIGRP Route Flapping 271
Troubleshooting EIGRP Route Summarization 276
EIGRP Summarization Route Problem—Cause: Subnetworks of Summary Route
Don’t Exist in Routing Table 276
EIGRP Summarization Route Problem—Cause: Too Much Summarization 278
Troubleshooting EIGRP Redistribution Problems 280
Troubleshooting EIGRP Dial Backup Problem 286
EIGRP Error Messages 291
Summary 292
Chapter 8 Understanding Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) 295
OSPF Packet Details 295
Hello Packets 297
Database Description Packets 299
Link-State Request Packets 300
Link-State Update Packets 301
Link-State Acknowledgment Packet 301
OSPF LSA Details 302
Router LSA 304
Router LSA Example 305
Network LSA 307
Network LSA Example 308
Summary LSA 309
Summary LSA Example 310
External LSA 313
External LSA Example 314
OSPF Areas 315
Normal Areas 319
Stub Areas 319
Totally Stubby Areas 321
Not-So-Stubby Areas 321
Type 7 LSAs 322
NSSA LSA Example 322
NSSA Configuration Example 324
Totally Not-So-Stubby Areas 324
Filtering in NSSA 325
Default Routes in NSSA 326
OSPF Media Types 327
Multiaccess Media 327
Point-to-Point Media 328
Nonbroadcast Multiaccess Media 329
Broadcast Model 329
Point-to-Point Model 330
Point-to-Multipoint Model 331
Demand Circuits 331
OSPF Media Type Summary 334
OSPF Adjacencies 334
OSPF Down State 335
OSPF Attempt State 336
OSPF Init State 336
OSPF 2-Way State 336
OSPF Exstart State 336
OSPF Exchange State 337
OSPF Loading State 338
OSPF Full State 338
Summary 338
Review Questions 339
Chapter 9 Troubleshooting OSPF 341
Flowcharts to Solve Common OSPF Problems 342
Troubleshooting OSPF Neighbor Relationships 351
Problem: OSPF Neighbor List Is Empty 351
OSPF Neighbor List Is Empty—Cause: OSPF Not Enabled on the Interface 352
Debugs and Verification 353
Solution 354
OSPF Neighbor List Is Empty—Cause: Layer 1/2 Is Down 354
Debugs and Verification 355
Solution 355
OSPF Neighbor List Is Empty—Cause: Interface Is Defined as Passive Under
OSPF 356
Debugs and Verification 357
Solution 358
OSPF Neighbor List Is Empty—Cause: Access List Blocking OSPF Hellos on Both
Sides 358
Debugs and Verification 359
Solution 360
OSPF Neighbor List Is Empty—Cause: Mismatched Subnet Number/Mask over a
Broadcast Link 361
Debugs and Verification 361
Solution 362
OSPF Neighbor List Is Empty—Cause: Mismatched Hello/Dead Intervals 362
Debugs and Verification 363
Solution 364
OSPF Neighbor List Is Empty—Cause: Mismatched Authentication Type 364
Debugs and Verification 365
Solution 366
OSPF Neighbor List Is Empty—Cause: Mismatched Authentication Key 366
Debugs and Verification 367
Solution 368
OSPF Neighbor List Is Empty—Cause: Mismatched Area ID 368
Debugs and Verification 368
Solution 369
OSPF Neighbor List Is Empty—Cause: Mismatched Stub/Transit/NSSA Area
Options 370
Debugs and Verification 371
Solution 371
OSPF Neighbor List Is Empty—Cause: OSPF Adjacency Over Secondary IP
Address 372
Debugs and Verification 373
Solution 374
OSPF Neighbor List Is Empty—Cause: OSPF Adjacency over Asynchronous
Interface 375
Debugs and Verification 376
Solution 377
OSPF Neighbor List Is Empty—Cause: No Network Type or Neighbor Defined
over NBMA 377
Debugs and Verification 378
Solution 379
OSPF Neighbor List Is Empty—Cause: Frame Relay/Dialer Interface Missing the
broadcast Keyword on Both Sides 380
Debugs and Verification 381
Solution 382
Problem: OSPF Neighbor Stuck in ATTEMPT 383
OSPF Neighbor Stuck in ATTEMPT—Cause: Misconfigured neighbor
Statement 384
Debugs and Verification 384
Solution 385
OSPF Neighbor Stuck in ATTEMPT—Cause: Unicast Connectivity Is Broken on
NBMA 385
Debugs and Verification 386
Solution 386
Problem: OSPF Neighbor Stuck in INIT 387
OSPF Neighbor Stuck in INIT—Cause: Access List on One Side Is Blocking OSPF
Hellos 387
Debugs and Verification 388
Solution 389
OSPF Neighbor Stuck in INIT—Cause: Multicast Capabilities Are Broken on One
Side (6500 Switch Problem) 389
Debugs and Verification 390
Solution 390
OSPF Neighbor Stuck in INIT—Cause: Cause: Authentication Is Enabled Only on
One Side 391
Debugs and Verification 391
Solution 392
OSPF Neighbor Stuck in INIT—Cause: The frame-relay map/dialer-map Statement
on One Side Is Missing the broadcast Keyword 393
Debugs and Verification 394
Solution 395
OSPF Neighbor Stuck in INIT—Cause: Hellos Are Getting Lost on One Side at
Layer 2 396
Debugs and Verification 396
Solution 397
Problem: OSPF Neighbor Stuck in 2-WAY—Cause: Priority 0 Is Configured on All
Routers 398
Debugs and Verification 400
Solution 400
Problem: OSPF Neighbor Stuck in EXSTART/EXCHANGE 401
OSPF Neighbor Stuck in EXSTART/EXCHANGE—Cause: Mismatched Interface
MTU 401
Debugs and Verification 402
Solutions 403
OSPF Neighbor Stuck in EXSTART/EXCHANGE—Cause: Duplicate Router IDs
on Neighbors 404
Debugs and Verification 405
Solution 406
OSPF Neighbor Stuck in EXSTART/EXCHANGE—Cause: Can’t Ping Across
with More Than Certain MTU Size 406
Debugs and Verification 408
Solution 408
OSPF Neighbor Stuck in EXSTART/EXCHANGE—Cause: Unicast Connectivity
Is Broken 409
Debugs and Verification 410
Solutions 410
OSPF Neighbor Stuck in EXSTART/EXCHANGE—Cause: Network Type Is
Point-to-Point Between PRI and BRI/Dialer 414
Debugs and Verification 415
Solution 416
Problem: OSPF Neighbor Stuck in LOADING 417
OSPF Neighbor Stuck in LOADING—Cause: Mismatched MTU Size 418
Debugs and Verification 418
Solution 419
OSPF Neighbor Stuck in LOADING—Cause: Link-State Request Packet Is
Corrupted 420
Debugs and Verification 421
Solution 422
Troubleshooting OSPF Route Advertisement 422
Problem: OSPF Neighbor Is Not Advertising Routes 422
OSPF Neighbor Is Not Advertising Routes—Cause: OSPF Not Enabled on the
Interface That Is Supposed to Be Advertised 423
Debugs and Verification 424
Solution 425
OSPF Neighbor Is Not Advertising Routes—Cause: Advertising Interface Is
Down 426
Debugs and Verification 427
Solution 428
OSPF Neighbor Is Not Advertising Routes—Cause: Secondary Interface Is in a
Different Area Than the Primary Interface 429
Debugs and Verification 430
Solution 431
Problem: OSPF Neighbor (ABR) Not Advertising the Summary Route 432
OSPF Neighbor (ABR) Not Advertising the Summary Route—Cause: Area Is
Configured as Totally Stubby Area 432
Debugs and Verification 433
Solution 434
OSPF Neighbor (ABR) Not Advertising the Summary Route—Cause: ABR Is Not
Connected to Area 0 434
Debugs and Verification 435
Solution 436
OSPF Neighbor (ABR) Not Advertising the Summary Route—Cause:
Discontiguous Area 0 437
Debugs and Verification 438
Solution 439
Problem: OSPF Neighbor Is Not Advertising External Routes 441
OSPF Neighbor Is Not Advertising External Routes—Cause: Area Is Configured as
a Stub Area or NSSA 441
Debugs and Verification 442
Solution 442
OSPF Neighbor Is Not Advertising External Routes—Cause: NSSA ABR Not
Translating Type 7 LSAs into Type 5 LSAs 444
Debugs and Verification 445
Solution 449
Problem: OSPF Neighbor Not Advertising Default Routes 450
OSPF Neighbor Not Advertising Default Routes—Cause: Missing default-
information originate Commands 451
Debugs and Verification 452
Solution 454
OSPF Neighbor Not Advertising Default Routes—Cause: Default Route Missing
from the Neighbor’s Routing Table 455
Debugs and Verification 455
Solution 456
OSPF Neighbor Not Advertising Default Routes—Cause: Neighbor Trying to
Inject a Default into a Stub Area 458
Debugs and Verification 459
Solution 459
OSPF Neighbor Not Advertising Default Routes—Cause: NSSA ABR/ASBR Not
Originating Type 7 Default 460
Debugs and Verification 462
Solution 462
Troubleshooting OSPF Route Installation 463
Problem: OSPF Not Installing Any Routes in the Routing Table 463
OSPF Not Installing Any Routes in the Routing Table—Cause: Network Type
Mismatch 464
Debugs and Verification 464
Solution 466
OSPF Not Installing Any Routes in the Routing Table—Cause: IP Addresses Are
Flipped in Dual Serial-Connected Routers 467
Debugs and Verification 468
Solution 469
OSPF Not Installing Any Routes in the Routing Table—Cause: One Side Is a
Numbered and the Other Side Is an Unnumbered Point-to-Point Link 469
Debugs and Verification 471
Solution 472
OSPF Not Installing Any Routes in the Routing Table—Cause: Distribute List Is
Blocking the Route Installation 473
Debugs and Verification 474
Solution 474
OSPF Not Installing Any Routes in the Routing Table—Cause: Broken PVC in a
Fully Meshed Frame Relay Network with Broadcast Network Type 475
Debugs and Verification 476
Solution 478
Problem: OSPF Not Installing External Routes in the Routing Table 479
OSPF Not Installing External Routes in the Routing Table—Cause: Forwarding
Address Is Not Known Through the Intra-Area or Interarea Route 480
Debugs and Verification 481
Solution 483
OSPF Not Installing External Routes in the Routing Table—Cause: ABR Not
Generating Type 4 Summary LSA 484
Debugs and Verification 486
Solution 486
Troubleshooting Redistribution Problems in OSPF 488
Problem: OSPF Neighbor Is Not Advertising External Routes 488
OSPF Neighbor Is Not Advertising External Routes—Cause: Subnets Keyword
Missing from the ASBR Configuration 489
Debugs and Verification 490
Solution 490
OSPF Neighbor Is Not Advertising External Routes—Cause: distribute-list out Is
Blocking the Routes 491
Debugs and Verification 492
Solution 493
Troubleshooting Route Summarization in OSPF 494
Problem: Router Is Not Summarizing Interarea Routes—Cause: area range Command
Is Not Configured on ABR 495
Debugs and Verification 496
Solution 496
Problem: Router Is Not Summarizing External Routes—Cause: summary-address
Command Is Not Configured on ASBR 497
Debugs and Verification 498
Solution 499
Troubleshooting CPUHOG Problems 499
Problem: CPUHOG Messages During Adjacency Formation—Cause: Router Is Not
Running Packet-Pacing Code 500
Debugs and Verification 501
Solution 501
Problem: CPUHOG Messages During LSA Refresh Period—Cause: Router Is Not
Running LSA Group-Pacing Code 501
Debugs and Verification 502
Solution 502
Troubleshooting Dial-on-Demand Routing Issues in OSPF 503
Problem: OSPF Hellos Are Bringing Up the Link—Cause: OSPF Hellos Are Permitted
as Interesting Traffic 503
Debugs and Verification 504
Solution 505
Problem: Demand Circuit Keeps Bringing Up the Link 505
Demand Circuit Keeps Bringing Up the Link—Cause: A Link Flap in the
Network 506
Debugs and Verification 507
Solution 508
Demand Circuit Keeps Bringing Up the Link—Cause: Network Type Defined as
Broadcast 508
Debugs and Verification 509
Solution 510
Demand Circuit Keeps Bringing Up the Link—Cause: PPP Host Routes Are
Getting Redistributed into the OSPF Database 511
Debugs and Verification 512
Solution 513
Demand Circuit Keeps Bringing Up the Link—Cause: One of the Routers Is Not
Demand Circuit–Capable 514
Debugs and Verification 515
Solution 516
Troubleshooting SPF Calculation and Route Flapping 517
SPF Running Constantly—Cause: Interface Flap Within the Network 518
Debugs and Verification 519
Solution 520
SPF Running Constantly—Cause: Neighbor Flap Within the Network 520
Debugs and Verification 522
Solution 523
SPF Running Constantly—Cause: Duplicate Router ID 524
Debugs and Verification 525
Solution 527
Common OSPF Error Messages 528
“Unknown routing protocol” Error Message 528
OSPF: “Could not allocate router id” Error Message 529
“%OSPF-4-BADLSATYPE: Invalid lsa: Bad LSA type” Type 6 Error Message 529
“OSPF-4-ERRRCV” Error Message 529
Mismatched Area ID 529
Bad Checksum 530
OSPF Not Enabled on the Receiving Interface 531
Chapter 10 Understanding Intermediate System-to-Intermediate System (IS-IS) 533
IS-IS Protocol Overview 533
IS-IS Routing Protocol 535
IS-IS Protocol Concepts 535
IS-IS Nodes, Links, and Areas 536
Adjacencies 537
ES-IS Adjacencies 538
IS-IS Adjacencies 538
Hierarchical Routing 541
IS-IS Packets 542
Generic IS-IS Packet Format 543
IS-IS Metrics 545
IS-IS Authentication 548
ISO CLNP Addressing 548
NSAP Format 549
NSAP Examples 550
Guidelines for Defining NSAP Addresses 551
IS-IS Link-State Database 552
Overview of the IS-IS Link-State Database 552
Flooding and Database Synchronization 555
Shortest Path First (SPF) Algorithm and IS-IS Route Calculation 558
Configuring IS-IS for IP Routing 559
Configuring IS-IS on Point-to-Point Serial Links 559
show clns protocol Command 562
show clns neighbors detail Command 563
show clns interface Command 564
show isis topology Command 565
show isis database Command 565
ATM Configuration Examples 566
IP Default Route Advertisement 569
Route Redistribution 570
IP Route Summarization 573
Summary 574
Additional IS-IS Packet Information 575
IS-IS Packet Fields (Alphabetical Order) 576
Hello Packets 577
Link-State Packets 578
Sequence Number Packets 579
Review Questions 581
Further Reading 582
Chapter 11 Troubleshooting IS-IS 585
Troubleshooting IS-IS Adjacency Problems 587
Problem 1: Some or All of the Adjacencies Are Not Coming Up 590
Step 1: Checking for Link Failures 591
Step 2: Verifying Basic Configuration 593
Step 3: Checking for Mismatched Level 1 and Level 2 Interfaces 593
Step 4: Checking for Area Misconfiguration 594
Step 5: Checking for Misconfigured IP Subnets 595
Step 6: Check for Duplicate System IDs 596
Problem 2: Adjacency in INIT State 596
Mismatched MTU 600
IS-IS Hello Padding 602
Misconfigured Authentication 604
Problem 3: Only ES-IS Adjacency Instead of IS-IS Adjacency Formed 605
Troubleshooting IS-IS Routing Update Problems 606
Route Advertisement Problems 607
Local Routes Not Being Advertised to Remote 609
Solution Summary 611
Route Redistribution and Level 2–to–Level 1 Route-Leaking Problems 611
Route-Flapping Problem 612
Solution Summary 616
IS-IS Errors 616
CLNS ping and traceroute 617
Case Study: ISDN Configuration Problem 619
IS-IS Troubleshooting Command Summary 622
Summary 623
Chapter 12 Understanding Protocol Independent Multicast (PIM) 625
Fundamentals of IGMP Version 1, IGMP Version 2, and Reverse Path
Forwarding 626
IGMP Version 1 626
IGMP Version 2 627
Multicast Forwarding (Reverse Path Forwarding) 628
PIM Dense Mode 630
PIM Sparse Mode 632
IGMP and PIM Packet Format 635
IGMP Packet Format 635
PIM Packet/Message Formats 636
Summary 640
Review Questions 641
Chapter 13 Troubleshooting PIM 643
Troubleshooting IGMP Joins 643
Solution to IGMP Join Problem 645
Troubleshooting PIM Dense Mode 646
Solution to PIM Dense Mode Problem 650
Troubleshooting PIM Sparse Mode 651
Solution to PIM Sparse Mode Problem 656
Summary 656
Chapter 14 Understanding Border Gateway Protocol Version 4 (BGP-4) 659
BGP-4 Protocol Specification and Functionality 662
Neighbor Relationships 663
External BGP Neighbor Relationships 665
Internal BGP Neighbor Relationships 667
Advertising Routes 668
Synchronization Rule 671
Receiving Routes 672
Policy Control 672
Policy Control Using BGP Attributes 674
LOCAL_PREF Attribute 675
MULTI_EXIT_DISC (MED) Attribute 677
AS_PATH Attribute 682
NEXT_HOP Attribute 685
ORIGIN Attribute 685
WEIGHT: Cisco Systems, Inc. Proprietary Attribute 686
Reading BGP Attributes from Cisco IOS Software Output 688
Use of Route Maps in Policy Control 690
Using the match ip address Command in a Route Map 691
Using the match community Command in a Route Map 691
Using the match as-path Command in a Route Map 692
Using the set as-path prepend Command in a Route Map 693
Using the set community Command in a Route Map 693
Using the set local-preference Command in a Route Map 694
Using the set metric Command in a Route Map 694
Using the set weight Command in a Route Map 694
Policy Control Using filter-list, distribute-list, prefix-list, Communities, and
Outbound Route Filtering (ORF) 694
Use of Filter Lists in Policy Control 695
Use of Distribute Lists in Policy Control 695
Use of Prefix Lists in Policy Control 696
Use of Communities in Policy Control 697
Use of Outbound Route Filtering in Policy Control 700
Route Dampening 702
Scaling IBGP in Large Networks—Route Reflectors and Confederations 706
Route Reflection 707
AS Confederations 711
Best-Path Calculation 713
Summary 716
Review Questions 717
Chapter 15 Troubleshooting BGP 719
Flowcharts to Solve Common BGP Problems 720
show and debug Commands for BGP-Related Troubleshooting 726
show ip bgp prefix Command 726
show ip bgp summary Command 726
show ip bgp neighbor [address] Command 726
show ip bgp neighbors [address] [advertised-routes] Command 726
show ip bgp neighbors [routes] Command 727
debug ip bgp update [access-list] Command 727
Standard Access List Usage 727
Extended Access List Usage 727
debug ip bgp neighbor-ip-address updates [access-list] Command 727
Troubleshooting BGP Neighbor Relationships 727
Problem: Directly Connected External BGP Neighbors Not Initializing 728
Directly Connected External BGP Neighbors Not Coming Up—Cause: Layer 2 Is
Down, Preventing Communication with Directly Connected BGP Neighbor 729
Debugs and Verification 729
Solution 730
Directly Connected External BGP Neighbors Not Coming Up—Cause: Incorrect
Neighbor IP Address in BGP Configuration 731
Debugs and Verification 731
Solution 732
Problem: Nondirectly Connected External BGP Neighbors Not Coming Up 732
Nondirectly Connected External BGP Neighbors Not Coming Up—Cause: Route to
the Nondirectly Connected Peer Address Is Missing from the Routing Table 733
Debugs and Verification 734
Solution 736
Nondirectly Connected External BGP Neighbors Not Coming Up—Cause: ebgp-
multihop Command Is Missing in BGP Configuration 736
Debugs and Verification 737
Solution 738
Nondirectly Connected External BGP Neighbors Not Coming Up—Cause: update-
source interface Command Is Missing 738
Debugs and Verification 739
Solution 741
Problem: Internal BGP Neighbors Not Coming Up 741
Problem: BGP Neighbors (External and Internal) Not Coming Up—Cause: Interface
Access List Blocking BGP Packets 741
Debugs and Verification 742
Solution 742
Troubleshooting BGP Route Advertisement/Origination and Receiving 743
Problem: BGP Route Not Getting Originated 743
BGP Route Not Getting Originated—Cause: IP Routing Table Does Not Have a
Matching Route 744
Debugs and Verification 744
Solution 746
BGP Route Not Getting Originated—Cause: Configuration Error 746
Debugs and Verification 746
Solution 749
BGP Route Not Getting Originated—Cause: BGP Is Autosummarizing to Classful/
Network Boundary 749
Debugs and Verification 750
Solution 751
Problem in Propagating/Originating BGP Route to IBGP/EBGP Neighbors—Cause:
Misconfigured Filters 752
Debugs and Verification 753
Solution 754
Problem in Propagating BGP Route to IBGP Neighbor but Not to EBGP Neighbor—
Cause: BGP Route Was from Another IBGP Speaker 754
Debugs and Verification 755
Solution 757
IBGP Full Mesh 757
Designing a Route-Reflector Model 757
Designing a Confederation Model 758
Problem in Propagating IBGP Route to IBGP/EBGP Neighbor—Cause: IBGP Route
Was Not Synchronized 761
Debugs and Verification 762
Solution 762
Troubleshooting BGP Route Not Installing in Routing Table 762
Problem: IBGP-Learned Route Not Getting Installed in IP Routing Table 763
IBGP-Learned Route Not Getting Installed in IP Routing Table—Cause: IBGP
Routes Are Not Synchronized 763
Debugs and Verification 764
Solution 765
IBGP-Learned Route Not Getting Installed in IP Routing Table—Cause: IBGP Next
Hop Not Reachable 766
Debugs and Verification 768
Solution 769
Announce the EBGP Next Hop Through an IGP Using a Static Route or
Redistribution 769
Change the Next Hop to an Internal Peering Address 770
Problem: EBGP-Learned Route Not Getting Installed in IP Routing Table 771
EBGP-Learned Route Not Getting Installed in IP Routing Table—Cause: BGP
Routes Are Dampened 771
Debugs and Verification 772
Solution 774
EBGP-Learned Route Not Getting Installed in IP Routing Table—Cause: BGP
Next Hop Not Reachable in Case of Multihop EBGP 774
Debugs and Verification 775
Solution 777
EBGP-Learned Route Not Getting Installed in the Routing Table—Cause:
Multiexit Discriminator (MED) Value Is Infinite 777
Debugs and Verification 778
Troubleshooting BGP Route-Reflection Issues 778
Problem: Configuration Mistakes—Cause: Failed to Configure IBGP Neighbor as a
Route-Reflector Client 779
Debugs and Verification 779
Solution 780
Problem: Route-Reflector Client Stores an Extra BGP Update—Cause: Client-to-Client
Reflection 780
Debugs and Verification 782
Solution 782
Problem: Convergence Time Improvement for RR and Clients—Cause: Use of Peer
Groups 783
Debugs and Verification 784
Solution 785
Problem: Loss of Redundancy Between Route Reflectors and Route-Reflector Client
—Cause: Cluster List Check in RR Drops Redundant Route from Other RR 785
Debugs and Verification 787
Solution 788
Troubleshooting Outbound IP Traffic Flow Issues Because of BGP Policies 790
Problem: Multiple Exit Points Exist but Traffic Goes Out Through One or Few Exit
Routers—Cause: BGP Policy Definition Causes Traffic to Exit from One Place 791
Solution 793
Problem: Traffic Takes a Different Interface from What Shows in Routing Table—
Cause: Next Hop of the Route Is Reachable Through Another Path 795
Debugs and Verification 797
Solution 798
Problem: Multiple BGP Connections to the Same BGP Neighbor AS, but Traffic Goes
Out Through Only One Connection—Cause: BGP Neighbor Is Influencing Outbound
Traffic by Sending MED or Prepended AS_PATH 798
Solution 800
Request AS 110 to Send the Proper MED for Each Prefix 800
Don’t Accept MED from AS 110 801
Manually Change LOCAL_PREFERENCE for P1, P2, and P3 at All the Exit
Points X, Y, and Z 801
Problem: Asymmetrical Routing Occurs and Causes a Problem Especially When NAT
and Time-Sensitive Applications Are Used—Cause: Outbound and Inbound
Advertisement 802
Debugs and Verification 803
Solution 804
Troubleshooting Load-Balancing Scenarios in Small BGP Networks 806
Problem: Load Balancing and Managing Outbound Traffic from a Single Router When
Dualhomed to Same ISP—Cause: BGP Installs Only One Best Path in the Routing
Table 806
Debugs Verification 807
Solution 808
Problem: Load Balancing and Managing Outbound Traffic in an IBGP Network—
Cause: By Default, IBGP in Cisco IOS Software Allows Only a Single Path to Get
Installed in the Routing Table Even Though Multiple Equal BGP Paths Exist 809
Debugs and Verification 810
Solution 811
Troubleshooting Inbound IP Traffic Flow Issues Because of BGP Policies 812
Problem: Multiple Connections Exist to an AS, but All the Traffic Comes in Through
One BGP Neighbor, X, in the same AS—Cause: Either BGP Neighbor at X Has a BGP
Policy Configured to Make Itself Preferred over the Other Peering Points, or the
Networks Are Advertised to Attract Traffic from Only X 813
Debugs and Verification 815
Case 1 815
Case 2 816
Solution 818
Problem: Multiple Connections Exist to Several BGP Neighbors, but Most of the
Traffic from Internet to Always Comes in Through One BGP
Neighbor from AS 110—Cause: Route Advertisements for in
AS 109 Attract Internet Traffic Through That BGP Neighbor in AS 110 819
Solution 819
Troubleshooting BGP Best-Path Calculation Issues 820
Problem: Path with Lowest RID Is Not Chosen as Best 821
Debugs and Verification 821
Solution 823
Problem: Lowest MED Not Selected as Best Path 824
Debugs and Verification 826
Solution 826
Troubleshooting BGP Filtering 828
Problem: Standard Access List Fails to Capture Subnets 828
Debugs and Verification 829
Solution 830
Problem: Extended Access Lists Fails to Capture the Correct Masked Route 831
Debugs and Verification 832
Solution 833
Extended Access List Solution 833
Problem: AS_PATH Filtering Using Regular Expressions 835
Summary 835
Appendix Answers to Review Questions 839
Index 849
Sitting in my office at Cisco on the third floor of building K, I read an e-mail from Kathy Trace from Cisco Press
asking if I was interested in writing a book. She had read my technical tips that I had written for Cisco Connection
Online and said that she wanted me as an author for Cisco Press. I was very enthusiastic about it and said to myself,
“Yeah! It’s a great idea! Let’s write a book!” But on what subject?
One of the topics that I had in mind was OSPF. Johnson used to sit right in front of my office at that time. I asked
him, “Hey, Johnson! You want to write a book with me?” He screamed, “A book!” I said, “Yeah, a book! What do
you think?” He thought for a minute and said, “Well, what is left for us to write a book on? Cisco Press authors have
written books on almost every routing topic. . . . But there is one subject that has not been covered in one
single book—troubleshooting IP routing protocols.
Apparently, Johnson got the idea to write a troubleshooting book from his wife. Whenever Johnson’s wife calls him
at work, he has to put her on hold because he is busy troubleshooting a customer’s problem. His wife, whose name
is also Cisco, then gave him the idea of writing a troubleshooting book so that customers would have a trouble-
shooting guide on routing protocols that they can refer to so that they can successfully solve their problems before
opening a case.
The idea was indeed great. No books had been written on this particular subject before. I then called Zaheer, who
was attending IETF 46 in Washington, D.C., and told him about this; he also agreed that the idea was a good one.
So now we had a team of three TAC engineers who had spent the last three to four years in TAC dealing with
routing problems—and each one of us was an expert in one or two protocols. Our manager, Raja Sundaram, used
to say, “I want you to pick up a protocol and become an expert in it.” My area of expertise was OSPF, Johnson
was a guru of EIGRP and multicasting, and Zaheer shone with his BGP knowledge. Very soon, we realized that
we were missing one important protocol, IS-IS. Our exposure with IS-IS was not at a level that we could write a
whole chapter on troubleshooting IS-IS, so Zaheer suggested Abe Martey for this job. Abe was already engaged
in writing a book on IS-IS with Cisco Press, but after seeing our enthusiasm about this book, he agreed to
become a member of our author team.
When we started working on these chapters, we realized that we were working on something that a routing network
administrator had always dreamed of—a troubleshooting book that contains solutions for all the IP routing protocol
problems. The data that we collected for this book came from the actual problems we have seen in customer net-
works in our combined 20 years of experience in troubleshooting IP networks. We wanted to make it a one-stop
shop for troubleshooting guidance and reference. So, we provided the “understanding protocols” chapters along
with troubleshooting to help you, the reader, go back to a specific protocol and refresh your memory. This book is
also an excellent resource for preparation for the CCIE certification. This book should teach you how to tackle any
IP routing problem that pops up in your network. All possible cases might not be discussed, but general guidelines
and techniques teach a logical approach for solving typical problems that you might face.
Syed Faraz Shamim
As the Internet continues to grow exponentially, the need for network engineers to build, maintain, and
troubleshoot the growing number of component networks also has increased significantly. Because net-
work troubleshooting is a practical skill that requires on-the-job experience, it has become critical that the
learning curve necessary to gain expertise in internetworking technologies be reduced to quickly
fill the void of skilled network engineers needed to support the fast-growing Internet. IP routing is at
the core of Internet technology, and expedient troubleshooting of IP routing failures is key to reducing
network downtime. Reducing network downtime is crucial as the level of mission-critical applications
carried over the Internet increases. This book gives you the detailed knowledge to troubleshoot network
failures and maintain the integrity of their networks.
Troubleshooting IP Routing Protocols provides a unique approach to troubleshooting IP routing
protocols by focusing on step-by-step guidelines for solving a particular routing failure scenario. The
culmination of years of experience with Cisco’s TAC group, this book offers sound methodology and
solutions for resolving routing problems related to BGP, OSPF, IGRP, EIGRP, IS-IS, RIP, and PIM by
first providing an overview to routing and then concentrating on the troubleshooting steps that an
engineer would take in resolving various routing protocol issues that arise in a network. This book
offers you a full understanding of troubleshooting techniques and real-world examples to help you
hone the skills needed to successfully complete the CCIE exam, as well as perform the duties
expected of a CCIE-level candidate.
Who Should Read This Book?
This is an intermediate-level book that assumes that you have a general understanding of IP routing
technologies and other related protocols and technologies used in building IP networks.
The primary audience for this book consists of network administrators and network operation engineers
responsible for the high availability of their networks, or those who plan to become Cisco Certified
Internetwork Experts.
How This Book Is Organized
Although this book could be read cover to cover, it is designed to be flexible and to allow you to easily
move between chapters and sections of chapters to cover just the material that you need more work with.
Chapter 1, “Understanding IP Routing”—This chapter provides an overview of IP routing
protocols with focus on the following topics:
—IP addressing concepts
—Static and dynamic routes
—Dynamic routing
—Routing protocol administrative distance
—Fast forwarding in routers
The remaining chapters alternate between chapters that provides coverage of key aspects of a specific
routing protocol and chapters devoted to practical, real-world troubleshooting methods for that routing
protocol. The list that follows provides more detailed information:
Chapter 2, “Understanding Routing Information Protocol (RIP)”—This chapter focuses on the
key aspects of RIP needed to confidently troubleshoot RIP problems. Topics include the following:
—Split horizon
—Split horizon with poison reverse
—RIP-1 packet format
—RIP behavior
—Why RIP doesn’t support discontiguous networks
—Why RIP doesn’t support variable-length subnet masking (VLSM)
—Default routes and RIP
—Protocol extension to RIP
—Compatibility issues
Chapter 3, “Troubleshooting RIP”—This chapter provides a methodical approach to resolving
common RIP problems, which include the following:
—Troubleshooting RIP route installation
—Troubleshooting RIP route advertisement
—Troubleshooting routes summarization in RIP
—Troubleshooting RIP redistribution problems
—Troubleshooting dial-on-demand routing (DDR) issues in RIP
—Troubleshooting the route-flapping problem in RIP
Chapter 4, “Understanding Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (IGRP)”—This chapter
focuses on the key aspects of IGRP needed to confidently troubleshoot IGRP problems. Topics
include the following:
—Split horizon
—Split horizon and poison reverse
—IGRP packet format
—IGRP behavior
—Default route and IGRP
—Unequal-cost load balancing in IGRP
Chapter 5, “Troubleshooting IGRP”—This chapter provides a methodical approach to
resolving common IGRP problems, which include the following:
—Troubleshooting IGRP route installation
—Troubleshooting IGRP route advertisement
—Troubleshooting IGRP redistribution problems
—Troubleshooting dial-on-demand routing (DDR) issues in IGRP
—Troubleshooting route flapping in IGRP
—Troubleshooting variance problem
Chapter 6, “Understanding Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (EIGRP)”—This
chapter focuses on the key aspects of EIGRP needed to confidently troubleshoot EIGRP problems.
Topics include the following:
—EIGRP neighbor relationships
—The Diffusing Update Algorithm (DUAL)
—DUAL finite state machine
—EIGRP reliable transport protocol
—EIGRP packet format
—EIGRP behavior
—EIGRP summarization
—EIGRP query process
—Default route and EIGRP
—Unequal-cost load balancing in EIGRP
Chapter 7, “Troubleshooting EIGRP”—This chapter provides a methodical approach to
resolving common EIGRP problems, which include the following:
—Troubleshooting EIGRP neighbor relationships
—Troubleshooting EIGRP route advertisement
—Troubleshooting EIGRP route installation
—Troubleshooting EIGRP route flapping
—Troubleshooting EIGRP route summarization
—Troubleshooting EIGRP route redistribution
—Troubleshooting EIGRP dial backup
—EIGRP error messages
Chapter 8, “Understanding Open Shortest Path First (OSPF)”—This chapter focuses
on the key aspects of OSPF needed to confidently troubleshoot OSPF problems. Topics
include the following:
—OSPF packet details
—OSPF LSA details
—OSPF areas
—OSPF media types
—OSPF adjacencies
Chapter 9, “Troubleshooting OSPF”—This chapter provides a methodical approach to
resolving common OSPF problems, which include the following:
—Troubleshooting OSPF neighbor relationships
—Troubleshooting OSPF route advertisement
—Troubleshooting OSPF route installation
—Troubleshooting redistribution problems in OSPF
—Troubleshooting route summarization in OSPF
—Troubleshooting CPUHOG problems
—Troubleshooting dial-on-demand routing (DDR) issues in OSPF
—Troubleshooting SPF calculation and route flapping
—Common OSPF error messages
Chapter 10, “Understanding Intermediate System-to-Intermediate System (IS-IS)”—This
chapter focuses on the key aspects of IS-IS needed to confidently troubleshoot IS-IS problems.
Topics include the following:
—IS-IS protocol overview
—IS-IS protocol concepts
—IS-IS link-state database
—Configuring IS-IS for IP routing
Chapter 11, “Troubleshooting IS-IS”—This chapter provides a methodical approach to
resolving common IS-IS problems, which include the following:
—Troubleshooting IS-IS adjacency problems
—Troubleshooting IS-IS routing update problems
—IS-IS errors
—CLNS ping and traceroute
—Case study: ISDN configuration problem
Chapter 12, “Understanding Protocol Independent Multicast (PIM)”—This chapter
focuses on the key aspects of PIM needed to confidently troubleshoot PIM problems. Topics
include the following:
— Fundamentals of IGMP Version 1, IGMP Version 2, and reverse path forwarding (RPF)
—PIM dense mode
—PIM sparse mode
—IGMP and PIM packet format
Chapter 13, “Troubleshooting PIM”—This chapter provides a methodical approach to
resolving common PIM problems, which include the following:
—IGMP joins issues
—PIM dense mode issues
—PIM sparse mode issues
Chapter 14, “Understanding Border Gateway Protocol Version 4 (BGP-4)”—This chapter
focuses on the key aspects of BGP needed to confidently troubleshoot BGP problems. Topics
include the following:
—BGP-4 protocol specification and functionality
—Neighbor relationships
—Advertising routes
—Receiving routes
—Policy control
—Scaling IBGP networks (route reflectors and confederations)
—Best-path calculation
Chapter 15, “Troubleshooting BGP”—This chapter provides a methodical approach to
resolving common BGP problems, which include the following:
—Troubleshooting BGP neighbor relationships
—Troubleshooting BGP route advertisement/origination and receiving
—Troubleshooting a BGP route not installing in a routing table
—Troubleshooting BGP when route reflectors are used
—Troubleshooting outbound traffic flow issues because of BGP policies
—Troubleshooting load-balancing scenarios in small BGP networks
—Troubleshooting inbound traffic flow issues because of BGP policies
—Troubleshooting BGP best-path calculation issues
—Troubleshooting BGP filtering
Icons Used in This Book
Command Syntax Conventions
The conventions used to present command syntax in this book are the same conventions used in the IOS
Command Reference. The Command Reference describes these conventions as follows:
Vertical bars (|) separate alternative, mutually exclusive elements.
Square brackets [ ] indicate optional elements.
Braces { } indicate a required choice.
Braces within brackets [{ }] indicate a required choice within an optional element.
Boldface indicates commands and keywords that are entered literally as shown. In actual con-
figuration examples and output (not general command syntax), boldface indicates commands
that are manually input by the user (such as a show command).
Italics indicate arguments for which you supply actual values.
ATM Switch
Multilayer Switch
PC with
File Server
Front End
Cluster Controller
Access Server
Line: Serial
Line: Circuit-Switched
Line: Ethernet
/Frame Relay
Network Cloud
Frame Relay Virtual Circuit
This chapter covers the following key topics:
Troubleshooting RIP routes installation
Troubleshooting RIP routes advertisement
Troubleshooting routes summarization in RIP
Troubleshooting RIP redistribution problems
Troubleshooting dial-on-demand (DDR) routing issues in RIP
Troubleshooting route flapping problem in RIP
Troubleshooting RIP
This chapter discusses some of the common problems in RIP and tells how to resolve those
problems. At this time, no RIP error messages will help troubleshooting RIP problems. As
a result, you will need to rely on debugs, configurations, and useful show commands, which
we’ll provide where necessary in this chapter. The flowcharts that follow document how to
address common problems with RIP with the methodology used in this chapter.
Debugs sometimes can be very CPU-intensive and can cause congestion on your network.
Therefore, we do not recommend turning on these debugs if you have a large network
(that is, more than 100 networks or subnets in RIP). Sometimes, there could be multiple
causes for the same problem—for example, Layer 2 is down, the network statement is
wrong, and the sender is missing the network statement. Bringing up Layer 2 and fixing
the network statement might not fix the network problem because the sender is still
missing the network statement. Therefore, if one scenario doesn’t fix the network prob-
lem, check into other scenarios. The word RIP, in general, refers to both RIP Version 1
(RIP-1) and RIP Version 2 (RIP-2). The problems discussed in this chapter are mostly
related to RIP-1, unless specified as RIP-2.
48 Chapter 3: Troubleshooting RIP
Flowcharts to Solve Common RIP Problems
Troubleshooting RIP Routes Installation
RIP Routes Not in the Routing Table
Not sure
Is RIP enabled on the interface?
Go to page 53.
Not sure
Is the interface of the receiving
router up/up?
Go to page 56.
Not sure
Go to page 58.
Not sure
Is the access list blocking the RIP source
Go to page 60.
Not sure
Is the access list blocking the RIP broadcast?
Go to page 63.
Not sure
Is the RIP version compatible with the sender?
Go to page 65.
Not sure
Is there an authentication mismatch between
sender and receiver?
Go to page 68.
Not sure
Is this a discontiguous subnet?
Go to page 71.
Is the distribute-list in
blocking the routes?
Not sure
Is the RIP update coming from a valid source?
Go to page 74.
Not sure
Is Layer 2 media propagating RIP broadcast/
Go to page 76.
Not sure
Is an offset list configured on the sender or
Go to page 79.
Not sure
Is the network more than 15 hops away?
Go to page 81.
Go to next problem flowchart.
Flowcharts to Solve Common RIP Problems 49
Troubleshooting RIP Routes Installation
RIP Is Not Installing All Possible Equal Paths
Not sure
Are there more than four possible paths?
Go to page 83.
Go to next problem flowchart.
Troubleshooting RIP Route Advertisement
Sender Is Not Advertising RIP Routes
Not sure
Is RIP enabled on the interface?
Go to page 87.
Not sure
Is the outgoing interface up/up?
Go to page 89.
Not sure
Go to page 91.
Not sure
Is the advertised network interface up/up?
Go to page 93.
Not sure
Is the outgoing interface defined as passive?
Go to page 95.
Not sure
Is the multicast capability broken?
Go to page 96.
Not sure
Is the neighborstatement configured
Go to page 99.
Not sure
Is the advertised subnet using VLSM?
Go to page 100.
distribute-list out
blocking the routes?
Not sure
Is split horizon enabled on the interface?
Go to page 102.
Go to next problem flowchart.
50 Chapter 3: Troubleshooting RIP
Troubleshooting RIP Route Advertisement
Subnetted Routes Missing from the Routing Table
Not sure
Is the autosummarization feature enabled?
Go to page 106.
Go to next problem flowchart.
Troubleshooting Route Summarization in RIP
RIP-2 Routing Table Is Huge
Not sure
Is autosummarization turned off?
Go to page 109.
Not sure
Is the ip summary-address command
Go to page 111.
Go to next problem flowchart.
Troubleshooting RIP Redistribution Problems
Redistributed RIP Routes Are Not in the
Routing Table of R2
Not sure
Go to page 113.
Is the default metric defined on the
redistribution router?
Go to next problem flowchart.
Flowcharts to Solve Common RIP Problems 51
Troubleshooting Dial-on-Demand Routing Issues in RIP
RIP Updates Are Keeping the ISDN Link Up
Not sure
Go to page 117.
Are RIP broadcasts permitted as interesting
Go to next problem flowchart.
RIP Updates Are Not Going Across the Dialer Interface
Not sure
Go to page 120.
Is the broadcast
keyword missing from the
dialer map statement?
Go to next problem flowchart.
Troubleshooting Route Flapping Problems in RIP
RIP Routes Are Flapping
Not sure
Go to page 122.
End of chapter problems.
Are there a large number of packet drops
being reported by router interfaces in the
52 Chapter 3: Troubleshooting RIP
Troubleshooting RIP Routes Installation
This section discusses several possible scenarios that can prevent RIP routes from getting
installed in the routing table. This section is selected first in the troubleshooting list because
the most common problem in RIP is that routes are not installed in the routing table.
If the routes are not installed in the routing table, the router will not forward the packets to
destinations that are not in the routing table. When this happens, it creates reachability
problems. Users start complaining that they cannot reach a server or a printer. When you
investigate this problem, the first thing to ask is, “Do I have a route for this destination that
users are complaining about?”
Three possibilities exist for routes not getting installed in the routing table:
Receiver’s problem—The router is receiving RIP updates but is not installing the
RIP routes.
Intermediate media problem (Layer 2)—Mostly related to Layer 2, the sender has
sent the RIP updates, but they got lost in the middle and the receiver didn’t receive
Sender’s problem—The sender is not even advertising RIP routes, so the receiving
side is not seeing any RIP routes in the routing table.
The sender’s problem will be discussed in the section “Troubleshooting RIP Route
Advertisement.” Two problems are related to RIP installation:
RIP routes are not in the routing table.
RIP is not installing all equal-cost path routes.
In the first problem, RIP is not installing any path to a specific network. In the second
problem, RIP is not installing all paths to the network. Note that, in the second problem, the
destination device is still reachable, but it’s not listing all possible paths.
Problem: RIP Routes Not in the Routing Table
The routing table must have a network entry to send the packets to the desired destination.
If there is no entry for the specific destination, the router will discard all the packets for this
Example 3-1 shows that the routing table of R2 doesn’t hold an entry for network
Example 3-1 Routing Table for R2 Shows No RIP Routes for Subnet
R2#show ip route
% Subnet not in table
Problem: RIP Routes Not in the Routing Table 53
The possible causes for this problem are as follows:
Missing or incorrect network statement
Layer 2 down
Distribute list blocking the route
Access list blocking RIP source address
Access list blocking RIP broadcast/multicast
Incompatible version type
Mismatch authentication key (RIP-2)
Discontiguous network
Invalid source
Layer 2 problem (switch, Frame Relay, other Layer 2 media)
Offset list with a large metric defined
Routes that reached RIP hop-count limit
Sender problem (discussed in the next chapter)
Figure 3-1 provides a network scenario that will be used as the basis for troubleshooting a
majority of the aforementioned causes of the problem of RIP routes not in the routing table.
The sections that follow carefully dissect how to troubleshoot this problem based on
specific causes.
Figure 3-1 shows a setup in which Router 1 and Router 2 are running RIP between them.
RIP Routes Not in the Routing Table—Cause: Missing or Incorrect
network Statement
When you confirm that the route is missing from the routing table, the next step is to find out
why. A route can be missing from the routing table for many reasons. The flowcharts at the
beginning of this chapter can help isolate the cause that seems to fit most in your situation.
The obvious thing to check after discovering that the routes are not in the routing table is
the router’s configurations. Also check to see whether the network statement under router
rip is properly configured.
Figure 3-1 Example Topology for the Problem of RIP Routes Not in the Routing Table
Router 1
Router 2
54 Chapter 3: Troubleshooting RIP
When the network statement is configured, it does two things:
Enables RIP on the interface and activates the capability to send and receive RIP
Advertises that network in a RIP update packet
If the network statement under router rip command is not configured or misconfigured, it
can cause this problem.
Figure 3-2 shows the flowchart to follow to solve this problem based on this cause.
Debugs and Verification
Example 3-2 shows the configuration for Router R2 (as illustrated in Figure 3-1). The loop-
back interface is used in this example and many other examples throughout the chapter. If
the loopback interface is replaced with any other interface, it will not change the meaning.
We suggest that you treat the loopback as any interface that is up and functional and that
has a valid IP address.
Refer back to Figure 3-1 and compare it to the configuration for R2 in Example 3-2. You
notice that network is missing from R2’s configurations.
Figure 3-2 Problem Resolution Flowchart
Example 3-2 Configuration for Router R2 from Figure 3-1
interface Loopback0
ip address
interface Ethernet0
ip address
router rip
RIP routes are not in the routing table of R2.
Is RIP enabled on the
RIP must be enabled on
the interface to send and
receive RIP updates. Go
to “Debugs and Verification”
Not sure
Ye s
Go to
Problem: RIP Routes Not in the Routing Table 55
Example 3-3 shows the output of the show ip protocols command on R2. This output shows
that the routing information source is also not displaying as a gateway.
Debug Commands
Example 3-4 shows the debug ip rip output. In this debug, R2 is ignoring the RIP updates
coming from R1 because RIP is not enabled on Ethernet 0. This is because of the lack of a
network statement for under router rip in the router configuration mode.
Because the network statement is missing on Router 2, as shown in Example 3-2, it ignores
RIP updates arriving on its Ethernet 0 interface, as seen in the debug output in Example 3-4.
This problem can also happen if incorrect network statements are configured. Take a Class C
address, for example. Instead of configuring, you configure, assuming that
0 will cover anything in the third octet. RIP-1 is a classful protocol, and it assumes the classful
network statements. If a cidr statement is configured instead, RIP will not function properly.
To correct this problem, you must add the network statement in the configurations.
Example 3-5 shows the new configuration for Router R2 that solves this problem.
Example 3-3 show ip protocols Missing Gateway Information for Routing Information Source
R2#show ip protocols
Routing Protocol is "rip"
Sending updates every 30 seconds, next due in 11 seconds
Invalid after 180 seconds, hold down 180, flushed after 240
Outgoing update filter list for all interfaces is
Incoming update filter list for all interfaces is
Redistributing: rip
Default version control: send version 1, receive any version
Automatic network summarization is in effect
Routing for Networks:
Routing Information Sources:
Gateway Distance Last Update
Distance: (default is 120)
Example 3-4 debug ip rip Command Output Displays That RIP Updates from Router R1 Are Being Ignored
R2#debug ip rip
RIP protocol debugging is on
RIP: ignored v1 packet from (not enabled on Ethernet0)
Example 3-5 New Configuration of R2 That Solves the Problem
interface Loopback0
ip address
interface Ethernet0
ip address
56 Chapter 3: Troubleshooting RIP
Example 3-6 shows the output of show ip protocols on R2. This output displays the
gateway information now.
Example 3-7 shows the output of show ip route, which shows that Router R2 is learning
the RIP route after the configuration change.
RIP Routes Not in the Routing Table—Cause: Layer 1/2 Is Down
One cause for routes not in the routing table is Layers 1 or 2 being down. If Layers 1
or 2 are down, it’s not a RIP problem. The following is a list of the most common things
to check if the interface or line protocol is down:
Unplugged cable
Loose cable
router rip
Example 3-6 show ip protocols Showing Gateway Set to the R1’s Interface IP Address
R2#show ip protocols
Routing Protocol is "rip"
Sending updates every 30 seconds, next due in 12 seconds
Invalid after 180 seconds, hold down 180, flushed after 240
Outgoing update filter list for all interfaces is
Incoming update filter list for all interfaces is
Redistributing: rip
Default version control: send version 1, receive any version
Interface Send Recv Triggered RIP Key-chain
Ethernet0 1 1 2
Loopback0 1 1 2
Automatic network summarization is in effect
Routing for Networks:
Routing Information Sources:
Gateway Distance Last Update 120 00:00:09
Distance: (default is 120)
Example 3-7 show ip route Displays the Route Being Learned After Fixing the Problem
R2#show ip route
Routing entry for
Known via "rip", distance 120, metric 1
Redistributing via rip
Last update from on Ethernet0, 00:00:11 ago
Routing Descriptor Blocks:
*, from, 00:00:11 ago, via Ethernet0
Route metric is 1, traffic share count is 1
Example 3-5 New Configuration of R2 That Solves the Problem (Continued)
Problem: RIP Routes Not in the Routing Table 57
Bad cable
Bad transceiver
Bad port
Bad interface card
Layer 2 problem at telco, in case of a WAN link
Missing clock statement, in case of back-to-back serial connection
Figure 3-3 shows the flowchart to follow to solve this problem based on this cause.
Debugs and Verification
Example 3-8 shows that the Ethernet interface’s line protocol is down, indicating that
something is wrong at Layer 1 or Layer 2.
Example 3-9 shows the output of debug ip rip. In this debug, R2 is not sending or receiving
any RIP updates because Layer 2 is down.
Figure 3-3 Flowchart to Solve Why RIP Routes Don’t Show Up in a Routing Table
Example 3-8 show interface output Displays That the Line Protocol Is Down
R2#show interface ethernet 0
Ethernet0 is up,
line protocol is down
Hardware is Lance, address is 0000.0c70.d41e (bia 0000.0c70.d41e)
Internet address is
Example 3-9 debug ip rip Command Output Shows Nothing Is Being Sent
R2#debug ip rip
RIP protocol debugging is on
RIP routes are not in the routing table of R2.
Not sure
Ye s
Go to
Is the interface of the receiving
router up/up?
RIP will not receive any
routing updates if Layer1/ 2
is down. Go to Debugs and
Verication section.
58 Chapter 3: Troubleshooting RIP
RIP runs above Layer 2. RIP cannot send or receive any routes if Layer 2 is down.
The Layer 2 problem must be fixed. Sometimes, the problem could be as simple as loose cables,
or it could be as complex as bad hardware; in which case, the hardware must be replaced.
Example 3-10 shows the output of show interface Ethernet 0 on R2 after the Layer 2
problem is fixed. The output shows that the line protocol is now up.
Example 3-11 shows the output of show ip route, which illustrates that the RIP route is
being learned after fixing the Layer 1/2 problem.
RIP Routes Not in the Routing Table—Cause: distribute-list in Is
Blocking the Route
A distribute list is a filtering mechanism for routing updates. The distribute list calls an
access list and checks to see which networks are supposed to be permitted. If the access list
doesn’t contain any network, the routing update will be automatically denied. A distribute
list can be applied on either incoming routing updates or outgoing routing updates.
In this example, the distribute-list in is configured; however, the access list doesn’t contain
the permit statement for, so R2 is not installing these routes in the routing table.
Figure 3-4 shows the flowchart to follow to solve this problem based on this cause.
Debugs and Verification
Example 3-12 shows the current configuration of Router R2. In this configuration,
access-list 1 is used to permit network; however, there is an implicit deny at
the end of every access list, so will also be denied. In the access list
configuration, network is not permitted, so the router is not installing any
subnets of the network.
Example 3-10 show interface Output After Fixing the Layer 1/2 Problem Shows the Interface Ethernet0 Is Now Up
R2#show interface Ethernet0
Ethernet0 is up,
line protocol is up
Hardware is Lance, address is 0000.0c70.d41e (bia 0000.0c70.d41e)
Internet address is
Example 3-11 Routing Table Entry After Fixing the Layer 1/2 Problem
R2#show ip route
Routing entry for
Known via "rip", distance 120, metric 1
Redistributing via rip
Last update from on Ethernet0, 00:00:07 ago
Routing Descriptor Blocks:
*, from, 00:00:07 ago, via Ethernet0
Route metric is 1, traffic share count is 1
Problem: RIP Routes Not in the Routing Table 59
When a distribute list is used, you should always double-check your access list to make sure
that the networks that are supposed to be permitted actually are permitted in the access list.
The access list in Example 3-12 permits only and denies everything else
because there is an implicit deny at the end of each access list. To fix this problem, permit in access-list 1.
Example 3-13 shows the new configuration of Router R2 with the access list to permit
Figure 3-4 Flowchart to Solve Why RIP Routes Don’t Show Up in a Routing Table
Example 3-12 R2’s Configuration Shows That Network Is Being Blocked with an Implicit deny Under
access-list 1
interface Loopback0
ip address
interface Ethernet0
ip address
router rip
distribute-list 1 in
access-list 1 permit
Example 3-13 Correcting the Configuration on R2 to Fix the Problem
interface Loopback0
ip address
interface Ethernet0
RIP routes are not in the routing table of R2.
Not sure
Go to
Make sure the distribute-
list in permits the network
you want to receive an RIP
update. Go to Debugs and
Verication section.
Is the distribute-list in
blocking the routes?
60 Chapter 3: Troubleshooting RIP
Example 3-14 shows that Router R2 is learning RIP routes after the configuration change.
RIP Routes Not in the Routing Table—Cause: Access List Blocking
RIP Source Address
Access lists are used to filter the traffic based on the source address. Extended access lists
are used to filter the traffic based on the source or destination address, T-2. To filter the
incoming and outgoing traffic, these access lists may be applied on the interface with this
interface-level command:
ip access-group
access-list number
{in | out}
When the access list is applied in a RIP environment, always make sure that it doesn’t
block the source address of the RIP update. In this example, R2 is not installing RIP
routes in the routing table because access-list 1 is not permitting the source address of
RIP updates from R1.
Figure 3-5 shows the flowchart to follow to solve the problem based on this cause.
Debugs and Verification
Example 3-15 shows the current configuration of router R2. The access list in R2 is
not permitting the source address of RIP updates, that is, In Figure 3-1, is the source address of R1 RIP updates. Because there is an implicit deny
at the end of each access list, will be automatically denied.
ip address
router rip
distribute-list 1 in
access-list 1 permit
access-list 1 permit
Example 3-14 R2 Routing Table Is Learning the RIP Routes After the Correction
R2#show ip route
Routing entry for
Known via "rip", distance 120, metric 1
Redistributing via rip
Last update from on Ethernet0, 00:00:07 ago
Routing Descriptor Blocks:
*, from, 00:00:07 ago, via Ethernet0
Route metric is 1, traffic share count is 1
Example 3-13 Correcting the Configuration on R2 to Fix the Problem (Continued)
Problem: RIP Routes Not in the Routing Table 61
The output of debug ip rip in Example 3-16 shows that RIP is only sending the updates,
not receiving anything, because the source address is not permitted in the input
access list of R2.
Figure 3-5 Flowchart to Solve Why RIP Routes Don’t Show Up in a Routing Table
Example 3-15 access-list 1 Is Not Permitting the Source Address
interface Loopback0
ip address
interface Ethernet0
ip address
ip access-group 1 in
router rip
access-list 1 permit
Example 3-16 debug ip rip Output Reveals That R2 Is Not Receiving Any RIP Updates
R2#debug ip rip
RIP: sending v1 update to via Ethernet0 (
RIP: build update entries
subnet metric 1
RIP: sending v1 update to via Loopback0 (
RIP: build update entries
subnet metric 1RIP: sending v1 update to via
Ethernet0 (
RIP: build update entries
subnet metric 1
RIP routes are not in the routing table of R2.
Not sure
Is the access list blocking the
RIP source address?
If the source address is not
permitted in the input access
list, RIP will not install any
routes. Go to Debugs and
Verication section.
Go to
62 Chapter 3: Troubleshooting RIP
The standard access list specifies the source address. In this case, the source address is, which is the sending interface address of R1. This source address is not
permitted in the standard access list of R2, so RIP routes will not get installed in the routing
table of R2. To solve this problem, permit the source address in access list 1.
Example 3-17 shows the new configuration change to fix this problem.
This problem can also happen when using extended access lists if the RIP source address
is not permitted in the access list. This solution also can be used in the case of an extended
access list. The idea here is to permit the source address of RIP update.
Example 3-18 shows the configuration with an extended access list.
Example 3-19 shows the routing table of Router R2, which shows that it has learning RIP
routes after the configuration change.
RIP: sending v1 update to via Loopback0 (
RIP: build update entries
subnet metric 1
Example 3-17 The Modified Access List Permits the Source Address
interface Loopback0
ip address
interface Ethernet0
ip address
ip access-group 1 in
router rip
access-list 1 permit
access-list 1 permit
Example 3-18 The Correct Extended Access List Configuration, if Used
interface Loopback0
ip address
interface Ethernet0
ip address
ip access-group 100 in
router rip
access-list 100 permit ip any
access-list 100 permit ip host any
Example 3-16 debug ip rip Output Reveals That R2 Is Not Receiving Any RIP Updates (Continued)
Problem: RIP Routes Not in the Routing Table 63
RIP Routes Not in the Routing Table—Cause: Access List Blocking
RIP Broadcast or Multicast (in Case of RIP-2)
Access lists are used to filter certain types of packets. When using access lists on the interface
inbound, always make sure that they are not blocking the RIP broadcast or UDP port 520,
which is used by RIP-1 and RIP-2 (or the RIP multicast address, in cases of RIP-2).
If these addresses are not permitted in the access list that is applied on the interface inbound,
RIP will not install any routes in the routing table learned on that interface.
Figure 3-6 shows the flowchart to follow to solve this problem based on this cause.
Debugs and Verification
Example 3-20 shows the current configuration of R2. In this configuration, RIP’s des-
tination address of is not being permitted. This will result in no RIP
routes being installed in R2’s routing table. The RIP updates sent from R1 to the destination
of will be blocked by R2.
Example 3-19 R2 Is Receiving RIP Routes After Fixing the Access List Configuration
R2#show ip route
Routing entry for
Known via "rip", distance 120, metric 1
Redistributing via rip
Last update from on Ethernet0, 00:00:07 ago
Routing Descriptor Blocks:
*, from, 00:00:07 ago, via Ethernet0
Route metric is 1, traffic share count is 1
Figure 3-6 Flowchart to Solve Why RIP Routes Don’t Show Up in a Routing Table
RIP routes are not in the routing table of R2.
Not sure
RIP sends the update on
the broadcast address of In the
case of RIP-2, the update
is sent on These
destination addresses must
be permitted in the input
access list. Go to Debugs
and Verication section.
Is the access list blocking
the RIP broadcast?
Go to
64 Chapter 3: Troubleshooting RIP
RIP-1 broadcasts its routing updates on This address must be permitted
in the input access list of the receiving router so that it can receive the RIP updates.
Example 3-21 shows the new configuration for Router R2. access-list 100 is modified so
that it can permit the RIP broadcast address that was being blocked before.
In cases of RIP-2, the configuration will change slightly. The multicast address needs to be
permitted instead of the broadcast address, as shown in Example 3-22.
Example 3-20 R2 Configuration Does Not Permit RIP-1 Broadcast Addresses
interface Loopback0
ip address
interface Ethernet0
ip address
ip access-group 100 in
router rip
access-list 100 permit ip any
access-list 100 permit ip host host
Example 3-21 Configuring Router R2’s Input Access List to Accept RIP-1 Broadcasts
interface Loopback0
ip address
interface Ethernet0
ip address
ip access-group 100 in
router rip
access-list 100 permit ip any
access-list 100 permit ip host host
access-list 100 permit ip host host
Example 3-22 Configuring Router R2’s Input Access List to Accept RIP-2 Multicast
interface Loopback0
ip address
interface Ethernet0
ip address
ip access-group 100 in
router rip
version 2
access-list 100 permit ip any
access-list 100 permit ip host host
access-list 100 permit ip host host
Problem: RIP Routes Not in the Routing Table 65
Example 3-23 shows the routing table of R2 after correcting the problem.
RIP Routes Not in the Routing Table—Cause: Incompatible RIP
Version Type
When RIP is configured on a router, it is run by default as Version 1, which means that all
its interfaces will send and receive RIP-1 packets only. To run Version 2 of RIP, you must
add the version 2 line under router rip. When a router running Version 1 receives a RIP
update from a router running Version 2, it ignores the updates and does not install any routes
in the routing table. For a router to accept a Version 2 packet, the interface must be con-
figured to accept the RIP-2 updates.
Figure 3-7 shows the flowchart to follow to solve this problem based on this cause.
Debugs and Verification
Example 3-24 shows the configuration of Router R2. In this configuration, RIP is
configured to send and receive Version 1 packets only.
Example 3-23 R2 Routing Table After Correcting the Access List Shows That the RIP Routes Are Being Learned
R2#show ip route
Routing entry for
Known via "rip", distance 120, metric 1
Redistributing via rip
Last update from on Ethernet0, 00:00:07 ago
Routing Descriptor Blocks:
*, from, 00:00:07 ago, via Ethernet0
Route metric is 1, traffic share count is 1
Figure 3-7 Flowchart to Solve Why RIP Routes Don’t Show Up in a Routing Table
RIP routes are not in the routing table of R2.
Not sure
Ye s
RIP-1 can understand only
Version 1 packets. If the
router running RIP-1
receives Version 2 packets,
it will ignore the update.
Go to Debugs and
Verication section.
Is the RIP version compatible
with the sender?
Go to
66 Chapter 3: Troubleshooting RIP
Example 3-25 shows the output of the debug ip rip command. This command reveals that
R2 is receiving a RIP packet from R1, which is configured to send Version 2 updates.
Example 3-26 shows the output of the show ip protocols command, which indicates that
the Ethernet0 interface is sending and receiving RIP-1 packets. This means that if a
Version 2 packet is received on Ethernet 0 of R2, it will be ignored because the interface
can send and receive only Version 1 packets.
Example 3-27 shows the configuration of R1. This shows that sender R1 is configured to
send Version 2 packets. The command version 2 enables a router to send and accept only
RIP-2 packets.
Example 3-24 R2 Configuration Shows That It Is Configured for RIP-1, Which Is the Default
interface Loopback0
ip address
interface Ethernet0
ip address
router rip
Example 3-25 debug ip rip Command Output Shows the Version Incompatible Message on R2
R2#debug ip rip
RIP protocol debugging is on
RIP: ignored v2 packet from (illegal version)
Example 3-26 show ip protocols Command Output Reveals the RIP Sends Out and Receives Only RIP
Version 1 Packets on Ethernet0
R2#show ip protocols
Routing Protocol is "rip"
Sending updates every 30 seconds, next due in 9 seconds
Invalid after 180 seconds, hold down 180, flushed after 240
Outgoing update filter list for all interfaces is
Incoming update filter list for all interfaces is
Redistributing: rip
Default version control: send version 1, receive version 1
Interface Send Recv Key-chain
Ethernet0 1 1
Loopback0 1 1
Routing for Networks:
Routing Information Sources:
Gateway Distance Last Update 120 00:01:34
Distance: (default is 120)
Problem: RIP Routes Not in the Routing Table 67
Example 3-28 shows the output of the show ip protocols command, which shows that the
sender R1 is sending and receiving only Version 2 packets. This is because of the version 2
command that is configured under router rip.
If the receiver R2 is configured to receive only RIP Version 1 packets, it will ignore the RIP
Version 2 updates. You must configure Router R1 on the sender’s side so that it will send
both Version 1 and Version 2 packets. When R2 receives the Version 1 packet, it will install the
routes in the routing table. R2 will ignore RIP-2 packets because it is configured for RIP-1.
Example 3-29 shows the new configuration for R1. In this configuration, the sender (R1’s
Ethernet interface) is configured to send and receive both RIP-1 and RIP-2 packets.
Example 3-27 R1’s Configuration Reveals That It Is Configured for RIP Version 2 Packets
router rip
version 2
Example 3-28 show ip protocols Command Output Reveals That R1 Is Sending and Receiving Only RIP Version
2 Packets
R1#show ip protocols
Routing Protocol is "rip"
Sending updates every 30 seconds, next due in 13 seconds
Invalid after 180 seconds, hold down 180, flushed after 240
Outgoing update filter list for all interfaces is
Incoming update filter list for all interfaces is
Redistributing: rip
Default version control: send version 2, receive version 2
Interface Send Recv Key-chain
Ethernet0/1 2 2
Loopback1 2 2
Routing for Networks:
Routing Information Sources:
Gateway Distance Last Update 120 00:04:09
Distance: (default is 120)
Example 3-29 New Configuration of R1 to Send and Receive Version 1 and Version 2 Packets
interface Loopback0
ip address
interface Ethernet0
ip address
ip rip send version 1 2
ip rip receive version 1 2
68 Chapter 3: Troubleshooting RIP
Example 3-30 shows the output of show ip protocols, which indicates that the Ethernet0
interface is sending and receiving Version 1 and Version 2 packets. The advantage of send-
ing both Version 1 and Version 2 updates is that, if any devices on this Ethernet segment are
running Version 1 only or Version 2 only, those devices will be capable of communicating
with R1 on Ethernet.
Example 3-31 shows R2’s routing table after the configuration change.
RIP Routes Not in the Routing Table—Cause: Mismatch
Authentication Key (RIP-2)
One of the options in RIP-2 is that the RIP-2 updates can be authenticated for increased
security. When authentication is used, a password must be configured on both sides. This
router rip
version 2
Example 3-30 show ip protocols Command Output Reveals the RIP Version 1 and 2 Packets Being Sent and
Received by R1’s Ethernet0 Interface
R1#show ip protocols
Routing Protocol is "rip"
Sending updates every 30 seconds, next due in 4 seconds
Invalid after 180 seconds, hold down 180, flushed after 240
Outgoing update filter list for all interfaces is
Incoming update filter list for all interfaces is
Redistributing: rip
Default version control: send version 2, receive version 2
Interface Send Recv Key-chain
Ethernet0 1 2 1 2
Loopback0 2 2
Routing for Networks:
Routing Information Sources:
Gateway Distance Last Update 120 00:00:07
Distance: (default is 120)
Example 3-31 R2 Routing Table After R1 Is Configured to Send and Receive RIP-1 and RIP-2 Packets
R2#show ip route
Routing entry for
Known via "rip", distance 120, metric 1
Redistributing via rip
Last update from on Ethernet0, 00:00:07 ago
Routing Descriptor Blocks:
*, from, 00:00:07 ago, via Ethernet0
Route metric is 1, traffic share count is 1
Example 3-29 New Configuration of R1 to Send and Receive Version 1 and Version 2 Packets (Continued)
Problem: RIP Routes Not in the Routing Table 69
password is called the authentication key. If this key does not match with the key on the
other side, the RIP-2 updates will be ignored on both sides.
Figure 3-8 shows the flowchart to follow to solve this problem based on this cause.
Debugs and Verification
Example 3-32 shows the configurations of routers R1 and R2 when this problem happens.
In this configuration, a different RIP authentication key is configured on R1 and R2. The
R2 Ethernet interface is configured with the key cisco1, whereas R1 is configured with
the key Cisco. These two keys do not match, so they ignore each other’s update and routes
will not be installed in the routing table.
Figure 3-8 Flowchart to Solve Why RIP Routes Don’t Show Up in a Routing Table
Example 3-32 Configurations for R1 and R2 Show That Different Authentication Keys Are Configured
on Each Side
interface Loopback0
ip address
interface Ethernet0
ip address
ip rip authentication key-chain cisco1
router rip
version 2
RIP routes are not in the routing table of R2.
Not sure
Is there an authentication
mismatch between sender
and receiver?
If the authentication is
configured, make sure that
the same key is configured
on both the sender and
the receiver. Go to Debugs
and Verication section.
Go to
70 Chapter 3: Troubleshooting RIP
Example 3-33 shows the output from the debug ip rip command on R2 that indicates that
R2 is receiving a RIP packet that has invalid authentication. This means that the authen-
tication key between sender and receiver doesn’t match.
When using authentication in RIP, make sure that the sender and the receiver are configured
with the same authentication key. Sometimes, adding a space at the end of the key can cause
the invalid authentication problem because a space will be taken as a literal key entry. As
a result, this causes a problem that cannot be corrected just by looking at the configurations.
Debugs will show that there is a problem with the authentication key. To solve this problem,
configure the same keys on both sender and receiver, or retype the authentication key,
making sure that no space is being added at the end.
Example 3-34 shows the new configuration to correct this problem. The authentication key
is reconfigured on Router R2 to match Router the key on R1.
interface Loopback0
ip address
interface Ethernet0
ip address
ip rip authentication key-chain cisco
router rip
version 2
Example 3-33 debug ip rip Command Output Reveals Invalid Authentication for a RIP-2 Packet Received on R2
R2#debug ip rip
RIP protocol debugging is on
RIP: ignored v2 packet from (invalid authentication)
Example 3-34 R2 Configuration with the Corrected Authentication Key
interface Loopback0
ip address
interface Ethernet0
ip address
ip rip authentication key-chain cisco
router rip
version 2
Example 3-32 Configurations for R1 and R2 Show That Different Authentication Keys Are Configured
on Each Side (Continued)
Problem: RIP Routes Not in the Routing Table 71
Example 3-35 shows the routing table of R2 after the configuration change.
RIP Routes Not in the Routing Table—Cause: Discontiguous Network
When a major network is separated by another major network in the middle, this is called
a discontiguous network. Chapter 2, “Understanding Routing Information Protocol (RIP),
provides a detailed explanation of why RIP does not support discontiguous networks.
Enabling RIP with this topology causes problems.
Figure 3-9 shows an example of a discontiguous network that exists when a major network
is separated by another major network.
Figure 3-10 shows the flowchart to follow to solve this problem based on this cause.
Example 3-35 R2 Routing Table After Reconfiguring the Authentication Key on R2
R2#show ip route
Routing entry for
Known via "rip", distance 120, metric 1
Redistributing via rip
Last update from on Ethernet0, 00:00:07 ago
Routing Descriptor Blocks:
*, from, 00:00:07 ago, via Ethernet0
Route metric is 1, traffic share count is 1
Figure 3-9 An Example of a Discontiguous Network
Figure 3-10 Flowchart to Solve Why RIP Routes Don’t Show Up in a Routing Table
Router 1
Router 2
RIP routes are not in the routing table of R2.
Not sure
Is this a discontiguous subnet?
If RIP receives a
summarized route for a
discontiguous network,
it will not install it in the
routing table. Go to
Debugs and Verication
Go to
72 Chapter 3: Troubleshooting RIP
Debugs and Verification
Example 3-36 shows the configuration of Router R1 and Router R2. RIP is enabled on the
Ethernet interfaces of R1 and R2 with the correct network statement.
Example 3-37 shows the debug ip rip output for routers R1 and R2. Both debugs shows
that the network is being sent across.
As a result, both routers will ignore the update from each other. Because R1 and
R2 are already connected to this major network, they will ignore the update.
Example 3-36 Configuration of R1 and R2 in a Discontiguous Network Environment
interface Loopback0
ip address
interface Ethernet0
ip address
router rip
interface Loopback0
ip address
interface Ethernet0
ip address
router rip
Example 3-37 debug ip rip Output Showing That Both Routers Are Sending Summarized Major Network
Addresses Across
R2#debug ip rip
RIP protocol debugging is on
RIP: received v1 update from on Ethernet0 in 1 hops
RIP: sending v1 update to via Ethernet0 (
RIP: build update entries
network metric 1
R1#debug ip rip
RIP protocol debugging is on
RIP: received v1 update from on Ethernet0 in 1 hops
RIP: sending v1 update to via Ethernet0 (
RIP: build update entries
network metric 1
Problem: RIP Routes Not in the Routing Table 73
RIP is not installing the route in the routing table because RIP doesn’t support
discontiguous networks, as discussed in the beginning of the chapter. Several solutions to
this problem exist. The quick solution is to configure a static route to the more specific
subnets of on each router. The second solution is to enable Version 2 of RIP.
Another solution is to replace RIP with another IP routing protocol, such as OSPF, IS-IS,
EIGRP, and so on, that supports discontiguous networks.
Example 3-38 shows the configuration change that is required for both Router R1 and
Router R2 to fix the problem. This configuration adds the static route for the discontiguous
subnets. Because you cannot pass the subnet information across in case of discontiguous
networks in RIP-1, the only solution is to patch it with static routes.
Example 3-39 shows the alternate solution to fix this problem, in the case of RIP-2. The
solution is to run RIP-2 with no auto-summary configured. With the no-auto summary
command added, RIP-2 will not autosummarize when crossing a major network boundary.
The specific subnet information will be sent across.
Example 3-38 Static Route Configuration Should Solve This Problem
interface Loopback0
ip address
interface Ethernet0
ip address
router rip
ip route
interface Loopback0
ip address
interface Ethernet0
ip address
router rip
ip route
Example 3-39 Configuration That Works Under RIP-2 in a Discontiguous Network Environment
router rip
version 2
no auto-summary
74 Chapter 3: Troubleshooting RIP
Example 3-40 shows the routing table of R2 after fixing this problem.
RIP Routes Not in the Routing Table—Cause: Invalid Source
When RIP tells the routing table to install the route, it performs a source-validity
check. If the source is not on the same subnet as the local interface, RIP ignores
the update and does not install routes in the routing table coming from this source
Figure 3-11 shows the network diagram for invalid source problem.
In Figure 3-11, Router 1’s Serial 0 interface is unnumbered to Loopback 0. Router 2’s serial
interface is numbered. When Router 2 receives a RIP update from Router 1, it complains
about the source validity because the source address is not on the same subnet as Router 2’s
Serial 0 interface.
Figure 3-12 shows the flowchart to follow to solve this problem based on this cause.
Debugs and Verification
Example 3-41 shows the configuration of both Router R2 and Router R1. In this config-
uration, R1’s Serial 0 interface is unnumbered to Loopback 0. R2’s Serial 0 interface is
Example 3-40 R2 Routing Table Shows That Is Learned Through RIP-2 After Configuring the no-
auto summary Command
R2#show ip route
Routing entry for 13799.2.0/24
Known via "rip", distance 120, metric 1
Redistributing via rip
Last update from on Ethernet0, 00:00:07 ago
Routing Descriptor Blocks:
*, from, 00:00:07 ago, via Ethernet0
Route metric is 1, traffic share count is 1
Figure 3-11 Network Diagram for Invalid Route Source
unnumbered loop 0
Router 1
Router 2
Problem: RIP Routes Not in the Routing Table 75
The debug ip rip output in Example 3-42 shows that R2 is ignoring the RIP update
from R1 because of a source validity check. The RIP update coming from R1 is not on
the same subnet, so R2 will not install any routes in the routing table.
Figure 3-12 Flowchart to Solve Why RIP Routes Don’t Show Up in a Routing Table
Example 3-41 Configuration of R2 and R1 Showing That R1’s Serial 0 Interface Is Unnumbered and R2’s Isn’t
interface Loopback0
ip address
interface Serial0
ip address
router rip
interface Loopback0
ip address
interface Serial0
ip unnumbered Loopback0
router rip
Example 3-42 debug ip rip Message Shows That R2 Is Receiving RIP Updates from a Different Source Address
Than Its Own Interface
R2#debug ip rip
RIP protocol debugging is on
RIP: ignored v1 update from bad source on Serial0
RIP routes are not in the routing table of R2.
Not sure
Ye s
Is the RIP update coming from
a valid source?
RIP performs a source
validity check before route
installation. In the case
where one side is
numbered and the other
side is unnumbered, the
source validity check must
be turned off. Go to
Debugs and Verication
Go to
76 Chapter 3: Troubleshooting RIP
When one side is numbered and the other side is unnumbered, this check must be turned
off. This is usually the case in a dialup situation when remotes are dialing into an access
router. The access router’s dialup interface is unnumbered, and all remote routers get an IP
address assigned on their dialup interfaces.
Example 3-43 shows the new configuration change on Router R2 to fix this problem.
Example 3-44 shows that after changing the configurations of R2, the route gets installed
in the routing table.
RIP Routes Not in the Routing Table—Cause: Layer 2 Problem
(Switch, Frame Relay, Other Layer 2 Media)
Sometimes, multicast/broadcast capability is broken at Layer 2, which further affects
Layer 3 multicast. As a result, RIP fails to work properly. The Layer 3 broadcast/multicast
is further converted into Layer 2 broadcast/multicast. If Layer 2 has problems in handling
Layer 2 multicast/broadcast, the RIP updates will not be propagated. The debugs show that
broadcast or multicast is being originated at one end but is not getting across.
Figure 3-13 shows the network diagram for Frame Relay problems while running RIP.
In Figure 3-13, Router 1 and Router 2 are connected through any Layer 2 media—for
example, Frame Relay, X.25, Ethernet, FDDI, and so on.
Figure 3-14 shows the flowchart to follow to solve this problem based on this cause.
Example 3-43 Configuration of R2 to Turn Off the Source Validity Check
interface Loopback0
ip address
interface Serial0
ip address
router rip
no validate-update-source
Example 3-44 R2 Routing Table After Turning Off Source Validity Check
R2#show ip route
Routing entry for
Known via "rip", distance 120, metric 1
Redistributing via rip
Last update from 00:00:01 ago
Routing Descriptor Blocks:
*, from, 00:00:07 ago
Route metric is 1, traffic share count is 1
Problem: RIP Routes Not in the Routing Table 77
Debugs and Verification
Example 3-45 shows the output of the debug ip rip command, which shows that R1 is
sending and receiving RIP updates without any problem. On R2, RIP updates are being sent
but not received. This means that the RIP update is being lost at Layer 2.
Figure 3-13 Two Routers Running RIP in a Frame Relay Environment
Figure 3-14 Flowchart to Solve Why RIP Routes Don’t Show Up in a Routing Table
Example 3-45 debug ip packet Against access-list 100 Shows That R1 Is Sending RIP Updates on the Wire, and
R2 Is Not Receiving It
R1#debug ip packet 100 detail
IP packet debugging is on (detailed) for access list 100
IP: s= (Ethernet0), d=, len 132, sending broadcast/
UDP src=520, dst=520
IP: s= (Ethernet0), d=, len 132, rcvd 2
UDP src=520, dst=520
Router 1
Router 2
RIP routes are not in the routing table of R2.
Not sure
Ye s
Is Layer 2 media
propagating RIP
RIP-1 sends an update on
broadcast address, and RIP-2
sends an update on multicast
address These two
addresses must be permitted
through Layer 2 media. Go to
Debugs and Verication
Go to
78 Chapter 3: Troubleshooting RIP
Example 3-46 shows access-list 100, which is used against the debug to look at the RIP
broadcast/multicast specifically.
Example 3-47 shows a way to find out if this is the problem when running RIP-2. Ping the
multicast address of—if the neighbor doesn’t reply, this can mean that multicast
is broken at Layer 2.
RIP-1 sends an update on a broadcast address of In the case of RIP-2, the
update is sent on a multicast address of If these two addresses get blocked at
Layer 2 or are not being propagated at Layer 2, RIP will not function properly. Layer 2
could be a simple Ethernet switch, a Frame Relay cloud, a bridging cloud, and so on. Fixing
the Layer 2 problem is beyond the scope of this book.
Example 3-48 shows that after fixing the Layer 2 problem, RIP routes get installed in the
routing table.
R2#debug ip packet 100 detail
IP packet debugging is on (detailed) for access list 100
IP: s= (Ethernet0), d=, len 132, sending broadcast/
UDP src=520, dst=520
IP: s= (Ethernet0), d=, len 132, sending broadcast/
UDP src=520, dst=520
Example 3-46 access-list 100 Is Used Against the Debugs to Minimize the Traffic
access-list 100 permit ip any host
access-list 100 permit ip any host
Example 3-47 Multicast Pings Are Failing, Which Means That R2’s Multicast Is Getting Lost at Layer 2
Type escape sequence to abort.
Sending 1, 100-byte ICMP Echos to, timeout is 2 seconds:
Example 3-48 R2 Is Installing RIP Routes After Fixing the Layer 2 Problems
R2#show ip route
Routing entry for
Known via "rip", distance 120, metric 1
Redistributing via rip
Last update from 00:00:01 ago
Routing Descriptor Blocks:
*, from, 00:00:07 ago
Route metric is 1, traffic share count is 1
Example 3-45 debug ip packet Against access-list 100 Shows That R1 Is Sending RIP Updates on the Wire, and
R2 Is Not Receiving It (Continued)
Problem: RIP Routes Not in the Routing Table 79
RIP Routes Not in the Routing Table—Cause: Offset List Has a Large
Metric Defined
Offset lists are used to increase the metric value of RIP updates coming in or going out.
The use of an offset list can directly influence the routing table. This list can be applied
on selected networks that can be defined in an access list. If the offset value is a large
number, such as 14 or 15, the RIP metric will reach infinity when it crosses a couple of
routers. That’s why the offset list value should be kept to a minimum value.
Figure 3-15 shows a network setup that can produce a problem in the case of a
misconfigured offset list.
Example 3-49 shows that the specific router is not in the routing table of R2.
Figure 3-16 shows the flowchart to follow to solve this problem based on this cause.
Figure 3-15 Network Topology Used for Misconfigured Offset Lists Problem Reproduction
Example 3-49 R2’s Routing Table Missing the Subnet That Is Off R3
R2#show ip route
% Subnet not in table
Figure 3-16 Flowchart to Solve Why RIP Routes Don’t Show Up in a Routing Table
Router 3
Router 2
Router 1
RIP routes are not in the routing table of R2.
Not sure
Is an offset list
configured on the sender or
When an offset list is
applied, the metric should
be kept low; otherwise, it
can reach the limit of 16
and the route will not get
installed. Go to Debugs
and Verication section.
Go to
80 Chapter 3: Troubleshooting RIP
Debugs and Verification
Troubleshooting should be done to investigate RIP’s normal behavior.
Example 3-50 shows that R2 is receiving other RIP routes, but not
This shows that problem is with, not with RIP in general. The reason is that
R3 is receiving other RIP routes from R1, so the RIP update that is coming from R1 is
working fine.
Example 3-51 shows the routing table of R1, where is present in the routing table.
So why is R2 not installing This could be because of one of the following
R1 is not advertising to R2.
R1 is advertising, but R2 is not receiving.
R2 is receiving but is discarding it because of an infinite metric.
The simplest way to troubleshoot such problems is quick configuration examination.
Example 3-52 shows the configuration of Router R1.
The administrator has configured an offset list with a very large metric. The offset list is
used to change the metric of RIP update.
From the configuration, you can surmise that any update that passes access-list 1 will have 15
added in the metric. In Example 3-52, access-list 1 permits This means that the
metric of is 16, which, to RIP, is an infinite metric; upon receiving it, R2 will reject it.
To verify this, run the debug ip rip command, as demonstrated in Example 3-53.
Example 3-50 R2 Is Missing from Its Routing Table
R2#show ip route RIP is subnetted, 4 subnets
R [120/1] via, 00:00:06, Ethernet1
R [120/1] via, 00:00:06, Ethernet1
Example 3-51 R1 Sees in Its Routing Table
R1#show ip route
Routing entry for
Known via "rip", distance 120, metric 1
Example 3-52 The Offset List Has a Large Value Configured on R1 for
router rip
version 2
offset-list 1 out 15 Ethernet0/1
access-list 1 permit
Problem: RIP Routes Not in the Routing Table 81
Because 16 is the infinite metric for RIP, R2 will reject from going in the
routing table.
Typically, offset lists are not used in RIP networks. When the network has redundant equal-
hop (cost) paths and the administrator wants one route preferred over another, an offset list
can be used.
For example, suppose that two links exist between R1 and R2. One of the links could be
either congested or experiencing delay.
The administrator might want to shift the IP traffic for certain destination subnets to a
noncongested link for a short time, to get better throughput and to alleviate some of the
congestion. An offset list is an easy way to achieve this by making the RIP metric higher
for the subnets on the congested interface.
Example 3-54 shows the new configuration of Router R1.
To fix the problem, configure an offset value so that the hop count won’t reach its limit.
Example 3-55 shows the routing table of Router R2 after fixing the problem.
RIP Routes Not in the Routing Table—Cause: Routes Reached RIP
Hop Count Limit
The RIP metric can go up to a maximum of 15 hops. If a network has more than 15 hops,
RIP is not a suitable protocol for it.
Example 3-53 debug ip rip on R2 Shows That Is Received with an Infinite Metric
R2#debug ip RIP
RIP: received v2 update from on Ethernet1 -> in 16 hops (inaccessible)
Example 3-54 New Configuration on R1 with Appropriate Offset List Value
router rip
version 2
offset-list 1 out 1 Ethernet0/1
access-list 1 permit
Example 3-55 R2’s Routing Table Shows the Entry for After Configuring the Proper Offset List
R2#show ip route
Routing entry for
Known via "rip", distance 120,
metric 1
82 Chapter 3: Troubleshooting RIP
Figure 3-17 shows a network setup that produces a RIP hop-count limit problem.
R2 is receiving an update for a RIP route, which is several (more than 15) hops away. R2
doesn’t install that route in the routing table, as demonstrated in the output in Example 3-56.
Figure 3-18 shows the flowchart to solve this problem.
Debugs and Verification
The most logical way to start troubleshooting this problem is to look at R1 and determine
whether R1 is receiving
Example 3-57 shows that Router R1 is receiving RIP routes for
Figure 3-17 Network Setup That Can Produce a RIP Hop-Count Limit Problem
Example 3-56 R2’s Routing Table Is Missing the Route for
R2#show ip route
% Subnet not in table
Figure 3-18 Flowchart to Solve Why RIP Routes Don’t Show Up in a Routing Table
Router 1
Router 2
RIP routes are not in the routing table of R2.
Not sure
Is the network more
than 15 hops away?
RIP has a hop count of 15.
When RIP receives a route
with a metric of 16, it
ignores the route. Go to
Debugs and Verication
Go to
Problem: RIP Is Not Installing All Possible Equal-Cost Paths 83
R1 is receiving the route in question, but with a metric of 15. R1 will add 1 more to 15 when
advertised to R2, which will result in an infinite metric, consequently preventing the route
from being placed in the routing table.
To prove this, in R1, you can run the debug ip rip command to view the process in
real time.
Example 3-58 shows the output of debug ip rip on Router R1.
Example 3-59 shows the output of debug ip rip on Router R2. Router R2 receives this
update and discards it because the metric shows that this network is infinitely far away and,
therefore, unreachable.
This is a classical RIP problem in which a route passes through more than 15 devices. IP
networks these days usually have more than 15 routers. There is no way to overcome this
behavior other than to pick a routing protocol that does not have a 15-hop limitation. You
should use OSPF, EIGRP, or IS-IS instead.
Problem: RIP Is Not Installing All Possible Equal-Cost
Paths—Cause: maximum-path Command Restricts RIP
from Installing More Than One Path
By default, Cisco routers support only four equal paths for the purpose of load balancing.
The maximum-path command can be used for up to six equal-cost paths. If the command
Example 3-57 R1’s Routing Table Has with a Metric of 15 (Maximum RIP Metric)
R1#show ip route
Routing entry for
Known via "rip", distance 120,
metric 15
Example 3-58 debug ip rip Output Shows That R1 Is Advertising with a Metric of 16 (Infinity)
R1#debug ip rip
RIP protocol debugging is on
RIP: sending v2 update to via Ethernet1 ( ->,
metric 16, tag 0
Example 3-59 debug ip rip Output on R2 Shows That R2 Is Receiving Routes with an Infinite Metric
R2#debug ip rip
RIP protocol debugging is on
RIP: received v2 update from on Ethernet1 -> in
16 hops (inaccessible)
84 Chapter 3: Troubleshooting RIP
is not configured properly, it can cause a problem, as discussed in this section. When con-
figured improperly, the maximum-path command allows only one path to the destination,
even though more than one path exists. Configuring the command as maximum-path 1
should be done only when load balancing is not desired.
Figure 3-19 and Example 3-60 provide a network scenario that will be used as the basis for
troubleshooting when the maximum-path command restricts RIP from installing more
than one path, resulting in the omission of all possible equal-cost paths. The sections that
follow carefully dissect how to troubleshoot this problem.
Figure 3-19 shows the network setup that produces the problem of RIP not installing all
possible equal-cost paths.
Example 3-60 shows the routing table of Router R1. Only one route is being installed in
the routing table. By default, any routing protocol supports equal-cost multipaths (load
balancing). If more than one equal path exists, it must be installed in the routing table.
Figure 3-20 shows the flowchart to follow to solve this problem based on this cause.
Figure 3-19 RIP Network Vulnerable to an Equal-Cost Path Problem
Example 3-60 R1 Installs Only One Path for
R1#show ip route rip is subnetted, 1 subnets
R [120/1] via, 00:00:09, Ethernet2
Router 1
Router 2 Router 3
Problem: RIP Is Not Installing All Possible Equal-Cost Paths 85
Debugs and Verification
Example 3-61 shows the output of debug ip rip on Router R1. The output shows that
Router R1 is receiving two equal-cost routes.
Only one route is installed in the routing table. You see only one route in the routing table
instead of two because operator has configured maximum-paths 1 in the configuration.
Example 3-62 shows the current configuration for Router R1.
By default, Cisco IOS Software allows up to four equal-cost routes to be installed in the
routing table. This could be increased up to six routes if configured as in Example 3-63.
Figure 3-20 Flowchart to Solve Why RIP Routes Don’t Show Up in a Routing Table
Example 3-61 debug ip rip Output on R1 Shows R1 Receiving Two Updates for the Network
R1#debug ip rip
RIP protocol debugging is on
RIP: received v2 update from on Ethernet2 -> in 1 hops
RIP: received v2 update from on Ethernet1 -> in 1 hops
Example 3-62 R1 Is Configured with maximum-path 1
router rip
version 2
maximum-paths 1
RIP is not installing all possible equal paths.
Not sure
Go to
Are there more than four
possible paths?
Cisco routers, by default,
allow only four equal cost
paths to be installed in the
routing table. Go to
“Debugs and Verification”
86 Chapter 3: Troubleshooting RIP
Example 3-63 shows the configuration that installs six equal-cost path routes in the routing
This example makes more sense when you have more than four paths and only four
are getting installed in the routing table. Because four equal-cost routes is a default,
maximum-paths needs to be increased to accommodate the fifth and possibly sixth
Troubleshooting RIP Routes Advertisement
All the problems discussed so far deal with the problem on the receiving end or the problem
in the middle (Layer 2).
A third possible cause exists when routes are not being installed in the routing table.
The sender could be having a problem sending RIP updates for some reason. As a
result, the receiver cannot install the RIP routes in the routing table. This section talks
about the things that can go wrong on the sender’s side.
This section discusses some of the possible scenarios that can prevent RIP routes from
being advertised. Some cases overlap with router installation problems—for example,
missing network statement(s) or an interface that is down. This section assumes that, after
troubleshooting the problems previously addressed in the “Troubleshooting RIP Routes
Installation” section, the problems persist. This section presents recommendations on
where to go next to resolve those issues.
Two of the most prevalent problems that can go wrong on the sender’s end deal with RIP
route advertisement:
The sender is not advertising RIP routes.
Subnetted routes are missing.
Problem: Sender Is Not Advertising RIP Routes
Typically, an IP network running RIP has routers that have a consistent view of the routing
table. In other words, all routers have routing tables that contain reachability information
for all the IP subnets of the network. This might differ in cases when filtering of certain
subnets is done at some routers and not at others. Ideally, all RIP routers have routes of the
complete network.
Example 3-63 Allowing the Maximum of Six Paths in the Routing Table
router rip
maximum-paths 6
Problem: Sender Is Not Advertising RIP Routes 87
When the routing information differs from one router to the other, one of two possibilities
could exist:
Some routers are not advertising the RIP routes.
Some routers are not receiving the RIP routes.
This section deals with problems in sending RIP routes.
Figure 3-21 provides a network scenario that will be used as the basis for troubleshooting
a majority of following causes of the problem of the sender not advertising RIP routes:
Missing or incorrect network statement
Outgoing interface that is down
distribute-list out blocking the routes
Advertised network interface that is down
Outgoing interface defined as passive
Broken multicast capability (encapsulation failure in Frame Relay)
Misconfigured neighbor statement
Advertised subnet is VLSM
Split horizon enabled
Figure 3-21 shows the network setup in which Router R1 is not sending RIP routes toward R2.
The sections that follow carefully dissect how to troubleshoot this problem based on
specific causes.
Sender Is Not Advertising RIP Routes—Cause: Missing or Incorrect
network Statement
One of the requirements for enabling RIP on a router’s interface is to add the network
statement under the router rip command. The network statement decides which interface
RIP should be enabled on. If the network statement is misconfigured or not configured, RIP
will not be enabled on that interface and RIP routes will not be advertised out that interface.
Figure 3-22 shows the flowchart to follow to fix this problem.
Figure 3-21 Network Setup in Which Router R1 Is Not Sending RIP Routes Toward R2
Router 1
Router 2
88 Chapter 3: Troubleshooting RIP
Debugs and Verifications
Example 3-64 shows the current configuration for R1.
The network statement is incorrectly configured under router rip in Example 3-64.
Instead of, is configured. This will not enable RIP on the interface,
and no updates will be sent.
Sometimes, a classless statement is configured under router rip, assuming that it will cover
all the networks—for example:
router rip
The network statement will not cover through because is a classless network and RIP is a classful protocol. Similarly, if you have
multiple Class C addresses, you cannot use one network statement to cover all the
Figure 3-22 Flowchart to Solve Why the Sender Is Not Advertising RIP Routes
Example 3-64 R1 Configuration Shows the Misconfigured network Statement
interface Loopback0
ip address
interface Ethernet0
ip address
router rip
RIP routes are not being advertised by Router R1.
Not sure
Ye s
Go to
Is RIP enabled on the
RIP must be enabled on
the interface to send and
receive RIP updates. Go to
“Debugs and Verification”
Problem: Sender Is Not Advertising RIP Routes 89
addresses that you own. For example, suppose that you own through
This doesn’t mean that you can use the following command syntax:
router rip
The network statement here is meaningless for RIP-1 because RIP-1 is a classful
protocol. The correct way to advertise all four networks in RIP is as follows:
router rip
Example 3-65 shows the corrected configuration for R1.
Example 3-66 shows the routing table of Router R2, showing the learned RIP route.
Sender Is Not Advertising RIP Routes—Cause: Outgoing Interface
Is Down
RIP is the routing protocol that runs on Layer 3. RIP cannot send updates across an inter-
face if the outgoing interface is down. There can be a variety of possible causes for the
outgoing interface being down:
Interface is up, line protocol is down
Interface is down, line protocol is down
Interface is administratively down, line protocol is down
Example 3-65 Correcting the network Statement in the R1 Configuration
interface Loopback0
ip address
interface Ethernet0
ip address
router rip
Example 3-66 R2 Routing Table Shows That the RIP Routes Are Learned After Correcting the network Statement
R2#show ip route
Routing entry for
Known via "rip", distance 120, metric 1
Redistributing via rip
Last update from on Ethernet0, 00:00:11 ago
Routing Descriptor Blocks:
*, from, 00:00:11 ago, via Ethernet0
Route metric is 1, traffic share count is 1
90 Chapter 3: Troubleshooting RIP
If the outgoing interface shows any of these symptoms, RIP will not be capable of sending
any updates across the network. The main thing to note here is that, with any of these potential
causes, the line protocol will always show down. This is the most important information to
determine Layer 2 connectivity.
Figure 3-23 shows the flowchart to follow to solve this problem based on this cause.
Debugs and Verification
Example 3-67 shows that the interface Ethernet 0 is down.
Example 3-68 shows the debug ip rip output. In this debug, R1 is not sending or receiving
any RIP updates because Layer 2 is down.
In the debug, there are no outputs because of this problem.
Figure 3-23 Flowchart to Solve Why the Sender Is Not Advertising RIP Routes
Example 3-67 Outgoing Interface Ethernet 0 of R1 Shows That the Line Protocol Is Down
R1#show interface ethernet 0
Ethernet0 is up,
line protocol is down
Hardware is Lance, address is 0000.0c70.d31e (bia 0000.0c70.d31e)
Internet address is
Example 3-68 debug ip rip Output Reveals That Nothing Is Being Sent or Received on R1’s Ethernet0 Interface
R1#debug ip rip
RIP protocol debugging is on
RIP routes are not being advertised by Router R1.
Not sure
Ye s
Go to
Is the outgoing interface
If the outgoing interface is
down, RIP will not advertise
any routes out on that
interface. Go to “Debugs
and Verification” section.
Problem: Sender Is Not Advertising RIP Routes 91
RIP runs above Layer 2. RIP cannot send or receive any routes if Layer 2 is down.
To correct this problem, Layer 2 or Layer 1 must be corrected. Sometimes, the problem
could be as simple as loose cables or a bad cable that must be replaced, or it could be as
complex as bad hardware, in which case hardware must be replaced.
Example 3-69 shows the interface Ethernet 0 after fixing the Layer 2 problem.
Example 3-70 shows the routing table of R2.
Sender Is Not Advertising RIP Routes—Cause: distribute-list out Is
Blocking the Route
distribute-list out is used to filter any routes that will be sent out an interface. If a
receiver is complaining about missing routes that should be received, make sure that the
routes are not being filtered through distribute-list out. If this is the case, you must
modify the access list.
Figure 3-24 shows the flowchart to follow to fix this problem.
Debugs and Verification
Example 3-71 shows the configuration of Router R1. In this configuration, access-list 1
does not explicitly permit the network, so R1 will not be allowed to advertise
any 131.108.X.X network, including
Example 3-69 R1’s Outgoing Interface Ethernet0 Is Up After Fixing the Layer 2 Issue
Ethernet0 is up, line protocol is up
Hardware is Lance, address is 0000.0c70.d31e (bia 0000.0c70.d31e)
Internet address is
Example 3-70 1’s Ethernet0 Interface Is Up, So RIP Is Sending Updates and R2 Has RIP Routes in Its Routing
R2#show ip route
Routing entry for
Known via "rip", distance 120, metric 1
Redistributing via rip
Last update from on Ethernet0, 00:00:07 ago
Routing Descriptor Blocks:
*, from, 00:00:07 ago, via Ethernet0
Route metric is 1, traffic share count is 1
92 Chapter 3: Troubleshooting RIP
When using a distribute list, you should always double-check your access list to make
sure that the networks that are supposed to be permitted are explicitly permitted in the
access list. If not, they will be denied. In the configuration example in Example 3-72,
the access list is permitting only An implicit deny any at the end of each
access list causes the network to be denied. To fix this problem, permit in access-list 1, as shown in Example 3-72.
Figure 3-24 Flowchart to Solve Why the Sender Is Not Advertising RIP Routes
Example 3-71 access-list 1 Does Not Permit the Network
interface Loopback0
ip address
interface Ethernet0
ip address
router rip
distribute-list 1 out
access-list 1 permit
Example 3-72 Reconfiguring access-list 1 to Permit Network
interface Loopback0
ip address
interface Ethernet0
ip address
RIP routes are not being advertised by Router R1.
Not sure
Go to
Is distribute-list out
blocking the routes?
Make sure that the distribute-
list out permits the
network that you want to
advertise out via RIP. Go
to “Debugs and Verification”
Problem: Sender Is Not Advertising RIP Routes 93
Example 3-73 shows the routing table of Router R2.
Sender Is Not Advertising RIP Routes—Cause: Advertised Network
Interface Is Down
The network that is being advertised might be down, and the connected route has been
removed from the routing table. In this situation, RIP will start advertising that network with
an infinite metric of 16; after the hold-down timer has expired, it will no longer advertise this
network. As soon as the advertised network comes up, RIP will start advertising it again in
its updates.
Figure 3-25 shows the flowchart to follow to fix this problem.
router rip
distribute-list 1 out
access-list 1 permit
Example 3-73 R2 Routing Table Shows the Entry for the Network After Permitting It in access-list 1
R2#show ip route
Routing entry for
Known via "rip", distance 120, metric 1
Redistributing via rip
Last update from on Ethernet0, 00:00:07 ago
Routing Descriptor Blocks:
*, from, 00:00:07 ago, via Ethernet0
Route metric is 1, traffic share count is 1
Figure 3-25 Flowchart to Solve Why the Sender Is Not Advertising RIP Routes
Example 3-72 Reconfiguring access-list 1 to Permit Network (Continued)
RIP routes are not being advertised by Router R1.
Not sure
Go to
Is the advertised network
interface up/up?
The interface’s network
number will not be
advertised if the interface
that represents the network
is down. Go to “Debugs
and Verification” section.
94 Chapter 3: Troubleshooting RIP
Debugs and Verification
Example 3-74 shows that the line protocol of R1’s Ethernet 1 interface is down, indicating
that there is something wrong at Layer 2. This is the interface that is directly attached to the
network that needs to be advertised. Therefore, that network cannot be advertised to neigh-
boring routers.
When the advertised network’s interface goes down, RIP will detect the down condition.
RIP will no longer advertise that network in the RIP update. In Example 3-74, interface
Ethernet 1 is down, so RIP will no longer advertise in its update.
You must correct this problem at Layer 2 or Layer 1. Sometimes, the problem could be as
simple as loose cables, or it could be as complex as bad hardware, in which case the hardware
must be replaced. After fixing the Layer 2 problem, reissue the show interface command to
view the current status, to verify that it has changed state to up.
Example 3-75 shows that the advertised network interface line protocol is up.
When the interface is active again, RIP will begin to advertise that network in its
periodic updates. Example 3-76 shows that the route that was down is back in the
routing table of R2.
Example 3-74 show interface Output Displays That the Line Protocol of the Advertised Network Is Down
R1#show interface Ethernet 1
Ethernet1 is up,
line protocol is down
Hardware is Lance, address is 0000.0c70.d51e (bia 0000.0c70.d51e)
Internet address is
Example 3-75 show interface Output Displays That the Line Protocol of Ethernet1 Is Up After Fixing
the Layer 2 Issue
R1#show interface Ethernet 1
Ethernet1 is up,
line protocol is up
Hardware is Lance, address is 0000.0c70.d51e (bia 0000.0c70.d51e)
Internet address is
Example 3-76 show ip route Output Displays That R2’s Routing Table Indicates the Network Again After the Layer
2 Issue Is Resolved
R2#show ip route
Routing entry for
Known via "rip", distance 120, metric 1
Redistributing via rip
Last update from on Ethernet0, 00:00:07 ago
Routing Descriptor Blocks:
*, from, 00:00:07 ago, via Ethernet0
Route metric is 1, traffic share count is 1
Problem: Sender Is Not Advertising RIP Routes 95
Sender Is Not Advertising RIP Routes—Cause: Outgoing Interface
Is Defined Passive
A situation might arise in which a router has a complete RIP routing table, but it is not ad-
vertising to other routers running RIP. This occurs when not all routers in a RIP network
have complete routing tables, resulting in lacking IP connectivity from one part of the net-
work to the other. If the outgoing interface is defined as passive, it will not advertise any
RIP updates on that interface.
Figure 3-26 shows the flowchart to follow to fix this problem.
Debugs and Verification
Example 3-77 shows the output of show ip protocols, which shows that the outgoing
interface is defined as a passive interface.
Figure 3-26 Flowchart to Solve Why the Sender Is Not Advertising RIP Routes
Example 3-77 show ip protocols Output Reveals That the Outgoing Interface on R1 Is Passive
R1#show ip protocols
Routing Protocol is "rip"
Sending updates every 30 seconds, next due in 26 seconds
Invalid after 180 seconds, hold down 180, flushed after 240
Outgoing update filter list for all interfaces is
Incoming update filter list for all interfaces is
Redistributing: rip
Default version control: send version 1, receive any version
Interface Send Recv Key-chain
Loopback0 1 1 2
Routing for Networks:
Passive Interface(s) Ethernet0
RIP routes are not being advertised by Router R1.
Not sure
Go to
Is the outgoing interface
defined as passive?
Passive interfaces are
incapable of sending any
RIP updates. Go to
“Debugs and Verification”
96 Chapter 3: Troubleshooting RIP
Example 3-78 shows the configuration of Router R1, which shows that the outgoing inter-
face is defined as passive.
When an interface is defined as a passive interface under RIP, RIP will receive updates on
that interface but will not send any updates.
In Example 3-78, the interface Ethernet 0 is defined as passive, so R1 is not sending any
updates on Ethernet 0. Sometimes, some networks should be advertised and others should
be filtered. In this type of situation, passive interfaces should not be used. Distribute lists,
used to selectively filter updates, are a better solution in that case.
Assume that passive-interface was configured by mistake. Take this command out of the
configuration to solve this problem using the no form of the command.
Example 3-79 shows the new configuration to solve this problem.
Example 3-80 shows the routing table of R2 after fixing the problem.
Sender Is Not Advertising RIP Routes—Cause: Broken Multicast
Capability (Frame Relay)
In some networking scenarios, router interfaces do not automatically propagate multicast
and broadcast traffic unless configured to do so. This could be a major problem because
Routing Information Sources:
Gateway Distance Last Update 120 00:00:26
Distance: (default is 120)
Example 3-78 Configuring the passive interface Command in RIP
router rip
passive-interface Ethernet0
Example 3-79 Correcting the passive-interface Problem
router rip
Example 3-80 R2 Routing Table After Removing the passive-interface Command
R2#show ip route
Routing entry for
Known via "rip", distance 120, metric 1
Redistributing via rip
Last update from on Serial0, 00:00:07 ago
Routing Descriptor Blocks:
*, from, 00:00:07 ago, via Serial0
Route metric is 1, traffic share count is 1
Example 3-77 show ip protocols Output Reveals That the Outgoing Interface on R1 Is Passive (Continued)
Problem: Sender Is Not Advertising RIP Routes 97
RIP-1 updates are sent at a broadcast address and RIP-2 uses multicast to exchange routes.
No routing information will propagate across the network unless broadcast and multicast
features are enabled on such interfaces. Nonbroadcast multiaccess (NBMA) Frame Relay
is a prime example of a networking environment in which interfaces exhibit this behavior.
Figure 3-27 shows a network setup that is deliberately configured with broken multicast to
illustrate the example of how Frame Relay RIP updates will not go across R1.
In Figure 3-27, Router 1 and Router 2 are connected through Frame Relay. Router 1 is not
advertising RIP routes toward Router 2.
Figure 3-28 shows the flowchart to follow to solve this problem based on this cause.
Debugs and Verification
Example 3-81 shows the configuration of Router R1. In this example, Frame Relay pro-
vides the Layer 2 encapsulation. In this configuration, the frame-relay map statement
doesn’t have the keyword broadcast at the end. As a result, all broadcast/multicast traffic
will be prohibited from crossing the NBMA network. The broadcast keyword tells the
router to replicate the necessary broadcasts and send them across the specified circuits.
Figure 3-27 NBMA Frame Relay Network Vulnerable to Broken Multicast Capability Problems
Figure 3-28 Flowchart to Solve Why the Sender Is Not Advertising RIP Routes
Router 1
Router 2
Frame Relay
RIP routes are not being advertised by Router R1.
Not sure
Go to
Is the multicast capability
If a Layer 2 NBMA
network such as Frame
Relay or ISDN is
configured with static
mapping, make sure that
the broadcast keyword is
added in the map
statement. Go to “Debugs
and Verification” section.
98 Chapter 3: Troubleshooting RIP
Example 3-83 shows output from debug ip packet. This debug includes only the broadcast
traffic source from R1. As shown in Example 3-82, R1 is configured with access-list 100.
R1 is configured with access-list 100, which permits all packets from source
destined to the broadcast address of In Example 3-83, R1 runs debug ip
packet detail with access-list 100 to limit traffic destined to with R1 as
the source. The debug output in Example 3-83 shows that there are encapsulation failures,
indicating that they cannot be placed in the appropriate Layer 2 frame.
When RIP is running in a Frame Relay (NBMA) environment, Layer 2 must be configured to
support broadcast traffic; otherwise, RIP updates will not get across. When static map-ping is
used, make sure to add the broadcast keyword at the end of a frame-relay map statement.
Example 3-84 shows the new configuration of Router R1 with the corrected frame-relay
map statement.
Example 3-85 shows the routing table of R2 with RIP routes.
Example 3-81 R1’s frame-relay map Statement Lacks the broadcast Keyword
interface Serial3
ip address
encapsulation frame-relay
frame-relay map ip 16
Example 3-82 Configuration in R1 of access-list 100 to Limit debug Output
access-list 100 permit ip host host
Example 3-83 debug ip packet Output on R1 Reveals Encapsulation Failure for RIP Updates
R1#debug ip packet 100 detail
IP packet debugging is on (detailed) for access list 100
IP: s= (local), d= (Serial3), len 112, sending broad/
UDP src=520, dst=520
IP: s= (local), d= (Serial3), len 112,
UDP src=520, dst=520
Example 3-84 Corrected Configuration to Enable Broadcast Traffic to Go Across an NBMA Environment
interface Serial3
ip address
encapsulation frame-relay
frame-relay map ip 16 broadcast
Problem: Sender Is Not Advertising RIP Routes 99
Sender Is Not Advertising RIP Routes—Cause: Misconfigured
neighbor Statement
In a nonbroadcast environment, RIP utilizes a unicast method to send RIP updates. To send
unicast RIP updates, neighbor statements must be configured carefully. If the neighbor
address is configured incorrectly in the neighbor statement, RIP will not send the unicast
update to the neighbor.
Figure 3-29 shows the flowchart to follow to solve this problem based on this cause.
Debugs and Verification
Example 3-86 shows the RIP configuration in Router R1. The configuration shows that
the neighbor statement is configured incorrectly. Instead of, it’s pointing to, which doesn’t exist.
Example 3-85 R2 Routing Table with RIP Routes After the Corrected frame-relay map Statement for Router R1
R2#show ip route
Routing entry for
Known via "rip", distance 120, metric 1
Redistributing via rip
Last update from on Serial0, 00:00:07 ago
Routing Descriptor Blocks:
*, from, 00:00:07 ago, via Serial0
Route metric is 1, traffic share count is 1
Figure 3-29 Flowchart to Solve Why the Sender Is Not Advertising RIP Routes
Example 3-86 Router R1 RIP Configuration with Incorrectly Configured neighbor Statement
router rip
RIP routes are not being advertised by Router R1.
Not sure
Ye s
Go to
Is the neighbor statement
configured properly?
In a nonbroadcast
environment, neighbor
statements might be
necessary. They are
configured under the
router rip configuration
mode and force the router
to unicast RIP updates. Go
to “Debugs and Verification”
100 Chapter 3: Troubleshooting RIP
In Example 3-86, RIP is sending a unicast update to a neighbor address of,
which doesn’t exist.
To solve the problem, the neighbor statement must be configured properly.
Example 3-87 shows the corrected configuration of Router R1.
Example 3-88 shows the RIP routes installed in R2’s routing table.
Sender Is Not Advertising RIP Routes—Cause: Advertised Subnet
In almost all IP networks, IP addresses are efficiently utilized by doing variable-length
subnet masking (VLSM) of the original IP block. Because RIP-1 does not support VLSM
routing, routing VLSM routes becomes a common issue with RIP running networks.
Figure 3-30 shows the network setup, which produces problems because of the existence
of a VLSM. The figure shows that Router 1 has an interface whose mask is /25. Note that is variably subnetted to two different masks, and
RIP-1 cannot advertise the mask of a subnet, so it cannot support VLSM and cannot
advertise /25 to an RIP interface whose mask is /24.
Figure 3-31 shows the flowchart to follow to correct this problem.
Example 3-87 Router R1 Configuration with the Correct neighbor Statement
R1# router rip
Example 3-88 R2 Routing Table Shows the RIP Entry After Correcting the RIP neighbor Statement
R2#show ip route
Routing entry for
Known via "rip", distance 120, metric 1
Redistributing via rip
Last update from on Serial0, 00:00:07 ago
Routing Descriptor Blocks:
*, from, 00:00:07 ago, via Serial0
Route metric is 1, traffic share count is 1
Figure 3-30 VLSM Network Example Producing Problems with RIP
Router 1
Router 2
Problem: Sender Is Not Advertising RIP Routes 101
Debugs and Verification
Example 3-89 shows that a loopback interface on R1 is configured for a /25
( subnet mask; the interface that will be sourcing RIP update has
a /24 ( mask.
RIP-1 is not designed to carry subnet mask information. Therefore, any subnet that is using
a different mask than the interface that will be sourcing the RIP update will not be adver-
tised by RIP. RIP actually performs a check before sending an update, to make sure that the
subnet that will be advertised by RIP has the same subnet mask as the interface that will be
sourcing the RIP update. If the mask is different, RIP actually drops the update and will not
advertise it.
To solve the problem, either change the subnet mask so that it matches the interface that will
be sourcing the RIP update or change the protocol to RIP-2, which does support VLSM.
Figure 3-31 Flowchart to Solve Why the Sender Is Not Advertising RIP Routes
Example 3-89 Configuration to Show VLSM Subnets
interface Loopback0
ip address
interface Ethernet0
ip address
router rip
RIP routes are not being advertised by Router R1.
Not sure
Go to
Is the advertised subnet
using VLSM?
RIP doesn’t support
variable-length subnet
masks. Any subnet that
varies the subnet mask
has the potential to be left
out of RIP updates. Go to
“Debugs and Verification”
102 Chapter 3: Troubleshooting RIP
Example 3-90 shows the configuration changes that correct the problem.
Example 3-91 shows the routing table of Router R2 after correcting the problem.
Sender Is Not Advertising RIP Routes—Cause: Split Horizon Is
Split horizon is a feature in RIP to control routing loops. In some situations, it is necessary
to enable split horizon to avoid loops. For example, split horizon is necessary in a normal
situation when a RIP update is received on an interface and is not sent out on the same
interface. Split horizon must be disabled in other environments, such as a hub-and-spoke
Frame Relay environment in which spokes have no circuit between them and they go
through the hub router, as shown in Figure 3-32.
Another unique situation worth mentioning is one in which a router has an external route
that has a next-hop address also known through some interface where other RIP routers
are sitting. When those external routes are redistributed into RIP, the router doesn’t
advertise that route out the same interface because split horizon is enabled. Also, if a
secondary address is configured under an interface, split horizon must be turned off on
that interface; otherwise, that secondary address will not be advertised out that interface
to other routers.
Figure 3-33 shows the network setup that produces problems when split horizon is enabled.
Router 1 is not advertising all RIP routes to Router 3.
Example 3-90 Configuring RIP to Advertise VLSM Routes
interface Loopback0
ip address
interface Ethernet0
ip address
router rip
version 2
Example 3-91 Router R2 Routing Table After Resolving the VLMS Support Problem
R2#show ip route
Routing entry for
Known via "rip", distance 120, metric 1
Redistributing via rip
Last update from on Ethernet0, 00:00:07 ago
Routing Descriptor Blocks:
*, from, 00:00:07 ago, via Ethernet0
Route metric is 1, traffic share count is 1
Problem: Sender Is Not Advertising RIP Routes 103
Figure 3-32 Hub-and-Spoke Frame Relay Network Requiring Disabling Split Horizon
Figure 3-33 Split Horizon–Enabled Network Vulnerable to RIP Problems
Frame Relay
Spoke 1
Spoke 2
Router 3
Router 2
Router 1
104 Chapter 3: Troubleshooting RIP
Figure 3-34 shows the flowchart to follow to fix this problem.
Debugs and Verification
Example 3-92 shows the current configuration of R1.
Example 3-93 shows that the route is not in the routing table of Router
R2; however, does show up in the routing table.
Example 3-94 shows the debug ip rip output on Router R1. R1 is advertising only
16, not In R2’s routing table, no route exists for
Figure 3-34 Flowchart to Solve Why the Sender Is Not Advertising RIP Routes
Example 3-92 Is Being Redistributed into RIP on R1
router rip
redistribute static
ip route
ip route
Example 3-93 R2 Routing Table Does Not Show Route
R2#show ip route rip
R [120/1] via, 00:00:07, Ethernet0
Example 3-94 debug ip rip Output Displays Is Not Being Advertised by R1
R1#debug ip rip
RIP protocol debugging is on
RIP: sending v1 update to via Ethernet0 (
RIP: build update entries
network metric 1
RIP routes are not being advertised by Router R1.
Not sure
Go to
Is split horizon enabled on
the interface?
Split-horizon might need
to be turned off when
advertising secondary
addresses or redistributed
routes known via the same
interface. Go to “Debugs
and Verification” section.
Problem: Sender Is Not Advertising RIP Routes 105
This problem occurs because the next hop of is With split
horizon, RIP will suppress this update from going out the same interface that
is learned. Notice that the route was advertised by R1 because the next-hop
address of that route was, which is a different interface on R1.
The solution lies in turning off split horizon on the Ethernet 0 interface of R1.
A similar situation would arise if was defined as a secondary interface
address on R1, which will not advertise this secondary interface address in its RIP update
unless split horizon is turned off.
Example 3-95 shows the new configuration on Router R1 to solve this problem.
Example 3-96 shows that after making the configuration changes, R2 is receiving in the RIP updates.
This problem can also be seen when interfaces are configured with secondary IP addresses.
Example 3-97 shows the interface configuration with secondary IP address.
If split horizon is enabled, this secondary address will not be advertised on Ethernet0.
Similarly, imagine a situation in which there are three routers—R1, R2, and R3—on the
same Ethernet, as shown in Figure 3-35.
R1 and R3 are running OSPF. R1 and R2 are running RIP, as in the preceding example.
Now, R3 advertises certain routes through OSPF to R1 that R1 must redistribute in RIP.
R1 will not advertise those OSPF routes to R2 because of split horizon. The solution is
again to disable split horizon.
Example 3-95 Disabling Split-Horizon on R1’s Ethernet 0 Interface
interface Ethernet0
ip address
no ip split-horizon
Example 3-96 R2 Routing Table After Split Horizon Has Been Disabled Confirms That RIP Updates Reflect the Route
R2#show ip route rip
R [120/1] via, 00:00:08, Ethernet0
R [120/1] via, 00:00:08, Ethernet0
Example 3-97 Interface Configuration with Secondary Addresses
interface Ethernet0
ip address secondary
ip address
106 Chapter 3: Troubleshooting RIP
Basically, these are the three main reasons for turning off split horizon. Any other situation
might create a routing loop if split horizon is turned off.
Problem: Subnetted Routes Missing from the Routing
Table of R2—Cause: Autosummarization Feature Is
In some situations, subnetted routes are not advertised in RIP. Whenever RIP sends an
update across a major network boundary, the update will be autosummarized. This is not
really a problem; this is done to reduce the size of the routing table.
Figure 3-36 shows a network setup in which R1 has subnets of, but R2 shows
none of these subnets in its routing table. Either R1 is not advertising them to R2, or R2 is
not receiving them. The chances of R1 not advertising more specific subnets of is more favorable.
Example 3-98 shows that the subnetted route of is missing from the routing
table of R2, but the major network route is present. This means that R1 is advertising the
routes but is somehow summarizing the subnets to go as
Figure 3-35 Another Split Horizon–Enabled Network Vulnerable to RIP Problems
Router 3
Router 2
Router 1
router rip
redistribute ospf 1 metric 1
Problem: Subnetted Routes Missing from the Routing Table of R2 107
Figure 3-37 shows the flowchart to fix this problem based on the autosummarization feature
being enabled.
Figure 3-36 RIP Network Vulnerable to Autosummarization Problems
Example 3-98 R2’s Routing Table Reflects That the Subnetted Route Is Missing
R2#show ip route
% Subnet not in table
R2#show ip route
Routing entry for
Known via "rip", distance 120, metric 1
Redistributing via rip
Advertised by rip (self originated)
Last update from on Ethernet0, 00:00:01 ago
Routing Descriptor Blocks:
*, from, 00:00:01 ago, via Ethernet0
Route metric is 1, traffic share count is 1
Figure 3-37 Flowchart to Solve Why the Sender Is Not Advertising RIP Routes
Router 1
Router 2
RIP-2 routes are not being advertised by Router R1.
Not sure
Go to
Is the autosummarization
feature enabled?
When RIP crosses a major
network border, it auto-
matically summarizes to
classful boundaries. Go to
“Debugs and Verification”
108 Chapter 3: Troubleshooting RIP
Debugs and Verification
Example 3-99 shows the configuration of R1 in the case of RIP-1. RIP-1 is a classful protocol
and always summarizes to classful boundaries for nondirectly connected major networks.
Example 3-100 shows the routing table in Router R2. Notice that R2 is receiving,
not, as configured on R1. Also note that R2 is receiving a /24 route of, the route of the same major network as that of interface Ethernet 0, which connects
R1 to R2.
In RIP-1, there is no workaround for this problem because RIP-1 is a classful routing
protocol. RIP-1 automatically summarizes any update to a natural class boundary when that
update goes over an interface configured with a different major network.
As indicated by R2’s routing table in Example 3-100, is advertised over
an interface configured with This summarizes to a Class B
boundary as
In RIP-1, this is not a problem because RIP-1 is a classful protocol and the network should
be designed with this understanding. With RIP-2, however, Cisco routers can be configured
to stop the autosummarization process.
For example, R1’s configurations can be changed to run a RIP-2 process rather than a
RIP-1 process.
Example 3-101 shows the configuration that solves this problem for RIP-2.
Example 3-99 R1 Configuration with RIP Version 1
interface Loopback1
ip address
interface Loopback3
ip address
interface Ethernet0
ip address
router rip
Example 3-100 R2 Routing Display to Show How Subnetted Routes Are Summarized to Classful Boundaries
R2#show ip route RIP
R [120/1] via, 00:00:22, Ethernet0 is subnetted, 3 subnets
R [120/1] via, 00:00:22, Ethernet0
Problem: RIP-2 Routing Table Is Huge— Cause: Autosummarization Is Off 109
Example 3-102 shows the routing table of Router R2, which indicates that it is now
receiving desired subnetted route
Troubleshooting Routes Summarization in RIP
Route summarization refers to summarizing or reducing the number of routes in a routing
table. For example,, and can be reduced to one
route entry (that is, or, the latter of which will cover only these
three subnets. Route summarization (autosummarization and manual summarization, both of
which are addressed in this section) is used to reduce the size of the routing table. This section
discusses the most significant problem related to the route summarization—the RIP-2 routing
table is huge. Two of the most common causes for this are as follows:
Autosummarization is off.
ip summary-address is not used.
Figure 3-38 shows a network setup that could produce a large routing table.
Problem: RIP-2 Routing Table Is Huge—
Cause: Autosummarization Is Off
When a RIP update crosses a major network, it summarizes to the classful boundary. For
example,,, and will be autosummarized to
Example 3-101 Disabling Autosummarization in RIP-2
router rip
version 2
no auto-summary
Example 3-102 Router R2’s Routing Table Shows That It Is Receiving the Subnetted Route
R2#show ip route is subnetted, 1 subnets
R [120/1] via, 00:00:21, Ethernet0 is subnetted, 3 subnets
R [120/1] via, 00:00:21, Ethernet0
Figure 3-38 Network Setup That Could Generate a Large Routing Table
Router 1
Router 2
110 Chapter 3: Troubleshooting RIP
when advertised to a router with no 131.108.X.X addresses on its inter-faces. Disabling the
autosummarization feature increases the size of the routing table. In some situations, this feature
must be turned off (for example, if discontiguous networks exist, as discussed earlier).
Figure 3-39 shows the flowchart to follow to solve this problem based on this cause.
Debugs and Verification
Example 3-103 shows the configuration on R2 that produces this problem. In this config-
uration, R2 has autosummary turned off.
Example 3-104 shows R1’s routing table. This routing table has only four routes, but in a
real network with the configuration in Example 3-103, there could be several hundred
routes. R1 is receiving every subnet of In this example, these are only three,
but it can be much, much worse.
Figure 3-39 Flowchart to Resolve a Large RIP-2 Routing Table
Example 3-103 Disabling Autosummarization Under RIP for R2
router rip
version 2
no auto-summary
Example 3-104 Router R1 Routing Table Shows Subnetted Routes in the Routing Table
R1#show ip route rip is subnetted, 3 subnets
R [120/1] via, 00:00:24, Serial3
R [120/1] via, 00:00:24, Serial3
R [120/1] via, 00:00:24, Serial3
RIP-2 routing table is huge.
Not sure
Go to
Is autosummarization
turned off?
Auto-summarization can
be disabled in RIP-2 if
desired for routing table
entry granularity. This
produces more routing
table entries. Go to
“Debugs and Verification”
Problem: RIP-2 Routing Table Is Huge— Cause: ip summary-address Is Not Used 111
Because the autosummarization feature is disabled under the RIP configuration of R2, R1
sees the subnetted routes in the routing table. When this feature is enabled, all the subnetted
routes will go away.
Example 3-105 shows the altered configuration of R2. In this configuration, autosummarization
is on, to reduce the size of the routing table. Because this is the default, you will not see it in the
configuration. The command to enable autosummarization is auto-summary under router rip.
Example 3-106 shows the reduced size of the routing table.
Problem: RIP-2 Routing Table Is Huge—
Cause: ip summary-address Is Not Used
Figure 3-40 shows the network setup that could produce a large routing table.
Figure 3-40 shows that R2 is announcing several subnets of network. Notice
that the link between R1 and R2 is also part of the network, so autosummar-
ization cannot play any role to solve the problem of receiving a subnet route that could be
summarized. The autosummarization feature could have worked only if the R1, R2 link was
in a different major network.
Figure 3-41 shows the flowchart to follow to solve this problem based on this cause.
Example 3-105 R2 Uses Autosummarization to Reduce Routing Table Size
router rip
version 2
Example 3-106 Autosummary Reduces the Routing Table Size for Router R1
R1#show ip route rip
R [120/1] via, 00:00:01, Serial3
Figure 3-40 Network Setup That Could Generate a Large Routing Table
Router 1
Router 2
112 Chapter 3: Troubleshooting RIP
Debugs and Verification
Example 3-107 shows that in the configuration of R2, the ip summary-address command
is not used under the Serial 1 interface to summarize the routes.
Example 3-108 shows the routing table of R1. In this example, there are only three routes.
In a real network, however, the number could be worse based on the configuration in
Example 3-107.
In the situation described in the preceding section, autosummary is on but is not helpful
because the whole network is within one major network. Imagine a network with Class B
address space with thousands of subnets. Autosummary cannot play any role here because
Figure 3-41 Flowchart to Resolve a Large RIP-2 Routing Table
Example 3-107 R2’s Serial Interface Is Not Configured to Summarize Routes
interface Serial1
ip address
router rip
version 2
Example 3-108 R1 Routing Table Shows Subnetted Routes
R1#show ip route rip is subnetted, 3 subnets
R [120/1] via, 00:00:04, Serial3
R [120/1] via, 00:00:04, Serial3
R [120/1] via, 00:00:04, Serial3
RIP-2 routing table is huge.
Not sure
Ye s
Go to
Is the ip summary-address
command configured?
When only one major
network is in use
throughout the
internetwork in RIP-2,
autosummary does not
reduce the number of
route entries in the table.
Manual summarization
(via the ip summary-
address command) is
necessary to control the
size of the routing table.
Go to “Debugs and
Verification” section.
Troubleshooting RIP Redistribution Problems 113
no major network boundary is crossed. A new feature of summarization was introduced in
RIP starting with Cisco IOS Software Release 12.0.7T. This feature is similar to EIGRP
manual summarization.
Example 3-109 shows the new configuration that solves this problem. This configuration
reduces the size of the routing table. This command can be used with different masks so that,
if a network has contiguous blocks of a subnet, the router could be configured to summarize
subnets into smaller blocks. This then would reduce the routes advertised to the RIP network.
Based on the preceding configuration, R2 will summarize the RIP route on the Serial 1 interface.
Any network subnet that falls in the network will be summarized to one
major network, and its mask will be This means that R2 will announce only a
single summarize route of and will suppress the subnets of
Example 3-110 shows the routing table of Router R1 with a reduced number of entries as
a result of summarization.
Troubleshooting RIP Redistribution Problems
This section talks about problems that can happen during redistribution in RIP. Redistribution
refers to the case when another routing protocol or a static route or connected route is being
injected into RIP. Special care is required during this process to avoid any routing loops. In
addition, metric (hop count) should be defined during this process, to avoid problems.
The most prevalent problem encountered with RIP redistribution is that redistributed routes
are not being installed in the routing table of the RIP routers receiving these routes. When
destination routes are not present in a routing table, no data can reach those destinations. The
most common cause of this is a metric that is not defined during redistribution into RIP.
In RIP, the metric for a route is treated as a hop count that shows the number of routers that
exist along this route. As discussed in Chapter 2, 15 is the maximum hop count that RIP
supports; anything greater than 15 is treated as the infinite metric and, upon receipt, is dropped.
Example 3-109 Manual Summarization with RIP
interface Serial1
ip address
ip summary-address rip
router rip
version 2
Example 3-110 R1’s Routing Table Is Reduced as a Result of Summarization
R1#show ip route rip
R [120/1] via, 00:00:01, Serial3
114 Chapter 3: Troubleshooting RIP
Figure 3-42 shows the network setup that could produce the problem in which redistributed
routes do not get installed in the routing table of the receiver.
R1 and R3 are running OSPF in Area 0, whereas R1 and R2 are running RIP. R3 is
announcing through OSPF to R1. In R1, OSPF routes are being redis-
tributed into RIP, but R2 is not receiving through RIP.
Figure 3-43 shows the flowchart to follow to solve this problem based on this cause.
Figure 3-42 Network Vulnerable to Redistributed Route Problems
Figure 3-43 Flowchart to Resolve Redistributed Route Problems
Router 2
Router 3
Router 1
Not sure
Go to
Redistributed RIP routes are not on the routing table of R2.
Is the default metric defined on
the redistribution router?
When redistributing into
RIP, the metric must be
defined between 1 and 15;
otherwise, RIP advertises
the redistributed route with
a metric of 16 (infinity).
Go to “Debugs and
Verification” section.
Troubleshooting RIP Redistribution Problems 115
Debugs and Verification
To troubleshoot this problem, you need to investigate whether R1 is receiving
Example 3-111 shows that R3 is advertising through OSPF to R1.
R1 must be configured to redistribute OSPF routes in RIP. Example 3-112 shows that R1 is
redistributing OSPF in RIP.
Now, you must first investigate R2 whether is coming.
Example 3-113 shows that, in R2, is not present in the RIP routing table.
There are two basic ways to view this issue. The first is a simple show run on R1. The
second is to run the debug ip rip on R2 command to watch the process.
Example 3-114 shows the output of debug ip rip.
In RIP-1 or RIP-2, 16 is considered to be an infinite metric. Any update with a metric
greater than 15 will not be considered for entry into the routing table.
In this example, the OSPF route in R1 for has a metric of 20. When OSPF
is redistributed into RIP in R1, OSPF advertised with a metric of 20, which
exceeds the maximum metric allowed in RIP. OSPF knows only cost as a metric, whereas
Example 3-111 show ip route Output Confirms That OSPF Is Working Fine and That R1 Is Receiving
R1#show ip route
Routing entry for
Known via "ospf 1", distance 110, metric 20, type intra area
Example 3-112 Configuring R1 So That OSPF Is Redistributed in RIP
router rip
version 2
redistribute ospf 1
Example 3-113 R2 Routing Table Does Not Reflect That Is Present
R2#show ip route
% Subnet not in table
Example 3-114 debug ip rip Output Shows That Is Inaccessible
R2#debug ip rip
RIP: received v2 update from on Ethernet1 -> in 16 hops (inaccessible)
116 Chapter 3: Troubleshooting RIP
RIP utilizes hop count. No metric translation facility exists, so the administrator must
configure a metric to be assigned to redistributed routes.
Without the default metric configuration in R1, R2, upon receiving this update, complains
about the excessive metric and marks it as (inaccessible), as shown in Example 3-114.
To correct this problem, R1 needs to assign a valid metric through configuration when
doing the redistribution, as done for R1 in Example 3-115.
In the configuration of Example 3-155, all redistributed routes from OSPF in RIP get a
metric of 1. This metric is treated as hop count by R2.
Example 3-116 shows that R2 is receiving the correct route with a metric of 1.
Example 3-117 shows that the route gets installed in the routing table of R2.
Troubleshooting Dial-on-Demand Routing
Issues in RIP
Dial-on-demand routing (DDR) is common in scenarios in which the ISDN or similar dialup
links are used as a backup link. When the primary link goes down, this backup link comes up.
RIP begins sending and receiving updates on this link as long as the primary link is down.
The dialup links can be used as a backup for the primary link in two ways:
Use the backup interface command.
Use a floating static route with a dialer list that defines interesting traffic.
Example 3-115 Assigning a Valid Metric for Successful Redistribution
router rip
version 2
redistribute ospf 1 metric 1
Example 3-116 debug ip rip Reveals That the New Configuration for R1 Works and That R2 Is Receiving the
Correct Route
R2#debug ip rip
RIP: received v2 update from on Ethernet1 -> in 1 hops
Example 3-117 R2 Routing Table Reflects That the Redistribution for Route Is Successful
R2#show ip route
Routing entry for
Known via "rip", distance 120, metric 1
Problem: RIP Broadcast Is Keeping the ISDN Link Up 117
The first method is very simple: The command is typed under the dial interface, indicating
that it’s a backup for a primary interface.
The second method requires a floating static route with a higher administrative distance
than RIP (for example, 130 or above). It also requires defining interesting traffic that should
bring up the link. The RIP broadcast address of must be denied in the
dialer list, so it shouldn’t bring up the link unnecessarily.
When running RIP under DDR situations, there are a number of issues to consider. Some
problems are related to the ISDN line or an async line in which RIP updates keep bouncing.
Some problems are related to the configuration. This section talks about the two most
common dialup problems:
A RIP broadcast is keeping the link up.
RIP updates are not going across the dialer interface.
Problem: RIP Broadcast Is Keeping the ISDN Link Up—
Cause: RIP Broadcasts Have Not Been Denied in the
Interesting Traffic Definition
ISDN links are typically used as backup links when primary links go down. Cisco IOS
Software requires that a router be instructed on which kind of traffic can bring up the ISDN
link and keep it up. Such traffic is referred to as interesting traffic. Network operators
typically want data traffic to be considered as interesting traffic to bring and keep the ISDN
link up. RIP or other routing protocol updates should not be defined as interesting traffic. If
this is not done, when the ISDN link comes up, it stays up as long as routing updates (RIP,
in this case) are sent on a regular basis. That is not be the desired behavior because ISDN
provides low-speed connectivity, and some data actually might go over the slow link even
though the primary faster link is available.
Figure 3-44 shows the network setup that produces these particular DDR issues.
Figure 3-44 Network Setup Vulnerable to DDR Problems
Router 1
Router 2
BRI 3/0
BRI 3/0
118 Chapter 3: Troubleshooting RIP
Figure 3-45 shows the flowchart to follow to fix this problem.
Debugs and Verification
Example 3-118 shows the configuration on Router R1 that produces this problem. In this
configuration, only TCP traffic is denied. In other words, TCP traffic will not bring up and
sustain the link. RIP broadcasts utilize UDP port 520. Because the permit ip any any
command allows UDP port 520 to go through, RIP traffic is considered interesting traffic.
In Example 3-118, interface BRI 3/0 is configured to dial via the dialer-map command to
the router with an IP address of (R2). The number of dial is 57654. The
dialer-group command defines dialer-list 1, which relies on access-list 100 to define the
interesting traffic. In this example, access-list 100 denies all TCP traffic and permits all IP
traffic. In other words, TCP traffic will not bring up and keep up the ISDN link, whereas
other traffic, including RIP, can do so.
Figure 3-45 Flowchart to Solve the RIP Broadcast Keeping the ISDN Link Up Problem
Example 3-118 Configuring the ISDN Interface with dialer-group to Define Interesting Traffic
interface BRI3/0
ip address
encapsulation ppp
dialer map ip name R2 broadcast 57654
dialer-group 1
isdn switch-type basic-net3
ppp authentication chap
access-list 100 deny tcp any any
access-list 100 permit ip any any
dialer-list 1 protocol ip list 100
Problem: RIP Broadcast Is Keeping the ISDN Link Up 119
Example 3-119 shows the output of show dialer, which shows that the reason for the link
coming up is a RIP broadcast.
In Example 3-119, Dial reason section is the destination IP address, which
is the address where RIP-1 advertisements will go on BRI1/1:1. Dial reason indicates that
the interesting traffic is RIP, which has caused this ISDN to dial in the first place.
When running RIP and DDR, define an access list for interesting traffic. In Example 3-118, the
access list is denying only the TCP traffic and permitting all the IP traffic. RIP uses an IP broadcast
address of to send the routing updates. This address must be denied in the access
list so that RIP doesn’t bring up the link every 30 seconds. Denying as a desti-
nation will block all broadcast traffic from bringing up the link. Blocking UDP port 520 will block
RIP-1 and RIP-2 updates specifically. When the link is up, RIP can flow freely across the link.
However, it will not keep the link up because it’s not part of the interesting traffic definition.
Example 3-120 shows the correct configuration change in Router R1. In this configuration,
all traffic destined to address is denied. This covers all broadcast traffic,
so RIP-1 will not bring up the link after this configuration change.
One important thing to know here is that RIP-1 uses the address for
sending RIP updates. RIP-2, on the other hand, uses So, when dealing with
RIP-2, you need to deny traffic from the multicast address of as interesting traffic,
as demonstrated in Example 1-21.
Example 3-119 show dialer Output Reveals That a RIP Broadcast Is Keeping the ISDN Link Up
R1#show dialer
BRI1/1:1 - dialer type = ISDN
Idle timer (120 secs), Fast idle timer (20 secs)
Wait for carrier (30 secs), Re-enable (2 secs)
Dialer state is data link layer up
Dial reason: ip (s=, d=
Current call connected 00:00:08
Connected to 57654 (R2)
Example 3-120 Correct Configuration for Router R1 in access -list 100 to Deny Traffic from the RIP-1 Broadcast
IP Address
access-list 100 deny ip any
access-list 100 permit ip any any
dialer-list 1 protocol ip list 100
Example 3-121 Configuration for Router R1 in access-list 100 to Deny Traffic from the RIP-2 Broadcast IP Address
access-list 100 deny ip any
access-list 100 permit ip any any
120 Chapter 3: Troubleshooting RIP
Also, in a situation in which both RIP-1 and RIP-2 are running, both of these broadcast
addresses should be denied in the access list, as demonstrated in Example 3-122.
Because both RIP-1 and RIP-2 use UDP port 520, it would be most efficient to deny this
port if RIP-1 and RIP-2 are not considered interesting traffic. Example 3-123 demon-
strates this.
The final configuration of R1 would like Example 3-124.
Problem: RIP Updates Are Not Going Across the Dialer
Interface—Cause: Missing broadcast Keyword in a
dialer map Statement
When a dialer interface (ISDN, for example) comes up, you might want to run a routing
protocol over this link. Static routes might do the job, but in networks with a large number
of routes, static routes might not scale. Therefore, running a dynamic routing protocol such
as RIP is necessary. In some situations, the ISDN link might be up, but no routing informa-
tion is going across. Without a routing protocol, no destination addresses can be learned and
no traffic can be sent to those destinations. This problem must be fixed because the ISDN
interface is of no use when it is not carrying any traffic.
Example 3-122 Configuration for Router R1 in access-list 100 to Deny Traffic from the RIP-1 and RIP-2 Broadcast
IP Addresses
access-list 100 deny ip any
access-list 100 deny ip any
access-list 100 permit ip any any
Example 3-123 Configuring access-list 100 for R1 to Deny Traffic from the RIP-1 and RIP-2 UDP Port
access-list 100 deny udp any any eq 520
access-list 100 permit ip any any
Example 3-124 Efficient Configuration of R1 when RIP-1 and RIP-2 Are Both Denied as Interesting Traffic
interface BRI3/0
ip address
encapsulation ppp
dialer map ip name R2 broadcast 57654
dialer-group 1
isdn switch-type basic-net3
ppp authentication chap
access-list 100 deny udp any any eq 520
access-list 100 permit ip any any
dialer-list 1 protocol ip list 100
Problem: RIP Updates Are Not Going Across the Dialer Interface 121
Figure 3-46 shows the flowchart to follow to solve this problem based on this cause.
Debugs and Verification
Example 3-125 shows the configuration on R1 that produces this problem.
Example 3-126 shows that RIP is sending the broadcast update toward R2. You can see that it’s
failing because of the encapsulation failed message. Also in Example 3-126, R1 is running
a debug ip packet command with access-list 100 to display only the UDP port 520 output.
RIP-1 and RIP-2 use UDP port 520 to exchange updates with other RIP running routers.
Figure 3-46 Flowchart to Solve the RIP Updates Not Going Across the Dialer Interface Problem
Example 3-125 Configuring R1 When No Routing Updates Will Go on the ISDN Link
interface BRI3/0
ip address
encapsulation ppp
dialer map ip name R2 57654
dialer-group 1
isdn switch-type basic-net3
ppp authentication chap
Example 3-126 Discovering Why RIP Routes Are Not Going Across an ISDN Interface
access-list 100 permit udp any any eq 520
access-list 100 deny ip any any
R1#debug ip packet 100 detail
IP: s= (local), d= (BRI3/0), len 46, sending
UDP src=520, dst=520
IP: s= (local), d= (BRI3/0), len 72,
UDP src=520, dst=520
Not sure
Go to
RIP updates are not going across the dialer interface.
Is the broadcast keyword
missing from the dialer map
RIP uses broadcasts to
propagate its updates.
When using DDR, add the
broadcast keyword to the
dialer map statements. Go
to “Debugs and Verification”
122 Chapter 3: Troubleshooting RIP
The root of the issue is RIP’s use of broadcasts to send its routing updates. In DDR, dialer
map statements are necessary to associate the next-hop protocol address to the phone
number dialed to get to the destination. The broadcast keyword must be used in the dialer
map statements; otherwise, the broadcast will encounter the encapsulation failure message
demonstrated by Example 3-126. To correct this problem, add the broadcast keyword in
the dialer map statement, as demonstrated in Example 3-127 for Router R1.
Troubleshooting Routes Flapping Problem
in RIP
Running RIP in a complex environment can sometimes cause flapping of routes. Route
flapping refers to routes coming into and going out of the routing table. To check whether the
routes are indeed flapping, check the routing table and look at the age of the routes. If the ages
are constantly getting reset to 00:00:00, this means that the routes are flapping. Several
reasons exist for this condition. This section discusses one of the common reasons—packet
loss because the packet is dropping on the sender’s or receiver’s interface. The example in this
section considers Frame Relay because it is the most common medium in which this problem
occurs. The packet loss can be verified through the interface statistics by looking at the
number of packet drops and determining whether that number is constantly incrementing.
Figure 3-47 shows the network setup that can produce RIP route flapping.
Figure 3-48 shows the flowchart to follow to solve this problem.
Debugs and Verification
In a large RIP network, especially, in a Frame Relay environment, there is a high possibility
that RIP updates are lost in the Frame Relay cloud or that the RIP interface dropped the
update. Again, the symptoms can be present in any Layer 2 media, but Frame Relay is the
focus here. This situation causes RIP to lose a route for a while. If RIP does not receive a
route for 180 seconds, the route is put in a holddown for 240 seconds and then is purged.
This situation is corrected by itself (and time), but, in some cases, configuration changes
can be required. For example, consider the output in Example 3-128, where no RIP update
has been received for 2 minutes and 8 seconds. This means that four RIP updates have been
missed, and we are 8 seconds into the fifth update.
Example 3-127 Corrected Configuration of R1 to Enable RIP Updates to Go Across the ISDN Interface
interface BRI3/0
ip address
encapsulation ppp
dialer map ip name R2
broadcast 57654
dialer-group 1
isdn switch-type basic-net3
ppp authentication chap
Troubleshooting Routes Flapping Problem in RIP 123
Figure 3-47 Network Vulnerable to RIP Route Flapping
Figure 3-48 Flowchart to Solving the RIP Route Flapping Problem
Example 3-128 Routing Table of the Hub Router Showing That the Last RIP Update Was Received 2:08
Minutes Ago
Hub#show ip route rip
R [120/1] via,
00:02:08, Serial0
R [120/1] via,
00:02:08, Serial0
Frame Relay
Router 1 Router 2
Not sure
RIP routes are flapping.
Are there a large number of
packet drops being reported by
router interfaces in the
This is the end of
all the problems in
this chapter.
When RIP does not
receive updates, or
receives updates showing
a network in a constant
state of change from up to
down or vice versa, RIP
routes flap. Go to “Debugs
and Verification” section.
124 Chapter 3: Troubleshooting RIP
Example 3-129 shows that there are a large number of broadcast drops on the interface.
The show interfaces serial 0 command further proves that there is some problem at the
interface level. Too many drops are occurring at the interface level. This is the cause of the
route flapping. In the case of Frame Relay, the Frame Relay broadcast queue must be tuned.
Tuning the Frame Relay broadcast queue is out of the scope of this book; several papers at
Cisco’s Web site discuss how to tune the Frame Relay broadcast queue.
In a non-Frame Relay situation, the input or output hold queue might need to be increased.
Example 3-130 shows that after fixing the interface drop problem, route flapping
In Example 3-131, the show ip routes output displays that the routes are stable in the
routing table and that the timers are at a value lower than 30 seconds.
Example 3-129 show interfaces serial 0 Output Reveals a Large Number of Broadcast Drops
Hub#show interfaces serial 0
Serial0 is up, line protocol is up
Hardware is MK5025
Description: Charlotte Frame Relay Port DLCI 100
MTU 1500 bytes, BW 1024 Kbit, DLY 20000 usec, rely 255/255, load 44/255
Encapsulation FRAME-RELAY, loopback not set, keepalive set (10 sec)
LMI enq sent 7940, LMI stat recvd 7937, LMI upd recvd 0, DTE LMI up
LMI enq recvd 0, LMI stat sent 0, LMI upd sent 0
LMI DLCI 1023 LMI type is CISCO frame relay DTE
Broadcast queue 64/64,
broadcasts sent/dropped 1769202/1849660, interface
broadcasts 3579215
Example 3-130 Serial Interface Output After Adjusting the Broadcast Queue
Hub#show interfaces serial 0
Serial0 is up, line protocol is up
Hardware is MK5025
Description: Charlotte Frame Relay Port DLCI 100
MTU 1500 bytes, BW 1024 Kbit, DLY 20000 usec, rely 255/255, load 44/255
Encapsulation FRAME-RELAY, loopback not set, keepalive set (10 sec)
LMI enq sent 7940, LMI stat recvd 7937, LMI upd recvd 0, DTE LMI up
LMI enq recvd 0, LMI stat sent 0, LMI upd sent 0
LMI DLCI 1023 LMI type is CISCO frame relay DTE
Broadcast queue 0/256,
broadcasts sent/dropped 1769202/0, interface broadcasts
Example 3-131 show ip routes Output Reveals Stable RIP Routes
Hub#show ip route rip
R [120/1] via,
00:00:07, Serial0
R [120/1] via,
00:00:07, Serial0