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Samuelson vs Fama on the Ecient Market Hypothesis:
The Point of View of Expertise
Thomas Delcey
To cite this version:
Thomas Delcey. Samuelson vs Fama on the Ecient Market Hypothesis: The Point of View of Ex-
pertise. Œconomia - History/Methodology/Philosophy, 2019, Varia, 9 (1), pp.37-58. �hal-01618347v2�
Ecient Market Hypothesis, Eugene Fama
and Paul Samuelson: A reevaluation
Thomas Delcey
Two main claims are associated with the Ecient Market Hy-
pothesis (EMH). First of all, the price changes are nearly random
in the nancial markets. Secondly, the prices reect economic funda-
mentals. The relation between these two claims remains unclear in
the actual literature. The purpose of this article is to show that this
confusion is not new but began during the theoretical construction
of EMH in the 1960s. The authorship of the EMH is attributed to
Paul A. Samuelson and Eugene F. Fama. In two independent articles,
published in 1965, they both reacted to empirical studies showing the
random character of stock prices. Fama and Samuelson both inter-
pret random uctuations of prices as the consequence of rationality
behaviors. The analysis is based on the reading of their 1965 arti-
cles. This corpus is extended with the archives of Paul Samuelson
from the Paul A. Samuelson Papers, David M. Rubenstein Rare Book
Manuscript Library, at Duke University.
Our analysis argues that apparent similarity between the two au-
thors hides a strong opposition, and show that they conclude very
dierently about the accuracy of the stock market prices determined
by the concurrence mechanism. Two dierent senses are granted to
the EMH. According to Fama, the EMH is dened as a competitive
market, where the random character of the uctuation is explained by
the fact that price converges to the fundamental value. We call this
[email protected], Centre d’Économie de la Sorbonne (UMR 8174), University
of Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne, REHPERE
denition “Fama’s EMH. According to Samuelson though, random-
ness of price variation, and unpredictability can be simply explained
by the competition between investors, with no regard to the funda-
mental value. We call this denition “Samuelson’s EMH”. The end of
the article, we suggest to reformulate the theoretical dierence as an
epistemological dierence. Fama reduces the random uctuation to
a deterministic relation whereas Samuelson takes the randomness of
the uctuation as a phenomenon in itself. We conclude that both in-
terpretations rise fruitful but distinct questions. Recent oppositions
in debates about EMH should be read through this interpretative is-
1 Introduction
The History of Ecient Market Hypothesis (EMH) can be divided in three
steps. The rst step is the construction of the theory in the 1960s. In the
second one, the establishment of an empirical corroboration made consensual
the theory in the 1970s. Finally, the third step is dened by the increase of
empirical studies challenging the theory since the 1980s. This last step leads
to the production of alternative approaches such as the Behavioral Finance
(Thaler 1999; Shiller 2003), or more recently the Adaptive Market Hypothesis
(Lo 2004). One striking characteristic of these alternatives is that they give
two really dierent meanings to EMH. Andrew Lo defends an evolutionary
framework in order to explain some predictability in price uctuation. On
the contrary, Robert Shiller defends the unpredictability of price uctuation.
His contribution tries to challenge the claim that price evaluate accurately
the economic fundamental, an issue ignored by the contribution of Lo.
This article intends to produce an historical analysis of this confusion.
More specically the aim of this article is to show that this confusion is
not new but began during the theoretical construction of EMH in the 1960s.
During this period, the behavior of the price in nancial market was one of
the most discussed issues in the new eld of Financial Economics. Since the
1930s, numerous empirical studies showed the random character of prices
(Working 1934; Kendall 1953). These results followed another study casting
doubts on the capacity of nancial analysists to forecast the price (Cowles
1933; Cowles et Jones 1937; Cowles 1944).
Answering a posteriori to these
empirical studies, EMH is an economist explanation of this phenomenon
(Walter 1996, 891; Jovanovic 2009, 51). According to the theoretical and
historical literature (Merton 2006; Bernstein 1992; Brian et Walter 2007;
Mignon 2008), EMH’s authorship has to be attributed to the works of Eu-
gene Fama (1965a; 1965b) and Paul Samuelson (1965a). Both, Fama and
Samuelson explain the random character of prices as the consequence of ra-
tional behaviors.
We extend this corpus with the Paul A. Samuelson Papers, David M.
Rubenstein Rare Book Manuscript Library from Duke University.
Based on
these materials, the claim of this article is to nuance strongly the theoretical
proximity between Fama and Samuelson. Indeed, Fama and Samuelson both
explain the randomness of price variation, and yet they both produce a very
dierent explanation of this phenomenon. According to Fama, EMH is a
competitive market composed of rational agents, where price converges to the
Fundamental Value (FV), explaining the random character of price. We call
this denition the “Fama’s EMH”. According to Samuelson, randomness of
price variation can be simply explained by the competition between rational
agents with no regard to the FV. We call this denition the “Samuelson’s
EMH”. We do not argue that the understanding of this crucial periods in the
history of EMH can be limited to an analysis of the theoretical dierences
between Fama and Samuelson. However, these theoretical dierences are
largely ignored by the literature and deserved to be rstly highlighted.
This distinction between two dierent claims belonging to EMH has been
already mentioned in the literature in dierent ways (Thaler 2016; Charron
1. See (Bernstein 1992)and (Walter 2013).
2. The only dierence between the two authors though resides in the probabilistic model
they used to describe the random variation. While Fama chooses the already known Ran-
dom walk Model, Samuelson introduces for the rst time the Martingale model. A random
variable X
follow a random walk if, and only if, the increments are independent and iden-
tically distributed. P
, a random variable, follow a martingale if: E[P
, P
] = P
See (Campbell, Lo, et MacKinlay 1997, 85).
3. We use the acronym ARC ahead reference to archives in the body of text The exact
reference of each archives used in this article can be found in the bibliography. We are
really thankful to the History of Political Economy Center and the David M. Rubenstein
Rare Book Manuscript Library from Duke University to have given access to these archives.
2016). However, no discussions of Fama’s and Samuelson’s claims have been
proposed yet excepted by (Guerrien et Gun 2011). The present article dis-
cusses the implication of these theoretical dierences. Fama and Samuelson
draw two dierent interpretations to the random character of the uctua-
tion. The theoretical dierence can be reformulated as an epistemological
dierence: whereas Fama reduce the random uctuation to a deterministic
relation (and so non-random), Samuelson take the randomness of the uctu-
ation as a phenomenon in itself. We conclude that both interpretations rise
fruitful but distinct questions. Recent oppositions in the debate about EMH
should be read through this interpretative issue.
The article is organized as follow. In a rst part, we introduce element of
contextualization of the 1965’s articles (Section 2). In a second part, we focus
on the two articles written by Fama (Section 3). In the following section,
which presents the work of Samuelson, we make a comparison between his
denition of EHM and the one of Fama (Section 4). Finally, in a last section,
we discuss the issue about the interpretation of the concept of uctuation
(Section 5).
2 The context of the writing
2.1 Paul Samuelson
Paul Samuelson is known to have contributed to almost all elds of the Eco-
nomics including the Financial Economics (Merton 2006). The rst interac-
tion of Samuelson with nancial issues is about the warrants a security like
option. Around 1950s, while he is already professor at the Massachusetts In-
stitute of Technology (MIT ), he subscribed to a nancial analysis service
“The RHM warrant and low-price stock survey”. Until the end of the 1950ss,
he currently speculates in nancial market notably with his colleague Hen-
drick Houthakker. He is convinced of his comparative advantage as macroe-
4. Some others contributions and authors from this period deserve to be analyzed
(Working 1949; Roberts 1959; Osborne 1959; Cootner 1962). The contextualization dur-
ing the periods deserves also to be developed, notably the importance of the institution
beside Samuelson and Fama in the development of nancial economics, respectively the
Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the Chicago University.
Since I saw you last –can it be three years—I have been learn-
ing a lot about practical aspects of speculations. These days
an economist with a good knowledge of macroeconomics seems
to be able to do very well as practical speculator; what it is hard
to understand is the workings of supply and demand: I suppose
that takes real specialized study. (ARC, letter from Samuelson
to Houthakker, Feb 6th 1953, we emphasize)
Novice in this eld, Samuelson looks for researches about statistical struc-
ture of price. Houthakker gives him the name of two of the three authors that
observed empirically the randomness of price, Maurice Kendall and Holbrook
Working. Houthakker, who had assisted to the Kendall conference (Kendall
1953), is not at all satised with the pure statistical work that was presented
However, he reminded to Samuelson the name of Working, already
known in the eld for his random uctuation studies (Working 1934, 1949)
and for his work on the early econometrics (Morgan 1995). As we will see
(section 4.2), Working had a great inuence on Samuelson particularly on the
writing of “Proof That Properly Anticipated Prices Fluctuate Randomly”,
published in 1965 in the Industrial Management Review, the ancestor of the
current Sloan Management Review of MIT. In the present article, we will fo-
cus on this article and make a comparison with the contributions of Fama.
Samuelson advocates the spreading of stochastic tools in nance (MacKen-
zie 2008, 310). He supervised the thesis of Richard Kruizenga about the
pricing of options in the 1950s. Around 1956, he rediscovered Louis Bache-
lier (Bachelier 1900) with the help of Leonard J. Savage. He encouraged his
translation by his colleague Paul Cootner (Samuelson 2002, 42). In 1965,
he proposed a model of option pricing really closed the famous formulation
developed by Black-Scholes-Merton model (Samuelson 1965). He is also the
5. Houthakker evokes Kendall’s conference really roughly to Samuelson: ”Last Decem-
ber M. G. Kendall read a paper on this subject to the Royal Statistical Society in London,
which was received as badly as it deserved. If these studies give any indication to the
sophisticated statistician it is that he had better study some economics.. (ARC, Letter
from Houthakker to Samuelson, 12th February 1953).
advisor of Robert Merton, one of the main advocate in the introduction of
continuous stochastic process in nance (MacKenzie 2008, 122-23).
2.2 Eugene Fama
The rst interaction of Eugene Fama with Financial Economics is during his
graduate studies in the university of Tuft at the end of the 1950s. Fama works
for one of his economics professor, Harry Ernst, who had a service forecasting
price securities (Fama 2011, 2). A part of his job is to nd trends in the
uctuation of prices. If he would found such trends, they are not exploitable
protably speaking. The trends never resist to an out-of-sample test (Fama
2011, 2).
Later on, Fama moves to the University of Chicago, where he participates
intensively to the econometrics workshop, with, among others, Harry Robert,
Lester Telser, Merton Miller and occasionally Benoit Mandelbrot. All of them
are particularly focus on the behavior of the stock market prices. Supervised
by Miller, he began a Ph.D using the sample of data of his Tuft experi-
ence at Tuft. His dissertation, submitted in 1964, has two conclusions: the
probabilistic distribution of the stock prices has fat-tailed and stocks price
variations are nearly independent. In 1965, using the result of his thesis, he
publishes a long article in the Journal of Business named “Behavior of Stock
Market Prices” (Fama 1965a), and although it is not the main purpose of the
article, he introduces for the rst time the notion of “Ecient Market”. It is
only In a second article, publishes the same year, entitled “Random walk in
Stock Market Price” in the same journal (Fama 1965b), that Fama focuses
on EMH. The present article will be concentrated on these two fundamental
contributions in the history of EMH.
Fama arrives at Chicago during the development of the Center for Re-
search in Security Prices (CRSP).
He will be one the main gure of the
center. The center has been created by James Lorie et Lawrence Fisher
in the Graduate School of Business (today called the Chicago Booth School
of Business) of Chicago University in the beginning of the 1960s (Jovanovic
6. Still today, the CRSP’s provides one of the larger database for researchers in Financial
2008, 63). The CRSP has been funded by Merry Lynch. The bank promotes
research on stock price in order to prove scientically the legitimacy of in-
vestment in stocks market (Fox 2011, 98). Although, the Fama’s these and
the two articles of 1965 are not based on the CRSP data (Fama 2011, 4), he
is already deeply involved in this project. We should understand his contri-
bution as an attempt to demonstrate the legitimacy of stocks market. The
empirical corroboration of the EMH will be one of his main research topic
leading him to change many times his EMH testing formulation (Fama 1970,
1976a, 1991).
3 Fama’s EMH
In this section devoted to the Fama’s contributions, we rst begin by pre-
senting the theoretical elements of his rst article (1965a) about the inde-
pendence assumption (Section 3.1). The last section focuses on his second
article (1965b) where he reformulates his EMH (Section 3.2).
3.1 The sophisticated traders
As Fama reminds it, the term “ecient market” didn’t appear in his thesis
(Fama 2011, 3) but in one of this rst article “Behavior of Stock Market
Prices”. This article summarizes the main results of his thesis: stock market
variations are independent and the distribution have fat-tailed. In a rst
section, Fama introduces (1) the assumption of independence and, (2) the
Levy distribution law describing the fat-tailed (see section 2.2). The two next
sections treat of the empirical validation of fat-tailed distributions. Finally,
in a last section Fama presents empirical tests of independence. The term
“ecient market” only appears in the conclusion of the article:
We […] saw that a situation where successive price changes
are independent is consistent with the existence of an “ecient”
market for securities, that is, a market, where given the available
information, actual price at every point in time represent very
good estimates of intrinsic values” (Fama 1965a)
We call this denition, the Fama’s EMH. It was already developed implic-
itly in the rst section of his paper where Fama try to explain economically
the independence of successive price variations.
Because price variations are nearly independent, Fama defends Random walk
as good description of uctuations in the stock market. Random walk is only
a good approximation of the price behavior. The statistic independence is
not strictly veried: empirical observations show that past variations inu-
ence present and future variations. However, because of transaction costs,
these little dependences cannot be used to make prots, even if investors
spot them (Fama 1965a, 35-36). Thereby, even if statistically speaking in-
dependence is not veried, his nancial consequence can be. Consequently,
chartist methods will fail. But the consequences of independence on in-
vestors are understood since the contribution of Working (1934) and Cowles
and Jones (1937). The innovation brought by Fama is to explain economi-
cally the formation of such dependences. Fama introduces two distinct set
of traders, the “sophisticated traders” and the others:
For example, let us assume that there are many sophisticated
traders in the stock market and that sophistication can take two
forms: (1) some traders may be much better at predicting the
appearance of new information and estimating its eects on in-
trinsic values than others, while (2) some may be much better at
doing statistical analyses of price behavior. (Fama 1965a, 37).
These two specic skills refer obviously to chartist and fundamentalist
practitioners (discusses in section 1.1). Fama is indeed very concerned to be
heard by investors, who are very sceptic about the research on random walk
at this time (Bernstein 1992, 202). The superior analysis of sophisticated
traders is twofold. It is in the same time statistic on the capacity to
spot dependences and economics on the capacity to estimate the FV.
Fama assumes that the “noise” that represents discrepancies between FV
and observed price, is dependent:
7. The theoretical explanation of randomness variations made by Fama are purely literal
(Samuelson will use the axiomatic methodology).
Suppose now that the noise generating process in the stock
market is dependent” (Fama 1965a, 38)
With this assumption, if there are discrepancies between FV and price,
the two kind of traders will be able to spot them and avoid them. Whereas
the fundamentalist will estimate if the price overestimates or underestimates
the FV, the chartist, without knowing anything about FV, will spot depen-
dencies generated by these discrepancies. Thereby, with this assumption, a
fundamentalist and a chartist make the price closer to FV. If the market
is composed mainly by sophisticated traders in competition, they will avoid
prot opportunities they are looking for. With this assumption, the random
character of price defended by the literature and contested by investors can
be explained by the behavior of the investors themselves.
The force of the Fama’s assumptions on the dependences of discrepancies
is that randomness doesn’t appear as the description of a turbulent world,
but as a sign of stability. Fama’s explanation doesn’t just explain origins of
randomness, it reduces this empirical fact to an indirect and a secondary
consequence of a stable relation between goods and services markets and
nancial market. Interestingly, in his next theoretical contributions on EMH,
Fama will focus less and less on the random character of price variation.
As highlighted by Jovanovic (2009, 82), the last formulation of EMH by
Fama, using the rational expectation (Fama 1976a, 1976b), doesn’t refer at
all to a specic random process. We come back at this element in section 5.
The next subsection presents the second article of Fama published the same
years that reformulate his formulation of EMH with rationality.
3.2 Introduction of rationality
The article ”Random walk in Stock Market Price” will have a notable success
in the analysts’ world. Published rst in the Financial Analysts Journal
in 1965, it will be reprinted in The Analysts Journal, in 1966, and nally in
The Institutional Investor in 1968 (Bernstein 1992, 200-201). This second
article mainly points out the implication of Random walk on chartist and
fundamentalist analyses. From this point of view, it is basically a resume of
the rst section of ”Behavior of Stock Market Price” without the discussion
on fat-tailed. The article is divided in tree parts. Fama begins by presenting
the Random walk and his economic explanation, the EMH. Then, Fama
presents a short review of empirical works on this topic. Finally, in a last
section, he discusses the implications of Random walk and EMH on chartist
and fundamentalist analyses. Signicant changes could be noted compared
to the original article though. First, though it appears only marginally in
”Behavior of Stock Market Price”, Fama primarily focuses on the eciency.
Second, the EMH formulation itself is quite dierent and does not use the
concept of ”sophisticated trader”.
Like in ”Behavior of Stock Market Price”, Fama states that a market is
”ecient” when stock price is a good estimator of his FV (Fama 1965a, 90-94;
Fama 1965b, 76). Equivalently a market is ecient when he is composed of
rational agents, that is, prot-maximizers agents in competition:
An ”ecient” market is dened as a market where there are
large numbers of rational prot-maximizers actively competing,
with each trying to predict future market values of individual se-
curities, and where important current information is almost freely
available to all participants. (Fama 1965b, 76, we emphasize).
The ”Rational prot-maximizer” assumption substitutes the ”sophisti-
cated traders”, the characterization of the investor’s behavior of his rst
article. This formulation is by far more general. The two kinds of sophisti-
cated traders only characterized two ways of making prot. The maximiza-
tion behavior is focused on the nality: all ways driving to maximization are
taken in account. From this new assumption, he directly deducts that an ex-
act relation between FV and price:
In an ecient market, competition among the many intelli-
gent participants leads to a situation where, at any point in time,
actual prices of individual securities already reect the eects
of information based both on events that have already occurred
and on events which, as of now, the market expects to take place
in the future. In other words, in an ecient market at any point
in time the actual price of a security will be a good estimate of
its intrinsic value. (Fama 1965b, 76)
The argument can be recall as follow: if investors have a maximization
behavior, prices should converge to their FV. This reasoning is based on the
same statistical assumption that appears in the rst article: discrepancies be-
tween FV and observed prices follow some patterns traceable and exploitable:
If the discrepancies between actual prices and intrinsic values
are systematic rather than random in nature (Fama 1965b, 76).
Maximization behavior of investors drive them to exploit and avoid such
patterns in price. The arguments between the two articles are nearly the same
except a dierent formulation of the investors behaviors. In the rst article,
Fama is very careful in the relation between EMH and the random character
of price. If EMH is a possible explanation, it is not the only one. Trying to
explain the consistency of fundamentalist analysis and EMH, Fama assumes
the dependences of the discrepancies. From an historical perspective, it is
easy to understand why Fama introduces the sophisticated traders and the
dependences of the discrepancies. He adopts the analytical framework of
the investors at this time, to convince them of the consistency of random
walk model. In the second article however, the link between the rationality
of the investors and the good valuation of FV is far from obvious. The
dependence of discrepancies is not justied by Fama. The exploitation of
economic information refers directly indeed to the FV and can explain the
eciency of the market. But without the dependences of discrepancies, there
is no reason to rely eciency of the market (in sense of Fama’s EMH) and
independence of the variations (and more generally the random character of
price variation). It is interesting to see that this assumption will rarely be
challenged in the literature on EMH (Shiller 1990).
The next section shows that the same economic assumptions on the in-
vestors behavior- interested investors in competition- lead Samuelson to a
very dierent explanation of the random variation observed.
8. Robert Shiller reversed the argument in order to highlight this point: “It would
seem peculiar to argue that irrational markets should display regular and lasing patterns”
(Shiller 2003, 102). This assumption is also challenged for long-time intervals in (Summers
1985, 1986). Other critical authors are more focused on the lack of rational traders and
funds in the market (Delong et al. 1993; Shleifer et Vishny 1997).
4 Samuelson’s EMH
The section is focusing the Samuelson article (1965a). In a rst part, we
present the martingale model (Section 4.1). The last section is devoted to
the implication of the Samuelson’s model in term of eciency (Section 5.3).
”Proof That Properly Anticipated Price Fluctuate Randomly” is one the
most inuential paper Samuelson wrote in Finance (Merton 2006, 269). As
described in the rst section of his article (see Section 2.1), Samuelson is
aware of the recent research dynamic about the random walk model used to
describe randomness of the price variation. In ”Proof”, Samuelson introduces
a new probabilistic model describing randomness, the martingale.
4.1 Samuelson’s model
”Proof That Properly Anticipated Price Fluctuate Randomly” is one the
most inuential paper Samuelson wrote in Finance (Merton 2006, 269). As
described in the rst section of his article (see Section 2.1), Samuelson is
aware of the recent research dynamic about the random walk model used to
describe randomness of the price variation. In ”Proof”, Samuelson introduces
a new probabilistic model describing randomness, the martingale.
an estimation in t of the spot price in T
is representable by a given distribution law.
Suppose now a future market. The price of the future contract for the
same asset is noted Y
with t the valuation moment and T the time before
the contract maturity. For n period, we can write Y
t+n,T n
. At T+1 the
future price is noted Y
t+1,T 1
. T + 2, the future price is Y
t+2,T 2
etc. At the
t + T period, the price of the future is noted Y
Samuelson aims to characterized the relation between the sequence P
and the sequence Y
. In a rst step, he uses the arbitrage reasoning
(Samuelson 1965a, 43) introduced by the famous theorem of Modigliani and
Miller (Modigliani et Miller 1958). With the arbitrage reasoning, it is pos-
9. The martingale model will be introduce independently the same year by Mandelbrot
(Mandelbrot 1965).
10. The martingale model will be introduce independently the same year by Mandelbrot
(Mandelbrot 1965).
sible to characterize the relation between P
and the Y
for a particular
case. At the t+T period, by denition, P
is known with certainty. At
this period, the spot price must be equal to future price. If not, an arbitrage
opportunity will exist and investors will avoid it.
At t + T , Y
= Y
But before the t + T period, no one know with certainty P
.The arbi-
trage reasoning is not enough to characterized a relation between P
the Y
. Samuelson proposes another assumption he named ”Mathemat-
ically Excepted Price Formation”. This axiom asserts that investors know
and use the law distribution describing the sequence P
to valuate Y
by the expected value:
= E[P
Samuelson extends the reasoning by arbitrage considering that, because
of competition, investors valuate Y
by the expected value of the random
variable P
conditionally to the information of past price (P
, P
), noted
here I
to simplify. The best estimation of the tomorrow spot price is the
actual price of the future contract. In a competitive marker, the valuation of
future price by investors take in account the past sequences P
. Thereby,
no systematic prots can be made by using the relationship between future
and spot price. This is not a strict arbitrage reasoning since - P
and so
the prots - is not certain. The economic justication of this hypothesis is
based on competition and maximization:
it is tempting to assume that people in the market place make
as full use as they can of the posited probability distribution
of next period’s price and Y
bid by supply and demand to the
mean or the mathematically expected level of tomorrow’s price.
(Samuelson 1965b, 42)
Future Market is interpreted by Samuelson as a place where anticipa-
tions of tomorrow spot price are priced. The future price, is the concrete
observations of the spot price anticipations. Samuelson try to understand
the unpredictability of the price variation by the characterization of the se-
quence Y
These assumptions characterizing investors’ behavior are formalized con-
trary to Fama’s assumptions. Investors share common probabilities and they
use it to maximize their gains. However, beside these methodological dier-
ences, the characterization of the investors’ behavior and market environment
by Fama and Samuelson are closed. In Fama’s model, market is composed of
rational prot-maximizers trying to predict price as they can, in a competi-
tive environment where ”important current information is available” (Fama
1965b, 76, see section 3.3). In the Samuelson’s model, the later assumption
is expressed by the known distribution of P
that investors used by the
expected value operator. Using iterative exception law,
a property of prob-
ability theory independent of his model, Samuelson concludes that the Y
sequence follow a martingale:
t+1,T 1
] = Y
If a sequence of prices follows a martingale, thereby, the best estimation
of the tomorrow’s price, based on the information available, is the today’s
price. This representation respects the idea that the price is unforecastble
and especially the fact that the chartist analysis is useless.
It says that, within the dened model, all chart methods
attempting to read out of the past sequence of known prices
, P
t+1,T 1
any protable pattern of prediction is doomed
to failure. (Samuelson 1965a, 47)
More generally, because the best estimation is the today’s price, we cannot
argue it is more likely to see the tomorrow’s price higher or lower than today’s
price. Samuelson advocates the martingale process as a better stochastic
process than random walk to describe competitive market:
11. The iterative exception law can be write formally as follow: E[X|I
] = E[E[X|I
if and only if I
includes in I
(see (Campbell, Lo, et MacKinlay 1997, 27; LeRoy
1989). In the Samuelson’s model: (3) says that Y
= E[P
] and so Y
t+1,T 1
] We can conclude using the iterative exception law that E[Y
t+1,T 1
] =
] = E[P
] = Y
12. In the 1965’s article, Samuelson is only focused on chartist analysis. In another
article (Samuelson 1973b), he will show that martingale model is not at all inconsistent
with presence of fundamentalist in the market. An article wrongly assimilated to Fama’s
[the random walk] is not particularly related to perfect com-
petition or market anticipations. For consider a monopolist who
sells (or buys) at xed price. If the demand (or supply) curve he
faces is the resultant of numerous independent, additive, sources
of variation each of which is limited or small, his resulting quan-
tity may well behave like a random walk (Samuelson 1965a, 42).
The martingale doesn’t assume independence of the price variation as
random walk model does. Because of that, the martingale model has been
considered as less restrictive than the Fama’s random walk model. The main
innovation of the ”Proof” would be this new formulation of random varia-
tions (LeRoy 1989; Mignon 2008). The Random walk model will be indeed
replaced by the martingale process, even by Fama (Fama 1970). It will be
also a key element in the development of other research program in nancial
mathematics (Walter 2013, Idabouk 2010).
4.2 Eciency of the Market
The term “ecient” is not used by Samuelson.
But no more than the word,
the Fama’s EMH does not appear at all in the 1965’s article. The Samuelson’s
martingale model is based on the crucial assumption of a market in com-
petition. Thereby, like Fama, Samuelson assumes that random variations of
price are the consequence of competition between interested people in nan-
cial market. While, Fama argues that today’s price is the best estimation of
the FV, Samuelson’s conclusion is less ambitious, arguing only that today’s
price is the best estimation of the tomorrow’s price. His conclusion is not on
a good economic valuation of price, but only on a good protable valuation
of price:
This means that there is no way of making an expected prot
by extrapolating past changes in the future price, by chart or
any other esoteric devices of magic or mathematics. (Samuelson
1965a, 44)
13. To my knowledge, he will use it for the rst time in (Samuelson 1973a).
This dierence is underestimated by the literature on EMH, which does
not make a distinction between Fama’s EMH and Samuelson’s EMH. Samuel-
son is however very explicit in the conclusion of his article:
It does not prove that actual competitive markets work well.
It does not say that speculation is a good thing or that random-
ness of price changes would be a good thing. It does not prove
that anyone who makes money in speculation is ipso facto deserv-
ing of the gain or even that he has accomplished something good
for society or for anyone but himself. All or none of these may
be true, but would require a dierent investigation. (Samuelson
1965b, 48)
We can give to this opposition a historical expression. On the one hand,
Fama is deeply involved in the Center for Research on Stock Prices. The
center aims to legitimate investment in stock market for the common people.
The random character of price convinces that investment in stock is reach-
able for everyone (Fox 2011, 98), in a context where stock market was still
seen suspiciously three decades after the 1929’s crisis (Brisset 2017). Fama’s
concerns are more practical. He uses the fundamentalist framework the
sophisticated trader - in order to convince that this framework was not in-
consistent with the random character of price. Then, he reformulates this ex-
planation with the analytical economics framework - the prot-maximization
(1965b). That leads him to conclude that rational behaviors implies the good
evaluation of price. On the other hand, Samuelson’s interest for nance is
on the application of statistical and probabilistic tools. He quickly becomes
closed to Working. The former gave him his empirical study (Working 1934)
(Working to Samuelson, July 7th 1958) and shared with him his attempt to
explain the randomness of price variation (Working 1949, 160) (Working to
Samuelson, May 2nd 1961). In his theoretical article of 1949, Working is fo-
cusing the expectation of price with no regard for the accuracy of price.
14. Working evokes « normal backwardation » hypothesis discussed by Keynes in his
Treatise on money (Working 1949, 151). This hypothesis says that the eective future
price delivered is always below the expected spot price for the same maturity because
there is a risk premium in the agent’s expectation.
formulates literally the martingale claim of Samuelson by pointing out that
unpredictability may be the consequence of great forecasts(Working 1949,
160). Samuelson’s EMH is the formal development of the Working intuitions
by the introduction of the martingale process in the story.
Interestingly, Fama (1965b) and Samuelson (1965a) assumptions are not
diametrically dierent theoretically speaking. From a theoretical point of
view, both assume somehow competition in the market (i.e., large number of
participants), rational behaviors (i.e., prot maximization), and free available
information. What is particularly striking is that their dierences about
EMH cannot be explained signicantly from dierence in their representation
of the market. An ideal competitive market does not discriminate the two
The last section discusses these dierences between Fama and
Samuelson in the way they interpret the random uctuation. The theoretical
dierence is thereby explained by two dierent epistemological approach of
5 Understanding the uctuation
In this last section, we read the contribution of Fama and Samuelson as
an epistemological dierence, in the way random uctuation has been in-
terpreted (section 5.1). Fama focuses on constant patterns and denied the
random uctuation as an object itself. Conversely, Samuelson focuses on the
explanation of the random uctuation itself. In a subsection, we develop the
implications of this distinction on debate about EMH (section 5.2).
5.1 The epistemological status of randomness
The argumentation of Fama is based on the crucial assumption that dis-
crepancies between VF and price are not “random in nature” (Fama 1965b,
76). Through this assumption Fama creates a specic representation of the
uctuation. Fama interprets the random uctuation as errors of observation
from an exact, hided, relation. The variation of price is not understood as a
15. Thereby, we nuance the reading which claims that adhesion to competitive market
discriminates MIT and Chicago research programs (Jovanovic 2009).
variation in itself, but as a deviation from a norm. If there are enough sophis-
ticated traders in the market, the systematic nature of discrepancies from FV
will be spotted, exploited and thereby, avoided by the traders. In other words,
in the Fama’s EMH, discrepancies from FV are possible but they can only be
unspotted, and so, random. The random character of price that disturbed
so much the economists is not entirely avoided, but the nature of these ran-
dom uctuations is a specic one. That is, nonsystematic causes, which have
the same probability to lead the price under or over the FV. Thereby, errors
vibrate randomly around the FV. From a theoretical point of view, random-
ness appears as secondary and insignicant, hiding the deeper relationship
between price and FV. And this is what matters from a theoretical point of
Samuelson (1965a) does not try to take randomness as a secondary is-
sue, hiding a causal relation between fundamental value and the price. His
main nding his what kind of behavior and market environment lead the
price to behave randomly. He takes randomness as a phenomenon in itself
that should be explained itself. However, this does not mean that Samuelson
thought that the random character of price is not the consequence of con-
sistent behavior. The idea that investors depended only of blind chance has
been suggested provocatively by Kendall (1953), with his famous “Demon of
Chance” metaphor. Like Fama, Samuelson denies the Kendall’s argument.
The homogenous expectation of the investors gives to the uctuation of price
a stable property, that is, to be a martingale. It is interesting to see that, fur-
ther, Samuelson will stay focus on the random character of price variation in
itself whereas Fama will focus less and less on the randomness of price change
(see note 18 and section 3.1). For instance, he will try in a second article
(Samuelson 1973b) to show that fundamentalist analyses (in the strict sense
of John Burr William, see section 2.1) is not inconsistent with his previous
nding of (1965b). In a third, and last theoretical article about EMH, he
will still focus only the unpredictability of price (Samuelson 1990).
The purpose of the Samuelson’s articles is to show that randomness of
price changes can be explained by an interested speculation. As we see,
16. In the section 3.1, we suggested that the next works of Fama would be less and less
interested in the randomness issue in itself.
the argument is simple since the equation (3) completely determined the
theorem. Actually, Samuelson hesitates to consider his theorem as a funda-
mental nding or just as a triviality. Already write and given to Working in
1961, he waits for years to publish his result (ARC, letter from Samuelson
to Working May 9th 1961). Later, knowing the simplicity of his nding, he
will insist that this simplicity cannot be reduce to a tautology (Samuelson
1973a, 18). This hesitation of Samuelson is an illustration of the diculty to
appreciate his contribution at this time in contrast to the Fama’s one. The
Fama’s EMH has a strong explanation based on explicit causal relationship
in the uctuation. This explanation is very comfortable for economists that
sough largely for exact relations at this time (Morgan 1995). Indeed, the
empirical studies showing the randomness of the price variation has been
seen sometime as a denied of economic science. Random changes is a nega-
tive nding, meaning the absence of causes explaining the behavior of price.
The Samuelson’s argument is less easy to appreciate because there is not an
explicit causal relationship between price and economic factors. His nding
is a stochastic relation between prices themselves. Competition and rational
behaviors lead the future price to be a martingale, that is, to be a random
process and that’s all.
5.2 Implications on EMH’s debate
We do not aim to take a normative position about what should be the proper
interpretation. We highlight however that each interpretation ts with spe-
cic and distinct set of questions. More specically, the two contributions
develop two dierent approach of price.
On the one hand, if we are trying to understand under what conditions
a security price is forecastable, we are trying to explain uctuation by nd-
ing a stable statistical property of the uctuation (random walk, indepen-
dences, martingale, no autocorrelation etc.). We are focusing the uctuation
as the phenomenon that matters. On the other hand, if we are trying to un-
derstand under what conditions the fundamentals are well valuated, we are
trying to explain uctuation by nding a causal relation between the uc-
tuation and some specic factors that represent the economic fundamentals.
The uctuation in itself is secondary, what matters is the consistency of the
causal relation we are assuming a priori. From this perspective, neither in-
terpretations are inconsistent from an epistemological point of view. They
are just raising dierent kind of question about price assets. Samuelson only
conrms deductively the intuitions of Working (1949, p.160, see Section 4.3).
Fama is the rst to rise a new kind of question, a really ambitious one, on
the accuracy of price.
Fama rises an innovative question about the determination of price but
this issue disappears through the issue of unpredictability of price. The en-
tire empirical research before the 1980s is not focus on this question though,
but only on the corroboration of the random character of price changes. As
Summers (Summers 1985) emphasizes, nancial economics focuses only in-
terrelationship between dierent assets and ignored the fundamental question
about what determine price assets. Furthermore, the claims belonging to
EMH still remain ambiguous. A good illustration is to observe what claims
are criticized by proponent of EMH. Yet, when Andrew Lo (Lo 2004) and
Robert Shiller (Shiller 2003) attacks the EMH they are not talking at all
about the same hypothesis. The rst proposes an evolutionary qualitative
framework to replace the EMH but his discussion never implies the question
of the good valuation of price. The evolutionary framework brings by Lo at-
tempts to explain how price variations can be less random through time or
through space (between dierent markets). In short, he only focuses his crit-
ics on what we call the Samuelson’s EMH.
Shiller (2003) though, agrees
to recognize that price changes are nearly unforecastable. What Shiller at-
tacks is only the good valuation of price. Consequently, from a theoretical
and practical point of views, the two authors who critic apparently, the same
hypothesis, are diametrically dierent in their conclusions. Lo nuances the
passive management dogma (see for instance his book about chartist ana-
lysts (Lo et Hasanhodzic 2009)) and doesn’t answer to the question of the
17. This point leads Lo to challenge the passive management advocate by EMH’s
proponents like Samuelson and Fama: “The classical EMH suggests that certain levels
of expected returns can be achieved simply by bearing a sucient degree of risk. The
AMH implies that the risk/reward relation varies through time, and that a better way of
achieving a consistent level of expected returns is to adapt to changing market conditions.
(Lo 2004, 23)
accuracy of price, what Shiller is actually focusing.
6 Conclusion
In this article, my aim objective is to reevaluate the work of Samuelson lead-
ing to show (1) a strong theoretical dierence between the main theoreti-
cians of the EMH. The discussion of these dierence shows that (2) the fact
that EMH vacillates between an explanation of the random prices changes
and an explanation about the accuracy of prices, is intrinsically link to the
theoretical construction of EMH in the 1960s. Noting the use of the ratio-
nality hypothesis by Fama and Samuelson, we suggest to read debates about
EMH as opposition on the question asked more than on the acceptance or
unacceptance of rationality.
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