Volume 36, Number 1, 2011
(W/DC) space is the least discussed property type in the
academic and professional literature. Yet the demand for
W/DC space is important for developers and investors to
understand. The underlying determinants of W/DC
demand are complex, have changed over time and show
signs of continued change in the future.
Both the theory of and the investigation into the determi-
nants of W/DC space demand evolved from office and
retail space demand models that focus on employment
and population. Prior to 1990, W/DC demand was the
poor cousin to the other commercial property market
studies. From 1990–1995, W/DC analysis came into its
own. This article presents a brief review of this “indus-
trial” space literature that, heretofore, included W/DC
space as an undifferentiated property type. It also
expresses current thinking, hints at potential new devel-
opments that may cause the current models to come into
question, and concludes with suggestions for further
research into W/DC demand.
To set the stage for a discussion of the demand for W/DC
space, it is important to realize that W/DC space consists
of different forms of warehousing. The general definition
of a warehouse isa structure or room for storage for
merchandise or commodities.
Also, “Warehouse applies
to unrefrigerated or refrigerated buildings that are used to
store goods, manufactured products, merchandise or raw
However, within the real estate industry, storage space is
used for different purposes:
I Bulk: Containers or pallets enter the structure in one
truck and are routed to two or more trucks for distri-
bution to users of the products (cross docking of pallet
I Fulfillment: Containers or pallets enter the structure,
the pallets are disassembled and routed by individual
parcel to other trucks for distribution to users of the
product (cross docking of disassembled parcels from
incoming pallets);
I Distribution: Individual items enter the structure and
are routed by individual parcel to other trucks for
distribution to users of the product;
Demand for Warehouse and
Distribution Center Space
About the Authors
Joseph S. Rabianski, Ph.D., teaches
graduate and undergraduate courses in real estate
market analysis, finance, investment, real
property principles, and appraisal at J. Mack
Robinson College of Business, Georgia State
University. He received a both a doctorate and a
master’s degree from the University of Illinois, and
a bachelor’s degree from DePaul University. He is
the author of numerous textbooks and articles on real estate, including
articles published in Appraisal Journal. Rabianski serves as a
consultant and expert witness in real estate market analysis in the retail,
office and hotel/motel property markets.
Philip A. Seagraves, M.B.A., MSRE,
Ph.D. candidate, is a researcher and instructor in
the Real Estate Department at Georgia State
University. Seagraves‘ background also includes
roles in several real estate firms and a variety of
executive level corporate positions in strategic
planning, marketing and product management.
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Demand for Warehouse and Distribution Center Space
I Intermodal: Shipments come to the facility by one
transportation mode and depart via another. The
transfer of containers from ship to truck or rail is an
example of this activity. The transfer from rail to truck
is another example.
A schematic of this article appears below:
The foundation of the W/DC demand determinant litera-
ture was laid from 1990–1994. During this time, most of
the academic studies took a broad perspective, researching
“industrial” demand that includes W/DC but also other
property types such as manufacturing (both heavy and
light), R&D and general flex space. The important demand
factors we extracted from these studies are as follows:
I Physical factors such as structural attributes are impor-
tant determinants of demand. Age, condition, ceiling
heights, structure size, column span, number of dock
doors, number of drive-in doors, sprinklers, building
age, parking area, truck service area, presence of a
railroad siding and presence of office space in the
structure are important factors.
4, 5
I Location variables such as access to thoroughfares and
location in a city or metro area are important consider-
ations in determining warehouse demand.
I Factors that extend the scope beyond the physical
characteristics of the structure include the revenue
potential of the property, the per capita income of the
market area, change in the population of the market
area and access to major highways.
I Demand for warehouse space is a function of physical
features (size, percent of office space, ceiling height,
dock doors, and age but not rail siding); financial factors
(industrial cap rate and prime rate but not an index of
local economic activity); location (county and distance
to airport); and type of tenant (single or multi-tenant).
I Demand for warehouse space is a function of the labor
force and the population of the economy, public infra-
structure and services, and international issues such as
currency exchange rates and trade barriers/restrictions.
Transportation is of particular note since it is the one
factor most aligned with the demand for warehouse
space. The author contends this to be the case when
transportation access including highways, rail and deep
water are advantages of a region.
I Demand for W/DC space increases as firms relocate
their operations from cheap office space (Class B and
C space) to W/DC space in business and industrial
parks typically in the suburbs.
I Demand decreases as firms get better at managing
inventories with modern computer systems and inven-
tory handling equipment.
I Increased warehouse technology (in the form of
racking systems and forklifts) reduce demand for
warehouse space property.
I Industrial property demand (like other asset classes) is
affected by lags related to the desire of organizations to
purchase and deploy new capital and also in the risk
mitigation approach of taking up only a portion of new
capital in each of several successive years or investment
I Warehouse employment is a cleaner proxy for
warehouse demand as this figure tracks inventory
levels very closely.
I Changes in output (or employment) and movements in
the after-tax cost of corporate capital are associated
with industry property completions.
I Increases in manufacturing output that result primarily
from technological improvements and capital intensifi-
cation rather than increased employment affect indus-
trial space demand.
I Considering employment as the major driver of
commercial real estate demand, the author introduces
economic development factors into the analysis. These
additional factors are the employment growth rate, the
instability of employment, the industry mix (the indus-
trial structure of the local economy as revealed in one-
digit SIC codes), a measure of industrial diversity (as
measured by the Theil Entropy Index), educational
attainment, percentage of young firms (five years old
or less) and the percent of locally owned firms.
I Location, even small geographic differences in
location, can affect demand for warehouse facilities.
Also, the land-to-building ratio can affect demand.
I Replacement demand due to functional and locational
(external) obsolescence of existing facilities affects total
W/DC Demand
The Brainstorming
Era for W/DC
Critique of Employment-Based Studies
Studies Supporting the Variables from
the 1990–94 Era
Evaluation of the Demand Factors
Port City W/DC Space: A New Perspective
Information from Current Interviews
Future Possibilities Affecting the W/DC Market
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Demand for Warehouse and Distribution Center Space
demand for new W/DC space.
Properties suffering
from obsolescence face a declining demand.
I Focusing on the price per square foot of industrial
properties as the dependent variable, price per square
foot in earlier periods, recent construction, a “monetary
base” (undefined in the article) and a variable created as
the difference between the long-term Treasury bond
and the Moody’s Baa corporate bond rate.
I The “path of goods movement” (POGM) theory
proposes that land for warehouses gravitates to trans-
portation corridors and hubs with favorable access to
seaports, rail, air and truck transportation between
major import sites and consumption centers
throughout the nation. Figure 1 displays a map of the
U.S. with the major highway transport routes. Rather
than locating warehouses near the large manufacturing
centers as had been the custom in past development
cycles, warehouse space demand will more closely
follow population centers where manufacturers and
importers can position their product for quick consoli-
dation, packing and distribution to the key retail and
consumption markets in large population centers.
Markets on this path of goods movement will see more
warehouse space than other markets controlling for
industrial and manufacturing activity.
Summarizing the 1990–94 literature research into W/DC
demand identified a wide array of substantive variables.
They included physical attributes of the site and the struc-
ture; locational characteristics; inventory management
techniques such as Just-in-Time inventory (JIT); techno-
logical improvements in W/DC equipment; the price of
capital goods (W/DC space and equipment); the cost of
capital; replacement demand due to functional and
locational obsolescence; economies of scale; path of goods
movement; and industrial employment level changes.
Starting in 1997 the “industrial space” demand literature
branched in two directions from the 1990–94 literature.
The first was the criticism of industrial employment-
based demand models. The basic element of this criticism
contends that the industrial space demand model and the
analysis of the industrial space market are not variants of
the office demand model and market analysis.
determining factor in office demand models is employ-
ment with a more specific definition of office-based
employment across SIC codes (NAICS codes today).
Some office studies used total employment in SIC codes
that had a high percentage of office-based employment
such as the finance, insurance and real estate SIC code
(FIRE) and the services code.
The task of estimating office-based employment is diffi-
cult, but estimating “warehouse-based employment” is
even more difficult. Manufacturing, wholesale and trans-
portation sector employment are not easily segmented
into employment in W/DC facilities. The manufacturing
sector includes employment in both production and
warehousing facilities, very often without specific distinc-
tion. Many workers in wholesale and transportation do
not work in W/DC facilities. Many workers in the retail
industry are W/DC employees but counted as retail
workers; consider the big box retailers that use W/DC
type facilities with high ceilings for their retail stores and
use the upper racks for storage.
The demand for warehouse space originates more from
the volume of inventories stored, rather than from the
workers used to move this material around.
The volume
of freight shipments was used as a proxy for warehouse
As stated above, starting in 1997 the “industrial space
demand literature took one of two branches from the
Figure 1
Path of Goods Movement
Truck Movements
Train/Intermodal Movements
Source: Adapted from U.S. Department of Transportation, 1987 data.
Source: Adapted from U.S. Department of Transportation, 1990 data.
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Demand for Warehouse and Distribution Center Space
1990–94 literature. The second branch presents empirical
support for the original discoveries made in the 1990–94
literature. The empirical results generated the following
I Focusing on W/DC properties, ceiling height, age of
the structure, number of ground level doors (not dock
high doors), the change in net employment, and
location in a metropolitan area (e.g., Dallas/Fort
Worth) are statistically significant.
I Focusing on W/DC properties and using a survey, a
majority of respondents (62 percent) indicate that they
expect their square footage needs to increase in five
years; they are satisfied with the current number of
doors and believe their future need for dock doors will
remain unchanged (60 percent); their need for ceiling
height will not change in five years (79 percent).
survey was performed in 1998 and may not have
current relevance.
I Focusing on “industrial” property, the demand for
industrial space is a function of employment, invest-
ment and technology.
Focusing attention on the determinants of NOI in W/DC
properties in three metropolitan markets, significant
relationships for several different variables were discov-
ered. In Chicago, the change in exports, the change in
gross domestic product (GDP) and the W/DC vacancy
rate were found to be significant. In Dallas, the change in
exports and inventories as well as building “starts” (a ratio
of new construction to the stock of W/DC space in the
metro area) were found to be significant. In Los Angeles,
the change in imports and manufacturing productivity
were found to be significant. Previous period NOI was
also found to be significant in each metro area.
Focusing on the “industrial” property market, previous
period rent, current period vacancy, current period GDP
and the latest period change in GDP are statistically
significant determinants of W/DC demand.
The previous sections of this article chronicle the W/DC
market determinants discussed in the literature specifi-
cally starting with 1990. However, there are market
factors not fully discussed in the literature.
Gross Domestic Product
The role of GDP in W/DC models focused on the U.S.
needs examination. First, GDP numbers do not exist for
small geographic areas such as local market areas defined
as counties or metropolitan areas. So, GDP-based models
use national values in local market models; these GDP
values are a proxy for local market vitality. The accuracy
of this proxy relationship is questionable.
GDP is the total dollar value of all new goods and
services produced in the U.S. in a specific year. Relating
GDP to W/DC, consider the following ideas:
1. The newly produced goods may require W/DC space
but the services do not. So, GDP measures more value
than what goes into W/DC space.
2. Imports, which are not produced in the U.S., are a big
factor in W/DC demand.
Population or Employment
Population or employment: Which is the conceptually
correct W/DC demand side variable? Population and
employment numbers in a geographic area are related in
the “labor force participation” rate. The rate is stated as
the civilian labor force (employed plus unemployed
workers) divided by the population in that area. For the
majority of geographic areas, the labor force participation
rate is typically in the 55–70 percent range. To develop
the demand for W/DC space either of these concepts can
be used. But which is most conceptually correct? It is
population because retail expenditures are related to
population more directly than to employment.
Employment by NAICS codes in the study area is concep-
tually less appropriate because employment data does not
include children or senior citizens who are retired. These
are two large population groups.
Consumer Disposable Income
An author made the following statement: “… high levels
of disposable income in the region… draw warehouse
developers there.
W/DC space holds inventories of
retail goods distributed to retail stores for purchase by
people who have disposable income. Two geographic
areas with the same population but with different
incomes will exhibit different demand levels for retail
goods. The appropriate income measure to use with
population figures is the per capita income of the popula-
tion in the market area. If households are the measure of
people in the area, the mean household income is the
appropriate measure. However, many data sources
provide only the median income figure of households in
the market area.
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Demand for Warehouse and Distribution Center Space
Levels of Location
W/DC space is located on specific sites in the local
economic area and this W/DC space serves at least two
related but distinct geographic market areas. The local
market area consists of the counties that comprise a
metropolitan area. Some portion of the local W/DC space
serves the needs of the local residents in the metro area,
and it serves the needs of manufacturers that provide
goods to both the local residents and to those residing
outside of the local market area.
The regional market area that surrounds the metro area is
the other geographic area. The other portion of the local
W/DC space serves the needs of the consumers,
manufacturers and the importers in this regional
geographic area.
The geographic extent of these exurban areas reflects
federal government regulation that sets restrictions on the
truck transport industry. These restrictions are the topic
of the next subsection.
Drive Time Regulation
On the demand side, the important linkage for W/DC
facilities is population. A key to the demand for W/DC
space is “the percentage of population within one day’s
drive of the port.
A W/DC facility can serve at least two
different population bases. It can serve the needs of the
population in the local economic area, and it can serve
the needs of a population external to the local economic
area—the regional market area. The ability to serve these
populations depends in large part on the regulations
governing the truck drivers’ hours of service. The regula-
tions are below:
Commercial truckers transporting property (the rules for
passenger trucks are a bit different) are subject to daily
and weekly limits on the number of hours they are
permitted to work. Generally, drivers are permitted to work
no more than 14 consecutive hours. Of that time, only
11 hours may be devoted to driving. (The remaining time
may be devoted to paperwork, loading and unloading,
etc.). After exhausting these limits, drivers are required to
spend a minimum of 10 consecutive hours off duty. (At this
time a secondary source states that the 11 hours of
driving time is being reduced to 10 hours but we have
been unable to confirm this point.)
Drivers are subject to weekly limits as well. Federal
regulations prohibit driving after the driver has been on
duty 60 hours in seven consecutive days, or 70 hours in
eight consecutive days. Drivers may restart the 60- or
70-hour clock by taking no less than 34 consecutive
hours off duty.
The local population can be served by “short haul
truckers who leave a trucking facility, deliver the products
and return to the facility within the 11-hour driving time
and 14-hour maximum limits and generally confine the
trips to the local economic market area—the metro area.
The population in the regional market can be served by
“long haul trucking” which is also determined by these
regulations. These long haul day trips involve a departure
and return within the 11-hour driving time and 14-hour
maximum limitation. On the condition that the truck
can average 55 miles per hour, the total driving time sets
out a total distance of 550 miles and a one-way distance
of 275 miles.
Points of Entry/Egress
The points of entry are the facilities along the three coasts
of the U.S. (the East, West and the Gulf coasts) and the
border crossings with Canada and Mexico. Figure 1
displays the 10 major ports and the 10 top border cross-
ings with Canada and Mexico.
Path of Goods Movement Theory
The POGM model is still theory; it suggests a strong
association between truck traffic, W/DC locations and
population. An inspection of the POGM routes reveals a
strong relationship to the Interstate Highway System.
Larger W/DC nodes tend to occur at major intersections
in this system along routes to and near large population
bases. A port is the end point of the POGM system. Over
time, the container volume has grown at these major
ports and the square footage of warehouse space per
person in the major nodes of the POGM system has
Logistics and Supply Chain Management
Logistics has many definitions that may be of interest to
the reader. We provide the following from a Google
search of the term. Notice that both of these definitions
link a process to a warehouse.
I The detailed coordination of a complex operation
involving many people, facilities or supplies;
I The management and control of the flow of goods
and services from the source of production to the
market. It involves knowledge, communication, trans-
port and warehousing.
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Demand for Warehouse and Distribution Center Space
Supply chain management (SCM) is also defined as a
process that is linked to a warehouse. Here is an appro-
priate definition taken from a Google search:
I SCM is the organization of the overall business
processes to enable the profitable transformation of
raw materials or products (inputs) into finished goods
and their timely distribution to meet customer
As logistics and SCM improve the efficiency of business
operations within a company and between/among
companies, the demand for W/DC space will decline.
Here the efficiencies created would be quicker processing
of products through a distribution center and the
minimization of storage time in the facility. A point to
remember is that technological change is not always
technological improvement; resources could be reorgan-
ized in such a way that productivity declines. Logistical
processes could also lead to a decrease in efficiency.
“Freight movements are an increasingly important deter-
minant of warehousing/distribution space demand. In
particular, the rising use of marine container terminals in
the global movement of goods is a major contributor to
demand (for W/DC space) in the United States.
growth of global trade volume and the demand for
additional W/DC space will be determined by many
factors, chief among them being the following factors that
involve the accommodation of container ships of
increasing size.
Panamax and Post-Panamax Ships
The size of oceangoing container ships is limited by the
capacity of the Panama Canal. A Panamax ship can pass
through the Panama Canal but it is at the upper limit for
size. The Panamax ship cannot exceed 951 feet in length,
106 feet in width and a “draft” not exceeding 39.4 feet.
The ship can carry a maximum of 4,500 containers
known as TEUs (twenty-foot equivalent units). Each TEU
is 20 feet long by eight feet wide and eight feet high. This
limitation affects shipping between Southeast Asia
(China, Japan, Taiwan, Korea, etc.) and the ports on the
East Coast of the U.S.
These limitations do not affect shipping through the Suez
Canal, which can handle larger ships (Post-Panamax)
because it is wider. This extra width affects the shipping
routes from Southeast Asia to the East Coast ports of the
U.S. for the Post-Panamax ships. However, the transit time
for ships taking the Suez Canal route instead of the Pacific
Ocean route grows from 11 days to 30 days. The Panama
Canal Authority announced plans in 2006 to expand its
facilities to handle larger ships. According to their plan,
the new facilities will be open in 2014 or 2015. As of 2003,
ocean freight carriers were ordering ships of larger size—
the Post-Panamax ships. These ships are longer (approxi-
mately 1,100 feet), wider (140 feet) and have a greater
draft (48 feet); they also carry 8,000 to 12,000 TEUs.
A Post-Panamax container ship of 366 meters (1,200´)
length, 49 meters (160´) width and maximum 15 meters
(50´) draft was used as the reference for establishing the
ideal lock chamber sizes. This vessel has been identified
as the largest type of vessel that carriers in the routes
with the greatest frequency, volume and intensity would
regularly deploy in transiting the Canal. It accommo-
dates up to 19 container rows through its width and has
a nominal cargo capacity of up to 12,000 TEU. The
proposed lock dimensions will also allow handling of
Capesize dry-bulk vessels and Suezmax tankers
displacing 150,000 to 170,000 tons.
The obvious conclusion is the port cities that will experi-
ence an increase in demand for W/DC space will be the
ports that can handle the Post-Panamax ships.
Port Infrastructure
In order to accommodate the Post-Panamax ships, port
cities must:
I Complete and maintain necessary dredging;
I Lengthen the dock facilities;
I Invest in new overhead cranes that can span up to 22
containers (existing cranes can span 18 containers);
I Provide land to expand the size of dock space;
I Provide land to expand the W/DC facilities;
I Provide skilled labor to expand the docks and build the
new space;
I Redesign the dock facilities to efficiently handle the
expanded volume of containers;
I Change time of operation of the docks. Many current
docks operate only from 8 A.M.–5 P.M. In order to
handle the expanded volume of containers, these hours
will need to be expanded. 24/7 might be the ultimate
time schedule for these expanded ports.
Local Infrastructure
Even if the port facility significantly upgrades its infra-
structure in order to handle the expanded container
volume, it will not be successful if the containers cannot
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Demand for Warehouse and Distribution Center Space
be efficiently transported away from the docks. The local
economy’s infrastructure must facilitate this next leg of
transportation. The local economy must:
I Provide streets and highways to facilitate the expanded
shipments (expanding the number of lanes, dedicating
truck lanes, etc.);
I Provide intermodal facilities to handle the expanded
I Eliminate impediments to traffic flows such as at grade
rail crossings and street intersections that cause traffic
Transit Times
Both producers and retailers want to minimize transit time
between the factory and the W/DC that ultimately serves
the retailer and its consumers. Transit time has three
components—ocean transport, transshipment and land
transport. Transshipment involves the removal of the cargo
from the ocean carrier and placing it on a land carrier, a
process often requiring two to three days. Transshipment
may also include the time it takes to cross dock the cargo
in a port city W/DC to get the shipments on the road to
the ultimate destinations. “The shorter the transit time, the
more inventory turns can be accomplished and the greater
the flexibility to meet changes in consumer demand or
respond to other special circumstances.
As a point of interest for the authors, a convenience sample
was generated and 10 designees from the S
questions. One question was: “Please list as many
warehouse space requirements as possible from the point
of view of a W/DC space tenant.” The items topping their
lists largely coincided with the determinants identified in
the 1990–94 studies. The rank order of their responses was:
location, access to interstates, building size, access to good
labor, and building characteristics. When building charac-
teristics were listed, the respondents took the time to
identify a series of the physical attributes studied in the
academic literature. They also identified several character-
istics that have not appeared in the literature. These
include: floor flatness and load bearing capacity; insulation
rating; electrical power capacity; air circulation; sprinkler
system rating; and dock equipment.
In addition, the respondents identified several non-
physical determinants not mentioned in the literature.
These include: the ability of the facility to expand; the
nature and extent of publicly provided infrastructure; the
provision of locational incentives; image of the facility;
the nature and quality of neighborhood and the general
area; and the safety/security aspects for the facility.
Future events and trends will have either a positive or a
negative effect on W/DC space in the U.S. These “favor-
able” or “unfavorable” effects on W/DC space may
emerge slowly over time or may not become evident until
an unpredictable, critical threshold is reached.
Energy Costs
A reasonable expectation is increasing energy costs. This
increase in fuel cost will raise transportation costs on
land, sea and air. Focusing on ocean transport and inter-
national air transit, as transport costs increase to a high
enough level, they will reduce the advantage of overseas
production that uses lower wage labor. This will reduce
demand for W/DC in port cities and increase the need
for W/DC space near inland metro areas as production of
previously imported items shifts to lower wage areas in
Mexico, Canada and the U.S.
Foreign Wage Structure and Standard of Living
As the Asian and Indonesian economies grow, the result
will be a rising wage structure and standard of living in
that area of the world. To the extent these economies
outpace the U.S., this will narrow the current wage gap
between the U.S. and the Asian and Indonesian economies.
Their costs of production will rise, reducing the current
advantage of offshore production. Offshore wages will also
increase as labor productivity in these countries increases.
Terrorist Attacks
Terrorist attacks on the Panama Canal and Suez Canal
facilities would result in canal closures. Such disruptions
to shipping routes would greatly lengthen shipping days
and increase transportation costs. Terrorist attacks on the
major port facilities in China, India and Indonesia would
stop a high percentage of ocean cargo, raise transport
costs and create an environment of uncertainty regarding
the economics of offshore production.
Relative Wage Rates
A decline in the U.S. real wage structure relative to world
wages will reduce our relative production costs and
thereby increase our exports. At the same time, imports
in general, and higher priced imports in particular, will
become more expensive. The exact impact on the demand
for W/DC space depends on the relative change in
imports versus exports.
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Demand for Warehouse and Distribution Center Space
Value of the Dollar
A decline in the value of the dollar, relative to other key
currencies, will reduce our imports and increase our
exports. Even if our exports increase, the combined effect
of these two changes will be a reduction in the volume of
traffic through U.S. ports.
U.S. Government Regulation
Unproductive regulation that unduly limits transport
options for the trucking industry will negatively affect
procurement and distribution costs. Limiting driving
time for drivers shrinks the travel zones and increases the
need for overnight delivery patterns.
Currency Exchange Rates
As the exchange rate of the U.S. dollar changes relative to
foreign currencies, export and import levels in the U.S.
will change. If the U.S. dollar falls relative to those foreign
currencies, imports become more expensive and exports
become cheaper. This situation will narrow the balance of
trade deficit but more than likely will not turn it positive.
The major effect could be a differential effect on the
volume of traffic through specific ports. The ports nearest
the export firms may experience an increase in the
demand for W/DC space while most firms should experi-
ence a decrease in demand from a reduction in imports.
Ship Size
The size of the fleet of transoceanic ships will continue to
increase with more and bigger ships. This trend will not
affect deep water ports but will affect the shallow harbor
ports that will have to forgo servicing the big ships or
incur greatly expanded costs of operation because of the
need to dredge. Also, the Post-Panamax ships are wider,
so the cranes will have to be upgraded as existing,
narrower crane operations become functionally obsolete.
The demand for and regional structure of the W/DC
space market are largely driven by the top ocean ports,
border crossings and airports along the path of goods
movement. Analysis of these factors presented in Figure 2
reveals several points of interest about export/import
truck traffic. First, the top border crossing is U.S./Mexico
but the next three top crossing points are along the
U.S./Canada border. Second, these border crossings are
not in major metro areas but may require an extra
amount of W/DC space—more than needed by their local
population. Figure 3 reveals similar information about the
top ten railroad crossings: Seven of the ten crossings are
located at the U.S./Canada border.
Figure 3
Top 10 Border Crossings By Train
State Crossing # Trains
Minnesota International Falls 3286
Michigan Port Huron 2846
Texas Laredo 2479
New York Buffalo/Niagara Falls 2120
Minnesota Warroad 2097
Michigan Detroit 1895
North Dakota Portal 1739
Texas Eagle Pass 1555
Texas El Paso 1424
Washington Blaine 1219
Source: U.S. Department of Transportation, Research and Innovative
Technology Administration, Bureau of Transportation Statistics
Figure 2
Top 10 Border Crossings By Truck
State Crossing # Containers
Texas Laredo 1,382,319
Michigan Detroit 1,197,967
New York Buffalo/Niagara Falls 846,114
Califonia Otay Mesa/San Ysidro 684,425
Texas El Paso 644,272
Michigan Port Huron 625,642
Texas Hidalgo 419,426
Washington Blaine 310,075
New York Champlain/Rouses Point 294,970
Arizona Nogales 276,877
Source: U.S. Department of Transportation, Research and Innovative
Technology Administration, Bureau of Transportation Statistics
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Demand for Warehouse and Distribution Center Space
Figure 4 displays the top fifteen ocean ports and Figure 5
displays the top ten U.S. airports for shipping products.
Figure 6 shows a different data set for volume of cargo in
the top 30 international airports. Notice that Memphis, the
FedEx hub, shows up as number one in cargo followed by
the airport in Louisville (UPS hub), number two in the
U.S. These airport facilities have a significant impact on
the W/DC space demand in their local market areas and
on specific locations in those local market areas.
Figure 5
Top 10 Airports by Total Value in 2008
Airport Value ($ millions)
J. F. Kennedy, NY $167,966
Chicago, IL $97,180
Los Angeles, CA $78,292
San Francisco, CA $52,756
New Orleans, LA $49,585
Anchorage, AL $41,443
Miami, FL $40,036
Dallas/Ft. Worth, TX $39,488
Atlanta, GA $32,335
Cleveland, OH $30,812
Source: U.S. Department of Commerce, U.S. Census Bureau,
Foreign Trade Division, 2009
Figure 4
Top 15 Ports by Total Value in 2008
Port Value ($ millions)
Los Angeles, CA $243,910
New York/New Jersey $185,385
Houston, TX $147,695
Long Beach, CA $91,537
Charleston, SC $62,332
Savannah, GA $58,987
Norfolk, VA $53,950
New Orleans, LA $49,765
Baltimore, MD $45,312
Philadelphia, PA $43,176
Seattle, WA $39,989
Oakland, CA $38,698
Morgan City, LA $38,503
Tacoma, WA $35,322
Corpus Christi, TX $29,685
Source: U.S. Department of Transportation, Research and Innovative
Technology Administration, Bureau of Transportation Statistics
Figure 6
Cargo Traffic 2009
Last update: August 5 2010
Rank City (Airport) Total Cargo % Change
1 MEMPHIS TN, US (MEM) 3,697,054 0.0
2 HONG KONG, HK (HKG) 3,385,313 (7.5)
3 SHANGHAI, CN (PVG) 2,543,394 (2.3)
4 INCHEON, KR (ICN) 2,313,001 (4.6)
5 PARIS, FR (CDG) 2,054,515 (9.9)
6 ANCHORAGE AK, US (ANC)* 1,994,629 (15.0)
7 LOUISVILLE KY, US (SDF) 1,949,528 (1.3)
8 DUBAI, AE (DXB) 1,927,520 5.6
9 FRANKFURT, DE (FRA) 1,887,686 (10.6)
10 TOKYO, JP (NRT) 1,851,972 (11.8)
11 SINGAPORE, SG (SIN) 1,660,724 (11.9)
12 MIAMI FL, US (MIA) 1,557,401 (13.8)
13 LOS ANGELES CA, US (LAX) 1,509,236 (7.4)
14 BEIJING, CN (PEK) 1,475,649 8.1
15 TAIPEI, TW (TPE) 1,358,304 (9.0)
16 LONDON, GB (LHR) 1,349 571 (9.2)
17 AMSTERDAM, NL (AMS) 1,317,120 (17.8)
18 NEW YORK NY, US (JFK) 1,144,894 (21.2)
19 CHICAGO IL, US (ORD) 1,047,917 (17.1)
20 BANGKOK, TH (BKK) 1,045,194 (10.9)
21 GUANGZHOU, CN (CAN) 955,270 39.3
22 INDIANAPOLIS IN, US (IND) 944,805 (9.2)
23 NEWARK NJ, US (EWR) 779,642 (12.1)
24 TOKYO, JP (HND) 779,118 (8.3)
25 LUXEMBOURG, LU (LUX) 628,667 (20.2)
26 OSAKA, JP (KIX) 608,876 (28.0)
27 SHENZHEN, CN (SZX) 605,469 1.2
28 KUALA LUMPUR, MY (KUL) 601,620 (9.9)
578,906 (11.3)
30 MUMBAI, IN (BOM) 566,368 1.3
Airports participating in the ACI Annual Traffic Statistics Collection.
Total Cargo: loaded and unloaded freight and mail in metric tonnes.
*ANC data includes transit freight.
Source: Airports Council International (ACI) at
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Demand for Warehouse and Distribution Center Space
Today, research into the demand for W/DC space must
investigate the flow of goods and technological factors for
answers to the pressing questions concerning both
industry and academia. Early research focusing on the
flow or path of goods transport began when U.S.
manufacturing shifted first to Mexico and later to Asia,
and increasingly to China. In the years since the intro-
duction of the path of goods model, China has emerged
as the dominant source for consumer goods shipped via
larger and larger container ships to ports on both the East
and West coasts of the U.S.
As the need for W/DC space grew in port cities, the
demand for W/DC space in general was reduced by
concurrent shifts in retail distribution activity in the U.S.
As large retailers such as Walmart, Target, Costco, etc.
grew, they sought to reduce costs and improve the speed
and flexibility with which they move product to their
stores. This motivation led to the creation of large W/DC
structures placed along the pathways—interstate
highways—to key markets. This trend reduced the
demand for W/DC space in many older geographic
markets. So demand grew in port cities and key inland
sites along major truck transport routes while demand fell
in other market areas. In more recent years, the W/DC
space placed in the key markets, port cities and metro
areas with major interstate interchanges was large square
footage under a single roof—750,000 or more square feet.
Real estate developers building W/DC space should now
consider the projections of port growth, import/export
activity, and the transport pathways to major markets
rather than the traditional industrial or manufacturing
employment projections when making decisions on the
amount of space and the best locations for new construc-
tion of speculative W/DC projects.
W/DC demand literature presents an orderly progression
from employment and population demand models to
current analytical methods tailored to the dynamics in
the W/DC economic activity and spatial markets.
1. Webster’s New Collegiate Dictionary.
2. Space Type Definitions – Warehouse at
3. Many of the studies referenced in this article focus on “industrial
properties. W/DC space is combined with manufacturing (usually
light manufacturing). Also, some of the studies focus on a single set
of factors such as structural items while other studies combine sets of
factors such as structural and locational. For this reason the
categories presented are the authors’ choice; for other authors the
categories could be specified differently. Finally, this literature search
focused on concepts and ideas affecting the demand for W/DC space
so statistical results appearing in the articles were ignored.
4. Ambrose, Brent W., “Analysis of the Factors Affecting Light
Industrial Property Valuation,The Journal of Real Estate Research,
Fall 1990, pp. 355–370; D. H. Treadwell, “Intricacies of the Cost
Approach in the Appraisal of Major Industrial Properties,Appraisal
Journal, 1988, pp. 70–79.
5. Graham, Marshall F. and Douglas S. Bible, “Classifications for
Commercial Real Estate,Appraisal Journal, April 1992, pp. 237–246.
6. Ibid.
7. Miles, Mike, Rebel Cole and David Guilkey, "A Different Look at
Commercial Real Estate Returns," AREUEA Journal, Vol. 18, No.4,
1990, pp. 403–430.
8. Fehriback, Frank A., Ronald C. Rutherford and Mark E. Eakin, “An
Analysis of the Determinants of Industrial Property Values, Journal
of Real Estate Economics, Vol. 8, 1997, p. 3.
9. Hughes, William T. Jr., “Determinants of Demand for Industrial
Property,Appraisal Journal, April 1994, pp. 303–309.
10. Bruce, Robert, “Industrial Goes Upscale,Journal of Property
Management, May/June 1994, pp. 14–17.
11. Christensen, M. F., B. Wisener and D.J. Campos, “Attributes of
Tomorrow's Warehouse Structures,Real Estate Review, 27(3), 1997,
p. 5; and Robert Bruce, “Industrial Goes Upscale, Journal of
Property Management, May/June 1994, pp. 14–17.
12. Ibid.
13. Wheaton, W. C., & Torto, R. G., “An Investment Model of the
Demand and Supply for Industrial Real Estate,Journal of the
American Real Estate & Urban Economics Association, 1990, 18,
pp. 530–547.
14. Ibid.
15. Ibid.
16. Malizia, E. E., “Forecasting Demand for Commercial Real Estate
Based on the Economic Fundamentals of U.S. Metro Markets,
Journal of Real Estate Research, 6, 1991, p. 251.
17. Zimmer, D. W., “Avoiding Traps When Using Sales Comparison to
Value Storage and Distribution Facilities,Appraisal Journal, 59(3),
1991, p. 390.
18. Ibid.
19. Atteberry, William and Ronald C. Rutherford, “Industrial Real
Estate Prices and Market Efficiency,Journal of Real Estate Research,
Vol. 8, 3, pp. 377–385.
20. Mueller, G. R. and Laposa, Steven P., “The Path of Goods
Movement,Real Estate Finance, 1994, 11(2), pp. 42, 45–46.
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Demand for Warehouse and Distribution Center Space
21. Rabianski, Joseph and Roy T. Black, “Why Analysts Often Make
Wrong Estimates About the Demand for Industrial Space,Real
Estate Review, Vol. 27, Issue 1, Spring 1997, pp. 68–72.
22. For a more detailed discussion of the office demand model see
Joseph Rabianski and Karen Gibler, “Office Demand Analysis
Analytical Techniques,Journal of Real Estate Literature, Vol. 15,
No.1, 2007.
23. Rabianski and Black, op. cit.
24. Mansour, Asieh and Marvin C. Christensen, “An Alternative
Determinant of Warehouse Space Demand: A Case Study,Journal
of Real Estate Research, Vol. 21, Issues 1 and 2, 2001, pp. 77–88.
25. Ibid.
26. Buttimer Jr., R. J., R.C. Rutherford and R. Witten, “Industrial
Warehouse Rent Determinants in the Dallas/Fort Worth Area,
Journal of Real Estate Research, 13, p. 47.
27. Christensen, M. F., B. Wisener and D.J. Campos, “Attributes of
Tomorrow's Warehouse Structures, Real Estate Review, 27(3), 1997,
p. 51.
28. AMB Property Corporation, “Determinants of Industrial Real
Estate Demand,Real Estate Review, Summer 2002, pp. 57–61.
29. Chai, Young W., “Determinants of NOI for Warehouse Properties,
Real Estate Finance, Vol. 14, Summer 1997, p. 2.
30. Thompson, R., and S. Tsolacos, “Projections in the Industrial
Property Market using a Simultaneous Equation System,Journal of
Real Estate Research, 19(2), pp. 165–188.
31. In macroeconomic theory, Gross Domestic Product (GDP) = C + I
+ G + X – M.
C = Consumption (a measure of all retail goods and many services
bought by consumers)
I = Investment in new capital goods such as industrial building,
fixed equipment, inventories and capital goods (manufactured
goods that are used in the production process but not directly sold
to consumers)
G = Government spending on goods and services
X= Exports
M = Imports (a negative entity in the GDP calculation but a
positive entity in the use of W/DC space)
32. Choi, Amy, “Despite Soft Market in Boston, Industrial Developers
Forge On, Commercial Property News, Vol. 18, Issue 15, September
33. The mean and median are the same value only in a normal distri-
bution—the bell shaped curve. When the mean is greater than the
median the income distribution is skewed to the higher income
categories. Using the median income in this situation underesti-
mates the consumer purchasing power in the market.
34. Biederman, David, “A Developing Situation,The Journal of
Commerce, Sept. 24, 2007, pp. 46–7.
35. Mueller, Glenn R. and Andres G. Mueller, “Warehouse Demand and
the Path of Goods Movement,Journal of Real Estate Portfolio
Management, Vol. 13, 1, 2007, pp. 45–55.
36. McGowan, Michael, “The Impact of Shifting Container Cargo Flows
on Regional Demand for U.S. Warehouse Space,Journal of Real
Estate Portfolio Management, 11, 2; May/August 2005, pp. 167–185.
37. The following discussion is based on information taken from
McGowan. Parts of that discussion are supplemented by the
38. Available at
39. See endnote 31.
40. McGowan, op. cit.
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