Examples of State of Nevada Department Policies
and Forms for Teleworking
Included in this document are the policies for the following
Departments, shared with permission:
Department of Public Safety
Department of Employment, Training, and Rehabilitation
Department of Conservation and Natural Resources Division
of Environmental Protection
Department of Administration
Michelle D. Alanis, Senior
Deputy Attorney General
July 13, 2020
George Togliatti, Director
NRS 281.100; 281.110, NRS
13, 2020
Director’s Office
To establish a Department of Public Safety, Nevada State Police (Department) teleworking policy,
provide direction for offering, authorizing, and implementing telework, and the guidelines and
rules under which it will operate. Teleworking is utilized to ensure continuity of business, provide
increased productivity, increased employee morale and retention, expanded access to State jobs
into rural areas, and/or reduce costs associated with office space, decrease commute emissions,
time, and other expenses. This policy is designed to help managers and employees understand the
teleworking environment, their associated responsibilities and ensure an effective implementation
of teleworking.
The Department will make provisions to allow teleworking where it is appropriate and is subject
to the approval and discretion of the Appointing Authority or designee. Divisions may have
additional teleworking requirements, guidelines, or procedures, provided they are consistent with
the intent of this policy.
This policy is applicable to all Department employees, supervisors, and managers who are eligible
and approved to participate in the telework program. It is important to note that some positions or
job classes may not be eligible to participate. Teleworking shall be considered a privilege, not an
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employee benefit or right. Determination of eligibility is at the discretion of the Appointing
Authority or designee, based on the needs of the Division, programs, and individual position
Essential Functions and Work Performance Standards. The telework policy includes two types of
telework, as described in the Definitions section of this policy:
1. Telework or
2. Situational Telework.
NRS 480.150(b) authorizes the Director to formulate policies for the Department and its divisions.
The Department will operate within a framework consistent with State regulations and policies
that employees be managed in a manner to promote workforce productivity and sound business
Appointing Authority or Designee: Appointing Authority is defined in NRS 284.022:
“Appointing authority” means an official, board or commission having the legal authority to make
appointments to positions in the state service, or a person to whom the authority has been delegated
by the official, board or commission. The Director or Deputy Director may override the division
chief or administrator.
Declared Emergency: A formal declaration provided by the Governor or Federal Government as
defined in NRS 414.0335 and NRS 414.0345, or as determined by the Department Director via
official communication to the division administrator(s) or chief(s).
Eligible Position: A position having measurable quantitative or qualitative results-oriented
standards of performance that is structured to be performed independently of others and with
minimal need for support and can be scheduled to participate in teleworking without impacting
service quality or organizational operations. The eligibility of a position may change depending
on circumstances, including the availability of essential tools and resources needed to effectively
complete the assigned tasks.
Eligible Employee: An employee with more than six (6) months with the Department, who
occupies an eligible position and is proficient in her or his position as determined by the supervisor
and has maintained satisfactory performance with “Meets Standards” or “Exceeds Standards”
ratings on his or her evaluation. The eligible employee also meets the terms and conditions of
employment with the State. The employee shall have no active formal disciplinary actions on file
for the current or immediately preceding review period.
Primary Worksite: The employee’s primary and regularly assigned workspace in a Nevada State
Police office location. The primary worksite could be an assigned office/cubical space, assigned
mobile worksite, or a shared workspace.
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Shared Workspace: A designated workspace used by more than one employee in rotating shifts,
employees passing through an area that needs a short-term workspace, or other reasons for
temporary use.
Situational Telework: An employee working from an alternate worksite on an ad hoc basis.
Examples under this scenario include telework mandated in response to a Declared Emergency,
during periods of extreme weather, in response to other state-ordered restrictions, or to manage
their time for the day around Family Sick Leave or personal appointments. An employee subject
to this scenario will report to their Primary Worksite on a schedule agreed upon by the supervisor
and the employee. Situational Telework is considered a short-term arrangement of not more than
two days or as defined by a Declared Emergency.
Telework Agreement: A formal process of documenting and authorizing a Telework Worksite
including a work schedule both in and out of the Primary Worksite. A copy of this agreement and
any updates or changes will be kept in the Department personnel records with the employee’s file.
Telework Worksite: A worksite or workspace at a place other than a Primary Worksite, such as
the employee’s residence or other location agreed upon in the Telework Agreement. The agreed-
upon alternate worksite does not change without approval; if a situational change is needed, the
employee shall communicate in advance with their supervisor.
Teleworker: An employee, who for at least one or more days in a pay period, works at an approved
Telework Worksite to perform their assigned job duties.
Telework: A work flexibility arrangement under which an employee performs the duties and
responsibilities of their position, and other authorized activities, from an approved Telework
Worksite other than the Primary Worksite. An employee who travels continuously and whose
current work location is his or her home may be included in this definition.
Timesheet Coding Employees with an approved Telework Agreement are required to add the
“TELEWORK” job code and track Telework hours. In addition, Employees are to notate in the
Timesheet Notes Box the times teleworked.
1. Employee Eligibility for the telework program will be determined by the specific job
responsibilities and workplace location. Employees or job classes with primary
functions that require serving the public or using special equipment or machinery may
be excluded. Determination of eligibility is at the discretion of the division
administrator or chief, based on the needs of the division and programs.
2. The employee must be able to maintain a safe working environment while
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3. Employees working a 4 day per week schedule may telework a maximum of 2 days
per week. Employees working a 5 day per week schedule may telework a maximum
of 3 days per week.
4. A few specific positions and duties lend themselves to 100% teleworking. This is a
case-by-case decision by the supervisor and must be approved in writing by the
Deputy Director. A copy of the approval will be placed in the employee’s personnel
file in the Director’s Office.
5. To be a successful teleworker, you need to have work habits that support independent
task performance. These habits include:
a. Ability to work with minimal direct supervision
b. Organized work practices
c. Good planning skills
d. Ability to meet schedules and deadlines
e. Effective time management skills
f. Effective communication
6. Secondary employment will be examined closely if a request to telework coincides
with a request for secondary employment
7. Telework can be scheduled for those employees whose duties can be accomplished at
another location or can be accomplished between a combination of a Department
office location and another location. Job duties will not be eliminated to allow
telework. Telework is an alternative arrangement based on job content, satisfactory
work performance, and work requirements of the Department. All teleworkers must
have an approved Telework Agreement under this policy.
Telework may not be suitable for all employees and/or positions. Divisions may implement
teleworking as a work option for certain eligible employees and positions based on specific criteria
and procedures consistently applied throughout the Department.
1. Employees who wish to telework shall submit a written request to telework on the DPS
Teleworking Request Form for approval to their supervisor, division chief, appointing
authority, or designee.
2. Supervisors must establish expectations for and monitor employee performance; determine
suitable positions and eligible employees; discuss and assess workspace appropriate for
telework; determine availability of appropriate equipment, tools, and resources for use by
teleworkers; and discuss and ensure security of confidential information. The Teleworking
Request Form must be completed in full and signed by the supervisor and the employee to
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establish expectations as described above. The preferred method is through an update of
the Work Performance standards.
3. Prior to telework, employees must complete the free online telework training available at
fundamentals-training-courses. Similarly, supervisors must also complete the free online
telework training for managers, also available on the telework website to ensure effective
management of their teleworkers. Employees must print copies of their teleworking course
completion certificate and submit to their chain of command for review and consideration
with their Teleworking Request Form. Employees who are currently teleworking must also
complete the telework training and submit a signed Teleworking Request Form within two
weeks of the effective date of this policy, or as soon as practicable.
4. Employees must read the teleworking policy to ensure proper understanding and sign an
Acknowledgment of Teleworking Policy. The employee shall submit a Teleworking
Request Form and Acknowledgment of Teleworking Policy through their chain of
command or management for review and determination. Teleworking Request Form,
along with training certificate, must be submitted to the DPS Human Resources for filing
in the personnel file.
5. Supervisors must monitor the productivity of all their assigned subordinates. It will be
required that all supervisors and subordinates who are teleworking be active on Microsoft
TEAMS during their scheduled shifts.
6. With reasonable notification and explanation, the appointing authority, chief,
administrator, or other authorized designee may deny, end, or modify a Teleworking
Agreement for any legitimate business reason. Similarly, a teleworker may request to
change or end a Teleworking Agreement at any time after providing a reasonable notice
and explanation.
7. If the teleworking employee is required to report to their primary worksite during their
teleworking day, the teleworking employee will be given as much advance notice as
8. Divisions must ensure that employees’ work schedules and reporting for non-exempt
employees are compliant with state and federal laws governing working hours, overtime,
and compensatory time.
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1. A teleworker must designate a work area suitable for performing official business. The
employee must perform work in the designated area while teleworking. Requirements
for the designated work area may vary depending on the nature of the work and the
equipment needed and may be determined by the Department.
2. Teleworking employees must work in an environment that allows them to perform their
duties safely and efficiently. Employees are responsible for ensuring their work areas
comply with the health and safety requirements covered in this policy.
3. Employees are covered by workers’ compensation for injuries that arise out of and in
the course of their employment. Since the worksite and the home may be one and the
same, workers’ compensation will apply if there is a causal connection between the
injury and the employee’s work, in which the origin of the injury involves a risk within
the scope of employment, and if the injury occurs during work, during working hours,
or while the employee is reasonably performing work-related duties. Employees who
suffer a work- related injury or illness while teleworking must notify their supervisor
immediately and complete any required forms for a work-related injury immediately.
Approved Department personnel may inspect the employee’s alternative worksite for
safety and workers’ compensation concerns.
4. The Department is not liable for damages to an employee’s personal or real property
while the employee is working at an alternate worksite (i.e., home).
1. Teleworkers must identify the equipment, software, supplies, sufficient internet
bandwidth, reliable connectivity, and support required to successfully work at an
alternate location and must specify those items in the teleworking acknowledgment
form. If the Department is unable to provide the necessary equipment, software,
supplies, or support, the employee and the position will not be eligible to telework.
2. All Department-issued equipment, tools or supplies are the property of the State of
Nevada, must be used for business purposes only, and protected from theft, loss, or
damage. Employees must immediately return all Department-issued equipment, tools,
or other State property at the conclusion of the teleworking arrangement or at the
Department’s request.
3. The teleworking employee may be subject to discipline for theft, loss, or damage to
Department-issued equipment, tools or supplies pursuant to applicable regulations and
DPS discipline policy.
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1. All teleworkers are required to review the State’s Information Security Program Policy
located at
_State_Security_Program_Policy.pdf. Teleworkers must also be current on training
courses in Criminal Justice Information System (CJIS) as applicable, and the State’s
Information Security Awareness.
2. While teleworking, employees must take steps to preserve the security and
confidentiality of Department information and resources. Employees must keep
confidential documents and materials securely stored and prevent unauthorized access
to Department information, and resources.
3. A personal computer may only be used to connect to a State-issued computer using a
VPN connection. All work must be performed and saved on a State-issued workstation
or on VPN connection and not saved to a personal computer or device.
4. Teleworkers must maintain password protection to the same extent as required at the
primary worksite. Any suspected loss or theft of Department documents, materials, or
information, as well as any suspected hacks or breaches of security, must be reported
to their supervisor immediately.
5. Teleworking employees and their supervisors shall identify any confidential, private,
or personal information and records to be accessed and ensure appropriate safeguards
are used to protect them.
6. Divisions may require employees to work in private locations when handling
confidential or sensitive material. Employees may be prohibited from printing
confidential information in certain teleworking locations or environments to avoid
breaches of confidentiality. All confidential and sensitive information must be
performed and maintained on a State-issued device. No confidential data may be saved
on a personal device.
1. Divisions may provide Department-issued phones for use by employees while
teleworking to ensure public records requests can be handled appropriately. The use of
personal cellphones may subject such devices to public records requests. Divisions
must carefully consider the available means of communicating with teleworkers in
evaluating the suitability of positions to telework.
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2. Teleworkers must be reachable by the Department while teleworking during the
employee’s regularly scheduled shift. Methods of communication include DPS email
account, voice calls and messages using Department-issued cellphone, radio, Microsoft
Office Teams, and other appropriate Department tools and equipment.
3. Teleworking employees shall post a teleworking notice on or near their office or cubical
entrance on the days that they are teleworking. This message shall instruct all how to
reach them via their Department- issued phone, an alternate contact number, or other
means of communication for immediate assistance. An office phone may be forward to
a cell phone for added convenience. If an employee has not been issued a work cell
phone and does not wish to use their personnel phone for business, then the employee
will not qualify for teleworking.
4. Employees must be available so that their supervisor can contact them to relay any
schedule changes, emergencies, etc. If the employee becomes aware of or anticipates
any failure of technological communication or equipment that could prevent the
employee from being reached by their supervisor, or impact their performance during
their normal teleworking hours, they are to immediately notify their supervisor and
report to the office for the remainder of their shift.
5. Teleworkers may not work outside of their scheduled teleworking days and hours
without prior supervisory approval. Supervisors reserve the right to phone or email
employees at any time during teleworking hours and require employees to report
productivity for legitimate business purposes.
6. Supervisors may ask teleworkers to perform related duties to ensure essential office
duties are carried out in the absence of others. The primary mode for meetings will take
place virtually or telephonically; however, in-person meetings may be scheduled as
necessary, and the teleworker must attend upon being given appropriate notification.
7. At any time, employees may be required to physically report to work and will be
notified by their supervisor. Employees who require sick leave, annual leave or the use
of compensatory time must follow the normally established policy and practice to
request leave.
8. Telework can be used to mitigate the loss of productivity for any reason. For example,
the employee may not be able to report to their work location due to illness, family
member illness, personal issues, or other home responsibilities. In these cases, the
employee may be able to be productive while working remotely for a portion of the
work hours up the whole workday by flexing with approval of their supervisor. The
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benefit to Department (productivity) must be the primary consideration for approval
for any number of telework hours up to and including an entire shift. These situations
are deemed Situational Telework and not considered long-term. The employee must
already have an approved telework form on file.
9. It is expected that teleworkers will attend all scheduled meetings via Microsoft TEAMS
or zoom with their cameras on most of the time. Additionally, any calls will be
answered timely.
10. Teleworkers will not be given a delayed start or eligible for administrative leave for
building closures on assigned telework days unless they are scheduled to be in the
office on that workday. Approved teleworkers may be sent home to telework in lieu of
administrative leave due the work location closure. Should the off-site work location
(home) become untenable the teleworker would be expected to go to the office location
to complete their shift for the day or request leave for the remainder of the day.
11. Teleworking does not change the duties, obligations, responsibilities, or terms and
conditions of State employment. Employees who telework must comply with all
rules, regulations, policies, practices, and instructions pertaining to their employment
with the State. Employer rights are not affected by an employee’s participation in the
teleworking program. None of the benefits provided by the State are enhanced or
abridged by the implementation of the teleworking program.
12. Teleworkers must perform their assigned duties during their regularly assigned
shift/schedule when teleworking. Employees shall not engage in activities while
teleworking that would not be permitted at the primary worksite. Employees must
notify their supervisor of any changes to their standard 40-hour work week such as
sick leave, medical appointments, annual leave, flex time, etc. in accordance with
Department policies and Nevada regulations.
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Supervisor Expectations
         
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Depament of Employment, Training and Rehabilitation
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 
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    
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 
 
             
       
 
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 
 
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Depament of Employment, Training and Rehabilitation
               
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Telework Policy Effective May 18, 2021
I. Purpose
This policy provides direction for offering, authorizing, and implementing telework at
the Nevada Division of Environmental Protection (NDEP) as an option which could
result in achieving increased productivity, decreased commute emissions, increased
employee morale and retention, expanded access to State jobs into rural areas, or reduced
costs associated with office space. This policy is designed to help managers and
employees understand the telework environment and their associated rights, roles, and
II. Policy
It is the policy of NDEP to offer a telework program, where it is appropriate, and is
subject to the approval and discretion of the Appointing Authorities or designee.
Bureaus may have additional telework requirements, guidelines, or procedures, provided
they are consistent with the intent of this policy.
III. Scope
This policy is applicable to all NDEP employees, supervisors, and managers who are eligible
and approved to participate in the telework program. It is important to note that some
positions or job classes may not be eligible to participate in the telework program. The
telework program shall be considered a privilege, not an employee benefit or right.
Determination of eligibility is at the discretion of the bureau chiefs, based on the needs of
the bureau and programs and individual position Essential Functions and Work Performance
Standards. The telework program includes two types of telework, as described in the
Definitions section of this policy, either long term or situational.
IV. Definitions
1. Appointing Authorities: The appointing authorities are the supervisor, followed by the
bureau chief. The bureau chief may override an approval or denial recommended by a
supervisor. The Administrator is the highest level of appointing authority; they may
override any approval or denial. At their discretion, the Administrator may delegate any
authority defined in this policy.
2. Primary Worksite: The employee’s primary assigned workspace in an NDEP office
location. This includes the offices in the Bryan Building in Carson City or the Las Vegas
office. The primary worksite could be an assigned office/cubical space or a free address
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3. Alternate Worksite: For the purpose of this policy, alternate worksite” refers to
workspace at a place other than a primary assigned office location, such as the
employee’s residence or other location agreed upon in the Telework Request and
Agreement. The agreed upon alternate worksite does not change without approval; if a
situational change is needed, the employee shall communicate in advance with their
4. Free Address Workspace: An unassigned workspace in an NDEP office location that
is maintained using clear-desk protocols and shared by multiple teleworkers. Clear desk
protocols require the space is cleared of personal items and sanitizing wipes/sprays and
hand sanitizer are provided and used on Free Address telephones and other such
equipment to reduce the spread of contagions and promote the overall health of the
5. Teleworker: An employee, who for at least one or more days in a pay period, works at
home or an alternate worksite to perform their assigned job duties.
6. Telework: Telework is defined as working at an alternate worksite that is away from
the primary worksite. There are two types of telework under this policy:
a. Long-Term Telework:
An employee choosing this option will report to their primary worksite (the
employee’s assigned, or free address, workspace in an NDEP office location)
according to the schedule in the employee’s approved Telework Request and
The teleworker’s alternate worksite will be the approved location agreed
upon in the employee’s Telework Request and Agreement.
Employees participating in this voluntary program will enter a trial period of
up to 60 days upon approval of the Telework Request and Agreement. This
period will be used to determine whether the employee will continue long-
term telework.
Upon completion of the trial period, or at some point thereafter, the employee
may be required to relinquish their assigned primary worksite at the NDEP
office. This would result in having their primary worksite reassigned to a
Free Address workspace as requested by an NDEP Chief, Deputy, or
Administrator. Assignment of long-term teleworkers to a free address
workspace will only occur after NDEP managers consider staffing numbers,
space constraints, and budget issues affecting the Bureau or the Agency.
b. Situational Telework:
Situational telework may consist of an employee working from an alternate
worksite on an ad hoc basis. Examples under this scenario include telework
mandated in response to emergency situations, during periods of extreme
weather, in response to other state ordered restrictions, or to manage their
time for the day around Family Sick Leave or personal appointments. An
employee subject to this scenario will report to their primary worksite on a
schedule agreed upon by the supervisor and the employee. Ad hoc telework
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will not require the employee to complete a Telework Request and
Situational telework may also consist of an employee working from an
alternate worksite for temporary period of time that is longer than an ad hoc
period, but less than a long-term schedule (i.e., weeks or months, not days or
years). Situational telework arrangements needed for a temporary period
of time will require the employee to complete a Telework Request and
Agreement. An employee requesting this option will report to their primary
worksite on a schedule agreed upon in the employee’s Telework Request and
7. NDEP Telework Request and Agreement: The Telework Request and Agreement
form, which includes expectations, responsibilities, and acknowledgements, is required
for participation in the program and is an agreement between the employee and his or
her direct supervisor. The employee’s supervisor and bureau chief must indicate their
recommendation to approve or deny the request on the form. The Administrator retains
final authority to approve or deny the request and may delegate their authority at their
8. Telework Memorandum of Understanding (MOU): The MOU that addresses
alternate worksite requirements and sets general criteria for claims related to on-the-job
V. Eligibility
1. Employee Eligibility for the telework program will be determined by the specific job
responsibilities and workplace location of the employee. Employees or job classes with
primary functions that require serving the public, or special equipment or machinery
may be excluded. Determination of eligibility is at the discretion of the bureau chief,
based on the needs of the bureau and programs.
2. Employees with a primary function that includes field work are expected to be in the
office on a regular frequency in accordance with their Agreement, i.e., a field work
employee should not regularly substitute all their “in office” days for field work.
3. The employee must be able to maintain a safe working environment while teleworking.
4. The following table includes maximum telework allowed for employees that may be
further reduced by the bureau chief based on the needs of the bureau and programs and
specific job responsibilities and work locations of the employee. Telework days are
days working at the Alternate Work Site.
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Employment at
Performance Standards
Telework Days
0 to 6 months
6 months to 5
Does Not Meet WPS on any one Job Element
Meets or Exceeds WPS on all Job Elements
5 to 10 years
Does Not Meet WPS on any one Job Element
Meets WPS on all Job Elements
Exceeds WPS on all Job Elements
10 years and
Does Not Meet WPS on any one Job Element
Meets or Exceeds WPS on all Job Elements
5. Employees working a 4 day per week schedule may telework a maximum of 2 days per
week. Employees working a 5 day per week schedule may telework a maximum of 3
days per week.
VI. Responsibilities
1. Bureau of Administrative Services (BAS) is responsible for:
a. Establishing and revising this policy.
b. Assisting employees, supervisors, and management in the interpretation and
explanation of this policy.
c. Maintaining a file of all telework applications in employee personnel files and
reviewing for consistency and compliance with the policy.
2. Employees are responsible for:
a. Requesting participation in the program, if eligible, by completion of the
Telework Request and Agreement form, creating a written telework plan in
communication with the supervisor.
b. Submitting a revised Telework Request and Agreement form to the supervisor
if the alternate worksite changes. Such changes are not effective until approved.
c. Submitting a revised Telework Request and Agreement form to the supervisor
should the employee identify necessary changes to the Agreement. Such
changes are not effective until approved.
d. Ensuring the Agreement is reviewed and reapproved annually.
e. Meeting with their supervisor in accordance with the written telework plan,
identified in the Telework Request and Agreement Terms and Conditions of
Agreement #1, to discuss responsibilities, work schedules, performance
monitoring, communication strategies, expectations for attendance at necessary
meetings and for field work, and use of equipment and supplies while
f. Complying with all terms and conditions of the employee’s approved Telework
Request and Agreement, the associated written telework plan, and all telework
policy requirements.
g. Complying with NDEP’s expectations for information security for employees
working at any workspace location. Teleworkers are expected to ensure the
protection of NDEP information and State Records.
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h. Ensuring that telework equipment (e.g., video camera, microphone, computer,
etc.) is capable of communicating effectively and as required by the supervisor.
i. Being present to carry out duties:
(1) at the primary worksite for in-person meetings requested by the supervisor
or an NDEP manager;
(2) at a field location for any field work;
(3) at any other off-site location to carry out duties, as determined by the
supervisor, regardless of the alternate worksite; and
(4) virtually for any meeting held while in telework status that the supervisor has
determined does not require presence at the primary worksite, field location,
or any other off-site location.
NDEP supervisors and managers will take reasonable steps to notify employees
of schedule change needs in advance.
3. Supervisors are responsible for:
a. Reviewing and recommending approval or denial of employee Telework
Request and Agreement forms in a fair and equitable manner. Recommendations
to deny must include an explanation on the telework agreement form.
b. Working with eligible employees on individual written telework plans to meet
program requirements, regardless of the alternate worksite.
c. Managing the work of teleworker in their area of responsibility and assuring they
receive the assistance and supplies/equipment needed to accomplish their job
duties and responsibilities.
d. Providing direction and supervision to program participants in the same manner
as non-telework employees.
e. Evaluating performance of teleworkers in a manner consistent with that received
by employees working at the office, in both content and frequency, and in
accordance with all elements of work performance standards.
f. Ensuring an appropriate level of communication with the teleworker and
establishing communication strategies in the written telework plan.
Communication will be in a manner and frequency that is appropriate for the job
and the teleworker involved, as determined by the supervisor; and a frequency
of at least weekly to ensure regular communication with the teleworker while at
the alternate worksite.
g. Taking reasonable steps to notify employees of schedule change needs in
h. Ensuring the approved Telework Request and Agreement is reviewed and re-
approved or updated annually.
4. Bureau chiefs are responsible for:
a. Reviewing and recommending approval or denial of employee Telework
Request and Agreement forms in a fair and equitable manner. Recommendations
to deny must include an explanation on the telework agreement form.
b. Presenting employee applications for final approval to the Administrator or
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c. Ensuring an appropriate level of communication is occurring between the
teleworker and the supervisor, and that communication strategies are established
in a written telework plan. Communication will be in a manner and frequency
that is appropriate for the job and the teleworker involved, and a frequency of at
least weekly to ensure regular communication with the teleworker while at the
alternate worksite.
5. Division Administrator or designee is responsible for reviewing and approving or
denying employee Telework Request and Agreement forms for program participation in
a fair and equitable manner. If the request is denied, an explanation will be provided on
the telework agreement.
VII. Procedures
1. The employee shall review eligibility requirements for the telework program.
2. As required by the Telework Request and Agreement, Terms and Conditions of
Agreement, #1: in communication and in compliance with requests from the supervisor,
the employee shall draft a written telework plan for review and approval by the
supervisor that includes methods and frequency of communication.
3. Application Process: An employee wishing to telework shall submit to their supervisor
a written request for review and approval using the “NDEP Telework Request and
Agreement” form. The form is then routed for review and comment to the bureau chief
and then the Administrator for review and final approval or denial. All completed forms
must be forwarded to the BAS Office of Human Resources (OHR) to be filed in the
employee’s NDEP personnel record. The employee and the supervisor are required to
maintain the form and ensure it is reviewed and reapproved annually and updated, if
VIII. Program Requirements / Terms and Conditions
1. Participation in a telework program is at the discretion of the appointing authorities as
defined in this policy. Telework may not be suitable for all positions or job
classifications. In making decisions about which positions are appropriate to designate
or approve for telework, the supervisor and bureau chief will analyze the duties of the
positions and how the work is performed before considering telework as a suitable work
option for a given position.
2. Bureaus must establish expectations for and monitor employee performance; determine
suitable positions and eligible employees; determine availability of appropriate
equipment, tools, and resources for use by teleworkers; and discuss how the employee
will ensure security of confidential information and State Records will be maintained.
3. Each telework agreement will be discussed and reapproved at least annually, or sooner
as needed. Because telework is selected as a feasible work option based on a
combination of job characteristics, employee performance, and bureau needs, a change
in any one of these elements may require a review of the telework agreement.
4. Except in the event of an emergency, employees who use a Free Address workspace at
an NDEP office must give the supervisor at least 30-days’ notice to create a workspace
when requesting to terminate the Telework Request and Agreement.
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5. Teleworking does not change the duties, obligations, responsibilities, or terms and
conditions of State employment. Employees who telework must comply with all rules,
regulations, policies, practices, and instructions pertaining to their employment with the
State, Department and Division. Employer rights are not affected by an employee’s
participation in the telework program. None of the benefits provided by the State are
enhanced or abridged by the implementation of the telework program.
6. Teleworkers must perform their assigned duties during the shift/schedule agreed upon
in the telework agreement while teleworking. Employees shall not engage in activities
while teleworking that would not be permitted at the primary worksite. Teleworkers are
considered in an official duty status during their designated work hours. Any flexing of
time from the telework hours in the Telework Request and Agreement must be pre-
approved in writing by the supervisor.
7. Allowable Schedules for telework shall conform with the Division Administrative
8. Rules regarding overtime, compensable hours, work-related travel, acceptable use of IT
resources, and all other state and federal laws or employment-related policies apply to
employees regardless of their work location.
9. Employees must notify their supervisor of any changes to their standard 40-hour work
week (sickness, doctor visits, vacation, etc.) in accordance with Department policies and
Nevada law and regulations. Dependent care arrangements must not interfere with work,
and personal disruptions such as non-business telephone calls, chores and visitors must
be kept to a minimum and ensure that the required number of hours of work are
10. Teleworkers must keep their supervisor informed of progress on assignments worked on
at the alternate worksite, including any issues or problems specific to teleworking that
may impact their ability to maintain performance of job duties.
11. Methods of planning and monitoring teleworkers assignments are at the discretion of
the supervisor and in accordance with the established written telework plan.
12. An employee must forgo teleworking if needed in the office or field on the scheduled
telework day. If an employee is needed at the primary worksite, NDEP supervisors and
managers will take reasonable steps to notify employees of schedule change needs in
advance. Office needs will take precedence over telework days.
13. After providing a minimum two week notice and explanation, the supervisor, bureau
chief, Administrator, or authorized designee, may terminate or modify a Telework
Request and Agreement. Similarly, a teleworker may request to change or terminate a
Telework Request and Agreement at any time after providing a minimum two-week
notification (30 days if the employee is using a Free Address workspace). An individual
Telework Request and Agreement may be terminated at any time without notice if the
employees performance declines, Division needs are not being met, or at the sole
discretion of the Administrator.
14. It is the responsibility of the employee to maintain a proper work environment with
respect to health and safety, which allows them to perform their duties safely and
efficiently. Failure to maintain a proper work environment provides cause for the
termination of the employee’s telework agreement.
15. Teleworkers must designate one area of their alternate worksite as their alternate
workspace (e.g., a bedroom, den, etc.) in the Telework Request and Agreement form.
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Division may request the opportunity to inspect the employee’s workspace for various
work-related issues including but not limited to safety and workers’ compensation
concerns. Inspection may be in the form of on-site inspection, photographs, or another
reasonable request. Supervisors must consult with their bureau chief prior to any on-site
inspection, must conduct the inspection with two people, male and female, and must
give the teleworker notice of inspection.
16. Employees are covered by workers’ compensation for injuries that arise out of and in
the course of their employment. Since the alternate worksite and the home may be one
and the same, workers’ compensation will only apply when the employee is working in
the physically designated alternate worksite, during the designated work hours, and for
only those duties within the scope and course of the job. Employees who suffer a work-
related injury or illness while teleworking must notify their supervisor and the Division
safety coordinator immediately and complete required forms for a work-related injury.
Each Telework Request and Agreement must have a Telework MOU completed and
signed by the employee.
17. The Division is not liable for damages to an employee’s personal or real property while
the employee is working at an alternate worksite. The employee understands that if using
personally-supplied equipment or software, the department is released from any and all
liability associated with business use of those items.
18. Equipment, software, supplies, and support required to successfully work at an alternate
location must be addressed in the Telework Request and Agreement form. NDEP
laptop/portable computers may be assigned to teleworkers depending upon availability.
Any telephone, laptop or computer not provided by NDEP is the employee’s
responsibility and will not be enhanced, repaired or replaced by NDEP. NDEP will not
provide office furniture or ergonomic equipment at a work location other than at an
NDEP office location, unless telework is a reasonable accommodation approved though
the ADA process.
19. Teleworkers are responsible to establish and provide home internet for the purposes of
remote work. Internet service must be of sufficient speed to support all work-related
applications, systems, and devices. All initial set up and maintenance costs, or costs
associated with a teleworker changing locations are the responsibility of the teleworker.
20. All Division-issued equipment, tools or supplies are the property of the State of Nevada,
must be used for business purposes only, and must be protected from theft, loss, or
damage. Employees must immediately return all Division-issued equipment, tools, or
other State property at the conclusion of the telework Agreement or at the Division’s
request. The teleworker may be held responsible for theft, loss, or damage to Division-
issued equipment, tools, or supplies.
21. While teleworking, employees must take steps to preserve the security and
confidentiality of Division information, State Records and resources. Employees must
keep confidential documents State Records and materials securely stored and must
prevent unauthorized access to Division equipment, information, and resources.
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22. Teleworkers must maintain password protection to the same extent as required at the
primary worksite. Any suspected loss or theft of Division documents, materials, or
information, as well as any suspected hacks or breaches of security, must be reported to
the supervisor immediately.
Approved By (NDEP Administrator) Effective Date
May 28, 2021
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NDEP Telework Request and Agreement
Employee Name
Job Title
Employee Bureau
This document acknowledges the formal agreement between the Nevada Division of
Environmental Protection (NDEP) and the employee, allowing the employee to telework from
home or another alternate workspace location under the Telework program. The sole purpose of
the agreement is to facilitate the telework arrangement, and it does not constitute a contract of
The employee may be required to work from the primary assigned office location on scheduled
telework days based on operational needs.
The employee understands that if using personally supplied equipment or software, including ISP
connections, the NDEP is released from any and all liability associated with business use of those
items. The State of Nevada or the NDEP is not liable for any damage to personal or real property
while the employee is performing official duties at an alternate worksite location.
The employee acknowledges that the agreement is subject to and requires the employee to comply
with all applicable federal, state, and municipal laws as well as state administrative rules, and
agency policies including those dealing with time reporting and accruing compensatory time,
allowable work schedules, and can be modified at the discretion of NDEP managers. The employee
must accurately report time and get approval prior to accruing any compensatory time.
As a condition of a telework agreement, NDEP managers may request photos of or arrange to
inspect the alternate worksite for various work-related issues, including safe working conditions,
maintaining appropriate confidentiality, management reviews, and equipment security.
Supervisors retain the authority to disapprove an employee’s selection of an alternate worksite if,
in the supervisor’s opinion, the workspace is not business appropriate and/or fails to provide a
working environment compliant with this policy.
Telework is voluntary at the discretion of the NDEP and is not an employee right. The agreement
may be discontinued or modified at any time with a minimum two-week notification by either the
employer or the employee. An individual telework agreement may be terminated at any time
without notice if the employee’s performance declines, Division needs are not being met, or at the
sole discretion of the Administrator.
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Terms and Conditions of Agreement:
1. I have met with my supervisor and created a written telework plan, including methods and
frequency of communicating, planning, monitoring, and reporting assignments, tasks,
activities, and accomplishments.
2. Telework Location and Contact Information:
Alternate worksite address and location
Phone Number(s)
3. Requested work schedule:
Duration of the requested schedule:
Long-Term Start Date: End Date:
Situational Start Date: End Date:
4. My supervisor will maintain a copy of my work schedule. I agree to communicate with my
supervisor if I need to deviate from this schedule.
5. NDEP supervisors and managers will take reasonable steps to notify employees of schedule
change needs in advance; however:
a. I understand my supervisor/manger has the discretion to change my work schedule at
any time.
b. I understand my supervisor/manager has the discretion to require me to change my
regularly scheduled telework day and work from another work location.
c. I acknowledge that I am required to attend any in-office or off-site meetings or other
activities as requested by my supervisor or a manager and that in-office or off-site
meetings or other activities may need to be scheduled on my scheduled telework
d. I understand that field work is to be conducted in the field.
6. I will follow NDEP and bureau policy to request the use of leave and to use leave
7. I acknowledge that I will comply with all State Information Security Policies, and DCNR
Computer Resource Policies outlined by the DAM and Information Security Awareness
trainings, including changing my password before it expires.
8. I acknowledge that I am required to bring any State-issued laptop/portable computer into
the office at least monthly, to ensure that proper inventory control is maintained, and
software security updates are installed.
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9. I understand that my supervisor or other authorities at the State may monitor my work-
related activities and may require me to submit work logs or other documentation to verify
work performance and productivity during telework.
10. I acknowledge that I am responsible for maintaining safe working conditions at my home
or approved alternate worksite. I will immediately report to my supervisor and/or OHR,
any accident or injury occurring at my alternate worksite. I will designate one area of my
alternate worksite as my alternate workspace (e.g. a bedroom, den, etc.) in Section 2, and
any on-the-job injuries that occur outside this workspace will be denied pending
investigation. I will adhere to the work hours set forth in Section 3, and any on-the-job
injuries that occur outside those hours will be denied pending investigation. On-the-job
injuries that appear to be outside the scope and course of employment will be denied
pending investigation. **Any injury is subject to investigation and may or may not be
covered under the State Workers Compensation employee coverage.
11. I understand a Telework Safety Checklist is available as a resource to create an alternate
workspace. If requested, I agree to provide a picture of my alternate workspace to my
supervisor or arrange for an inspection in accordance with the Telework Policy. The state
is not responsible for safety conditions at the alternate worksite, but if desired, a
safety/ergonomic evaluation can be arranged through the Risk Management Division.
12. I understand that NDEP will not provide office furniture or ergonomic equipment at my
alternate workspace.
13. I agree to proactively communicate with my supervisor in the supervisor’s preferred
method of communication at the following frequency: [insert written description agreed to
by employee and supervisor]
14. I will maintain contact with the bureau unit, as appropriate, to successfully perform
assigned duties and responsibilities.
15. I will plan to do any photocopying, paper mailing, or other duties incurring a cost at the
primary worksite. Any photocopying, paper mailing, or other duties incurring a cost at my
alternate worksite will not be reimbursed.
16. I will use approved safeguards to protect State records from unauthorized disclosure,
damage, or release of confidential business information and to comply with all
requirements set forth by the Division and State laws, rules, policies, and regulations.
17. I will immediately inform my direct supervisor, or manager in my supervisor’s absence,
any time there is an actual or suspected system security issue that arises.
18. I will notify my supervisor if my alternate worksite needs to change and understand the
new location will need to be authorized in the same manner as the original.
19. I agree that I will not conduct any unauthorized personal business including but not limited
to dependent care, elder care, home repairs, other business activities, while in official duty
status. I will make arrangements for any necessary dependent care and other personal
responsibilities so as to ensure that I can work without interruption.
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20. I agree that I will complete any additional training, if required, for participation in this
program, including completion of the online telework training available at
21. I understand that by electing to participate in this program on a long-term basis, I may have
to relinquish my specifically assigned workspace in a NDEP office building at some point
after a trial period of 60 days. If so, I will remove all personal belongings from my
previously assigned space within two weeks of receiving notification that I will be using a
Free Address workspace.
22. I understand that when I work in a State office building, if I have relinquished my assigned
workspace, I will be working at a Free Address workspace that is not assigned to me alone
but contains the necessary plugins/tools for me to do my work.
23. I understand that I am responsible for the State-owned equipment housed in my alternate
worksite and that I may be held responsible for theft, loss, or damage to Division-issued
equipment, tools, or supplies.
Equipment List Detail:
List of Items Provided by the Division
Approved by Supervisor
24. I understand that I am responsible for providing internet service at my alternate worksite.
Phone and internet service provider connections, including initial set up and maintenance
costs, or costs associated with changing locations are also my responsibility.
25. I understand that my performance will be evaluated in accordance with my established
work performance standards, regardless of my worksite location.
26. Bureau specific protocols/Comments/Special Circumstances:
I have read and understand all the provisions of the agreement and I agree to abide by them. I
understand that if I fail to comply with the terms of this agreement, I may be subject to disciplinary
action and that my participation in this telework agreement may be revoked.
I hereby request approval to participate in the Telework Program. I have read and understand
NDEP’s Telework Policy. I agree to comply with all the employee responsibilities as outlined in
section V of the Telework Policy: Yes No
Employee Name
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I have read and understand all the provisions of the agreement, and I agree to uphold my
responsibilities as outlined in section V of the Telework Policy.
Recommend Approval Recommend Denial
Comments/Explanation for Denial:
Supervisor Name
Bureau Chief
I have read and understand all the provisions of the agreement, and I agree to uphold my
responsibilities as outlined in section V of the Telework Policy.
Recommend Approval Recommend Denial
Comments/Explanation for Denial:
Bureau Chief Name
I have read and understand all the provisions of the agreement, and I agree to uphold my
responsibilities as outlined in section V of the Telework Policy.
Approved Denied
Comments/Explanation for Denial:
Administrator Name
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It is the employee’s responsibility to revise this agreement if the alternate worksite location
changes and to ensure this agreement is reviewed and reapproved annually or sooner as
explained in the Telework Policy. Changes are not effective until the revised Agreement is
Distribution after all signatures have been obtained:
Original: Agency personnel file
Copy: Supervisor
Employee use for annual reapproval as outlined below.
Annual Review and Reapproval
Employee: I hereby request approval to continue participation in the Telework Program with no
changes to the listed Terms and Conditions.
Distribution after all initials have been obtained:
Original: Agency personnel file
Copy: Supervisor
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Telework Workspace Safety Checklist June 3, 2022
Maintaining a safe home office is the teleworker’s responsibility. The following checklist is designed to
assess the overall safety of an alternative worksite. This checklist may be used by teleworkers as a
general reference when creating an alternate workspace. Employees are encouraged to discuss any
safety concerns they have with their supervisor. OSHA's Computer Workstation Checklist may also be
helpful in creating safe and comfortable computer workstations.
Workspace is away from noise, distractions, and is devoted to your work needs?
Workspace accommodates workstation, equipment, and related material?
Floors are clear and free from hazards?
File drawers are not top-heavy and do not open into walkways?
Phone lines and electrical cords are secured under a desk or along wall, and away
from heat sources?
Temperature, ventilation, and lighting are adequate?
All stairs with four or more steps are equipped with handrails?
Carpets are well secured to the floor and free of frayed or worn seams?
Fire Safety
There is a working smoke detector in the workspace area?
A home multi-use fire extinguisher, which you know how to use, is readily
Walkways aisles and doorways are unobstructed?
Workspace is kept free of trash, clutter, and flammable liquids?
All radiators and portable heaters are located away from flammable items?
You have an evacuation plan, so you know what to do in the event of a fire?
# Electrical Safety
Sufficient electrical outlets are accessible?
Computer equipment is connected to a surge protector?
Electrical system is adequate for office equipment?
All electrical plugs, cords, outlets, and panels are in good condition? No
exposed/damaged wiring?
Equipment is placed close to electrical outlets?
Extension cords and power strips are not daisy chained and no permanent
extension cord is in use?
Equipment is turned off when not in use?
Computer Workstation
Chair casters (wheels) are secure and the rungs and legs of the chair are sturdy?
Chair is adjustable?
Your back is adequately supported by the backrest?
Your feet are on the floor or adequately supported by a footrest?
You have enough leg room at your desk?
There is sufficient lighting?
The computer screen is free from noticeable glare?
The top of the screen is at eye level?
There is space to rest the arms while not keying?
# Other Safety/Security Measures Yes
Files and data are secure?
Materials and equipment are in a secure place that can be protected from damage
and misuse?
You have an inventory of all State equipment in the office including serial
If applicable, do you use up-to-date anti-virus software, keep virus definitions up-
to-date and run regular scans?
This checklist was obtained from the Utah Department of Environmental Quality
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        
 
Laura E. Freed, Director
DOA 5 of 7
Department of Administration
Telecommuting Request and Agreement Form
Supports the Department Telecommuting Policy
Employee Name: Division/Work Location:
Supervisor’s Name: Date:
Requested Work
Mon Tue Wed Thurs Fri Sat Sun
Office Hours:
Primary Alternative Work Location: Phone Number(s):
What equipment is required to successfully complete your work?
List of Items:
Describe the responsibilities and tasks that you will be able to accomplish from your telecommuting
location. (Attach pages as necessary).
DOA 6 of 7
_____________ _________________________________________________________
Individual Telecommuting Agreement: The supervisor and employee must work together to create an
individual telecommuting agreement. The agreement must include methods of communicating,
planning, and monitoring workload. (Attach pages as necessary).
I have read and understand my responsibilities as a telecommuter and agree to comply with all the
provisions of the Department of Administration Telecommuting Policy.
This agreement expires in one year from the date signed, or sooner as explained in the related
Department Telecommuting Policy.
Employee Signature: Sign and Print Name
Supervisor Signature: Sign and Print Name
Approved Denied
Appointing Authority Signature: Sign and Print Name
Approved Denied
The supervisor must maintain a copy of this form and provide a full copy
to the Division Administrator and the Department Director or his/her designee.
This form must be forwarded to Agency Human Resources Services.
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