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Setting the popular digital clocks for one or two time controls with an increment
1) For time controls with two time periods, its currently standard in US Chess and FIDE rated tournaments to
have the increment (also commonly known as bonus and Fischer) in effect on both time controls so this
document only shows how to set clocks with the increment in effect on both time controls.
2) Under US Chess and FIDE rules the players get the increment for move one (e.g., for G/3;inc2 each player
gets 3:02, not 3:00, to complete move one) but not all clocks automatically give the increment for move one
when you set increment on the clock. If the clock does not automatically give the increment for move one,
the increment time needs to be added manually to the base time, if possible, so the players get the
increment for move one. US Chess rules recommend that if the game is started without the increment
applied for move one, that the TD not allow the clock to be adjusted to add the increment for move one and
that this should not be allowed as grounds to contest a time forfeit claim. This document mentions which
clocks/settings on the clocks do not automatically give the increment for move one.
3) US Chess and FIDE rules recommend that increment be displayed on the clock in the “add-after” method,
which is where the increment is added to the players display right after they press their clock, so the players
can always see on the display how much time they will have for their next move when they are low on time.
Some clocks/settings display increment in the “add-before” method, which is where the increment is not
added to the players display until the opponent presses their clock, This document shows how to set the
clocks in the preferred “add-after” method unless the clock doesn’t support the “add-after” method.
4) Different clocks/settings add the second time control to the display in different ways. Some add the
second time control once the prescribed number of moves (or more precisely, clock presses) in the first time
control are met. Some add the second time control once the time in the first time control runs out and only if
the prescribed number of moves in the first time control are met. Some add the second time control
independently for each player once their time in the first time control runs out, regardless of if the prescribed
number of moves in the first time control were met. Some add the second time control simultaneously for
both players once the time in the first time control runs out for one of the players, regardless of if the
prescribed number of moves in the first time control were met. Some do not support multiple time controls
and thus the second time control has to be added manually. In FIDE the generally preferred method is for the
clock to support multiple time controls but have the move counter off since the move counter will be
inaccurate if the clock is pressed too few or too many times. US Chess doesn’t have a preference one way or
the other on having the move counter on or off. This document will show how to set the clocks for all the
methods each clock supports.
5) Time controls are usually stated in minutes but most clocks are set in hours, minutes, and seconds and
thus the base time on these clocks for a time control such as G/120;inc30 should be set to 2:00 (two hours),
not 1:20.
6) Under US Chess and FIDE rules the clock should be set to produce no sound.
7) Under US Chess rules the clock should be set, if possible, so if one player runs out of time, the time of the
other player continues to run normally. Under FIDE rules with an increment time control the clock should be
set, if possible, to ‘freeze’ when one player runs out of time.
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Tap N Set
The time on the clock can be set with an app on a compatible smartphone, either choosing between
numerous presets or creating the time control manually. To set the time on the clock without a smartphone,
set the increment using the “INC” setting and for one time control set the base time using the HH:NN
(hours and minutes) setting or the “MM:SS” (minutes and seconds, which allows a maximum time of 59:59)
setting and for two time controls use the setting that starts with P-. The base time is set in minutes under
the “P-“ setting. If a number of moves is set in the first time control, after about five seconds after each move
the clock will show the number of moves made by each player on the screen for the rest of the players turn
and will add the second time control once the prescribed number of moves in the first time control is met.
The clock allows two time controls to be set with the move counter off by choosing “2t” within the P-
setting and this will cause the number of moves to never be displayed on the screen and for the second time
control to be added independently for each player once their time in the first time control runs out,
regardless of if the prescribed number of moves were met. The most recent version of this clock allows
increment to be displayed in the “add-after” method by choosing this option in the “INC–“ setting. The clock
is displayed in hours and minutes if the time remaining is at least one hour, in minutes and seconds if the
time remaining is less than one hour and at least one minute, and seconds and tenths of a second if the time
remaining is less than one minute.
ZMart Fun (ZMF II)
Set the increment using the “INC” setting and for one time control set the base time using the “HH:MM”
(hours and minutes) setting or the “MM:SS” (minutes and seconds, which allows a maximum time of 59:59)
setting and for two time controls use the setting that starts with “P-. The base time is set in minutes in the
“P-setting. When a number of moves is set in the first time control, the number of moves made by each
player will appear on the screen for about 0.5 seconds after each move and the clock will add the second
time control once the prescribed number of moves in the first time control is met. The more recent versions
of this clock allow two time controls to be set with the move counter off by choosing “2t” within the “P-
setting and this will cause the number of moves made to never appear on the screen and the second time
control to be added independently for each player once their time in the first time control runs out,
regardless of if the prescribed number of moves were met. The most recent versions of this clock allow
increment to be displayed in the “add-after” method by choosing this option in the “INC–“ setting. The clock
is displayed in hours and minutes if the time remaining is at least one hour, in minutes and seconds if the
time remaining is less than one hour and at least one minute, and seconds and tenths of a second if the time
remaining is less than one minute.
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ZMart Pro
Set the increment using the “INC” setting and for one time control set the base time using the HH:NN
(hours and minutes) setting or the “MM:SS” (minutes and seconds, which allows a maximum time of 59:59)
setting and for two time controls use the setting that starts with “P-. The base time is set in minutes in the
“P-setting. When a number of moves is set in the first time control, the number of moves made by each
player will appear on the screen for about 0.5 seconds after each move and the clock will add the second
time control once the prescribed number of moves in the first time control is met. The more recent versions
of this clock allow two time controls to be set with the move counter off by choosing “2t” within the “P-
setting and this will cause the number of moves made to never appear on the screen and the second time
control to be added independently for each player once their time in the first time control runs out,
regardless of if the prescribed number of moves were met. The most recent versions of this clock allow
increment to be displayed in the “add-after” method by choosing this option in the “INC–“ setting. The clock
is displayed in hours and minutes if the time remaining is at least one hour, in minutes and seconds if the
time remaining is less than one hour and at least one minute, and seconds and tenths of a second if the time
remaining is less than one minute.
Select the time control from “Time Controls”, “Global List”, and then “Bullet Games” option 5 for G/3;inc2,
“Short Games” option 14 for G/15;inc10, “Long Games” option 25 for G/90;inc30 and option 27 for
G/120;inc30, and “Multi Phase” option 31 for 40/90,SD/30;inc30. Create the time control from “Time
Controls”, “Create New” for other time controls. Custom time controls are set in minutes and all time
controls are displayed in hours, minutes, and seconds (and has the option to display tenths of a second
starting when the time goes below one minute all the way up to when the time goes below one hour). In the
increment mode option in the preferences make sure “Fischer”, not “Bronstein”, is selected. Make sure
you have the tenths of a second turned on for the end of the time control in the time format option in the
preferences, otherwise if a player gets below one second but still has some tenths of a second left it will
look like the player has run out of time since the clock will just show “0:00”. The clock automatically gives
the increment for move one if it’s in the FIDE mode in the preferences. If the clock is in the US Chess or
custom modes, you have to manually add the increment to the base time so you get the increment for move
one. The only way to add seconds is to use the TD adjust feature (the seconds will not be saved if you access
the time control again from the favorites or recent list but it will be saved if you access it via the last game
feature). For two time controls, if you want the move count displayed on the screen at all times in the first
time control and for the clock to add the second time control once the prescribed number of moves in the
first time control is met, put the clock in the US Chess or custom mode. If you don’t want the move count
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displayed on the screen and for the second time control to be added independently for each player once
their time in the first time control runs out and only if the prescribed number of moves in the first time
control were met, put the clock in the FIDE mode. Note-there is a deficiency with the versions of this clock
prior to version 1.0.3 when using increment in the FIDE mode, US Chess mode, or Custom mode with the
freeze function off (see the about section in the preferences to see what version the clock you have). If a
player runs out of time but presses the clock, the clock will add the increment back to the player’s base time.
If no one notices that the player ran out of time before they pressed the clock, no one will know the player
ran out of time. Due to this deficiency, it is highly recommended you use the custom mode and turn the
freeze function on, even though having the freeze function off is preferred under US Chess rules.
Excalibur Game Time II
Create the time control using one of the settings U1 through U5. The clock does not automatically give the
increment for move one and using one of the user settings is the only way to manually add seconds to the
base time before starting the clock. When setting the clock for a single time control with one of the user
settings, set the primary and secondary time controls to zero and create the time control in the sudden death
phase. When setting the clock for two time controls with one of the user settings, set the first time control
with the “primary” phase, set the secondary time control to zero, and set the second time control with the
sudden death phase. For two time controls, make sure the “ACCUM ALL” is turned on so the increment will
apply to both time controls. Under these settings the clock is set in minutes and seconds (and you actually set
the seconds first) and displayed in minutes and has the option to display seconds at all times or just when
under ten minutes. To have the seconds shown at all times cycle through the options and make sure it says
Second ON”. Note-the manual and clock mainly refers to increment as “accumulate”, or ACCUMfor
DGT 3000
Select option 10 for G/3;inc2, option 11 for G/25;inc10, option 12 for G/90;inc30, option 13 for
X/90,SD/30;inc30 if you want the second time control added simultaneously for both players once the time in
the first time control run out for one of the players, regardless of if the prescribed number of moves in the
first time control were met, and create the time control using one of the options 26 through 30 for other
time controls. The clock is set and displayed in hours, minutes, and seconds. When manually creating an
increment time control, you have the option to set the prescribed number of moves in the first time control,
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which will add the second time control once the prescribed number of moves in the first time control is met,
or set the number of moves to zero which will add the second time control simultaneously for both players
once the time in the first time control runs out for one of the players, regardless of if the prescribed number
of moves in the first time control were met. Set the number of moves to zero if there is only one time
DGT 2010
Select option 15 for G/3;inc2, option 16 for G/25;inc10, option 17 for G/90;inc30, option 19 for
X/90,SD/30;inc30 if you want the second time control added for both players simultaneously once the base
time in the first time control runs out for one of the players, regardless of if the prescribed number of moves
in the first time control were met (note-on the original version of this clock, which has four red buttons in
the front instead of dark blue buttons, option 19 only adds 15 minutes for the second time control,
regardless of what may be written on the bottom of the clock. Therefore, the original version of this clock
should be set for X/90,SD/30;inc30 manually using option 21), and create the time control using option 18
for other single time controls and option 21 for other two time controls (set all the values in the third and
fourth time controls to zero when using option 21 to set a time control with two time periods). The clock is
set in hours, minutes, and seconds and displays seconds when under twenty minutes. When manually
creating an increment time control with two periods, you have the option to set the prescribed number of
moves in the first time control, which will add the second time control once the prescribed number of moves
in the first time control is met, or set the number of moves to zero which will add the second time control
simultaneously for both players once the time in the first time control runs out for one of the players,
regardless of if the prescribed number of moves in the first time control were met. Note-some things that
have caused this clock to be set wrong when using options 18 or 21 are: 1) after setting the hours and
minutes of base time for one of the players in the first or only time control, the next screen that comes up
may seem like this is where you set the increment but this is where you set the seconds on the base time.
Only after setting the hours, minutes, and seconds of base time in the first or only time control for each
player do you get to the screen where you set the increment (and you set the increment for each player
independently if using option 18 and for both players simultaneously if using option 21). 2) When using
option 21, after setting the increment in the first time control (which automatically sets the same increment
for the other time controls), people have been confused on what the next screen means. This is where you
set the number of moves in the first time control simultaneously for both players. 3) When using option 21,
After setting the base time in the second time control simultaneously for both players (in hours and minutes
on the first screen and then seconds on the next screen), the next screen that comes may seem as if this is
where you set the increment but this is where you set the number of moves in the second time control
(which you set to zero when there are only two time controls). The increment is automatically set for all
periods with whatever you set it for in the first time control.
DGT North American
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Select option 13 for G/3;inc2, option 15 for X/90,SD/15;inc30 if you want the second time control added for
both players simultaneously once the base time in the first time control runs out for one of the player
regardless of if the prescribed number of moves in the first time control were met, and create the time
control using option 14 for other single time controls and option 16 for two time controls (set all the values in
the third and fourth time controls to zero when using option 16 to set a time control with two time periods).
The clock is set in hours, minutes, and seconds and displays seconds when under twenty minutes. When
manually creating an increment time control with two periods, you have the option to set the prescribed
number of moves in the first time control, which will add the second time control once the prescribed
number of moves in the first time control is met, or set the number of moves to zero which will add the
second time control simultaneously for both players once the time in the first time control runs out for one of
the players, regardless of if the prescribed number of moves in the first time control were met. Note-some
things that have caused this clock to be set wrong when using options 14 or 16 are: 1) after setting the
hours and minutes of base time for one of the players in the first or only time control, the next screen that
comes up may seem like this is where you set the increment but this is where you set the seconds on the
base time. Only after setting the hours, minutes, and seconds of base time in the first or only time control for
each player do you get to the screen where you set the increment (and you set the increment for each player
independently if using option 14 and for both players simultaneously if using option 16). 2) When using
option 16, after setting the increment in the first time control (which automatically sets the same increment
for the other time controls), people have been confused on what the next screen means. This is where you
set the number of moves in the first time control simultaneously for both players. 3) When using option 16,
after setting the base time in the second time control simultaneously for both players (in hours and minutes
on the first screen and then seconds on the next screen), the next screen that comes may seem as if this is
where you set the increment but this is where you set the number of moves in the second time control
(which you set to zero when there are only two time controls). The increment is automatically set for all
periods with whatever you set it for in the first time control.
Select option 10 for G/3;inc2, option 11 for G/25;inc10, option 12 for G/90;inc30, and create the time control
using option 00 for other time controls. The clock is set in hours, minutes, and seconds and displays seconds
when under twenty minutes. When manually creating an increment time control, you have the option to set
the prescribed number of moves in the first time control, which will add the second time control once the
prescribed number of moves in the first time control is met, or set the number of moves to zero which will
add the second time control simultaneously for both players once the time in the first time control for one of
the players runs out, regardless of if the prescribed number of moves in the first time control were met. Set
the number of moves to zero if there is only one time control. Note-some things that have caused this clock
to be set wrong when using option 00 are: 1) after setting the hours and minutes of base time in the first or
only time control for one of the players, the next screen that comes up may seem like this is where you set
the increment for this player, but this is where you set the seconds on the base time. Only after setting the
hours, minutes, and seconds of base time for each player do you get to the screen where you set the
increment for each player. 2) after setting the increment in the first time control for each player separately,
people have been confused on what the next screen means. This is where you set the number of moves in
the first time control simultaneously for both players.
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Omcor GT960
Select option 24 for G/3;inc2, option 25 for G/15;inc10, option 26 for G/25;inc10, option 27 for G/90;inc30,
option 29 for X/100,SD/30;inc30 if you want the second time control added for both players simultaneously
once the base time in the first time control runs out for one of the players regardless if the prescribed
number of moves were met, and create the time control using option 28 for other single time controls and
option 31 for other two time controls (set all the values in the third and fourth time controls to zero when
using option 00 to set a time control with two time periods). Under these settings the clock is set and
displayed in hours, minutes, and seconds. When manually creating an increment time control with two
periods, you have the option to set the prescribed number of moves in the first time control, which will add
the second time control once the prescribed number of moves in the first time control is met, or set the
number of moves to zero which will add the second time control simultaneously for both players once the
time in the first time control runs out for one of the players, regardless of if the prescribed number of moves
in the first time control were met. Note-some things that have caused this clock to be set wrong when using
options 28 or 31 are: 1) after setting the hours and minutes of base time for one of the players in the first or
only time control, the next screen that comes up may seem like this is where you set the increment but this is
where you set the seconds on the base time. Only after setting the hours, minutes, and seconds of base time
in the first or only time control for each player do you get to the screen where you set the increment (and
you set the increment for each player separately if using option 28 and both players simultaneously if using
option 31). 2) When using option 31, after setting the increment in the first time control simultaneously for
both players (which automatically sets the same increment for the other time controls), people have been
confused on what the next screen means. This is where you set the number of moves in the first time control
simultaneously for both players. 3) When using option 31, After setting the base time in the second time
control simultaneously for both players (in hours and minutes on the first screen and then seconds on the
next screen), the next screen that comes may seem as if this is where you set the increment but this is where
you set the number of moves in the second time control (which you set to zero when there are only two time
controls). The increment is automatically set for all periods with whatever you set it for in the first time
Chess Evolution Premium
Select option 10 for G/3;inc2, option 11 for G/5;inc3, option 12 for G/10;inc5, option 13 for G/10;inc10,
option 14 for G/15;inc10, option 15 for G/25;inc10, option 16 for G/90;inc30, option 17 for
40/90,SD/30;inc30, option 18 for 40/100,SD/50;inc30, and create the time control using one of the options
26 through 30 for other time controls. The clock is set and displayed in hours, minutes, and seconds. When
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setting a time control manually, you can choose between having the clock add the second time control once
the prescribed number of moves in the first time control is met or have it add the second time control
simultaneously for both players once the time in the first time control run out for one of the players,
regardless of if the prescribed number of moves in the first time control were met.
Chess Evolution Classic
Note-this clock allows a maximum increment of fifty-nine seconds and thus can’t be set for an increment of
sixty seconds which is occasionally used. This clock should only be used for a time control with a sixty second
increment if no clock with a sixty second increment is available. Unless stated otherwise, substitute inc59 for
inc60 and add one second to the base time so you at least get inc60 for move one. Select option 10 for
G/3;inc2, option 11 for G/5;inc3, option 12 for G/10;inc5, option 13 for G/10;inc10, option 14 for G/15;inc10,
option 15 for G/25;inc10, option 16 for G/90;inc30, option 17 for 40/90,SD/30;inc30, option 18 for
40/100,SD/50;inc30, and create the time control using one of the options 26 through 30 for other time
controls. The clock is set and displayed in hours, minutes, and seconds. If a prescribed number of moves is
specified on the clock in the first time control and the XMOVES option is active, it will add the second time
control once the prescribed number of moves in the first time control is met. If the prescribed number of
moves is set to 00 or the XTIME feature is active, it will add the second time control once the time in the first
time control runs out, regardless of if the prescribed number of moves in the first time control were met,
either independently for each player or simultaneously when one of the players runs out of time in the first
time control, depending on which option you choose.
Notes-1) The Pursun-1688 and Xflyee are the same clock sold under different names. Pictured above is the
Pursun-1688. 2) This clock allows a maximum increment of fifty-nine seconds and thus can’t be set for an
increment of sixty seconds which is occasionally used. This clock should only be used for a time control with a
sixty second increment if no clock with a sixty second increment is available. Unless stated otherwise,
substitute inc59 for inc60 and add one second to the base time so you at least get inc60 for move one. Select
option 8 for G/5;inc3, option 10 for G/15;inc10, option 11 for G/20;inc10, option 17 for G/75;inc30, option 18
for G/90;inc30, option 19 for 40/90,SD/30;inc30, and for other time controls use one of these options and
adjust the base and/or increment time or create the time control using option 00 (set all the values in the
third and fourth time controls to zero when using option 00 to set a time control with two time periods and
set all the values in the second, third, and fourth time control and the number of moves in the first period to
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zero when using option 00 to set a single time control). The clock is set and displayed in hours, minutes, and
seconds. If the number of moves is set to zero, the clock will add the second time control independently for
each player once their time in the first time control runs out, regardless of if the prescribed number of moves
in the first time control were met. If a non-zero number of moves is set, the clock will add the second time
control independently for each player once the time in the first time control runs out and only if the
prescribed number of moves in the first time control were met. Note-there are other settings that can be
used to set single time controls with an increment but it’s recommended they be avoided since they don’t
automatically give the increment for move one.
Leap PQ9903A
Select option 3 for G/3;inc2, option 4 for G/25;inc10, option 5 for G/90;inc30, option 6 for G/30;inc10, option
7 for G/5;inc3, option 20 for X/25,SD/5;inc10, option 21 for X/120,SD/15;inc30, option 23 for
X/90,SD/30;inc30, and option 24 for X/100,SD/30;inc30. The clock does not automatically give the increment
time for move one so it needs to be manually added to the base time for each of the presets given above. For
other time controls, select one of the options above and adjust the base and/or increment time. The clock is
set and displayed in hours, minutes, and seconds.
Leap PQ9912/Wholesale Chess Advanced
Notes-1) The Leap PQ9912 and Wholesale Chess Advanced are essentially the same clock but just sold under
different names. Pictured above is the Leap PQ9912. 2) This clock allows a maximum increment of fifty-nine
seconds and thus can’t be set for an increment of sixty seconds which is occasionally used. This clock should
only be used for a time control with a sixty second increment if no clock with a sixty second increment is
available. Unless stated otherwise, substitute inc59 for inc60 and add one second to the base time so you at
least get inc60 for move one. Select option 3 for G/90;inc30, option 4 for 40/90,SD/30;inc30, option 8 for
G/3;inc2, option 9 for G/5;inc3, option 10 for G/15;inc10, option 11 for G/20;inc10, option 12 for G/50;inc10,
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option 13 for G/75;inc30, and for other time controls use one of these options and adjust the base and/or
increment time or create the time control using option 00 (set all the values in the third and fourth time
controls to zero when using option 00 to set a time control with two time periods and set all the values in the
second, third, and fourth time control and the number of moves in the first period to zero when using option
00 to set a single time control). The clock is set and displayed in hours, minutes, and seconds. If the number
of moves is set to zero, the clock will add the second time control independently for each player once their
time in the first time control runs out, regardless of if the prescribed number of moves in the first time
control were met. If a non-zero number of moves is set, the clock will add the second time control
independently for each player once the time in the first time control runs out and only if the prescribed
number of moves in the first time control were met. Note-there are several other settings that can be used to
set single time controls with an increment but it’s recommended they be avoided since they don’t
automatically give the increment for move one.
Leap KK9908
Note-this clock allows a maximum increment of fifty-nine seconds and thus can’t be set for an increment of
sixty seconds which is occasionally used. This clock should only be used for a time control with a sixty second
increment if no clock with a sixty second increment is available. Unless stated otherwise, substitute inc59 for
inc60 and add one second to the base time so you at least get inc60 for move one. Select option 3 for
G/90;inc30, option 4 for 40/90,SD/30;inc30, option 8 for G/3;inc2, option 9 for G/5;inc3, option 10 for
G/15;inc10, option 11 for G/20;inc10, option 12 for G/50;inc10, option 13 for G/75;inc30, and for other time
controls use one of these options and adjust the base and/or increment time or create the time control using
option 00 (set all the values in the third and fourth time controls to zero when using option 00 to set a time
control with two time periods and set all the values in the second, third, and fourth time control and the
number of moves in the first period to zero when using option 00 to set a single time control). The clock is set
and displayed in hours, minutes, and seconds. The clock adds the second time control simultaneously for
both players once the time in the first time control runs out for one of the players, regardless of if the
prescribed number of moves in the first time control were met. For the player who passed the time control
first, a flag appears on their side of the clock for five minutes of real time. The flag will be white if the
prescribed number of moves in the first time control were met and the flag will be black if the prescribed
number of moves in the first time control were not met. Note-there are several other settings that can be
used to set single time controls with an increment but it’s recommended they be avoided since they don’t
automatically give the increment for move one.
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Leap PQ9907S/Wholesale Chess Basic
Notes-1) This clock is branded many different ways, with the Leap PQ9907S and Wholesale Chess Basic
brandings being the most common. 2) This clock allows a maximum increment of fifty-nine seconds and thus
can’t be set for an increment of sixty seconds which is occasionally used. This clock should only be used for a
time control with a sixty second increment if no clock with a sixty second increment is available. Unless
stated otherwise, substitute inc59 for inc60 and add one second to the base time so you at least get inc60 for
move one. 3) This clock does not support multiple time controls so for two time controls, the clock has to be
reset manually to add the second time control. For one time control or the first of two time controls, set the
base time independently for each player on the first screen that comes up when turning on the clock. The
clock is set and displayed in hours, minutes, and seconds. The current version of this clock displays increment
in the “add-after” method but does not automatically give the increment for move one so the increment time
needs to be added manually to the base time. The older version of this clock displays increment in the “add-
before” method and automatically gives the increment for move one. Then set the increment independently
for each player on the next screen that comes up.
Chronos II (also simply known as Chronos and the longer Chronos)
Note-there are a number of different versions of this clock and the following only applies to the most recent
versions of this clock. For one time control select setting “CH - P5”, which is preset for G/20;inc6, and for two
time controls select either “CH P6”, which is preset for X/15,SD/10;inc6, if you want there to be no move
counter and for the clock to go to the second time control independently for each player once the time in the
first time control runs out regardless of if the prescribed number of moves were met, or select one of the
three “Pr C1” settings if you want a visible move counter and for the clock to go to the second time control
once the prescribed number of moves in the first time control have been met. Note-the “Pr – C1” settings are
only on the most recent version of the clock and might not even be mentioned in the manual that came with
the clock. They are preset for 40/120,SD/60;inc5. In the first time control, “Pr – C1” displays the move
counter at all times and the time is displayed in hours and minutes if there is at least ten minutes and
minutes and seconds if there is less than ten minutes. Once the clock adds the second time control, there is
no move counter and the time is displayed in hours, minutes, and seconds. In the first time control, “PR
C1A” displays the time in hours, minutes and seconds for the player whose turn it is and for the other players
it displays the move counter and the time in hours and minutes if there is at least ten minutes and minutes
and seconds if there are less than ten minutes. Once the clock adds the second time control, there is no move
counter and the time is displayed in hours, minutes, and seconds. “Pr -C1B” displays the move counter in
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both time controls and the time is displayed in hours and minutes if there is at least ten minutes and minutes
and seconds if there is less than ten minutes. The clock is preset to beep after each move under the “Pr C1”
settings so remember to turn the beep off. Under all of these settings the clock is set and, with the exception
of the “Pr -C1” settings, always displayed in hours, minutes, and seconds. The clock does not automatically
give the increment for move one so it has to be added manually to the base time. Notes-1) The manual refers
to increment as progressive timing. 2) For some single time controls with a base time of less than ten
minutes, it is possible to set the initial time control using “CH P4” but it’s recommended that this setting
be avoided completely as the clock will not increment above nine minutes and fifty-nine seconds.
Chronos Blitz/GX/FX (the shorter Chronos)
Note-The Chronos Blitz, GX, and FX are essentially the same clock with a few very minor differences. Any
single time control can be set using “tn - 1” (which is preset for G/30;inc0) and any two time controls can be
set using either ”tc 2”, which is preset for 30/30,SD/15;inc0, if you want the move count shown on the
screen at all times and for the clock to go to the second time control once the prescribed number of moves in
the first time control have been met, or “tn 2, which is preset for X/60,SD/30;inc0, if you want there to be
no move counter and for the clock to add the second time control independently for each player once their
time in the first time control runs out, regardless of if the prescribed number of moves were met. Under
these settings the clock is set in hours and minutes. The clock does not automatically give the increment time
for move but there is no way to manually add seconds to the base time under these settings so you will have
to play without the increment applied for move one. The clock is displayed in hours and minutes if the base
time is at least one hour, forty minutes. It has the option to start being displayed in minutes and seconds
once the time goes below one hour, forty minutes, such as 99:45. To do this, cycle through the options until
you get to “dp opt” and make sure the first digit is 1. If you don’t set the clock to start being displayed in
minutes and seconds as soon as possible, then it will start being displayed in minutes and seconds once the
time goes below one hour. Any one of the four “F” settings can also be used for some single time controls
with a base time of less than ninety-nine minutes and fifty-nine seconds (not ninety-nine seconds as the
manual may state). These settings allow tenth of a second to be shown once the time goes under one minute
and forty seconds and allows seconds to be set on the base time so you can manually add the increment time
for move one. However, the “F” settings should not be used if you think there is any chance a player’s time
may increment above ninety-nine minutes and fifty-nine seconds as the clock will not increment above
this. The presets on these settings will vary depending on which version of the clock you have. Under these
settings the clock is set in minutes and seconds and has the option to always be displayed this way or be
displayed in seconds and tenths of a second once the time goes below one minute, forty seconds, such as
89_4. To have the tenths of a second shown cycle through the options until you get to “dp optand make
sure the first digit is 1. For all settings, make sure the delay and final delay are set to zero otherwise the
time will include a delay or final delay in addition to the increment. For all settings the clock is preset to
beep after each move and when a player runs out of time so remember to turn the beeps off.
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Saitek Competition Pro (the silver Saitek)
For single time controls select option 4D, which is preset for G/1;inc60 (one minute with a sixty second
increment), and adjust the base and/or increment time if necessary. The clock does not automatically give
the increment for move one under this setting so the increment time needs to be manually added to the base
time. Note-options 4A, 4B, and 4C can also be used for single time controls with increment but it is
recommended these options be avoided since they display increment in the less preferred “add-before”
method. For two time controls, select option 3B for 40/90,SD/15;inc30, 3C for 40/100,SD/30;inc30, and use
one of these options and adjust the base and/or increment time for other time controls. Unfortunately, these
settings display increment in the less preferred “add-before” method and are the only options the clock has
for two time controls with an increment but at least these settings automatically give the increment for move
one. The clock is set in hours, minutes, and seconds and displays seconds when at twenty minutes or below.
Remember to turn the clock on with the sound off. Note-occasionally this clock freezes when not in use and
won’t do anything. If this happens, the easiest thing to do is to take the batteries out and put them back in
and the clock should work.
Saitek Competition (the blue Saitek)
Note-this clock does not do increment but does delay and thus should only be used for an increment time
control if there is no increment capable clock available. Unless stated otherwise, the clock should be set for
the same base time and substitute delay for increment. The clock does the “simple” form of delay (also
known as US delay) but not the Bronstein form of delay. Select option 2A for G/25;d5, 2B for G/60;d5, 2D for
40/120,SD/60;d5 and use one of those settings and adjust the base and/or delay time for other time controls.
Under these settings, the clock is set in hours and minutes and displays seconds when at twenty minutes or
below. Remember to turn the clock on with the sound off. Note-occasionally this clock freezes when not in
use and won’t do anything. If this happens, the easiest thing to do is to take the batteries out and put them
back in and the clock should work.