J U L Y 1 , 2 0 2 1 - J U N E 3 0 , 2 0 2 2
P A G E 1
PPSP’s mission is to provide sexual, reproductive
and complementary services; deliver
comprehensive sexuality education; and
advocate fiercely for the protection and
advancement of health equity and access to care
– all with a commitment to cultural humility.
Our Mission
P A G E 2
In Fiscal Year 2022, PPSP focused on reaching and meeting the needs of vulnerable
populations, and ensuring that advocacy and education remained integral to that effort,
all while continuing to face challenging healthcare and political environments.
The board and staff engaged in a comprehensive and multi-layered strategic-planning
process that delivered on our commitment to an immersive, and inclusive process that
engaged many voices across the agency. The process was rooted in collecting data to
tell PPSP’s story--and by placing our mission as our North Star, it provided a roadmap
for enhanced effectiveness.
Our 3-year Strategic Plan and its accompanying imperatives, priorities, and initiatives
offer a tremendous opportunity to lean into our existing strengths and take advantage
of actionable data to adjust our path forward.
Our plan was implemented in July of 2022 and focuses on five mission-critical areas:
Racial and Social Justice; Patient Experience and Access; Employee Engagement;
Community Engagement; Financial Sustainability.
We devoted additional resources to assist in building our Racial and Social Justice (RSJ)
efforts within a learning culture at PPSP. We continued holding monthly RSJ learnings
for all staff and created affinity spaces for staff of color and allies. We developed long-
term goals to advance and sustain our equity work at the institutional and structural
levels, and began developing a race-equity lens to be used for agency-wide decision
Just six days before the end of our fiscal year, we, along with the vast majority across the
country, were stunned by the outcome of the Dobbs decision and the devastating
impact it continues to unleash.
Our supporters, advocates, and volunteers showed up in record numbers, standing
strong with our critical work in our communities, and have been unwavering in their
generosity. As a result of your support and the collective resilience and determination
of PPSP staff, our resolve remains stronger than ever.
Planned Parenthood Southeastern Pennsylvania will continue to fight alongside our
allies across the country to ensure all people have access to the healthcare and
education they need to control their bodies, their lives, and their futures. No matter
where they live. No matter what.
Message from Our Leadership
Dayle Steinberg
President & CEO
Clare EB. Robinson, M.D.
Board Chair
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We continued to face a challenging health care environment in fiscal year 2022, exacerbated by the
uncertainty of future abortion access. Despite these challenges, we prioritized access to care and
improved our service delivery to ensure all patients have an excellent experience at PPSP.
PPSP continues to serve the four counties as both
a safety-net provider and a provider of choice.
We provide low-cost to no-cost care along an
income-based sliding-fee scale for uninsured and
underinsured patients. 30% of visits provided
were to self-pay patients, and 77% of these
patients received free or reduced-fee care. 37%
of our patients were covered by Medicaid and
the remaining 33% used commercial health
8,118 abortions were performed, 67% of which
were medication abortions. Of these, 254 were
provided through telemedicine. After a pause in
our Residents’ Training Program due to
pandemic safety protocols, we resumed training
Ob/Gyn residents at 1144 Locust. Along with our
national office and other abortion providers in
Pennsylvania, we prepared for a post-Roe
environment and its impact on services.
In our fifth year providing Gender Affirming Care,
we provided 281 care-initiation visits and 1,236
follow-up appointments through telemedicine
and at Pottstown, West Chester, and Center City,
With increased numbers of patients expressing
the desire for in-person care, we saw the demand
for telemedicine appointments decrease. As we
are deeply committed to removing barriers and
making health care accessible to all, we will
continue to offer both traditional and
telemedicine visits.
Our Clinical Research team participated in 6
studies, enrolling over 130 participants and
helping to connect our patients to innovative
treatments and care. We also received a grant to
expand our capacity and infrastructure to conduct
abortion research studies, a critically important
project as we prepare to participate in examining
the effects of abortion restrictions post-Roe.
We provided 43,607 sexual and reproductive health visits for 33,709 people. Our patients rated
our care highly, with 91% indicating that they recommend our services to others.
P A G E 4
During Fiscal Year 2022, our dedicated team of educators delivered stigma-free sexuality and
reproductive health education to youth and community stakeholders.
We reached nearly 2,000 individuals and distributed more than 25,000 safer-sex materials. PPSP’s
educators facilitated 231 workshops, and we made 44 new contacts with schools and community-
based organizations through our outreach efforts. We progressed toward our goal of providing a
larger proportion of programs in high-need schools; the majority of our programs were in
Philadelphia, where young people are at a statistically higher risk of adverse health outcomes.
We produced new online videos, making our resources freely available to all. We used these
videos to help prepare sex education participants for upcoming programs; reach parents and
teachers; and provide information outside of the classroom.
Our LGBTQIA+ Youth Spaces provided out-of-school-time resources, support, and connection to
youth through S.P.O.T. (Space to be Proud and Open Together, based in our West Chester Health
Center) and Rainbow Phoenix (meeting in the LGBTQ Alliance of Chester County’s downtown
Phoenixville office). We offered an array of affirming programming, including virtual meet-ups to
help young people connect with their peers; trivia and games, sex education workshops, and
movie nights. We also increased our community outreach and had a presence at several local
Pride events in June 2022.
We offered programs for parents and guardians, teachers, and other trusted adults to build skills
for discussing sexuality and reproductive health with young people. We offered Abortion Stigma
and Safer Sex webinars to youth-serving professionals. We provided Parent and Trusted Adult
workshops to provide the opportunity to meet before their children attended PPSP’s education
workshops, answer questions, and provide support and resources.
In September 2021, we enthusiastically returned to the physical classroom after exclusively providing
online programming since March 2020. As schools adjusted to new protocols and schedules, we
collaborated with our partners to design programs that fit their needs, including online, hybrid, and
in-person single and multi-session workshops.
P A G E 5
In 2022, PPSP’s External Affairs team expanded our reach and engagement with supporters,
volunteers, media, and lawmakers, despite constant attacks on abortion access
at the national and state levels.
In the wake of the leak of the SCOTUS decision in Dobbs, we had a surge of interest in supporting PPSP,
growing our base to 120 active volunteers. We mobilized additional Patient Escorts to provide essential
onsite support for patients, in response to increased protest activity at our health centers and offered
them new training and engagement opportunities. We also bolstered our Security team, adding
additional staff and increasing investment in our physical security systems.
We collaborated on a statewide policy and communications strategy that built supporters’ awareness
and actions in response to the Pennsylvania legislature’s continued hostility to sexual and reproductive
health. We mobilized against Pennsylvania Senate Bill 956, the No Right to Abortion Constitutional
Amendment—the most extreme and dangerous bill ever to be introduced by the PA legislature.
We worked directly with the Wolf Administration, the Attorney General, and the southeastern
Pennsylvania delegation of the General Assembly on innovative policy approaches aimed at protecting
and expanding access to sexual and reproductive health care in the Commonwealth.
After the Dobbs decision, we joined national and state actions, engaging students, legislators, and
supporters to tell their own powerful stories related to abortion access in the southeastern region of the
P A G E 5
by Percentage
by Percentage
Patient Services - 28%
Community Support - 29%
Patient Services (Abortion) - 22%
Government Grants & Contracts -
Other - 6%
Patient Services - 46%
Administration - 28%
Patient Services (Abortion) - 19%
Education & Professional
Fundraising - 3%
Public Affairs & Policy - 1%
Development - 3%
Fiscal Year 2022
P A G E 6
Your gift ensures that we will continue to meet the challenges of this post-Roe world through our
essential health care and education programs.
Thank you for your leadership and generosity at this critical moment in our country’s history. With you,
and the 18 million Planned Parenthood supporters across the country, we will continue to build a
future where we can all thrive — a future rooted in reproductive freedom and health equity for all.
Thank You, Donors!
P A G E 7
1830 Family Foundation
Erika Aaron & Marc Fliegelman
Frances & Francis H. Abbott Jr.
William & Susan Abrams
Ravi Acharya
Stacey L. Ackerman, M.D.
Mignon S. Adams
Richard & Sarah Adams
Donald Addison
Eileen & Robert Adelizzi
Marta & Robert Adelson
Dean Adler & Susanna E. Lachs, Esq.
Elizabeth & George Ainslie
Karlyn & Kevin Aires
Janet Albaum & Harry Cerino
Rosalie & Raymond Alexander
Hilary M. Alger & Chris Sanchirico
Diane A. Allan
The Allen A. Stein Family Foundation, Inc.
Drs. Ruth D. & Harold R. Almond Jr.
Jerome M. Alrutz
Nancy R. & Brett H. Altman
Pamela Altman
Jaime A. Alvarez
Melissa A. Alway
American Endowment Foundation
America's Best Local Charities
Glenn Ammons & Rachel McMullin
Andrea Anania
Eleanor A. Anderson
Melissa & Paul Anderson
Renee E. Anderson
Sonja M. Anderson
The Anderson Family Foundation
Robert E. Angevine
Pramila R. Anne
S. Decker Anstrom & Sherron Hiemstra
Antrim Charitable Trust at The Seattle Foundation
Cynthia & Pierce Archer
Dr. Clara F. & Clay Armstrong
Carol C. Aronoff
Robert Aronson
Ina E. Asher
Stephanie B. Asher
John R. Attanasio
Elizabeth G. Atterbury
Amanda Atterbury-Ryan, V.M.D, Ph.D.
Holly Auer
Mason C. Austin
R. Geoffrey Avery
Ayco Charitable Foundation
Marcy K. Bacine
Estate of John D. Backe
Nancy Bader-Thomas
Vera C. Bailey
Dr. Cecilie G. Baker
Charles S. Baker
Valerie & Kenneth Baker
Suzanne M. Bakewell
David & Margaret Balamuth
Bank of America Charitable Gift Fund
Allen & Sheryl Bar
Michael A. Baratta
Karen V. Bareiss
Jeffrey H. Barg
Charlot M. Barker
Janet & Ralph Barndt
Emily Barnett
Melissa L. Barnhart
Dr. Richard J. & Jane B. Baron
The Barra Foundation, Inc.
Jacklynn A. Barras
Phyllis Barsky
Ann R. Baruch
Ann Bassett & Ross Goldberg
Myron & Sheila Bassman
Cameron & Kaitlan Baston
Frances R. Batzer, M.D., M.B.E.
Richard & Eileen Bazelon
Carol L. Beam
Kathleen M. Beaver
David Beccaro & Arleen Armstrong
Diana Becerra
James M. & V. Lynn Beck
The Honorable Phyllis Beck
Dana E. Becker
Debbie & William Becker
Dr. Marshall J. Becker
Dr. Jill Beech
Brad & Michelle Beidner
David L. Beik
*The list below includes contributions of $500 and above made during Fiscal Year 2022
P A G E 8
Drs. Jean & Robert Belasco
Melanie M. Bella
Laura & David Bellet
Andrea Benack, M.D. & George Weimann
Reinhold & Diana Bender
Bonnie & J. Michael Bennett
Peter A. Benoliel & Willo Carey
Bonnie & Mitchell Benson
Henrietta B. & Paul F. Bente III
George C. Benz
Brendan Benzing & Cindy Harvey-Benzing
Peninah C. Berdugo
Margot Berg & Robert Epstein
Joellen Berger & John R. Gailey III
Julie & Lawrence H. Berger, Esq.
Dr. James H. Bergman
Rabbi Leah R. Berkowitz
Sandra L. Berkowitz & Jeffrey P. Shender
Berkowitz Family Foundation
William R. Berlinghof & Marjorie Berlinghof
Marc & David Berman
Candace Bernard
Jennifer S. Berry
Julie C. Berson
Sandra M. Berwind
Stephanie R. Bess, Esq
William J. Best
Virginia L. Bestwick
Nancy & Richard Bevan
Deborah Bilder
Margaret Billian
Shahab Bina
Lynn & Brian Biondi
Barbara C. Bisgaier
Rachel M. Bitting
Ray A. Bixler
Elisabet L. Bjanes
Elizabeth Bjick-Larsen
Reverend Lawrence Black
Tatiana Blanc
Sandra Bloch
Bloch Family Foundation, Inc.
Elaine Blodgett
Ronnie L. Bloom, Esq. & Dr. Richard F. Summers
Gloria Blount
Lawrence & Diane Blum
Judith Blumstein
Cheryle Blunt & Elson Os Blunt
L. Clarke & Barbara Blynn
The Blynn DA Fund of the Vanguard Charitable
Gift Fund
Carol M. & Richard C. Boardman
Reid & Hanley Bodek
Tracy Bodine
Kathryn P. Bogley
Herbert F. Bohnet IV & Carrie A. Simons
Kathryn G. Boland
Carrie Bolton
Elizabeth S. Bolton
Robin Bond
Alexander R. Bonnel
Gwen Borowsky
Ned & Caren Borowksy
Janice Bourne
Dr. Roger Even & Patrice Bove
Betsy Bowden
Jill & Robert Bown
Darrell Boyd
Edwin R. Boynton, Esq.
Wendy Bradbury
Richard A. Brand Jr.
Amy L. Brantz & Dr. Edward L. Bedrick
Joan N. Brantz
Michael F. Bray
Courtney E. Brein
Corinne Brennan
Amy Brewstein
Bright Funds Foundation Workplace Giving
Joni Brill Dashoff & Todd Dashoff
Ira Brind & Stacey Spector
Robert C. & Carol A. Briselli
Bristol-Myers Squibb Foundation
Alexandra Brock
David J. & Carrie J. Brodsky
Diana L. Brody
Sarah A. Brook
Albert B. Brooke
Alison D. Brooks
Ellen M. Brotman & Dan M. Austin
Gayle & Ben Brown
Marion A. & David W. Brown
Matt & Arden Browning
Deanna L. & John Brownlee
Patricia L. Brubaker
Samuel P. Bryant
Charles H. Buchholtz
Lin & James M. Buck III
William C. & Laura T. Buck
Joshua Budman
Cecile L. Burgert
Susquehanna International Group
Danielle Burkland
Audrey M. Burlando, R.N.
Robert B. & Carol S. Burleigh
Erica Burman
Dr. Roger M. Burnett & Ingrid-Karola Schorn
Kathleen Butcosk
Susan C. Butler
Jo Buyske
Deanna M. Byrne
Virginia Cacciapalle
John P. Caddell
Eugenio & Giuliana Calabi
Clara A. Callahan, M.D. & Peter Goodman
Susan S. Callahan
Susan Callahan-O'Hare
P A G E 9
Cameron Memorial Fund
Brian J. & Jean G. Campbell
LaTorra Camphor Shaw
Margaret & Tony Campolo
Barbara Cantor
Robert Cantor
Peter H. Cappelli
Advisory Card
Daniel Cardillo
Carol & George Weinbaum Family Foundation
Catherine C. Carr & Louis N. Tannen
Beth R. Carruthers
Estate of E. Margaret Carson
Frances B. Carter
Judith Casale
Kathleen Casey
Mary Anne Casey
Michael Casey
Christine Casper
Sarah C. Cassano
Dr. Diana L. Cassel
Dr. Anna L. Castaldo
Susan W. Catherwood
The Catherwood Family Fund
Kathleen Caudill
Dr. Maureen & Michael Caufield
Dr. Daniella A. Cavenagh
Janice J. Cederstrom, M.D.
Amy Celentano
Central Soup Society of Philadelphia
Connor Cercone
John A. Cernetich Jr.
Tobey Chadsey
Edna & Margery A. Chaikin
Michael T. Chambers
Dianne L. Chambless
Megan Chandramouli
Ms. Chandy
Susannah S. Chang & Jonathan Raper
Dr. N. D. & Nancy Charkes
Dr. Robert S. & Amy Charles
The Charlesmead Foundation, Inc.
Elaine W. Charny
Mariane Charron
Anjan Chatterjee
Abraham J. Chen
The Chester County Community Foundation
Mike Chittenden
Lewis A. Chodosh
The Christian R. & Mary F. Lindback Foundation
Stephen & Andrea Christian-Michaels
Andrew C. Christy
Gerald Chu
Chubb Charitable Foundation
Michael & Jean Churchman
Teresa L. Ciaccio
Carol Cinotti
Dr. Nathaniel E. Clager
The Claneil Foundation
Liana R. Clark, M.D.
Mary L. & Lynne L. Clark
Sarah Clarke & Kirk Smothers
Kristen & Mark Clewett
Robert J. Cody
Abbi L. Cohen
Barbara Cohen
Judith Cohen
Lois & Sidney Cohen
Mara B. Cohen
Michelle E. Cohen
Phyllis F. Cohen
Polly C. Cohen
Lilian E. Cohn
Peggy & Tim Cole
Beth & Jack Coleman
James & Caroline Coleman
Dr. Jane Coleman
Nancy E. Coleman
Patrick Coleman
The Coleman Foundation
Judith A. Colla
Lynn Collins
Nancy & David Colman
Comcast Corporation
Rona D. & David E. Comroe
Jonathan & Emily Conant
Denis P. Conlon
Paul & Priscilla Connolly
Anne N. Conroy
The Conston Foundation
Dr. David G. & Maxine C. Cook
Nicole E. Cook
Margaret S. Cooke
Jesse Cooper
Dr. David R. Corbin & Deborah L. Liczwek
Danielle Cormier-Smith
Pamela A. Costanzi
Ryan Cottone
Elaine M. Coughlin
Denise Cowie & L. S. Ditzen
Tim Cox
Colin Craft
Peter H. & Valerie W. Craig
Michelle H. Craven
James D. Crawford & Judith N. Dean
Judith S. Creed
The Cressida Fund
Diane M. Croce
Dr. Warren & Kaye Crown
Katherine C. Crowner
James Cruickshank
Jessica Cruz
Betsey & Neil H. Cullen
John B. Cunningham
P A G E 1 0
Peggy & Mark Curchack
Charles W. Cycon
Wasna Dabbagh
Everett C. Dade
Mary Katherine Daley
Cecile & David Dalton
Cynthia M. Dana
Jean D. Dandois & Kevin Gonzalez
Claire & Robert Dankoff
Theirry Danz
Robin Danziger Ross & Theodore Ross
Margaret W. Darby
Anna Darling
Alice Datner
Angus Davidson
Louise R. Davidson
Heather A. Davis
Jeremy B. Davis
John B. Davis & Cathy Schappert
Lyn Davis
Nicole Davis
Rebecca L. Davis
Sarah R. Davis
Susan J. Davis
Jane A. & William L. Davis Jr.
Kristin Davitt
Rodney D. Day III
Dr. Mark J. & Loretta M. Decker
Nicole M. Decker
Terryl A. Decker & Adam Shapiro
Christopher Deephouse & Donna E. Hunt
Maron Deering & Sandra Mayson
Natalie Deffenbaugh
Joseph Degeorge
Deborah S. & Clark E. Dehaven Jr.
Ann C. Deinhardt & David Jury
Thomas Delacour
Virginia Delavan
Delaware County Medical Society
Emilia L. Demarco
Faye M. & William J. Demuth III
Linda A. DeNardo
Ryan A. Denholm
Robert P. Denitzio, M.D.
Dr. Susan Denman
John L. Dent & Leanne Wagner
Rick DeOliveira
Dr. Karen E. Detlefsen
Phyllis H. Detwiler
Adrienne Deveber
Gerard A. Dever
Sylvia E. Devietti
Dana M. Devon & Dr. Neil Sand
James & Debra Devries
Dr. Aneesha K. & Amol Dhargalkar
Harriet L. Dichter
Susan L Dickinson & Bob Dickinson
Jonathan Dilks
Dr. Long Ding
David F. Dinges
Edward Diver & Kelly Davis
Ann A. Dixon
Jennifer M. Dixon
Benjamin Doar
Ruthann Dobnak
John B. Doherty
Dolfinger-McMahon Foundation
Michelle J. Dolinski
Jason Donapel
Victor J. Donnay
Kathryn A. Donohue
Nancy & Jeffrey Dore
Julia Dorsett
William V. & Bonnie B. Dorwart
Daniel B. & Kathleen Y Dougherty
Stacy Dougherty
Deborah A. Douglas
Marilena Downing
Daniel A. Doyle
Martha C. Drake
John Driscoll
Rachel & Reynold D'sa
Ruth F. Dubb
Stephen V. Dubin
Dennis J. & Diane S. Duda
Danielle Dunn
Kendra L. Dunn
Kristin Dunn
Martha L. Dunn
Dr. Rachel B. & Robert S. Duplessis
Andrea K. Durham
Christopher D. Durham
Deborah K. Duskey
Evelyn A. Dwyer
Dr. Bradley & Ann Dyer
Nancy H. & Richard R. Eales
Carol & Larry Easter
Barbara Eberlein & Jerry Wind
Debra A. Ebling
Nancy E. Ebner
Gloria J. Echols
Michael Eddinger
Dr. Joel K. Edelstein & Elizabeth McKinstry
Peter J. & Mallory F. Edinburg
Pamela R. Edmonds & David A. Chianese
Linda & Arthur Edwards
Vinay M. Edwin
George J. Ehrgott Sr.
Heather & Sherrie Ehrlich
Rebecca Ehrlich
Judith Ehrman
Dr. William Eisen
Michael Eisenbud
Dr. Toby K. Eisenstein
Linda & Harrison Eiteljorg II
Kelly & Nathan Eitner
Dianne & Dave Elderkin
P A G E 1 1
Donna E. Eldridge
Elizabeth M. Gitt Charitable Foundation
Kim Emmons-Benjet & Brian Benjet
The Emss Foundation, Inc.
Dr. S. Walter Englander
Celia E. Engman
James D. Epstein
Karen B. Esslinger
Diana Ewen
Exelon Corporation
Richard R. Eynon
Elizabeth K. Fabens
Gillian G. Facher & Susan E. Houde
Liza Fahey
Karen & Ernie Falcone
Mary C. Falcone
Shannon D. Farmer, Esq.
Ilse H. Farrell
Mary E. Faustine
Marla S. Feder
James W. Feeney
Frankie Fehr
Moses & Susan Feldman
Adam Feldscher
Michael Feldser
John Fenerty Jr.
Dr. Gladys S. Fenichel
Jill Feninger
Nicholas Ferrari
Stacy L. Fevinger
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
Jonathan & Catherine Fiebach
Jaimie S. & David J. Field
Marian B. Filtz
Herbert Fineburg
Stephanie & Saul Finkle
Katie Fink-Miller
Leah B. & Brian R. Finnegan
John & Nancy Fischer
Sandra Fischer
Lee Fischler, Ph.D. & Jean Fitzsimon
David J. Fish
Alice V. Fisher
Estate of Faye Fisher
Julia B. Fisher
Melissa M. Fisher
Troy K. Fitzgerald
Paul F. Fitzpatrick & Susan C. Daubner
Five Together Foundation
Carol S. Fixman & Stephen J. Kobrin
FJC Foundation
Natalie M. Flaherty
Howard & Lynne Flaxman
Dustin E. Flay
Patrick Flood
Meredith K. Flower & Steven J. Perry
Robert T. Foley
Susan C. Forbes & Arnold Benjamin
Rachel E. Forman
Susan T. Forman
Vincent A. Formica
Mary Ann Fornarol
Forney Family Foundation
Sara & Dieter Forster
Susan J. Forsythe
Nicolas Fortune
Edward I. & Jane L. Foster
Wendy & Walter Foulke
Nelson Talbott Foundation
Foundation Source
Patricia R. & Gordon B. Fowler Jr.
Mike Fowles
Amy A. Fox & Daniel H. Wheeler
Marilyn A. Fox
Deepthi & James Foxhall
Margaret S. Frances
Deirdre Francis
Christiaan Francke
Michele Frank
Amie & Mark Frankel
Erin & David Frankel
Franklin Philanthropic Foundation
Robert G. Franz
Elio J. Frattaroli & Dianne L. Dickson
Cristin Freeman
Hope Seidenberg Freiwald
Sally & John Fridy
James & Bonnie Friedman
Marcie & Steve Friedman
Michelle W. Friedman
Carolyn J. & Joel R. Fromer
Sarah & Brian Fromm
Delyte D. Frost
Dr. Vera L. Frumin
David & Christina Fryman
Rabbi Alan D. & Dr. Carol Fuchs
Paula Fuchsberg
Caroline Fulginiti
Jeanne Fund & Herbert Fund
The Fund for Charitable Giving PNC Bank
Shannon M. Funt
Dr. Frank F. Furstenberg Jr.
Paul Gadue
Teresa Galetti & Kathleen Webster
Beth W. Galinsky
Dr. Leslie D. Gall & Warren Mann
Jessica L. Gamache
Marjorie W. Gapp & Gregory W. Tobias
Renee Garcia, Esq. & Jules Lipoff
Kristin Gardner McGurrin
Susan & Michael Garelik
Dr. Ruth S. Garfield
Pamela J. Garnick
Randi S. Garnick
Susan J. Garza
Kathleen & Robert Gastinger
P A G E 1 2
Susan Gay & Jon Andrews
Jonah Gelbach
Terri N. Gelberg
Sidney Geller
Robert A. Gelman
Rose Gendelman & Christine McGinley
Gender Justice Fund
Michael Genkin
Tess E. Genuardi
Frederick J. Gerhart, Esq.
Janet Gerner
Anna Z. & Dr. Thomas P. Gerrity Jr.
Arthur M. Gershkoff & Grace E. Loewenstein
Douglas & Jean Gessl
Susan F. & Richard L. Gettlin
Dr. Scarlett Geunes-Boyer
John N. Ghrayeb
Robert T. Giaquinta
Mary B. Gibson
Dr. Saar I. Gill
Eileen L. Gillin
Alice Gilmore
Karen N. Ginsburg & Jeremy N. Elkins
Janet Ginzberg & John Caskey
Linda M. T. Giovinco
Sarah L. Gitchell
Allan Glaser
Katharine M. Glass
Sandra R. Glassman
Nancy F. Glatz
Patricia Gleason
Glenmede Donor-Advised Fund
Richard & Gwen Glew
Brian S. Glick
Barbara & Jerome Glickman
Linda & David Glickstein
Samuel Gluskin
Gary Goben & John Williams
Drs. Stephen & Barbara Gold
Victoria J. Gold
Dr. Allan & Joyce Goldberg
Amy Goldberg
Jane W. & Joseph A. Goldblum
Rochelle Goldin
Judi Golding-Baker
Jenny R. Goldman
Mary L. Goldman
Goldman Sachs Philanthropy Fund
Elizabeth Goldmuntz & Frederic G. Barr
Bill & Joan Goldstein
Geoffrey Gompers
J. Christopher Goodchild
Juliet J. Goodfriend & Marc Moreau, Ph.D.
Arthur & Judy Goodkind
Ellen Goodman & David P. Cohen
Luana G. Goodwin
Katherine Goodyear
Hunter R. Gordon
Dr. Janice T. Gordon
Robert & Susan Gordon
The Gordon Family Charitable Fund
Dr. Kenneth J. Gorelick
Deborah Gorman & Benito Cachinero-Sanchez
Daniel Goroff
Gregory & Wendy Gosfield
Vicki Gottlieb
Katie Gouinlock
Diana Gould
Julia Gowe
Karen & George Gowen
Sara J. Graham
Richard & Susan Grant
Victoria & Duncan Grant
Maisy Grassie Fay
Barbara S. Gray & Paul M. Shipkin
Grayfred B. Gray
Carole D. Green
Howard Green & Julia Williams
Patrice R. Green
Shelley Z. Green & Michael Golden Jr.
Joel K. Greenberg & Marcy Gringlas
Marianne & Richard Greenberg
Drs. Doris & Dana Greenblatt
Marjorie Greenfield
Deena J. Greenspon
Dr. Jeffrey I. Greenstein & Iris J. Gold
Carol H. Grieseman
Elliot Griffin & Matthew Stitt
Mike Grimes & Elizabeth Elmore
James R. Groch
Margaret Groening
Margaret & Richard Groff
Barbara & Steven Gross
Debra R. Gross
Stephen & Karen Gross
Barry Grossbach & Deborah Coleman
Walther & Carla Grot
Peter & Nancy Grove
Dr. Edward R. Gruberg
Janine E. Guglielmino
Katherine D. Gulick
Glenn A. Gundersen
Nina M. Gussack
Karen S. Gustafson
Susan Guthrie
Nat Gutwirth & Sarah Jolles
Kenneth H. Guveyian
John O. & Janet Haas, M.D.
Kerry & Rebecca Haber
Iva A. Hacker-Delany
William & Deborah Haggett
D. J. Hairston-Brown & William H. Brown III
William C. Hale III
James E. Hall
Aaron S. Hamburger
Krista Hamilton
Ala Hamilton-Day & Peter Bernstein
P A G E 1 3
Carol Hammarberg
Janet Z. Handleman
Dr. Robert Handler
Richard Hankin
Hankin Foundation
Susan & John Hansen-Flaschen
Chris A. Hanson & William E. Vogel
Robert & Diana Harding
Diana S. Hare
Patricia & Roger Harless
Elizabeth W. Harmon
Beverly A. Harper
Michele B. Harper
John M. & Randi S. Harris
Margaret J. Harris & Philip A. Straus Jr.
Shelley & Steven Harris
Ann & David Harrison
Drs. Diane Harrison & Steven Datlof
Howard W. Harrison III
J. B. Harrison
Joan H. Harrison
Mandana & Howard W. Harrison Jr.
Carol & John Harris-Shapiro
Sarah B.& James B. Harrity
Ellen R. Hart
Carol Hartz
Ellen D. Harvey & Tad G. Sperry
Ben C. Hassebrock
Margaret Hassett
Radcliffe & Kathy Hastings
Carol Hauptfuhrer
Grenville & Bonnie Hayes
Selma Hayman
Jeffrey J. Headd
Hearn Family
Mary L. Hediger
Richard M. Heiberger
Mel Heifetz
Ingrid K. Heim
Melissa Heinze
Mary E. Heiser
Ari Q. Heitler-Klevans
Nancy Hellebrand-Blood & Frank A. Blood Jr.
Dr. Harry & Carol N. Heller
Karen L. Heller & David Dye
Melissa Heller
Dr. Patrice E. Heller
Eileen Helzner, M.D.
Jane K. Henderson
Stuart M. Henderson
Velma C. Hendricks
Jean L. Hennessy
Marnie K. Henretig
Kathleen Henry
Doris Heoise
Daniel & Kim Herbert
Steven R. Herling & Kathleen M. Zopf-Herling
Daniel Herman
Ellen K. Herman
Angie & Algund Hermann
Lorell & Patrick Hernandez
Steven K. Herrine
Mary & Andrew Herzog
Carla R. Hetzel
Julia E. Heuer
Robin P. Heuer
Jody A. Hey & Kathy Roberson
Wendy T. Hibberd
Patricia R. Higgins
The Hilda & Preston Davis Foundation
David Hillis
Catherine Hineline
Jessica Hirsch
Estate of Richard Hoban
Myra Hochman
Alexandra S. Hochster-Korman
Maria C. Hoek
Janet S. Holcombe
Debbie J. Holman
Elizabeth & James Holt
Natalie Holten
Jean Homeier
Sue Hood
Frieda L. Hopkins
Ann Marie & Terry Horner
Carolyn M. Horner & Tracy Cullen
Robin T. Hornstein
Richard & Ruth Horowitz
The Horowitz Family Foundation
Myke Hottenstein
Amber A. Hough
Feather O. Houstoun
Elayne Howard
Gail E. Howard & Michael G. Seidman
Howard Family Gift Fund
Howard J. Sedran Family Foundation
Kathleen Howland
Chris Hoyler
Hans E. Huber & Jerri Huber-Gibson
Richard & Susan Huffman
Bonnie Hughes
Jillian Hugo
Dr. Catherine T. Hunt & Wesley J. Wolf
James K. Hunt
Anne & Tim Hunter
Reverends Dave Hunter & Kerry Mueller
Frederic W. Huntington
Susan & Stephen Huntington
Margaret & Lawrence Husick
Amey A. Hutchins
Losenge Imasogie
Independence Foundation
Frances Ingersoll
Rita Ingersoll
Jonathan Inslee & J. W. Inslee Sterling
Thomas H. Iobst
P A G E 1 4
John D. & Anne Iskrant
Andrea L. Jackson
Jim D. Jackson Jr.
Brenda Jackson Wright & John B. W right II
Juliann Jaffe
Zeb Jafolla
James & Joan Husted Charitable Fund
The James W. & Debora C. Zug Fund
Dariel & John Jamieson
Dr. Richard & Roslyn Jay
Jean Nerk en Trust B.
Zachary M. Jefferson
Scott M. & Yardly R. Jenkins
James & Helen Jennings
Jamie A. Jessar
Jewish Federation of Greater Philadelphia
Joan M. Wismer Foundation
Leanna Johannes
Leslie E. John
Th John Alchin & Hal Marryatt Foundation
Carol Lee Johnson
Elizabeth & Michael Johnson
Judith B. Johnson
Karen & Eric Johnson
Mary G. Johnston
Valeria Jokisch
The Jonathan E. Rhoads Trust
Elaine V. & Keith L Jones
Emily B. Jones
Karen M. Jones
Michael R. Jones
Barbara M. Jordan
William T. Josem
Barbara Joseph
Linda Joseph
Estate of Joseph V. D'Alessandro
Joan M. Jowett
JP Morgan Charitable Giving Fund
Richard S. Julie
Kristopher M. Kafka
Andrew Kahan
Jeffrey B. Kahn
Julia B. Kahn
Marcia S. & Ernest M. Kahn
Denise E. Kaiser
Jeffrey & Susan Kalan
The Kalan Foundation
Cassandra Kaldor
Lev E. Kalman
Edna Kamis-Gould
Roberta Kangilaski
Barbara & Jerry Kaplan
Ned J. Kaplin
Jim Jackson Karl Marking
Hannah Kastenbaum
Brian Katz
Kathleen Katz
Linda Katz
Sissel & Alan Katz
David S. Katzman
Ron Katzman
Barbara Kauffman
Lois Kauffman
Estate of Anita Kaufman
Amy & Steve Keane
Arlene K. Keenan
Gregory Keilin
Joy & Bennett Keiser
Ann M. Kellam
Deborah Keller
Donna & Stefan Keller
Flo E. & Lawrence J. Kelly
John J. & Dr. Barbara A. Kelly
Michael J. Kelly & Alison Saifer
Susan Strauss P. Kelly
Vernon Kelly
Susan Kent Cakars
Alison B. Kessler
Leena S. Ketkar
Bobak Kiani
Grace A. Killelea
Danielle Kim
Ji Hwan Kim
Eunice S. & David R. King
Andrew Kinsey
Andrea Kirsch & Andrew Morrogh
Andrea S. Kirsh
Mark L. & Laurie G. Kirszner
Ariele Z. & Steven Z. Klausner
James H. Klein & Sangeetha L. Sagar
Dr. Lin Klein
Rochelle D. Klein
William J. Klein
Dr. Russell L. Kleinbach & Cathy J. Hazell
David Kligerman
Steven Kline
Samuel K. Klock
Kenneth L. & Eve B. Klothen
Adam R. Knauss
Mary & Keith Knauss
Janice F. Knepper
Julane H. Knobil, Ph.D.
Hedvika L. Knoth
Andrea P. Knox & Jonathan Hodgson
Helga P. Knox
Sheila K. Koehler
Jack Kohler
Lisa P. & Joseph C. Kohn
The Kohn Foundation
Estate of Henry Kolowrat
Jane K. Koppelman
Nina B. & James F. Korsh
Adam Kosto
Natalie H. Kotkin
David G. Kovscek
Dorothy Kowey
Karl Kozarsky
Suzanne & Rudolph B. Koziol Jr.
Norman & Hermina Kranzdorf
The Kranzdorf Family Foundation
P A G E 1 5
Kathy & Jerry Kreider
Amy L. Kreps
Michael F. Kress
David B. Kriesman
Janet Kronfeld
Linda Kronfeld
C. Scott & Dr. Danielle Kulicke
Aimee L. Kumer
Richard L. Kunis
Peter & Dr. Peshe Kuriloff
Bernard Kury & Lisa Wagner
L R Steel Family Foundation Trust
William Labov & Gillian Sankoff
Stuart A. Lacy
Samuel M. Laird & Cheryl Knoell
Jerrold S. Lakoff
Arielle T. Landau
George T. Landau & Elisa Abeloff
Andrea & Howard Lander
Marjorie M. Lane
Earl Laney
Celia & James C. Lang
Michele Langer & Alan R. Cohen
Nancy J. Lanham
Susan Lapalombara
Kendall W. Laparo
Peter & Emilie Lapham
Anna Lee Lapinski
Robert J. & Leslie S. Larocca
Kirk Larsen
Thomas R. Laskawy
Estate of Lou Jean Lassen
Elizabeth N. Lato
Dr. Donald & Joan Lavan
Dr. Hannah G. Lawman
Walter E. Lawn & Dr. Barbara E. Eckman
Lawrence J. & Anne Rubenstein
Charitable Foundation
Dr. Joel P. & Iris Lebed
Joshua Lecure
Grace S. Lee
Maurice D. Lee III
Wynn & Anne Lee
Dr. Dennis B. Leeper
Dr. Lynn H. Lees
Amy C. Leichner
Amira K. Leifer
Margaret H. Leimkuhler
Anna C. Leise
Rebecca Leise
Anna L. Leivers
Linda I. Lemmon
Shannon Lennon
Marilyn R. & Stephen B. Leonard
Judy L. Leone
Bea G. & Norm Leopold
Steven D. Lerner
Bruce R. & Joye Lesser
Richard M. Leventhal
Ruth Leventhal
Scott Leventhal
Ruth Levikoff
Jeffery & Nicole Levin
Kenneth J. Levin & Leonore Huppert
Emily S. Levine
Phyllis Levitt
Melissa M. Levy
Michele L. Levy & Howard Soloman, Esq.
Dr. Sharon F. Levy
Dr. Stuart D. & Suzanne B. Levy
Howard & Maxine Lewis
Mary J. Lewis
George & Marie Lezenby
Mauri Librett
Kathryn C. Lieb
Ilene D. Lieberman
Ron & Fran Lieberman
Susan M. Lieberman
Sylvia W. Lieberman
Dr. Gerald Liebling
Theodore M. Lieverman, Esq. &
Gail K. Lopez-Henriquez
The Lily Foundation
Joseph L. Lincoln
Adele Lindenmeyr
Elaine Lindy
Jeff & Deanna Linn
Julie I. Linowes
Rebecca Lipner
Vicki & Steve Lipoff
Sanford Lipstein
The Lipstein Family Foundation
Rosalie Lisa
Louise M. Lisi
Yana List
Samuel Litwin & Perry Watts
Ellen A. Lloyd
Barbara & James Lobb
David E. Loder, Esq.
John G. & Anna Belle Loeb
Nancy Logue
Helen Loidl
Laurence R. London
Linda T. London
David A. & Patricia A. Long
Elizabeth Long
Cynthia Lopata
Alice E. Loper
Erin Lopes
Susan Loprete & Neil Avison
Amy E. Lorion
Louis N. Cassett Foundation
Donna & Marc A. Lovenworth
Stephen & Joan Lucey
Viola H. & Dr. William H. Luginbuhl
Elizabeth & Robert Lukens
P A G E 1 6
James C. & Ellen D. Lutz
Mark T. Lycett Jr.
Linda J. & C. R. Lyttle, Ph.D.
MAC Capital Partners, Inc.
Hillary E. Macbain
Barbara J. MacDonald
William MacDonald
Jane C. MacElree
Ethan A. Mack
Ian A. & Mary MacKinnon
Ian MacMullen
Harriet R. Madeira Jr.
Fred & Phyllis Magaziner
Howard E. & Cirel E. Magen
Debra Magerman
Nancy Magness
Brigid M. Maguire
Debra Maherr
Main Line Reform Temple Sisterhood
Margaret & Bruce Mainland
Richard W. Malamut
Michael Maldonado
Emily Malina
Dr. Clelia W. Mallory
Dr. Beth Mallozzi
Jordan Malmstrom & Lisa Scalzo
Kathryn R. Malone
Mary Alice Malone
Estate of Carolin M. Malott
Mira Mandal
David S. Mandell
Robin Manix
Cheryl A. Mann
Marcia & Ned Kaplin Foundation
Terry A. Marek
Robert F. Margolskee
Renee & Milton Margulies
Joan A. Markoe
Lori Markusfeld
Jay A. Markwalder
Reverend Marvin A. & Terryl L. Marsh
Francia B. Marshall
Marta & Robert Adelson Family Foundation
Amanda Martellucci
Rabbi Greg Marx
Jacquelyn E. Massey
Sisa Mateo
Kasey L. Mathues
Linda A. Matrunich
Brielle M. Matson
Leslie S. & David Matthews
Lynnette Mauger
Marilyn E. & Alan Maurer
Abby Mayer
Charlene M. & Nathaniel H. Mayer
Karen S. Mazer
Bradley McArdle
Cornelia McCann
Pia McCann
Linda D. McCarthy
Lorraine M. McCarthy
Sean McCloskey & Donna Galvin
Philip McClurkin
Barbara E. McCown
Gretchen F. McDonald
Susan & Graham McDonald
Tim & Peggy McGarrity
Sean McGettrick
Douglas McGillivray
Philip J. McGoff
Jenica McHugh
Brigette McInnis-Day
Betsy L. McIntosh
Virginia McIntosh
Wilbur F. McKeehan
Jami W. McKeon & John F. Hollway
Bruce McKittrick
The McLean Contributionship
Dr. Robert C. & Claire McLear
Michael B. & Nancy S. McLelland
Casey McMahon
Andrew O. McManus
Charles K. McManus & Margaret F. Randall
Ms. Kathryn Z. McMaster
Ellen J. McMillen
Carol & John A. McMurtrie
Charles McNabb
Sally McNamara
Dr. Lynnette H. & George E. McNeal Jr.
Peter J. & Valerie C. McNeely
Jane & Rory McNeil
Robert D. & Jennifer McNeil
Jenna S. McNeill
Jay K. Meadway & Roberta Jacob-Meadway
Bradley & Jennifer Meeker
Karen A. Melikian
Christa V. Melo
Darrin J. Menzo
The Merck Foundation
Shelly Merhige
Frederick L. Meserve Jr.
Ricardo A. Mestres Jr.
Harriet Meth
Erica Metzger
Frances & Julia Meyer
Glenn & Kathleen Meyer
James S. & Wendy H. Meyer
Jarret Meyers
Joyce S. Meyers
Ann V. Michael
James G. Milheim
Beverly L. Milkman
Raymond H. Milkman
Arthur & Kathleen Miller
Dr. Deborah S. & Mark S. Miller
Donna & Larry Miller
Karl Miller & Roberta K. Tarbell
P A G E 1 7
Leslie Anne Miller, Esq. & Richard B. Worley
Dr. Michelle D. Miller
Philip Miller
Sue E. Miller
Sarah Miller Coulson
Laura Mills
David Mindel
Judith S. Mink
Jay B. Minkoff
Francis P. Mitchell
Olivia Mitchell
Linda Mittman-Fishman
Kristina Austlid
Linda Montemayor
Patrick C. Mooney
Erica K. Moor
Joan & James O. Moore
Sarah E. Moore
Susan M. Moore
Anne & Michael J. Moran
Ruth A. Morey & Irene G. Casper, Ed.D.
Barbara B. & Bruce F. Morgan
Carole Morgan
Susanna K. & Dennis Morikawa
Ann Morris
Kathy Morris
Jodie Moser
The Moses & Susan Feldman Philanthropic Fund
at The Jewish Federation
Andrew Motel
Bonnie M. Motel
Melissa H. Motz
Sagori Mukhopadhyay
Kristine A. Mulhorn
Victoria Mullane
Jane Mullins
Wendy N. Munyon
Sheila H. Murnaghan
Dennis S. Murphy & Margret S. Trotzky
Jessica Murphy
Judith H. Murphy, M.D.
Martha A. Murphy
Cynthia & Richard Myers
Dr. Kirsten E. Myers
Luvean O. Myers
Pauline G. Myers
Diane & Irving Nachamkin
Vibhat V. Nair
Jane E. Napoli & Jim Oliver
Medha Narvekar & Mark A. Hughes
Drs. Esther J. & David Nash
Shirley V. & John E Nash
Joan Nathan
Edward & Audrey Naumes
John Nee
Tobias A. Neff
Ana M. Negron, M.D.
Ruth C. Neifeld
John L. & Charline W. Neigh
Benjamin R. & Meta B. Neilson
Polly R. Nelson
Network For Good
Neubauer Family Foundation
Leslie K. Neuberger
Andrew J. Nevrincean
Arthur E. Newbold Jr.
Dr. Nora S. Newcombe
David J. Newman
Dr. Robert C. & Antonette Newton
Jennifer A. Nichols
Barbara A. Nicholson & Mitchell L. Thompson
Melissa S. Niedosik
Eliot & Bonnie Neirman
Diane Nissen & Jerry Gollub
Peter M. Nogalo
Mary A. Noland & John M. Conlow
Meghan Noonan
Amy Norr & Mitchell J. Metz
Patricia Norred-Derr
Barbara T. Norton
Laura Nystrom
Megan A. O'Brien
Robert O'Brien
Sandra L. O'Connor
Lindsay O'Dell & Lindsay Pfeiffenberger
Susan E. Odessey
Anne O'Donnell
Marie O'Donnell
Patri O'Gan
Dr. Donald Oken
Wendy J. Oldstein & Mark Komen
Kasey L. Oliver
Marlene Olshan
Peter & Jane Olsho
Susan Orlow
The Osamosa Fund
Catherine G. Osborn
Heather A. Osborne
Priscilla T. Osgood
Dr. Alyson Owen & Craig M. Oliner
Kathleen H. & Brett A. Oxberry
Kimberly C. & Tobey Oxholm
Alexandra Paer
David S. & Laura W. Palmer
Jacqueline Pan
Timothy & Monika Panger
Christina Pappajohn
Lisa M. Pappo
Daniel H. Parish
Susan Parnes
Virginia Parry
Marilyn Parsons
Mariclair E. Partee Carlsen
Claudia F. Parvanta
Rachel A. Patchen
P A G E 1 8
Kanay Patel
Anne S. & Ted A. Patterson
The Paul & Emily Singer Family Foundation
Marcia Paullin
Adrian J. Paulus
Paymerang, LLC
Lisa Payne & James Harmstead
Matthew B. Peck
Susan & Bob Peck
Rebecca Peikes
Brian Pell
Rosalind M. Pendergast
Michele F. Perch
Donald S. Perelman & Elise E. Singer
Performing Arts Foundation, Inc.
Daniel & Dr. Felice Perlmutter
Christina P. Perrone
Wyatt Perry
Steven B. Petchon
Peyton M. Petty
Robin L. Petty
Pamela G. Phelan & Lawrence Heilbron
Susan T. & Paulding Phelps, M.D.
The Philadelphia Foundation
Steven & Edwin Philbrook
The Philip Devon Family Foundation, Inc.
Ellyn C. Phillips
Kristopher Philogene
John & Emily B. Pickering
Sarah Pierce
James Pierson
Jody R. Piltz-Seymour
Nancy & Norman J. Pine, Esqs.
PJM Interconnection, LLC
Planned Parenthood Federation of America
Elizabeth Plimack
Jaime Pludo
Fiona Plunkett
Darrin J. Pochan
Francine L. & Stanton J. Pollock
Mihaela Popa McKiver
Drs. Gerald J. & Judith R. Porter
Susan J. Porter
Mindy M. Posoff
Nancy E. Potts
Claire L. Pouncey
Patricia Powell
The Powell Family Foundation - Carol Heller Divison
Caroline N. Power
Dr. Chala S. Pratt
Elizabeth C. Preston & Eleanor P. Clark
Terri A. Price
Pritchard Foundation
Olivia Prudhomme
Beth Prusky
Eric Pumroy
Pamela L. Purser
Virginia Pusey & David Wright
Anna M. Quindlen & Gerald Krovatin
Dr. Noah Alexander Quinn
Peter Quinn
Matthew Quintana
Gabriel Raab
Gavi Raab
Laura B. Raab
Mira Rabin & Thomas Whitman
Stefany J. & Dr. William A. Raich
Rey Ramirez
Carol Randall
Carl & Sandra Rapp
Elizabeth Rappaport Fife & Daniel Fife
Jane S. Rath
Melinda G. Rath
Ellen M. Ravin
Chitra Ravishankar
Genie A. Ravital
Laura & Grant Rawdin, Esq.
Stephen Rawls
Douglas Raymond
Jennifer Raymond & Andrew Lorenc
David M. Reckner
Ranjana Reddy
Ann H. & Preston Reed
Ellen Reese
Katie Reese
Justin Refice
Esther B. Rehavi
Alice Reich
Jonathan I. Reinfeld
Susan Reisbord
Mary A. & Kurt W. Reiss
Evelyn M. Reitz
Renaissance Charitable Foundation, Inc.
Rencourt Foundation, Inc.
Dr. Alan R. Rendina
Dr. Arlene C. & George F. Rengert
Nathan Renner-Johnson & Alexander MacNow
Barbara B. & Christina M. Renninger
Austin L. & Susanne Repetto
Dr. Harvey Resnick
Sheri C. & Ken Resnik
Glen Reyburn
Will & Nora Reynolds
Michael D. & Anne C. Rhoads
Virginia B. Rice
Mary Ann & James H. Rich Jr.
The Richard & Dale Levy Fund
Jill Richards
Judith Richter
Shelby L. Riley
Maridel M. Rippy
Thomas M. & Margaret C. Rivello
Erin K. Roark
Mary L. Robb
Stuart & Joyce Robbins
Jean H. Robertson
Barbara Robins
Claire EB. Robinson, M.D.
P A G E 1 9
Madeleine Robson
Britt Rodak & Josh Eyer
Ralph & Lesley Rodak
Frederick Roe
The Roemer Foundation
Caroline & Joseph Rogers
Ramona L. Rogers-Windsor
Meghan A. Rohling Kelly
Joan & Jerry Roller
Frances H. Roosevelt
Drs. Ken Rose & Lynne Griffiths
Theresa Roselli
Gerald Rosen
Eve S. Rosenbaum
Rabbi Daniel A. Rosenberg
Julia K. Rosenberg
Shelley Rosenberg
Lee E. Rosencrans
Lori J. Rosenkopf
Ellen Rosen-Rogoff
Lynn Rosenthal
Vickie Rosskam
Heather J. Rossman & Austin S. Faberman
Anthony Rostain
Chris Roth
Harry M. Roth
Sarah Roth
Fred G. & Meryle Rothman
Marsha Rothman
Barbara & Daniel Rottenberg
Dr. Kathy Rouan
Marion Rowland
Denise Roy & Paul Eitner
Laura Roy-Eitner
Marta K. Rozans
Dr. Marcia K. Ruberg
Ed & Judy Rubin
Lisa A. Rubinow
Debra K. Rubinsohn
Barbara Ruby
Caryn D. & Lee D. Rudy
Harriet F. Ruffin
Catherine B. Ruhling
Judith Ruse
Jill C. Ruskin
Mitchel & Amy Russell
Donna M. Russo
The Ruth & Earl Scott Charitable Trust
Alice D. Ryan
Dr. Ruth G. Ryave
Joan M. Ryder
S. Spencer Scott Fund, Inc.
Carol S. & George A. Sabochick
David Sacker & Darcy Hayes
Tracy M. Sadowski
Sangeetha L. Sagar
Mark A. Sagin, M.D.
Saint-Gobain Workplace Giving
Betsy R. Salandria
Markella Saliaris
Alice Saligman
Barbara A. Salkin & Robert Bronstein
Susan & Richard Salkowitz
Rebecca S. Sallen
April V. Sansom & Frank Diiorio
Thomas Santamaria
Joyce Santiago
Sara Nerken Charitable Account
Karen H. Satterthwaite
Eileen K. Satullo
Barbara Saunders
Heather Saunders & Eric Chapman
Janet C. & Joseph J. Saunders
Melissa F. Sayer
Heather & Rick Sayette
Margaret & Molly Sayvetz
Hollis S. Scarborough
Andrew Schaeffer
Nancy C. Schaer
Phillip H. Schearer
Nancy Scheller Hays
Richard Schellhas
Barbara Schilberg
Robert F. Schiowit
Chuck Schleifer
Leslie D. Schlessinger & Jey Auritt
Karen E. Schneck
Tony & Pam Schneider
Schoenbach Tobey Fund
Clare Schoenberg
Jane W. Schoenborn
The Scholler Foundation
Karen G. Scholnick
Adam & Christina Schoon
Mark Schorr
Richard E. Schramm
Estate of Alfred C. Schroeder
Gregg J. Schubert
Elizabeth S. Schumacher
David Schutzman
The Schwab Fund For Charitable Giving
Allyson Y. & David S Schwartz
Daniel R. Schwartz
Dr. John A. Schwartz & Margaret O'Connor
M. W. & Susan G Schwartz
The Schwartz Creed Foundation
William Schwarze
Robert Schweder
Andrew Scott & Bryna Silver-Scott, M.S.
Ann R. Scott
Bob & Didi Scott
Catherine G. Scott
Howard J. Sedran & Martha Levine
Patricia & Stephen Segal
Hermine M. Seidenberg
P A G E 2 0
Frank L. Seidman
Dr. Larry S. & Bonnie Seidman
Elyse Seidner-Joseph, M.D. & Kenneth Joseph
Tracy Seiger
Stacey Sekkes
Stefanie F. Seldin
Gabrielle Sellei
Estate of Maurice Seltzer
Jon & Amy Serafino
Christine Settino
Emily N. Seymour
Dr. Sara V. Shack
Kenneth A. Shackman
Sherry A. Shaeffer
Christopher R. Shaffer
Barbara Shander
Irma A Shapiro
Kenneth Sharp
Susan E. Shaw
Amanda M. Shaw Becker & Samuel H. Becker
Kathleen M. Shay
Frances M. Sheehan & Ricardo Gelman
Coleen Shepherd
Kevin G. Sheridan
Laurence & Marjorie K. Shiekman
Leslie A. Shoenfelt
Lisa P. & Glenn K. Shopper
Carol B. Shore
Jon Shoulberg
Allison Showalter
Scott J. Shubert
Claire L. Shubik-Richards & Seth Richards
Abigail L. Shuey
Carol A. Sidorick & Robert P. Bergey
Pnina Siegler
Britt N. Sikora Drake
Emily R. Silver
Mindy Silver & Dorit Silver Cohen
Rebecca Silver
Gary Silverman
Kaja Silverman
Robert E. Silverman & Randi Leavitt
Elizabeth Silver-Schack & Larry Silver
Susan M. & Robert Silverstein
Karen B. Simon
Helene & Henry Singer
Dr. Sabina Singh
Chelsea Sizemore & Matthew Gibbons
Janet G. Skidmore
Andrew K. Slade
Stephen J. Small & Judy Herman
A. Roy Smith
James D. & Sharon A. Smith
Kirsten Smith
Margaret Smith
Stephen H. Smith
Theresa H. Smith
Donald J. Smolenski & Karen E. Cosentino
Denise Smyler
Molly H. Smyrl
Dr. Diane S. Snyder & Dale Snyder
Priscilla A. Snyder
Sara Sobel
Dr. Stephanie P. Sober
Peter J. Solderitsch
Julia H. & RG Solmssen
Cassie R. Solomon
Janet Solomon
Drs. Robert & Andrea Solomon
Erica D. Sood
Jennifer M. Soosaar
Nancy & Adam Sorkin
Julie D. & Robert N. Spahr
Jacquelin A. Speck
Richard A. Speizman & Faith Horowitz
Dr. John E. & Barbara J. Spellman
Matthew H. Spencer
Kathleen Q. Spicciati
Juliet I. Spitzer & Philip Wachs
Elizabeth L. Srogi & Timothy M. Lutz
Monique St. John
Nicholas Stanley
Walter Stapleton
Kelly Stavrides
Susan S. Stedman
Laura B. & Richard Steel
Stephanie A. Stehman
James & Lisa Steiker
Lawrence V. Stein
Rabbi Margot Stein
Dayle L. Steinberg
Wendy & Larry Steinberg
Dr. Ann L. Steiner
Jonathan Steinfeld
Doris & Nan Langen Steketee
Tara Stephenson
Sara V. Sterman
Beverly Stern
Julie Stern
Saul Sternberg
Christina Sterner & Steve Poses
Timothy J. & Mae J. Sterrett
Frances Stier
Lawrence L. Stier
Judi H. Stillman
Brenda & Allen Stokes
Elizabeth Stokes & Lynne Brown
Kristine Stott
Kathryn Stracquatanio
Jacob Strader
Daniel A. Strauss
Catherine & Jerome Strauss III
Denise & Howard Stredler
Jennifer B. & Erik F. Streitwieser
Margaret R. Strickler
Bertram & Lynne Y. Strieb
Dorothy R. Stringer
Elizabeth L. Strock
P A G E 2 1
Frank & Julia Sturniolo
Debra L. Subar & Stephen M. Mechanick
Leslie Sudock & Daniel Drecksage
Phillip & Margot Sullivan
Carl D. Summers
Mary Summers & Rogers M. Smith
Joanne Sundheim
Nancy & Stephen Sundheim
Surdna Foundation
Paula C. Suss
Andrew C. Sutherland
Dr. Amanda Swain
Chuck Sweeney
Theresa Sweet
David P. & Eleanor I. Sylvestro
Rush T. Taggart III
.Kaveh Taghavi
Page T. Talbott & Jim T. Gould
The Tally Foundation
Judith E. Tannenbaum
Joy H. Tartar
Georgene Y. Taylor
Barbara A. Teichert
Kate Tejada
Judge Carolyn E. Temin
Claudia Tesoro & Richard K. Greenstein
The Tevah Fund of Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
Susan L. Thal
Dr. Nina H. Thomas
R. William Thomas
Jack & Rena Thompson
Thomas D. Thompson
Carol .L Thomson
Kristin S. Thomson
Melissa J. & James Thomson
Sarah S. Thorne-Locke & Dr. Robert G. Locke
Lori A. Thornton
Deborah J. Thorp
Charlotte Thurschwell
Letitia L. Tichnell
Anne Tobey & Peter J. Schoenbach
Frank L. Tobin & Illene M. Chester
Lorinda Tomko
Emily B. Toner
Nareg T. Torosian
Bianca Torres
Nancy J. Toth
Karen Toto
Pamela J. Townsend
Fay R. Trachtenberg, Esq. &
Howard M. Goldman, D.O.
Susan L. Troxell
Judith E. Tschirgi & Stephen J. Hoch
Benjamin Turek
Gail M. Turley
Samantha Turley
Eileen E. Tyrala, M.D.
Nancy Tyson
U.S. Charitable Gift Trust
Charles E. & Mary Ann Ulmann
Elizabeth Ultimo
United Way of Greater Philadelphia &
Southern New Jersey
United Way of Chester County
United Way of Massachusetts Bay &
Merrimack Valley
United Way of Midland County
United Way of Southwestern Pennsylvania
Steven T. Uyeno
Benjamin R. Vaessen
Dr. Mary Van Den Berg-Wolf &
Johannes Van Den Berg
Kathleen M. Van Haute
Robert A. Van Veelen
William & Farina Van Veen
Tom Van Winkle & Mattie J. Hendrick
Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program
Beverly M. Vaughn
Richard L. & Carolyn Veith
Richard K. Veleta
Barbara Ventresco
Anne Verplanck
Julia Villano
Tracy E. & Michael Viola
Chris J. Visco
Nina R. Vitow
Carolyn & Jonathan A. Vitriol
Dr. Judith & Donald H. Voet
Philip W. & Patricia Vogler
Joan S. Volkert
Werner K. & Christa M. Volkman
Alexandra Von Plato
Elizabeth B. Vrooman & Richard T. Baskin
Julia W. Vrooman
W. L. Gore & Associates
Lewis J. & Pamela Waber
Peggy B. Wachs
Dr. Kelly C. Wade
Bridget M. Wadzuk
Doris & John Wahner
Charles Walberg
Estate of Margaret K. Wales
David A. Walker
Laura Walker
Claire Wallace
Elizabeth Wallace
Rob Walls
Dr. Timothy A. & Margaret Walsh
Charles Walton
Bennett Warner
Debra & Clifford P. Warner
Cesiley Watson
Deborah Watson
Marcia G. Watson
Kate Weaver
Nancy & Donald Weaver
Jeannine & David Webber
P A G E 2 2
Nancie B. Wolfe, Ph.D.
Marian M. Wolgin
Anne P. Wong
Yu-Ning Wong
Sally Ann Wood
Elizabeth S. Woods
Katie Wooten-Bielski & John R. Bielski
Lacey Worel
Leslie Miller & Richard Worley Foundation
Minturn T. Wright III
Susan L. Wright
Matthew Wyatt
Bryce M. Wynn
Dr. Richard Wynn
Caroline A. Wyspianski
Max R. Yaffe
Rebecca Yamin
Yelena Yankovskaya
Ruth S. & Charles Yeiser III
Elizabeth Yerger
Jayne A. & Alan R. Yockey
Sharon C & Samantha Yoh
Heather M. Yonosh
Raymond R. Youmans
Linda S. Young
YourCause, LLC
Joan A. Yue
Amy Yu-Hsin Fan
Ana-Maria V. Zaugg & David Anstice
Jillian Zavodnick
Leslie & Steven Zavodnick
Susan Zeelander
The Zeelander Foundation
Alison L. Zeidman
Celeste & Steven Zelitch
Dr. Jay N. Zemel
Randi Zemsky
Anne D. Zetterberg
Lynn M. Zettler
Robert & Katie Zimring
Carrie A. Zito
David Zlotowski & Stefanie Seltzer
Michael Zuckerman & Jan P. Levine, Esq.
Michael Zuckerman & Deborah Meislich
Debora C. & James C. Zug
Cliff Zukin
Suzanne Z. Zurcher
Kristy Weber
Jan R. Wechsler
Koert A. Wehberg
Amanda J. Weidman
Arleen Weinstein
Jennifer Weinstein
Kenneth B. & Judy Weinstein
Robin Weissmann
Joan K. Wells
Barbara W. & Frank A. Welsh III
John D. Welsh & Emalee Popoff
Stacy L. Wendkos
Peggy E. West & Charles M. Honart
Sarah P. West
Gay West-Klien
Jennifer R. Westphal
Dr. Gerald P. Whelan
Kirsten White
Marissa White
Catriona Whitehead
Helyn T. & Dale Whitman
Dr. John Whyte
David H. & Betsy W. Wice
Eric W. Wickstrom
Drs. Susan Wiegers & Barry. J Goldstein
Katharyn A. Wilber
Eileen M. & David Wilkie
Suzan E. Willcox & David G. Nation
William Goldman Foundation
William K. Stewart Foundation
The William Penn Foundation
Carol A. Williams
Daniel Williams
Michelle Williams
Robert C. Williams
Taylor T. Williams
Deborah R. Willig
Dr. English D. Willis
Susan T. & David R. Wilmerding
Cathy A. Wilson, Esq.
Joy Wiltenburg
Dr. Karen I. Winey
Linda C. Wingate & .William P. Liberi
Jeffrey Winkler & Dr. Michele S. Reimer
Karen A. Wisniewski & Dr. Robert Boucher
Ann & Neil Witkes
Dr. Abigail Wolf & Jonathan A. Weiss
Jackie & Earl Wolf
Nina Wolf
Stephanie G. & Albert E. Wolf
And seventy donors who wish
to remain anonymous
Planned Parenthood
Southeastern Pennsylvania
Claire EB. Robinson, MD
George D. Banks-Weston
First Vice Chair
Marcie Friedman
Second Vice Chair
Judi Golding-Baker
Elliot Imani Griffin, Esq.
Assistant Secretary
Brenda Jackson Wright
Board of Directors
Senior Management Team
Dayle Steinberg
President & CEO
Jane Napoli
Chief Operating Officer
Natalia Armoza
Chief Financial Officer
Marissa White
Sarah Davis
Vice President for Development
Lindsey Mauldin
Vice President External Affairs
Shirley Grass
Director of Organizational Development
Patrick Smith
Vice President of Equity, Education & Culture
Lori Thornton
Director of Patient Services
Krysten L. Connon, Esq.
Fae Z. Ehsan
Alhambra Frarey, M.D.
Renee Garcia, Esq.
Linda S. Glickstein
Amy C. Leichner
Rev. Dr. Marvin A. Marsh
Jasmine Oglesby
Tara Stephenson