Microsoft Viva Goals
OKR Cheat Sheet:
Simple Formulas and
Real-World Examples
How to write effective OKRs that inspire
action and deliver results
Both leaders and employees agree … having aspirational, measurable,
and easy-to-understand goals drives focus on the work that matters,
helps teams align to strategic priorities, and leads to measurable results.
Using a goal framework based on OKRs (Objectives and Key Results)
serves as a powerful tool to structure and guide the process of setting and
achieving your goals.
While the OKR framework isn’t complicated, it’s helpful to start with a few
simple best practice formulas for writing and refining OKRs, and reference
real-world examples for inspiration.
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OKR Cheat Sheet: Simple Formulas and Real-World Examples 3
What your team wants to accomplish. They are 3-5 clear, inspiring
goals shared across teams and organizations.
Key Results:
How the team will measure results. They should be 3-5 measurable
outcomes which contribute to the achievement of an objective.
Actions that help the team achieve outcomes. They are focused
efforts that will help you define the path to impact for each OKR.
How the pieces fit together:
We will
as measured by
Key Results
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How to write
good OKRs:
Questions to ask:
What is the most important area of our
business that we need to focus on?
Why does this objective matter to us?
How would we write our objective into
a statement that inspires our team?
Formula to follow:
Verb + what you’re going to do + so that /
in order to
Deliver amust-have” product in order to
delight customers and grow our user base
Key Results
Questions to ask:
What metric would let us know that we
were successful?
Do we currently measure that metric?
What is our target and baseline?
Formula to follow:
Verb + what you’re going to track /
count + from x to y
Increase our NPS score from 40 to 50
Questions to ask:
What do we need to do in order to be
What can we get done in this period?
Who needs to be involved?
Formula to follow:
Verb + what you’re going to do
Conduct market research initiative to
identify “customer delighters
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Take your OKRs
from good to
Questions to ask as you review your OKRs:
Do our OKRs go beyond “business as usualto strive for ambitious outcomes and reaching for what’s possible?
Have we limited both Objectives and the Key Results below them to 3-5 at most?
Can our team directly impact the results or are we reliant on stakeholders? If the latter, can we make it a shared OKR?
Do we have the right owners identified who will feel accountable for driving progress?
Will we be able to see progress on each Key Result in the current time frame?
Using the “necessary and sufficient” test to finalize your OKRs:
In looking at an OKR, ask yourself, "Are all these Key Results necessary to achieve my Objective?"
o If the answer is yes, then it passes the necessary test.
o If the answer is no, then remove what isn't needed.
Next, ask yourself, "Will accomplishing my Key Results be sufficient enough to achieve my Objective?"
If yes, then it passes the sufficient test and you're good to go.
If no, then modify existing Key Results to make them stronger, and add any Key Results to achieve your Objective.
Questions to ask as you enter OKRs into Viva Goals:
Where can we set up integrations to enable faster and better decision making based on dynamic real-time data and insights?
Have we aligned our goals from the top down, bottom up, and across teams to ensure everyone is driving towards the same
purpose, across the organization?
Are our OKRs public for all team members to see in order to create accountability and surface dependencies and roadblocks?
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Example 1 (Rollout)
Objective: Deploy Viva Goals in order
to sharpen focus, align teams, and drive
measurable results
Key Result 1: 100% of senior leaders have
established OKRs in Viva Goals
Key Result 2: At least 75% of OKRs have
had a check-in in the last 30 days
Key Result 3: At least 50% of the
organization has viewed and interacted
with org OKRs within the first quarter
Initiative 1: Configure Viva Goals to meet
the needs of our team
Task 1: Configure settings and
notifications within the admin
Task 2: Import teams and users
into Viva Goals
Task 3: Enable integrations at
the admin level
Example 2 (Engagement)
Objective: Drive broader Viva Goals
adoption and engagement in order
to deliver business value
Key Result 1: 100% of teams have
established OKRs in Viva Goals
Key Result 2: At least 80% of team
OKRs are aligned to company OKRs
Key Result 3: At least 50% of
employees have logged in over
the past 90 days
Initiative 1: Create a standardized
format for OKR check-ins and monthly
business reviews
Task 1: Host listening sessions
with people managers to
understand check-in
Task 2: Align all departmental
MBRs with new fiscal year
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OKR Examples
for Organizations
at the annual and
quarterly level
Example 1
Annual Objective: Create a profitable
and sustainable company in order to
increase annual revenue
Annual Key Result: Increase ARR from
$12m to $24m
Quarterly Objective: Increase
revenue and optimize sales
processes to ensure we reach double
annual revenue
Quarterly Key Result: Increase new
product sales from $12m to $15m in
Initiative: Develop new sales
enablement materials
Example 2
Annual Objective: Build a world class
company culture to attract and retain
the best employees
Annual Key Result: Reduce voluntary
attrition of our employees from 25%
to 10%
Quarterly Objective: Improve our
DEI commitment to better reflect the
local community that we serve
Quarterly Key Result: Improve
the ratio of female applicants from
20% to 30%
Initiative: We are committed
to increase diversity through
recruitment at universities in
3 new geographic regions
Example 3
Annual Objective: Elevate our brand
presence in order to attract new
prospects and create a fiercely loyal
customer following
Annual Key Result: Achieve 5000
positive G2 reviews
Quarterly Objective: Increase brand
presence among major channels in
order to attract new prospects
Quarterly Key Result: Get 60K
signups by launching new features
Initiative: Develop new social
media campaign
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OKR Examples
for Marketing
Example 1
Objective: Improve our brand presence
through media channels to strengthen
brand as a leader
Key Result 1: Increase monthly
website visitors by 10%
Key Result 2: Grow social media
followers from 50,000 to 75,000
Key Result 3: Grow NPS score
from 7 to 8
Initiative 1: Develop a social media
Initiative 2: Develop a NPS survey
Example 2
Objective: Improve our marketing
funnel to become the vendor of choice
in the industry
Key Result 1: Gain 5% of new
customers from top competitors
Key Result 2: Acquire 950 new
MQLs for sales
Key Result 3: Drive $10M in
marketing generated pipeline
Initiative 1: Update marketing
Example 3
Objective: Improve quality of blog
content to establish ourselves as
thought leader in the space
Key Result 1: Gain 1,500 new blog
Key Result 2: Increase content
shares and mentions from 200
to 500
Key Result 3: Increase avg. Time
on page from 3:00 to 4:00
Initiative 1: Develop a blog content
strategy plan
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OKR Examples
for Sales
Example 1
Objective: Drive record-breaking
growth in Q4 to increase financial
Key Result 1: Increase weekly sales
calls from by 25% per AE
Key Result 2: Generate 3.5M in new
mid-enterprise sales pipeline
Key Result 3: Reduce closed/lost
opportunities from 100 to 25
Initiative 1: Create AE job
Example 2
Objective: Diversify our sales channels
in order to increase global revenue
Key Result 1: Close $500k in new
enterprise (ENT) deals1
Key Result 2: Close $300k in new
mid-market (mm) deals
Key Result 3: Close $200 in new
small and medium-sized business
(SMB) deals
Example 3
Objective: Move to a territory-focused
sales model in order to expand
Key Result 1: AE and SDR pairings
create 10 outbound-generated
opportunities in their territory
Key Result 2: 100% of AEs complete
their territory strategy presentation
Key Result 3: Leads per territory are
within 20% variance
Initiative 1: Create new territory-
focused sales enablement materials
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OKR Examples
for Business
Example 1
Objective: Provide best-in-class
revenue operations in order to support
the GTM teams
Key Result 1: Increase pipeline
velocity from $30,000 to $45,000
Key Result 2: Increase customer and
user data unified between Marketo
and Salesforce from 80% to 90%
Key Result 3: Decrease weekly hours
of subscription management manual
effort from 3 to 1
Example 2
Objective: Decrease cash burn QoQ
in order to keep the company
financially stable
Key Result 1: Consolidate internal
work tools to decrease monthly
spend from $12,000 to $8,000
Key Result 2: Increase employees
working full time from home from
20% to 50% of workforce
Key Result 3: Decrease variable
expenses from 8% to 6%
Initiative 1: Adjust company-wide
audit process from quarterly to
Example 3
Objective: Scale company operations
efficiently and effectively in order to
better serve our customers and
Key Result 1: Double supply chain
capacity from 10,000 to 20,000 units
Key Result 2: Improve profit margin
from 12% to 16%
Key Result 3: Increase employee
NPS score to 80%
Initiative 1: Build capacity model
report for each department
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OKR Examples
for Customer
Example 2
Objective: Drive customer expansion in
order to increase profit margins
Key Result 1: Increase customer
expansion revenue from $1M to
Key Result 2: 100% of key accounts
have a QBR this quarter
Key Result 3: Increase referral
pipeline from 20 to 50 opportunities
Initiative 1: Complete success plan
for 100% of key accounts
Initiative 2: Finalize new QBR deck
Example 1
Objective: Scale and improve
implementation and adoption process
in order to accelerate time to value
Key Result 1: 90% of all customers
live in 4 weeks
Key Result 2: 90% of customers
reach their engagement threshold
within two weeks of going live
Key Result 3: Increase
implementation CSAT from
60% to 70%
Initiative 1: Build implementation
infrastructure, reporting, and help
Initiative 2: Refine and document
account handoff process with sales
Example 3
Objective: Optimize training process in
order to increase product adoption
Key Result 1: Increase key account
MAU from 250,0000 to 350,000
Key Result 2: Increase customer-
facing knowledge base articles from
25 to 100
Key Result 3: Double participation
at success office hours from 500 to
1,000 people
Initiative: Outline customer events
calendar for next two quarters
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OKR Examples
for Product &
Example 1
Objective: Deliver a “must have”
product in order to delight customers
and grow our user base
Key Result 1: Increase our NPS score
from 40 to 50
Key Result 2: Increase daily active
users (DAUs) from 1,200 to 1,500
Key Result 3: Achieve 1,000
downloads in the app store
Initiative 1: Launch mobile version
of product
Initiative 2: Develop bug tracker for
mobile complaints
Example 2
Objective: Launch 2.0 version of
product in order to fix bugs, refine UI
and drive user engagement
Key Result 1: Reduce number
of support tickets from 120/month
to 30/month
Key Result 2: Reduce number of
steps in check out process from
9 to 6
Key Result 3: Increase user time
spent on site from 2:37 per session
to 3:45 per session
Initiative 1: Perform a click study
Initiative 2: Compile bug report
Example 3
Objective: Ensure a reliable, scalable,
and secure online platform to enable
successful operations for internal teams
and external customers
Key Result 1: Increase database
security and integrity risk mitigation
metrics by 10%
Key Result 2: Ensure all new hires
take Security Awareness training
and have deployed Mobile Device
Management solutions within
30 days
Key Result 3: Reduce average
response time to customer security
and compliance requests from
3 business days to 2
Initiative 1: Obtain Service
Organization Control 2 Type 1
Initiative 2: Enable sales team
to secure deals
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OKR Examples
for Human
Example 1
Objective: Increase employee retention
in order to do our best work
Key Result 1: Reduce voluntary
attrition from 30% to 10%
Key Result 2: Increase ratio of open
positions filled internally vs
externally from 30% to 50%
Key Result 3: 100% of our
employees have a standardized
career plan approved by HR
Initiative 1: Offer 5 new courses for
internal career development
Initiative 2: Revamp our exit
interviews to better capture reasons
for leaving
Example 2
Objective: Launch a comprehensive
diversity and inclusion program in order
to enhance our culture
Key Result 1: 90% of our employees
give a score of 4 + when asked “our
company embraces DEI as part of
our DNA”
Key Result 2: Increase company
diversity by 10 percentage points to
reflect the local community we
Key Result 3: Score 80% or above on
our third-party DEI audit
Initiative 1: Hire a Director of DEI
Initiative 2: Research and select
consulting partner to deliver
4 DEI events
Example 3
Objective: Revamp our employee
hiring portal in order to attract the best
Key Result 1: Reduce time to hire
from 2 months to 1 month
Key Result 2: 100% of job postings
in Q1 pass the gender-neutral test
before going live
Key Result 3: Increase candidate
satisfaction score from 30% to 50%
Initiative 1: Replace current ATS
with a modern vendor
Initiative 2: Train all hiring
managers on the new interview
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OKR Examples
for Finance
Example 1
Objective: Focus on controlling cash
burn in order to improve operational
Key Result 1: Increase company
runway from 4 months to 6 months
Key Result 2: Reduce budget
approval process from 30 days
to 20 days
Key Result 3: 95% of customers pay
their invoices within 30 days
Initiative 1: Audit past 4 quarterly
budgets to improve future
budgeting process
Initiative 2: Create new employee
reimbursement process and
Example 2
Objective: Improve book-keeping and
accounting operations in order to
provide timely and error-free financial
Key Result 1: Reduce time to
complete final month-end numbers
from 15 days to 10 days
Key Result 2: Ensure 100% of
customer purchase data is
synchronized between Salesforce
and Stripe
Key Result 3: Reduce average
number of required changes to
month-end financials after close
from 4.1 to 1.5
Initiative 1: Provide training to all
customer support agents on Stripe
Initiative 2: Create a standardized
process for account executives to
collect account payable in a more
secure way
Example 3
Objective: Rebuild company’s salary
structure in order to promote equity
and fairness across our workforce
Key Result 1: Increase employee
salary satisfaction rating specifically
for compensation from 50% to 75%
Key Result 2: 95% of employees are
confirmed into their appropriate
salary band
Key Result 3: Reduce discrepancies
of salary within same job level from
10% to 7%
Initiative 1: Conduct industry salary
research for latest comparison
Initiative 2: Present company-wide
the new salary structure for
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OKR Examples
for Designers
Example 1
Objective: Revamp website in order to
increase customer engagement
Key Result 1: Increase website traffic
from 10k to 25k daily visitors
Key Result 2: Reduce clicks between
major pages from 5 to 2
Key Result 3: Increase average time
on home page from 52 seconds to
120 seconds
Initiative 1: Add 5 product videos to
Initiative 2: A/B test landing page
design layout
Example 2
Objective: Support all requests from
marketing and sales
Key Result 1: Increase infographic
downloads by 25%
Key Result 2: Update ad design to
increase clicks on ads by 30%
Key Result 3: Decrease average
time to completion on new sales
enablement asks from 4 weeks
to 2 weeks
Initiative 1: Complete 1 e-book for
Initiative 2: Complete 15
Example 3
Objective: Develop customer
enablement materials in order to ease
product adoption
Key Result 1: Increase number of
downloadable assets from 10 to 25
Key Result 2: Rebrand 85% of
material in resource library
Key Result 3: Increase accessibility
to 5 new business verticals
Initiative 1: Develop rebranding hex
guide for all new material
Initiative 2: Compile list of existing
material for rebranding