Your voice. Our future. Prevent sexual violence.
It’s time ... to talk about it! Your voice. Our future. Prevent sexual violence.
Becoming an agent of social change:
A guide for youth activists
exual assault, abuse, and violence might be topics you have learned about before. These words
are examples of unwanted sexual activity or contact without consent. You might already know
that sexual assault happens frequently and affects people of all ages, identities, and walks of
life. In fact, one in five women and one in 71 men will be raped at some point in their lives (Black
et al., 2011). You might know someone in your family, group of friends, or at school who has been
sexually assaulted. It’s clear that this issue is important and has an impact on all of us.
A topic like sexual violence can feel
overwhelming and unsettling. No matter what
the circumstances are today, we can all create
positive change for the future and prevent
sexual violence. Social change is the process of
shifting attitudes, values, and actions to address
social problems in a positive way. Anyone at
any age can be an agent of social change. Being
an agent of social change is an active way to
create a safer, healthier future for you, your
relationships, your community, and your world.
Healthy sexuality is a vision
to end sexual violence
Learning about healthy sexuality and finding the
information, resources, and support you need is
the first step in creating positive change for the
future. It might be helpful to think about healthy
sexuality as the opposite of sexual violence.
Healthy sexuality is a vision for what sex,
relationships, and growth can look like when
positive skills, helpful information, and open
communication are the standard. Healthy
sexuality means having the knowledge and
power to express sexuality in ways that enrich
our lives. Its about every person being able
to make consensual, respectful, and informed
choices. There is no room for pressure,
violence, or control.
For some people, the idea of healthy sexuality
matches the information and values that have
been shared with them from an early age. For
others, this description of sexuality is a new idea,
and it can be helpful to get more information
before sharing this topic with others. There are
tools to help you learn more. The resource Safe
sex(uality): Talking about what you want
and need is a great tool to use when learning
more about healthy sexuality.
Social change is the process
of shifting attitudes, values,
and actions to address
social problems in a positive way.
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Your voice. Our future. Prevent sexual violence.
It’s time ... to talk about it! Your voice. Our future. Prevent sexual violence.
Sexuality is more than sex. Healthy
sexuality affects us on emotional, cultural,
physical, and social levels. Sexuality is a part
of each person, but it doesn’t stop there.
Communities and society as a whole are
impacted by the ways we talk about sex.
Think about the messages that have been
shared with you about sex and sexuality. Do you
think this information has been positive and
helpful? What would you have liked to learn or
see others learn?
Consider unhealthy messages and behaviors
you have seen or heard. Take time to recognize
negative or unhelpful information that you might
need to unlearn or challenge.
You can be an agent of change
Understanding what healthy sexuality looks and
feels like is an important part of creating a vision
for social change.
Can you picture what your life, family, friends,
school, and community would look like if everyone
felt supported in working toward healthy
sexuality? How would people be treated?
What would be different in your life if people
treated one another with respect and challenged
unhealthy messages?
Creating a vision for social change can inspire
us to act in positive ways. There are many benefits
when young people are involved as leaders
in social change efforts. Involved youth gain
experience and confidence, and the skills and
leadership that young people develop broaden
their future opportunities (Klindera & Menderweld,
2001). Your involvement and investment also
strengthens the programs and outreach of
organizations working to prevent sexual violence.
How to become an agent of change
Know your power. Your voice is valuable and
influential. As a young person, you are in a key
position to reach your peers with information
and insight that impacts their lives. It’s important
for adults and communities to learn from the
voices and experiences of you and your peers.
Engage peers and build a network. Social
change takes time and teamwork. You can bring
friends along, ask for help, and inspire others to
get involved. You can have a positive influence
by being a role model of healthy behaviors.
Partner with supportive adults. You can also
build relationships with trusted adults for support.
In a healthy partnership, both adults and young
people learn from and teach one another. All
voices are given space and respect. Adult allies
can be members of your family, neighborhood,
community, school or faith group.
Connect with your community. It’s important
to discover resources in your community. You
could learn that there already are individuals and
organizations working in your community to make
a positive impact. Programs such as your local
rape crisis center are a great place to uncover
opportunities to volunteer, intern, and participate.
Seek out resources. No one has all of the
answers, but we don’t have to look far to find great
resources. There are helpful tools available online,
such as the Healthy sexuality resource list. Think
of other places where you can get help looking for
information, like the library and trusted adults.
Take a stand against oppression. Social
change is about shifting negative dynamics,
and it’s important to remember how issues are
connected. Oppression takes place whenever
one group has power over another, and often
Your voice. Our future. Prevent sexual violence.
It’s time ... to talk about it! Your voice. Our future. Prevent sexual violence.
Make a list of five or more
of your unique skills, and think
about how these skills are useful to
you as a leader in sexual violence prevention.
Your strengths and interests are valuable tools.
Our confidence grows when we are aware of
what we bring to the table.
Think of five or more friends you can
reach out to and share information with
about healthy sexuality and social change.
Consider how you feel most comfortable
engaging others. Do you like to be in front
of the class or are you more comfortable
sharing words and images with your online
communities? Move forward with what feels
right for you.
Practice how you would talk with
others. Consider how you would start
a conversation or bring up the topic of
healthy sexuality; it can help you feel more
comfortable and confident. Theres no wron
way to reach out to others. Think through
how you might talk with different audiences
like your friends, parents, teachers or
classmates. Go with what feels natural and
reflects your voice.
Who are the adults in your life who
support you and listen to your voice? If
you can think of a few adult allies, reach
out to them. Is there a trusted adult in your
school or community who you would like to
involve in your activism?
Find resources in your community that
are making a positive impact. Every
community is different, and you might have
to research and ask around to find community
partners. Your local rape crisis center, sexual
health center, or community center might
have opportunities for you to be involved in
projects that promote healthy sexuality or
public awareness about preventing sexual
violence. Contact them and ask them how
you can get involved.
Connect with tools for support. As
you begin to find opportunities to promote
social change, it’s important to know that
there are always resources and support to
move you forward. There are many sources
for great information and free materials
that come from such organizations as the
National Sexual Violence Resource Center.
Recognize your needs, do research, and use
tools to get connected with resources.
Becoming an agent of change is about taking small, sustainable steps to positively influence
the world around you. Although it may seem complicated at first glance, remember you can
use these simple steps and tools and support from peers and adult allies to move forward.
Every person has a role in preventing sexual violence. What role will you play?
© National Sexual Violence Resource Center 2014. All rights reserved.
Author: Laura Palumbo
Your voice. Our future. Prevent sexual violence.
It’s time ... to talk about it! Your voice. Our future. Prevent sexual violence.
includes inequality, silenced voices, and abuse of
power. Oppression can be based on race, gender
identity or expression, sexual orientation,
abilities or disabilities, age, education or
income, or other parts of peoples identities.
Working toward positive social change means
challenging oppression.
Use your creativity. Social change work can
build on diverse strengths, and everyone has
something valuable to bring to the table.
Whether you love social media or prefer creative
arts, think about how your interests and skills
can educate and inspire others.
Take one step at a time. Whether you are
looking to start small or reach for the stars, it’s
important to take change step-by-step. Approach
challenges as an opportunity to problem solve
and learn. Look at what inspires you, learn
from others, and work to build your network of
support. As you start to see an impact, share
your successes and give others the opportunity
to participate.
Black, M. C., Basile, K. C., Breiding, M. J., Smith, S. G.,
Walters, M. L., Merrick, M. T., … Stevens, M. R. (2011). The
National Intimate Partner And Sexual Violence Survey:
2010 summary report. Retrieved from the U.S. Department
of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Con-
trol and Prevention, National Center for Injury Prevention
and Control:
Klindera, K., & Menderweld, J. (2001). Youth involvement
in prevention programming. Retrieved from Advocates for
National Sexual Violence Resource Center. (2012). It’s time
… to get connected. Healthy sexuality resources. Retrieved