PM Guidance for ATSDR Health Assessment Products June 2024 update
Guidance for Inhalation Exposures to Particulate Matter
[ATSDR] Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry. 2024. Guidance for Inhalation
Exposures to Particulate Matter. Atlanta, GA: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services,
Public Health Service, June 2024
1. Introduction
1.1. Background
1.2. Purpose
2. Public Health Evaluation Approach for Particulate Data 4
2.1. Pre-evaluation 4
2.2. Process for Assessing PM Data 6
2.2.1. Step 1: Data Averaging 7
2.2.2. Step 2: PM Screening 7 Special consideration: Short-term exposure studies of ≤24-hour exposures 9
2.2.3. Step 3: Data Evaluation 11 Acute exposures 11 Chronic exposures 13
3. Integrating steps 1-3 and adding cautionary statements 13
3.1. Scenario 1: The appropriately averaged data are consistently below AQGs 13
3.2. Scenario 2: The appropriately averaged data are above AQGs: 14
3.3. Example language 15
Appendix A: Particulate Matter National Data Summaries from the U.S. EPA Air Quality System (AQS) 17
Appendix B: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Particulate Matter AQI designations and Health
Statements* 25
4. References 15
PM Guidance for ATSDR Health Assessment Products June 2024 update
1. Introduction
1.1. Background
Particulate matter (PM) is the generic term for a broad class of chemically and physically
diverse solid particles and liquid droplets found in the ambient air (Figure 1). Particles originate
from a variety of anthropogenic sources, both stationary (e.g., coal-fired power plants) and
mobile (e.g., cars and trucks), as well as from natural (e.g., dust storms) sources. In addition to
being directly emitted into the air, particles can be formed in the atmosphere through complex
reactions involving chemicals such as sulfur dioxide (SO
) and nitrogen dioxide (NO
). PM is a
mixture of various components (e.g., metals, elemental carbon (EC), organic compounds (OC),
etc.), and as such, its chemical and physical properties can vary greatly with time, region,
meteorology, and source (U.S. EPA 2009). Note that these guidelines are for non-speciated PM,
or PM reported as a total mass without distinguishing the morphology and chemical composition
of the PM (e.g., diesel engine PM, specific heavy metals, polychlorinated biphenyls, acidic
content of aerosols, etc.).
Figure 1. Schematic of Different Types of Particulate Matter
Source: U.S. EPA (
PM Guidance for ATSDR Health Assessment Products June 2024 update
PM is generally classified into three categories: ultrafine particles (UFP; particles with a mean
aerodynamic diameter (d
) of less than or equal to 0.1 micrometer (µm)), fine particles (PM
particles with a mean d
of less than or equal to 2.5 µm), and thoracic particles (PM
; particles
with a mean d
of less than or equal to 10 µm). Note that these size fractions are not mutually
exclusive—the “cut point” of the size fraction includes all sizes below it. For example, ultrafine
particles are a component of PM
. Particles that fall within the size range between PM
, are referred to as thoracic coarse particles (PM
; particles with a mean d
of 10 µm
and >2.5 µm). Particles 10 µm in aerodynamic diameter are considered respirable and pose the
greatest health concern because some can penetrate deep into the lungs and enter the blood
stream (U.S. EPA 2009). In ambient air, PM
tends to reflect regional air quality, with these
smaller particles traveling greater distances within the ambient atmosphere and remaining in the
atmosphere longer than larger particles and can be emitted directly from industry or formed
indirectly through chemical reactions in the atmosphere. PM
concentrations, however,
generally reflect the contribution of larger particles attributable to local sources.
In this guidance, PM
and PM
are addressed, but not UFP. UFP is not routinely characterized
for residential exposure assessment investigations because of limited atmospheric lifetime,
limitations in analysis, characterization of particles, and toxicity assessment, but it is an
important area of current research. These limitations have thus far precluded the development of
health-based screening values for UFP.
Exposure to respirable particles with an aerodynamic diameter less than 10 µm can affect both
short- and long-term effects on cardiopulmonary function, morbidity, and mortality. Numerous
scientific studies have linked particle pollution exposure to (U.S. EPA 2023a, WHO 2013):
mortality and morbidity rate;
ischemic heart disease, cerebrovascular disease, and heart failure;
systemic inflammation, oxidative stress and alteration of the electrical processes of the
heart (the biomarkers of which illustrate the contribution of PM
exposures to
cardiovascular disease);
respiratory effects (including aggravated asthma, decreased lung function, and symptoms
such as coughing) and infections;
diabetes; and
impaired neurological development in children and “brain aging” and neurological
disorders in adults.
ATSDR defines “sensitive” population subgroups as people who are more sensitive to the effects
of inhalation exposure to pollutants such as pregnant women, children, and older adults (65
In addition, “highly sensitive” population subgroups may include members of these
groups or people in the general population that have pre-existing respiratory (e.g., asthma or
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)) or cardiovascular disease. For several reasons
(e.g. greater urban and regional exposure in urbanized areas, less access to healthcare, greater
prevalence of respiratory and cardiovascular disease), people of lower socioeconomic status are
also more likely to have increased risk for adverse health outcomes from exposure to elevated
PM (Pratt et al. 2015). Studies also show that there are both PM
exposure and health risk
PM Guidance for ATSDR Health Assessment Products June 2024 update
disparities by race and ethnicity among minority populations, specifically Black populations
(U.S. EPA 2022).
1.2. Purpose
These guidelines have been developed to aid health assessors in the evaluation of PM data during
the data screening phase of the health assessment process. It is intended to provide health
assessors with 1) some decision criteria for how to average PM data, 2) select appropriate
comparison values to screen PM data, and 3) guidance on how to reach conclusions about
whether a public health hazard can be attributed to PM exposure. Recommended public health
statements are provided for informing precautionary personal actions and suggested language are
provided for describing a finding that a site presents a public health hazard. Please note that
evaluating PM in addition to other pollutants is not addressed in this guidance. Health assessors
should refer to the ATSDR Framework for Assessing Health Impacts of Multiple Chemicals and
Other Stressors (Update) (2018)
for specific methods of conducting a multi-pollutant risk
2. Public Health Evaluation Approach for Particulate Data
2.1. Pre-evaluation
Before screening the data, health assessors should identify how the available data can be used to
contribute to the characterization of health risks in the community being evaluated. To determine
the applicability of the data for exposure assessment in carrying out a public health evaluation,
the following should be considered:
1. Monitor locations
On-site monitors that represent occupational exposures to workers and are likely to be
an over-estimate of community exposures from fugitive releases from site operations.
Perimeter or fenceline monitors are generally considered a proxy for the highest
exposure estimate for a nearby community from fugitive or short stack emissions.
With increasing stack height, combined with atmospheric transport and chemical
reactions, health assessors should keep in mind that the area of maximum impact may
be further within the adjacent community, not at the fence line.
Residential monitors measure ambient PM levels where the general population,
including sensitive individuals, are exposed.
Modeled maximum impact monitors (monitors placed at the location predicted by
modeling to have the highest concentrations) are intended to measure highest PM in
air and are usually sited using air dispersion modeling.
2. Frequency of downwind data collection/whether the data represent average or worst-
case conditions
Meteorological (Met) data collocated at or close to the monitor location can help
health assessors determine whether the dataset they are evaluating represents
exposures for the most impacted residents. Modeling can be used to inform ambient
monitor placement in areas of high impact.
Meteorological (Met) data should reasonably represent similar conditions to those at
the monitoring site but may or may not be collocated at the monitoring site. Note that
PM Guidance for ATSDR Health Assessment Products June 2024 update
U.S. EPA has siting requirements for stationary Met stations (see
3. Air quality monitors used for background/data context
In addition to using weather conditions to help health assessors interpret ambient air
quality data, other area monitors can also help to put site-related PM data into
context. If PM levels seem high at a given site but other area monitors up and
downwind consistently have similarly high PM concentrations, the regional air
quality for that city or geographic area may be poor (the PM is likely not coming
solely from the facility being investigated). Looking at the data in context helps
health assessors come to appropriate conclusions regarding the hazard posed by the
site and helps to define appropriate health-protective recommendations.
Spatial assessments of multiple datasets can help identify other sources affecting air
quality data. For example, evaluating concentration by wind direction may reveal the
influence of sites beyond the one being evaluated. Recommendations can be made to
more completely investigate other local or regional sources (e.g. traffic, electric
power generating, and other facilities) and can lead to additional data collection and
possible actions by regulatory agencies.
Health assessors should keep in mind that the evaluation of personal and community-related
exposures to PM is complicated because it is a ubiquitous class of air pollutant with wide
variation in both composition and concentration that is based on a mix of stationary, mobile, and
natural sources. Some PM in a community is the result of long-range mass transport that may
originate from multiple sources thousands of miles away (WHO 2006b). It is important for
health assessors to provide qualitative and semi-quantitative perspective in their assessments by
noting these limitations and acknowledging that many sources likely contribute to the PM
measured near the site under investigation, especially PM
, PM
, and UFP that could be
present from long-range transport. A spatial assessment of site and community data and a
comparison of these data with general air quality monitors in the area can provide important
context to the assessment of exposure.
Identifying whether the PM is source-related should be evaluated by considering:
a. Sampling of PM data should align with knowledge about the characteristics of emissions
from the source (e.g., continuous vs intermittent, hours of operation, etc.).
b. Whether there are other known sources of PM in the area (e.g., highways, industry,
agriculture, desert).
c. Whether there is directionality in the data (meteorological data versus concentration at
upwind/downwind locations).
d. If concentrations are relatively consistent, regardless of meteorological conditions, it may
suggest that the PM monitor represents regional air quality rather than a site-related source.
Health assessors should also compare site data to available data from other locations in the
United States. Recent and historic PM
and PM
data are summarized by the U.S. EPA and are
routinely shared with the public in the Our Nation’s Air annual trends reports. Data and maps
from these resources are presented in Appendix A. The health assessor is encouraged to put new
PM data into this historic and geographic context to show how they compare to similar site
PM Guidance for ATSDR Health Assessment Products June 2024 update
2.2. Process for Assessing PM Data
Prior to analysis, data should be confirmed to have been properly validated and be of high
quality. Three steps are outlined for the assessment of PM data: Data Averaging, Screening, and
Data Evaluation. See Figure 2 on the following page for a visual representation of this process.
Figure 2. Decision Tree for PM Assessments*
See page 8 for a discussion of data evaluation for <24-hour samples
PM Guidance for ATSDR Health Assessment Products June 2024 update
Health assessors should be aware that PM data are collected both as discrete and continuous data,
depending on the technology being used. Continuous data are generally reported hourly but can be
reported in other time increments. Filter-based samples are generally collected over a 24-hour
period and may not be collected over consecutive days (and one-in-three- and one-in-six-day
sampling are also common). However, filter-based sampling can also take place over other
averaging times as warranted by site-specific objectives.
2.2.1. Step 1: Data Averaging
As a first step, the health assessor must appropriately average the data prior to comparing them
to equivalent averaging times of screening values. Since more data points yield more accurate
averaging, it is preferable to use the most highly resolved increment for averaging into 1-hour,
24-hour, study period, and annual averages. For example, if data are collected in 1-minute
increments, one can average those measurements into a 1-hour, 24-hour, study period, and
annual averages.
2.2.2. Step 2: PM Screening
In Step 2, health assessors select contaminants for further evaluation by comparing them to
health-based comparison values (CV). ATSDR does not have a Minimal Risk Level (MRL)
value for PM that can be used as the basis for an ATSDR-derived CV. This guidance identifies
provisional CVs for PM that can be used for health assessment purposes.
The assessment of PM exposure can be
challenging because 1) includes emissions
from natural and anthropogenic sources and is
therefore ubiquitous across every region of the
world, whether or not there is a nearby
attributable source; and 2) since susceptibility
to PM exposure is highly variable from person
to person, and since there are no known
threshold of effect from exposure to PM of
varying composition, it is unlikely that any
standard or guideline value could lead to
complete protection for everyone (WHO
2006a). These factors make establishing a
health-based comparison value for PM complex.
WHO’s AQGs are based on health effects associated with PM exposure. For evaluating PM
data at sites, the WHO AQGs listed in Table 1 should be used for PM screening. The PM air
concentration for the appropriate data averaging timeframe for the specific PM size fraction
should be selected as the screening value. While WHO has used a statistical manipulation of the
AQG values to establish target ambient air concentrations (e.g., the 24-hour PM
AQG is the
percentile value over a given year), ATSDR and state cooperative agreement health
assessors should use the unadjusted values in Table 1 for PM screening. Note that acute
While regulatory values exist, such as U.S.
EPA’s National Ambient Air Quality Standards
(NAAQS) for PM, their purpose is to set
regulatory limits for six criteria pollutants,
including PM, for ambient air in the United
States. However, as a general practice, ATSDR
uses the most health-protective comparison
value available for screening purposes. For PM,
the most health-protective screening values
established are the Air Quality Guidelines
(AQGs) from the World Health Organization
(WHO) in Geneva.
PM Guidance for ATSDR Health Assessment Products June 2024 update
durations (≤24-hour averages) are evaluated with 24-hour AQGs, while chronic exposures to PM
are evaluated with annual AQGs. ATSDR often predicts chronic” exposures with relatively
brief air sampling periods. For example, exposure investigations (EIs) have often used data
collected over weeks or months in downwind conditions to estimate long term exposure under
highest exposure conditions. The appropriateness of extrapolating acute or chronic health
implications from available data should be discussed along with the general attributes of the
dataset during the scoping process with a PM subject matter expert (SME). This discussion helps
determine the most appropriate analysis for the dataset being reviewed. PM has seasonal trends,
and limited data sets may over- or under-estimate PM exposures. Examples include elevated
and PM
in summer months in some areas of the country, or elevations of PM
(such as
EC, OC, and nitrates or sulfates) in winter or summer months, respectively.
Table 1. ATSDR PM Screening Values: World Health Organization Particulate Matter Air Quality
Guidelines (AQGs)*
PM Air Pollutant Metric WHO ATSDR CV
45 µg/m
15 µg/m
15 µg/m
5 µg/m
CV - Comparison value; µg/m
micrograms per cubic meter; PM particulate matter.
NA Not Available: ATSDR does not have CV for PM.
*WHO 2021
These screening levels reflect the numeric value of the WHO AQGs for 24-hours
PM Guidance for ATSDR Health Assessment Products June 2024 update
9 Special consideration: Short-term exposure studies of ≤24-hour exposures
ATSDR health assessors often receive data collected over shorter
durations than 24 hours, but no sub-acute AQG exists for
exposures that occur for less than 24 hours. Continuous PM
data are frequently collected and reported over hourly
durations. If data are reported in increments less than an hour, data
should be averaged hourly. Hourly data highlight the variability of
PM concentrations over the course of a day and may identify
temporal trends of peak concentrations of PM that are not obvious
when evaluating 24-hour averages. In these instances, it is
appropriate to compare these short term (≤ 24 hour) exposures to
the acute AQGs. The rationale for this approach is discussed
The 2019 PM U.S. EPA Integrated Science Assessment (ISA)
reviewed studies of short-term (≤24-hour exposures) PM exposure
in the scientific literature and their association with various health
outcomes. The studies evaluated in the ISA led U.S. EPA (2019)
to conclude that there is:
sufficient evidence to conclude that a causal relationship
exists between short-term and long-term PM
and cardiovascular effects;
likely to be causal relationship between short-term and
long-term PM
exposure and respiratory effects;
likely to be causal relationship between long-term PM
exposure and neurological effects and cancer;
a suggestive causal determination for short-term PM
exposure and cardiovascular effects, respiratory effects,
and mortality;
mounting evidence that PM
and PM
may impair
nervous system function to varying degrees depending on
the size fraction; and
evidence that PM
likely causes cancer and PM
evidence that is suggestive that it has carcinogenic
U.S. EPA (2019) identified exposures and health outcomes from
that are considered causal or likely to be causal.
See Table 2, below.
U.S. EPA. 2019. Integrated Science Assessment for Particulate Matter. Center for Public Health and
Environmental Assessment Office of Research and Development U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Research Triangle Park, NC. Table 1-2.
In Summary:
Screening annual averages:
Screen long term (>1 year, or
if appropriate, shorter
durations (see Section 2.2.2))
average of PM
*against the annual
average AQG.
Screening 24-hour
Whenever possible, screen
the 24-hour PM
and PM
against the 24-hour AQG.
Screening 24-hour
Use 24-hour AQG for PM
and PM
and cite the 2019
U.S. EPA ISA using the
suggested precautionary
language: Given that the
literature suggests effects
have been observed at
concentrations at or below the
24-hour AQG for PM
(see U.S. EPA, 2019),
AQGs can be compared to
sample durations as short as
For PM1- levels exceeding the
annual AQG, see Section 2.2.3b
PM Guidance for ATSDR Health Assessment Products June 2024 update
Table 2. Summary of PM2.5 and health outcome studies*
Exposure Duration
Endpoint Description
Mean ambient concentration range
associated with effects
Short-term Exposure
Hospital admissions and ED
visits for asthma, COPD,
respiratory infections, and
combinations of respiratory-
related diseases
U.S. and Canada: 4.7−24. 6 μg/m³
Europe: 8.8−27.7 μg/m³
Asia: 11.8−69.9 μg/m³
Short-term Exposure
Respiratory mortality
U.S. and Canada: 7.9−19.9 μg/m³
Europe: 8.0−27.7 μg/m³
Asia: 11.8−69.9 μg/m³
Long-term Exposure
Decrement in lung function
6−28 μg/m³
Long-term Exposure
Asthma development in
5.2−16.5 μg/m³
Long-term Exposure
Bronchitis symptoms in
children with asthma
9.9−13.8 μg/m³
Long-term Exposure
Accelerated lung function
decline in adults
9.5−17.8 μg/m³
Long-term Exposure
Respiratory mortality 6.3−23.6 μg/m³
Short-term Exposure
Ischemic Heart Disease
5.8−18.6 μg/m³
Short-term Exposure
Heart Failure 5.8−18.0 μg/m³
Short-term Exposure
General cardiovascular
effects (over 2 hours)
24−325 μg/m³
Long-term Exposure
Cardiovascular mortality: 4.1−17.9 μg/m³
Long-term Exposure
Coronary events 13.4 μg/m³
Long-term Exposure
CAC 14.2 μg/m³
Long-term Exposure
CHD and stroke (people with
pre-existing disease)
13.4−23.9 μg/m³
Long-term Exposure
Brain volume 11.1−12.2 μg/m³
Long-term Exposure
Cognition 8.5 (5-yr avg)−14.9 μg/m³
Long-term Exposure
Autism 14.0−19.6 μg/m³
Long-term Exposure
Lung cancer incidence and
U.S. and Canada: 6.3−23.6 μg/m³
Europe: 6.6−31.0 μg/m³
Asia: 33.7 μg/m³
Short-term Exposure
Total mortality
U.S. and Canada: 4.37−17.97 μg/m³
Europe: 13−27.7 μg/m³
PM Guidance for ATSDR Health Assessment Products June 2024 update
Asia: 11.8−69.9 μg/m³
Long-term Exposure
Total mortality
ACS/HSC cohorts: 11.4−23.6 μg/m³
Medicare cohort: 8.12−12.0 μg/m³
Canadian cohorts: 8.7−9.1 μg/m³
Employment cohorts: 12.7−17.0 μg/m³
Excerpted from: U.S. EPA. 2019. Integrated Science Assessment for Particulate Matter. Center for Public Health
and Environmental Assessment Office of Research and Development U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Research Triangle Park, NC. Table 1-2.
The most recent U.S. EPA assessment (2022) found that research published since 2019 further
supports evidence of causality between PM exposure and health effects. One PM
study showed
a relationship between long-term exposure and total mortality at levels averaging 5.9 ug/m
which is lower than the concentrations shown on Table 2. Another PM
study provided evidence
of both lung and cardiac function changes in young, healthy participants.
While fewer studies investigated health effects at ≤24-hour exposures, evidence suggests that
similar health outcomes are possible, including:
heart rate variability;
vasoconstriction of arteries; and
hemostatic markers indicating changes in the blood of healthy subjects or patients with
coronary artery disease.
These effects were observed in single and multi-city continuous measurements where morbidity
was assessed from the general population and in controlled human and animal exposure studies.
The continuous or controlled acute exposures included durations of observation between 1 and
22 hours. Given that the literature suggests effects have been observed at concentrations at or
below the 24-hour WHO AQG for PM
and PM
, health assessors can apply these screening
values to ambient concentrations collected over a duration as short as 1-hour. However,
whenever possible, the health assessor should also calculate and compare 1-hour and 24-hour
averages to the 24-hour AQG and annual averages to the annual AQG for PM
and PM
Exposure to daily averages has been better studied for all outcomes and has resulted in a more
robust scientific database for the effect of PM on health outcomes. These associations are
generally stronger for PM
than for PM
(U.S. EPA 2019; WHO, 2013).
2.2.3. Step 3: Data Evaluation Acute exposures
To evaluate acute exposures in a given dataset, health assessors should assess general air quality
over the duration that sampling was conducted. U.S. EPA’s PM Air Quality Index (AQI) is used
nationally to designate real time threats to unusually sensitive
individuals, sensitive populations,
The U.S.EPA does not have a formal definition of an unusually sensitive person, however, we know from scientific
studies that there is inter-individual variability in responses to exposure to air pollution. For example, two people
could respond differently to the same air pollution level: one person with asthma may experience some respiratory
discomfort and maybe an asthma attack while another person with asthma exposed to the same level may not
react at all. The intent of adding in the cautionary statement is to advise highly sensitive persons that they should
PM Guidance for ATSDR Health Assessment Products June 2024 update
or the general public. Identifying the number of days during the sampling period being evaluated
where ambient PM levels fall into these AQI categories can support a qualitative assessment of
the frequency that poor air quality occurred in the monitoring area. This qualitative assessment
puts exceedances of the AQGs in perspective. For example, if during screening, the health
assessors identifies exceedances of the 24-hour AQGs, but those exceedances only occurred
infrequently, the health assessor may choose to use cautionary statements indicating that any
harm to sensitive individuals was limited to a few days over a year of sampling. However, if
exceedances occur over substantial portion of the air samples, the health assessor should choose
stronger hazard language.
Depending on the PM level, any single 24-hour period above the WHO AQG potentially could
result in harmful effects for either highly sensitive or sensitive individuals, the general (healthy)
public, or all for all groups. The frequency with which ambient PM fell into the various AQI
categories can be presented by adding the number of days in a given sampling period that PM
levels fall within the AQI categories shown in Appendix B. Additional perspective on how data
near a site compare to areas not expected to be impacted by known sources of PM should also be
provided (see Background Air Considerations section and Appendix A). Please consult with a
PM SME for help interpreting acute exposures and the AQI categories in Appendix B.
Additional perspective on how data near a site compare to areas not expected to be impacted by
known sources of PM should also be provided (see Background Air Considerations section and
Appendix A).
Appendix B defines the following to be used in PM assessments:
AQI Category and associated PM ranges
Sensitive/highly sensitive group definition
Health effects statements
The information in Appendix B should be included in a health consultation or health assessment.
The cautionary statements in section 3.0 should be considered for use with the recommendations.
For 24-hour PM
levels in the Moderate AQI range, health assessors should provide the public
with a cautionary statement for highly sensitive persons (see Appendix B). The health effects
statement for the moderate category should be added to a conclusion, basis for a conclusion, or
public health action plan and the cautionary statement should be added as a recommendation.
Note that the upper end of the AQI “Good” category slightly exceeds the 24-hour AQGs for
and PM
. This limitation should be acknowledged in the health consultation with the
following caveat:
The AQI is a tool used by U.S. EPA to categorize air quality threats in real time to local
populations across the United States and is not intended to be used as a surrogate for a
presentation of the scientific literature in health assessments. ATSDR uses the AQI only for the
always be cognizant of how they are feeling outdoors on days in the Moderate AQI Category. Instead of using the
undefined term “unusually sensitive”, ATSDR uses “highly sensitive” throughout this guidance.
PM Guidance for ATSDR Health Assessment Products June 2024 update
purposes of qualitatively assessing the frequency of poor air quality days that may affect
different segments of the population. AQI data can be used to support health conclusions made
by evaluation of exceedances of screening values, an assessment of how exposures compare to
those in the toxicological literature, and an assessment of other data that put these exceedances
into context (such as background data or upwind data vs. downwind data, spatial analysis,
etc.). Chronic exposures
There are no annual AQI designations to support health conclusions for chronic PM
exceeding the AQGs. As previously stated, for long-term health effects there are stronger
correlations with PM
than with PM
levels. However, WHO has maintained their annual
average PM guideline level of 15 µg/m
primarily to protect against harmful PM
If a health assessor is presented with only PM
data, they should first evaluate the 24-hour
averages and less than 24-hour averages (usually 1-hour) using the approach described above.
Then annual average PM
data should be compared to the annual WHO AQG to get a sense of
whether the PM
annual averages are a potential concern, but also note that many areas of the
U.S. have annual average PM
levels above the WHO guideline (see Appendix A).
To draw conclusions on annual PM
data, health assessors should consult with one of the PM
SMEs. Further, an assessment of background data, upwind data vs. downwind data, spatial
analysis, etc. helps to determine the extent of contribution from a specific source to air quality
and informs health-protective recommendations.
3. Integrating steps 1-3 and adding cautionary statements
Data evaluated in the PM assessment will fall into one of two scenarios. These scenarios and the
appropriate next steps are detailed below. Refer to Figure 2 for an overview of the decision
process for PM Assessment.
3.1. Scenario 1: The appropriately averaged data are consistently below AQGs
The assessor would conclude that exposures are not expected to harm the public in the absence
of data and information indicating otherwise. Current science does support evidence that
increases in harmful effects are possible for highly sensitive populations at concentrations below
the AQGs.
Evaluating less than 24-hour PM data when the 24-hour average is below the AQGs.
Neither the U.S. EPA nor the WHO have developed standards or guidelines for exposures to PM
for durations less than 24-hours. However, 24-hour AQGs for PM
and PM
can also be used
for PM screening for shorter durations. Given that the literature suggests effects have been
observed at concentrations at or below the 24-hour AQG for PM
and PM
(see U.S. EPA
2019), AQGs can be compared to sample durations as short as 1-hour. Because a health
conclusion is only made based on a sampling average equivalent to the AQG duration of 24-
PM Guidance for ATSDR Health Assessment Products June 2024 update
hours, a cautionary statement to alert potentially sensitive populations can be added in the
scenario where hourly averages may exceed the acute AQG, but the 24-hour average is below the
acute AQG.
Suggested language:
Conclusion: PM
levels had maximum 1-hour concentrations of over X,XXX µg/m
: however,
24-hour averages were below the AQG. Exposure to PM levels above the AQG has the potential
to trigger acute health conditions in highly sensitive and sensitive individuals, even over
exposure periods of less than 24 hours (U.S. EPA 2012). OR
Individuals with cardiopulmonary illness may have a slightly increased risk of the
exacerbation of their health conditions with intermittent short-term exposures to high
concentrations of pollutants over acute durations (<24 hours). It is possible that shorter
duration exposures (e.g. 1-hour) to very high PM concentrations could trigger an adverse acute
response in these populations in the absence of an exceedance of the 24-hour AQG.”
Recommendation: See Appendix B; Example: Highly sensitive people and parents of highly
sensitive children should consult the air quality forecast and consider reducing prolonged or
heavy exertion on days where air quality is predicted to be poor.
Consult with PM SME if help is needed to interpret acute (< 24-hour) data.
3.2. Scenario 2: The appropriately averaged data are above AQGs:
The assessor may conclude that harmful health effects are possible based on one or more of the
following considerations:
1. Frequency of concentrations at levels of concern to specific populations at risk in the
community. The health assessor should include the frequency of AQG exceedances as
well as the frequency 24-hour averages fall within the various AQI categories.
2. Meteorological and spatial data indicating that a sole source is responsible for a great
proportion of PM and levels approaching the PM CVs.
3. The dataset is small but meteorological and spatial data indicate that worst-case
conditions are not necessarily occurring during the sampling period.
4. Sensitive individuals have an increased likelihood of experiencing health effects as a
result of exposures (e.g., persons with severe asthma, COPD, and pre-existing respiratory
or cardiovascular disease).
The outcome of this evaluation could include a conclusion that a health hazard does or does not
exist, the inclusion of a cautionary statement for the public, and/or a request for additional
sampling data to confirm whether a hazard may exist. The scenario should be prefaced with a
statement about the representativeness of the data (e.g., it represents worst case conditions, it
doesn’t represent worst case conditions, the monitors were not operating when exposures were
occurring, the facility installed pollution controls prior to monitoring beginning, etc.). An
assessment of short-term exposure data should use cautionary language from the AQI table in
Appendix B.
Short term (24 hour) averages:
PM Guidance for ATSDR Health Assessment Products June 2024 update
Suggested language:
Conclusion: Exposure to elevated concentrations of PM
and/or PM
could harm
public health because of an increased risk for adverse health effects among [insert site-
specific population of concern].
See Appendix B for AQI categories to evaluate air quality in the population being
assessed and for possible additional language for the conclusion.
Recommendation: Highly sensitive people should consult the air quality forecast and
consider reducing prolonged or heavy exertion on days where air quality is predicted to
be poor.
Long term (annual) averages:
Suggested language (long term):
Conclusion: Prolonged exposures to PM above the AQGs may slightly increase the
likelihood of harm for individuals with pre-existing health conditions, such as
cardiopulmonary disease.
Recommendation: Sensitive individuals should consider reducing prolonged or heavy
physical activity on days with moderate to unhealthy air quality.
Health assessors can include a link to the AQI website where residents can look up
projected air quality in their zip code at
3.3. Example language
These guidelines supersede all previous screening values and screening approaches. Several
ATSDR documents have been published evaluating PM exposures that include well-constructed
write-ups of health implications. Health assessors are encouraged to review the language used in
these documents to discuss the types of health effects possible at site-specific concentrations.
Note that these documents may not have used the updated approach for PM assessment outlined
in this guidance, so it is recommended to review these documents as examples for how to draft
the document Health Implications section. Health assessors should always review the most
recent U.S. EPA Integrated Science Assessment for PM when drafting this section to ensure the
most recent science is presented in their document. Health Assessors should request guidance
from an PM Subject Matter Expert if needed.
4. References
Dockery DW et al. (1993). An association between air pollution and mortality in six U.S. cities. New
England Journal of Medicine, 329(24):17531759.
To draw health conclusions on annual PM
data, health assessors should consult with one the PM SMEs. This is
because the strongest correlations with chronic PM exposures and adverse health outcomes are associated with
smaller particle fraction sizes (≤ PM
) and that the PM
AQG is exceeded regularly across the United States.
PM Guidance for ATSDR Health Assessment Products June 2024 update
Jerrett M et al. (2005). Spatial analysis of air pollution and mortality in Los Angeles. Epidemiology,
Pope CA 3rd et al. (2002). Lung cancer, cardiopulmonary mortality, and long-term exposure to fine
particulate air pollution. Journal of the American Medical Association, 287(9):11321141.
Pratt G., Valdali M., Kvale D., et al. 2015. Traffic, air pollution, minority and socio-economic status:
Addressing inequities in exposure and risk. Int J Environ Res Public Health, 12(5): 53555372.
U.S. EPA. 2009. Particulate Matter National Ambient Air Quality Standards:
Scope and Methods Plan for Urban Visibility Impact Assessment. EPA-452/P-09-001. February 2009.
Available at:
U.S. EPA. 2012. Provisional Assessment of Recent Studies on Health Effects of Particulate Matter
Exposure. EPA/600/R-12/056F. December 2012. Available at
U.S. EPA. 2019. Integrated Science Assessment for Particulate Matter. U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency. EPA/ 600/R-08/139F. December 2019. Available at
U.S. EPA. 2022. Supplement to the 2019 Integrated Science Assessment for Particulate Matter. U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency. EPA/600/028. May 2022. Available at
U.S. EPA. 2023a. Particulate Matter Pollution. Health and Environmental Effects. Updated August 2023.
Available at
U.S. EPA. 2023b. Our Nation’s Air Trends Through 2022. 2023. Available at:
U.S. EPA. 2024. Pre-generated Data Files. April 2024. Available at:
WHO. 2006a. WHO Air Quality Guidelines for Particulate Matter, Ozone, Nitrogen Dioxide, and Sulfur
Dioxide. Global Update: 2005. World Health Organization. 2006. Available at
WHO. 2006b. Health Risks of Particulate Matter from Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution. World
Health Organization. Copenhagen, Denmark. Available at:
WHO. 2013. Review of Evidence on Health Aspects of Air PollutionREVIHAAP Project Technical
Report. World Health Organization. 2013. Available at
WHO. 2021. Global Air Quality Guidelines. Particulate matter (PM
and PM
), Ozone, Nitrogen
dioxide, Sulfur dioxide, and Carbon Monoxide. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2021: License:
PM Guidance for ATSDR Health Assessment Products June 2024 update
Appendix A: Particulate Matter National Data Summaries from the U.S. EPA
Air Quality System (AQS)
State and county environmental agencies that conduct regulatory air monitoring are required to
submit their data to U.S. EPA’s Air Quality System (AQS). U.S. EPA uses these data to
determine attainment of the NAAQS and also for public air quality reports. Particulate matter
data are included in EPA’s annual report titled “Our Nation’s Air” (EPA 2023b). These findings
are summarized below and health assessors may access future versions national maps and
individual site summaries, are presented in U.S. online ( Health
assessors should use these resources to put their PM data into a regional and national context.
Figure A1 shows the 1990-2022 trend in peak 24-hour PM
concentrations nation-wide. The
data are based on the second highest 24-hour concentration at each monitoring site, which is the
metric used by U.S. EPA to determine attainment of the PM
24-hour NAAQS of 150 ug/m
The figure shows the average and median concentration for each year for national trend sites, as
well as the 10
and 90
percentiles. Underlying data are shown on Table A1 and are also
accessible via the Our Nation’s Air website. The average peak 24-hour PM
concentration has
declined 34% during the trend period. The annual average consistently exceeds the WHO AQG
of 45 ug/m
. The median peak 24-hour PM
concentration has decreased 35% and has been
approximately equal to the AQG since 2009.
The geographic distribution of peak 24-hour PM
concentrations in 2022 is shown on Figure
A2. This map is also located on the Our Nation’s Air website where it is interactive (see: Health assessors can click on individual monitor
sites on the web map to see the peak PM
concentration in 2022 or previous years. Note that the
lowest concentration break point on the map is higher than the AQG of 45 ug/m
, however it is
evident that many urban areas have monitors with a PM
24-hour average higher than the AQG.
Several locations, mostly in California and the Pacific Northwest, are reporting PM
peaks over 255 ug/m
i.e. more than five times the AQG.
U.S. EPA does not have an annual PM
NAAQS and thus does not track trends for annual
average PM
concentrations. ATSDR pulled this information from AQS as presented on Table
A3 (EPA 2024). ATSDR included all sites with sufficient data completeness and avoided
duplicates by averaging data for multiple monitors at each site. Beginning in 2011, 56% of PM
sites had an annual average higher than the AQG of 15 ug/m
. The concentrations have slightly
declined over the years to where 47% exceeded the AQG in 2022.
Figure A3 shows the 2000-2022 trend in peak 24-hour PM
concentrations nation-wide. The
data are based on the 98
percentile of 24-hour concentration at each monitoring site over a 3-
year period, which is the metric used by U.S. EPA to determine attainment of the PM
NAAQS of 35 ug/m
. The figure shows the average and median concentration for each rolling 3-
year period for national trend sites, as well as the 10
and 90
percentiles. Underlying data are
shown on Table A4 and are also accessible via the interactive graphics on the Our Nation’s Air
website. The median peak 24-hour PM
concentration has declined 46% since 2000, however it
remains above the WHO AQG of 15 ug/m
. The 90
and 10
percentiles have also decreased;
the 10
percentile has consistently been below the AQG since 2014.
PM Guidance for ATSDR Health Assessment Products June 2024 update
The geographic distribution of peak 24-hour PM
concentrations in 202221 is shown on Figure
A4. Health assessors may access the interactive version of this map in the Our Nation’s Air
report online to determine whether monitor sites in the area of interest are exceeding the WHO
AQG of 15 ug/m
Figure A5 shows the 2000-2022 trend in annual average PM
concentrations nation-wide. The
data are based on the 3-year average concentration at each monitoring site, which is used by U.S.
EPA to determine attainment of the PM
annual NAAQS. U.S. EPA lowered the NAAQS from
12 to 9 ug/m
in February 2024 and is currently implementing this revised standard The previous
NAAQS is marked on Figure A5. The figure shows the average and median concentration for
each year for national trend sites, as well as the 10
and 90
percentiles. Underlying data are
shown on Table A5 and are also accessible via the interactive graphics on the Our Nation’s Air
website. The median annual PM
concentration has declined 45% and remains above the WHO
AQG of 5 ug/m
The 10
percentile also remains above the AQG.
The geographic distribution of annual average PM
concentrations in 2022 is shown on Figure
A6. Health assessors may access the interactive version of this map in the Our Nation’s Air
report online to determine whether monitor sites in the area of interest are exceeding the WHO
AQG of 5 ug/m
The data presented in these figures and tables can be used by health assessors to place measured
concentrations from a given site in context, both by the type of site and the year measurements
were collected. It is expected that most sites will have some days that exceed the 24-hour
screening levels and a discussion of typical concentrations at other sites in the United States may
be useful to residents when evaluating measurements in their communities.
Figure A1. Peak 24-hour PM
concentrations in the U.S., 1990-2022, ug/m
*The “Most Recent National Standard” refers to the current 24-hour PM
National Ambient Air Quality
Standard of 150 ug/m
. The data trend is based on monitoring sites nationwide measuring PM
that have
sufficient data to assess PM
trends since 1990.
Source: U.S. EPA. 2021a. Our Nation’s Air – Trends Through 2022. 2023b. Available at:
PM Guidance for ATSDR Health Assessment Products June 2024 update
Table A1. Peak 24-hour PM
concentrations in the U.S., 1990-2022, ug/m
Year Median Average 90
percentile 10
79 89 162 45
81 86 134 45
69 75 115 38
66 74 124 33
64 74 127 34
63 75 134 37
56 65 106 32
59 67 115 36
56 63 106 36
56 68 109 38
58 66 107 35
55 64 97 36
56 62 96 35
56 68 123 31
50 57 95 29
56 60 98 32
49 60 101 34
57 65 112 29
50 57 87 31
45 51 82 25
47 49 73 27
46 57 90 30
46 54 91 28
42 60 101 25
44 57 102 25
46 56 78 29
46 54 91 24
52 59 98 24
48 69 172 27
45 47 73 23
50 69 120 24
49 62 124 25
51 59 97 25
Source: U.S. EPA. 2021a. Our Nation’s Air – Trends Through 2022. 2023b. Available at:
PM Guidance for ATSDR Health Assessment Products June 2024 update
Figure A2. Peak 24-hour PM
concentrations in the U.S., 2022, ug/m
Source: U.S. EPA. 2021a. Our Nation’s Air – Trends Through 2022. 2023b. Available at:
Table A3. Percent of PM
Monitoring Sites in the U.S. with Annual Average Concentration
Exceeding WHO AQG, 2011-2020
Number of
Percent of Sites Exceeding
AQG of 15 µg/m
2011 440 56
2012 487 57
2013 432 51
2014 370 51
2015 369 47
2016 355 47
2017 345 50
2018 373 48
2019 317 47
2020 213 71
2021 346 55
2022 346 47
PM Guidance for ATSDR Health Assessment Products June 2024 update
Source: U.S. EPA. 2024. Pre-generated Data Files. April 2022. Available at:
Figure A3. Peak 24-hour PM
concentrations in the U.S., 2000-2022, ug/m
*The “Most Recent National Standard” refers to the current 24-hour PM
National Ambient Air Quality
Standard of 35 ug/m
. The data trend is based on monitoring sites nationwide measuring PM
that have
sufficient data to assess PM
trends since 1990.
Source: U.S. EPA. 2021a. Our Nation’s Air – Trends Through 2022. 2023b. Available at:
Table A4. Peak 24-hour PM
concentrations in the U.S., 2000-2022, ug/m
Averaging period Median Average 90
percentile 10
2000 33.7 35 47 22.3
2001 34.3 36 47.7 23
2002 33.2 34 46.6 22
2003 31.6 32 42.1 19.3
2004 30.5 31 40.6 21
2005 33.9 34 44.7 19.55
2006 29.8 30 38.7 19.2
2007 31.3 32 41.2 20.6
2008 26.9 28 35.4 17.8
2009 23.8 25 35.1 16.7
2010 24.6 25 33.4 15.9
2011 24.3 25 32.4 16.1
2012 21.4 22 28.5 16
2013 21 23 30 15.7
2014 21.2 23 29.2 15.2
2015 21.4 22 29.5 15.2
2016 18 19 25.8 13.3
2017 18.4 21 30.9 14.2
2018 19.7 23 32.1 14.4
PM Guidance for ATSDR Health Assessment Products June 2024 update
2019 18.7 20 26.5 13.7
2020 19 25 42.4 14
2021 21.1 23 33.4 15.4
2022 18.2 20 27.5 13.3
Source: U.S. EPA. 2021a. Our Nation’s Air – Trends Through 2022. 2023b. Available at:
Figure A4. Peak 24-hour PM
concentrations in the U.S., 2022, ug/m
Source: U.S. EPA. 2021a. Our Nation’s Air – Trends Through 2022. 2023b. Available at:
Figure A5. Annual average PM
concentrations in the U.S., 2000-2022, ug/m
PM Guidance for ATSDR Health Assessment Products June 2024 update
*The “Most Recent National Standard” refers to the previous annual PM
National Ambient Air Quality
Standard of 12 ug/m
, which was lowered to 9 ug/m
in February 2024. The data trend is based on
monitoring sites nationwide measuring PM
that have sufficient data to assess PM
trends since 2000.
Source: U.S. EPA. 2021a. Our Nation’s Air – Trends Through 2022. 2023b. Available at:
Table A5. Annual average PM
concentrations in the U.S., 2000-2022, ug/m
Averaging period Median Average 90
percentile 10
14 14 18 8.8
13 13 17 8.9
13 13 17 8.8
13 12 16 8.0
12 12 16 7.8
13 13 17 7.8
12 12 15 7.9
12 12 16 7.5
11 11 14 7.5
9.9 10 12 6.9
10 10 13 6.7
10 10 12 6.8
9.3 9.2 12 6.7
8.9 9.0 11 6.4
9.0 8.9 11 6.2
8.6 8.6 11 6.2
7.7 7.8 9.7 5.6
7.9 8.1 10 6.0
8.0 8.3 11 6.3
7.6 7.7 9.5 5.8
7.6 8.1 11 5.9
8.3 8.5 11 6.3
7.7 7.8 10 5.8
Source: U.S. EPA. 2021a. Our Nation’s Air – Trends Through 2022. 2023b. Available at:
PM Guidance for ATSDR Health Assessment Products June 2024 update
Figure A6. Annual average PM
concentrations in the U.S., 2022, ug/m
Source: U.S. EPA. 2021a. Our Nation’s Air – Trends Through 2022. 2023b. Available at:
PM Guidance for ATSDR Health Assessment Products June 2024 update
Appendix B: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Particulate Matter AQI designations and Health
24-hr PM
24-hr PM
Conclusion Recommendation
Good 0 54 0 - 9 None. None.
Moderate 55 154
9.1 - 35.4
Exposures in this range cause:
1. Respiratory symptoms in unusually sensitive individuals;
2. Exacerbation of cardiopulmonary disease.
Unusually sensitive
people should
consider reducing prolonged or
heavy exertion.
155 254 35.5 - 55.4
Exposures in this range cause:
1. Increased likelihood of respiratory symptoms in sensitive*
2. Exacerbation of symptoms of or death from pre-existing
cardiopulmonary disease.
People with heart or lung disease,
older adults, children, and people
of lower socioeconomic status
should reduce prolonged or heavy
Unhealthy 255 354 55.5 - 125.4
Exposures in this range cause:
1. Increased likelihood of respiratory symptoms in sensitive
2. Exacerbation of symptoms of or death from pre-existing
cardiopulmonary disease; and
3. Increased likelihood of respiratory effects in the general public.
People with heart or lung disease,
older adults, children, and people
of lower socioeconomic status
should avoid prolonged or heavy
exertion; everyone else should
reduce prolonged or heavy
355 424 125.5 225.4
Exposures in this range cause:
1. Increased likelihood of respiratory symptoms in sensitive
2. Significant exacerbation of symptoms of or death from pre-
existing cardiopulmonary disease; and
3. Significant increase in respiratory effects in general population.
People with heart or lung disease,
older adults, children, and people
of lower socioeconomic status
should avoid all physical activity
outdoors. Everyone else should
avoid prolonged or heavy exertion.
Hazardous 425 604 225.5+
Exposures in this range cause:
1. Serious aggravation of respiratory symptoms in sensitive
2. Serious exacerbation of symptoms of or death from pre-existing
cardiopulmonary disease; and
Everyone should avoid all physical
activity outdoors; people with heart
or lung disease, older adults,
children, and people of lower
socioeconomic status should
PM Guidance for ATSDR Health Assessment Products June 2024 update
3. Serious risk of respiratory effects in general population.
remain indoors and keep activity
levels low.
Adapted from: and
For several reasons (e.g. greater urban and regional exposure in urbanized areas, less access to healthcare, greater prevalence of respiratory and cardiovascular
disease), people of lower socioeconomic status are also more likely to have increased risk for adverse health outcomes from exposure to elevated PM (Pratt et al.
Health Statements
Sensitive Groups: Pregnant women, children, and the elderly (≥65 years)
Highly Sensitive Groups: Sensitive individuals or individuals in the general population with pre-existing health conditions that make them
more susceptible to adverse health outcomes from exposure. Health assessors should assume U.S.EPA’s term “unusual sensitivity” is a
subjective term that suggests an individual’s personal susceptibility based on their health status, sensory vulnerability, and pre-existing
conditions at the time of exposure. ATSDR uses the term “highly sensitive” in place of “unusually sensitive”.