Requirements for Development, Implementation,
Evaluation and Dissemination of DNP Projects
Developed Spring 2021
Kim Gould, DNP, RN, FNP-C, NCMP
Northern Arizona University School of Nursing
DNP Project Requirements Spring 2021
Table of Contents
Overview ................................................................................................................................................................... 4
Clarification of DNP versus PhD Scholarship ................................................................................................. 4
AACN Guidelines for the DNP Project ............................................................................................................ 4
Handbook Development Resources .................................................................................................................. 4
Getting Started: Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) Project ................................................................................. 5
Scope of DNP Project ......................................................................................................................................... 5
DNP Project Outcomes ...................................................................................................................................... 5
DNP Essentials ................................................................................................................................................... 6
Required Textbooks ........................................................................................................................................... 6
Resources for Success ........................................................................................................................................ 6
Checklist for Success .......................................................................................................................................... 7
Project Repository ............................................................................................................................................. 7
Phase 1: Core Courses and Phenomenon of Interest ............................................................................................ 8
Core Courses ...................................................................................................................................................... 8
Phenomenon of Interest ..................................................................................................................................... 8
Phase 2: Planning and Development ..................................................................................................................... 9
Project Planning Courses .................................................................................................................................. 9
Project Development Tool ................................................................................................................................. 9
Project Team .................................................................................................................................................... 10
Types of Projects .............................................................................................................................................. 11
Conceptual Frameworks & Theories ............................................................................................................. 13
Project Proposal ............................................................................................................................................... 14
Institutional Review Board (IRB) ................................................................................................................... 15
Phase 3: Implementation and Evaluation ............................................................................................................ 16
Practicum Hours and Project Implementation ............................................................................................. 16
Phase 4: Dissemination and Final Program Requirements ................................................................................ 17
DNP Project Paper ........................................................................................................................................... 17
Virginia Henderson Global Nursing e-Repository ........................................................................................ 17
DNP Project Poster .......................................................................................................................................... 17
DNP Project Presentation ............................................................................................................................... 18
Final Steps ......................................................................................................................................................... 19
Appendices ............................................................................................................................................................. 20
Appendix 1: DNP Program Repository Requirements ................................................................................ 21
Appendix 2: DNP Project Development Tool ................................................................................................ 22
DNP Project Requirements Spring 2021
Appendix 3: Project Chair Agreement .......................................................................................................... 25
Appendix 4: Project Team Agreement Record ............................................................................................. 26
Appendix 5: Project Milestone Checklist ...................................................................................................... 27
Appendix 6: Agency Letter of Cooperation ................................................................................................... 28
Appendix 7: Project Proposal Requirements ................................................................................................ 29
Appendix 8: Concept Map Grading Rubric .................................................................................................. 31
Appendix 9: Evaluation Table Primary Research Evidence .................................................................... 32
Appendix 10: Synthesis Matrix ....................................................................................................................... 33
Appendix 11: DNP Project Proposal Evaluation Tool ................................................................................. 34
Appendix 12: Notification of Proposal Acceptance ...................................................................................... 39
Appendix 13: Final Project Paper Content ................................................................................................... 40
Appendix 14: Final Paper Approval Notification & Presentation Instructions ........................................ 42
Appendix 15: Project Signature Page ............................................................................................................ 43
Appendix 16: Presentation Template ............................................................................................................. 44
Appendix 17: IRB Closeout Documentation Form ....................................................................................... 45
DNP Project Requirements Spring 2021
School of Nursing (SON) faculty familiar with the Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) project requirements are
involved in the development of this document and provide feedback annually regarding updates and changes.
DNP students are required to read through this document following acceptance to the DNP program and are
expected to use it as a reference throughout the program.
Clarification of DNP versus PhD Scholarship
There are two options for a terminal degree in nursing: the Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) or the DNP. PhD
programs focus on generation of new knowledge, test hypothesis or theoretical models, or generate information
that is considered generalizable. DNP programs, on the other hand, focus on translation of new science and its
application and evaluation (American Association of Colleges of Nursing [AACN], 2015). The scholarship
distinction is understood as ‘research-focused’ versus ‘practice-focused’. The AACN (2015) states:
Research-focused graduates are prepared to generate knowledge through rigorous research and
statistical methodologies that may be broadly applicable or generalizable. Practice-focused graduates are
prepared to demonstrate innovation of practice change, translation of evidence, and the implementation
of quality improvement processes in specific practice settings, systems, or with specific populations to
improve health or health outcomes (p. 2).
AACN Guidelines for the DNP Project
The following AACN documents provide the basis for the DNP project requirements:
The Essentials of Doctoral Education for advanced Nursing Practice (2006).
The Doctor of Nursing Practice: Current Issues and Clarifying Recommendations (2015).
Defining Scholarship for Academic Nursing Position Statement (2018).
Handbook Development Resources
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (n.d.). AHRQ: Agency for Healthcare Research and
Quality. https://www.ahrq.gov/
Brown, R.E. (2018). VCU health nursing inquiry process diagram (Version 2). Virginia Commonwealth
University. https://scholarscompass.vcu.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1056&context=libraries_pubs
Dearholt, S. L. & Dang, D. (2018). Johns Hopkins nursing evidence-based practice: Model and
guidelines (3
ed). Sigma Theta Tau International.
Melnyk, B. M. & Fineout-Overholt, E. (2019). Evidence-based practice in nursing and healthcare (4
ed.). Wolters Kluwer.
Moran, K., Burson, R., & Conrad, D. (2020). The doctor of nursing practice project: A framework for
success (3
ed.). Jones & Bartlett.
Zaccagnini, M. E. & White, K. W. (2017). The doctor of nursing practice essentials: A new model for
advanced practice nursing (3
ed.). Jones & Bartlett.
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (2019). Quality improvement tools and resources
(2019). https://www.ahrq.gov/professionals/quality-patient-safety/quality-resources/index.html
DNP Project Requirements Spring 2021
Getting Started: Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) Project
NAU students enrolled in the DNP program will complete a DNP project as a requirement for graduation. The
purpose of this document is to describe the project requirements and provide resources to guide students through
the process of development, implementation, evaluation and dissemination. The project is developed in phases,
and the curriculum is designed to facilitate progression from Phase 1 through Phase 4. Students are required to
adhere to their curriculum plan and are not permitted to take courses listed in Phases 1 through 4 out of
sequence or without meeting pre or co-requisites as described in course catalog and course syllabi.
Project Progression
Phase 1
NUR 677
Phenomenon of Interest; Finding Relevant Evidence
Phase 2
NUR 712
Project Planning and Development
Phase 3
NUR 704
Project Implementation and Evaluation
Phase 4
NUR 706
Project Dissemination
Scope of DNP Project
The DNP project provides an opportunity for students to integrate new skills into practice and to demonstrate
many of the principles of nursing scholarship and the competencies delineated in the DNP Essentials. The
integration of these new or refined skills improves outcomes through organizational and systems leadership,
quality improvement processes, and the translation of evidence into practice. The project is intended to make an
impact, directly or indirectly, on patient and/or healthcare outcomes. DNP students will identify a clinical
problem, evaluate the context of the problem, conduct an exhaustive review of literature, and use research
evidence to formulate a potential solution or intervention. The intervention is then implemented and evaluated to
determine what impact it had on the given clinical problem. The findings are then shared with stakeholders,
other scholars, and the public.
DNP Project Outcomes
1. The proposed change will impact healthcare outcomes through direct or indirect care.
2. The project will have a system (micro-, meso-, or macro-level) or population/aggregate focus.
3. The design of the project will follow sound methodology.
4. The design of the project will be supported by a theoretical framework.
5. Development will include an evaluation of current and emerging financial, political, and organizational
issues unique to the project.
6. The project will contain a comprehensive appraisal of current and classical evidence.
7. The project will be implemented in an appropriate arena or area of practice.
8. The project will demonstrate integration of leadership, ethics, systems thinking, and health policy.
9. The project will include an evaluation process that measures outcomes and demonstrates an impact on
individuals, patient populations or systems.
10. The project will provide a foundation for future practice scholarship.
11. The project will include a plan for sustainability.
12. The project will be disseminated to appropriate professional and organizational bodies.
13. The project deliverables will demonstrate scholarly writing, presentation, and application of current
APA guidelines.
DNP Project Requirements Spring 2021
DNP Essentials
I. Scientific Underpinnings for Practice
II. Organizational and Systems Leadership for Quality Improvement and Systems Thinking
III. Clinical Scholarship and Analytical Methods for Evidence-Based Practice
IV. Information Systems/Technology and Patient Care Technology for the Improvement and
Transformation of Health Care
V. Health Care Policy for Advocacy in Health Care
VI. Interprofessional Collaboration for Improving Patient and Population Health Outcomes
VII. Clinical Prevention and Population Health for Improving the Nation’s Health
VIII. Advanced Nursing Practice
The DNP Essentials outline the curricular elements and competencies required for schools conferring the DNP
degree. The DNP coursework, practicum and project contribute to fulfillment of the DNP Essentials.
Students will use practicum hours for activities related to project development and implementation and will map
these activities to the DNP Essentials and document them on the practicum documentation log, which will be
submitted to the NAU DNP Repository when competed. Additional information about the DNP Practicum and
documentation is located in the DNP Practicum Handbook.
Required Textbooks
The following textbooks are required for DNP students and will be used throughout the program. Faculty chairs
should also be familiar with the texts and refer to them when working with DNP students. Course faculty may
require additional textbooks in specific courses, but the texts listed here will be used for project development,
implementation, evaluation, and dissemination.
Aderholt, S. & Dang, D. (2018). Johns Hopkins nursing evidence-based practice model and guidelines (3rd ed.).
Sigma Theta Tau International.
Kim, M., Mallory, C., & Valerio, T. (2022). Statistics for evidence-based practice in nursing (3rd ed.). Jones &
Moran, K., Burson, R., & Conrad, D. (2020). The Doctor of Nursing Practice scholarly project: A framework
for success (3rd ed.). Jones and Bartlett.
Rousch, K. (2019). A nurse’s step-by-step guide to writing a dissertation or scholarly project (2
ed.) Sigma
Theta Tau International.
White, K., Dudley-Brown, S., & Terhaar, M. (2021). Translation of evidence into nursing and health Care (3
ed.). Springer Publishing Company.
Resources for Success
The following links may be helpful as students prepare for course and project work.
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
American Psychological Association, 7th ed.
Cline Library Subject (Nursing) Librarian
Centers for Medicaid & Medicare Services QI Tools & Resources
Doctor of Nursing Practice
Doctor of Nursing Practice AACN White Paper
Equator Network Health Research Resources
DNP Project Requirements Spring 2021
Graduate Nursing Library Guide
Joanna Briggs Institute (JBI) Resources
John’s Hopkins Nursing EBP Tool Kit
Institute for Healthcare Improvement
Purdue Owl
Rand Cooperation - Surveys
Sigma Repository
Squire Guidelines
The University Writing Commons
VCU Libraries Scholars Compass The Clinical Inquiry Process Diagram
Writing for Professional Journals (University of Utah - open course)
Checklist for Success
Being successful requires excellent time management and organizational skills. Strategies that facilitate success
require knowledge of and access to basic resources. Students should consider the following items as they
prepare to engage in doctoral level work.
Have you prepared yourself and your family for the time commitment needed for success?
Do you have dedicated workspace?
Have you scheduled adequate time each day/week for studying, reading, and writing?
Does your employer support your academic pursuits and provide flexibility in your work schedule?
Do you have access to a computer that is in good working order with sufficient power, speed, and
memory capability?
Do you have access to a computer that has video and audio capability?
Do you have access to and a working knowledge of a recent version of MS Word, Excel, and
Do you have access to consistent reliable internet?
Do you have access to an external drive or a Cloud account to back up your work?
Do you have access to Google Docs, Drop Box, ZOOM, and related platforms that facilitate
communication and document sharing?
Are you familiar with the resources available through the NAU Cline Library?
Have you met with the NAU SON librarian?
Are you familiar with bibliographic software?
Have you explored the NAU writing resources?
Project Repository
At the beginning of the program students will be automatically enrolled in a non-credit Bb Learn course titled
DNP Program Repository’ and will have access to the repository throughout the DNP program. It is intended
to electronically store critical documents, demonstrate completion of requirements for a DNP degree, and to
promote communication between students, project chairs, and DNP coordinator. See Appendix 1 for the DNP
repository requirements.
DNP Project Requirements Spring 2021
Phase 1: Core Courses and Phenomenon of Interest
Prior to entry into the DNP program students are asked to identify a topic or area of interest. Although this may
change, identifying the area of interest early allows students to begin networking and exploring the community
encompassing their area of interest. Strategies for networking include engaging with peers through journal clubs,
subscribing to relevant journals, attending conferences, joining a professional organization, and interviewing
content experts. Students will also work with the program coordinator to identify a faculty project chair. Faculty
chairs help students achieve success by ensuring milestones and program requirements are met, and providing
oversight and guidance to ensure the project work reaches the level of rigor expected of a DNP student.
Core Courses
In Phase 1 students build the foundation for their project work. The core courses provide students with
opportunities to build knowledge and examine their topics in different contexts. Students will explore the
significance of leadership, organizational systems, and health policy on the design and implementation of their
NUR 609: Synthesis of Writing, Research, and Statistical Principles in Healthcare
The purpose of this course is to critically analyze professional literature with a focus on research design,
methodology, implementation and statistical analysis. This course will facilitate the development of scholarly
writing skills to communicate a critical analysis of the evidence with an application to practice.
NUR 700: Introduction to the Doctor of Nursing Practice
The purpose of this course is to build the foundation for subsequent DNP courses, the clinical practicum, and
development of the DNP project.
NUR 701: Healthcare Policy
The purpose of the course is to examine social, economic and political forces that impact healthcare in the US
and developing nations.
NUR 705: Healthcare Leadership
The purpose of this course is to develop leadership skills with a particular focus on organizational quality
improvement and implementation of organizational change.
NUR 714: Health of Vulnerable Populations
In this course students examine and evaluate the sociodemographic patterns, epidemiological evidence, and
major policies that affect the health equity of vulnerable populations across the life span.
NUR 716: Organizational Systems
The purpose of this course is to provide students with the requisite knowledge of assessing organizational
Phenomenon of Interest
An important milestone is development of the phenomenon of interest. Students are encouraged to read Chapter
5 in The Doctor of Nursing Practice Project: A Framework for Success, 3
ed. by Moran et al. (2020). Moran
writes “The DNP project phenomenon of interest must center on a topic that is meaningful to the practice
doctorate student and is valued by the practice setting(p. 99). If a student has not decided on a topic of interest,
or is unsure, it may be helpful to examine a DNP project repository and/or read other student’s DNP project
DNP Project Requirements Spring 2021
Phase 2: Planning and Development
Once students have completed most or all of the core courses, they will enroll in courses that facilitate
exploration and project development, implementation, and dissemination. During this phase, students are also
expected to actively work with their project chair. The project planning courses must be taken in sequence.
Students who receive a failing grade or an incomplete may not progress to the next course.
Project Planning Courses
NUR 677
The purpose of this course is to promote discovery, analysis and synthesis of evidence toward addressing a
clinical problem. Students will identify a clinical problem, develop a clinical question, complete an exhaustive
literature search, apprise the literature, create evaluation tables, synthesize findings, and create a synthesis
NUR 712
This course builds on the work in NUR 677 and integrates evidence-based practice and theory in addressing the
identified clinical problem. Students will clarify outcomes and outcome measures, develop project methods
including data collection tools, and prepare for implementation of their project through identification of
resources, facilitators, and barriers to guide the project plan. At the conclusion of this course students will have
prepared their scholarly proposal and submitted their Institutional Review Board (IRB) Application.
NUR 704
This course guides the student through project implementation, data collection, and data analysis. At the
conclusion of this course students will have completed their project implementation.
NUR 706
This course focuses on examining the impact of the project and dissemination of the project work. At the
conclusion of this semester students will have completed their final project paper and submitted their work for
journal publication and/or presentation to a professional organization.
Project Development Tool
In NUR 677 students will complete the DNP Project Development Tool. This document provides a summary of
the topic and the background project work that has been completed. It will be submitted at the conclusion of
NUR 677 and reviewed by course faculty and the project chair. The document template can be found in the
NAU DNP Repository and in Appendix 2.
Components of the document include:
Clarification of the clinical problem or practice issue.
Description of the practice area.
How the practice issue was identified, including strategies used to investigate the issue and need for
change and discussion of internal evidence.
How the project will support or align with the agency’s mission, values, or vision.
The scope of the problem.
The elements of the PICOT question.
Description of the evidence that has been or needs to be gathered to answer the question.
Proposal for how to approach the problem (the project idea and design).
How the project will change clinical practice.
Outcomes, quality measures, or indicators that will demonstrate the impact of the project
Identification of key issues that will drive the project development.
DNP Project Requirements Spring 2021
Project Team
The project team includes the student, a faculty chair, and other team members as appropriate. Having
appropriate interprofessional and interdisciplinary representation on the team is important to the project’s
The Moran (2020) text recommends the following considerations when putting together the project team.
- Will this work be done in a specific organization?
- Will a specific population be affected by the project?
- Will the student need to implement certain tools, technologies, or guidelines?
- Will there be a methodological or analytical process that requires certain expertise?
- Will there be a need for statistical consultation?
- Is there organizational support for the project?
- Is there someone in the organization who can help navigate organizational challenges?
- Is there someone willing to sustain this work after the project is complete?
Student Responsibilities
As the project leader the student is expected to demonstrate application of leadership skills and knowledge
of organizational systems. Students are expected to:
- Maintain consistent and effective communication with project chair.
- Identify appropriate team members.
- Collaborate with the program coordinator and project chair for advisement, formal proposal preparation
and presentation, and other project related activities.
- Submit work that demonstrates a high level of leadership and scholarship.
- Coordinate communication and activity between NAU and the project agency or organization.
- Ensure compliance with all DNP project requirements.
- Submit the project proposal to NAU’s IRB.
Project Chair Role
All students will be assigned a project chair based on the type of project and topic of interest. A project chair
must be an NAU SON faculty member, must be a nurse, and have a terminal degree (D.N.P, Ph.D., EdD,
D.N.S). The chair and student will sign the Notification of Agreement (Appendix 3). Project chairs are expected
- Serve as a scholarly advisor and work with the student throughout preparation of the project proposal
and through project development, implementation, evaluation, and dissemination.
- Work with the student to ensure project work is completed in a timely manner.
- Assist the student with the IRB process and application preparation.
- Collaborate with the student to schedule regular meetings.
- Critique the readiness of the project proposal for formal presentation.
- Critique the readiness of the final DNP project presentation in the final semester.
- Approve the final DNP paper prior to submission or publication and before submission to the Virginia
Henderson electronic repository.
Other Team Members
The student will work with the chair to identify other project team members based on the type and scope of the
project. Team members contributions are based on their experience and level of expertise; they do not have to be
an RN or have a terminal degree. Team members may be, for example, faculty from other departments,
organizational personnel, or content experts in their field. In this role team members may:
- Lend expertise in a specialty area of nursing or related discipline.
DNP Project Requirements Spring 2021
- Provide guidance and advise at a particular project site.
- Facilitate access to organizational leadership.
- Provide feedback to the student’s project development.
Project Team Agreement
Students will secure signatures from project team members indicating their support and role in project
development and implementation. The document will be submitted to the program coordinator and added to the
project repository. See Appendix 4 for the Project Team Agreement Form.
Student and Chair Relationship
Students and project chairs will meet regularly throughout the project development. The student is responsible
for scheduling the meetings and should document the meeting agenda, actions, and target dates. The student will
follow a timeline that reflects benchmarks, agreed upon expectations, and due dates. See Appendix 5 for the
project milestone checklist.
Choosing an Organization for the Project
It is important that students consult with the potential hosting agency before planning begins. Many
organizations have restrictions and/or specific requirements that may impede progress and success of a project.
At the onset of the planning process, students will secure a Letter of Cooperation from the Agency where the
DNP project will be implemented. The document will be submitted to the program coordinator and added the
NAU DNP Repository. See Appendix 6 for a letter template. At a minimum, the letter must include the student’s
name, project description, description of student activities, permission to access protected health information if
applicable, and the project timeframe.
Choosing an Individual or Group Project
DNP students are expected to complete individual projects. During the DNP project planning process
students may inquire about doing a group project. Under some circumstances a group of two students may
work together on a project. The request to complete a group project must be made at the onset of project
planning in NUR 677. Approval is based on the type and scope of the project and the decision is made by
the program coordinator.
Types of Projects
DNP projects can take many forms, but all must align with the DNP Essentials and the NAU SON program
outcomes. To determine the type of project, students will need to have a thorough understanding of their
phenomenon of interest and have completed an exhaustive literature search and synthesis that identifies
evidence that will support the project. Additionally, students will assess the organization, conduct a needs
assessment, articulate a clear problem or quality issue, and identify key stakeholders. This information will then
determine the project goals and desired outcomes, the scope of the project, and the type of project. All projects
should be developed using a theory or theoretical framework.
The DNP project may take several approaches. Project design may involve research or practice-based inquiry,
quality improvement, evidence-based practice, or program evaluation. When choosing a project, students should
work closely with course faculty and their chair to determine the type of scholarship that best suits their project
and desired outcomes. A shared feature of DNP projects is the use of research evidence and systems leadership
to improve healthcare outcomes at the practice, population, or health systems level.
Research and practice-based inquiry uses a scientific process to generate new knowledge that can be
generalized. It is a systematic investigation, including development, testing, and evaluation of a question
DNP Project Requirements Spring 2021
or hypothesis. Data is analyzed and conclusions are drawn from the results. The purpose is to investigate
or answer a research question relevant to nursing practice.
Quality Improvement
Quality Improvement (QI) is a set of continuous actions that lead to measurable improvement in health
care services and health status of targeted patient groups. QI involves systematic data-guided activities
to monitor, evaluate, and improve quality and safety outcomes of health services and care processes.
The purpose is to improvement in healthcare outcomes or workflow processes. QI improvements are
specific to an organization or agency.
Evidence-Based Practice
Evidence-based practice (EBP) is a systematic approach that integrates the review and appraisal of the
best available scientific evidence combined with clinical expertise and patient/population circumstances
to guide care delivery. The purpose is to integrate evidence into practice.
Program Evaluation
Program Evaluation (PE) is a systematic assessment of the processes and/or outcomes of a program
guided by standards, to make judgments regarding the program, improve its effectiveness, and guide
further development. The purpose is to evaluate a program’s achievements and effectiveness.
Translational Research
Translational research is rigorous research that studies how evidence-based interventions are translated
to real-world clinical settings.
Definition References:
Melnyk, B.M. & Fineout-Overholt, E. (2019). Evidence-based practice in nursing and healthcare (4
ed.). Wolters Kluwer.
Moran, K., Burson, R., & Conrad, D. (2020). The Doctor of Nursing Practice scholarly project: A
framework for success (3rd ed.). MA: Jones and Bartlett.
Department of Health and Human Services
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Agency for Healthcare Quality
Examples of DNP Projects
- Quality improvement initiatives
- Implementation and evaluation of evidence-based practice guidelines
- Evidence-based intervention or change initiative
- Policy implementation, analysis, revision
- Design and evaluation of new models of care
- Healthcare delivery innovation
- Program development and/or evaluation
Education Based Project Recommendations
Almost all DNP projects involve some element or degree of providing education. However, educational
interventions and dissemination of information alone are insufficient as DNP projects. Education in the form of
an in-service, a presentation, etc., results in implementation of information into practice only 4-6% of the time
(Institute of Medicine [IOM], 2011). However, when education is coupled with other strategies a bigger impact
is made on the healthcare outcome (IOM, 2011). Students and chairs should discuss this point.
DNP projects are NOT intended to develop DNP students in the role of nurse educators unless they are already
trained and working in that capacity (AACN, 2015). In some circumstances, a Post-Master’s DNP student who
is employed at an academic institution in a school or college of nursing and has appropriate training and
expertise as an educator may petition the DNP program coordinator for approval of a DNP project that meets the
DNP Project Requirements Spring 2021
NAU program outcomes and is consistent with AACN restrictions pertaining to DNP nursing education. This is
decided on a case-by-case basis.
Quality Improvement and Program Evaluation at NAU
NAU requires that any access to health information in an electronic medical record, regardless if it is human
research, be submitted to the IRB for review. The Determination of Human Research form should be used to
document access to this private information for tracking purposes.
The NAU Office of Research Compliance (ORC) guidelines on QI and program evaluation projects can be
accessed at: https://nau.edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/74/2018/05/Quality-Improvement-and-Program-
Conceptual Frameworks & Theories
Prior to beginning the planning and design phase, students will identify a conceptual framework or theory to
guide and inform project development and implementation. This is an important step and provides a scholarly
foundation for planning, data collection and evaluation, and interpreting your results. Conceptual framework and
theory are used interchangeably, but there are differences. Therefore, it will be helpful to review relevant
sections in your research and theory textbooks before choosing a framework or theory.
Concepts or Construct
Concepts and constructs are generally used interchangeable. Some theorists define them differently, but for the
sake of continuity students should understand that concepts are the building blocks of conceptual frameworks
and theories. Concepts are abstract and are defined by the application of the concept to the framework or theory.
For example:
The concept is ‘chair’. Chair could be defined as an apparatus to sit on, wooden or leather, or even by
location against the wall or middle of the room. We generally associate the concept of ‘chair’ to any
item that supports sitting within a physical space.
The concept of ‘patient’. Each of us would define this differently based on personal experience and
emphasis of practice. The definition of patient may be very broad and understood as someone seeking
care. The definition may also be attached to where care is provided.
Conceptual Framework
Connecting concepts is the beginning of a framework. A good example to consider is the connection of concepts
involved when establishing a nurse/patient relationship. The relationship may be one way or bidirectional, and
the context may be one specific health issue, or multiple issues. Related concepts may also include health
outcomes, health status, or patient motivation. To add usefulness to the framework, additional concepts and
clarifications are added in order to understand the complexity that exists in the relationship.
Theories have been tested and have empirical evidence for their explanation of phenomenon. Theories explain
and predict and help increase understanding of phenomenon. In nursing, there are four levels of theory defined
as meta theory, grand theory, middle-range theory, and micro-range theory. Students are encouraged to explore
nursing and non-nursing theories to identify the best fit for their project work.
Examples of Conceptual Frameworks and Theories
- ACE Star Model of Knowledge Transformation
- Advancing Research and Clinical Practice (ARCC Model)
DNP Project Requirements Spring 2021
- Clinical Scholar Model
- Donabedian’s Model for Quality Improvement
- Health Belief Model (HBM)
- Institute for Healthcare Improvement’s (IHI) Breakthrough/Collaborative Model
- Iowa Model - Revised
- Johns Hopkins Nursing Evidence-Based Practice Model
- Lewin’s Theory of Planned Change
- Ottawa Model of Research Use (OMRU)
- Promoting Action on Research Implementation in Health Services Framework (PARIHS)
- Roger’s Diffusion of Innovations Theory
- Rosswurm and Larabee Model
- Six Sigma DMAIC Model
- Stettler Model of Evidence-Based Practice
- Stevens Star Model of Knowledge Translation
- The Knowledge to Action Framework
Additional Resources
Website: Nursing Theory.
Website: Behavioral Change Models
Article: Kivunja, C. (2018). Distinguishing between theory, theoretical framework, and conceptual framework:
A systematic review of lessons from the field. International Journal of Higher Education, 7(6), 45-53.
Project Proposal
All students will complete a written project proposal in NUR 712. The completed written proposal will be
evaluated by the course faculty, the program coordinator, and the project chair prior to the formal presentation.
The project proposal should follow a standard template and contain the key elements to implement the DNP
project. The requirements are outlined in Appendix 7. The written proposal serves as the basis for the IRB
*Students who do not complete the written proposal, or who submit an unsatisfactory proposal, will not be
allowed to formally present their proposal on Scholar’s Day.
Resources for Proposal Elements
Concept Map
Students will create a diagram or concept map to illustrate how the project will be designed,
implemented, and evaluated. There are multiple resources available to help students create concept
maps. Examples include Lucidchart and Creately, and MindManager. There is also a link below to
a YouTube tutorial on creating a mind map in PowerPoint. This assignment will be graded in NUR
712 and will be presented as part of the formal project proposal. See Appendix 8 for the concept
map grading rubric.
Video Tutorial on creating a Mind Map in PowerPoint
Evidence Evaluation Table
Students will develop a table of evidence illustrating the relevant (keeper) studies that were
identified in their exhaustive literature search. Ten relevant, high-quality studies should be
included in the evidence table. To standardize the elements of the table, students will use the
headings and requirements presented in Appendix 9.
DNP Project Requirements Spring 2021
Synthesis Matrix
A synthesis matrix is a table that provides a visual representation of the key ideas or themes identified in
the literature review. Data from the evidence table is used develop the synthesis matrix. A minimum of
three key issues should identified across the studies. See Appendix 10 for a sample matrix.
Oral Presentation
All DNP proposals are formally presented to DNP faculty, project chairs, college leadership, and peers on
Scholar’s Day. A minimum of four reviewers will evaluate each proposal presentation. See Appendix 11 for the
project evaluation form. Following the presentation, the evaluators will meet and determine whether or not the
project proposal can move forward. Feedback will be given to the students and will include one of the
1. Approval without recommendations.
2. Approval with minor revisions and recommendations.
3. Not approved: major revisions required.
If approved, students will receive written notification from the program coordinator. Once the proposal has been
approved, students will complete and submit an application to the NAU Institutional Review Board (IRB). A
copy of the proposal acceptance letter can be viewed in Appendix 12.
If the proposal is not approved, the student, project chair, and program coordinator will meet within 5 days to
determine the steps to take in order to secure approval. The student will then have two weeks from the meeting
date to make revisions and submit them to their project chair. At that time, the project chair and program
coordinator will determine if the revisions are sufficient to progress. If the proposal is not sufficient to move
forward the student will receive a failing grade in NUR 712 and be required to repeat the course.
Institutional Review Board (IRB)
All students are required to submit an IRB application and will work with their project chair and NAU IRB
resource personnel to complete the process. This process if very prescribed and students are expected to be
proactive to ensure the project is approved prior to starting NUR 704. Projects cannot be implemented without
IRB approval or a determination by the IRB that the project is exempt. In some cases, students may also be
required to submit a separate IRB application at the institution where they will be implementing their project. At
times this can be a lengthy process and students should ask early in the process if this is needed.
- The IRB process will be reviewed in NUR 712.
- All DNP projects, without exception, must be submitted to the IRB.
- Students may not submit IRB documents without prior review and approval from their project chair.
- At the conclusion of the project, students will notify the IRB that their work is completed.
IRB submission and closeout information can be found at IRBnet
NAU IRB Human Research Protection Program
All DNP students are required to complete CITI (Collaborative Institutional Training Institute) training prior to
submitting their project proposal. The training link is available below. Students will need to sign in using their
NAU log-in and create an account. There are many course options, but students in the DNP program and their
mentors need to complete the Health & Human Services, Biomedical Research course. If your project involves
patient records you will also need to complete the optional HIPAA module.
NAU CITI Training
DNP Project Requirements Spring 2021
Phase 3: Implementation and Evaluation
In Phase 3 students will engage in the implementation and evaluation of the DNP Project. The purpose of
NUR 704 is to provide support to the student and project team during the implementation process. Students
are assisted in outcomes management, data collection and project evaluation. Additionally, students will
complete the final DNP project paper and develop a project dissemination plan.
Students must be enrolled in NUR 704 and at least 1 credit hour of NUR 703.
Practicum Hours and Project Implementation
Students will enroll in NUR 703 in the final 4 semesters of their degree program where they will work on
development, implementation, and dissemination of their DNP Project. These hours are completed in
conjunction with the four evidence-based practice courses (NUR 677, NUR 712, NUR 704, and NUR 706).
Once credit hour of NUR 703 is equal to 60 practicum hours. Therefore, students should expect to complete
approximately 240 hours completing practicum activities that support the development and implementation of
their project. Every DNP project is unique, and practicum experiences will vary. Specific information regarding
acceptable practicum experiences is located in the DNP Clinical Practicum Handbook. It is expected that
students will engage in meaningful activities that align with the DNP Essentials and NAU DNP Program
Please note that:
- Reading is not acceptable for practicum hours.
- General review of literature is not acceptable for practicum hours.
- Continuing education is not acceptable for practicum hours without prior approval from the program
Students will submit a DNP Practicum Plan at the start of each NUR 703 course, will document activities and
hours on the DNP Practicum Log, and provide a summary at the conclusion of each semester. Completed
documents will be uploaded to the NAU DNP Repository at the end of each semester.
While all DNP students complete 240 practicum hours towards their project, students admitted to the DNP
program who do not have an advanced practice degree complete additional practicum hours. Please refer to
the DNP Clinical Practicum Handbook for detailed information about practicum hour requirements.
DNP Project Requirements Spring 2021
Phase 4: Dissemination and Final Program Requirements
All students must disseminate their project findings. Students will work with team members, faculty and
their project chair to determine how to disseminate their findings in academic, clinical, community, and
professional settings. Although dissemination plans will vary, all students will 1) submit a final project
paper; 2) submit a poster to the NAU Graduate Symposium, 3) submit their final paper to the Virginia
Henderson Global Nursing e-Repository, and 4) make a formal presentation (defense) that may be attended
by NAU faculty and leadership, peers, mentors, and the public.
Students must be enrolled in NUR 706 and at least 1 credit hour of NUR 703. Enrollment in NUR 703 is
required for all students in the final semester, even if they have already completed the required practicum
DNP Project Paper
The purpose of the paper is to demonstrate the culmination of doctoral skills developed during the program
and mastery of the DNP Essentials. It is a requirement for graduation and will be reviewed by course
faculty, the program coordinator, and the student’s project chair. In addition to the elements included in the
project proposal, the final paper includes project findings, implications for clinical practice, healthcare
policy, education, health equity, and quality, and a description of plans for dissemination beyond the
academic setting and for future scholarship.
Process for Approval of the Project Paper
Paper is submitted in NUR 703 by the due date noted in the course. The paper will be reviewed by
the course faculty and any correction must be made within one week. See Appendix 13 for the
paper requirements.
When complete the paper is submitted (in its final form) for review by the program coordinator.
If the paper requirements are met the student will be notified in writing that they may present their
project on Scholar’s Day. See Appendix 14 for a copy of the approval notification and presentation
Students will obtain team member signatures and submit the Project Signature Form to the
program coordinator. See Appendix 15 for a copy of the signature sheet. This document will
become the second page of your final paper.
Following the instructions provided in the notification, students will have two copies bound and
present one each to the program coordinator and project chair.
Virginia Henderson Global Nursing e-Repository
All students will submit an electronic copy of their final approved paper to the Virginia Henderson Global
Nursing e-Repository. Students do not need to be a member of Sigma Theta Tau but will need to register as
a new user and create a profile in order to complete the submission.
DNP Project Poster
Students will present a Final DNP Project Poster at the NAU Graduate Poster Symposium. The purpose of
this activity is to share your work in an academic setting. This event occurs in the spring and the deadline
for the poster abstract is usually mid to late January. Students should verify this date in the Fall term and be
prepared to submit the abstract at the start of NUR 706. The NAU poster template can be found on the
NAU website using the link provided here. NAU Templates
DNP Project Requirements Spring 2021
Poster Requirements
- Full Title of the Project
- Introduction or Abstract of 250 words or less
- Methods
- Findings
- Discussion
- Short reference list in APA format
- Student contact information
- A copy of the poster (if presentation is live) and the poster as a handout will be shared at the final
DNP Project Presentation
DNP students are required to give a formal presentation of their DNP Project work prior to graduation. The
presentation will occur on Scholar’s Day and is open to faculty, students, family members, and the public.
The presentations will occur on a specified date between the 10
and 13
week of the final semester. The
date will be shared at the beginning of the semester in order to give students ample time to arrange their
schedules. Attendance is mandatory and, depending on the circumstances, the presentation may occur in-
person or remotely.
Requirements for Final Project Presentation
The final presentation needs to be in PowerPoint format using the NAU template. Title slides for the
presentation are in Appendix 16. Plan for the length of the presentation to be around 30 minutes with 15
minutes for questions.
Presentation Content
Title page
Background & significance
The problem & desired outcomes
Search for evidence
Evidence synthesis and key issues
Project aim
Organizational systems & environment for change
Conceptual/theoretical framework
Project description
Data collection
Project outcomes & analysis
Application of leadership
Future scholarship
Instructions for Binding the Final DNP Project Paper & Supporting Documents
NAU keeps an electronic and print copy of all DNP projects and related documents. In addition to
uploading the required documents to the NAU DNP Repository, students will professionally bind two
copies of the final DNP Project Paper. The instructions for binding will be included with the notification
that the Final Project Paper has been approved.
Binding Material
The cover page must be clear, and the binding should be flat.
DNP Project Requirements Spring 2021
Beyond Requirements
Students are also encouraged to submit an abstract for a poster or podium presentation at a professional
conference, prepare a manuscript draft for publication in a targeted peer-reviewed journal, prepare
Executive Summary or White Paper, and/or disseminate their findings to the community, stakeholders, and
peers. The deadline for submission to most conferences is set many months prior to the conference, so
students are encouraged to identify a conference of interest well in advance.
Final Steps
After successful completion of the Final Project Presentation the following FINAL STEPS are required.
- Close out the IRB application at NAU and the hosting agency if applicable.
- Submit the NAU IRB closeout documentation form found in Appendix 17 to the DNP coordinator.
- Ensure all project related documents, including the final paper, are uploaded to the NAU DNP
- Ensure all practicum hours are compete, have been approved by the DNP program coordinator, and
that the log is uploaded to the NAU DNP repository.
- Thank the cooperating agency and team members with a letter of appreciation.
DNP Project Requirements Spring 2021
DNP Project Requirements Spring 2021
Appendix 1: DNP Program Repository Requirements
DNP Program Repository Requirements
The NAU DNP Repository is the landing place for scholarly papers, clinical practicum logs, and project related
work. Students are automatically enrolled in a non-credit Bb Learn course labeled ‘DNP Program/Project
At the end of each semester students will upload required documents as stated below. All documents must be
uploaded prior to graduation.
Due Dates
Practicum log
Practicum summary
Practicum documents
End of each semester
Scholarly writing paper
End of semester
Evidence synthesis paper
End of semester
Phenomenon of interest paper
End of semester
Policy paper
End of semester
Practicum log
Practicum summary
Practicum documents
End of each semester
Data collection & analysis paper
End of semester
Leadership paper
End of semester
Poster abstract and pdf
Presentation slides
Final project paper
End of semester
Project proposal
End of semester
Health equity paper
End of semester
Organizational systems paper
End of semester
IRB approval notification
When obtained
Project evaluation form
Following final project presentation
Handbook acknowledgement form
At admission
Approved program of study
At admission & if updated by advisor
DNP Project Requirements Spring 2021
Appendix 2: DNP Project Development Tool
DNP Project Development Tool
A template of this tool can be found in the NAU DNP Repository
Student Name:
1. What is the practice issue and why is it important?
2. What is the practice area? (check all that apply)
What is the agency’s organizational philosophy, mission and vision?
3. How as the practice issue identified? (check all that apply)
Quality and safety / risk management.
Clinical practice concerns.
Procedural or process issue.
Unsatisfactory patient outcomes.
Financial concerns.
Gap or variation in practice.
4. What internal evidence has been gathered?
5. How will the project support or align with the agency’s values?
DNP Project Requirements Spring 2021
6. What is the scope of the problem?
Population health
Other (explain) __________________________________________
7. What are the elements of the clinical question? (use PICOT format)
8. What is the PICOT question? (must be narrow in focus, searchable, and answerable)
9. What evidence has been or must be gathered to answer the clinical question?
Systematic literature review
Clinical studies (RCTs, cohort studies, descriptive, etc.)
Practice guidelines
Expert opinion
Financial analysis
Professional, regulatory, or policy standards
Patient and/or family preferences
Organizational data
Other (explain)
10. Based on your current knowledge, what do you think you can do to address the problem?
DNP Project Requirements Spring 2021
11. How will your project make a change in clinical practice?
12. What outcomes, quality measures, or indicators could verify the problem was addressed?
13. Do you anticipate other project team members?
All questions on this document are answered completely.
A copy of the Evidence Synthesis paper has been given to the project chair.
The DNP Project Requirements Handbook has been read and an acknowledgement signed and
uploaded to the NAU DNP repository.
DNP Coordinator Signature:
Recommended Action Items:
DNP Project Requirements Spring 2021
Appendix 3: Project Chair Agreement
DNP Project Chair Appointment & Agreement
A copy of this document can be found in the NAU DNP Repository
Name of Student:
Proposed DNP Project Title:
Faculty Mentor:
Proposed Team Members:
(team members will sign the Project Team Agreement form)
Project Chair:
DNP Student:
DNP Program Coordinator:
DNP Project Requirements Spring 2021
Appendix 4: Project Team Agreement Record
DNP Project Team Agreement Record
A copy of this document can be found in the NAU DNP Repository
Full Title of DNP Project:
DNP Student Information:
I have reviewed the NAU DNP Project Requirements and understand my responsibilities
Other Team Member Information:
I have reviewed the NAU DNP Project Requirements and understand my responsibilities
Other Team Member Information:
I have reviewed the NAU DNP Project Requirements and understand my responsibilities
Submit completed form to the DNP Program Coordinator and upload to the Project Repository.
DNP Project Requirements Spring 2021
Appendix 5: Project Milestone Checklist
DNP Project Milestone Checklist
The purpose of this checklist is to ensure students and faculty are aware of the requirements for each phase of
the DNP project and to ensure that milestones are met.
A copy of this document can be found in the NAU DNP Repository
Phase 1:
Core courses
NUR 700 & NUR 609
Read the DNP Essentials and Program Outcomes
Develop Professional Network
Write Phenomenon of Interest Paper
Faculty Mentor Assignment
Phase 2:
Planning & Development
NUR 677 & NUR 712
Complete DNP Question Development Tool
Complete Literature Search and Synthesis
Write Evidence Synthesis Paper
Complete Project Team Agreement
Secure Agency Agreement
Write DNP Project Proposal
Formally Present Proposal
Complete CITI Training Modules
Submit Proposal to IRB (following Mentor approval)
Phase 3:
Implementation & Evaluation
NUR 704
Secure IRB Approval
Begin Project Implementation & Data Collection
Analyze and Synthesize Data & Findings
Verify all immersion hours are complete
Submit abstract for poster presentation
Complete Outcome Evaluation/Impact Paper
Phase 4:
Dissemination & Final Steps
Nur 706
Submit DNP Project Poster
Submit Final Project Paper
Submit Final Paper to Virginia Henderson Repository
Bind and submit DNP Project Paper
Upload all required documents to NAU DNP Repository
Ensure all Practicum Hours are Completed & Approved
Attend Scholar’s Day - Project Proposal Presentation
DNP Project Requirements Spring 2021
Appendix 6: Agency Letter of Cooperation
Agency Letterhead
Re: Letter of Agreement between Northern Arizona University and (agency)
This document confirms that that I , as an authorized representative of (Organization), allow
(student) access to this facility for the purpose of implementing a doctoral nursing project. The project-related
activities are described below. The project will start on (date).
Project Site(s): List the specific site name(s) and address(es) for all sites the student will access.
Study Purpose: Briefly summarize the study’s purpose and chief aim(s).
Study Activities: Briefly detail study activities that will commence at the site, such as surveys to be
distributed to Site employees, interviews or interventions with patients, or access to patient records
or database(s), etc.
Target Population: Identify the project population.
Site(s) Support: Detail what support the study site(s) agree to provide such as provide space to
conduct study activities, authorize site employees to identify persons who might qualify for study,
distribute questionnaires, retrieve patient data from site files, provide tissue samples etc.
Data Management: Briefly detail the data management planwhat data will be collected, whether
data will be identifiable or de-identified, and what protections will be in place to protect the data,
e.g., password protected, encryption, etc.
Other: Outline any other agreements you and the organization have made to further the research,
if applicable.
Anticipated End Date: State the anticipated date you will conclude research activities at the study site.
I understand that this site’s participation will only take place during the project’s active IRB approval period. All
project related activities must cease if IRB approval expires or is suspended. I understand that any activities involving
Personal Private Information or Protected Health Information may require compliance with HIPAA Laws and NAU
School of Nursing policies.
Our organization agrees to the terms and conditions stated above. If we have any concerns related to this project, we will
contact the student. For concerns regarding IRB policy or human subject welfare, we may also contact the Northern
Arizona University IRB @ IRB@nau.edu or (928) 523-4340.
Please ask the representative authorized to grant permission to use the site for the DNP project to provide the following:
Signature of Research Site Authorized Representative
Name of Research Site Authorized Representative
Job Title of Research Site Authorized Representative
Date of Signing
DNP Project Requirements Spring 2021
Appendix 7: Project Proposal Requirements
DNP Written Proposal Requirements
The following elements and headings are required for the DNP Proposal that will be completed in
NUR 712. Additional items may be added if relevant to the project. To ensure all elements are
addressed, please use this document as a checklist prior to submitting for grading. The grading rubric
is provided in NUR 712.
A title page is required. The title should be clearly written and reflect the DNP project topic. It should be no
more than 10 words.
I. Introduction
a. The paragraph provides an overview of the project. The project purpose is clearly stated in the
first 2 sentences.
II. Background knowledge
a. The background, context, and importance of the problem is clearly presented using relevant
b. Presents possible solutions to the problem.
c. Discusses the significance to health care and advanced practice nursing. The significance is
specific to the advanced-practice specialty and supported using relevant data.
III. Local problem
a. Describes the local (agency specific) problem.
b. Discusses relevant stakeholders, including their role.
c. Identifies how the local problem was identified and includes supportive and compelling
objective and/or subjective data (internal evidence).
IV. Intended Improvement
a. Clearly states project purpose.
b. Clearly states clinical question using PICOT format.
c. Clearly describes the project objectives (objective 1, objective 2, and so forth), and aligns them
with the project purpose. SMART criteria is used.
d. Discusses desired or expected outcomes.
V. Literature Search
a. The search strategy is described and includes search terms, data bases, limitations,
inclusion/exclusion criteria, etc.).
b. A flow diagram is provided as an appendix.
VI. Synthesis
a. Includes a comprehensive appraisal of current evidence.
b. Discusses strengths of evidence.
c. Discusses weaknesses of evidence.
d. Discusses gaps and limitations of evidence.
VII. Project Design
a. The project design is discussed and rational for the type of project is provided.
VIII. Theoretical Framework
a. Describes theoretical framework or model guiding the project design, including rationale.
b. Presents theoretical framework definitions and concepts/constructs.
c. Links theoretical concepts/constructs to the project’s purpose and objectives.
d. Provide illustration of theoretical framework (concept map).
IX. Project Methods
a. Describe setting to be used for project implementation.
b. Describes the target population for the project, including inclusion and exclusion criteria.
DNP Project Requirements Spring 2021
c. Describes participant recruitment procedure.
d. Describes consent process and ethical considerations
e. Includes the data collection plan, including description of tools that will be sued.
f. Includes data analysis plan, i.e., how the collected data will be analyzed.
g. Provide a project timeline (step-by-step description for project implementation) as an appendix.
X. Discussion
a. Discusses implications to practice, education, research, and policy
b. Discusses limitations of project.
c. Identifies DNP Essentials that are addressed in the project.
XI. Conclusion
a. A review/summary of key points is presented in the conclusion. No new information is
XII. Reference page
XIII. Appendices
a. Appendix A: Search Diagram
b. Appendix B: Concept Map
c. Appendix C: SWOT Analysis
d. Appendix D: Project Timeline
- This is a scholarly paper and APA formatting is required.
- Professional writing and grammar are expected.
- Papers that are not organized, are missing content, or those with excessive spelling and grammar errors
will be returned ungraded.
- This proposal must be approved before the student can formally present their project proposal
DNP Project Requirements DRAFT v1
Appendix 8: Concept Map Grading Rubric
Concept Map Grading Rubric
This rubric is used in NUR 712 to evaluate the Concept Map developed for the DNP Project.
Course Faculty
DNP Faculty Mentor
Full Title of DNP Project
The purpose of this assignment is to facilitate the translation of a theory/framework into an actionable basis for a DNP
Project. The concept map that will be submitted as an appendix to the DNP Proposal Paper.
Element of Concept Map
Theory or Framework aligns to
the type of DNP Project
The project’s actionable items
are described
Organization of Information
Visual Appeal
DNP Project Requirements Spring 2021
Appendix 9: Evaluation TablePrimary Research Evidence
Example of Evaluation Table
Key Findings
Level of
Use landscape layout.
If abbreviations are used, include a legend at the bottom of the table.
DNP Project Requirements Spring 2021
Appendix 10: Synthesis Matrix
Example of Synthesis Matrix
Determinants in HPV Vaccine Initiation
Jones (2020)
Davis &
Smith (2021)
Peters &
Backus (2018)
Short (2016)
Miller (2020)
Tasa & Judd
Marley & Lin
Millar &
James (2011)
Cramer (2021)
§ = statistically significant findings
DNP Project Requirements Spring 2021
Appendix 11: DNP Project Proposal Evaluation Tool
DNP Project Proposal Evaluation Tool
A copy of this document can be found in the NAU DNP Repository
The DNP chair, DNP coordinator, and at least on DNP course faculty will use this document to evaluate the formal DNP proposal.
Passing requires an overall score of 80% (74 out of 93 points) or greater from at least 2 reviewers. If two or more reviewers score the
proposal less than 80% ( < 74 points) the proposal cannot move forward.
Scoring: Unsatisfactory = 1 Satisfactory =2 Excellent =3
Criteria: Summarizes DNP project topic and is less than or equal to 10 words.
1. Title is not clear or not included or is > 10 words.
2. Title is somewhat clearly written to reflect the DN project topic and is < 10 words.
3. Title is clearly written to reflect the DNP project topic and is < 10 words.
Introductory Statement
Criteria: Paragraph introducing the DNP project topic
1. Inaccurate, unfocused, or no introductory paragraph provided.
2. Overview of project, purpose is clear within the paragraph.
3. Introduction, overview of the project, and project purpose is clear.
Background Knowledge
Criteria 1: Problem statement and significance
1. Background not included
2. Background and context of the problem stated with some discussion
3. Background, context, and importance of problem clearly presented using relevant data
Criteria 2: Use of literature to show relevant data using literature that supports project data
1. Literature not used or does not show need or possible solutions, no synthesis of literature.
2. Literature somewhat used to show need and/or possible solutions, synthesis somewhat included.
3. Literature synthesized to support need for the DNP project’s focus and discussion of possible solutions to the problem.
Criteria 3: Significance to health care, advanced practice nursing clearly stated and discussed
1. Significance not included
2. Significance to healthcare and/or advanced practice nursing stated with some supportive data.
3. Significance to healthcare and advanced practice nursing is clearly stated and supported using relevant data.
Local Problem
Criteria 1: Local problem identified and stakeholders identified
1. Local problem not identified & stakeholders not discussed.
2. Local problem superficially identified and/or some relevant stakeholders discussed.
3. Local problem identified and clearly described. Relevant stakeholders clearly discussed, including their role.
DNP Project Requirements Spring 2021
Criteria 2: Thorough description of needs assessment, objective data, etc.
1. Not addressed or not addressed enough to understand how this occurred.
2. Clearly stated with some support of how the problem was identified.
3. Clearly discussed how the local problem was identified and supported this with objective and/or subjective data.
Intended Improvement
Project Purpose
Criteria: Project question related to purpose and clear rationale for conducting the project
1. Purpose not included or not clearly discussed.
2. Vague or minimally supportive purpose provided.
3. Purpose clearly stated.
Project Question
Criteria: Project question clearly stated
1. Project question not included or not related to project purpose
2. Question stated, not clearly related to purpose.
3. Practice improvement-related question clearly stated, including site for implementation.
Project Objectives
Criteria: Project objective(s) clearly stated utilizing SMART criteria
1. Objectives not included or not well defined.
2. Objectives discussed and match the project purpose and question utilizes SMART criteria.
3. Objectives clearly described and closely align with the project purpose and utilize SMART criteria.
Theoretical Framework
Theoretical Framework
Criteria 1: Theoretical Framework guiding the project
1. Appropriate theoretical framework is not described.
2. Theoretical Framework is clearly described and indicates understanding.
3. Theoretical Framework is thoroughly described and is related to the project.
Criteria 2: Theoretical Framework is related to the project purpose
1. Theoretical Framework not identified or not effectively applied to the purpose of the project.
2. Relationship between theoretical framework and project purpose and objectives described.
3. Theoretical framework is clearly linked to the project’s purpose and objectives.
Criteria 3: Illustration of Theoretical Framework implementation
1. Illustration not used or not customized to project.
2. Illustration customized to project in a clear and effective manner.
3. Illustration effectively demonstrates understanding and clearly links it to the project.
DNP Project Requirements Spring 2021
Criteria 4: Concepts & definitions identified
1. Concepts not identified within the body of the text or as an appendix.
2. Concepts identified, adequately defined withing the body of the text or as an appendix. No hyperlinks
3. Concepts clearly identified and defined withing the body of the text or as an appendix. Using hyperlinks.
Literature Search & Synthesis
Literature Search
Criteria 1: Research search terms described
1. Did not clearly address databases or search criteria.
2. Adequately addressed databases used and search criteria.
3. Provided comprehensive search strategy, including databases and search criteria.
Criteria 2: Results of search described
1. Did not discuss the results of search or did not complete an adequate search.
2. Adequately stated results of search, including final number of selected studies and quality of evidence.
3. Clearly stated results of search, including final number of selected studies, quality of evidence, and rationale.
Criteria 3: Flow diagram or a discussion of selected criteria
1. Flow diagram or discussion absent or does not show appropriate selection of articles.
2. Flow diagram or discussion addresses appropriate selection criteria for articles used in synthesis.
3. Flow diagram or discussion is detailed and clearly shows appropriate selection criteria for articles including in synthesis.
Evidence Synthesis
Criteria 1: Comprehensive appraisal of current/up-to-date evidence
1. Evidence not included or articles are reviewed and described by not synthesized.
2. Adequate appraisal of evidence and articles are synthesized.
3. Comprehensive appraisal of evidence; articles are fully synthesized.
Criteria 2: Strength of evidence
1. Strengths not addressed or inadequately addressed.
2. Adequate discussion of strengths including synthesis.
3. Comprehensive discussion of strengths showing clear support of the project.
Criteria 3: Weakness of evidence
1. Weakness not addressed or inadequately addressed.
2. Adequate discussion of weakness including synthesis.
3. Comprehensive discussion of weaknesses showing clear support of the project.
Criteria 4: Gaps and limitations of evidence
1. Gaps and limitations not addressed or inadequately addressed.
2. Adequate discussion of gaps and limitations including synthesis.
3. Comprehensive discussion of gaps and limitations.
DNP Project Requirements Spring 2021
Methods Introduction
Criteria: Methods introductory paragraph
1. The methods introduction does not closely align with the projects purpose of not included.
2. Clear but incomplete introduction of the methods section that aligns with the purpose.
3. Clear and complete introduction of the methods section that closely aligns with the purpose.
Model for Implementation
Criteria: Discussion of the model for implementation
1. Does not utilize the model or does not state how it guides implementation.
2. Utilizes the model to fully describe project implementation.
3. The implementation is comprehensive and incorporates all elements of the model into the project.
Setting & Stakeholders
Criteria: Description of setting used for project implementation and description of stakeholders
1. Does not address or clearly describe setting or stakeholders.
2. Describes setting with limited details and stakeholders discussed in a clear manner.
3. Describes setting with high level of detail and stakeholders discussed in a comprehensive manner.
Planning the Intervention
Criteria: A detailed step-by-step guide for project implementation
1. Implementation steps are not identified or adequately discussed.
2. Implementation steps are complete with sufficient level of detail and clearly organized.
3. Implementation steps are comprehensive with excellent level of detail and organized with precision.
Recruitment and Participants
Criteria: Description of recruitment of participants and the inclusion/exclusion selection criteria for participants
1. Recruitment not addressed or does not adequately state inclusion / exclusion selection criteria.
2. Recruitment is adequately addressed and states inclusion / exclusion selection criteria.
3. Recruitment addressed in detail and precise detailed inclusion / exclusion selection criteria.
Consent and Ethical Considerations
Criteria: Discussion of consent process and ethical considerations related to the project
1. Consent process not addressed or does not adequately address ethical considerations.
2. Consent process adequately addresses ethical considerations.
3. Consent process addressed in detail and comprehensive discussion of ethical considerations.
Data Collection
Criteria: Discussion of data collection process and data collection tool used for the project
1. Data collection process not addressed or does not adequately discuss data collection tool.
2. Data collection process addressed adequately and data collection tool described.
3. Data collection process addressed in detail and comprehensive discussion of data collection tool.
DNP Project Requirements Spring 2021
Data Analysis
Criteria: Discussion of data analysis process for the project
1. Data analysis process not addressed or does not adequately discuss data analysis process.
2. Data analysis process addressed adequately.
3. Data analysis process addressed in detail.
Scholarly Presentation
Presentation media
Criteria: The presentation is professional prepared (ppt is clear, text is legible, follows professional guidelines for formatting and style,
is visually appealing, and without errors)
1. Unsatisfactory
2. Satisfactory
3. Excellent
Presentation style
Criteria: The proposal is professionally presented (rehearsed, organized, clear, articulate)
1. Unsatisfactory
2. Satisfactory
3. Excellent
DNP Project Requirements Spring 2021
Appendix 12: Notification of Proposal Acceptance
DNP Project Proposal
Notification of Acceptance
Name of Student:
Date and Time:
Proposed DNP Project Title:
Evaluation Result:
Approved (with minor recommendations)
Not approved
Project Faculty Mentor:
DNP Program Coordinator:
DNP Project Requirements Spring 2021
Appendix 13: Final Project Paper Content
Final Project Paper Requirements
A copy of this document can be found in the DNP Repository
- Introduction
o Background
o Problem statement
o Needs assessment
o Significance
- Synthesis of the literature
o Clinical question
o Review of the literature
o Synthesis of the literature
o Key findings
o Evidence-based practice recommendations
- Type of project
o Project aims & objectives
- Theoretical Framework
- Change Model
- Setting
o Organizational mission, vision, values
o Organizational need(s)
o Organizational support
o Project stakeholders
o SWOT analysis
o Barriers & facilitators
o Resources needed
o Project manager role
- PICOT question
o Population
o Intervention described
o Comparison
o Outcomes measured
o Timeframe
o Feasibility
- Design
DNP Project Requirements Spring 2021
o Recruitment
o Ethics and human subject protection
o Known and potential risks/harms
o Benefits
o Consent process
o Participant costs and compensation
o Data collection plan
o Data collection tools (validity/reliability)
o Data maintenance and security
o Data analysis plan
o Budget / resources
o Timeline (what happened when, to whom, where, and how)
- Discussion of findings
- Measured outcomes
- Data Analysis
- Impact on system and population
- Implications for nursing practice
- Implications for quality, policy and education
- Recommendations
- Contributions to the profession of nursing
- Plans for dissemination
- Plans for future scholarship
- Summary / conclusion
- Concept map
- Evidence table
- Synthesis matrix
- DNP team signature form
- Agency agreement letter
- IRB determination letter from NAU
- IRB determination letter for hosting agency
- Consent
- Recruitment flyer
- Data collection instruments
DNP Project Requirements Spring 2021
Appendix 14: Final Paper Approval Notification & Presentation Instructions
Final Paper Approval Notification & Presentation Instructions
Congratulations on the completion of your final project paper! Your hard work is recognized, and I am looking
forward to your project presentation. Please read this letter carefully as you put together your paper for
submission to the Virginia Henderson e-repository, prepare your presentation for scholar’s day, and complete a
few other tasks.
Final paper requirements
A closeout signature page will be completed and added to your paper. This document will include
original signatures from your project chair, other team members and the DNP program coordinator.
Please ask non-NAU project team members to sign your project title signature page.
Binding your paper
o You will print and bind two copies of your final paper.
o The DNP project cover page is the 1st page of your bound copies.
o The DNP project signature page is the second page of your bound copies.
o Your paper should be organized and submitted as approved.
o The binding cover should be clear on the front.
o The binding should use flat binding as opposed to spiral or comb binding.
Distribution of paper
o Distribute one copy to the DNP program coordinator and one copy to your faculty chair.
o Upload a copy to the Virginia Henderson e-Repository.
Practicum log
Submit a copy of your practicum documentation log to the DNP program coordinator for approval. The
log must demonstrate completion of all required hours.
Upload the final practicum log to the DNP repository.
Before the presentation
1. Review the requirements for the presentation. In appendix 15 there is an outline of title slides.
2. Your presentation should last for 30 minutes. Please rehearse your presentation using the timer feature
in PowerPoint.
3. Attendees will be given an opportunity to ask questions and make comments following the presentation.
I highly recommend you anticipate some of the questions that may be asked.
4. Have your faculty chair review your presentation slides and address all feedback you receive.
5. Submit your presentation slides to the DNP program coordinator two weeks before the presentation
date. The presentation must be approved before you can present at scholar’s day.
Scholar’s day
1. Scholar’s day will be held on ______________ beginning at 9:00 am. You are asked to attend the full
day so you can support your peers, benefit from their work, and provide peer feedback on the proposals
that will be presented by the next DNP cohort.
2. Bring copies of your poster as a pdf to share with attendees.
3. Following your presentation your chair will share comments from other reviews reviewers.
After the presentation
IRB Project Closure
If you have an open IRB application, and all your project study data is complete, you must closeout
your application. Instructions can be found on NAU IRB webpage. IRB Closure Instructions
Complete and submit the closure documentation form to the DNP program coordinator.
DNP Project Requirements Spring 2021
Appendix 15: Project Signature Page
DNP Project Signature Sheet
A copy of this document can be found in the NAU DNP Repository
Title of Project
This Project was presented to the Northern Arizona University School of Nursing Faculty in partial
fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Nursing Practice
Name of DNP Student
Approved: Project Chair/Mentor:
Signature: _________________________________ Date: ________________________
Approved: DNP Program Coordinator:
Signature: _________________________________ Date: ________________________
Approved: DNP Team Member(s):
Signature: _________________________________ Date: ________________________
Approval Acknowledged: School of Nursing Director/Designee
Signature: _________________________________ Date: ________________________
DNP Project Requirements Spring 2021
Appendix 16: Presentation Template
DNP Project Requirements Spring 2021
Appendix 17: IRB Closeout Documentation Form
IRB Closeout Documentation Form
A copy of this document can be found in the DNP Repository
I affirm that I have:
been notified by the NAU IRB office that my request to close my protocol has been approved.
have completed the NAU IRB closure process.
Signature of DNP Program Candidate
Forward this form to the DNP program coordinator.