Part 1 to be completed by applicant (applicant must sign part 1 in the presence of the Medical Practitioner)
1. Driver Information:
Applicant Name:
Date of birth
Day Month Year
Driver number
(if available)
a) My application is for a driving licence/learner permit as a driver of a Group 1 Yes
Group 2 Yes No
b) Has your most recent licence/permit been revoked or have you been advised
by a medical professional to cease driving for a period? Yes No
If yes state reason __________________________________________
c) Have you ever had an epileptic seizure? Yes
If yes give the date of your last seizure _____ / _____ / ______
Unless your case meets the exceptional case criteria allowed for Group 1 drivers only you must by law be 12 months seizure
free before you can drive/return to driving. (See Part 2 for epilepsy exceptional case criteria)
I declare that to the best of my knowledge the above information is true and I have made the doctor completing this medical
report form required under the Road Traf c Acts aware of any medical conditions, drugs and medications that I use.
Signature of applicant ____________________________ Date: _____ / _____ / ______
Part 2 to be completed by a Medical Practitioner on the Irish Medical Council Register (Specialist or General)
1. Applicant name ___________________________________ DOB _____ / _____ / ______ meets the relevant medical fi tness
standard for:
a) Group 1 vehicles Yes
No for a period of 1 yr 3 yrs 10 yrs
b) Group 2 vehicles Yes No for a period of 1 yr 3 yrs 5 yrs
c) The applicant needs to wear corrective lenses while driving Yes No
d) The applicant has a physical disability requiring adaptations on vehicle to drive Yes No
e) The applicant has a limb prosthesis/orthesis Yes No
f) Does the applicant suffer from epilepsy. (If yes please see 2.2a exceptional case criteria overleaf) Yes No
g) Does the applicant require restrictions to be applied to his / her driving licence / learner permit Yes No
Signature of Medical Practitioner ____________________________ Date: _____ / _____ / ______
This form must be submitted to the NDLS within one month of this date
Stamp of Medical Practitioner whose name Medical Practitioner telephone number:
is on the Irish Medical Council Register (Specialist or General)
Driving Licence Medical Report Form
(see page 2 for vehicle categories).
(Please see overleaf 2.2b)
Irish Medical Council Registration Number
January 2022
Part 2 (continued) to be completed by Medical Practitioner
2.Special licence requirements including exception cases for epilepsy
a)Epilepsy: If this does not apply mark - Not Applicable
If your patient has had an epileptic seizure within the last 12 months,
have they been declared fi t to drive a group 1 vehicle (See below for vehicle categories)
by a consultant neurologist under the exceptional case criteria for epilepsy shown below: Yes No
Exceptional case criteria include: First seizure; provoked seizure only in preceding year; seizure not affecting consciousness
or driving ability; seizure in preceding year only on medically supervised withdrawal of antiepileptic medication; or seizure
exclusively while asleep and the fi rst such sleep seizure was a minimum of 12 months previous
b) Restricted licence recommendation If this does not apply mark - Not Applicable
limited to day-time driving (one hour after sunrise and one hour before sunset) Yes No
limited to journeys within a radius of 30 km from holders place of residence. Yes No
limited to journeys with a speed not greater than 80 km/h Yes No
Signature of Medical Practitioner ____________________________ Date: _____ / _____ / ______
This form must be submitted to the NDLS within one month of this date
Driving Licence Medical Report Form
1. To complete your medical examination you must go to
your doctor, have your medical examination and sign
this form in the presence of the doctor. When the form
is completed by your doctor you must submit it to the
National Driver Licence Service with your learner
permit/driving licence application within one month
of the date of the medical examination.
2. For medical fi tness standards, vehicles are classed as being
in Group 1 or Group 2. This table describes which vehicles
are in Group 1 and in Group 2. Further information on each
licence category can be found online at and on the
licence application form. A higher standard of medical
tness is required of those drivers who hold licences for
Group 2 vehicles. Please note that Group standards apply
to all categories of vehicles within that Group. Individual
categories should not be marked on the table above.
3. A person driving a Group 2 category vehicle must be
certifi ed as medically fi t at least every fi ve years.
4. Applicants over 75 years of age can only be certifi ed
as being fi t to drive for either one or three years.
5. Where appropriate the doctor may engage the services
of other medical and driving professionals (e.g.
consultant, occupational therapist, optometrist,
on-road driving assessor) to inform their completion
of this form.
6. Please have your Doctor initial any alteration or change
made in completing this form. This is important in
assessing the validity of the document presented.
7. For more information on medical fi tness standards
see Medical Fitness to Drive Guidelines on
Vehicles are classed as Group 1 and Group 2. If you are applying for a
vehicle in both Groups, please tick Group 1 and 2. Where an applicant
meets the medical criteria for Group 2 vehicles, they will automatically
meet the criteria for Group 1 vehicles
Making an application for a learner permit or driving
licence? Apply online now at
There is no need for you to complete paper forms, make
appointments or visit an NDLS centre in person. All you need is
your Public Service Card and your verifi ed MyGovID for secure
access to an online application at
Your medical report form can be uploaded when you apply online
or can be posted after you make your application.