Department of Teaching & Learning
Grade Math
2023 - 2024
This document is designed provide parents/guardians/community an overview of the curriculum taught in the
FBISD classroom. This document supports families in understanding the learning goals for the course and how
students will demonstrate what they know and are able to do. The overview offers suggestions or possibilities to
reinforce learning at home.
Included at the end of this document, you will find:
A glossary of curriculum components
The content area instructional model
Parent resources for this content area
To advance to a particular grading period, click on a link below.
Grading Period 1
Grading Period 2
Grading Period 3
Grading Period 4
At Home Connections
The following are suggestions for reinforcing numeracy development at home. These ideas can be used throughout
the school year. You will find additional ideas to reinforce learning at home within each unit below.
Practice multiplication facts with real world objects. i.e. how many tires on the 5 cars in front of us?
When grocery shopping, have students round prices to the nearest dollar. Estimate the total grocery bill.
Create a budget with your child. Discuss deposits and withdrawals.
Measure objects around the house to determine the area and perimeter.
Process Standards
The process standards describe ways in which students are expected to engage in the content. The process standards
weave the other knowledge and skills together so that students may be successful problem solvers and use
knowledge learned efficiently and effectively in daily life.
5.1A apply mathematics to problems arising in everyday life, society, and the workplace
5.1B use a problem-solving model that incorporates analyzing given information, formulating a plan or strategy,
determining a solution, justifying the solution, and evaluating the problem-solving process and the reasonableness of
the solution
5.1C select tools,including real objects, manipulatives, paper and pencil, and technology as appropriate, and
techniques, including mental math, estimation, and number sense as appropriate, to solve problems
5.1D communicate mathematical ideas, reasoning, and their implications using multiple representations,
including symbols, diagrams, graphs, and language as appropriate
5.1E create and use representations to organize, record, and communicate mathematical ideas
5.1F analyze mathematical relationships to connect and communicate mathematical ideas
5.1G display, explain, and justify mathematical ideas and arguments using precise mathematical language in written
or oral communication
Department of Teaching & Learning
Grading Period 1
Unit 1: Compare & Order Decimals
Estimated Date Range: 8/10/23 8/29/23
Estimated Time Frame: 15 days
Unit Overview:
In this unit, students will strengthen their understanding about the numbers 0-10. They will continue to read, write
and represent them concretely, and compose and decompose these numbers in order to build an understanding that
numbers can be represented in multiple ways. Students’ ability to compose and decompose to make 10 is a
foundational skill for future mathematics understanding. The primary focus here is to build their understanding of
addition as the act of joining groups of objects and subtraction as the act of separating a group of objects. Students
will work with larger and larger numbers as they progress to future grade levels and build from adding and subtracting
whole numbers to adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing whole numbers, decimals and fractions.
At home connections:
Use positive affirmations to build a growth mindset towards math.
Recognize that math happens every day. i.e. how many pages did you read in a book, dozen eggs is 12, telling
time, etc.
Provide your child with a number and ask them to represent the value of a digit.
Find examples of numbers to the tenths place, hundredths place, and thousandths place in the real world.
Create a chart to show the examples and explain how the numbers are used.
Have your child compare and order prices from ads in the newspaper. Discuss what makes a number greater
or less than another number and how they know.
Concepts within Unit #1
Link to TEKS
Success Criteria for this concept
Concept #1: Launching
Mathematical Mindsets
In this concept, we are Launching Mathematical Mindsets using You Cubed resources
along with supports for setting up Math Workshop in the classroom. The focus is on
students getting used to classroom routines while engaging in math related activities that
promote sense making, perseverance, and teamwork.
Concept #2: Representing
5.2A, 5.2C
Use concrete and pictorial models to represent the value of a digit to the
Use expanded notation to represent the value of a digit to the thousandths.
Use numerals to represent the value of a digit to the thousandths.
Use place value understandings to round decimals to the tenths place.
Use place value understandings to round decimals to the hundredths place.
Concept #3: Comparing
and Ordering Decimals
5.2B, 5.2A
Identify between two decimals which is greater using place value understanding.
Identify between two decimals which is less using place value understanding.
Represent the comparison of two decimals with symbols.
Justify the comparison of decimals.
Justify the order of a set of decimals.
Department of Teaching & Learning
Unit 2: Addition & Subtraction of Positive Rational Numbers
Estimated Date Range: 8/30/23 10/6/23
Estimated Time Frame: 26 days
Unit Overview:
In this unit, students will perform addition and subtraction using whole numbers, decimals, and fractions. The
addition and subtraction of positive rational numbers includes whole numbers, decimals, and fractions, including
improper fractions and mixed numbers. Fourth grade students added and subtracted fractions with like
denominators and decimals to the hundredths place. Students will represent problems that involve operations with
fractions, not just solve. Fractions may not have the same denominator so students will need to use strategies such
as decomposing and composing fractions not just finding a common denominator.
At home connections:
Use sport statistics to determine who has a better batting average or 3-point shooting percentage.
Provide your child with recipes and have them add the total amount of dry ingredients or liquid ingredients.
Have your child write their own story problem using numbers from ads in the newspaper.
Concepts within Unit #2
Link to TEKS
Success Criteria for this concept
Concept #1: Adding &
Subtracting Decimals
5.3K, 5.3A
Estimate using number lines.
Explain how to use benchmark decimals to estimate solutions.
Add whole numbers and decimals using various strategies.
Subtract whole numbers and decimals using various strategies.
Concept #2: Adding &
Subtracting Fractions
5.3K, 5.3A, 5.3H,
Add fractions with unequal denominators using concrete models.
Subtract fractions with unequal denominators using concrete models.
Add fractions with unequal denominators using pictorial models.
Subtract fractions with unequal denominators using pictorial models.
Estimate using benchmark fractions.
Explain how to use benchmark fractions to estimate solutions.
Use concrete and pictorial models to represent factors of whole numbers up to 50.
Identify if a number is prime or composite.
Add fractions with unequal denominators.
Subtract fractions with unequal denominators.
Concept #3: Adding &
Subtracting Positive
Rational Numbers
5.3K, 5.3A
Estimate using benchmark fractions and decimals.
Explain how to use benchmark fractions and decimals to estimate solutions.
Add fractions and decimals using various strategies.
Subtract fractions and decimals using various strategies.
Explain the process taken to add a decimal and fraction.
Department of Teaching & Learning
Grading Period 2
Unit 3: Multiplication & Division of Whole Numbers
Estimated Date Range: 10/11/23 10/31/23
Estimated Time Frame: 15 days
Unit Overview:
In this unit, students will multiply and divide whole numbers. Students will extend their knowledge of multiplication
and division to larger place values. The focus will be for students to understand the standard algorithm so they can
make connections when multiplying and dividing decimals later in the year. By the end of this unit, students will be
proficient in writing and solving equations for one and two-step multiplication and division problems.
At home connections:
Have your child practice skip counting to learn their multiplication facts.
Students create their own story problems that would require multiplication or division to solve.
Discuss scenarios such as planning a party or a vacation. Determine what steps need to happen to figure out
the total cost and what operations would be required for each step.
Concepts within Unit #3
Link to TEKS
Success Criteria for this Concept
Concept #1: Multiplying
and Dividing Whole
5.3B, 5.3C, 5.3A
Represent a product using an equation with a variable.
Multiply a 3-digit by a 2-digit number using the standard algorithm.
Represent problems involving multiplication using strip diagrams or equations.
Represent a quotient using an equation with a variable.
Divide a 4-digit dividend by a 2-digit divisor using various strategies.
Divide a 4-digit dividend by a 2-digit divisor using standard algorithm.
Represent problems involving division using strip diagrams or equations.
Represent multi-step problems with strip diagrams and/or number lines.
Represent multi-step problems with equations using a letter standing for the
Solve multi-step problems using equations when the letter isolated on one side of
the equal sign.
Explain how an equation or representation matches the problem situation.
Estimate to predict a solution and determine reasonableness of a solution.
Unit 4: Expressions and Equations
Estimated Date Range: 11/1/23 12/4/23
Estimated Time Frame: 18 days
Unit Overview:
In this unit, students will focus on the foundational understanding of representing multi-step problem situations
involving whole numbers and all four operations using equations and a letter standing for an unknown quantity.
Students will also solidify their operations with whole numbers from fourth grade while developing the understanding
simplifying numeric expressions involving up to two levels of grouping symbols. 
At home connections:
Recognize that math happens every day. E.g., How many pages did you read in a book, dozen eggs is 12,
telling time, etc.
Department of Teaching & Learning
Discuss situations that require an order to complete them and the importance of the order. E.g., getting
Discuss story problems with your child and have them determine the operations needed to solve.
Concepts within Unit #4
Link to TEKS
Concept #1: Simplifying
Numeric Expressions
5.4F, 5.4E
Describe the meaning of parentheses and brackets in a numeric expression.
Explain the order in which to simplify a numeric expression.
Simplify expressions without grouping symbols.
Simplify expressions with grouping symbols.
Concept #2: Writing and
Solving Equations
5.4B, 5.3C, 5.3B,
5.4F, 5.4E
Represent a multi-step problem with strip diagrams.
Represent a multi-step problem with a number line.
Represent a multi-step problem with a letter standing for the unknown.
Solve a multi-step problem using equations.
Explain how an equation or representation matches the problem.
Unit 5: Algebraic Reasoning
Estimated Date Range: 12/5/23 1/17/24
Estimated Time Frame: 18 days (GP2 9 days and GP3 9 days)
Unit Overview:
In this unit, students will graph ordered pairs of numbers in the first quadrant of the coordinate plane, recognize the
difference between additive and multiplicative patterns in a table or graph, and create and analyze data using a
scatter plot.  In previous grades, students represented problems using input-output tables and numerical expressions
to generate a number pattern that follows a given rule.  Students in future grades will graph ordered pairs in all four
quadrants of the coordinate plane and continue to analyze data in a variety of graphical representations. 
At home connections:
Have your child find locations on a map.
Use cardinal directions to explain how to get to a location.
Ask your child to describe the process for graphing ordered pairs.
Concepts within Unit #5
Link to TEKS
Concept #1: Graphing on
a Coordinate Plane
5.8C, 5.8A, 5.8B,
Describe the key attributes of the coordinate plane, including the x- and y-axes and
the origin.
Describe the location of a coordinate in reference to the origin.
Describe the process for graphing ordered pairs.
Explain how to move along a coordinate plane to get from one point to another.
Plot ordered pairs in the first quadrant of the coordinate plane.
Plot ordered pairs generated from number patterns and input-output tables.
Interpret real-world data represented in coordinate grids.
Interpret real-world data to create a scatterplot.
Draw conclusions and make predictions using information from a scatterplot.
Generate questions using information from a scatterplot.
Department of Teaching & Learning
Grading Period 3
Unit 5: Algebraic Reasoning (Continued)
Estimated Date Range: 12/5/23 1/17/24
Estimated Time Frame: 18 days (GP2 9 days and GP3 9 days)
Unit Overview:
In this unit, students will graph ordered pairs of numbers in the first quadrant of the coordinate plane, recognize the
difference between additive and multiplicative patterns in a table or graph, and create and analyze data using a
scatter plot.  In previous grades, students represented problems using input-output tables and numerical expressions
to generate a number pattern that follows a given rule.  Students in future grades will graph ordered pairs in all four
quadrants of the coordinate plane and continue to analyze data in a variety of graphical representations.  
At home connections:
Ask your child how to determine the difference between additive and multiplicative patterns.
Discuss the relationship between two sets of data on a scatterplot. i.e. outside temperature and ice cream
Concepts within Unit #5
Link to TEKS
Concept #2: Additive and
5.4C, 5.8C, 5.4D,
Generate a numerical pattern when given a rule in the form y = x + a and graph the
Generate a numerical pattern when given a rule in the form y = ax and graph the
Describe the difference between additive and multiplicative patterns.
Graph in the first quadrant of the coordinate plane.
Interpret real-world data to create a scatterplot.
Draw conclusions and make predictions using information from a scatterplot.
Generate questions using information from a scatterplot.
Unit 6: Multiplication & Division of Fractions/Decimals
Estimated Date Range: 1/18/24 2/15/24
Estimated Time Frame: 21 days
Unit Overview:
In this unit, students will apply their understanding of multiplication and division with whole numbers to fractions and
decimals. They will use models and representations to develop a conceptual understanding of multiplying two
numbers less than one. They will also be introduced to writing a remainder as a decimal.
At home connections:
Have your child make fractions using real world objects. E.g., What is the fraction of Fridays in the month of
Students create their own story problems that would require multiplication or division to solve using money.
Concepts within Unit #6
Link to TEKS
Success Criteria for this Concept
Concept #1: Multiplying
and Dividing Fractions
5.3L, 5.3I, 5.3J
Represent a fraction using concrete objects and pictorial models.
Use concrete objects and pictorial models to:
Multiply a whole number and a fraction
Divide a unit fraction by a whole number
Divide a whole number by a unit fraction
Department of Teaching & Learning
Concept #2: Multiplying
and Dividing Decimals
5.3E, 5.3G, 5.4F,
5.4C, 5.3D, 5.3F,
Represent a decimal using concrete objects and pictorial models.
Use concrete objects and pictorial models to:
Multiply a decimal and a whole number
Multiply a decimal and decimal
Divide a decimal by a whole number
Multiply a decimal and a whole number using the standard algorithm.
Multiply a decimal by a decimal using the standard algorithm.
Divide a decimal by a whole number using the standard algorithm.
Unit 7: Geometry & Measurement
Estimated Date Range: 2/20/24 4/5/24
Estimated Time Frame: 26 days (GP3 13 days and GP4 13 days)
Unit Overview:
In this unit, students will build on their knowledge of shape attributes. They will use markings to label the attributes
and sort them based on their properties. Students need to recall the shapes based on their names. Students will
build the foundational understanding of volume of rectangular prisms. Concrete models will be used to determine
the area of a layer and then how many layers it will take to fill the rectangular prism. Students will also solve for area
and perimeter and explain how they connect to volume. This will build to calculating surface area of shapes in future
grades.  Students will build off their knowledge of customary and metric units of measure to be able to convert within
customary or metric measurements. 
At home connections:
Go on a scavenger hunt outside and find geometric shapes. Have your child name them and describe their
Find two geometric shapes in your house and have your child describe the similarities and differences
between them.
Concepts within Unit # 7
Link to TEKS
Success Criteria for this Concept
Concept #1: Classifying
Two-Dimensional Figures
Label shapes using markings for: 
o Congruent lines  
o Congruent angles 
o Parallel lines 
o Right angles
Name polygons based on the number of sides.
Name polygons based on the attributes of their sides Name a polygon based on their
angle measure.
Name a polygon with the most specific name and explain how I know.
Sort polygons into graphic organizers using attributes and properties when given a
Sort polygons into a graphic organizer using attributes and properties when given a
Explain why and how I sorted by shapes using formal geometric language.
Describe the relationship between polygons within the graphic organizer.
Concept #2:
Understanding Volume
5.4G, 5.6A, 5.6B
Represent volume using concrete objects and pictorial models.
Fill rectangular prisms with cubes to determine the volume.
Use the base of figures and the number of layers to determine the volume.
Department of Teaching & Learning
Grading Period 4
Unit 7: Geometry & Measurement (Continued)
Estimated Date Range: 2/20/24 4/5/24
Estimated Time Frame: 26 days (GP3 13 days and GP4 13 days)
Concepts within Unit # 7
Link to TEKS
Success Criteria for this Concept
Concept #3: Area,
Perimeter, and Volume
5.4H, 5.4G, 5.6A,
Describe perimeter and solve problems involving perimeter.
Describe area and solve problems involving area.
Explain the different between perimeter and area.
Describe volume and solve problems involving volume.
Explain the connection between area and perimeter and solve problems as it relates
to volume.
Concept #4: Conversions
Identify units of measure being used.
Describe the relationship between two units of measure Represent conversions using
Convert between units of measure within the same system.
Unit 8: Data Analysis and Personal Financial Literacy
Estimated Date Range: 4/8/24 4/26/24
Estimated Time Frame: 15 days
Unit Overview:
In this unit, students will represent data using different types of graphs. The data can be categorical or numerical.
Students build on prior knowledge of graphs and now include data with whole numbers, decimals, or fractions.
Students are also expected to solve one- and two-step problems involving data. In addition to data analysis, students
will also define various types of tax and explain the difference between gross and net income. Students will continue
to learn about financial matter, such as borrowing, saving, spending, and budgeting.
At home connections:
Create a survey and have your child graph the results found. Ask them questions based on the information
displayed in the graph.
Have your child create a budget for the month and keep track of their credits and debits.
Concepts within Unit # 8
Link to TEKS
Success Criteria for this Concept
Concept #1: Data Analysis
5.9C, 5.9A
Collect and sort data using a frequency table.
Explain a frequency table, bar graph, stem-and-leaf, dot plot, and scatterplot is and
why you use them.
Answer questions using information from graphs.
Generate questions using information from graphs.
Concept #2: Personal
Financial Literacy
5.10B, 5.10C,
5.10D, 5.10E,
Define income tax, property tax, sales tax, and property tax
Identify gross income and net income.
Explain the difference between gross income and net income.
Identify different methods of payment including checks, credit card, debit card, and
electronic payments.
Explain the advantages and disadvantages of different methods of payment.
Balance a simple budget.
Department of Teaching & Learning
Unit 9: Essential Understanding of 5
Estimated Date Range: 4/29/24 5/23/24
Estimated Time Frame: 19 days
Unit Overview:
In this unit, students will review fifth grade skills to solidify their understanding so they are successful sixth graders. 
They will focus primarily on numeracy, computational skills, and algebraic reasoning.
At home connections:
Have your child tell you their favorite thing they learned this year in math and why.
Concepts within Unit # 9
Link to TEKS
Success Criteria for this Concept
Concept #1: Multi-Step
Problems with Positive
Rational Numbers
5.4F, 5.4B, 5.3K,
5.3C, 5.3B, 5.4F,
Represent a multi-step problem with a letter standing for the unknown. 
Solve a multi-step problem using equations.  
Explain how an equation or representation matches the problem. 
Department of Teaching & Learning
Glossary of Curriculum Components
Overview The content in this document provides an overview of the pacing and concepts covered in a subject for the
TEKS Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) are the state standards for what students should know and be able
to do.
Unit Overview The unit overview provides a brief description of the concepts covered in each unit.
Concept A subtopic of the main topic of the unit.
Success Criteriaa description of what it looks like to be successful in this concept.
CompetencyStandards-Based Grading communicates students’ understanding of the Texas Essentials Knowledge
and Skills (TEKS). Using the TEKS, teachers developed grade-level competencies to communicate student progress in
the Standards-Based gradebook. The competencies are the same for each grade-level content area (i.e. 1st grade
math) across the district. Teachers report students’ progress on the competencies using learning progressions.
Parent Resources
The following resources provide parents with ideas to support students’ understanding. For sites that are password
protected, your child will receive log-in information through their campus.
How it supports parent and students
Great Minds Eureka Math
This is the textbook for elementary school math. Click on the link for
directions on accessing the textbook.
ST Math
ST Math is an online program that supports the development of
elementary math skills through games and online practice. This
resource is aligned to the TEKS and is computer adaptive, so it will
adapt to the academic needs of the user.
Didax Virtual Manipulatives
Math Learning Center Math Apps
These online resources provide access to virtual manipulatives.
Parent Resources from
This resource from includes articles for parents on ways to
support their students in learning and understanding mathematics.
Student Resources from
This resource from includes videos concerning growth
mindset in mathematics
Math: Why Doesn’t Yours Look Like
This resource provides an explanation of why math looks different now
as opposed to how parents learned mathematics and how to support
students in learning mathematics.
This resource breaks down grade level standards, provides example
questions, vocabulary, and links to online resources for students aligned
to the standards.
Department of Teaching & Learning
Instructional Model
The structures, guidelines or model in which students engage in a particular content that ensures understanding of
that content.
The instructional model for mathematics is the Concrete-Representational-Abstract Model (CRA).
The CRA model allows students to access mathematics content first through a concrete approach (“doing” stage) then
representational (“seeing” stage) and then finally abstract (“symbolic” stage). The CRA model allows students to
conceptually develop concepts so they have a deeper understanding of the mathematics and are able to apply and
transfer their understanding across concepts and contents. The CRA model is implemented in grades K-12 in FBISD.