Human Resources Department
Excellence Equity Engagement Enrichment
111318 cp v4
Dear Newly-Hired Berkeley Unified School District Employee:
Welcome to the Berkeley Unified School District! Each employee in our district makes an important
contribution to the education, well-being, and safety of all of our students, and we are glad you have
chosen to join our team.
There are many ways for you to find out about your rights, responsibilities, benefits, and other
employment information of interest to you as a District employee. This employee handbook
provides a general overview of employment, contact information, and policies, as well as links to
forms you might need at some time during your employment with us.
I encourage you to attend a new employee orientation and to take advantage of regularly held
information sessions on employee benefits. Your supervisor will provide you with additional
information directly related to your assignment.
There are several other portals of information you may want to access:
Dedicated web pages for staff on our District website - www.berkeleyschools.net
Union contracts and union-sponsored websites (as applicable depending on your
Department handbooks for certain staff positions such as Transportation, Nutrition
Services and Maintenance
New employee orientations and information sessions on employee benefits
Please sign and return the receipt on page 22 showing you received the Employee
Providing quality customer service to our employees is at the heart of our mission, and I encourage
you to contact any one of us from the Human Resources Team to access employee services and
I want to thank you joining our district and wish you many productive and memorable years here.
Evelyn Tamondong-Bradley
Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources
2020 Bonar St
Berkeley, CA 94702
Table of Contents
Section 1: Organizational Overview ............................................................................................... 4
Berkeley Unified School District Mission, Vision, and Values and Beliefs.................................... 4
District Goals ...................................................................................................................................................... 5
WE CARE ............................................................................................................................................................... 5
Human Resources Department Mission, Vision, and Beliefs.......................................................... 5
Personnel Commission.................................................................................................................................... 6
Business and Operational Services ............................................................................................................. 6
Human Resources and Personnel Commission Organizational Chart ………………………………..7
Human Resources Service Menu ………………………………………………………...………………………….8-9
Section 2: Employment ...................................................................................................................... 10
Administrative Regulations and Procedures ....................................................................................... 10
Equal Employment Opportunity ............................................................................................................... 10
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) ................................................................................................... 10
Anti-Bullying Policy ....................................................................................................................................... 10
Complaint Procedures .................................................................................................................................. 10
Conduct .............................................................................................................................................................. 11
Confidentiality ................................................................................................................................................. 11
E-mail and Voicemail .................................................................................................................................... 11
Employment Opportunities ........................................................................................................................ 11
Employment Verification ............................................................................................................................ 12
Mandated Reporting of Suspected Child Abuse .................................................................................. 12
Separations ....................................................................................................................................................... 13
Sexual Harassment Prevention Policy .................................................................................................... 13
Title IX: Non-discrimination ...................................................................................................................... 13
Tuberculosis Clearance ................................................................................................................................ 13
Workplace Safety ........................................................................................................................................... 13
Section 3: Leaves of Absence ........................................................................................................... 14
Absence Reporting ......................................................................................................................................... 14
Request for Leave ........................................................................................................................................... 14
Jury Duty ............................................................................................................................................................ 14
Requests for Extended Leave ..................................................................................................................... 14
Sick Leave .......................................................................................................................................................... 15
Vacation Leave ................................................................................................................................................ 15
Workers’ Compensation .............................................................................................................................. 15
Section 4: Compensation/Pay Practices...................................................................................... 15
Break/Rest Periods ....................................................................................................................................... 15
Holidays ............................................................................................................................................................. 16
Overtime ............................................................................................................................................................ 16
Paycheck Deductions .................................................................................................................................... 16
Payroll ................................................................................................................................................................ 16
Timesheets ....................................................................................................................................................... 16
Payment Methods........................................................................................................................................... 17
Payroll Department Contact Information ............................................................................................. 17
Section 5: Benefits ............................................................................................................................... 17
Benefits Department ..................................................................................................................................... 17
Benefits Enrollment ...................................................................................................................................... 18
Retirement ........................................................................................................................................................ 18
California State Teachers Retirement System (CalSTRS) ................................................................ 18
California Public Employees Retirement System (CalPERS) .......................................................... 19
Retirement Transfer ..................................................................................................................................... 19
Section 6: General Information ...................................................................................................... 19
Bulletin Boards ............................................................................................................................................... 19
Change of Address or Name Form ............................................................................................................ 19
Distribution of Information ........................................................................................................................ 19
Emergency Preparedness and Disaster Training ............................................................................... 19
Food Policy ....................................................................................................................................................... 20
Non-Smoking Policy ...................................................................................................................................... 20
Personal Calls, Email and Text Messages .............................................................................................. 20
Technology - Acceptable Use Agreement (AUA) ................................................................................. 20
Transporting Students ................................................................................................................................. 20
Use of District Supplies, Equipment, and Facilities ............................................................................ 21
Video Surveillance ......................................................................................................................................... 21
Volunteers in the Schools ............................................................................................................................ 21
Section 7: Policies and Receipt Forms ........................................................................................ 22
Receipt of Employee Handbook ................................................................................................................ 22
Employee Acceptable Use Agreement for Electronic Resources and the Internet ................. 23
Acknowledgement and Requirements of Reporting Suspected Child Abuse ........................... 26
Sexual Harassment Board Policy 4119.11 ............................................................................................ 29
Receipt of Sexual Harassment Prevention Policy ............................................................................... 40
Nondiscrimination in Employment Board Policy 4030…………………………………………..............41
Request For Leave Form .............................................................................................................................. 44
Telephone Directory ..................................................................................................................................... 46
Section 1: Organizational Overview
Berkeley Unified School District Mission, Vision, and Values and Beliefs
Berkeley Unified School District Mission:
The Mission of the Berkeley Unified School District is to enable and inspire our diverse student
body to achieve academic excellence and make positive contributions to our world.
Berkeley Unified School District Vision:
Our Students are curious and creative learners who succeed through personal initiative and
sustained effort to reach high academic goals. They are critical thinkers who seek knowledge and
possess technological competence and collaborative skills. Our students embrace diversity, act
responsibly, and contribute to our community.
Our Educators believe that all students can meet or exceed rigorous academic standards.
Teachers, staff, and administrators together form a rich professional learning community where all
are supported to hone our professional craft and improve our effectiveness. Through the
examination of our instructional practices and data, we adjust our teaching and operational
systems in order to continuously improve. We are responsible in the stewardship of our fiscal
resources and fair and equitable in their distribution.
Our Families and Community are integral to the success of our students and schools.
Families are active, engaged and welcomed partners in their child’s education, who give valued
input and participate in making important decisions about our academic and enrichment programs.
Our diverse community is passionate about equitable educational outcomes for all students. Our
civic and community organizations partner with us to promote family engagement and the well-
being and success of our students.
Our Schools are vital centers of community life enriched by the diversity of our city and
welcoming to all families. Each classroom offers engaging and culturally relevant curriculum that
builds on students’ interests and abilities. Student needs, as identified by regular assessment,
inform our teaching and guide appropriate and effective intervention services. We offer an
enriched learning environment and a comprehensive system of supports to address the needs of
the whole child.
Values and Beliefs of Berkeley Unified School District:
Students are our priority.
We take pride in our diversity.
We hold high expectations for ourselves and our students.
We treat each other with respect and act with integrity.
That all children, regardless of race, ethnicity and income, who enter Berkeley public schools
beginning in 2007 (and remain in the district) will achieve equitable outcomes with no proficiency
differences by the time they graduate in June, 2020; and that all children born in Berkeley in 2007
and beyond, receive a healthy start and are equally ready to learn and succeed in the Berkeley
public schools.
Board Adopted, June, 2010
Board Adopted, June, 2008
District Goals
To ensure continual improvement of our public schools, the Management Team and School Board
establish goals on a three-year calendar and revise them annually. Periodic reports on progress
made in meeting goals are presented to the Berkeley School Board.
1) Curriculum and Instruction
2) Strategies to Promote Student Success
3) Family and Community Engagement
4) Cultural and Linguistic Relevance
5) Resources
The full three-year theory of action and goals that direct the work of the school district and our
schools is available in the front of each School Board Meeting Agenda packet or online at
As a public service organization committed to our mission of excellence in public education, the
Berkeley Unified School District adopted a system of high quality customer service known as WE
CARE. Departmental personnel participate in staff development work on an on-going basis to
create systems and service standards to support the WE CARE expectations:
WILLINGNESS: Willing to take the extra steps or go the extra mile
EMPATHY: Communicating caring and individualized attention
CONSISTENCY: Delivering core services in a consistent and dependable manner
APTITUDE: Demonstrating a high level of knowledge and skills
RESPONSIVENESS: Responding to customer requests or inquiries within 2 business days
EFFECTIVENESS: Delivering services in a user-friendly and high quality manner
WE CARE creates an organizational environment that supports strong interdepartmental relations
and effective functioning of the interrelated systems that are necessary to create a responsive and
customer-friendly work environment. The District recognizes employees who embody the WE
CARE expectations because they contribute to our service driven culture and prioritize the needs of
students and families. Employees should contact a supervisor to learn about staff development
opportunities in the WE CARE model of customer service.
Human Resources Department Mission, Vision, and Beliefs
Recruiting, supporting, and retaining the best candidates are crucial tasks. Highly qualified teachers
and top performing support staff are the key to student achievement. In addition, the Human
Resources Department provides daily guidance and support to District employees. The Human
Resources Department Team is committed to its Mission, Vision, and Beliefs:
The mission of the Human Resources Team is to be responsive to employees’ needs, to establish a
bridge to other departments and to provide quality customer service.
The vision of the Human Resources Team is to recruit, hire, develop, support, and retain the most
qualified and culturally competent staff to support the academic achievement and advancement of
all students.
We believe….
…our employees are our best and most valuable asset.
…we can provide friendly, accurate, and timely customer service.
…in cooperative and collaborative team work.
…we are one team that respects and supports each other.
Due to the specialized nature of employment in a school district, the services of both certificated
(e.g. teachers, counselors, school administrators) and classified (e.g. secretaries, custodians,
instructional assistants) employees are needed to fulfill our mission and serve our students and
their families. The organizational structure demonstrated on the next page is designed to provide
specialized service to all of our employees. The Human Resources Department Team collaborates
with the Personnel Commission and its staff to serve and support classified employees. A Menu of
Services found on the District website outlines the lines services we provide and whom to contact
for specific questions or services.
Personnel Commission
The Berkeley Unified School District Personnel Commission, established in 1943, is one of the
oldest established personnel commissions in northern California. It is authorized by the Education
Code and our Merit System rules and regulations. A “merit system” of employment is like a civil
service system. It only applies to the District’s classified employees (those employees who are not
required to maintain a teaching credential). The purpose of the merit system is to ensure that
classified employees are selected, promoted and retained on the basis of merit and fitness without
favoritism or bias.
The Personnel Commission is an independent body composed of three members and is an entity
separate from the BUSD Human Resource Office. One commissioner is selected by the governing
board, one commissioner is selected by the largest classified employee collective bargaining unit,
and one commissioner is selected by the other two commissioners. Commissioners are appointed
for a staggered three-year term. The term of one commissioner expires each year.
The Personnel Commission usually meets in open session at 4:30 PM on the first Thursday of the
month at the Berkeley Unified School District Office, 2020 Bonar Street, Room 126, Berkeley, CA
94702. The public is welcome to attend Personnel Commission meetings. Meeting Agendas are
posted 72 hours in advance. The Director of Classified Employees serves as Secretary to the
Personnel Commission.
Business and Operational Services
The Business and Operational Services division of the District include some employee support
services. Operational Services include technology, transportation, food service, maintenance and
facilities while the Business portion of the division includes all the financial services. The Payroll,
Benefits, and Risk Management Departments are all part of the financial services. Information on
these services is included in Sections 4 and 5 of this handbook and on the individual department
Section 2: Employment
Administrative Regulations and Procedures
All Governing Board policies and regulations are easily accessible through a web-based service
known as Gamut Online sponsored by CSBA (California School Board Association). The District
policies page is available by following the link on the Berkeley School Board Policies webpage or
directly through Gamut using the following logon information:
Username: BUSD
Password: Policy
Equal Employment Opportunity
It is the policy of the Berkeley Unified School District to enhance the quality of education and
actively promote equal employment opportunities. The Board prohibits unlawful discrimination
against and/or harassment of District employees and job applicants on the basis of actual or
perceived race, color, national origin, ancestry, religious creed, age, marital status, pregnancy,
physical or mental disability, medical condition, veteran status, sex, gender, or sexual orientation, at
any District site and/or activity. The Board also prohibits retaliation against any District employee
or job applicant who complains, testifies or in any way participates in the District's complaint
procedures instituted pursuant to this policy.
For a full reading of the District’s Nondiscrimination in Employment policy, visit the School Board
Policies webpage on the District website and use the GAMUT service referenced above.
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
The District will provide reasonable accommodations for applicants and for employees as required
by the Americans with Disabilities Act. The Human Resources Department handles all known
requests for reasonable accommodations.
Anti-Bullying Policy
Every student and staff member has the right to a safe and secure school environment, free of
humiliation, intimidation, fear, harassment, or any form of bullying behavior. The District’s Anti-
Bullying Policy outlines expectations for student, staff, and community member behavior.
Employees who witness incidents of bullying at school are required by this policy to notify the
Principal or Principal's designee. A specific Bullying Incident Form is available to document such
incidents, although it is not required for reporting. BUSD employees should be familiar with the
Anti-Bullying Policy and participate, as appropriate, in creating a school environment free of
bullying behaviors. Recommendations for the implementation of this policy are further explained
in the Anti-Bullying Administrative Regulations.
Complaint Procedures
District complaint policy recommends that every attempt be made to resolve complaints informally
and at the lowest level possible. Notifying a supervisor of a concern before it becomes a complaint
encourages early resolution.
When informal resolution is not possible, a formal complaint process is in place for parents,
students, and community members, as well as for employees. A full detailing of District complaint
procedures including the Board Policy on Complaints and Administrative Regulations can be found
on the complaint procedures webpage of the District website.
Employees represented by unions may also seek union representation. Grievance procedures are
detailed in the bargaining unit contracts.
All employees are role models for our students and ambassadors to the Berkeley community and
are expected to conduct themselves in a civil and professional manner at all times.
Because of the nature of the District’s business, employees may have access to confidential
information about families, students, and other employees. In order to protect individual rights of
privacy, it is important that knowledge of confidential information only be shared as needed to
provide essential services to students, families, or employees.
E-mail and Voicemail
Email and voicemail are common forms of communication among employees, and between
employees and the public we serve. A mini phone directory can be found in the appendix. A full
phone directory is printed at the beginning of each school year and available online.
The District uses Google’s gmail platform to host email addresses. Each employee is assigned an
email address following this standard protocol: firstnamelastname@berkeley.net
Employees can participate in a Google for Education workshop to learn how to access and use the
email and document sharing system most effectively.
Help requests for technical questions or problems can be submitted online at:
Voicemail is an essential service for communicating effectively across our many school sites and
departments and externally to our families and community. All District phone lines are equipped
with voicemail service. Since many of our employees are not available at a desk to answer the
phone, it is important that departmental staff and parents/guardians can leave voicemail messages
for staff that will be received in a timely manner.
In an effort to embody the WE CARE principles, employees are encouraged to check and respond to
email and voicemail regularly and to provide their phone and email contact information to those
who may need it.
All employees are required to read and sign the Acceptable Use Agreement (AUA) for Technology.
More information is found in Section 6 of this handbook and the full AUA with signature page is
included in the Appendix.
Employment Opportunities
All employment opportunities in the District are advertised through the online services provided by
edjoin.org (certificated) and governmentjobs.com (classified). The lists of classified position
openings are easily accessible with links from the Human Resources Departments webpage.
Additionally, all open classified positions are posted on the bulletin boards outside of the Human
Resources Department. Certificated vacancies are also posted via the Certificated Staff email group.
Classified vacancies are posted at all work locations and distributed via the Classified Staff and
Management Team email group and emailed to union presidents. Applications may only be
submitted electronically via governmentjobs.com.
An employee interested in an open position must apply through edjoin.org (certificated) or
governmentjobs.com (classified). The application process and documents required depend on the
requirements of the specific position.
Employment Verification
The goal of the Human Resources (HR) Department is to complete Employment Verifications within
3-5 business days during regular work periods. There may be a delay of up to two weeks during
peak periods that occur at the beginning and end of the school year. Employment verification
requests are not processed during holidays or when the District Offices are closed.
To obtain an employment verification, an employee must provide a signed consent form allowing
the District to release employment information, or in the case of a new applicant, for the District to
request employment verification from another district or organization. The employee and/or
institution must fax the signed permission and verification documents to (510) 644-6151 or bring
the Employment Verification request to the Human Resources Department.
For timely and efficient processing, requests can be directed to the appropriate staff person:
Employment Verification
HR Department
Main #
Carol Pacheco
Sheila Rose
Verifications required by financial
institutions or housing authority
Verifications of current and previous
work experience
Lona Kelly
All verifications last names A-M
All verifications for last names N-Z
Mandated Reporting of Suspected Child Abuse
All school district employees are mandated reporters and fall under the legal requirements of the
State’s Penal Code to report to the police department, sheriff’s department, or the County Welfare
Department any cases of suspected child abuse.
Section 11166 of the Penal Code requires any child care custodian, medical practitioner, or
employee of a child protective agency who has knowledge of or observes a child in his or her
professional capacity or within the scope of his or her employment who he or she knows or
reasonably suspects has been the victim of child abuse, to report the known or suspected instance
of child abuse to a child protective agency immediately or as soon as practically possible by
telephone and to prepare and send a written report thereof within 36 hours of receiving the
information concerning the incident.
Because all BUSD employees are considered “Child Care Custodians” and are mandated reporters
under the law, each school district employee is required to sign and complete the Statement
Acknowledging Requirement to Report Suspected Child Abuse (see Appendix) as a condition of
employment. More information on reporting responsibilities is also available in the Appendix of
this handbook and on the Employee Forms and Information webpage on the District website.
An employee who wishes to resign or retire from the District must fill out and sign the Separation
Form. A copy of this form is available on the Employee Forms and Information webpage.
Sexual Harassment Prevention Policy
The District is committed to providing an educational environment free from unwelcome conduct
of a sexual nature including sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or
physical conduct or communications constituting sexual harassment, as defined and otherwise
prohibited by state and federal law.
The full Sexual Harassment Prevention Policy is included in the Appendix to this document and also
found on the Employee Forms and Information webpage. All new employees must complete and
submit the Sexual Harassment Policy Acknowledgement as a condition of employment. Employees
who become aware of a situation that violates the Sexual Harassment Policy should do at least one
of the following:
Contact site administrator (Principal or Department Head)
Contact the Compliance Officer and Title IX Coordinator, Chelsea Yogerst: 510-486-9338.
Title IX: Non-discrimination
Board policy prohibits unlawful discrimination against and/or harassment of District employees
and job applicants on the basis of gender as defined by federal law in Title IX.
Tuberculosis Clearance
Tuberculosis is a serious, potentially life-threatening illness. To protect students and staff from the
effects of this disease, California Education Code Section 49406 requires all employees, upon initial
employment, to present evidence that they are free from active tuberculosis. Evidence consists of a
certificate of a skin test or chest X-Ray with a negative result performed within sixty days of hire, or
within four years if employment is continuous with that of another school district, parochial or
private school. Employees must re-certify their clearance every four years. Failure to comply may
lead to the employee being placed on unpaid leave or being terminated. The cost of the TB
clearance is borne by the employee. The Human Resources Department maintains a list of local
free and low cost clinics and it is available upon request.
Workplace Safety
The District is committed to safe and well-maintained schools and District offices and properties.
The Risk Management Department provides work safety training and tips during New Employee
Orientations and during specialized staff development workshops.
In the case of any workplace safety or other hazard issue that may arise, employees are encouraged
to use the Report a Hazard Form or make safety suggestions on the Safety Suggestion/Reporting
Form. More information on workplace safety is available on the Risk Management Department
webpage or by contacting Kimberele Sanders in the Risk Management Office directly at: 510-644-
An employee injured while performing District work must report the injury immediately to
Company Nurse at: 877-247-1447. Workers Compensation information is contained in the
following section on “Leaves.”
Section 3: Leaves of Absence
This section details the most common leaves of absence and includes information about absences
and other leaves.
Additional information on employees rights and responsibilities regarding absences can be found
in the respective employee union contract, if applicable.
Absence Reporting
Service to our students depends on timely notification of absences. An employee who will be
absent from work should refer to their respective union contracts regarding the provisions that
define when and how their absences should be reported. An employee who will be absent from
work should contact his/her supervisor to inform him/her of the absence. Upon returning to work
all employees are required to complete an absence certificate (available at all work sites).
Having adequate staffing each day is critical to the proper functioning of our schools and service to
our students and their families. For some job classifications (i.e. teachers, instructional assistants,
secretaries), the District uses an automated substitute system as a way for employees to request
substitutes in the case of an absence.
Employees who need to request a substitute can do so online at Aesopeducation.com or toll free by
calling 1-800-942-3767.
For technical problems using the sub system, call 510-644-4539.
Request for Leave
District employees may be eligible for leave and should be referred to the Human Resources
Department for assistance in applying for a leave of absence whether for medical or other personal
reasons. The Request for Leave Form is available online.
Employees are encouraged to notify their supervisor in the case of possible need for medical leave
so that proper advice and procedures can be explained and the process of applying for medical
leave supported.
Employees should refer to their respective union contracts regarding the provisions that define
Eligibility for Leave as they may vary.
Jury Duty
Employees who receive Jury Duty summons should notify their supervisor when jury service is
required. To verify the reason for the absence, upon return to work, proof of jury duty service or
the jury summons must be attached to the absence certificate. Since not all Jury Duty Summons
result in a required absence from work, the original Jury Duty Summons is not sufficient to verify an
absence for more than one day for Jury Duty. The courts provide jurors with daily verifications of
Jury Duty participation.
Requests for Extended Leave
There are many reasons an employee may need a short or long term leave from work. Employees
who notify their supervisors of the potential need for such a leave should be provided the Leave
Eligibility Notice. Employees requiring a leave can contact the Human Resources Department
directly for detailed information on eligibility. Conditions and requirements outlining an extended
leave are detailed in full in the various union contracts.
Prior to taking a Leave of Absence, the Request for Leave form found in the Appendix and on the
Employee Forms and Information webpage should be read and submitted to the employee’s
supervisor at least 15 days prior to the leave if possible.
Sick Leave
Personal Illness and Injury leave (“sick leave”) is the authorized and necessary absence of an
employee because of illness, injury, exposure to contagious disease, or necessary appointments for
health treatment.
An employee who returns from sick leave lasting five (5) days or more must submit a medical
certification (doctor’s note) for the absence and clearance to return to work. Exhausted sick leave
could result in differential pay as described in the respective union contract. Further sick leave
considerations and accrual information are available in the respective union contracts.
The Sick Leave Transfer Request form for personnel who wish to transfer sick leave from or to
another school district is available on the Employee Forms and Information webpage.
Vacation Leave
Vacation is provided for the benefit and health of our employees. Twelve-month salaried
classified employees earn vacation leave and are encouraged to take earned vacation each year if
possible. Earned vacation does not become a vested right until completion of the initial first six or
twelve months of salaried employment.
Certificated employees must take their vacation outside of their contractual work year calendar.
Vacation payout use is limited for ten-month employees. Please see the appropriate union contract
for information on vacation accrual.
Workers’ Compensation
The District seeks to create a safe and healthy work environment for all employees. General
guidelines for ensuring an injury free workplace are promoted by the Risk Management
Department. An employee injured while performing district work must report the injury
immediately to Company Nurse at: 877-247-1447.
An employee who has had an approved Workers Comp claim has a maximum of 60 days of
industrial accident leave as supported by a doctor’s note. An employee whose claim is in delay or
not approved must use available paid leave. For further details on Workers Compensation, the
employee should contact Kimberle Sanders (644-2879) in the Risk Management Office and refer to
the union contract, if applicable.
Section 4: Compensation/Pay Practices
Break/Rest Periods
State law requires that all employees who work more than four hours a day receive a break or rest
period. Break and rest periods for District employees are allocated in agreement with the
respective employees union contract. Employees are encouraged to arrange such break and lunch
periods with their supervisors to ensure continuity of service to our students and families.
Generally, employees who are employed on a twelve-month basis or who were in a paid status on
the day before or after the holiday(s) receive a paid holiday for the days listed below:
Independence Day
Labor Day
Veteran’s Day
Thanksgiving Holiday (Wednesday - Friday)
Three Winter Board Holidays
December 25
New Year’s Day
Martin Luther King Jr.’s Birthday
Lincoln’s Birthday
Presidents’ Day
Cesar Chavez Day
Malcolm X’s Birthday
Memorial Day
Overtime pay for non-management classified employees must be pre-approved by a Cabinet level
administrator. Paid work time for classified employees must be completed at the respective school
or district department and not from home.
Paycheck Deductions
Deductions made to employee payments differ depending on income tax withholding elections and
other specific elections for benefits, credit unions, insurance, and flexible spending accounts. The
Payroll Deduction Cancellation Form is on the Payroll Department webpage.
The Payroll Department is responsible for processing payments for salaried and hourly employees
as well as making any adjustments or changes to deductions, tax withholding, and other pay related
Salaried and Non-salaried Employees
Salaried employees are those who have a fixed FTE (full-time equivalent) position and are paid on
the last business day of the month. Salaried employees are usually full time positions but are
also held by employees who have a part time FTE (e.g. .75 FTE). Some salaried employees submit
timesheets for additional hourly work.
Non-salaried employees are those who submit timesheets and are paid on the15th of the following
month or the last business day preceding the 15th. Each school year a payroll schedule indicating
salaried and hourly paydays is produced and is available on the Payroll Department webpage.
Salaried Employees
Salaried employees who work authorized additional hours must submit a timesheet by the first
business day of the month in order for payment to be processed and paid out in the next payment
Non-Salaried Employees
Timesheets for authorized work completed by non-salaried classified employees are due on the
first business day of the month and must include the immediate supervisor’s signature.
Certificated Substitute employees are paid from the 25th of one month to the 24th of the next
month. Timesheets must be signed by the principal/authorized personnel at each site where work
is performed. (Note: In order to get the signatures in a timeline manner, it is recommended that the
timesheet be left for signature in the morning and picked up at the end of the work day.) Submit
any authorized timesheets by the 25th of the month to the last place of work in order to secure final
signatures and budget coding.
To ensure timesheets are filled out properly, a sample timesheet is available from the Payroll
Department. The supervisor is responsible for inserting the proper budget code on each timesheet
and submitting it for payment. In some cases, when the immediate supervisor is not the budget
manager, a second signature by the budget manager is required. This is often the case for BSEP
parcel tax monies, or special categorical and grant funds.
Payment Methods
District employees, whether salaried or hourly, can be paid by “paper warrants” (i.e. checks) or by
direct deposit. Requests for direct deposit payments can be made using the form on the Payroll
webpage noted above. Payroll stubs and/or checks can be mailed either to an employee’s home or
delivered to the employee’s work site.
The Payroll Department webpage contains more information as well as forms needed to initiate
direct deposits and process or change deductions.
Payroll Department Contact Information
Answer questions regarding
Malika Upshur
(last names
A to J)
Victoria Sessions
(last names
beginning K to Z)
Paycheck errors
Paycheck delivery problems
Making changes to:
o tax withholding
o direct deposit
o pay deductions
o garnishments
o paycheck delivery
Obtaining copies of W-2’s
Nicole Caldwell
Issues which cannot be resolved by
payroll specialists
Section 5: Benefits
Benefits Department
The Benefits Department has two full time representatives to assist employees with selection of
and participation in the District benefits programs.
Contact Information
Belinda Stuckey 644-4812 belindastuckey@berkeley.net (retiree benefits)
Ellaray Waller 644-8750 [email protected]et (active employee benefits)
Benefits Hotline 644-6666 This is an additional phone number for benefits specialists.
The Benefits Department webpage on the District website provides employees access to the
Benefits Guides and forms for Active Employees, and information on Cobra Coverage, and Retirees.
Benefits Enrollment
To enroll in benefits complete the benefit forms given to you during the employee onboarding and
turn into the Benefits Office at 2020 Bonar Street, Suite 234, Berkeley, CA. You have 30 days from
your hire date to enroll in benefits with the District. Appointments are necessary to receive
assistance with completed written election forms at the Benefits window. Please call 644-6666 or
email ellaraywaller@berkeley.net to arrange an appointment time. New employees are encouraged
to attend informational sessions offered by the Benefits Department at various times,
communicated via the Human Resources Newsletter and postings outside of the Benefits office.
Salaried District employees are eligible for a range of benefits as stipulated in the union contract
agreements. Medical insurance options for eligible District employees are offered through CalPERS
and include nine (9) medical provider options. Vision coverage is available through VSP. The
District offers two dental plans through Delta Dental. Please take time to research providers for
coverages being considered for the current plan year. Once elections have been finalized no
changes can be make unless there is a qualifying event.
“Open enrollment” begins in September. Open enrollment is the time to add, delete or make any
changes to your benefit elections for the coming year. During open enrollment, there is an
Employee Health Benefits Fair which provides an opportunity for employees to meet with health
care providers and benefits specialists to help with benefits selections. Any enrollment changes
made during open enrollment are effective the following January.
Other employee benefits include:
Life Insurance for Employees (Basic life insurance is available to employees .50 FTE or
Supplemental Life Insurance( .50 FTE and greater)
Flexible Spending Accounts (Health, Childcare, Transportation and Parking)
Employee Assistance Program
More information on these benefits is available in the respective union contracts or by visiting the
Benefits webpage.
Employment in the California public school system is generally subject to retirement coverage by
either the California State Teachers’ Retirement System (CalSTRS) or the California Public
Employees’ Retirement System (CalPERS). Employment in a position to perform “creditable
service," (i.e. certificated employee) as defined in Education Code Section 22119.5, is usually
credited in CalSTRS, while classified (non-certificated) employment is usually credited in CalPERS.
California State Teachers Retirement System (CalSTRS)
Salaried certificated employees usually participate in the CalSTRS pension benefit program.
Benefits are based on age, service, and compensation. A supplemental benefit plan is also available
as elected by members. Information about the state pension program for certificated employees as
well as other electable options are available by contacting Sheila Rose at Sheil[email protected]
or 510-644-6152.
California Public Employees Retirement System (CalPERS)
Salaried classified employees generally benefit from participation in the California Public
Employees Retirement System (CalPERS). Some hourly classified employees may also qualify.
Employee and employer contributions are paid monthly. Employees who have been CalPERS
members and/or who would like information about retirement and other benefits through CalPERS
should contact 510-644-8924.
Retirement Transfer
A member of CalSTRS who becomes employed by the same or a different school district, a
community college district, a county superintendent of schools or limited state employment, as
defined in Education Code Section 22508, to perform service that requires membership in CalPERS
will have that service credited with CalPERS unless he/she files a written election (within 60 days
from the date of hire in the new position) to have the service credited with CalSTRS.
A member of CalPERS who is employed by a school employer, Board of Governors of Community
College Districts or State Department of Education or has at least five years of CalPERS credited
service, as defined in Government Code Section 20309, and who subsequently becomes employed
to perform creditable service that requires membership in CalSTRS, will have that service credited
with CalSTRS unless he/she files a written election (within 60 days of the date of hire in the
new position) to have the service credited with CalPERS.
Rare exceptions to this rule of retirement program transfers apply. Consultation with the Human
Resources Department immediately upon hire is recommended.
Section 6: General Information
Bulletin Boards
Bulletin boards are used in each work location to post employee and union information as well as
public notices of meetings, job openings, and other important alerts. Postings must be professional
and not violate any District, state or federal policy or regulations.
Change of Address or Name Form
It is important that the District have access to updated employee contact information including
home address, telephone number, and emergency contacts. The Change of Address or Name Form
is available to download from the Employee Forms and Information webpage.
Distribution of Information
The Superintendent’s Office must approve the distribution of any non-District materials (posters,
flyers, events, etc.) to staff, students, and families.
Emergency Preparedness and Disaster Training
Emergency preparedness is an important part of ensuring the safety of our students and
employees. The Emergency Operations Plan addresses the District’s responsibilities in
emergencies associated with natural disaster, human-caused emergencies, and technological
incidents. The Plan provides a framework for coordination of response and recovery efforts as well
as an emergency organization to direct and control operations at all sites during a period of
emergency by assigning responsibilities to specific personnel.
Employees should participate in the appropriate safety and disaster preparedness trainings
provided in the on-going effort to keep students and staff safe. The Disaster Preparedness webpage
provides more details and employees should be well informed of their roll and procedures in place
in the case of an emergency.
Food Policy
Part of our educational mission is to improve the health and well-being of our students by offering
healthy food choices and teaching them about good nutrition. The District Food Policy does not
allow for the sale of candy, sodas, cookies, or other sweets by K-8 students. Bake Sales and Ice
Cream Socials must be approved by the K-8 school principal and done in moderation and in
consideration of the District Food Policy. Employees should take a moment to familiarize
themselves with the District Food Policy.
Non-Smoking Policy
The District is a tobacco and drug free workplace supported by Board Policy, Education Code,
Health and Safety Code, and other state and federal statutes. For the safety and health of our
students, smoking is not permitted within 25 feet of a school or playground or district facility
(Health and Safety Code 104495). For more information and legal references on the tobacco and
drug free workplace, Board Policy and legal references are available by accessing the GAMUT online
service mentioned in Section 1 of this handbook.
Personal Calls, Email and Text Messages
Personal communication shall not occur during duty hours. Break times and lunch periods should
be used for personal communication matters.
Technology - Acceptable Use Agreement (AUA)
The District encourages the responsible use of computers; computer networks, including the
Internet; and other electronic resources in support of the mission and goals of the District and its
The District e-mail system, email accounts, computer accounts and all other user accounts are
owned by the District. All electronic mail activity utilizing the District server is monitored and
logged. To provide for access to computer data when an employee is absent, account login and
passwords shall be provided to a supervisor or the Technology Director when requested. Computer
use is provided for educational purposes and District activities; use of computers for personal use
shall be minimal and comply with the restrictions listed in the Acceptable Use Policy for
All new employees are required to sign the Acceptable Use Agreement at the start of employment
with the District and submit a copy for their personnel file. The full AUA for Technology is available
in the Appendix or on the Technology Department webpage.
Transporting Students
Through its support of the Student Assignment Plan, the District’s pupil transportation program
enhances the educational opportunities for all of our students. Home to school bus transportation
is provided within attendance zones to elementary school children who live beyond the one and a
half (1.5) mile boundary. Transportation is also provided to certain special education students.
Parents who wish to enroll their children in a school outside of their attendance zone must provide
their own transportation. The District does not provide regular home to school transportation for
middle or high school students.
Field trips are a very important part of the educational program. It is the goal of the Transportation
Department to support the educational program by providing safe, efficient service on field trips.
All transportation of District students on school related trips must be arranged through the
Transportation Department. The School Board does not allow parents or other individuals with
private vehicles to transport students for school- sponsored events. District staff are also not
allowed to transport students in their privately owned vehicles. Field trip costs are covered by the
participating school(s) utilizing the appropriate program budget. The only exceptions currently
granted are in limited circumstances at Berkeley High School by way of School Board action.
Detailed information on the policies and procedures governing the use of pupil transportation
services is provided yearly to schools in the Transportation Guide: A School Site Manual for Users of
BUSD Transportation Services.
Use of District Supplies, Equipment, and Facilities
District supplies, equipment (phone, computer, projector, etc.) as well as buildings and facilities are
to be used strictly for District business unless there is written authorization from the immediate
supervisor or appropriate administrator in charge. District Facility Use permits are granted by the
Facilities Department.
Video Surveillance
To ensure the safety and security of individuals, district property, and facilities, video surveillance
cameras are placed in various necessary locations. The District reserves the right to review the
data, as necessary.
Volunteers in the Schools
Our schools are fortunate to have many parents, Berkeley residents, and community volunteers
who give their time to support students in academic and enrichment programs. The Berkeley
Public Schools Fund (BPSF) Volunteers Office works to place community volunteers where they are
needed in our schools. For information on how to use volunteers in our schools, call BPSF 510-644-
8833 or visit its website.
Section 7: Policies and Receipt Forms
Receipt of Employee Handbook
Receipt of Employee Handbook
I have received a copy of the Berkeley Unified School District Employee
Handbook. By signing this document, I acknowledge that I am familiar
with the expectations of employment expressed herein.
Print Name: ________________________________________
Signature: __________________________________________
Date: ______________________________________________
Upon completion, tear away this acknowledgement page and return it to your
Principal/Supervisor for forwarding to the Human Resource Department.
This form is also available on the Employee Information and Forms webpage.
Employee Acceptable Use Agreement for Electronic Resources and the Internet
The Berkeley Unified School District (“District”) recognizes the value of computers, personal
electronic devices and other electronic resources, as well as, to improve student learning and enhance
the administration and operation of its schools. To this end, the District encourages the responsible use of
computers; computer networks, including the Internet; and other electronic resources in support of the
mission and goals of the District and its schools.
District staff and contractors are reminded that the District e-mail system, email accounts, computer
accounts and all other user accounts are owned by the District. All electronic mail activity utilizing the
District server is monitored and logged. To provide for access to computer data when an employee is
absent, account login and passwords shall be provided to a supervisor or the Technology Director when
requested. Computer use is provided for educational purposes and district activities; use of computers for
personal use shall be minimal and comply with the restrictions listed below.
As used in this Agreement, “personal electronic devices” may include but are not limited to, cellular
telephones, personal digital assistants (“PDAs”), digital cameras, video recorders, electronic recording
devices, and portable laptop computers, or any other device with wireless capabilities. This Agreement is
referenced in Board Policy 4040 Employee Use of Technology and Administrative Regulation 4040.
Acceptable Use and General Rules of Usage
Use of District computers and other electronic resources or use of the wireless capability features of
any personal electronic device is intended to be used in support of, and be consistent with, the
educational standards and benchmarks of the District.
Users will be provided access to the Internet in accordance with the District Internet filtering and
blocking measures. Every effort is made to log and monitor all web traffic for inappropriate or offensive
content. The measures discussed below are in place to avoid access to inappropriate material that is not
consistent with the educational standards or professional norms and benchmarks of the District. As
necessary, the District will make determinations on whether specific uses of the network or personal
electronic devices are consistent with the acceptable use practice.
Acceptable Use
1. Exhibit exemplary behavior on the network or while using District electronic equipment and while
using the wireless capability features of any personal electronic device.
2. Network accounts are to be used only by the authorized user of the account for authorized purposes.
3. For District employees provided with email, the email is considered a regular avenue of
communication and should be checked by employees frequently.
4. Communications and information accessible via the network are subject to monitoring and/or review
at any time and should not be assumed to be private and can be subpoenaed.
5. Any employee, upon learning of an inappropriate use or a compromise (a breach, unauthorized
access, suspected unauthorized changes, deletions, additions, or viewing) of one or more of the
District’s Enterprise Data Systems (PowerSchool, SASI, DataWise, QSS, BeMail, Network Accounts;
or any other system used within the District) or the district network has potentially occurred, shall
immediately notify his or her supervisor who shall notify the appropriate Associate Superintendent
and the Director of Technology Services to initiate a prompt investigation.
Unacceptable Use
1. General instances of unacceptable use:
a. Use of the District's systems, network or technology resources for any unlawful purpose is
b. Any use of the District systems or technology resources for commercial or political purposes, or
for political lobbying, is prohibited.
c. Excessive use of the District systems or technology resources for personal business is prohibited.
d. Use of the network or personal electronic devices to intentionally access or process pornographic
or adult sites with explicit sexual content or other inappropriate or derogatory material, is
prohibited. Inappropriate texting or messaging is prohibited.
e. Making copies of any district software is prohibited except as permitted by the Technology
Department and applicable licensing agreements.
f. Users shall not intentionally seek information on, obtain copies of, or modify files, other data, or
passwords belonging to other users, or misrepresent other users on the network.
g. Malicious use of the District's systems or technology resources to develop or use programs that
harass other users or infiltrate a computer or computing system and/or damage the software
components of a computer or computing system is prohibited.
2. Contact with students and families:
a. All electronic communication with students and families shall be only for the furthering of the
student’s academic career, and should be done through the district’s email system.
b. Contact with students through social networking sites like Facebook or MySpace should be
avoided, and limited to educational communication. Extended communication with students or
families should be done via district email or telephone.
c. All photography or video recording of students or families shall be done only with permission of
the individuals being photographed. Written permission must be given if the material is to be
published with personally identifying information; the written permission slips must be on file with
the school office or Technology Department.
3. Contact with students, families, and the public through websites and blogs:
a. Web sites and pages for district programs must maintain a consistent “look and feel” across all
pages and have consistent navigation with current BUSD banner and menus. Any links to non-
BUSD material must be through clearly-marked navigational links, and only to sites that do not
violate any BUSD policy.
b. Employees shall not develop any classroom or work-related web sites, blogs, forums, or similar
online communications representing the district or using district equipment or resources without
permission of the Superintendent or designee. Such sites shall be subject to rules and guidelines
established for district online publishing activities including, but not limited, to copyright laws,
privacy rights, and prohibitions against obscene, libelous, and slanderous content. Because of the
unfiltered nature of blogs, any such site shall include a disclaimer that the district is not
responsible for the content of the messages. The district retains the right to delete, or demand
deletion of materials on any such online communications.
4. Integrity of confidential data:
a. Giving out personal or confidential information about another employee or student, including
home address, phone number, special education or 504 status, lunch status, or other data
without appropriate authorization, is strictly prohibited.
b. Users shall not disclose student information for any purpose other than a legitimate educational
purpose, or as otherwise permitted by law.
c. Users shall not download confidential student or employee information onto laptops, desktops or
other portable storage devices without authorization. Authorized loading of confidential
information onto laptops or other portable storage devices should only be done utilizing secure
5. Logins and Network Credentials:
a. Users shall only use accounts assigned to them and shall not attempt to log-in to accounts or
systems for which they do not have authorized access.
b. Users shall not allow others to use their accounts.
6. The District network:
a. No use of the District's systems or technology resources shall serve to disrupt the use of the
network by others. Hardware and/or software shall not be destroyed or abused in any way.
Modifications to system configurations should not be made without written authorization from
Technology Services.
b. Plugging in any wireless access points or other devices into the network unless approved and
authorized by Technology Services is prohibited.
c. Using personal or non-District computers or printers on the network without written authorization
from Technology Services is prohibited. All computers connected to the network must have virus
protection software meeting district standards.
7. Downloading of files and software from the internet, flash drives, CDs, or DVDs:
a. The unauthorized installation of any software, including shareware and freeware, for use on
Berkeley Unified School District computers is prohibited. Contact the Technology Department in
advance for authorization.
b. Use of the network or personal electronic devices to intentionally access or process files
dangerous to the integrity of the local area network is prohibited.
c. The District network may not be used for downloading entertainment software, music, videos or
other files not related to the mission and objectives of the District. This prohibition pertains to
freeware, shareware, copyrighted commercial and non-commercial software, and all other forms
of software and files not directly related to the instructional and administrative purposes of the
8. Copyright Laws: Downloading, copying, otherwise duplicating, and/or distributing copyrighted
materials without the specific written permission of the copyright owner is prohibited, except when
duplication and/or distribution of materials for educational purposes is permitted when such
duplication and/or distribution would fall within the Fair Use Doctrine of the United States Copyright
A breach of this Agreement may lead to revocation of access privileges, disciplinary action, up to and
including dismissal, and/or appropriate legal action.
I have read, understand, and will abide by the above agreement, all applicable District Board
Policies and Regulations, Technology Services Department Official Procedures and Protocols,
and applicable state and federal laws, when using computer and other electronic resources
owned, leased, or operated by the Berkeley Unified School District. I understand that this
agreement will be in effect during the entire time of my employment with the District. Any
subsequent changes to the agreement will be posted online and will be communicated
electronically to employees and will be sent to employees for signature.
Employee Name (Full Name) ____________________________________________________________
Signature: ___________________________________________________________________________
Date: _______________________________________________________________________________
Acknowledgement and Requirements of Reporting Suspected Child Abuse
__________________________________ ________________________________
(Name) (Facility)
__________________________________ ________________________________
(Employee Identification Number) (Position)
Section 11166 of the Penal Code requires any child care custodian, medical practitioner,
or employee of a child protective agency who has knowledge of or observes a child in his
or her professional capacity or within the scope of his or her employment who he or she
knows or reasonably suspects has been the victim of child abuse, to report the known
or suspected instance of child abuse to a child protective agency immediately or as soon
as practically possible by telephone and to prepare and send a written report thereof
within 36 hours of receiving the information concerning the incident.
“Child Care Custodian” includes teachers, licensed day care workers, administrators of
community care facilities licensed to care for children, foster parents, and group home
As a prospective employee of this facility, your employment position falls within the
definition of “child care custodian”. Therefore, you are mandated to comply with the
child abuse reporting requirements as stated above.
I, ______________________________________ have read and understand the requirements of
PC Section 11166 as outlined and will comply with those provisions
Receipt of Sexual Harassment Prevention Policy
I have read the provisions and conditions of the Berkeley Unified School
District's Sexual Harassment Policy. By signing this document, I
acknowledge that if I violate the provisions of the Policy, I may be subject
to disciplinary action or referral to the legal authorities.
Print Name: ________________________________________
Signature: __________________________________________
Date: ______________________________________________
Tear away this acknowledgement page and return it to your
Principal/Supervisor for forwarding to Educational Services.
Request For Leave Form
Telephone Directory
Each year a new telephone directory is issued to all schools and department offices. A Telephone
Directory is also easily available on the district website under “Contact Us” in the top margin of
each webpage. Street addresses of all schools and departments are available on the school and
department web pages at http://www.berkeley.net. For quick reference here is a condensed
telephone directory:
Berkeley Adult School ................................................................................................................................ 644-6130
Berkeley Arts Magnet Elementary School ............................................................................................... 644-6225
Berkeley High School ................................................................................................................................. 644-6120
Berkeley Technology Academy (B-Tech) ................................................................................................ 644-6159
Cragmont Elementary School ................................................................................................................... 644-8810
Early Childhood Education ...................................................................................................................... 644-6203
Emerson Elementary School...................................................................................................................... 644-6890
Jefferson Elementary School ...................................................................................................................... 644-6298
John Muir Elementary School ................................................................................................................... 644-6410
Longfellow Middle School ........................................................................................................................ 644-6360
Malcolm X Elementary School .................................................................................................................. 644-6313
Martin Luther King, Jr. Middle School .................................................................................................... 644-6280
Oxford Elementary School ........................................................................................................................ 644-6300
Rosa Parks Elementary School .................................................................................................................. 644-8812
Sylvia Mendez Elementary School ........................................................................................................... 644-6290
Thousand Oaks Elementary School ......................................................................................................... 644-6368
Washington Elementary School ................................................................................................................ 644-6310
Willard Middle School ............................................................................................................................... 644-6330
Admissions and Attendance .................................................................................................................... 644-6504
Berkeley Schools Excellence Program (BSEP) ......................................................................................... 644-8717
Board of Education ..................................................................................................................................... 644-6550
Josh Daniels, President
Judy Appel, Vice President
Ty Alper, Director
Karen Hemphill, Director
Beatriz Leyva-Cutler, Director
Berkeley Research, Evaluation and Assessment (BREA) ...................................................................... 644-6959
Educational Services ................................................................................................................................... 644-6257
Family Engagement and Equity ............................................................................................................... 644-8991
Human Resources ....................................................................................................................................... 644-6150
Nutrition Services ....................................................................................................................................... 644-6200
Public Information ...................................................................................................................................... 644-6320
Special Education and Health ................................................................................................................... 644-6210
Special Projects and Programs .................................................................................................................. 644-8931
Student Services (Discipline, Truancy, Alternative Placement, 504, Foster Youth) .......................... 883-5224
Substitute Employee Management System…………………………………………………...…1-800-942-3767
Superintendent ............................................................................................................................................ 644-6206
Transportation ............................................................................................................................................. 644-6182
Volunteers .................................................................................................................................................... 644-8833