Program Report for the Preparation of English Language Arts
Teachers (Grades 7-12)
National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE)
2021 Standards - Option 1
This form uses the 2021 NCTE Standards. Beginning in Fall 2021, all English Language Arts Teacher Preparation
programs (Grades 7-12) submitting initial review reports must use the 2021 standards.
1. Institution Name
2. State
3. Date submitted
/ /
4. Report Preparer's Information:
Name of Preparer:
Phone: Ext.
( ) -
5. CAEP Coordinator's Information:
Phone: Ext.
( ) -
6. Name of institution's program
7. CAEP Category
Grade levels
for which candidates are being prepared
(1) e.g. 7-12, 9-12, K-12
9. Program Type
First teaching license
Non-licensure/non-certification degree
10. Degree or award level
Post Baccalaureate
11. Is this program offered at more than one site?
12. If your answer is "yes" to above question, list the sites at which the program is offered
13. Title of the state license for which candidates are prepared
14. Program report status:
Initial Review
Response to One of the Following Decisions: Further Development Required or
Recognition with Probation
Response to National Recognition With Conditions
15. Is your Educator Preparation Provider (EPP) seeking
CAEP accreditation for the first time (initial accreditation)
Continuing CAEP accreditation
16. State Licensure data requirement on program completers disaggregated by specialty area with sub-area scores:
CAEP requires programs to provide completer performance data on state licensure examinations for completers
who take the examination for the content field, if the state has a licensure testing requirement. Test information
and data must be reported in Section IV. Does your state require such a test?
1. Description of any state or institutional policies that may influence the application of the 2021 NCTE standards.
(Response limited to 4,000 characters)
2. Description of the field and clinical experiences required for the program, including the number of hours for early
field experiences and the number of hours/weeks for student teaching or internships. (Response limited to 8,000
3. Description of the criteria for admission to the program, including required overall GPAs and minimum grade
requirements for English content courses accepted by the program. Also describe any other requirements such as
standardized testing results, recommendations, and/or entrance portfolios. (Response limited to 4,000
4. This system will not permit you to include tables or graphics in text fields. Therefore any tables or charts must be
attached as files here. The title of the file should clearly indicate the content of the file. Word documents, PDF
files, and other commonly used file formats are acceptable.
A LINK to upload or manage your uploaded file(s)
5. Please attach files to describe a program of study that outlines the courses and experiences required for
candidates to complete the program. The program of study must include course titles. (This information may be
provided as an attachment from the college catalog or as a student advisement sheet.)
A LINK to upload or manage your uploaded file(s)
6. Candidate Information
Directions: Provide three years of data on candidates enrolled in the program and completing the program,
beginning with the most recent academic year for which numbers have been tabulated. Report the data
separately for the levels/tracks (e.g., baccalaureate, post-baccalaureate, alternate routes, master's) being
addressed in this report. Data must also be reported separately for programs offered at multiple sites. Update
academic years (column 1) as appropriate for your data span. Create additional tables as necessary.
Academic Year
# of Candidates
Enrolled in the
# of Program
(2) CAEP uses the Title II definition for program completers. Program completers are persons who have met all the
requirements of a state-approved teacher preparation program. Program completers include all those who are documented as having
met such requirements. Documentation may take the form of a degree, institutional certificate, program credential, transcript, or
other written proof of having met the program's requirements.
7. Faculty Information
Directions: Complete the following information for each faculty member responsible for key content and
professional coursework, clinical supervision, or administration in this program. (Please refer to the footnotes for
Faculty Member Name
Highest Degree, Field, &
Assignment: Indicate the role
of the faculty member
Faculty Rank
Tenure Track YES
, Leadership in
Professional Associations, and
:List up to 3 major
contributions in the past 3
Teaching or other professional
experience in P-12 schools
(3) For example, PhD in Curriculum & Instruction, University of Nebraska.
(4) For example, faculty, clinical supervisor, department chair, administrator
(5) For example, professor, associate professor, assistant professor, adjunct professor, instructor
(6) Scholarship is defined by CAEP as a systematic inquiry into the areas related to teaching, learning, and the education of
teachers and other school personnel.
Scholarship includes traditional research and publication as well as the rigorous and systematic study of pedagogy, and the
application of current research findings in new settings. Scholarship further presupposes submission of one's work for professional
review and evaluation.
(7) Service includes faculty contributions to college or university activities, schools, communities, and professional associations in
ways that are consistent with the institution and unit's mission.
(8) For example, officer of a state or national association, article published in a specific journal, and an evaluation of a local school
(9) Briefly describe the nature of recent experience in P-12 schools (e.g. clinical supervision, in-service training, teaching in a PDS)
indicating the discipline and grade level of the assignment(s). List current P-12 licensure or certification(s) held, if any.
In this section, list the 6-8 assessments that are being submitted as evidence for meeting the NCTE standards. All programs must provide
a minimum of six assessments. If your state does not require a state licensure test in the content area, you must substitute an assessment
that documents candidate attainment of content knowledge in #1 below. For each assessment, indicate the type or form of the assessment
and when it is administered in the program.
1. Please provide following assessment information (Response limited to 250 characters each field)
Type and Number of Assessment
Name of Assessment
Type or Form of Assessment
When the Assessment Is Administered
Assessment #1: Licensure assessment, or other content-based assessment (required)
Assessment #2: Content knowledge in English(required)
Assessment #3: Candidate ability to plan instruction (required)
Assessment #4: Student teaching or internship (required)
Assessment #5: Candidate effect on student leaning (required)
Assessment #6: Assessment of candidate ability to address anti-racist/-bias instruction (required)
Assessment #7: Additional assessment that addresses NCTE standards (optional)
Assessment #8: Additional assessment that addresses NCTE standards (optional)
(10) Identify assessment by title used in the program; refer to Section IV for further information on appropriate
assessment to include.
(11) Identify the type of assessment (e.g., essay, case study, project, comprehensive exam, reflection, state licensure test,
(12) Indicate the point in the program when the assessment is administered (e.g., admission to the program, admission to student
teaching/internship, required courses [specify course title and numbers], or completion of the program).
For each NCTE standard on the chart below, identify the assessment(s) in Section II that address the standard. One assessment may
apply to multiple NCTE standards.
Standard 1: Candidates apply and demonstrate knowledge of learners and learning to foster inclusive learning
environments that support coherent, relevant, standards-aligned, differentiated, and antiracist/antibias
instruction to engage grade 7-12 learners in ELA.
[NOTE: Requirement for meeting Standard 1: Two of the three components must be met]
Component 1.1: Candidates gather and interpret comprehensive data on learners' individual
differences, identities, and funds of knowledge to foster inclusive learning environments that actively
engage all learners in ELA.
Component 1.2: Candidates apply and demonstrate knowledge of how the constructs of
adolescence/adolescents and learners' identities affect learning experiences to foster coherent,
relevant, inclusive, and antiracist/antibias instruction that critically engages all learners in ELA.
Component 1.3: Candidates apply and demonstrate knowledge of learning processes that involve
individually, collaboratively, and critically accessing, consuming, curating, and creating texts (e.g.,
print, digital, media).
Standard 2: Candidates apply and demonstrate knowledge and theoretical perspectives, including
antiracist/antibias ELA, pertaining to texts, composition, language, and languaging.
[NOTE: Requirement for meeting Standard 2: All three components must be met]
Component 2.1: Candidates apply and demonstrate knowledge and theoretical perspectives about a
variety of literary and informational texts_e.g., young adult, classic, contemporary, and media_that
represent a range of world literatures, historical traditions, genres, cultures, and lived experiences.
Component 2.2: Candidates apply and demonstrate knowledge and theoretical perspectives of the
relationships among form, audience, context, and purpose by composing and critically curating a
range of texts (e.g., print, digital, media).
Component 2.3: Candidates apply and demonstrate knowledge and theoretical perspectives of
language and languaging, including language acquisition, conventions, dialect, grammar systems, and
the impact of languages on society as they relate to various rhetorical situations (e.g., journalism,
social media, popular culture) and audiences.
Standard 3: Candidates apply and demonstrate knowledge of theories, research, and ELA to plan coherent,
relevant, standards-aligned, differentiated, antiracist/antibias instruction and assessment.
[NOTE: Requirement for meeting Standard 3: Both components must be met]
Component 3.1: Candidates use a variety of resources and technologies to plan coherent, relevant,
standards-aligned, antiracist/antibias, and differentiated instruction that incorporates theories,
research, and knowledge of ELA to support and engage all learners in meeting learning goals.
Component 3.2: Candidates identify and/or design formative and summative assessments that reflect
ELA research, align with intended learning outcomes, and engage learners in monitoring their
progress toward established goals.
Standard 4: Candidates implement planned coherent, relevant, standards-aligned, differentiated, and
antiracist/antibias ELA instruction and assessment to motivate and engage all learners.
[NOTE: Requirement for meeting Standard 4: Two of the three components must be met]
Component 4.1: Candidates implement coherent, relevant, standards-aligned, differentiated and
antiracist/antibias instruction that uses a variety of resources and technologies and incorporates
theories, research, and knowledge of ELA to support and engage all learners in meeting learning
Component 4.2: Candidates implement formative and summative assessments that reflect ELA
research, align with intended learning outcomes, engage learners in monitoring their progress toward
established goals, and guide the next steps of ELA instruction.
Component 4.3: Candidates communicate with learners about their performance in ELA in multiple
ways that actively involve them in their own learning (e.g., learning management systems, digital
communication tools, conferencing, written feedback).
Standard 5: Candidates reflect on their ELA practice, use knowledge and theoretical perspectives to collaborate
with educational community members, and demonstrate readiness for leadership, professional learning, and
[NOTE: Requirement for meeting Standard 5: Three of the four components must be met]
Component 5.1: Candidates reflect on their own identities and experiences and how they frame their
practices and impact their teaching of ELA.
Component 5.2: Candidates use feedback and evidence from a range of sources to reflect upon and
inform their practice.
Component 5.3: Candidates apply and demonstrate knowledge in collaboration with learners, families,
colleagues, and ELA-related learning communities.
Component 5.4: Candidates demonstrate readiness for leadership, professional learning, and
advocacy for learners, themselves, and ELA.
DIRECTIONS: The 6-8 key assessments listed in Section II must be documented and discussed in Section IV. Taken as a
whole, the assessments must demonstrate candidate mastery of the SPA standards. The key assessments and data reported
should be required of all candidates. Assessments, scoring guides/rubrics and data charts should be aligned with the SPA
standards. This means that the concepts in the SPA standards should be apparent in the assessments and in the scoring guides
to the same depth, breadth, and specificity as in the SPA standards. Data tables should also be aligned with the SPA standards.
The data should be presented, in general, at the same level it is collected. For example, if a rubric collects data on 10 elements
[each relating to specific SPA standard(s)], then the data chart should report the data on each of the elements rather that
reporting a cumulative score.
In the description of each assessment below, the SPA has identified potential assessments that would be appropriate.
Assessments have been organized into the following three areas to be aligned with the elements in CAEP's Standard 1:
. Content knowledge (Assessments 1 and 2)
. Pedagogical and professional knowledge, skills and dispositions (Assessments 3 and 4)
. Focus on student learning (Assessment 5)
Note that in some disciplines, content knowledge may include or be inextricable from professional knowledge. If this is the
case, assessments that combine content and professional knowledge may be considered "content knowledge" assessments for
the purpose of this report.
For each assessment, the compiler should prepare one document that includes the following items:
(1) A two-page narrative that includes the following:
a. A brief description of the assessment and its use in the program (one sentence may be sufficient);
b. A description of how this assessment specifically aligns with the standards it is cited for in Section III. Cite SPA standards
by number, title, and/or standard wording.
c. A brief analysis of the data findings;
d. An interpretation of how that data provides evidence for meeting standards, indicating the specific SPA standards by
number, title, and/or standard wording;
(2) Assessment Documentation
e. The assessment tool itself or a rich description of the assessment (often the directions given to candidates);
f. The scoring guide/rubrics for the assessment; and
g. Charts that provide candidate data derived from the assessment.
The responses for e, f, and g (above) should be limited to the equivalent of five text pages each , however in some cases
assessment instruments or scoring guides/rubrics may go beyond five pages.
Note: As much as possible, combine all of the files for one assessment into a single file. That is, create one file for Assessment
4 that includes the two-page narrative (items a - d above), the assessment itself (item e above), the scoring guide (item f
above), and the data chart (item g above). Each attachment should be no larger than 2 MB. Do not include candidate work or
syllabi. There is a limit of 20 attachments for the entire report so it is crucial that you combine files as much as possible.
1. Data licensure tests for content knowledge in English language arts. (Assessment Required)
Provide assessment information as outlined in the directions for Section IV
A LINK to upload or manage your uploaded file(s)
Assessment of content knowledge in English language arts.
(Assessment Required)
Provide assessment information as outlined in the directions for Section IV
A LINK to upload or manage your uploaded file(s)
(13) For program review purposes, there are two ways to list a portfolio as an assessment. In some programs a portfolio
is considered a single assessment and scoring criteria (usually rubrics) have been developed for the contents of the portfolio as a
whole. In this instance, the portfolio would be considered a single assessment. However, in many programs a portfolio is a collection
of candidate work—and the artifacts included
3. Assessment that demonstrates candidates can effectively plan classroom-based instruction. (Assessment
Provide assessment information as outlined in the directions for Section IV
A LINK to upload or manage your uploaded file(s)
4. Assessment that demonstrates candidates' knowledge, skills, and dispositions are applied effectively in practice.
(Assessment Required)
Provide assessment information as outlined in the directions for Section IV
A LINK to upload or manage your uploaded file(s)
5. Assessment that demonstrates candidate effects on student learning. (Assessment Required)
Provide assessment information as outlined in the directions for Section IV
A LINK to upload or manage your uploaded file(s)
6. Assessment of candidate ability to address anti-racist/-bias instruction (Assessment Required)
Provide assessment information as outlined in the directions for Section IV
A LINK to upload or manage your uploaded file(s)
7. Additional assessment that addresses NCTE standards. (Optional)
Provide assessment information as outlined in the directions for Section IV
A LINK to upload or manage your uploaded file(s)
8. Additional assessment that addresses NCTE standards. (Optional)
Provide assessment information as outlined in the directions for Section IV
A LINK to upload or manage your uploaded file(s)
1. Evidence must be presented in this section that assessment results have been analyzed and have been or will be
used to improve candidate performance and strengthen the program. This description should not link
improvements to individual assessments but, rather, it should summarize principal findings from the evidence,
the faculty's interpretation of those findings, and changes made in (or planned for) the program as a result.
Describe the steps program faculty has taken to use information from assessments for improvement of both
candidate performance and the program. This information should be organized around (1) content knowledge,
(2) professional and pedagogical knowledge, skill, and dispositions, and (3) student learning.
(Response limited to 12,000 characters)
1. For Revised Reports: Describe what changes or additions have been made to address the standards that were not
met in the original submission. Provide new responses to questions and/or new documents to verify the changes
described in this section. Specific instructions for preparing a Revised Report are available on the CAEP website
For Response to Conditions Reports: Describe what changes or additions have been made to address the
conditions cited in the original recognition report. Provide new responses to questions and/or new documents to
verify the changes described in this section. Specific instructions for preparing a Response to Conditions Report
are available on the CAEP website at
(Response limited to 24,000 characters.)
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