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University of Montana Conference on Undergraduate Research (UMCUR)
Apr 17th, 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Developing Proportional Reasoning Through Gears Investigation Developing Proportional Reasoning Through Gears Investigation
Colt J. Davidson
University of Montana
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Davidson, Colt J., "Developing Proportional Reasoning Through Gears Investigation" (2019).
University of
Montana Conference on Undergraduate Research (UMCUR)
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Dr. Matt Roscoe
Emily J. Wilson
A foundational understanding of ratio and proportion is
essential for success in higher mathematics and
To understand ratio and proportion concepts, students
must be exposed to multiple contexts and
Research has identified gear-pair analysis as a
promising manipulative that supports students'
conceptual understanding of ratio and proportion in
small-group (1-3 pupils) settings. (Lobato and Ellis,
Results of Investigation:
During structured stage of exploration:
Students demonstrated a mastery of tabular representations of data
Students demonstrated a proficiency for arithmetic presentations of
Students demonstrated a low understanding of how to use
graphical representations of data as a tool for analysis
During the unstructured stage of intervention:
Students demonstrated a strong preference for tabular and
arithmetic representations of data.
Students used graphical interpretations ineffectively.
Students were able to answer open-ended ratio problem in a
gear-pair setting using familiar strategies for representing
The intervention was ineffective in guiding students toward
new strategies for representing and comparing data
After the initial guided exploration of gears, students were not
able to make the abstract connection between a gear-pair
ratio and a line on a graph
This activity reaffirmed student strengths in tabular and
arithmetic interpretations of data
Specific modifications to the two-phase intervention could
better support learning targets aligned with standard 7.RP.2 in
order to better inform future classroom instruction
Developing Proportional Reasoning Through Gears Investigation
Colt Davidson
Elementary Education, University of Montana
Setting and Method:
Research was conducted in 7
grade math classes at Washington
Elementary School. Four classes participated – three regular
classes and one honors class. A total of 93 students participated.
Structured and unstructured activities were used in these seventh-
grade classrooms. to facilitate this investigation
During the initial investigation of gears, students used manipulatives
to complete a guided worksheet exploring the relationships of how
different gear pairs interact.
Next, students were given an open-ended problem designed to test
their understanding of ratio in a bicycle gear-pair context
After the intervention, an analysis was made of the classroom
artifacts created by students during both stages of the gears
Data was analyzed using iterative qualitative analysis of patterns of
student activity, leading to categories and counts of recurring
patterns of response
Ability of Students to Represent
And Interpret Data in Proportional Setting
Using Gear-Pairs
Informing Classroom Instruction:
To more effectively implement this intervention in a whole-
class setting, teachers should use structured collaborative
group work during initial investigation to guide use of
graphical interpretation of proportional relationships between
gear ratios.
Teachers should scale axes to prevent different ratio settings
from appearing as y=x.
Teachers should design guided questions to encourage
visual analysis of data.
Teachers should include point (0, 0) in ratio tables to use
students’ strength with tabular analysis to promote graphical
Montana Common Core Standard:
7.RP.2 – Recognize and represent proportional relationships
between quantities including those represented in Montana
American Indian cultural contexts.
1. Decide whether two quantities are in a proportional
relationship, e.g., by testing for equivalent ratios in a table
or graphing on a coordinate plane and observing whether
the graph is a straight line through the origin.
2. Identify the constant of proportionality (unit rate) in tables,
graphs, equations, diagrams, and verbal descriptions of
proportional relationships.
3. Represent proportional relationships by equations.
4. Explain what a point (x, y) on the graph of a proportional
relationship means in terms of the situation, with special
attention to the points (0, 0) and (1, r), where r is the unit
Examples of Student
= proficient
= emergent
Level of skill
Example of guided exploration:
Student response to open-ended gear-pairing
Student response to open-ended gear-pairing problem:
Student scales two separate ratios to look identical to y=x. These
gear-pair ratios cannot be meaningfully compared with
this type of representation
Student correctly fills in
missing values in the
Student correctly
identifies equation of
Student scales graph to look like y=x,
rendering meaningful graphical analysis
Student demonstrates preference for
arithmetic analysis of data, despite
difficult to interpret presentation
Research Questions:
1. Does structured investigation of gear-pairs lead to
students’ ability to abstract ratio settings?
2. Does unstructured investigation of gear-pairing
possibilities show evidence supporting students’ ability to
analyze ratio settings in pursuit of a “best solution?”
3. Does gear-pair analysis scale to whole classroom
Lobato, J., & Ellis, A. B. (2010). Developing Essential
Understanding of Ratios, Proportions, and Proportional
Reasoning. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.