Theories of Learning and Teaching
What Do They Mean for Educators?
Suzanne M. Wilson
Michigan State University
Penelope L. Peterson
Northwestern University
July 2006
Theories of Learning and Teaching
What Do They Mean for Educators?
Suzanne M. Wilson
Michigan State University
Penelope L. Peterson
Northwestern University
July 2006
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The Authors
Suzanne M. Wilson is a professor of education and director of the Center for the Scholarship
of Teaching at Michigan State University. Her research interests include teacher learning,
teacher knowledge, and connections between education reform and practice.
Penelope L. Peterson is the dean of the School of Education and Social Policy and Eleanor R.
Baldwin Professor of Education at Northwestern University. Her research encompasses many
aspects of learning and teaching as well as the relationships between educational research,
policy, and practice.
Contemporary Ideas about Learning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2
Learning as a Process of Active Engagement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Learning as a Social Phenomenon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Learner Differences as Resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Knowing What, How, and Why . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Implications for Teaching and Teachers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9
Teaching as Intellectual Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Teaching as Varied Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Teaching as Shared Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Teaching Challenging Content . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Teaching as Inquiry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17
NEA Appendix: Tools for Instructional Improvement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23
Doing so requires a solid understanding of the foundation-
al theories that drive teaching, including ideas about how
nts lear
hat they should learn, and how teachers
can enable student learning. This paper’s charge is to lay
out the central ideas about learning and teaching that run
throughout contemporary educational discourse. A hand-
ful of significant ideas underlie most reforms of the last 20
years. Our frame includes three contemporary ideas about
ning: that learning is a process of active construction;
that lear
ning is a so
cial phenomenon, as well as an individ-
ual experience; and that learner differences are resources,
not obstacles. In addition, we discuss one critical idea
about what counts as knowledge and what students should
learn: that students need to develop flexible understanding,
including both basic factual and conceptual knowledge,
and must know how to use that knowledge critically. Our
frame is not a dichotomous one, holding that students have
r c
or p
ess kno
ledge, that students are
either passive
or active agents in their own learning. Rather,
we argue that there are shifts in emphasis, moving from
more traditional notions of learning and knowledge to
conceptions that are broader and more nuanced.
In light of those shifting ideas, we then briefly examine
the implicat
ions for teaching. Again, we focus on a few key
that teaching is intellectual work; that teachers have
a range of roles, including information deliverer and team
h; that effective teachers strategically distribute (or
share) work with students; and that teachers focus on
challenging content. The “big ideas” of the paper can then
be summarized as shown in Table 1.
ducation has always been awash with new ideas about learning and teaching. Teachers and
administrators are regularly bombarded with suggestions for reform. They are asked to use new
curricula, new teaching strategies, and new assessments. They are directed to prepare students for the
new state standardized test or to document and assess students’ work through portfolios and perform-
ance assessments. They are urged to use research-based methods to teach reading and mathematics.
Among educators, there is a certain cynicism that comes with these waves of reformist exhortations.
Veteran teachers often smile wryly when told to do this or that, whispering asides about another
faddish pendulum swing, closing their classroom doors, quietly going about their business. How are
educators to sort the proverbial wheat from the chaff as they encounter these reform proposals?
Contemporary Ideas about Learning
Scouring the shelves of any library or bookstore leaves one
swimming is a sea of “isms”—behaviorism, constructivism,
social constructivism—as well as lists of learning theories:
multiple intelligences, right- and left-brain learning, activ-
y the
ory, learning styles, Piaget, and communities of
learners. Here we do not propose a comprehensive list of all
contemporary ideas about learning. Instead, we focus on
e b
ig id
eas that und
rlie most of current scholarship
and practice: learning as a process of active engagement;
learning as individual and social; and learner differences as
resources to be used, not obstacles to be confronted.
Learning as a Process of Active Engagement
erhaps the most critical shift in education in the past 20
s has been a move away from a conception of learner
as sponge” toward an image of “learner as active construc-
tor of meaning.Although Plato and Socrates (not to men-
tion Dewey) reminded us long ago that learners were not
empty vessels, blank slates, or passive observers, much of
U.S. schooling has been based on this premise. Teachers
have talked; students have been directed to listen (Cuban
1993). The assumption has been that if teachers speak
clearly and students are motivated, learning will occur. If
students do not learn, the logic goes, it is because they are
not paying attention or they do not care.
hese id
eas were grounded in a theory of learning that
focused on behavior. One behavior leads to another,
behavioral-learning theorists argued, and so if teachers act
in a c
tain wa
students will likewise act in a certain way.
Central to behaviorism was the idea of conditioning—that
is, training the individual to respond to stimuli. The mind
was a “black box” of little concern. But behavioral theorists
had to make way for the cognitive revolution in psychol-
ogy, which involved putting the mind back into the learn-
ing e
quation. As Lesh and Lamon (1992, p. 18) put it,
havioral psychology (based on factual and procedural
rules) has given way to cognitive psychology (based on
ls f
or making sense of real life experiences. In this
shift, several fields of learning theory emerged.
Neuroscientists, for example, learned that the brain active-
ly seeks new stimuli in the environment from which to
2 Theories of Learning and Teaching
able 1. Benchmarks for Learning and Teaching
Benchmarks for…
Moving from…
Passive absorption of information
ndividual activity
Individual differences among
students seen as problems
What: facts and procedures of a
Simple, straightforward work
Teachers in information-deliverer
Teachers do most of the work
Lessons contain low-level con-
tent, concepts mentioned; les-
sons not coherently organized
Teachers as founts of knowledge
Moving toward…
Active engagement with information
oth individual activity and collective work
Individual differences among students seen as
What, how, and why: central ideas, concepts, facts,
processes of inquiry, and argument of a discipline
Complex, intellectual work
Varied teacher roles, from information deliverer
to architect of educative experiences
Teachers structure classrooms for individual and
shared work
Lessons focus on high-level and basic content,
concepts developed and elaborated; lessons
coherently organized
Teachers know a lot, are inclined to improve their
practice continually
earn (Greenough, Black, and Wallace 1987; Kandel and
Hawkins 1992) and that the mind changes through use;
hat is, learning changes the structure of the brain
(Bransford, Brown, and Cocking 2000). However, it is still
too early to claim that neuroscience can definitely explain
how people learn.
The work of other cognitive theorists helps here. For
example, research suggests that learners—from a very
young age—make sense of the world, actively creating
meaning while reading texts, interacting with the environ-
ment, or talking with others. Even if students are quietly
watching a teacher speak, they can be actively engaged in a
process of comprehension, or “minds on work, as many
teachers describe it. As Bransford, Brown, and Cocking
(2000) wrote, “It is now known that very young children
are competent, active agents of their own conceptual devel-
opment. In short, the mind of the young child has come to
life” (pp. 79–80). This cognitive turn in psychology is often
referred to as a
constructivist approach to learning.
Understanding that students construct meaning has led
to increased attention to students’ interpretations of what
they witness in class. Recall the game of “telephone”: A
phrase, whispered from person to person, is followed by
y when the last person announces something quite
different from what the first said. This game exemplifies
the role of interpretation in any human endeavor. At the
basest level, what we hear” is filtered through our
assumptions and values, attention, and knowledge. Some
students interpret
Moby Dick differently from the way oth-
ers do. Some students interpret the film
The Patriot differ-
ently from they way their friends do. All of us, in school
and out, shape and sculpt the information we encounter,
constructing” our understanding. Although two students
ht e
ncounter exactly the same information, as active
participants in their own knowledge building, students
develop understandings that can be qualitatively different.
y imp
rtant has been the growing revelation of
the powerful role of prior knowledge and experience in
learning new information (e.g., Bauersfeld 1988; Brown
1994; Cobb 1994, 1995). Students enter school with ideas,
and those ideas are a significant force to be reckoned with.
Researchers have shown that students’ beliefs that the
th is flat last well after teachers and others have told
hem otherwise (Vosniadou and Brewer 1989). Elemen-
tary-age children have been found to hold naive theories
f prejudice and discrimination that resonate with the
theories of social scientists who have grappled with simi-
lar questions about why people dislike or discriminate
against those who are different (Rose 2000). Similarly,
Byrnes and Torney-Purta (1995) found that adolescents
use naive social, economic, and political theories in iden-
tifying causes of social issues. Many young children cannot
understand why 1/4 is larger than 1/8 because 8 is bigger
than 4 (Gelman and Gallistel 1978). Researchers are con-
tinuing to uncover how students’ preconceptions, nonsci-
entific beliefs, conceptual misunderstandings, vernacular
misunderstandings, and factual misconceptions act as
powerful filters in what and how they learn.
When we acknowledge that students interpret—and do
not automatically absorb—the information and ideas they
encounter in the world through the experiences and theo-
ries they bring to school, the links between learning and
teaching become more complicated. Rather than appear-
ing as a natural result of teaching, learning is seen as inher-
ently “problematic. Teachers might create opportunities
for students to learn, but teachers cannot control students’
interpretations. Teachers become responsible for diagnos-
ing students’ interpretations and helping them alter, edit,
and enric
h them. But we get ahead of ourselves. Each of the
shifts in learning theories that we discuss here has implica-
tions for teachers roles and responsibilities. We discuss
these concomitant shifts in the second half of this paper.
One unfortunate consequence of the increased interest in
constructivist learning theories has been the wholesale
rejection of behaviorist theories of learning by some enthu-
siasts. This “throwing the baby out with the bathwater” phe-
non is neither new nor productive. Students can learn
while they absorb new information (indeed, just because
children are sitting still and quiet does not mean that their
minds ar
e not r
ust as the
y can learn through being
more active. Similarly, activity does not mean that learning
is taking place. Any and all theories are based on limited
information; they are conjectures and assertions based on
empirical research, and all scientists, including learning sci-
entists—are constantly interrogating their theories.
oreover, there are times when one needs multiple theories.
ust as p
hysicists can think of light as both wave and parti-
cle, teachers can theorize about learning in both cognitive
What Do They Mean for Educators? 3
or other examples of this work, see Confrey (1990), Erlwanger (1975),
Roth, Anderson, and Smith (1987), Smith (1993), Toulmin (1995), and von
Glasersfeld (1987).
As in all fields of scholarship, there is considerable debate between differ-
ent theories and versions of theories. Theories of constructivism are no
exception. For an overview of the theories of constructivism, see Greeno,
Collins, and Resnick (1996); for a critical perspective, see Hirsch (1996) and
Phillips (1995).
nd behavioral terms (Wilson 2003). Sfard (1998) argued, in
fact, that we need multiple metaphors for learning and that
o throw one out in favor of another is dangerous.
Because theories vary in their quality and rigor, it seems
imperative that teachers be well-informed, skeptical con-
sumers of “new” educational ideas or reigning theories
(Hirsch 1996; Phillips 1995, 2000; Sfard 1998). They inter-
pret, adapt, and combine those theories as they use them in
practice. Indeed, current thought suggests that a balanced”
view of learning and teaching is crucial (e.g., Kilpatrick,
Swafford, and Findell 2002). Students need opportunities to
learn in multiple ways, and teachers need to have a peda-
gogical repertoire that draws from myriad learning theo-
rists. Recent reviews of the state of the art in learning theo-
ry, especially
How People Learn (Bransford, Brown, and
Cocking 2000) and
How Students Learn (Donovan and
Bransford 2005), are particularly helpful resources in
culling the major findings from learning research.
ning as a Social Phenomenon
A second significant shift has involved a growing awareness
among learning theorists of the social aspects of learning.
Previous generations of psychologists have focused on
individuals learning. Current work has placed more
emphasis on the critical role of social groups in the devel-
nt of understanding. Although solitude and peaceful
silence provide good opportunities for learning, the social
occasions of conversation, discussion, joint work, and
debate also play a critical role in learning. Think of small
children when they are first learning to identify dogs.
Initially, everything with four legs may be pointed to as
dog”: a neighborhood cat, a cow in a field passed while on
a drive through the countryside, the gerbil next door.
en learn to distinguish between cat and dog, cow
and dog, and rodent and dog by making public their claims
and having parents gently amend their pronouncements.
icians may hunch over their work
alone in an attic study for months, perhaps years, learn-
ing—reading books and others papers, playing with num-
bers, scratching out alternative solutions. When they think
they have it right, they deliver a paper at a conference or
submit an article for publication. In so doing, they put
ir “knowledge” to a public test, where is shaped, edited,
and so
times rejected by conversation, debate, and dis-
Even though Andrew Wiles preferred to work in
solitude on the sol
ution to Fermat’s last theorem, it was
not until he presented his work to multiple and public
juries of his peers that his solution was eventually
strengthened and accepted (Singh 1997).
his cluster of theories dealing with the social aspects
of learning is known by varying labels, including
onstructivism, sociocultural theory,
ctivity theory.
Many theorists identified with these traditions trace their
ideas back to Vygotsky (1978, 1981; see also Wertsch 1981,
1985), a psychologist who theorized about the influence of
the social world on an individual’s development.
Although these theories are not all identical—indeed,
there are some considerable differences—they share some
concerns and beliefs. First is the point that knowledge is
inseparable from practice: we know by doing. This means
that we need to look at people while they are doing some-
thing meaningful—that is, working on authentic prob-
lems—if we want to “see what they know. Let us consid-
er an example. Many students have difficulty when they
encounter fraction problems in school. Lacking real
understanding of the concepts involved and experience in
finding solutions, they are confused about which proce-
dure to apply or why it is relevant. Yet researchers have
observed children and adults demonstrating competencies
in solving fraction problems in other, real-world contexts.
Lave (1988), for example, observed a Weight Watchers
class in which participants demonstrated their knowledge
of mathematics through the measuring involved in learn-
ing about appropriate eating habits. Being on Weight
Watchers means learning to reason proportionally and
reducing serving sizes to control caloric intake. At this
meeting, the problem the group was working on entailed
figuring out what three-fourths of a recommended serv-
ing (two-thirds of a cup) would be:
In this case they were to fix a serving of cot-
tage cheese, supposing the amount laid out for
the meal was thr
e-quarters of the two-thirds
cup the program allowed. The problem solver
in this example began the task muttering that
4 Theories of Learning and Teaching
One way to learn more about the social aspects of disciplinary communi-
ies in
es reading biographies and autobiographies of scientists, histori-
iters, mathematicians, and so on. See, for example, Collingwood
(1946/1956) or Hexter (1971) on history, Hardy (1940/1969) or Wiener
(1956) on mathematics, Latour and Woolgar (1986) on science, or any num-
ber of stories—such as Dava Sobel’s
Longitude (1995) about the intellectual
and political history of an idea. For a more abstract discussion of disciplines
as c
ommunities, see King and Brownell (1966), Kuhn (1962), or Popper
For examples of various theories of social constructivism, sociocultural
theory, and activity theory, see Bakhurst (1995), Cobb (1994), Dewey (1988),
n (1994,
1995), Harre (1986), Lave and Wenger (1991), Newman and
olzman (1993), Rogoff (1994), Tharp and Gallimore (1988), Vygotsky
h (1985).
e had taken a calculus course in college....
Then after a pause he suddenly announced
hat he had got it!” From then on he appeared
certain he was correct, even before carrying
out the procedure. He filled a measuring-cup
two-thirds full of cottage cheese, dumped it
out on the cutting board, patted it into a cir-
cle, marked a cross on it, scooped away one
quadrant, and served the rest.
Thus,“take three-quarters of two-thirds of
a cup of cottage cheese was not just the
problem statement but also the solution to
the problem and the procedure for solving it.
The setting was part of the calculating
process and the solution was simply the
problem statement, enacted with the setting.
At no time did the Weight Watcher check his
procedure against a pencil-and-paper algo-
rithm, which would have produced 3/4 cup
2/3 cup = 1/2 cup
. Instead, the coincidence of
the problem, setting, and enactment was the
means by which checking took place. (p. 165)
Thus, although the sort of problem the man in the
Weight Watchers group encountered (i.e., “What is two-
thirds of three-quarters?”) may throw both children and
adults f
or a loop when they confront it as an abstract
“school” problem, it proves far more tractable when indi-
viduals learn by doing”; that is, when they are solving
authentic problems situated in meaningful contexts.
A second principle of sociocultural theory is that learn-
ing is fundamentally a social phenomenon that takes place
within the communities we belong to (including class-
om communities). These two beliefs lead to the idea that
knowledge and learning exist in the interactions between
individuals and the contexts in which they live, in the
ies we participate in. Thus, “communities of prac-
tice or “learning communities” become critical to learn-
ing. We learn, these theorists argue, by participating in
groups—first by observing others do the work and then by
gradually becoming a member and full participant of the
group. Lave and Wenger (1991) illustrated their theory
ith examples of different apprenticeships (midwives, tai-
s, U. S. Navy quartermasters, butchers, and nondrinking
alcoholics). Initially, people join these communities and
watch, as the the
orists suggest, from the sidelines (they call
peripheral participation). Over time, and as the newer
members become more competent, they move closer to
the center of the community:
Legitimate peripheral participation pro-
vides a way to speak about the relations
etween newcomers and old-timers, and
about activities, identities, artifacts, and com-
munities of knowledge and practice. A per-
sons intentions to learn are engaged and the
meaning of learning is configured through
the process of becoming a full participant in
a socio-cultural practice. This social process,
includes, indeed it subsumes, the learning of
knowledgeable skills. (Lave and Wenger 1991,
p. 29)
A third feature of these theories is that it is within those
communities that standards lie. The norms for testing the
quality of a performance are determined by groups, not
individuals, and one’s performance is assessed through
genuine participation. In all areas of knowledge, groups of
mathematicians and scientists, historians and writers
together determine—through criticism, debate, proof, val-
idation, and so on—their shared standards. Similarly,
these social entities co-construct the language used in
those debates, for the discussions cannot proceed absent a
common language (Bakhtin 1981; Bruner 1986; Kozulin
1990; Lave and Wenger 1991; Vygotsky 1978; Wertsch
1985; Wertsch and Rupert 1993).
Although so
cial groups have always played an impor-
tant role in an individual’s learning—parents edit their
childrens talk, doctors argue over the latest issues raised in
American Journal of Medicine—U.S. schools have tra-
ditionally focused on the individual aspects of learning.
Students have worked quietly at their desks, writing
papers, filling out worksheets, taking tests, and reading
xtbooks. Ideas have not been submitted to public debate.
In part this is because teachers must manage groups of
children who are not there voluntarily (see Cusick 1992).
and othe
rs (2003) described the typical form of
learning in U.S. schools as assembly-line learning, and
they contrasted it with learning through participation.
Assembly-line instruction is hierarchical; teachers and stu-
dents have fixed roles; motivation is through extrinsic
rewards; and learning is done through lessons that are
renched from any meaningful context. In contrast,
ning thr
ough participation is collaborative; roles are
flexible; motivation is intrinsic; and the purpose of the
vity is clear and meaningful to all participants.
A final feature of these theories is that they highlight
the situated nature of learning, that is, that we learn in
particular situations and contexts. This might help explain
What Do They Mean for Educators? 5
hy transfer—being able to take what one has learned in
one situation and apply it to another—is not a given.
tudents do not necessarily transfer their learning from
one problem to the next. Recognizing the important role
that contexts play in shaping when and what we learn, psy-
chologists and learning scientists have begun to under-
stand what it takes to help students transfer their learning
to new situations. For example, if the initial learning was
not robust, students cannot transfer what they learned. As
Bransford, Brown, and Cocking (2000) noted:
Time spent learning for understanding has
different consequences for transfer than time
spent simply memorizing facts or procedures
from textbooks or lectures. In order for
learners to gain insight into their learning
and their understanding, frequent feedback is
critical: students need to monitor their learn-
ing and actively evaluate their strategies and
ir current levels of understanding.
(pp. 77–78)
Scholars have also discovered that learners who under-
stand more about their own learning—researchers call
this a
metacognitive awareness—have greater capacity to
er their learning to new problems and contexts.
These insights int
o transfer allow us to understand more
what students need to know (a topic we return to
shortly) if their knowledge is to be generative—that is,
transferable to new contexts.
Theories about shared knowledge and the effects of the
community on ones learning have become increasingly
important in education (e.g., Cobb 1994, 1998; Salomon
and P
rkins 1998; Tharp and others 2000; Tobin and
Tippins 1993). This interest in sociocultural and activity
theory has led some educators and reformers to argue for
a w
r ar
y of organizational structures in U.S. schools,
including cooperative groups, classroom discussions, and
student performances. In so doing, teachers are asked to
focus not only on individual students but also on the
development of “communities of learners. Thus, teachers
need to keep their eyes both on the individual learners in
ir classrooms and on the classroom community creat-
d b
y teacher and students.
Learner Differ
ences as Resour
Another significant shift has occurred in the value that we
place on individual and group differences. One of the self-
evident truths of schooling is that learners come with
ifferent experiences, capacities, understandings, and
backgrounds. As the United States has made progress in
oving toward its goal to provide a high-quality universal
education for all citizens, those differences have increased.
When only the sons of ministers and lawyers attended
schools in order to follow in the footsteps of their fathers,
teachers did not have to deal with many differences,
because their students were much like them.
As schools became more democratic, that changed.
Teachers had to learn to deal with the inevitable differ-
ences that students bring to school. For a long time, how-
ever, we spoke of differences as static abilities that deter-
mine how much or how fast a learner can learn (often
because we believed that there was a single way to learn or
think.) Teachers, in fact, often used tests as a way of
screening children. Differences were considered deficits. If
a child came to school with a background different from
that of someone else, teachers often talked about what the
different student did not know or had not done. But as our
country and our schools learn more about what it means
to be multicultural, we have been legitimately chastised for
this deficit model” of students (especially students who
are different from us) and urged to think of differences as
ces to use, not as obstacles to overcome.
Yet it is not only out of some set of ideological or polit-
ical commit
ments that this emphasis on what learners
bring has g
ained popularity. Instead, it is a logical out-
growth of the shift toward a constructivist stance toward
learning. If learners construct their own meaning, teachers
must know something about where learners start. One
cannot build a bridge without a clear sense of the location
of both shores. Likewise, teachers cannot create a bridge
between subject matter and student without having a clear
nse o
f what students know, care about, can do, and want
to do. Rather than treating learners’ starting places as
gaps, teachers need to assume that students start in sen-
le pla
chers need to “give learners reason by
respecting and understanding learners’ prior experiences
and understandings, assuming that these can serve as a
foundation on which to build bridges to new understand-
ings (Duckworth 1987; Lampert 1984, 2001). In support
of this perspective is the fact that psychologists have failed
o find a singular theory of learning that would justify a
ficit explanation for student differences.
Cross-cultural research on teaching also supports the
n that indi
idual differences among students can be
resources. In contrast to the deficit model often seen in the
United States, Japanese teachers view individual differ-
ences as a natural and beneficial characteristic of the
6 Theories of Learning and Teaching
roup. They believe that individual differences produce a
range of ideas and problem-solving strategies for students
iscussion and reflection. Based on their experience,
Japanese teachers can predict the likely responses of stu-
dents to a topic and use this knowledge of student think-
ing and the nature of the discussion that is likely to occur
to plan their lessons more completely (Stigler and Hiebert
The differences of which we speak are myriad. Students
bring differences in intelligence and interest, in ethnicity
and race, in culture and gender. Gardner’s (1983) work on
multiple intelligences is probably the most well known,
although it is part of a stream of scholarship that contin-
ues to explore questions of innate and developed ability
and capacity. Delpit (1995; Delpit and Kilgour 2002) and
Ladson-Billings (1994, 2001) have written eloquently
about the complexity of teaching African American stu-
dents in racially aware ways, and the literature in this field
continues to grow, as researchers learn more about the
experiences of children who come from different cultures.
Critical to teachers conceptualizing their students as
resources is knowledge of the homes and cultures of stu-
dents (e.g., Knapp and Shields 1991). Moll (1990; Moll
and Greenberg 1990), for example, discovered that
Mexican American households are clustered according to
kinship ties and exchange relationships. Further, these
household clusters develop rich “funds of knowledge”—
information about practices and resources useful in ensur-
ing the well-being of all households. Each household in
the cluster has expertise needed by the entire cluster—car
repair, appliance upkeep, plumbing, education, herbal
medicine, first aid, and so on. Together, the households
form a cluster for the exchange of information and
ces. In this conception of community life, all indi-
viduals are not expected to have the same expertise.
Instead, knowledge is distributed and communally shared.
standing these cult
al differences, many scholars
argue, would help teachers draw on students’ experiences
within classrooms, enabling teachers to make more explic-
it and meaningful connections to students communities.
For example, in Moll and others (1992), teachers in Tucson
chose two or three students and conducted interviews with
those st
udents and their families so that they might learn
e about their community. Working together with the
researchers, teachers then began exploring ways to inte-
grate what they were learning about these networks into
their classrooms. One teacher used her awareness of a stu-
dent’s experiences with selling candy from Mexico in the
United States to create interdisciplinary lessons about
andy production. Students studied mathematics, science,
and health; one parent came to class and taught the stu-
ents how to make Mexican candy.
Similarly, teachers might also draw on the work of Rose
(1989, 1995) on the Hispanic and Chicano experience and
of Au (1981) on the Hawaiian experience, as well as that of
Ogbu (1992) on the relationship between cultural diversity,
learning, and schooling in rethinking how to tailor instruc-
tion to take advantage of student differences. But race and
culture are not the only significant differences among our
students. With the rise of feminism in academic circles,
questions about gender differences have also come to the
forefront of American education (see, e.g., Belenky and
others 1986; Gilligan, Lyons, and Hanmer 1990; Pipher
1994). Class is also important (although not studied as
directly or as often), as are issues of second-language learn-
ing. Although it would be impossible for teachers to take
into account all of the possible relevant differences among
their students, continuing to learn about these differences
and a
dapting one’s instruction accordingly is one of the
permanent challenges teachers face.
As we mentioned earlier, there are multiple theories of
learning for teachers to consider. Here we have neither
considered the comprehensive list of those theories nor
discussed each in detail. However, we have noted that there
are three themes that run across many theories: that stu-
dents ar
e active constructors of their own knowledge; that
learning is both individual and social; and that students
are resources to be tapped, not obstacles to be overcome.
We now turn to one additional shift in foundational theo-
ries, one that concerns not so much
how students learn as
what they learn.
Knowing What, How
, and Why
The fourth and final significant shift concerns assumptions
about knowledge:
what students should learn. It is no
r e
h that st
udents quietly master only the facts
and rules of a discipline. Contemporary educational
reform demands that students have a more flexible under-
standing of mathematics and language arts, biology and
physics, and geography and history. They must know the
basics, but they must also know how to use those basics to
entify and solve nontraditional problems. Alternatively
ibed as
itical thinking, teaching for understanding,
mathematical power,
and so on, this theory has the under-
ing ass
tion that to know a field one must master its
central ideas, concepts, and facts
and its processes of
inquiry and argument. Biologists do not sit in lonely labs
regurgitating their knowledge of cells. They search out new
What Do They Mean for Educators? 7
roblems and use research methods to solve those prob-
lems, all the while using their knowledge of the “basics.
fter those same biologists have solved a new problem,
they present it for public critique, submitting their work
for critical review by colleagues. If the work is not defensi-
ble in this public domain, they return to their laboratories
to reexamine their evidence and revise their thinking.
Similarly, if students are to leave school armed with the
knowledge and skill necessary to participate as citizens
and thinkers, they need to know many things. They need
to learn about the ideas, theories, facts, and procedures of
a discipline. They need to become fluent with the linguis-
tic systems of a field, developing the skill and knowledge
associated with inquiry in that field, which includes both
individual methods and the social context of the intellec-
tual discourse. Thus, they need extensive experience with
the ways in which ideas are argued and proved in discipli-
nary fields as well as a deep and thorough understanding
of the facts and concepts in each field. Children need to
write, the reformers argue, so that they can read critically
and not be persuaded by spurious text. Students need to
do statistical analyses of problems that they themselves
identify so that they might be better consumers of statis-
tics use
d daily by the press. Students need to read primary
sources and work on their own historical interpretations
so that they are better able to critique the ones they read
r 1960/1977; Dewey 1902/1956; Schwab 1978a).
Clearly, we run the risk of oversimplification with such
a brief tour through very complicated ideas. We do not
want to suggest that these ideas about learners, learning,
and knowing are either mutually exclusive or monolithic.
In fact, their compatibility is one reason for their popular-
ity in the last 20 years. Because disciplinary knowledge is
veloped in communities, such as those of mathemati-
cians and physicists, the emphasis in these theories on
inquiry, discourse, community, and social construction of
e s
port one another. Because we assume that
teachers must know what their students know and think,
treating students differences as resources rather than
obstacles makes sense. Because contemporary theories of
knowledge emphasize individuals and their interpreta-
tions, constructivist theories of learning seem reasonable.
ut in the last 20 years we have also witnessed consid-
able debates about which ideas about learning, learners,
teaching, and knowledge deserve pride of place. Critics of
some standards ha
e rightfully noted that it is problemat-
ic to mix images of what students should be learning
(knowledge) with how they should be learning (teaching),
because teachers ought to have latitude to make their own
ecisions about appropriate pedagogy. Critics also have
worried about the tendency of some educators to adopt
rthodoxies that are either limiting or not based on
empirical evidence (e.g., Hirsch 1996; Ravitch 2000).
Discussions concerning race and culture have raised ques-
tions about an oppressive, monolithic “politically correct,
“social justice” stance. Further, within the disciplines, con-
siderable debate has taken place about the nature of
knowledge, the role of interpretation, and an apparent
slide into a frightening relativism.
But recent research suggests that we cannot let political
differences obscure the fact that
all students need deep
knowledge of content. Research in cognitive science helps
us understand why it is important for students to have
both a sound basis of factual knowledge, and a flexible
understanding of how to use that knowledge in authentic
and new contexts. As Bransford, Brown, and Cocking
(2000) argued:
To develop competence in an area of inquiry,
students must: (a) have a deep foundation of
factual knowledge, (b) understand facts and
ideas in the context of a conceptual frame-
work, and (c) organize knowledge in ways
that facilitate retrieval and application…. To
develop competence…students must have
opportunities to learn with understanding.
Deep understanding of subject matter trans-
forms factual information into usable knowl-
edge. A profound difference between experts
and novices is that experts’ command of con-
cepts shapes their understanding of new
8 Theories of Learning and Teaching
hese differences were at the heart of the curriculum debates of the 1990s.
ncerned that the curricular reforms of the 1980s had swung too hard in
the direction of teaching for understanding, with too little attention paid to
the basics, legislators, parents, and educators began calling for more “bal-
ance. California passed the ABCs legislation, mandating the teaching of
phonics and basic math facts (Wilson 2003). The NCTM 2000 Standards
paid more explicit attention to foundational ideas of mathematics, which
was heralded by a number of journalists as a move “back to the basics. The
nal hist
ory standards were roundly criticized for too much attention to
interpretation and multiculturalism (Nash, Crabtree, and Dunn 1997), and
several organizations, including the American Federation of Teachers, evalu-
ated state standards for their content, precision, clarity, and rigor.
The questions being raised about school knowledge parallel similar questions
t disciplinar
y kno
ledge. For example, there is considerable debate in
the fie
ld o
f history about the roles of fact, truth, and interpretation. When an
eminent historian, Simon Schama, wrote a piece of historical fiction entitled
ead C
(1991) se
al hist
ians pub
licly chastised him for toying
ith q
ns o
historical truth. Similar debates characterize literature,
mathematics, and the sciences. In part, these questions arose in the wake of
deconstructivism and postmodern thought. See, for example, Fish (1980).
nformation: it allows them to see patterns,
relationships, or discrepancies that are not
pparent to novices. (pp. 16–17)
We can no longer presume that algorithmic fluency is
the same thing as conceptual understanding. Over and
again, researchers have shown that students can master
algorithms yet have little conceptual understanding. Thus,
teachers need to make sure that students know content—
facts and concepts—and know how to use that content
flexibly to solve significant problems. As we have already
seen, such knowledge is essential for the transfer of learn-
ing from one context to another—in this case, perhaps
most significantly, from learning in school to learning and
using knowledge out of school. As the National Center for
Improving Student Learning and Achievement in
Mathematics and Science (NCISLA) portrays learning
with understanding, “Understanding for life: We will meet
the future head-on if we learn with understanding: linking
eas one to another in a rich intricate web; applying what
we learn to answer new questions; reflecting on knowl-
edge; and expressing ideas in creative ways. With under-
standing, learning becomes personal. It lasts a lifetime”
(NCISLA 2005).
Implications for Teaching and Teachers
As we al
l know, the relationship between learning and
teaching is complex. Moreover, research on learning has
often been conducted independently of research on teach-
ing, leading to a gap in understanding between the two
communities of researchers who understand and work on
learning and those who understand and work on teaching.
In recent years, scholars have been trying to bridge the gap
tween these intellectual communities with some modest
success (Romberg and Carpenter 1986).
One reason the relationship remains elusive is that
ning cannot b
e mandat
eachers cannot guarantee
that a particular student will learn (Jackson 1986). A
teacher may valiantly try to teach mathematics to a student,
but whether the student learns something depends on
many factors within and outside the teacher’s control: Is
the student motivated? Did the teacher use the appropriate
ructional strategy? Is the student interested? Are the
oom and school conditions conducive to learning?
Are the student’s parents supportive? Is there enough time
to digest the ideas and p
ractice new skills? Is there any peer
pressure? The list goes on. Nevertheless, these four ideas
about learning, learners, and knowledge have important
implications for the work of teachers. We propose several.
eaching as Intellectual Work
Perhaps the most significant implication of these ideas
bout learning and knowledge is that they imply that
thoughtful teachers are intellectuals who think both about
subject matter and students, constructing bridges between
the two. Reformers long ago learned that curricula cannot
be teacher-proof—for teachers inevitably shape the mate-
rials they use based on their own knowledge, beliefs, and
assumptions (e.g., Clark and Peterson 1986; Cohen,
Raudenbush, and Ball 2003; Shulman 1983). Yet wide-
spread belief persists that teaching is a straightforward
enterprise. Using textbooks, teachers follow each page,
directing students in what they should read and do. If the
materials are good, and everyone behaves himself or her-
self, so the logic goes, students will learn.
That is simply not true. Resources are mediated by
teachers and students, and they are situated within con-
texts that matter (Cohen, Raudenbush, and Ball 2003).
Good teachers must think hard about what they want their
udents to learn, contemplating myriad questions: What is
interesting about this subject for my students? What ideas
and concepts are particularly difficult? Why? What are the
different means I can use to help students grapple with
these ideas?
What do my students already know that might
help? What do they believe that might get in the way? What
time of the day is it? The year? How can I use my students’
diverse backgrounds to enhance the curriculum? How can
I create a community of learners who can support the indi-
vidual and social construction of knowledge?
Notice here that answering any and all of these ques-
tions entails theories and knowledge about learners and
learning. Because the situation matters, teachers must
think of the time of year, school, classroom, and commu-
y (the so
cial contexts of learning). When teachers
decide what to teach, they must find ways to emphasize
both concepts and facts and modes of inquiry (the nature
e students need to acquire). When teachers
consider what students will find interesting or difficult,
they need ways to access students’ minds; they need to cre-
ate communities among their students (learners as active
constructors of knowledge). Thus, much of teachers
thinking is informed by the ideas about learners and
ning we discussed earlier.
he cur
rent emphasis on teacher thinking and decision-
making has led to a sea change in the way that we think
bserve, and evaluate teachers and their teaching.
Research on teaching now entails asking teachers why they
act as they do and what they learn from their experiences.
Administrators no longer crouch in the back of classrooms,
What Do They Mean for Educators? 9
illing out checklists of behaviors. Instead, teachers and
their colleagues (other teachers, principals, and curriculum
oordinators) are expected to talk about why they taught as
they did, answering questions about their reasons, ratio-
nales, and reflections: Why did you teach this lesson? What
did you hope to accomplish? What would you change? New
performance-based assessments—for example, the assess-
ment system of the Beginning Teacher Assessment
Program in Connecticut, teacher portfolios collected
through INTASC, and the processes and products required
by the National Board for Professional Teaching
Standards—assume that to understand teaching, we must
observe both thought and action, watching what teachers
do and asking them to defend their choices. Such assess-
ments now involve interviews and portfolios, as well as
more traditional standardized tests and observations.
The emphasis on the intellectual aspects of teaching is
not intended to override the fundamentally moral aspects
of teaching. We agree with Palmer (1997) and Schwab
who argued persuasively that it is problematic to
divorce discussions of mind from heart, for the intellect is
deeply personal. Rather, this attention to teachers ratio-
nales (including explicated theories of teaching and learn-
ing) is intended to hold teachers more accountable for
their actions, as any professional is, so that all students are
ed equitably and receive comparable high-quality
tion (Ball and Wilson 1996).
The recognition that
teaching involves both intellectual and moral aspects only
adds to its complexity.
Teaching as Varied Work
Another common mistake made in this era of reform is to
presume an isomorphic relationship between approaches
o t
eaching and modes of learning. Some “radical con-
structivists have argued that teachers must never tell stu-
dents anything, and that all knowledge must be construct-
d ind
ently of the teacher’s watchful eye. But a
teacher might believe that students are active constructors
of their own knowledge yet still choose from a broad array
of instructional strategies, ranging from drill and practice
to recitation, from cooperative groups to simulations. In
creating these educational opportunities for their students,
eachers use manipulatives and historical artifacts; they
create scientific inquiries and mathematical problems.
ecause teachers take on different roles in these differ-
ent instructional configurations, much current talk of
teaching explores the use of alternative metaphors to cap-
ture the essence of teaching; instead of teachers being
thought of as tellers, we hear about teachers being coaches,
guides and collaborators. But one metaphor alone will not
do, for there are times when teachers must and should tell,
and other times when teachers should inquire, using their
classrooms as laboratories for their own learning (as well as
that of their students). However, because coaches often uti-
lize a broad range of instructional strategies, let us consid-
er the “teacher as team coach concept further.
The appeal of “teacher as coach lies in the fact that
coaches support players as they learn to demonstrate mas-
tery—even excellence—as independent artisans. Coaches-
as-teachers must help players develop foundational knowl-
edge and skill, provide opportunities for practice, facilitate
classroom discourse, and keep an eye on the structure and
timing of a player’s learning. In fact, the teacher-as-coach has
been a predominant metaphor in the work of the Coalition
of Essential Schools (Muncey and McQuillan 1996; Sizer
1984). Sometimes referred to as “natural learning, the learn-
ing involved in team play is often very different from tradi-
tional sc
hool learning. As Heath (1991) explained:
Natural learning sites shape the semantic and
situational constraints of reasoning in basic
ways. Identifying and solving problems, mov-
ing from the known to the unknown, and
creating meaning through reasoning analog-
ically mark everyday reasoning in situations
that int
grate individuals into teamwork and
depend on guided learning in mixed-age
groupings. (p. 103)
This is the kind of learning that many reformers and edu-
cators argue for. Consider the reflections of a Little Leaguer
who compares his learning on the baseball team to school:
Like I know how to do things, but not
how to,
so it
s more fun to play baseball also because
ou ar
e active, and theres fun to do baseball
moving around and talk all the time. Like in
10 Theories of Learning and Teaching
r an e
xample o
the r
e o
f strategies used by mathematics teachers in
this country and others, see Schmidt and others (1996) and the analysis of
mathematics teaching by Stigler and Hiebert (1999) in
The Teaching Gap.
See Shulman (1986) for a discussion of the paradigmatic shifts in research
on teaching, as well as Shulman (1987) for a discussion of the role of knowl-
edge in teaching. Performance-based assessments are the heart of the work
of the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards.
For readers interested in literature on the moral aspects of teaching, see Ball
and Wilson (1996), Hansen (1995, 1996, 2001), Palmer (1997), and Tom
chool, youre quiet all the time. In baseball
you can talk all you want.
The coach] taught us to get grounders,
like, plant our feet down like this and move
down. We wouldn’t just be, like, learning; he
actually has us do that, and he actually gives
us ground balls. Like in teaching, they just tell
you how to do it. (Heath 1991, p. 107)
Just as students cannot learn baseball simply by hearing
the coach tell about it, they cannot learn history, science,
literature, and other academic disciplines only by hearing
someone tell them about it. They need to do the kind of
work that scholars in these fields do—piecing together
evidence, understanding the leaps necessary to make infer-
ences, noting when they have to rely on their own theories
of human behavior. Experiences such as these help stu-
dents develop a critical eye, enabling them to become con-
sumers and users of knowledge. Part of this process
involves testing ideas out in public with peers. But to do
so, students—like mathematicians or historians—will
need to learn how to present and discuss their ideas with
others in intellectually productive ways.
To al
low for the public testing of ideas, teachers have to
create occasions for classroom discourse and act as rudder,
keeping the collective discussion and joint work on course.
Coaches often have their players consider a hypothetical
episode, making explicit various possible responses. For
example, a baseball coach might ask the team, “What
could have happened if Rob had bunted? What about the
man on second?” Then the players might think through
various responses and consequences (Heath 1991). In the
same way, a teacher might lead a discussion in which stu-
nts speculate on alternative interpretations of a particu-
lar piece of literary or historical text (Hartoonian-Gordon
1991; Wineburg 2001). This type of discussion is but one
xample o
w t
chers might make visible to learners
not only what is to be known but also how one comes to
know it as a literary scholar or historian.
In addition to helping students learn through doing and
structuring classroom discourse, coaches must do even
more. A coach needs to know each player’s individual tal-
nts and craft team strategies that take advantage of those
Central to the task is helping all players accept the
value of individual differences. As Heath noted, A team
cannot expect to have all members at the same level of abil-
ity in the same complex skills. In much the same way,
teachers who believe that knowledge is constructed and
that groups of students and teachers can learn more
ogether than apart must find ways to construct a commu-
nity of learners that takes full advantage of the breadth of
nowledge and experience different members bring.
According to this image of teaching and learning, the
ideal classroom will no longer be one in which 30 students
are always listening to the teacher or silently working. Part
of learning would still involve lecture, drill, and practice,
for some basic knowledge must be routinized so that it will
inform interpretation and debate. However, students
would also work in alternative arrangements—small and
large groups—talking to each other, making public their
personal knowledge and beliefs, constructing and testing
their knowledge with peers and teachers. To help them,
teachers would have to understand when and how to use
different pedagogical approaches.
To argue for a more varied, eclectic range of teaching
methods is not to say, “anything goes. Rather, contempo-
rary learning and teaching theorists propose quite the
opposite. Teachers must systematically consider their
ning goals and their students, the subject matter they
want students to learn, and select pedagogical strategies
that will enable student learning. Those strategies ought to
be selected thoughtfully, varied in their approaches, and
refined over time through reflection.
Teaching as Shared W
Educators have long been interested in how students learn
from students as well as from teachers. Nearly 30 years ago,
Schwab (1976) argued for a community of learners.
Several models for teaching and learning presume that
teaching is shared work between students and teachers
(teachers still have responsibility for making sure that stu-
dents learn). Cooperative learning, team learning, and
ciprocal teaching are but a few examples of the many
ways classroom work can be distributed.
Cooperative learning, broadly defined as an educational
unity in which students learn from one another, has
taken numerous forms (e.g., Cohen 1994; Johnson and
Johnson 1994; Johnson, Johnson, and Stanne 2000; Kagan
1985, 1993; Slavin 1986, 1990). With roots in theories of
social interdependence, collaborative learning has been very
successful when implemented well. Slavin (1990) argues
that tw
o hallmarks of high-quality cooperative learning are
ive interdependence and individual accountability.
Team learning is closely related to cooperative learning.
rding to Senge (1990) “team learning is the process of
aligning and developing the capacity of a team to create the
results its members truly desire (p. 236). Reciprocal teach-
ing, another form of teaching as shared work, is a technique
What Do They Mean for Educators? 11
sed to develop comprehension of text in which teacher and
students take turns leading a dialogue concerning sections
f a text. Students are taught to use four strategies in work-
ing through the text: predicting, questioning, summarizing,
and clarifying misleading or complex portions of the text
(Brown and Palincsar 1989; Palincsar and Brown 1984).
Designed to improve childrens reading comprehension,
modifications of reciprocal teaching have been used to teach
poor decoders, second-language learners, and nonreaders,
including adaptations that involved other pedagogies, such
as jigsaw (Brown and Campione 1996). Reciprocal teaching
draws directly on sociocultural and activity theories of
learning that emphasize the critical role of authentic partic-
ipation in meaningful, purposeful activities.
It is important to note here that suggesting a reconcep-
tualization of teaching as including more listening to stu-
dents, sharing of work, and asking of probing questions
does not mean telling teachers to stop talking or holding
the classrooms center stage. Some overzealous reformers
e teachers to change their practice radically, implying
that lectures and direct instruction are “bad. This is not
our intent here; the effectiveness of inquiring into students’
thinking versus direct instruction is an empirical question
yet to be thoroughly researched. Most good teachers pre-
sume that they need to use a broad array of very different
tional strategies depending on whom and what they
are trying to teach, as well as when and where. The
reformist ideas we are discussing here propose integrating
more inquiry about students’ thought into teachers’ prac-
tices, as well as strategically deciding when teaching ought
to be shared among teachers and their students. Again, our
argument is one of shifting emphasis, not wholesale rejec-
tion or acceptance of one ideology or methodology.
chers are eclectic by nature and necessity.
Teaching Challenging Content
unning thr
t c
ntemporary visions of teaching is
an assumption that teachers will be teaching challenging
content. International comparisons, including the work of
TIMSS researchers (e.g., Schmidt and others 1996) and Ma
(1999), suggest that students in the United States typically
get fed a diet of thin content, “a mile wide and an inch
eep, as Schmidt is often quoted as saying (e.g., Schmidt,
night, and Raizen 1996). Both in survey and video-
tape analyses, TIMSS researchers found that U.S. students
were exposed to a curriculum that was thin and fragment-
ed. The content appears to be less advanced and is pre-
sented in a more piecemeal and prescriptive way” (Stigler
and Hiebert 1999, p. 57). In snapshot images comparing
athematics lessons in the United States, Germany, and
Japan, these researchers found the distinguishing charac-
eristics of U.S. lessons to be “learning terms and practic-
ing procedures. German lessons, which tended to be
teacher directed, focused on developing advanced proce-
dures. Japanese lessons emphasized “structured problem
solving” in which Japanese teachers mediated the relation-
ship between the students and the content.
More in-depth analyses of these images examined three
indicators of content: level of difficulty, how extensively
content was developed, and coherence. In level of difficul-
ty, U.S. eighth graders studied topics that students in the
other two countries encountered a year earlier. The nature
of the content also differed. Whereas U.S. lessons did not
go beyond the basic definitions and procedures, lessons in
the other two countries used the basics to explore the
deeper properties and relationships in mathematics.
Regarding the degree to which content was elaborated,
findings indicate that the concepts in U.S. lessons were
y mentioned or stated, whereas in Japan and
Germany concepts were usually developed and elaborated.
Finally, with respect to lesson coherence, the researchers
found that the majority of teachers in all three countries
made explicit links between one lesson and another, but
only the Japanese teachers routinely linked the parts of a
lesson (Stig
ler and Hiebert 1999).
Although the U
nited States clearly has a long way to go
to meet high national and international content standards,
an important point that is usually lost in the sometimes
heated debates over high standards versus the basics is that
even the basics are challenging if one truly understands
them. Consider, as an example, even and odd numbers.
Learning even and odd numbers is an uncontroversial part
the elementary school curriculum. In standards docu-
ments, it might be listed as “students will be able to iden-
tify even and odd numbers. Although most of us would
l r
ively confident in our ability to identify an even
number, there is much more to it than that relatively sim-
plistic statement. Consider three relevant definitions that
are mathematically equivalent:
Fair share: A number N is even if it can be
vided into two (equal) parts with nothing
ft o
ver. (Algebraically,
N = 2 x k;
k + k.)
A n
N is e
n if
it can be divided
into twos (pairs) with nothing left over.
N = k x 2; i.e., 2 + 2 + 2 + ... + 2
k terms].)
12 Theories of Learning and Teaching
he even and odd numbers
alternate on the (integer) number line. So,
tarting with the even number 0 (or 2, if 0
makes one uneasy), one gets the even whole
numbers from there by counting up by twos.
Note: This is often referred to as the “skip or
“skipping method, for children will skip
from 1 to 3 to 5 on the number line.
As they learn even numbers, children might ask ques-
tions or propose solutions to problems that involve any
one of these definitions. Children ought to have opportu-
nities to understand the mathematical operations and
concepts that they encounter in ways that go beyond the
mere recitation of rules, procedures, or algorithms. Thus,
teachers need to understand why these three definitions
are mathematically equivalent (i.e., why do they specify
exactly the same class of numbers?). Although teachers
may get by with thin content knowledge as long as they
emphasize facts, procedures, and singular right answers,
when teachers move toward inquiry and seek to build on
students knowledge, they need much deeper content
knowledge regardless of whether they are teaching high-
level problem solving or the basics.
To summarize, there is no one right way to teach well.
This does not mean that anything goes, for there are some
things we kno
w about teaching. Every teacher needs a
repertoire of instructional strategies that range from
methods of direct instruction to cooperative and small
group work to one-on-one work. No single method will
work for a given teacher for all students in each subject
every day. Whatever method is chosen, teachers need
strong content knowledge to make challenging content
rstandable and to allow for ideas to be developed
fully and coherently. Teachers needs to weigh their options
thoughtfully, making decisions about what methods and
nt b
est me
et their goals and the needs of their stu-
dents for a given unit of instruction.
Teaching as Inquiry
If students are to serve as resources and teachers are to
enhance their professional knowledge constantly, then
eaching requires much more inquiry (Duckworth 1987;
rt 1985, 1990, 2001). We cannot expect teachers to
know everything there is to know about the 20- or 30-odd
students in each class. In many ways, teachers must act as
scientists, investigating students thinking, finding ways to
learn about how particular students are actively construct-
ing their understanding. Teachers must probe students’
nderstanding, sometimes even interviewing them about
their thoughts and logic. Instead of being mere founts of
nowledge, teachers will also have to become inquirers,
asking questions and testing hypotheses about what their
students know and do not know.
In addition to learning about their students, teachers
need to learn much more about their subject matter.
Shulman (1986, 1987) proposed that teachers possess a
particular kind of subject-matter knowledge—pedagogi-
cal content knowledge—that allowed them to understand
how to represent knowledge to their students. Pedagogical
content knowledge is born of practice. Although one can
learn some things about powerful instructional represen-
tations outside of teaching, most teachers acquire this
form of professional knowledge through teaching. Such
learning continues over a lifetime (Feiman-Nemser 2001).
Thus, although experienced teachers might have a wealth
of accumulated knowledge from years of work with, say,
third graders, there is still much teachers need to learn
out the specific third graders they meet each new year,
as well as new things about the subject matter they are
teaching, the pedagogies available to them, and the most
powerful ways to help students interact with that content.
Thus, the significance of inquiry. Some would argue
that teachers have always learned from their practice. Yes
and no. We have always asked students questions: “Who
wants to write the answer on the board? Who had trouble
with number 8? What’s the capital of Nebraska? Why did
Romeo kill himself?” Seldom, however, have we asked
those same students to make public their rationales. With
little time and many students, teachers typically do not ask
questions such as, “Why do you think that? What is your
rationale for solving the problem in that way? Could you
e done it another way? What do other people think of
that answer?” Eager to get on with it, students and teach-
ers alike are accustomed to short, clipped questions and
y t
se r
esponses, assuming that the reasons under-
lying the responses are self-evident. Similarly, teachers
typically process student work quickly, skimming answers,
checking proper responses, scribbling red-inked com-
ments. Those same teachers seldom share a student’s work
with a colleague, asking questions such as, “What do you
think this c
hild was trying to do with this story?”
aditional forms of assessment—often taking the form
of standardized tests—have compounded the problem of
ning fr
m o
ne’s students. Instead of giving students’
reason, such tests assume one right answer and test the
child’s thinking against that standard. New work in assess-
ment shifts the emphasis and focus away from “right and
What Do They Mean for Educators? 13
rong answers toward the collection of data that will help
teachers know what students are thinking (Glaser and
ilver 1994). Traditional school organizations only make
the situation worse. Schools have not been organized to
support teachers’ learning from their own practice and
from one another. Reformers in the 1980s argued that to
support teacher learning, schools would need to be
redesigned so that they were equally well organized and
equipped to support student and teacher learning; hence,
the call for professional development schools.
Learning to inquire—both in class in the company of
one’s students and alone in personal reflection and out-
side of class in the company of one’s peers—is unnerving
and time consuming; it also requires the development of
new knowledge and skill. Knowing how to listen is a skill
to be developed, not an inherited trait granted all teachers,
therapists, lawyers, and doctors. It requires sensitivity to
better and worse questions, the capacity to read between
the lines of a student’s response, and use of alternative
forms of assessment. Such inquiry would also require that
teachers learn a pedagogy of investigation (Lampert and
Ball 1998), asking good and researchable questions about
their teaching and students learning; strategically docu-
ing their practice through records that can be revis-
ited (e.g., student work, teacher journals, and videotapes);
ing criticism and debate about one’s teaching; and
ing in communities of practicing teachers (Ball
and Cohen 1999).
This stance—teaching-as-inquiry—will require sub-
stantial changes in the culture of U.S. schools. Recent
descriptions of practices in Chinese and Japanese schools,
however, provide us with images of the possible (Shulman
1983). Researchers have found that teachers in Japan and
for example, participate in study groups and les-
son-planning groups designed to improve teaching itera-
tively over time. In Shanghai, for instance, teachers regu-
y c
t and write up research they have conducted
in their own classrooms. In Japan, teachers “polish their
lessons over time (Paine 1990; Stigler and Stevenson
1991). Japanese teachers participate in lesson study, col-
laborative groups in which teachers plan, teach, critique,
and revise their lessons (e.g., Fernandez 2003; Fernandez,
annon, and Chokshi 2003; Lewis and Tsuchida 1998).
n-study groups have begun appearing across the U.S.
public school landscape as a professional development
activity (e.g., Paterson School 2 in New Jersey; Viadero
2004). Some U.S. universities and other organizations are
studying this approach to instructional improvement and
providing information about it. [See NEA Appendix.]
ther forms of teacher inquiry are also gaining popu-
larity. Cochran-Smith and Lytle (1993, 1999), Zeichner
nd colleagues (Gore and Zeichner 1995; Zeichner and
Noffke 2001), and others (e. g., Henson 1996; Stenhouse
1983) describe the power and potential of a scholarship
created by teachers for teachers. Alternatively called
research, teacher research, self-study,
and a scholarship of
these approaches reflect a growing interest in
enabling practitioners to conduct and report on inquiries
into their own and their colleagues practices. This interest
not only concerns K–12 schooling but has become a pop-
ular topic in higher education as well, as scholars and the
American Association for Higher Education call for a
scholarship of teaching (Boyer 1990; Shulman 1993).
The Scottish physicist James C. Maxwell is credited with
saying, There is nothing as practical as a good theory. As
experienced teachers, we believe that all teachers operate
according to theories. Our practice is driven by our “theo-
ries” about what will work for our students. Some of those
theories are explicit and are learned in school; some are
tacit and are the products of years of experience in
ols—as teachers, parents, and students. The theories
we briefly explore here have enormous potential both for
helping tea
chers explain why they teach in the ways they
do and for disturbing those patterns and prompting teach-
ers to rethink their practice.
Although many people want to claim that teachers are
born, not made, we believe that good teaching requires
teachers to create and use, expand and reject, construct
and reconstruct theories of learning and teaching. Those
theories are not intuitions, or common sense but care-
y crafted lessons learned from years of experience and
careful inquiry. We also believe that teachers have more
power over their pedagogical choices when they have
e the
ir the
ies explicit and tested them with class-
room experience, colleagues’ critiques, and knowledge of
current research.
We hope that this brief tour through predominant the-
ories of learning and their implications leads readers to
consider important questions: How do we think children
n mathematics? Or history? Why do we think that
using smal
l g
roups will help students develop certain
understandings and not others? When a textbook seems
y helpful or harmful, to what extent is the prob-
lem located in underlying assumptions about how teach-
ers ought to teach and how students learn best? When we
encounter a new curriculum, what are its theoretical
14 Theories of Learning and Teaching
nderpinnings, and how do they align with our previous
experience and with other theoretical and empirical schol-
rship? It is only through interrogating our own tacit
assumptions about the answers to questions such as these
nd through the theories produced by new generations of
education scholars that we can make progress on that life-
ong journey of becoming accomplished practitioners.
What Do They Mean for Educators? 15
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What Do They Mean for Educators? 21
1. Teaching for Understanding:
A Guide to Video Resources
Teaching videos are potentially useful as tools for instruc-
tional improvement, especially when used in group set-
tings where teaching strategies can be discussed. The pur-
pose of this NEA publication is to make teacher profes-
sional communities, teacher educators, and individual
teachers more aware of the growing array of video
resources that depict “teaching for understanding. It pro-
vides an overview of the types of videos available,
describes how they are being used, and includes a selected
bibliography of some major, nonprofit sources. (Available
from the NEA Professional Library; see inside front cover
for ordering information.)
2. Lesson Study Resources
Lesson study is another promising approach to instruc-
tional imp
rovement. The following are only a few of the
many organizations providing access to research,
resources, and networking opportunities for teachers
interested in lesson study. Each of these sources has links
to other organizations and additional resources.
The Lesson Study Group at Mills College
The Lesson Study Research Group at Teachers College,
Columbia University (
h f
r B
etter Schools (
3. Standards-Based Instructional Resources
The professional associations and organizations that devel-
oped national content standards have all produced
esources intended to assist teachers to implement their
Because national content standards and the sup-
porting resources all drew on the same research as this
working paper, the resources tend to be consistent with the
theories described. The national content standards and
supporting resources may or may not be aligned with indi-
vidual state standards.
The quantity and quality of resources vary considerably
by subject. Much more is available in mathematics and sci-
ence than in other subject areas. Standards-based
resources in the core content areas are available from the
following sources.
A. Mathematics
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics
B. Science
American Association for the Advancement of
e/Project 2061 (
National Science Resources Center, a partnership of
the Natio
nal Academies and the Smithsonian
ution (
C. English Language Arts
National Council of Teachers of English
International Reading Association (http://www.
D. Social Studies
National Council for the Social Studies
National Center for History in the Schools
National Council for Geographic Education
Center for Civic Education (
ional Council on Economic Education, National
Association of Economic Educators, and Foundation
r T
ching Economics (
NEA Appendix: Tools for Instructional Improvement
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